Exemple #1
static struct brokenRefPep *brokenRefPepObtain(struct brokenRefPepTbl *brpTbl,
                                               char *protAcc, int protSeqId,
                                               short protVer)
/* get a brokenRefPep object if it exists, or create a new one. protSeqId
 * is 0 if not known, protVer is -1 if not known.*/
struct hashEl *hel = hashStore(brpTbl->protAccHash, protAcc);
struct brokenRefPep *brp = hel->val;
if (brp == NULL)
    lmAllocVar(brpTbl->protAccHash->lm, brp);
    hel->val = brp;
    brp->protSeqId = protSeqId;
    brp->protAcc = hel->name;
    brp->protVer = protVer;
    brp->newFaId = -1;
    brp->newFaOff = -1;
    /* exists, update ids if needed */
    if ((protSeqId > 0) && (brp->protSeqId > 0) && (protSeqId != brp->protSeqId))
        errAbort("%s protSeqId mismatch", protAcc);
    if (brp->protSeqId == 0)
        brp->protSeqId = protSeqId;
    if ((protVer >= 0) && (brp->protVer >= 0) && (protVer != brp->protVer))
        errAbort("%s protVer mismatch", protAcc);
    if (brp->protVer < 0)
        brp->protVer = protVer;
return brp;
Exemple #2
static struct slName *getGenomeDbs(struct gbConf *conf)
/* get list of genome databases from variable names */
// build hash of dbs
struct hash *dbSet = hashNew(20);
struct hashCookie cookie = hashFirst(conf->hash);
struct hashEl *hel;
while ((hel = hashNext(&cookie)) != NULL)
    char *prefix = parsePrefix(hel->name);
    if (isGenomeDb(prefix))
        hashStore(dbSet, prefix);

// convert to a list of dbs
struct slName *dbs = NULL;
cookie = hashFirst(dbSet);
while ((hel = hashNext(&cookie)) != NULL)
    slSafeAddHead(&dbs, slNameNew(hel->name));
hashPrintStats(dbSet, "gbConfDbSet", stderr);
slSort(&dbs, slNameCmp);
return dbs;
Exemple #3
static void loadPolyASizeRec(struct hash *pasHash, char **row)
/* load one polyA size record into the hash table.  This
 * places in hash localmem to reduce memory usage */
struct polyASize pas, *pasRec;
struct hashEl *recHel;

polyASizeStaticLoad(row, &pas);
recHel = hashStore(pasHash, pas.id);
if (recHel->val != NULL)
    /* record already exists for this id, validate */
    pasRec = recHel->val;
    if ((pasRec->seqSize != pas.seqSize)
        ||(pasRec->tailPolyASize != pas.tailPolyASize)
        || (pasRec->headPolyTSize != pas.headPolyTSize))
        errAbort("multiple polyA size records for %s with different data", pas.id);
    /* add new record */
    lmAllocVar(pasHash->lm, pasRec);
    pasRec->id = recHel->name;
    pasRec->seqSize = pas.seqSize;
    pasRec->tailPolyASize = pas.tailPolyASize;
    pasRec->headPolyTSize = pas.headPolyTSize;
Exemple #4
void readBad(struct hash *badHash, char *fileName, int cloneWord)
/* Read bad clones into hash. */
char *words[8];
struct lineFile *lf = lineFileOpen(fileName, TRUE);
int wordCount;
char *acc;
int badCount = 0;

while ((wordCount = lineFileChop(lf, words)) != 0)
    if (wordCount < cloneWord+1)
        errAbort("Expecting at least %d words line %d of %s", cloneWord+1,
		lf->lineIx, lf->fileName);
    acc = words[cloneWord];
    if (!checkAccFormat(acc))
        errAbort("Badly formatted accession line %d of %s", lf->lineIx, lf->fileName);
    hashStore(badHash, acc);
printf("Got %d clones to avoid from %s\n", badCount, fileName);
Exemple #5
static void findReplaced(struct sqlConnection *conn, struct genomeInfo *genome,
                         struct hash* ignoreTbl)
/* find CCDSs that have been replaced.  Done in a separate pass due to the
 * lack of sub-selects in mysql 4. */
verbose(2, "begin findReplaced\n");
static char select[4096];
sqlSafef(select, sizeof(select),
      "SELECT "
      "CcdsUids.ccds_uid, GroupVersions.ccds_version "
      "FROM %s, Interpretations, InterpretationSubtypes "
      "WHERE %s "
      "AND (Interpretations.ccds_uid = CcdsUids.ccds_uid) "
      "AND (Interpretations.interpretation_subtype_uid = InterpretationSubtypes.interpretation_subtype_uid) "
      "AND (InterpretationSubtypes.interpretation_subtype in (\"Strand changed\", \"Location changed\", \"Merged\")) "
      "AND (Interpretations.val_description in (\"New CCDS\", \"Merged into\"))",
      mkCommonFrom(FALSE), mkCommonWhere(genome, conn, FALSE));

struct sqlResult *sr = sqlGetResult(conn, select);
char **row;
int cnt = 0;
while ((row = sqlNextRow(sr)) != NULL)
    struct hashEl *hel = hashStore(ignoreTbl, ccdsMkId(sqlUnsigned(row[0]), sqlUnsigned(row[1])));
    hel->val = "replaced";
    verbose(4, "    replaced: %s\n", hel->name);
verbose(2, "end findReplaced: %d replaced CCDS found\n", cnt);
Exemple #6
static void findPartialMatches(struct sqlConnection *conn, struct genomeInfo *genome,
                               struct hash* ignoreTbl)
/* find CCDS interpretation_subtype of "Partial match".  Done in a separate
 * pass due to the lack of sub-selects in mysql 4. */
verbose(2, "begin findPartialMatches\n");
char select[4096];
sqlSafef(select, sizeof(select),
      "SELECT "
      "CcdsUids.ccds_uid, GroupVersions.ccds_version "
      "FROM %s, CcdsStatusVals, Interpretations, InterpretationSubtypes "
      "WHERE %s "
      "AND (CcdsStatusVals.ccds_status_val_uid = GroupVersions.ccds_status_val_uid) "
      "AND (Interpretations.group_version_uid = GroupVersions.group_version_uid) "
      "AND (Interpretations.interpretation_subtype_uid = InterpretationSubtypes.interpretation_subtype_uid) "
      "AND (InterpretationSubtypes.interpretation_subtype = \"Partial match\")",
      mkCommonFrom(FALSE), mkCommonWhere(genome, conn, FALSE));

struct sqlResult *sr = sqlGetResult(conn, select);
char **row;
int cnt = 0;
while ((row = sqlNextRow(sr)) != NULL)
    struct hashEl *hel = hashStore(ignoreTbl, ccdsMkId(sqlUnsigned(row[0]), sqlUnsigned(row[1])));
    hel->val = "partial_match";
    verbose(4, "    partial_match: %s\n", hel->name);
verbose(2, "end findPartialMatches: %d partial matches found\n", cnt);
Exemple #7
static void addQueryNames(struct hash *qNameHash, struct pslTbl *pslTbl)
/* add query names to the hash table if they are not already there. */
struct hashCookie hc = hashFirst(pslTbl->queryHash);
struct pslQuery *q;
while ((q = hashNextVal(&hc)) != NULL)
    hashStore(qNameHash, q->qName);  /* add if not there */
Exemple #8
struct hash *uniqHash(struct slName *list)
/* Return hash of unique items. */
struct hash *hash = hashNew(0);
struct slName *el;
for (el = list; el != NULL; el = el->next)
    hashStore(hash, el->name);
return hash;
Exemple #9
static struct prefixElems *prefixElemsObtain(struct hash *prefixMap,
                                             char *prefix)
/* construct a new prefixElems */
struct hashEl *hashEl = hashStore(prefixMap, prefix);
if (hashEl->val == NULL)
    hashEl->val = prefixElemsNew(prefix);
return hashEl->val;
struct rbTree *genomeRangeTreeFindOrAddRangeTree(struct genomeRangeTree *tree, char *chrom)
/* Find the rangeTree for this chromosome, or add new chrom and empty rangeTree if not found. */
struct hashEl *hel;
hel = hashStore(tree->hash, chrom);
if (hel->val == NULL) /* need to add a new rangeTree */
    hel->val = rangeTreeNewDetailed(tree->lm, tree->stack);
return hel->val;
Exemple #11
static void parseIDAttr(struct gff3Ann *g3a, struct gff3AttrVals *attrVals)
/* parse the ID attribute */
checkSingleValAttr(g3a, attrVals);
char *id = attrVals->vals->name;
struct hashEl *hel = hashStore(g3a->file->byId, id);
if (hel->val != NULL)
    gff3AnnErr(g3a, "duplicate annotation record with ID: %s", id);
hel->val = g3a;
g3a->id = id;
void addFreqToHash(struct hash *freqHash, char *tag, char *id, int val)
/* Add the frequency to the end of the list in the hash. */
/* This is done at each line in the frequencies file. */
struct hashEl *el = hashStore(freqHash, tag);
struct slPair *newOne;
struct slPair **pList = (struct slPair **)&el->val;
newOne->name = cloneString(id);
newOne->val = intToPt(val);
slAddHead(pList, newOne);
Exemple #13
void txCdsPredict(char *inFa, char *outCds, char *nmdBed, char *mafFile, boolean anyStart)
/* txCdsPredict - Somewhat simple-minded ORF predictor using a weighting scheme.. */
struct dnaSeq *rna, *rnaList = faReadAllDna(inFa);
verbose(2, "Read %d sequences from %s\n", slCount(rnaList), inFa);

/* Make up hash of bed records for NMD analysis. */
struct hash *nmdHash = hashNew(18);
if (nmdBed != NULL)
    struct bed *bed, *bedList = bedLoadNAll(nmdBed, 12);
    for (bed = bedList; bed != NULL; bed = bed->next)
        hashAdd(nmdHash, bed->name, bed);
    verbose(2, "Read %d beds from %s\n", nmdHash->elCount, nmdBed);

/* Make up hash of maf records for conservation analysis. */
struct hash *mafHash = hashNew(18);
int otherSpeciesCount = 0;
if (mafFile != NULL)
    struct mafFile *mf = mafReadAll(mafFile);
    struct mafAli *maf;
    for (maf = mf->alignments; maf != NULL; maf = maf->next)
	hashAdd(mafHash, maf->components->src, maf);
    verbose(2, "Read %d alignments from %s\n", mafHash->elCount, mafFile);

    struct hash *uniqSpeciesHash = hashNew(0);
    for (maf = mf->alignments; maf != NULL; maf = maf->next)
	struct mafComp *comp;
	for (comp = maf->components->next;  comp != NULL; comp = comp->next)
	    hashStore(uniqSpeciesHash, comp->src);
    otherSpeciesCount = uniqSpeciesHash->elCount;
    verbose(2, "%d other species in %s\n", otherSpeciesCount, mafFile);

FILE *f = mustOpen(outCds, "w");
for (rna = rnaList; rna != NULL; rna = rna->next)
    verbose(3, "%s\n", rna->name);
    struct cdsEvidence *orfList = orfsOnRna(rna, nmdHash, mafHash, otherSpeciesCount, anyStart);
    if (orfList != NULL)
	slSort(&orfList, cdsEvidenceCmpScore);
	cdsEvidenceTabOut(orfList, f);
Exemple #14
static void handleNoMapping(struct spMapper *sm, char *id, char reason)
/* record id that can't be mapped */
struct hashEl *hel = hashStore(sm->noMapTbl, id);
if (hel->val == NULL)
    if (reason == noUnirefMapping)
    else if (reason == noKGMapping)
hel->val = intToPt(reason);
Exemple #15
struct hash *hashFirstWord(char *fileName)
/* Hash first word in each line of file */
char *row[1];
struct hash *hash = newHash(0);
struct lineFile *lf = lineFileOpen(fileName, TRUE);
while (lineFileRow(lf, row))
    hashStore(hash, row[0]);
return hash;
Exemple #16
static void checkOneSubGroups(char *compositeName,
    struct trackDb *td, struct subGroupData *sgd)
char *subGroups = trackDbSetting(td, "subGroups");

verbose(2, "   checkOne %s %s\n", compositeName, td->track);
if (subGroups && (sgd->nameHash == NULL))
    errAbort("subTrack %s has groups not defined in parent %s\n",
	     td->track, compositeName);
else if (!subGroups && (sgd->nameHash != NULL))
    errAbort("subtrack %s is missing subGroups defined in parent %s\n",
	td->track, compositeName);

if (!subGroups && (sgd->nameHash == NULL))
    return; /* nothing to do */

assert(sgd->nameHash != NULL);

struct slPair *slPair, *slPairList = slPairFromString(subGroups);
struct hash *foundHash = newHash(3);
for (slPair = slPairList; slPair; slPair = slPair->next)
    struct hashEl *hel = hashLookup( sgd->nameHash, slPair->name);
    if (hel == NULL)
	errAbort("subtrack %s has subGroup (%s) not found in parent\n",
	    td->track, slPair->name);

    struct hash *subHash = hel->val;
    hashStore(foundHash, slPair->name);

    if (hashLookup(subHash, slPair->val) == NULL)
	errAbort("subtrack %s has subGroup (%s) with value (%s) not found in parent\n",
	    td->track, slPair->name, (char *)slPair->val);

struct hashCookie cookie = hashFirst(sgd->nameHash);
struct hashEl *hel;
while ((hel = hashNext(&cookie)) != NULL)
    if (hashLookup(foundHash, hel->name) == NULL)
	errAbort("subtrack %s is missing required subGroup %s\n",
	    td->track, hel->name);

Exemple #17
static void saveProtFastaPath(struct brokenRefPepTbl* brpTbl,
                              struct brokenRefPep* brp,
                              char *mrnaAcc, char *mrnaFa)
/* save protein fasta file path; mangles mrnaFa string */
char protFa[PATH_LEN];
safef(brp->mrnaAcc, sizeof(brp->mrnaAcc), "%s", mrnaAcc);
chopSuffixAt(mrnaFa, '/');
safef(protFa, sizeof(protFa), "%s/pep.fa", mrnaFa);
// ignore result from hashStore()
(void) hashStore(brpTbl->protFaHash, protFa);
safef(brp->newFaPath, sizeof(brp->newFaPath), "%s", protFa);
Exemple #18
static void kgPairSave(struct spMapper *sm, char *qSpId, char *tSpId,
                       char *queryId, char *targetId, float score)
/* save a bi-directional e-value for a query/target pair */
struct hashEl *queryHel = hashStore(sm->kgPairMap, queryId);
struct hashEl *targetHel = hashStore(sm->kgPairMap, targetId);
struct kgPair *kgPair = kgPairFind(queryHel, targetHel);
if (kgPair != NULL)
    if (((sm->scoreDir < 0) && (score < kgPair->score))
        || ((sm->scoreDir > 0) && (score > kgPair->score)))
        kgPair->score = score; /* better score */
        verbose(3, "updating: %s <> %s -> %s <> %s: %0.3f\n", qSpId, tSpId,
                queryId, targetId, score);
    kgPairAdd(sm, queryHel, targetHel, score);
    verbose(3, "mapping: %s <> %s -> %s <> %s: %0.3f\n", qSpId, tSpId,
            queryId, targetId, score);
Exemple #19
int countUniqInHash(struct slName *list, struct hash *hash)
/* Count number of items in list that are also in hash */
struct hash *uniqHash = hashNew(0);
struct slName *el;
for (el = list; el != NULL; el = el->next)
    if (hashLookup(hash, el->name))
	hashStore(uniqHash, el->name);
int count = uniqHash->elCount;
return count;
void checkOverlap(struct mdbObj *mdbObjs, struct group *groups)
int errs = 0;
for(; mdbObjs; mdbObjs = mdbObjs->next)
    struct mdbVar *mdbVar = hashFindVal(mdbObjs->varHash, "objType");
    if (sameString(mdbVar->val, "composite"))
    struct group *ourGroup = findGroup(mdbObjs, groups);
    if (ourGroup == NULL)
        errAbort("cannot find group for %s\n", mdbObjs->obj);
    mdbVar = hashFindVal(mdbObjs->varHash, "view");

    if (mdbVar == NULL)
        errAbort("obj %s has no view", mdbObjs->obj);

    struct hashEl *hel;
    if (ourGroup->viewHash == NULL)
        ourGroup->viewHash = newHash(10);

    struct mdbVar *mdbReplicate = hashFindVal(mdbObjs->varHash, "replicate");
    char buffer[10*1024];

    if (mdbReplicate != NULL)
        if (ourGroup->repHash == NULL)
            ourGroup->repHash = newHash(10);
        hashStore(ourGroup->repHash, mdbReplicate->val);
        safef(buffer, sizeof buffer, "%s-%s",mdbVar->val, mdbReplicate->val);
        safef(buffer, sizeof buffer, "%s",mdbVar->val);

    if ((hel = hashLookup(ourGroup->viewHash, buffer)) != NULL)
        printf("two views of type %s in same group\n",buffer);
        printf("objects are %s and %s\n", (char *)hel->val, mdbObjs->obj);
        hashAdd(ourGroup->viewHash, buffer, mdbObjs->obj);
if (errs)
static struct hash* loadPslByQname(char* inPslFile)
/* load PSLs in to hash by qName.  Make sure target strand is positive
 * to make process easier later. */
struct hash* pslsByQName = hashNew(0);
struct psl *psls = pslLoadAll(inPslFile);
struct psl *psl;
while ((psl = slPopHead(&psls)) != NULL)
    if (pslTStrand(psl) != '+')
    struct hashEl *hel = hashStore(pslsByQName, psl->qName);
    struct psl** queryPsls = (struct psl**)&hel->val;
    slAddHead(queryPsls, psl);
return pslsByQName;
Exemple #22
static struct hash *readLift(char *liftAcross)
/* read in liftAcross file, create hash of srcName as hash key,
 *	hash elements are simple lists of coordinate relationships
 *	return them all sorted by start position
char *row[6];
struct hash *result = newHash(8);
struct hashEl *hel = NULL;
struct lineFile *lf = lineFileOpen(liftAcross, TRUE);
while (lineFileNextRow(lf, row, ArraySize(row)))
    struct liftSpec *liftSpec;
    hel = hashStore(result, row[0]);		/* srcName hash	*/
    liftSpec->start = sqlUnsigned(row[1]);	/* src start	*/
    liftSpec->end = sqlUnsigned(row[2]);	/* src end	*/
    liftSpec->dstName = cloneString(row[3]);	/* dstName	*/
    liftSpec->dstStart = sqlUnsigned(row[4]);	/* dst start	*/
    liftSpec->strand = '+';			/* dst strand	*/
    if ('-' == *row[5])
	liftSpec->strand = '-';
    /* accumulate list of lift specs under the srcName hash	*/
    slAddHead(&(hel->val), liftSpec);

/*	Go through each srcName in the hash, and sort the list there by
 *	the start coordinate of each item.  The searching will expect
 *	them to be in order.
struct hashCookie cookie = hashFirst(result);
while ((hel = hashNext(&cookie)) != NULL)
    slSort(&(hel->val), lsStartCmp);
    if (verboseLevel() > 2)
	struct liftSpec *ls;
	for (ls = hel->val; ls != NULL; ls = ls->next)
	    verbose(3, "# %s\t%d\t%d\t%s\t%d\t%c\n", hel->name, ls->start,
		ls->end, ls->dstName, ls->dstStart, ls->strand);

return result;
Exemple #23
static void addIfFirstMatch(struct dbDb *dbDb, enum dbDbMatchType type, int offset, char *target,
                            char *term, struct hash *matchHash, struct dbDbMatch **pMatchList)
/* If target doesn't already have a match in matchHash, compute matchLength and isWord,
 * and then add the new match to pMatchList and add target to matchHash. */
if (dbDb->active && ! hashLookup(matchHash, target))
    char *termInTarget = (offset >= 0) ? target+offset : target;
    int matchLength = countSame(term, termInTarget);
    // is the match complete up to a word boundary in termInTarget?
    boolean isWord = (matchLength == strlen(term) &&
                       (termInTarget[matchLength] == '\0' || isspace(termInTarget[matchLength])));
    boolean isComplete = sameString(term, target);
    struct dbDbMatch *match = dbDbMatchNew(dbDb, type, offset, isWord, isComplete);
    slAddHead(pMatchList, match);
    hashStore(matchHash, target);
Exemple #24
struct sumStats *sumStatsGetForQuery(struct hash *queryStatsTbl,
                                     char *qName, unsigned qSize)
/* lookup a stats on query by name, creating if it doesn't exist */
struct hashEl *hel = hashStore(queryStatsTbl, qName);
struct sumStats *qs = hel->val;
if (qs == NULL)
    qs->qName = hel->name;  /* use string in hash */
    qs->queryCnt = 1;
    qs->minQSize = qs->maxQSize = qSize;
    hel->val = qs;
else if (qs->minQSize != qSize)
    errAbort("conflicting query sizes for %s: %d and %d", qName, qs->minQSize, qSize);
return hel->val;
Exemple #25
static struct aHubMatch *filterTrixSearchMatches(struct dbDb *dbDbList,
                                                 struct trixSearchResult *tsrList)
/* Collect the assembly hub matches (not track hub matches) from a search in hub trix files. */
if (tsrList == NULL)
    return NULL;
struct aHubMatch *aHubMatchList = NULL;
// Make a hash of local dbs so we can tell which hub dbs must be assembly hubs
// not track hubs.
struct hash *localDbs = hashNew(0);
struct dbDb *dbDb;
for (dbDb = dbDbList;  dbDb != NULL;  dbDb = dbDb->next)
    hashStore(localDbs, dbDb->name);

// tsrList gives hub URLs which we can then look up in hubPublic.
struct dyString *query = sqlDyStringCreate("select shortLabel,hubUrl,dbList from %s "
                                           "where hubUrl in (",
struct trixSearchResult *tsr;
for (tsr = tsrList;  tsr != NULL; tsr = tsr->next)
    if (tsr != tsrList)
        dyStringAppend(query, ", ");
    dyStringPrintf(query, "'%s'", tsr->itemId);
dyStringAppendC(query, ')');
struct sqlConnection *conn = hConnectCentral();
struct sqlResult *sr = sqlGetResult(conn, query->string);
char **row;
while ((row = sqlNextRow(sr)) != NULL)
    char *shortLabel = row[0];
    char *hubUrl = row[1];
    struct slName *dbName, *dbList = slNameListFromComma(row[2]);
    for (dbName = dbList;  dbName != NULL;  dbName = dbName->next)
        if (! hashLookup(localDbs, dbName->name))
            slAddHead(&aHubMatchList, aHubMatchNew(shortLabel, hubUrl, dbName->name));
return aHubMatchList;
Exemple #26
void buildCutHash(char *file, struct hash *hash)
/* Each line of file contains a file name.  Put the
 * non-dir/non-suffix part onto hash. */
struct lineFile *lf = lineFileOpen(file, TRUE);
char dir[256], name[128], ext[64];
int lineSize;
char *line;
int count = 0;

while (lineFileNext(lf, &line, &lineSize))
    splitPath(line, dir, name, ext);
    hashStore(hash, name);
printf("%d clones in cut list %s\n", count, file);
Exemple #27
static void addVersionRa(boolean strict, char *database, char *dirName, char *raName,
                         struct hash *trackHash)
/* Read in tracks from raName and add them to table, pruning as required. Call
 * top-down so that track override will work. */
struct trackDb *tdbList = trackDbFromRa(raName, NULL), *tdb;
/* prune records of the incorrect release */
tdbList= pruneRelease(tdbList);

/* load tracks, replacing higher-level ones with lower-level and
 * applying overrides*/
while ((tdb = slPopHead(&tdbList)) != NULL)
    if (tdb->overrides != NULL)
	applyOverride(trackHash, tdb);
	hashStore(trackHash, tdb->track)->val = tdb;
Exemple #28
static struct querySizeCnt *querySizeCntGet(struct hash* querySizesTbl,
                                            char *qName, unsigned qSize)
/* get entry with size and alignment count, create if not present. */
struct hashEl *hel = hashStore(querySizesTbl, qName);
struct querySizeCnt *qs = hel->val;
if (qs != NULL)
    if (qs->qSize != qSize)
        errAbort("conflicting query sizes for %s: %d and %d", qName, qs->qSize, qSize);
    lmAllocVar(querySizesTbl->lm, qs);
    hel->val = qs;
    qs->qSize = qSize;
return qs;
void endHandler(struct xap *xap, char *name)
/* Called at end of a tag */
struct type *type = xap->stack->object;
char *text = skipLeadingSpaces(xap->stack->text->string);
struct element *el;
for (el = type->elements; el != NULL; el = el->next)
    if (!el->seenThisRound)
        el->isOptional = TRUE;
if (text[0] == 0)
    if (type->textAttribute != NULL)
        type->textAttribute->isOptional = TRUE;
    int textLen = strlen(text);
    struct attribute *att = type->textAttribute;
    if (att == NULL)
	type->textAttribute = AllocVar(att);
	att->name = "<text>";
	att->values = hashNew(16);
	if (type->count != 0)
	    att->isOptional = TRUE;
    if (att->maxLen < textLen)
        att->maxLen = textLen;
    hashStore(att->values, text);
    att->count += 1;
    if (!att->nonInt)
	if (!isAllInt(text) || hasLeftPaddedZero(text))
	    att->nonInt = TRUE;
    if (!att->nonFloat)
	if (!isAllFloat(text))
	    att->nonFloat = TRUE;
type->count += 1;
topType = type;
Exemple #30
static void parseSequenceRegion(struct gff3File *g3f, char *line)
/* parse ##sequence-region seqid start end */
char **words = dynChopStringWhite(g3f, line, 4, 4, NULL,
                                  "\"##sequence-region seqid start end\"");
if (words == NULL)
    return;  // got an error
struct gff3SeqRegion *sr = gff3FileAlloc(g3f, sizeof(struct gff3SeqRegion));
sr->seqid = gff3FileCloneStr(g3f, words[1]);
sr->start = gff3FileStrToInt(g3f, words[2])-1;
sr->end = gff3FileStrToInt(g3f, words[3]);
if (g3f->seqRegionMap == NULL)
    g3f->seqRegionMap = hashNew(0);
struct hashEl *hel = hashStore(g3f->seqRegionMap, sr->seqid);
if (hel->val != NULL)
    gff3FileErr(g3f, "duplicate ##sequence-region for %s", sr->seqid);
    hel->val = sr;
    slAddHead(&g3f->seqRegions, sr);