Exemple #1
size_t BinaryData::ReadFromResource(LPCTSTR lpName, LPCTSTR lpType, HMODULE hModule /* = NULL */)
    HRSRC hRSRC(FindResource(hModule, lpName, lpType));
    if (hRSRC != NULL) {
        HGLOBAL hRes(LoadResource(hModule, hRSRC));
        if (hRes != NULL) {
            LPVOID pData(LockResource(hRes));
            if (pData != NULL) {
                SetData(pData, SizeofResource(hModule, hRSRC), true);
    return Size();
bool LLCrashLookupWindows::initFromDump(const std::string& strDumpPath)
	m_nInstructionAddr = m_nModuleBaseAddr = 0;
	m_nModuleTimeStamp = m_nModuleChecksum = 0;
	m_nModuleVersion = 0;

	// Sanity check - make sure we have all the class instances
	if ( (!m_pDbgClient) || (!m_pDbgControl) || (!m_pDbgSymbols) )
		return false;

	std::wstring strDumpPathW = utf8str_to_utf16str( strDumpPath );
	// Open the minidump and wait to finish processing

	if( !m_pDbgClient4 )
		hRes = m_pDbgClient->OpenDumpFile (strDumpPath.c_str());
		hRes = m_pDbgClient4->OpenDumpFileWide (strDumpPathW.c_str(),0);

	if (FAILED(hRes))
		return false;
	m_pDbgControl->WaitForEvent(DEBUG_WAIT_DEFAULT, INFINITE);

	// Try to find an event that describes an exception
	ULONG nEventType = 0, nProcessId = 0, nThreadId = 0;
	BYTE bufContext[1024] = {0}; ULONG szContext = 0;
	hRes = m_pDbgControl->GetStoredEventInformation(
		&nEventType, &nProcessId, &nThreadId, bufContext, sizeof(bufContext), &szContext, NULL, 0, 0);
	if ( (FAILED(hRes)) || (DEBUG_EVENT_EXCEPTION != nEventType) )
		return false;

	// Get the stack trace for the exception
	DEBUG_STACK_FRAME dbgStackFrames[MAX_STACK_FRAMES]; ULONG cntStackFrames = 0;
	BYTE* pbufStackFrameContexts = new BYTE[MAX_STACK_FRAMES * szContext];
	hRes = m_pDbgControl->GetContextStackTrace(
		bufContext, szContext, dbgStackFrames, ARRAYSIZE(dbgStackFrames), 
		pbufStackFrameContexts, MAX_STACK_FRAMES * szContext, szContext, &cntStackFrames);
	if ( (FAILED(hRes)) || (cntStackFrames < 1) )
		return false;

	// Since the user won't have any debug symbols present we're really only interested in the top stack frame
	m_nInstructionAddr = dbgStackFrames[0].InstructionOffset;
	ULONG idxModule = 0;
	hRes = m_pDbgSymbols->GetModuleByOffset(m_nInstructionAddr, 0, &idxModule, &m_nModuleBaseAddr);
	if (FAILED(hRes))
		return false;

	// Lookup the name of the module where the crash occurred
	CHAR strModule[MAX_PATH] = {0}; 
	hRes = m_pDbgSymbols->GetModuleNameString(
		DEBUG_MODNAME_MODULE, DEBUG_ANY_ID, m_nModuleBaseAddr, strModule, ARRAYSIZE(strModule) - 1, NULL);
	if (FAILED(hRes))
		return false;
	m_strModule = strModule;

	// Grab some basic properties we use for verification of the image
	hRes = m_pDbgSymbols->GetModuleParameters(1, &m_nModuleBaseAddr, 0, &dbgModuleParams);
	if ( (SUCCEEDED(hRes)) && (DEBUG_INVALID_OFFSET != dbgModuleParams.Base) )
		m_nModuleTimeStamp = dbgModuleParams.TimeDateStamp;
		m_nModuleChecksum = dbgModuleParams.Checksum;

	// Grab the version number as well
	BYTE bufVersionInfo[1024] = {0};
	hRes = m_pDbgSymbols->GetModuleVersionInformation(DEBUG_ANY_ID, m_nModuleBaseAddr, "\\", bufVersionInfo, 1024, NULL);
	if (SUCCEEDED(hRes))
		m_nModuleVersion = ((U64)pFileInfo->dwFileVersionMS << 32) + pFileInfo->dwFileVersionLS;

	return true;