Exemple #1
// simple interface to hal_create_thread()/hal_thread_delete()
// through /proc/rtapi/hal/threadcmd (kernel threadstyles only)
// to start a thread, write 'newthread' <threadname> <period> <fp> <cpu>'
// example:
//    echo newthread servo-thread 1000000 1 -1 >/proc/rtapi/hal/threadcmd
// to delete a thread, write 'delthread <threadname>'
//    echo delthread servo-thread >/proc/rtapi/hal/threadcmd
// HAL return values are reflected in the return value to write()
static int proc_write_threadcmd(struct file *file,
                                const char *buffer, unsigned long count, void *data)
    char cmd[20], name[HAL_NAME_LEN + 1];
    unsigned long period;
    int fp, cpu, retval;

    if (!strncmp(buffer,"newthread", 9)) {
        if ((retval = sscanf(buffer, "%s %s %lu %d %d",
                             cmd, name, &period, &fp, &cpu)) != 5) {
                          "HAL:newthread: expecting 5 items (s:cmd s:name d:period d:fp d:cpu), got %d\n",
            return -EINVAL;
        if ((period > 0) &&
                (strlen(name) > 0)) {
            retval = hal_create_thread(name, period, fp, cpu);
            if (retval < 0) {
                              "HAL:newthread: could not create thread '%s' - error %d\n",
                              name, retval);
                return retval;
            } else {
                              "HAL:newthread: created %ld uS thread '%s' fp=%d cpu=%d\n",
                              period / 1000, name, fp, cpu);
    } else if (!strncmp(buffer, "delthread", 9)) {
        if ((retval = sscanf(buffer, "%s %s", cmd, name)) != 2) {
                          "HAL:delthread: expecting 2 items: 'delthread <threadname>'\n");
            return -EINVAL;
        if ((retval = hal_thread_delete(name)))  {
                          "HAL:delthread '%s' error %d\n", name, retval);
            return retval;
                      "HAL:delthread - thread '%s' deleted\n", name);
    } else {
                      "HAL: unrecognized threadcmd: '%s'\n", cmd);
        return -EINVAL;
    return count;
Exemple #2
int _osc_drv_init(void (*handler)(unsigned int ipc),
                   void (*osc_hisr)(void *arg),
                   OSC_DRV_INFO *osc_info)
	hal_queue_t     *queue = &osc_info->queue;
	hal_thread_t    *th    = &osc_info->th;

	// Initial the Fixed/Overlap regions.

	// Register a user-define handler which is called from OSC exception handler.
	register_exception_handler(GE_RESERVED_INST, handler);

	// Register a user-define hisr which will be woken up by lisr sending msg to queue.
	th->fn             = osc_hisr;
        th->name           = "bh_osc";
        th->stack_size     = 0x400;
        th->arg            = queue;
        th->prio           = osc_hisr_TASK_PRIORITY;
        th->task           = NULL;
        th->ptos           = NULL;

	// Create a bottom half.
	// The bottom half is a thread task with a sync queue.
	queue->size = 1;

        if(hal_create_queue(queue) == HAL_FAILURE)
                return HAL_FAILURE;

	if(hal_create_thread(th) != HAL_SUCCESS)
		return HAL_FAILURE;

	puts("OSC driver init success!\n");

	return HAL_SUCCESS;
Exemple #3
/* init_threads() creates realtime threads, exports functions to
   do the realtime control, and adds the functions to the threads.
static int init_threads(void)
    double base_period_sec, servo_period_sec;
    int servo_base_ratio;
    int retval;

    rtapi_print_msg(RTAPI_MSG_INFO, "MOTION: init_threads() starting...\n");

    /* if base_period not specified, assume same as servo_period */
    if (base_period_nsec == 0) {
	base_period_nsec = servo_period_nsec;
    if (traj_period_nsec == 0) {
	traj_period_nsec = servo_period_nsec;
    /* servo period must be greater or equal to base period */
    if (servo_period_nsec < base_period_nsec) {
	    "MOTION: bad servo period %ld nsec\n", servo_period_nsec);
	return -1;
    /* convert desired periods to floating point */
    base_period_sec = base_period_nsec * 0.000000001;
    servo_period_sec = servo_period_nsec * 0.000000001;
    /* calculate period ratios, round to nearest integer */
    servo_base_ratio = (servo_period_sec / base_period_sec) + 0.5;
    /* revise desired periods to be integer multiples of each other */
    servo_period_nsec = base_period_nsec * servo_base_ratio;
    /* create HAL threads for each period */
    /* only create base thread if it is faster than servo thread */
    if (servo_base_ratio > 1) {

	retval = hal_create_thread("base-thread", base_period_nsec, base_thread_fp, base_cpu);
	if (retval < 0) {
		"MOTION: failed to create %ld nsec base thread\n",
	    return -1;
    retval = hal_create_thread("servo-thread", servo_period_nsec, 1, servo_cpu);
    if (retval < 0) {
	    "MOTION: failed to create %ld nsec servo thread\n",
	return -1;
    /* export realtime functions that do the real work */
    retval = hal_export_funct("motion-controller", emcmotController, 0	/* arg 
	 */ , 1 /* uses_fp */ , 0 /* reentrant */ , mot_comp_id);
    if (retval < 0) {
	    "MOTION: failed to export controller function\n");
	return -1;
    retval = hal_export_funct("motion-command-handler", emcmotCommandHandler, 0	/* arg 
	 */ , 1 /* uses_fp */ , 0 /* reentrant */ , mot_comp_id);
    if (retval < 0) {
	    "MOTION: failed to export command handler function\n");
	return -1;
/*! \todo Another #if 0 */
#if 0
    /*! \todo FIXME - currently the traj planner is called from the controller */
    /* eventually it will be a separate function */
    retval = hal_export_funct("motion-traj-planner", emcmotTrajPlanner, 0	/* arg 
	 */ , 1 /* uses_fp */ ,
	0 /* reentrant */ , mot_comp_id);
    if (retval < 0) {
	    "MOTION: failed to export traj planner function\n");
	return -1;

    // if we don't set cycle times based on these guesses, emc doesn't
    // start up right
    setServoCycleTime(servo_period_nsec * 1e-9);
    setTrajCycleTime(traj_period_nsec * 1e-9);

    rtapi_print_msg(RTAPI_MSG_INFO, "MOTION: init_threads() complete\n");
    return 0;