Exemple #1
HParserCacheValue* recall(HParserCacheKey *k, HParseState *state) {
  HParserCacheValue *cached = h_hashtable_get(state->cache, k);
  HRecursionHead *head = h_hashtable_get(state->recursion_heads, &k->input_pos);
  if (!head) { // No heads found
    return cached;
  } else { // Some heads found
    if (!cached && head->head_parser != k->parser && !h_slist_find(head->involved_set, k->parser)) {
      // Nothing in the cache, and the key parser is not involved
      cached = cached_result(state, NULL);
      cached->input_stream = k->input_pos;
    if (h_slist_find(head->eval_set, k->parser)) {
      // Something is in the cache, and the key parser is in the eval set. Remove the key parser from the eval set of the head. 
      head->eval_set = h_slist_remove_all(head->eval_set, k->parser);
      HParseResult *tmp_res = perform_lowlevel_parse(state, k->parser);
      // update the cache
      if (!cached) {
	cached = cached_result(state, tmp_res);
	h_hashtable_put(state->cache, k, cached);
      } else {
	cached->value_type = PC_RIGHT;
	cached->right = tmp_res;
	cached->input_stream = state->input_stream;
    return cached;
Exemple #2
// no-op on terminal symbols
static void transform_productions(const HLRTable *table, HLREnhGrammar *eg,
                                  size_t x, HCFChoice *xAy)
  if(xAy->type != HCF_CHOICE)

  HArena *arena = eg->arena;

  HCFSequence **seq = h_arena_malloc(arena, seqsize(xAy->seq)
                                            * sizeof(HCFSequence *));
  HCFSequence **p, **q;
  for(p=xAy->seq, q=seq; *p; p++, q++) {
    // trace rhs starting in state x and following the transitions
    // xAy -> ... iBj ...

    size_t i = x;
    HCFChoice **B = (*p)->items;
    HCFChoice **items = h_arena_malloc(arena, seqsize(B) * sizeof(HCFChoice *));
    HCFChoice **iBj = items;
    for(; *B; B++, iBj++) {
      size_t j = follow_transition(table, i, *B);
      HLRTransition *i_B_j = transition(arena, i, *B, j);
      *iBj = h_hashtable_get(eg->tmap, i_B_j);
      assert(*iBj != NULL);
      i = j;
    *iBj = NULL;

    *q = h_arena_malloc(arena, sizeof(HCFSequence));
    (*q)->items = items;
  *q = NULL;
  xAy->seq = seq;
Exemple #3
void* h_symbol_get(HParseState *state, const char* key) {
  if (state->symbol_table) {
    HHashTable *head = h_slist_top(state->symbol_table);
    if (head) {
      return h_hashtable_get(head, key);
  return NULL;
Exemple #4
static HLRAction *
lrtable_lookup(const HLRTable *table, size_t state, const HCFChoice *symbol)
  switch(symbol->type) {
  case HCF_END:
    return table->tmap[state]->end_branch;
  case HCF_CHAR:
    return h_stringmap_get(table->tmap[state], &symbol->chr, 1, false);
    // nonterminal case
    return h_hashtable_get(table->ntmap[state], symbol);
Exemple #5
void h_hashtable_merge(void *(*combine)(void *v1, const void *v2),
	HHashTable *dst, const HHashTable *src) {
  size_t i;
  HHashTableEntry *hte;
  for(i=0; i < src->capacity; i++) {
    for(hte = &src->contents[i]; hte; hte = hte->next) {
      if(hte->key == NULL)
      void *dstvalue = h_hashtable_get(dst, hte->key);
      void *srcvalue = hte->value;
      h_hashtable_put(dst, hte->key, combine(dstvalue, srcvalue));
Exemple #6
// check whether a sequence of enhanced-grammar symbols (p) matches the given
// (original-grammar) production rhs and terminates in the given end state.
static bool match_production(HLREnhGrammar *eg, HCFChoice **p,
                             HCFChoice **rhs, size_t endstate)
  size_t state = endstate;  // initialized to end in case of empty rhs
  for(; *p && *rhs; p++, rhs++) {
    HLRTransition *t = h_hashtable_get(eg->smap, *p);
    assert(t != NULL);
    if(!h_eq_symbol(t->symbol, *rhs))
      return false;
    state = t->to;
  return (*p == *rhs    // both NULL
          && state == endstate);
Exemple #7
static HCFChoice *new_enhanced_symbol(HLREnhGrammar *eg, const HCFChoice *sym)
  HArena *arena = eg->arena;
  HCFChoice *esym = h_arena_malloc(arena, sizeof(HCFChoice));
  *esym = *sym;

  HHashSet *cs = h_hashtable_get(eg->corr, sym);
  if (!cs) {
    cs = h_hashset_new(arena, h_eq_symbol, h_hash_symbol);
    h_hashtable_put(eg->corr, sym, cs);
  h_hashset_put(cs, esym);

  return esym;
Exemple #8
HParseResult* grow(HParserCacheKey *k, HParseState *state, HRecursionHead *head) {
  // Store the head into the recursion_heads
  h_hashtable_put(state->recursion_heads, &k->input_pos, head);
  HParserCacheValue *old_cached = h_hashtable_get(state->cache, k);
  if (!old_cached || PC_LEFT == old_cached->value_type)
    h_platform_errx(1, "impossible match");
  HParseResult *old_res = old_cached->right;

  // rewind the input
  state->input_stream = k->input_pos;
  // reset the eval_set of the head of the recursion at each beginning of growth
  head->eval_set = h_slist_copy(head->involved_set);
  HParseResult *tmp_res = perform_lowlevel_parse(state, k->parser);

  if (tmp_res) {
    if (pos_lt(old_cached->input_stream, state->input_stream)) {
      h_hashtable_put(state->cache, k, cached_result(state, tmp_res));
      return grow(k, state, head);
    } else {
      // we're done with growing, we can remove data from the recursion head
      h_hashtable_del(state->recursion_heads, &k->input_pos);
      HParserCacheValue *cached = h_hashtable_get(state->cache, k);
      if (cached && PC_RIGHT == cached->value_type) {
        state->input_stream = cached->input_stream;
	return cached->right;
      } else {
	h_platform_errx(1, "impossible match");
  } else {
    h_hashtable_del(state->recursion_heads, &k->input_pos);
    state->input_stream = old_cached->input_stream;
    return old_res;
Exemple #9
// for each lookahead symbol (fs), put action into tmap
// returns 0 on success, -1 on conflict
// ignores forall entries
static int terminals_put(HStringMap *tmap, const HStringMap *fs, HLRAction *action)
  int ret = 0;

  if (fs->epsilon_branch) {
    HLRAction *prev = tmap->epsilon_branch;
    if (prev && prev != action) {
      // conflict
      tmap->epsilon_branch = h_lr_conflict(tmap->arena, prev, action);
      ret = -1;
    } else {
      tmap->epsilon_branch = action;

  if (fs->end_branch) {
    HLRAction *prev = tmap->end_branch;
    if (prev && prev != action) {
      // conflict
      tmap->end_branch = h_lr_conflict(tmap->arena, prev, action);
      ret = -1;
    } else {
      tmap->end_branch = action;

  H_FOREACH(fs->char_branches, void *key, HStringMap *fs_)
    HStringMap *tmap_ = h_hashtable_get(tmap->char_branches, key);

    if (!tmap_) {
      tmap_ = h_stringmap_new(tmap->arena);
      h_hashtable_put(tmap->char_branches, key, tmap_);

    if (terminals_put(tmap_, fs_, action) < 0) {
      ret = -1;

  return ret;
Exemple #10
/* Warth's recursion. Hi Alessandro! */
HParseResult* h_do_parse(const HParser* parser, HParseState *state) {
  HParserCacheKey *key = a_new(HParserCacheKey, 1);
  key->input_pos = state->input_stream; key->parser = parser;
  HParserCacheValue *m = recall(key, state);
  // check to see if there is already a result for this object...
  if (!m) {
    // It doesn't exist, so create a dummy result to cache
    HLeftRec *base = a_new(HLeftRec, 1);
    base->seed = NULL; base->rule = parser; base->head = NULL;
    h_slist_push(state->lr_stack, base);
    // cache it
    h_hashtable_put(state->cache, key, cached_lr(state, base));
    // parse the input
    HParseResult *tmp_res = perform_lowlevel_parse(state, parser);
    // the base variable has passed equality tests with the cache
    // update the cached value to our new position
    HParserCacheValue *cached = h_hashtable_get(state->cache, key);
    assert(cached != NULL);
    cached->input_stream = state->input_stream;
    // setupLR, used below, mutates the LR to have a head if appropriate, so we check to see if we have one
    if (NULL == base->head) {
      h_hashtable_put(state->cache, key, cached_result(state, tmp_res));
      return tmp_res;
    } else {
      base->seed = tmp_res;
      HParseResult *res = lr_answer(key, state, base);
      return res;
  } else {
    // it exists!
    state->input_stream = m->input_stream;
    if (PC_LEFT == m->value_type) {
      setupLR(parser, state, m->left);
      return m->left->seed;
    } else {
      return m->right;
Exemple #11
int h_lalr_compile(HAllocator* mm__, HParser* parser, const void* params)
  // generate (augmented) CFG from parser
  // construct LR(0) DFA
  // build LR(0) table
  // if necessary, resolve conflicts "by conversion to SLR"

  if (!parser->vtable->isValidCF(parser->env)) {
    return -1;
  HCFGrammar *g = h_cfgrammar_(mm__, h_desugar_augmented(mm__, parser));
  if(g == NULL)     // backend not suitable (language not context-free)
    return -1;

  HLRDFA *dfa = h_lr0_dfa(g);
  if (dfa == NULL) {     // this should normally not happen
    return -1;

  HLRTable *table = h_lr0_table(g, dfa);
  if (table == NULL) {   // this should normally not happen
    return -1;

  if(has_conflicts(table)) {
    HArena *arena = table->arena;

    HLREnhGrammar *eg = enhance_grammar(g, dfa, table);
    if(eg == NULL) {    // this should normally not happen
      return -1;

    // go through the inadequate states; replace inadeq with a new list
    HSlist *inadeq = table->inadeq;
    table->inadeq = h_slist_new(arena);
    for(HSlistNode *x=inadeq->head; x; x=x->next) {
      size_t state = (uintptr_t)x->elem;
      bool inadeq = false;
      // clear old forall entry, it's being replaced by more fine-grained ones
      table->forall[state] = NULL;

      // go through each reducible item of state
      H_FOREACH_KEY(dfa->states[state], HLRItem *item)
        if(item->mark < item->len)

        // action to place in the table cells indicated by lookahead
        HLRAction *action = h_reduce_action(arena, item);

        // find all LR(0)-enhanced productions matching item
        HHashSet *lhss = h_hashtable_get(eg->corr, item->lhs);
        assert(lhss != NULL);
        H_FOREACH_KEY(lhss, HCFChoice *lhs)
          assert(lhs->type == HCF_CHOICE);  // XXX could be CHARSET?

	  for(HCFSequence **p=lhs->seq; *p; p++) {
            HCFChoice **rhs = (*p)->items;
            if(!match_production(eg, rhs, item->rhs, state)) {

            // the left-hand symbol's follow set is this production's
            // contribution to the lookahead
            const HStringMap *fs = h_follow(1, eg->grammar, lhs);
            assert(fs != NULL);
            assert(fs->epsilon_branch == NULL);

            // for each lookahead symbol, put action into table cell
            if(terminals_put(table->tmap[state], fs, action) < 0)
              inadeq = true;
	  } H_END_FOREACH // enhanced production
      H_END_FOREACH  // reducible item

      if(inadeq) {
        h_slist_push(table->inadeq, (void *)(uintptr_t)state);

  parser->backend_data = table;
  return has_conflicts(table)? -1 : 0;