void verifyTerms(struct mdbObj *mdbObjs, struct slName *terms)
for(; mdbObjs; mdbObjs=mdbObjs->next)
    struct slName *t;

    for(t=terms; t; t = t->next)
        struct mdbVar *mdbVar = hashFindVal(mdbObjs->varHash, t->name);

        if (mdbVar == NULL)
            errAbort("obj %s doesn't have var %s\n", mdbObjs->obj, t->name);
Exemple #2
struct tracker *trackerForIp(char *ip)
/* Find tracker for given IP address.  Make it up if it
 * doesn't already exist. */
struct tracker *tracker = hashFindVal(trackerHash, ip);
if (tracker == NULL)
    lmAllocVar(trackerHash->lm, tracker);
    hashAddSaveName(trackerHash, ip, tracker, &tracker->name);
    tracker->lastAccess = now;
    tracker->curDelay = -penalty;
    slAddHead(&trackerList, tracker);
return tracker;
struct twoBitFile *twoBitOpenCached(char *path)
/* Return open two bit file associated with path. */
static struct hash *hash = NULL;
struct twoBitFile *tbf;
if (hash == NULL)
    hash = newHash(8);
tbf = hashFindVal(hash, path);
if (tbf == NULL)
    tbf = twoBitOpen(path);
    hashAdd(hash, path, tbf);
return tbf;
void assocGroupAdd(struct assocGroup *ag, char *key, char *val)
/* Add key/val pair to assocGroup. */
struct assocList *al = hashFindVal(ag->listHash, key);
struct slRef *ref;
if (al == NULL)
    lmAllocVar(ag->lm, al);
    hashAdd(ag->listHash, key, al);
val = hashStoreName(ag->valStringHash, val);
lmAllocVar(ag->lm, ref);
ref->val = val;
slAddHead(&al->list, ref);
int termCmp(const void *va, const void *vb)
/* Compare controlled vocab based on term value */
const struct hash *a = *((struct hash **)va);
const struct hash *b = *((struct hash **)vb);
char *typeA = hashMustFindVal((struct hash *)a, CV_TYPE);
char *typeB = hashMustFindVal((struct hash *)b, CV_TYPE);
int ret = strcasecmp(typeA, typeB);
if (ret != 0)
    return ret;

char *targA = hashFindVal((struct hash *)a, CV_TARGET);
char *targB = hashFindVal((struct hash *)b, CV_TARGET);
if (targA != NULL && targB != NULL)
    ret = strcasecmp(targA, targB);
    if (ret != 0)
        return ret;

char *termA = hashMustFindVal((struct hash *)a, CV_TERM);
char *termB = hashMustFindVal((struct hash *)b, CV_TERM);
return (strcasecmp(termA, termB));
Exemple #6
static int gvfHierCmp(const void *va, const void *vb)
/* Sort GVF so that children follow their parents, and children of the same parent 
 * are sorted by var_type -- otherwise things are sorted by size,chromStart,name. */
const struct bed8Attrs *a = *((struct bed8Attrs **)va);
const struct bed8Attrs *b = *((struct bed8Attrs **)vb);
char *aParentName = getAttributeVal(a, "Parent");
char *bParentName = getAttributeVal(b, "Parent");
if (bParentName != NULL && sameString(bParentName, a->name))
    return -1;
else if (aParentName != NULL && sameString(aParentName, b->name))
    return 1;
else if (aParentName != NULL && bParentName != NULL && sameString(aParentName, bParentName) &&
	 getAttributeVal(a, "var_type") != NULL && getAttributeVal(b, "var_type") != NULL)
    return strcmp(getAttributeVal(a, "var_type"), getAttributeVal(b, "var_type"));
    const struct bed8Attrs *bedCmpA = a, *bedCmpB = b;
    if (aParentName != NULL)
	bedCmpA = hashFindVal(nameHash, aParentName);
    if (bParentName != NULL)
	bedCmpB = hashFindVal(nameHash, bParentName);
    int diff = 0;
    if (bedCmpA != NULL && bedCmpB != NULL)
	// no need to compare chrom here
	diff = ((bedCmpB->chromEnd - bedCmpB->chromStart) -
		(bedCmpA->chromEnd - bedCmpA->chromStart));
	if (diff == 0)
	    diff = bedCmpA->chromStart - bedCmpB->chromStart;
    if (diff == 0)
	diff = strcmp(aParentName, bParentName);
    return diff;
Exemple #7
struct dnaSeq *readCachedNib(struct hash *nibHash, char *nibDir,
	char *chrom, int start, int size)
/* Return sequence using cache of nibs. */
struct nibInfo *ni = hashFindVal(nibHash, chrom);
if (ni == NULL)
    char fileName[512];
    sprintf(fileName, "%s/%s.nib", nibDir, chrom);
    ni->fileName = cloneString(fileName);
    nibOpenVerify(fileName, &ni->f, &ni->size);
return nibLdPart(ni->fileName, ni->f, ni->size, start, size);
Exemple #8
static boolean inHapRegion(struct hapRegions *hr, char *chrom, int start, int end)
/* determine if chrom range is in a haplotype region of a reference chromosome */
    struct refChrom *rc = hashFindVal(hr->refMap, chrom);
    if (rc != NULL)
        struct hapChrom *hc;
        for (hc = rc->hapChroms; hc != NULL; hc = hc->next)
            if ((end > hc->refStart) && (start < hc->refEnd))
                return TRUE;
    return FALSE;
Exemple #9
struct table *elsIntoTables(struct elStat *elList, struct hash *dtdHash)
/* Create table and field data structures from element/attribute
 * data structures. */
struct elStat *el;
struct attStat *att;
struct table *tableList = NULL, *table;
struct field *field = NULL;

for (el = elList; el != NULL; el = el->next)
    struct dtdElement *dtdElement = hashFindVal(dtdHash, el->name);
    int attCount = 0;
    if (dtdElement == NULL)
        errAbort("Element %s is in .stats but not in .dtd file", el->name);
    table = tableNew(dtdElement->mixedCaseName, el, dtdElement);
    for (att = el->attList; att != NULL; att = att->next)
	char *name = att->name;
	char *mixedName = NULL;
	if (sameString(name, "<text>"))
	    name = mixedName = textField;
	    struct dtdAttribute *dtdAtt = findDtdAttribute(dtdElement, name);
	    if (dtdAtt == NULL)
		errAbort("Element %s attribute %s is in .stats but not in .dtd file", 
			el->name, name);
	    mixedName = dtdAtt->mixedCaseName;
	field = addFieldToTable(table, name, mixedName, att, 
		FALSE, TRUE, attIsString(att), textField);
	attCount += 1;
    /* If the table is real simple we'll just promote it */
    if (attCount == 1 && sameString(field->name, textField) 
      && (field->attStat->maxLen < maxPromoteSize || !field->isString))
        table->promoted = TRUE;
	table->primaryKey = field;
    slAddHead(&tableList, table);
return tableList;
Exemple #10
struct axt *netFillToAxt(struct cnFill *fill, struct dnaSeq *tChrom , int tSize,
	struct hash *qChromHash, char *nibDir,
	struct chain *chain, boolean swap)
/* Convert subset of chain as defined by fill to axt. swap query and target if swap is true*/
struct dnaSeq *qSeq;
boolean isRev = (chain->qStrand == '-');
struct chain *subChain, *chainToFree;
int qOffset;
struct axt *axtList = NULL , *axt;
struct nibInfo *nib = hashFindVal(qChromHash, fill->qName);

/* Get query sequence fragment. */
    if (nib == NULL)
	char path[512];
	safef(path, sizeof(path), "%s/%s.nib", nibDir, fill->qName);
	nib->fileName = cloneString(path);
	nibOpenVerify(path, &nib->f, &nib->size);
	hashAdd(qChromHash, fill->qName, nib);
    qSeq = nibLoadPartMasked(NIB_MASK_MIXED, nib->fileName, 
    	fill->qStart, fill->qSize);
    if (isRev)
        reverseComplement(qSeq->dna, qSeq->size);
	qOffset = nib->size - (fill->qStart + fill->qSize);
	qOffset = fill->qStart;
chainSubsetOnT(chain, fill->tStart, fill->tStart + fill->tSize, 
	&subChain, &chainToFree);
if (subChain != NULL)
    axtList = chainToAxt(subChain, qSeq, qOffset, tChrom, fill->tStart, 100, BIGNUM);
    if (swap)
        for (axt = axtList ; axt != NULL ; axt = axt->next)
            axtSwap(axt, tSize, nib->size);
return axtList;
Exemple #11
void oneEnsFile(char *ensFile, struct hash *uniq, struct hash *pToT, FILE *f)
/* Process one ensemble peptide prediction file into tab delimited
 * output f, using uniq hash to make sure no dupes. */
struct lineFile *lf = lineFileOpen(ensFile, TRUE);
char *line;
int lineSize;
boolean firstTime = TRUE;
char *translation;

/* Do cursory sanity check. */
if (!lineFileNext(lf, &line, &lineSize))
    errAbort("%s is empty", ensFile);
if (line[0] != '>')
    errAbort("%s is badly formatted, doesn't begin with '>'", ensFile);

while (lineFileNext(lf, &line, &lineSize))
    if (line[0] == '>')
	char *upperCase;
	char *transcript;
	/* End last line. */
	if (firstTime)
	    firstTime = FALSE;
	    fputc('\n', f);
	translation = findEnsTrans(lf, line);
	if (hashLookupUpperCase(uniq, translation) != NULL)
	    errAbort("Duplicate (case insensitive) '%s' line %d of %s", translation, lf->lineIx, lf->fileName);
	upperCase = cloneString(translation);
	hashAdd(uniq, upperCase, NULL);
	transcript = hashFindVal(pToT, translation);
	if (transcript == NULL)
	    errAbort("Can't find transcript for %s", translation);
	fprintf(f, "%s\t", transcript);
	mustWrite(f, line, lineSize-1);
fputc('\n', f);
void addSeqInfo(char *seqInfoName, struct hash *cloneHash)
/* Add in information from sequence.info file. */
/* TSF - stage info now being derived from here - 4/7/2003 */
    struct lineFile *lf = lineFileOpen(seqInfoName, TRUE);
    char *line, *words[16];
    int lineSize, wordCount;
    struct clonePos *clone;
    struct gsSeqInfo gs;
    int warnsLeft = maxWarn;  /* Only show first maxWarn warnings about missing clones. */
    static char stages[] = "PPDF";

    printf("Processing %s\n", seqInfoName);
    while (lineFileNext(lf, &line, &lineSize))
        if (line[0] == '#')
        wordCount = chopLine(line, words);
        if (wordCount == 0)
        if (wordCount < 8)
            errAbort("Expecting 8 words line %d of %s", lf->lineIx, lf->fileName);
        gsSeqInfoStaticLoad(words, &gs);
        /* TSF - Phase 0 clones now included in contig_overlaps.agp 4/23/2003 */
        /*if (gs.phase != 0)
        if ((clone = hashFindVal(cloneHash, gs.acc)) == NULL)
            if (warnsLeft > 0)
                warn("%s is in %s but not in ooDir/*/*.gl", gs.acc, seqInfoName);
            else if (warnsLeft == 0)
                warn("(Truncating additional warnings)");
        clone->seqSize = gs.size;
        clone->phase = gs.phase;
        clone->stage[0] = stages[atoi(words[3])];
        /* } */
void chainStats(char *chains)
int lastChainId = -1;
struct lineFile *chainsLf = lineFileOpen(chains, TRUE);
struct cseqPair *cspList = NULL, *csp;
struct dyString *dy = newDyString(512);
struct hash *chainHash = newHash(0);  /* Hash keyed by qSeq<strand>tSeq */
struct chain *chain;
struct cBlock *block;
int count;

count = 0;
while ((chain = chainRead(chainsLf)) != NULL)
    if (chain->id > lastChainId)
	lastChainId = chain->id;
    dyStringPrintf(dy, "%s%c%s", chain->qName, chain->qStrand, chain->tName);
    csp = hashFindVal(chainHash, dy->string);
    if (csp == NULL)
	slAddHead(&cspList, csp);
	hashAddSaveName(chainHash, dy->string, csp, &csp->name);
	csp->qName = cloneString(chain->qName);
	csp->tName = cloneString(chain->tName);
	csp->qStrand = chain->qStrand;
    slAddHead(&csp->chain, chain);
printf("read in %d chains\n",count);

for(csp = cspList; csp; csp = csp->next)
    slSort(&csp->chain, chainCmpTarget);
    for(chain = csp->chain ; chain ; chain = chain->next)
	for(block = chain->blockList; block; block = block->next)

void processSnps(char *chromName)
/* read through chrN_snpTmp tables */
/* lookup into snpDataHash */
/* write to output file */
char query[512];
struct sqlConnection *conn = hAllocConn();
struct sqlResult *sr;
char **row;
char tableName[64];
char fileName[64];
FILE *f;
struct snpData *sel = NULL;

safef(tableName, ArraySize(tableName), "%s_snpTmp", chromName);
safef(fileName, ArraySize(fileName), "%s_snpTmp.tab", chromName);
f = mustOpen(fileName, "w");

safef(query, sizeof(query), 
     "select snp_id, chromStart, chromEnd, loc_type, class, orientation, fxn_class, "
     "allele, refUCSC, refUCSCReverseComp, observed, weight from %s ", tableName);
sr = sqlGetResult(conn, query);
while ((row = sqlNextRow(sr)) != NULL)
    sel = hashFindVal(snpDataHash, row[0]);
    if (sel == NULL)
        fprintf(f, "%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t", row[0], row[1], row[2], row[3]);
	fprintf(f, "%s\t%s\t%s\t", row[4], row[5], row[6]);
	fprintf(f, "0\t0.0\t0.0\t");
	fprintf(f, "%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\n", row[7], row[8], row[9], row[10], row[11]);
        fprintf(errorFileHandle, "no match for snp_id %s\n", row[0]);
    /* check here for avHet < 0 */
    /* check here for class = "single" and isBiallelic(observed) and avHet <= .5 */
    /* check here for class = "single" and isTriallelic(observed) and avHet <= .3333 */
    /* check here for class = "single" and isQuadallelic(observed) and avHet <= .25 */
    fprintf(f, "%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t", row[0], row[1], row[2], row[3]);
    fprintf(f, "%s\t%s\t%s\t", row[4], row[5], row[6]);
    fprintf(f, "%d\t%s\t%s\t", sel->validation_status, sel->avHet, sel->avHetSE);
    fprintf(f, "%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\n", row[7], row[8], row[9], row[10], row[11]);

Exemple #15
struct hashEl *wildHashLookup(struct hash *hash, char *name)
/* If wildcards are in hash, then look up var in "wildCardHash" bin. */
struct slPair *wild = hashFindVal(hash, WILD_CARD_HASH_BIN);
if (wild == NULL)  // Hasn't been made yet.
    wild = wildHashMakeList(hash);
if (wild == NULL
|| (slCount(wild) == 1 && sameString(wild->name,WILD_CARD_HASH_EMPTY)))
    return NULL; // Empty list means hash contains no names with wildcards

for ( ;wild != NULL; wild=wild->next)
    if (wildMatch(wild->name,name))
        return wild->val;

return NULL;
Exemple #16
int findLastIntronPos(struct hash *bedHash, char *name)
/* Find last intron position in RNA coordinates if we have
 * a bed for this mRNA.  Otherwise (or if it's single exon)
 * return 0. */
struct bed *bed = hashFindVal(bedHash, name);
if (bed == NULL)
    return 0;
if (bed->blockCount < 2)
    return 0;
int rnaSize = bedTotalBlockSize(bed);
if (bed->strand[0] == '+')
    return rnaSize - bed->blockSizes[bed->blockCount-1];
    return rnaSize - bed->blockSizes[0];
static char *mdbLookupField(struct mdbObj *mdb, char *field)
/* Lookup a field in a mdbObj. */
if (sameString(field, "obj"))
    return mdb->obj;
    struct mdbVar *var =  hashFindVal(mdb->varHash, field);
    if (var == NULL)
	return NULL;
	return var->val;
static struct slRef *simpleSearchForTracksstruct(struct trix *trix,char **descWords,int descWordCount)
// Performs the simple search and returns the found tracks.
struct slRef *tracks = NULL;

struct trixSearchResult *tsList;
for(tsList = trixSearch(trix, descWordCount, descWords, TRUE); tsList != NULL; tsList = tsList->next)
    struct track *track = (struct track *) hashFindVal(trackHash, tsList->itemId);
    if (track != NULL)  // It is expected that this is NULL (e.g. when the trix references trackDb tracks which have no tables)
        refAdd(&tracks, track);
return tracks;
double weightOfEvidence(struct txGraph *txg, struct txEvidence *evList, struct hash *weightHash)
/* Sum up weight of all evidence and return. */
    struct txEvidence *ev;
    double total = 0;
    for (ev = evList; ev != NULL; ev = ev->next)
        struct txSource *source = &txg->sources[ev->sourceId];
        struct weight *weight = hashFindVal(weightHash, source->type);
        if (weight == NULL)
            errAbort("No weight of type %s\n", source->type);
            total += weight->value;
    return total;
Exemple #20
struct gbIgnoreAcc* gbIgnoreGet(struct gbIgnore *ignore, char *acc,
                                time_t modDate)
/* Get he ignore entry for an accession and modedate, or NULL  */
if (ignore->accHash != NULL)
    struct gbIgnoreAcc *igAcc = hashFindVal(ignore->accHash, acc);
    while (igAcc != NULL)
        if (igAcc->modDate == modDate)
            return igAcc;
        igAcc = igAcc->next;
return NULL;
void transferExceptions(char *inName, char *inSource, struct hash *pepToRefHash,
	char *outName, FILE *f)
/* Write out exceptions attatched to inName to file, this time
 * attached to outName. */
if (sameString(inSource, "ccds") || startsWith("RefPep", inSource))
    char *refName = hashFindVal(pepToRefHash, inName);
    if (refName != NULL)
        inName = refName;
if (hashLookup(selenocysteineHash, inName))
    fprintf(f, "%s\tselenocysteine\tyes\n", outName);
if (hashLookup(altStartHash, inName))
    fprintf(f, "%s\texception\talternative_start_codon\n", outName);
struct dnaSeq *loadSomeSeq(struct hash *otherHash, char *chrom, int start, int end)
/* Load sequence from chromosome file referenced in chromTable. */
    struct dnaSeq *seq = NULL;
    struct otherSeq *os = hashFindVal(otherHash, chrom);

    if (os != NULL)
        seq = nibLdPart(os->nibFile, os->f, os->chromSize, start, end - start);
        warn("Sequence %s isn't a chromsome", chrom);
    return seq;
void readMarkers(struct lineFile *mkf)
/* Read in Sanger sts name, UniSTS ID and aliases */
/* All Sanger names in this file are found in the Clone marker file */
struct bac *b = NULL;
struct alias *a = NULL;
char *words[6], *sanger[NUMSANGER], *stsIdandAliases[NUMALIASES], *extName = NULL;
char *firstAlias = NULL, **aliases = NULL, *pr1 = NULL, *pr2 = NULL;
int sangerCount = 0, nameCount = 0, i, j, k;
char sep = '|';
boolean isId = TRUE;

/* Read in all rows */
while (lineFileChopCharNext(mkf, sep, words, 6))
    sangerCount = chopByChar(words[1], ';', sanger, ArraySize(sanger));
    nameCount = chopByChar(words[2], ';', stsIdandAliases, ArraySize(stsIdandAliases));
    pr1 = cloneString(words[3]);
    pr2 = cloneString(words[4]);

    /* process each sanger name found */
    for (i = 0; i < sangerCount; i++)
        /* use sanger name to find alias struct in hash */
        if ((a = hashFindVal(aliasHash, sanger[i])) != NULL)
            /* if string is numeric, then it is an integer ID so do not add to array */
            k = 0;
            for (j = 0; j < nameCount; j++)
                isId = stringIsAnInteger(stsIdandAliases[j]);
                if (!isId)
                    a->aliases[k] = cloneString(stsIdandAliases[j]);
            /* store primer sequences */
            a->primer1 = cloneString(pr1);
            a->primer2 = cloneString(pr2);
            fprintf(stderr, "Can not find sanger name, %s, in aliasHash\n", sanger[i]);
static void doOneCommand(struct cartJson *cj, char *command,
                         struct jsonElement *paramObject)
/* Dispatch command by name, checking for required parameters. */
CartJsonHandler *handler = hashFindVal(cj->handlerHash, command);
if (handler)
    struct hash *paramHash = jsonObjectVal(paramObject, command);
    handler(cj, paramHash);
    jsonWriteStringf(cj->jw, "error",
		     "cartJson: unrecognized command '%s'\"", command);
struct genoLay *ggLayout(struct sqlConnection *conn, 
	int graphRows, int graphCols)
/* Figure out how to lay out image. */
int i,j;
struct genoLayChrom *chromList;
int oneRowHeight;
int minLeftLabelWidth = 0, minRightLabelWidth = 0;

/* Figure out basic dimensions of image. */
trackLayoutInit(&tl, cart);
tl.picWidth = cartUsualInt(cart, hggImageWidth, hgDefaultPixWidth);

/* Refine all graphs actually used, and calculate label
 * widths if need be. */
for (i=0; i<graphRows; ++i)
    for (j=0; j<graphCols; ++j)
	char *source = graphSourceAt(i,j);
	if (source != NULL)
	    struct genoGraph *gg = hashFindVal(ggHash, source);
	    if (gg != NULL)
		if (withLabels)
		    int labelWidth;
		    labelWidth = ggLabelWidth(gg, tl.font);
		    if (j == 0 && labelWidth > minLeftLabelWidth)
			minLeftLabelWidth = labelWidth;
		    if (j == 1 && labelWidth > minRightLabelWidth)
			minRightLabelWidth = labelWidth;

/* Get list of chromosomes and lay them out. */
chromList = genoLayDbChroms(conn, FALSE);
oneRowHeight = graphHeight()+betweenRowPad;
return genoLayNew(chromList, tl.font, tl.picWidth, graphRows*oneRowHeight,
	minLeftLabelWidth, minRightLabelWidth, chromLayout());
Exemple #26
int hubCheckTrackSetting(struct trackHub *hub, struct trackDb *tdb, char *setting, 
                                struct trackHubCheckOptions *options, struct dyString *errors)
/* Check trackDb setting to spec (by version and level). Returns non-zero if error, msg in errors */
int retVal = 0;

verbose(4, "    Check setting '%s'\n", setting);
/* skip internally added/used settings */
if (sameString(setting, "polished") || sameString(setting, "group"))
    return 0;

/* check setting is in extra file of supported settings */
if (options->extra && hashLookup(options->extra, setting))
        return 0;

/* check setting is supported in this version */
struct trackHubSettingSpec *hubSetting = hashFindVal(options->settings, setting);
if (hubSetting == NULL)
    dyStringPrintf(errors, "Setting '%s' is unknown/unsupported", setting);
    char *suggest = suggestSetting(setting, options);
    if (suggest != NULL)
        dyStringPrintf(errors, " (did you mean '%s' ?)", suggest);
    dyStringPrintf(errors, "\n");
    retVal = 1;
else if (sameString(hubSetting->level, "deprecated"))
    dyStringPrintf(errors, "Setting '%s' is deprecated\n", setting);
    retVal = 1;
    /*  check level */
    struct trackHubSettingSpec *checkLevel = NULL;
    checkLevel->level = options->level;
    if (trackHubSettingLevel(hubSetting) < trackHubSettingLevel(checkLevel))
        dyStringPrintf(errors, "Setting '%s' is level '%s'\n", setting, hubSetting->level);
        retVal = 1;
return retVal;
void outputAlignmentForStan(struct sqlConnection *conn, struct stanMad *sm, struct hash *iHash, FILE *out)
struct psl *pslList, *bestPsl = NULL;
char buff[1024];
int i;
struct imageClone *ic = NULL;
sprintf(buff, "%d", sm->clid);
printf("Looking for %s\n", buff);
ic = hashFindVal(iHash, buff);
if(ic != NULL) 
    /* first try looking for the image clones themselves... */
    for(i=0; i<ic->numGenbank; i++) 
	char query[1024];
	sqlSafef(query, sizeof query, "select * from all_est where qName='%s'", ic->genbankIds[i]);
	pslList = pslLoadByQuery(conn, buff);
	if(pslList != NULL) 
	    slSort(&pslList, pslCmpScore);	
	    if(bestPsl == NULL || (pslScore(pslList) > pslScore(bestPsl)))
		bestPsl = copyPsl(pslList);

    if(bestPsl != NULL)
	sprintf(buff, "%d", sm->clid);
	bestPsl->qName = cloneString(buff);
	fprintf(out, "%d\talignment unknown\n", sm->clid);
    fprintf(out, "%d\tunknown\n", sm->clid);
Exemple #28
static struct pslRef *getSetQueryPsls(struct pslSets *ps, int iSet, char *qName)
/* get the pslRefs objects for a query from the given set */
struct pslRef *psls = NULL;
struct pslQuery *pq = hashFindVal(ps->sets[iSet]->queryHash, qName);
if (pq != NULL)
    struct psl *psl;
    for (psl = pq->psls; psl != NULL; psl = psl->next)
        struct pslRef *pr = pslRefAlloc(ps);
        pr->psl = psl;
        slAddHead(&psls, pr);
return psls;
Exemple #29
struct hash *getChromLimits(char *database)
/* Get hash full of chromosome limits. */
struct sqlConnection *conn = hAllocConn(database);
struct sqlResult *sr;
char **row;
struct hash *hash = newHash(8);
struct chromLimit *clList = NULL, *cl;
double sum = 0;
char *limitFile = optionVal("chromLimit", NULL);

/* Read in chromosome info from database. */
sr = sqlGetResult(conn, "NOSQLINJ select chrom,size from chromInfo");
while ((row = sqlNextRow(sr)) != NULL)
    hashAddSaveName(hash, row[0], cl, &cl->name);
    cl->size = atoi(row[1]);
    sum += cl->size;
    slAddHead(&clList, cl);

/* Calculate max picks. */
for (cl = clList; cl != NULL; cl = cl->next)
    cl->maxPicks = round(60.0*cl->size/sum);

/* Override max picks based on chromLimits file if any. */
if (limitFile != NULL)
    struct lineFile *lf = lineFileOpen(limitFile, TRUE);
    char *row[2];
    while (lineFileRow(lf, row))
	cl = hashFindVal(hash, row[0]);
	cl->maxPicks = lineFileNeedNum(lf, row, 1);

return hash;
Exemple #30
void cdwChangeAccess(char *chmodString, char *rqlWhere)
/* cdwChangeAccess - Change access to files.. */
char cWhere, cDir, cAccess;
parseChmodString(chmodString, &cWhere, &cDir, &cAccess);

/* Get list of all stanzas matching query */
struct sqlConnection *conn = cdwConnectReadWrite();
struct tagStorm *tags = cdwTagStorm(conn);
struct dyString *rqlQuery = dyStringNew(0);
dyStringPrintf(rqlQuery, "select accession from cdwFileTags where accession and %s", rqlWhere);
struct slRef *ref, *matchRefList = tagStanzasMatchingQuery(tags, rqlQuery->string);

/* Make one pass through mostly for early error reporting and building up 
 * hash of cdwValidFiles keyed by accession */
struct hash *validHash = hashNew(0);
for (ref = matchRefList; ref != NULL; ref = ref->next)
    struct tagStanza *stanza = ref->val;
    char *acc = tagFindVal(stanza, "accession");
    if (acc != NULL)
	struct cdwValidFile *vf = cdwValidFileFromLicensePlate(conn, acc);
	if (vf == NULL)
	    errAbort("%s not found in cdwValidFile", acc);
	hashAdd(validHash, acc, vf);

/* Second pass through matching list we call routine that actually adds
 * the group/file relationship. */
for (ref = matchRefList; ref != NULL; ref = ref->next)
    struct tagStanza *stanza = ref->val;
    char *acc = tagFindVal(stanza, "accession");
    if (acc != NULL)
	struct cdwValidFile *vf = hashFindVal(validHash, acc);
	if (vf != NULL)
	    changeAccess(conn, vf->fileId, cWhere, cDir, cAccess);