Exemple #1
void SymbolBehavior::fromJson(const QJsonObject &json)

    int type = json.value(DataKey::SymbolType).toInt();
    setData(type, LP::SymbolType);

    int instrument = json.value(DataKey::Instrument).toInt();
    setData(instrument, LP::SymbolInstrument);

    QString name = json.value(DataKey::SymbolName).toString();
    setData(name, LP::SymbolName);

    if (hasOption(HasLength)) {
        int length = json.value(DataKey::Lenght).toInt();
        Length::Value lengthValue = static_cast<Length::Value>(length);
        setData(QVariant::fromValue<Length::Value>(lengthValue), LP::SymbolLength);

    if (hasOption(HasPitch)) {
        QJsonObject pitchObject = json.value(DataKey::Pitch).toObject();
        Pitch pitch;
        setData(QVariant::fromValue<Pitch>(pitch), LP::SymbolPitch);

    int spanType = json.value(DataKey::SymbolSpanType).toInt();
    if (spanType != 0) {
        SpanType type = static_cast<SpanType>(spanType);
        setData(QVariant::fromValue<SpanType>(type), LP::SymbolSpanType);
shared_ptr<Scene> SceneParser::readScene() {

	 * the scene being constructed
	shared_ptr<Scene> s = make_shared<Scene>();

	 * directory containing assets
	string basepath = options["directory"];

	// load data from image file
	if ( hasOption("photo_color") ) {
		string colorpath = basepath + options["photo_color"];
		Mat pcolor = imread(colorpath, CV_LOAD_IMAGE_COLOR);

	if ( hasOption("photo_depth") ) {
		string depthpath = basepath + options["photo_depth"];
		Mat pdepth = imread(depthpath, CV_LOAD_IMAGE_COLOR);

	if ( hasOption("lightmap") ) {
		string lmpath = basepath + options["lightmap"];

	if ( hasOption("local_model") ) {
		s->addGeometry(basepath + options["local_model"], true);

	if ( hasOption("virtual_model") ) {
		s->addGeometry(basepath + options["virtual_model"], false);

	if ( hasOption("camera") ) {
		 //s->setCamAngle(glm::quat(-0.0754814, 6.97229e-05, 0.989809, -0.121214), glm::vec3(-0.24233, 0.804301, -0.098939), 10.1601, 15.0);
	if ( hasOption("camera_angle") ) {
		vector<string> a = split(options["camera_angle"], ',');
		s->setCamAngle( glm::quat(stof(a[0]), stof(a[1]), stof(a[2]), stof(a[3])) );
	if ( hasOption("camera_pos") ) {
		vector<string> a = split(options["camera_pos"], ',');
		s->setCamPos( glm::vec3(stof(a[0]), stof(a[1]), stof(a[2])) );
	if ( hasOption("camera_zoom") ) {
		s->setCamZoom( stof(options["camera_zoom"]) );
	if ( hasOption("camera_vfov") ) {
		s->setCamFov( stof(options["camera_vfov"]) );
	return s;
Exemple #3
QJsonObject SymbolBehavior::toJson() const
    QJsonObject json(ItemBehavior::toJson());

    int symbolType = data(LP::SymbolType).toInt();
    if (symbolType != LP::NoSymbolType) {
        json.insert(DataKey::SymbolType, symbolType);
    json.insert(DataKey::Instrument, data(LP::SymbolInstrument).toInt());
    json.insert(DataKey::SymbolName, data(LP::SymbolName).toString());
    if (hasOption(HasLength)) {
        Length::Value length = data(LP::SymbolLength).value<Length::Value>();
        json.insert(DataKey::Lenght, static_cast<int>(length));
    if (hasOption(HasPitch)) {
        Pitch pitch = data(LP::SymbolPitch).value<Pitch>();
        json.insert(DataKey::Pitch, pitch.toJson());
    SpanType spanType = data(LP::SymbolSpanType).value<SpanType>();

    if (spanType != SpanType::None) {
        json.insert(DataKey::SymbolSpanType, static_cast<int>(spanType));

    return json;
Exemple #4
std::string Tariff::getOption( std::string name, std::string country ) {
    if ( hasOption( name, country ) == true )
        return tariff.countries[ country ].options[ name ];

    if ( hasOption( name ) == true )
        return tariff.options[ name ];

    return "";
int main (const int argc, const char* argv[]) {
  if (hasOption(argc, argv, "-h") || hasOption(argc, argv, "--help")) {
    // Terminates the program after the help is shown.
    return 0;
  if (hasOption(argc, argv, "--verbose")) {
    ::demo::isVerbose = true;
  // Initialises WiringPi and uses the BCM pin layout.
  // For an overview on the pin layout, use the `gpio readall` command on a Raspberry Pi.
  demo::ExtensionSensors extensionSensors(demo::Gpio::allocateSpi(), {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5}, 0.168, 0.268);
  arma::Mat<double> extensionSensorsCorrection;
  if (extensionSensorsCorrection.load("extensionSensors.correction")) {
    std::cout << "Using the extension sensor correction." << std::endl;
  } else {
    std::cout << "Could not find extension sensor correction file. Displaying uncorrected measurements." << std::endl;
  std::vector<demo::Pin> directionPins;
  demo::ServoControllers servoControllers(std::move(directionPins), demo::Gpio::allocateI2c(), {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5}, 1.0);
  demo::LinearActuators linearActuators(std::move(servoControllers), std::move(extensionSensors), 0.178, 0.248);
  demo::AttitudeSensors attitudeSensors(demo::Gpio::allocateUart(), -arma::datum::pi, arma::datum::pi);
  arma::Mat<double>::fixed<3, 6> baseJointsPosition;
  arma::Mat<double>::fixed<3, 6> endEffectorJointsRelativePosition;
  demo::StewartPlatform stewartPlatform(std::move(linearActuators), std::move(attitudeSensors), baseJointsPosition, endEffectorJointsRelativePosition, {-0.02, -0.02, 0.21, -0.2, -0.2, -0.6}, {0.02, 0.02, 0.27, 0.2, 0.2, 0.6});
  if (hasOption(argc, argv, "sensor")) {
  } if (argc > 6 && isNumber(argv[1]) && isNumber(argv[2]) && isNumber(argv[3]) && isNumber(argv[4]) && isNumber(argv[5]) && isNumber(argv[6])) {
    runEndEffectorPose(stewartPlatform, {std::stod(argv[1]), std::stod(argv[2]), std::stod(argv[3]), std::stod(argv[4]), std::stod(argv[5]), std::stod(argv[6])});
  } else {
  return 0;  
Exemple #6
bool AdBlockRule::urlMatch(const QUrl &url) const
    if (!hasOption(DocumentOption) && !hasOption(ElementHideOption)) {
        return false;

    const QString encodedUrl = url.toEncoded();
    const QString domain = url.host();

    return networkMatch(QNetworkRequest(url), domain, encodedUrl);
bool AdBlockRule::networkMatch(const QWebEngineUrlRequestInfo &request, const QString &domain, const QString &encodedUrl) const
    if (m_type == CssRule || !m_isEnabled || m_isInternalDisabled) {
        return false;

    bool matched = stringMatch(domain, encodedUrl);

    if (matched) {
        // Check domain restrictions
        if (hasOption(DomainRestrictedOption) && !matchDomain(request.firstPartyUrl().host())) {
            return false;

        // Check third-party restriction
        if (hasOption(ThirdPartyOption) && !matchThirdParty(request)) {
            return false;

        // Check object restrictions
        if (hasOption(ObjectOption) && !matchObject(request)) {
            return false;

        // Check subdocument restriction
        if (hasOption(SubdocumentOption) && !matchSubdocument(request)) {
            return false;

        // Check xmlhttprequest restriction
        if (hasOption(XMLHttpRequestOption) && !matchXmlHttpRequest(request)) {
            return false;

        // Check image restriction
        if (hasOption(ImageOption) && !matchImage(request)) {
            return false;

        // Check script restriction
        if (hasOption(ScriptOption) && !matchScript(request)) {
            return false;

        // Check stylesheet restriction
        if (hasOption(StyleSheetOption) && !matchStyleSheet(request)) {
            return false;

        // Check object-subrequest restriction
        if (hasOption(ObjectSubrequestOption) && !matchObjectSubrequest(request)) {
            return false;

    return matched;
Exemple #8
		Generic display options diplaying the results considering the options given in parameter by console command

		-lines(Maillon*) : a linked list of the resulting FileLines from the inital command
		- args(Arguments*) : a linked list of the arguments given in parameter by console command

void displayWithOptions(Maillon* lines, Arguments* args)
	short has_n = hasOption('n', args->options);
	int file_count = listSize(args->files); 
	displayFileLine(lines, file_count, has_n);
Exemple #9
TEST(OptionsTest, test_static_options)
    Options ops;

    FauxReader reader;

    CropFilter crop;
    auto opts = crop.getDefaultOptions();
    EXPECT_EQ(opts.getOptions().size(), 4u);
int main (const int argc, const char* argv[]) {
  if (hasOption(argc, argv, "-h") || hasOption(argc, argv, "--help")) {
    // Terminates the program after the help is shown.
    return 0;

  if (hasOption(argc, argv, "--verbose")) {
    ::demo::isVerbose = true;

  demo::Mouse3dSensors mouse3dSensors(-1, 1);


  return 0;
 void NLPSolverInternal::reportConstraints(std::ostream &stream) { 
   stream << "Reporting NLP constraints" << endl;
   CasADi::reportConstraints(stream,output(NLP_X_OPT),input(NLP_LBX),input(NLP_UBX), "decision bounds");
   double tol = 1e-8;
   if (hasOption("constr_viol_tol")) tol = getOption("constr_viol_tol");
   CasADi::reportConstraints(stream,output(NLP_G),input(NLP_LBG),input(NLP_UBG), "constraints",getOption("constr_viol_tol"));
const LLCommandLineParser::token_vector_t& LLCommandLineParser::getOption(const std::string& name) const
        return gVariableMap[name].as<token_vector_t>();

    return gEmptyValue;
Exemple #13
void CsvChunkLoader::openHook()

    if (hasOption('p')) {
    } else if (hasOption('t')) {

    if (hasOption('d')) {
    } else if (hasOption('s')) {
Exemple #14
boost::logic::tribool Tariff::hasOption( std::string name, std::string country ) {
    if ( tariff.countries.find( country ) != tariff.countries.end() )
        if ( tariff.countries[ country ].options.find( name ) != tariff.countries[ country ].options.end() )
            return true;

    boost::logic::tribool r = hasOption( name );
    if ( r == true )
        return boost::logic::indeterminate_keyword_t();

    return r;
Exemple #15
bool OptionContainer::addOption(Option o) {
    if (o.getType()==OptionContainer::Option::EInvalid) {
        return false;
    if (hasOption(o)){
        return false;


    return true;
Exemple #16
double Tariff::costs( std::string cname, std::string opcode ) {
    if ( hasOption( "price", cname, opcode ) ) {

        try {
            double price = boost::lexical_cast< double >( getOption( "price", cname, opcode ) );
            return currencyConvert( getOption< TariffCurrency >( cname, opcode ), TariffCurrency(), price );
        } catch ( ... ) {
            return INVALID_VALUE;

    } else
    if ( !hasOption( "price", cname, opcode ) ) {
        if ( hasOption< TariffOptionUnknownPolicy >( cname, opcode ) == false )
            return INVALID_VALUE;
        else {
            return costs( cname );

    return costs( cname );
Exemple #17
bool AdBlockRule::networkMatch(const QNetworkRequest &request, const QString &domain, const QString &encodedUrl) const
    if (m_type == CssRule || !m_isEnabled || m_isInternalDisabled) {
        return false;

    bool matched = false;

    if (m_type == StringContainsMatchRule) {
        matched = encodedUrl.contains(m_matchString, m_caseSensitivity);
    else if (m_type == DomainMatchRule) {
        matched = isMatchingDomain(domain, m_matchString);
    else if (m_type == StringEndsMatchRule) {
        matched = encodedUrl.endsWith(m_matchString, m_caseSensitivity);
    else if (m_type == RegExpMatchRule) {
        if (!isMatchingRegExpStrings(encodedUrl)) {
            return false;

        matched = (m_regExp->regExp.indexIn(encodedUrl) != -1);

    if (matched) {
        // Check domain restrictions
        if (hasOption(DomainRestrictedOption) && !matchDomain(domain)) {
            return false;

        // Check third-party restriction
        if (hasOption(ThirdPartyOption) && !matchThirdParty(request)) {
            return false;

        // Check object restrictions
        if (hasOption(ObjectOption) && !matchObject(request)) {
            return false;

        // Check subdocument restriction
        if (hasOption(SubdocumentOption) && !matchSubdocument(request)) {
            return false;

        // Check xmlhttprequest restriction
        if (hasOption(XMLHttpRequestOption) && !matchXmlHttpRequest(request)) {
            return false;

        // Check image restriction
        if (hasOption(ImageOption) && !matchImage(encodedUrl)) {
            return false;

    return matched;
int ServiceDaemon::pre_initialize()
  // Parse command line options

  if (hasOption("daemonize"))
    if (!hasOption("pid-file"))
      std::cerr << "You need to specify a PID file when running as daemon!" << std::endl;
      return -1;

    getOption("pid-file", _pidFile);

  return 0;
Exemple #19
bool AdBlockRule::matchDomain(const QString &domain) const
    if (!m_isEnabled) {
        return false;

    if (!hasOption(DomainRestrictedOption)) {
        return true;

    if (m_blockedDomains.isEmpty()) {
        foreach (const QString &d, m_allowedDomains) {
            if (isMatchingDomain(domain, d)) {
                return true;
Exemple #20
int    sdisk_unix_t::convert_flags(int sflags)
    int    flags = 0;

    /* 1 of n */
    switch (modeBits(sflags)) {
    case OPEN_RDWR:
        flags |= O_RDWR;
    case OPEN_WRONLY:
        flags |= O_WRONLY;
    case OPEN_RDONLY:
        flags |= O_RDONLY;

    /* m of n */
    /* could make a data driven flag conversion, :-) */
    if (hasOption(sflags, OPEN_CREATE))
        flags |= O_CREAT;
    if (hasOption(sflags, OPEN_TRUNC))
        flags |= O_TRUNC;
    if (hasOption(sflags, OPEN_EXCL))
        flags |= O_EXCL;
#ifdef O_SYNC
    if (hasOption(sflags, OPEN_SYNC))
        flags |= O_SYNC;
    if (hasOption(sflags, OPEN_APPEND))
        flags |= O_APPEND;
#ifdef O_DIRECT
     * From the open man page:
     *      O_DIRECT
              Try to minimize cache effects of the I/O to and from this  file.
              In  general  this  will degrade performance, but it is useful in
              special situations, such  as  when  applications  do  their  own
              caching.   File I/O is done directly to/from user space buffers.
              The I/O is synchronous, i.e., at the completion of a read(2)  or
              write(2),  data  is  guaranteed to have been transferred.  Under
              Linux 2.4 transfer sizes, and the alignment of user  buffer  and
              file  offset  must all be multiples of the logical block size of
              the file system. Under Linux 2.6 alignment must  fit  the  block
              size of the device.
    if (hasOption(sflags, OPEN_RAW))
        flags |= O_DIRECT;

    return flags;
bool SzCmd::doExecute() {
  TreeArgHandler* handler = static_cast<TreeArgHandler*>(mArgHandler);
  const std::string& branch = handler->getMatchedBranch();
  bool recursive = !hasOption('R');
  const std::string& fileName = handler->getMatchedNodeValue("id");

  boost::filesystem::ofstream ofs(fileName, std::fstream::trunc);
  AbsDir* curDir = sgConsole.getCwd();

  if (branch == "0") {
    // sz id
    curDir->serialize(ofs, recursive);
  } else if (branch == "1") {
    // sz id path
    AbsDir* dir =
        AbsDirUtil::findPath(handler->getMatchedNodeValue("path"), curDir);
    dir->serialize(ofs, recursive);
  } else {
    PAC_EXCEPT(Exception::ERR_INVALID_STATE, "unknown branch");

  return true;
Exemple #22
	std::ostream& ConversionJob::printTo(std::ostream& out) const {
		out << "~~~~~~CONVERSION SETUP~~~~~~\n";
		out << "input files: \n" << files << std::endl;
		out << "flags: \n"
		    << "PrintDiag " << hasOption(ConversionSetup::PrintDiag) << "\n"
		    << "WinCrossCompile " << hasOption(ConversionSetup::WinCrossCompile) << "\n"
		    << "TAG_MPI " << hasOption(ConversionSetup::TAG_MPI) << "\n"
		    << "ProgressBar " << hasOption(ConversionSetup::ProgressBar) << "\n"
		    << "NoWarnings " << hasOption(ConversionSetup::NoWarnings) << "\n"
		    << "NoDefaultExtensions " << hasOption(ConversionSetup::NoDefaultExtensions) << "\n" << std::endl;
		out << "interceptions: \n" << getInterceptedNameSpacePatterns() << std::endl;
		out << "crosscompilation dir: \n" << getCrossCompilationSystemHeadersDir() << std::endl;
		out << "include dirs: \n" << getIncludeDirectories() << std::endl;
		out << "definitions: \n" << getDefinitions() << std::endl;
		out << "libraries: \n" << libs << std::endl;
		out << "standard: \n" << getStandard() << std::endl;
		out << "number of registered extensions: \n" << getExtensions().size() << std::endl;
		out << "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n";
		return out;
Exemple #23
double Tariff::costs( std::string cname ) {

    if ( hasOption( "price", cname ) ) {
        try {
            double price = boost::lexical_cast< double >( getOption( "price", cname ) );
            return currencyConvert( getOption< TariffCurrency >( cname ), TariffCurrency(), price );
        } catch ( ... ) {
            return INVALID_VALUE;
    } else
    if ( !hasOption( "price", cname ) )  {
        if ( hasOption< TariffOptionUnknownPolicy >( cname ) == false )
            return INVALID_VALUE;
        else {
            double price;
            if ( tariff.countries.find( cname ) != tariff.countries.end() ) {
                TariffOptionUnknownPolicy policy = getOption< TariffOptionUnknownPolicy >( cname );
                if ( policy.getValue() == "FREE" )
                    price = 0.0;
                double maxval = INVALID_VALUE;
                if ( policy.getValue() == "MAXIMUM" ) {
                    for ( std::map< std::string, TariffOperatorInfo >::iterator it = tariff.countries[ cname ].operators.begin(); it != tariff.countries[ cname ].operators.end(); it++ ) {
                        std::string mnc = it->first;
                        if ( hasOption( "price", cname, mnc ) )
                        try {
                            double price = boost::lexical_cast< double >( getOption( "price", cname, mnc ) );
                            price = currencyConvert( getOption< TariffCurrency >( cname, mnc ), TariffCurrency(), price );
                            maxval = std::max( maxval, price );

                        } catch ( ... ) {}
                    price = maxval;
                double sum = 0;
                double total = 0;
                if ( policy.getValue() == "AVERAGE" ) {
                    for ( std::map< std::string, TariffOperatorInfo >::iterator it = tariff.countries[ cname ].operators.begin(); it != tariff.countries[ cname ].operators.end(); it++ ) {
                        std::string mnc = it->first;
                        if ( hasOption( "price", cname, mnc ) ) {
                            try {
                                double price = boost::lexical_cast< double >( getOption( "price", cname, mnc ) );
                                price = currencyConvert( getOption< TariffCurrency >( cname, mnc ), TariffCurrency(), price );
                                sum += price;
                            } catch ( ... ) {

                    price = total == 0? INVALID_VALUE: sum/total;
                return price;
            } else
            return INVALID_VALUE;


    try {
        double price = boost::lexical_cast< double >( getOption( "price" ) );
        return currencyConvert( getOption< TariffCurrency >( cname ), TariffCurrency(), price );
    } catch ( ... ) {
        return INVALID_VALUE;

Exemple #24
  void Sqpmethod::evaluate() {
    if (inputs_check_) checkInputs();

    if (gather_stats_) {
      Dict iterations;
      iterations["inf_pr"] = std::vector<double>();
      iterations["inf_du"] = std::vector<double>();
      iterations["ls_trials"] = std::vector<double>();
      iterations["d_norm"] = std::vector<double>();
      iterations["obj"] = std::vector<double>();
      stats_["iterations"] = iterations;

    // Get problem data
    const vector<double>& x_init = input(NLP_SOLVER_X0).data();
    const vector<double>& lbx = input(NLP_SOLVER_LBX).data();
    const vector<double>& ubx = input(NLP_SOLVER_UBX).data();
    const vector<double>& lbg = input(NLP_SOLVER_LBG).data();
    const vector<double>& ubg = input(NLP_SOLVER_UBG).data();

    // Set linearization point to initial guess
    copy(x_init.begin(), x_init.end(), x_.begin());

    // Initialize Lagrange multipliers of the NLP
    copy(input(NLP_SOLVER_LAM_G0).begin(), input(NLP_SOLVER_LAM_G0).end(), mu_.begin());
    copy(input(NLP_SOLVER_LAM_X0).begin(), input(NLP_SOLVER_LAM_X0).end(), mu_x_.begin());

    t_eval_f_ = t_eval_grad_f_ = t_eval_g_ = t_eval_jac_g_ = t_eval_h_ =
        t_callback_fun_ = t_callback_prepare_ = t_mainloop_ = 0;

    n_eval_f_ = n_eval_grad_f_ = n_eval_g_ = n_eval_jac_g_ = n_eval_h_ = 0;

    double time1 = clock();

    // Initial constraint Jacobian
    eval_jac_g(x_, gk_, Jk_);

    // Initial objective gradient
    eval_grad_f(x_, fk_, gf_);

    // Initialize or reset the Hessian or Hessian approximation
    reg_ = 0;
    if (exact_hessian_) {
      eval_h(x_, mu_, 1.0, Bk_);
    } else {

    // Evaluate the initial gradient of the Lagrangian
    copy(gf_.begin(), gf_.end(), gLag_.begin());
    if (ng_>0) casadi_mv_t(Jk_.ptr(), Jk_.sparsity(), getPtr(mu_), getPtr(gLag_));
    // gLag += mu_x_;
    transform(gLag_.begin(), gLag_.end(), mu_x_.begin(), gLag_.begin(), plus<double>());

    // Number of SQP iterations
    int iter = 0;

    // Number of line-search iterations
    int ls_iter = 0;

    // Last linesearch successfull
    bool ls_success = true;

    // Reset
    sigma_ = 0.;    // NOTE: Move this into the main optimization loop

    // Default stepsize
    double t = 0;

    while (true) {

      // Primal infeasability
      double pr_inf = primalInfeasibility(x_, lbx, ubx, gk_, lbg, ubg);

      // inf-norm of lagrange gradient
      double gLag_norminf = norm_inf(gLag_);

      // inf-norm of step
      double dx_norminf = norm_inf(dx_);

      // Print header occasionally
      if (iter % 10 == 0) printIteration(userOut());

      // Printing information about the actual iterate
      printIteration(userOut(), iter, fk_, pr_inf, gLag_norminf, dx_norminf,
                     reg_, ls_iter, ls_success);

      if (gather_stats_) {
        Dict iterations = stats_["iterations"];
        std::vector<double> tmp=iterations["inf_pr"];
        iterations["inf_pr"] = tmp;

        iterations["inf_du"] = tmp;

        iterations["d_norm"] = tmp;

        std::vector<int> tmp2=iterations["ls_trials"];
        iterations["ls_trials"] = tmp2;

        iterations["obj"] = tmp;

        stats_["iterations"] = iterations;

      // Call callback function if present
      if (!callback_.isNull()) {
        double time1 = clock();

        if (!output(NLP_SOLVER_F).isempty()) output(NLP_SOLVER_F).set(fk_);
        if (!output(NLP_SOLVER_X).isempty()) output(NLP_SOLVER_X).setNZ(x_);
        if (!output(NLP_SOLVER_LAM_G).isempty()) output(NLP_SOLVER_LAM_G).setNZ(mu_);
        if (!output(NLP_SOLVER_LAM_X).isempty()) output(NLP_SOLVER_LAM_X).setNZ(mu_x_);
        if (!output(NLP_SOLVER_G).isempty()) output(NLP_SOLVER_G).setNZ(gk_);

        Dict iteration;
        iteration["iter"] = iter;
        iteration["inf_pr"] = pr_inf;
        iteration["inf_du"] = gLag_norminf;
        iteration["d_norm"] = dx_norminf;
        iteration["ls_trials"] = ls_iter;
        iteration["obj"] = fk_;
        stats_["iteration"] = iteration;

        double time2 = clock();
        t_callback_prepare_ += (time2-time1)/CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
        time1 = clock();
        int ret = callback_(ref_, user_data_);
        time2 = clock();
        t_callback_fun_ += (time2-time1)/CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
        if (ret) {
          userOut() << endl;
          userOut() << "casadi::SQPMethod: aborted by callback..." << endl;
          stats_["return_status"] = "User_Requested_Stop";

      // Checking convergence criteria
      if (pr_inf < tol_pr_ && gLag_norminf < tol_du_) {
        userOut() << endl;
        userOut() << "casadi::SQPMethod: Convergence achieved after "
                  << iter << " iterations." << endl;
        stats_["return_status"] = "Solve_Succeeded";

      if (iter >= max_iter_) {
        userOut() << endl;
        userOut() << "casadi::SQPMethod: Maximum number of iterations reached." << endl;
        stats_["return_status"] = "Maximum_Iterations_Exceeded";

      if (iter > 0 && dx_norminf <= min_step_size_) {
        userOut() << endl;
        userOut() << "casadi::SQPMethod: Search direction becomes too small without "
            "convergence criteria being met." << endl;
        stats_["return_status"] = "Search_Direction_Becomes_Too_Small";

      // Start a new iteration

      log("Formulating QP");
      // Formulate the QP
      transform(lbx.begin(), lbx.end(), x_.begin(), qp_LBX_.begin(), minus<double>());
      transform(ubx.begin(), ubx.end(), x_.begin(), qp_UBX_.begin(), minus<double>());
      transform(lbg.begin(), lbg.end(), gk_.begin(), qp_LBA_.begin(), minus<double>());
      transform(ubg.begin(), ubg.end(), gk_.begin(), qp_UBA_.begin(), minus<double>());

      // Solve the QP
      solve_QP(Bk_, gf_, qp_LBX_, qp_UBX_, Jk_, qp_LBA_, qp_UBA_, dx_, qp_DUAL_X_, qp_DUAL_A_);
      log("QP solved");

      // Detecting indefiniteness
      double gain = casadi_quad_form(Bk_.ptr(), Bk_.sparsity(), getPtr(dx_));
      if (gain < 0) {
        casadi_warning("Indefinite Hessian detected...");

      // Calculate penalty parameter of merit function
      sigma_ = std::max(sigma_, 1.01*norm_inf(qp_DUAL_X_));
      sigma_ = std::max(sigma_, 1.01*norm_inf(qp_DUAL_A_));

      // Calculate L1-merit function in the actual iterate
      double l1_infeas = primalInfeasibility(x_, lbx, ubx, gk_, lbg, ubg);

      // Right-hand side of Armijo condition
      double F_sens = inner_prod(dx_, gf_);
      double L1dir = F_sens - sigma_ * l1_infeas;
      double L1merit = fk_ + sigma_ * l1_infeas;

      // Storing the actual merit function value in a list
      if (merit_mem_.size() > merit_memsize_) {
      // Stepsize
      t = 1.0;
      double fk_cand;
      // Merit function value in candidate
      double L1merit_cand = 0;

      // Reset line-search counter, success marker
      ls_iter = 0;
      ls_success = true;

      // Line-search
      log("Starting line-search");
      if (max_iter_ls_>0) { // max_iter_ls_== 0 disables line-search

        // Line-search loop
        while (true) {
          for (int i=0; i<nx_; ++i) x_cand_[i] = x_[i] + t * dx_[i];

          try {
            // Evaluating objective and constraints
            eval_f(x_cand_, fk_cand);
            eval_g(x_cand_, gk_cand_);
          } catch(const CasadiException& ex) {
            // Silent ignore; line-search failed
            // Backtracking
            t = beta_ * t;


          // Calculating merit-function in candidate
          l1_infeas = primalInfeasibility(x_cand_, lbx, ubx, gk_cand_, lbg, ubg);

          L1merit_cand = fk_cand + sigma_ * l1_infeas;
          // Calculating maximal merit function value so far
          double meritmax = *max_element(merit_mem_.begin(), merit_mem_.end());
          if (L1merit_cand <= meritmax + t * c1_ * L1dir) {
            // Accepting candidate
            log("Line-search completed, candidate accepted");

          // Line-search not successful, but we accept it.
          if (ls_iter == max_iter_ls_) {
            ls_success = false;
            log("Line-search completed, maximum number of iterations");

          // Backtracking
          t = beta_ * t;

        // Candidate accepted, update dual variables
        for (int i=0; i<ng_; ++i) mu_[i] = t * qp_DUAL_A_[i] + (1 - t) * mu_[i];
        for (int i=0; i<nx_; ++i) mu_x_[i] = t * qp_DUAL_X_[i] + (1 - t) * mu_x_[i];

        // Candidate accepted, update the primal variable
        copy(x_.begin(), x_.end(), x_old_.begin());
        copy(x_cand_.begin(), x_cand_.end(), x_.begin());

      } else {
        // Full step
        copy(qp_DUAL_A_.begin(), qp_DUAL_A_.end(), mu_.begin());
        copy(qp_DUAL_X_.begin(), qp_DUAL_X_.end(), mu_x_.begin());

        copy(x_.begin(), x_.end(), x_old_.begin());
        // x+=dx
        transform(x_.begin(), x_.end(), dx_.begin(), x_.begin(), plus<double>());

      if (!exact_hessian_) {
        // Evaluate the gradient of the Lagrangian with the old x but new mu (for BFGS)
        copy(gf_.begin(), gf_.end(), gLag_old_.begin());
        if (ng_>0) casadi_mv_t(Jk_.ptr(), Jk_.sparsity(), getPtr(mu_), getPtr(gLag_old_));
        // gLag_old += mu_x_;
        transform(gLag_old_.begin(), gLag_old_.end(), mu_x_.begin(), gLag_old_.begin(),

      // Evaluate the constraint Jacobian
      log("Evaluating jac_g");
      eval_jac_g(x_, gk_, Jk_);

      // Evaluate the gradient of the objective function
      log("Evaluating grad_f");
      eval_grad_f(x_, fk_, gf_);

      // Evaluate the gradient of the Lagrangian with the new x and new mu
      copy(gf_.begin(), gf_.end(), gLag_.begin());
      if (ng_>0) casadi_mv_t(Jk_.ptr(), Jk_.sparsity(), getPtr(mu_), getPtr(gLag_));

      // gLag += mu_x_;
      transform(gLag_.begin(), gLag_.end(), mu_x_.begin(), gLag_.begin(), plus<double>());

      // Updating Lagrange Hessian
      if (!exact_hessian_) {
        log("Updating Hessian (BFGS)");
        // BFGS with careful updates and restarts
        if (iter % lbfgs_memory_ == 0) {
          // Reset Hessian approximation by dropping all off-diagonal entries
          const int* colind = Bk_.colind();      // Access sparsity (column offset)
          int ncol = Bk_.size2();
          const int* row = Bk_.row();            // Access sparsity (row)
          vector<double>& data = Bk_.data();             // Access nonzero elements
          for (int cc=0; cc<ncol; ++cc) {     // Loop over the columns of the Hessian
            for (int el=colind[cc]; el<colind[cc+1]; ++el) {
              // Loop over the nonzero elements of the column
              if (cc!=row[el]) data[el] = 0;               // Remove if off-diagonal entries

        // Pass to BFGS update function
        bfgs_.setInput(Bk_, BFGS_BK);
        bfgs_.setInputNZ(x_, BFGS_X);
        bfgs_.setInputNZ(x_old_, BFGS_X_OLD);
        bfgs_.setInputNZ(gLag_, BFGS_GLAG);
        bfgs_.setInputNZ(gLag_old_, BFGS_GLAG_OLD);

        // Update the Hessian approximation

        // Get the updated Hessian
        if (monitored("bfgs")) {
          userOut() << "x = " << x_ << endl;
          userOut() << "BFGS = "  << endl;
      } else {
        // Exact Hessian
        log("Evaluating hessian");
        eval_h(x_, mu_, 1.0, Bk_);

    double time2 = clock();
    t_mainloop_ = (time2-time1)/CLOCKS_PER_SEC;

    // Save results to outputs

    if (hasOption("print_time") && static_cast<bool>(getOption("print_time"))) {
      // Write timings
      userOut() << "time spent in eval_f: " << t_eval_f_ << " s.";
      if (n_eval_f_>0)
        userOut() << " (" << n_eval_f_ << " calls, " << (t_eval_f_/n_eval_f_)*1000
                  << " ms. average)";
      userOut() << endl;
      userOut() << "time spent in eval_grad_f: " << t_eval_grad_f_ << " s.";
      if (n_eval_grad_f_>0)
        userOut() << " (" << n_eval_grad_f_ << " calls, "
             << (t_eval_grad_f_/n_eval_grad_f_)*1000 << " ms. average)";
      userOut() << endl;
      userOut() << "time spent in eval_g: " << t_eval_g_ << " s.";
      if (n_eval_g_>0)
        userOut() << " (" << n_eval_g_ << " calls, " << (t_eval_g_/n_eval_g_)*1000
                  << " ms. average)";
      userOut() << endl;
      userOut() << "time spent in eval_jac_g: " << t_eval_jac_g_ << " s.";
      if (n_eval_jac_g_>0)
        userOut() << " (" << n_eval_jac_g_ << " calls, "
             << (t_eval_jac_g_/n_eval_jac_g_)*1000 << " ms. average)";
      userOut() << endl;
      userOut() << "time spent in eval_h: " << t_eval_h_ << " s.";
      if (n_eval_h_>1)
        userOut() << " (" << n_eval_h_ << " calls, " << (t_eval_h_/n_eval_h_)*1000
                  << " ms. average)";
      userOut() << endl;
      userOut() << "time spent in main loop: " << t_mainloop_ << " s." << endl;
      userOut() << "time spent in callback function: " << t_callback_fun_ << " s." << endl;
      userOut() << "time spent in callback preparation: " << t_callback_prepare_ << " s." << endl;

    // Save statistics
    stats_["iter_count"] = iter;

    stats_["t_eval_f"] = t_eval_f_;
    stats_["t_eval_grad_f"] = t_eval_grad_f_;
    stats_["t_eval_g"] = t_eval_g_;
    stats_["t_eval_jac_g"] = t_eval_jac_g_;
    stats_["t_eval_h"] = t_eval_h_;
    stats_["t_mainloop"] = t_mainloop_;
    stats_["t_callback_fun"] = t_callback_fun_;
    stats_["t_callback_prepare"] = t_callback_prepare_;
    stats_["n_eval_f"] = n_eval_f_;
    stats_["n_eval_grad_f"] = n_eval_grad_f_;
    stats_["n_eval_g"] = n_eval_g_;
    stats_["n_eval_jac_g"] = n_eval_jac_g_;
    stats_["n_eval_h"] = n_eval_h_;
Exemple #25
void Tariff::removeOption( std::string name, std::string country, std::string oper ) {
    if ( hasOption( name, country, oper ) == true )
        tariff.countries[ country ].operators[ oper ].options.erase( name );
Exemple #26
T AbstractProperty::option(const std::string & key, const T & defaultValue) const
    return hasOption(key) ? option(key).value<T>(defaultValue) : defaultValue;
Exemple #27
bool AdBlockRule::isDomainRestricted() const
    return hasOption(DomainRestrictedOption);
Exemple #28
bool AdBlockRule::isElemhide() const
    return hasOption(ElementHideOption);
Exemple #29
bool AdBlockRule::isDocument() const
    return hasOption(DocumentOption);
bool OptionsFunctionalityNode::hasSetOption(const string &str) const{
  if(!hasOption(str)) casadi_error("OptionsFunctionalityNode::hasSetOption: no such option '" << str << "'");
  Dictionary::const_iterator it = dictionary_.find(str);
  return it != dictionary_.end();