Exemple #1
void ensemble_config_init_SURFACE( ensemble_config_type * ensemble_config , const config_type * config ) {
  const config_content_item_type * item = config_get_content_item( config , SURFACE_KEY );
  if (item != NULL) {
    int i;
    for (i=0; i < config_content_item_get_size( item ); i++) {
      const config_content_node_type * node = config_content_item_iget_node( item , i );
      const char * key           = config_content_node_iget( node , 0 );
        hash_type * options = hash_alloc();  /* INIT_FILE:<init_files>  OUTPUT_FILE:<outfile>  BASE_SURFACE:<base_file> */
        config_content_node_init_opt_hash( node , options , 1 );
          const char * init_file_fmt   = hash_safe_get( options , INIT_FILES_KEY );
          const char * output_file     = hash_safe_get( options , OUTPUT_FILE_KEY);
          const char * base_surface    = hash_safe_get( options , BASE_SURFACE_KEY);
          const char * min_std_file    = hash_safe_get( options , MIN_STD_KEY);
          const char *  forward_string = hash_safe_get( options , FORWARD_INIT_KEY );
          bool forward_init = false;
          if (forward_string) {
            if (!util_sscanf_bool( forward_string , &forward_init))
              fprintf(stderr,"** Warning: parsing %s as bool failed - using FALSE \n",forward_string);
          if ((init_file_fmt == NULL) || (output_file == NULL) || (base_surface == NULL)) {
            fprintf(stderr,"** error: when entering a surface you must provide arguments:\n");
            fprintf(stderr,"**   %s:/path/to/input/files%%d  \n",INIT_FILES_KEY);
            fprintf(stderr,"**   %s:name_of_output_file\n", OUTPUT_FILE_KEY);
            fprintf(stderr,"**   %s:base_surface_file\n",BASE_SURFACE_KEY);
            enkf_config_node_type * config_node = ensemble_config_add_surface( ensemble_config , key , forward_init);
            enkf_config_node_update_surface( config_node , base_surface , init_file_fmt , output_file , min_std_file );
        hash_free( options );
Exemple #2
void ensemble_config_init_GEN_KW( ensemble_config_type * ensemble_config , const config_type * config ) {
  const config_content_item_type * gen_kw_item = config_get_content_item( config , GEN_KW_KEY );
  if (gen_kw_item != NULL) {
    int i;
    for (i=0; i < config_content_item_get_size( gen_kw_item ); i++) {
      config_content_node_type * node = config_content_item_iget_node( gen_kw_item , i );

      const char * key             = config_content_node_iget( node , 0 );
      const char * template_file   = config_content_node_iget_as_path( node , 1 );
      const char * enkf_outfile    = config_content_node_iget( node , 2 );
      const char * parameter_file  = config_content_node_iget_as_path( node , 3 );
      hash_type * opt_hash         = hash_alloc();

      config_content_node_init_opt_hash( node , opt_hash , 4 );
        const char *  forward_string = hash_safe_get( opt_hash , FORWARD_INIT_KEY );
        enkf_config_node_type * config_node;
        bool forward_init = false;
        if (forward_string) {
          if (!util_sscanf_bool( forward_string , &forward_init))
            fprintf(stderr,"** Warning: parsing %s as bool failed - using FALSE \n",forward_string);
        config_node = ensemble_config_add_gen_kw( ensemble_config , key , forward_init);
        enkf_config_node_update_gen_kw( config_node , 
                                        enkf_outfile , 
                                        template_file , 
                                        parameter_file , 
                                        hash_safe_get( opt_hash , MIN_STD_KEY ) , 
                                        hash_safe_get( opt_hash , INIT_FILES_KEY));
      hash_free( opt_hash );
Exemple #3
void site_config_fprintf_config( const site_config_type * site_config , FILE * stream ) {
  fprintf( stream , CONFIG_COMMENTLINE_FORMAT );
  fprintf( stream , CONFIG_COMMENT_FORMAT , "Here comes system related information - which typically");
  fprintf( stream , CONFIG_COMMENT_FORMAT , "overrides information from the site-wide configuration file.");
  /* Starting with the user defined jobs. */
    stringlist_type * joblist = ext_joblist_alloc_list( site_config->joblist );
    char * fmt_key     = util_alloc_sprintf(CONFIG_KEY_FORMAT , INSTALL_JOB_KEY);
    char * install_fmt = util_alloc_sprintf("%s%s%s" , fmt_key , CONFIG_VALUE_FORMAT , CONFIG_ENDVALUE_FORMAT);
    for (int i=0; i < stringlist_get_size( joblist ); i++) {
      ext_job_type * ext_job = ext_joblist_get_job( site_config->joblist ,stringlist_iget( joblist , i ));
      if (ext_job_is_private( ext_job ))
        ext_job_fprintf_config( ext_job , install_fmt , stream );
    free( install_fmt );
    free( fmt_key );

  /* Storing the env variables set with SETENV */
    hash_iter_type * iter = hash_iter_alloc( site_config->env_variables_user );
    while (!hash_iter_is_complete( iter )) {
      const char * var        = hash_iter_get_next_key( iter );
      const char * user_value = hash_get( site_config->env_variables_user , var );
      const char * site_value = hash_safe_get( site_config->env_variables_site , var );
      if (!util_string_equal( user_value , site_value)) {
        fprintf(stream , CONFIG_KEY_FORMAT      , SETENV_KEY );
        fprintf(stream , CONFIG_VALUE_FORMAT    , var );
        fprintf(stream , CONFIG_ENDVALUE_FORMAT , user_value );

  /* Storing the driver type setting: */
  if ( site_config->driver_type != site_config->driver_type_site) {
    fprintf(stream , CONFIG_KEY_FORMAT , QUEUE_SYSTEM_KEY );
    fprintf(stream , CONFIG_ENDVALUE_FORMAT , site_config_get_queue_name( site_config ));
  /* Storing UMASK setting */
  if ( site_config->umask != site_config->umask_site) {
    fprintf(stream , CONFIG_KEY_FORMAT , UMASK_KEY );
    fprintf(stream , "%o\n" , site_config->umask );

  /* Storing MAX_SUBMIT setting */
  if ( site_config->max_submit != site_config->max_submit_site) {
    fprintf(stream , CONFIG_KEY_FORMAT , MAX_SUBMIT_KEY );
    fprintf(stream , "%d\n" , site_config->max_submit );
  /* Storing LICENSE_ROOT_PATH */
  if (!util_string_equal( site_config->license_root_path , site_config->license_root_path_site)) {
    fprintf(stream , CONFIG_KEY_FORMAT      , LICENSE_PATH_KEY );
    fprintf(stream , CONFIG_ENDVALUE_FORMAT , site_config->license_root_path);

  /* Storing jobscript */
  if (!util_string_equal( site_config->job_script , site_config->job_script_site)) {
    fprintf(stream , CONFIG_KEY_FORMAT      , LICENSE_PATH_KEY );
    fprintf(stream , CONFIG_ENDVALUE_FORMAT , site_config->job_script);

  /* Storing local settings. */
  if (site_config_get_max_running_local(site_config) != site_config->max_running_local_site) {
    fprintf(stream , CONFIG_INT_FORMAT , site_config_get_max_running_local( site_config ));
    fprintf( stream , "\n");

  /* Storing LSF settings. */
    if (site_config_get_max_running_lsf( site_config ) != site_config->max_running_lsf_site) {
      fprintf(stream , CONFIG_KEY_FORMAT , MAX_RUNNING_LSF_KEY );
      fprintf(stream , CONFIG_INT_FORMAT , site_config_get_max_running_lsf( site_config ));
      fprintf( stream , "\n");
    if (!util_string_equal( site_config_get_lsf_queue(site_config) , site_config->lsf_queue_name_site)) {
      fprintf(stream , CONFIG_KEY_FORMAT      , LSF_QUEUE_KEY );
      fprintf(stream , CONFIG_ENDVALUE_FORMAT , site_config_get_lsf_queue( site_config ));

    if (!util_string_equal( site_config_get_lsf_request( site_config ) , site_config->lsf_request_site)) {
      fprintf(stream , CONFIG_KEY_FORMAT      , LSF_RESOURCES_KEY );
      fprintf(stream , CONFIG_ENDVALUE_FORMAT , site_config_get_lsf_request( site_config ));

  /* Storing RSH settings. */
    if (site_config_get_max_running_rsh(site_config) != site_config->max_running_rsh_site) {
      fprintf(stream , CONFIG_KEY_FORMAT , MAX_RUNNING_RSH_KEY );
      fprintf(stream , CONFIG_INT_FORMAT , site_config_get_max_running_rsh( site_config ));
      fprintf( stream , "\n");
    if (!util_string_equal( site_config_get_rsh_command( site_config ) , site_config->rsh_command_site)) {
      fprintf(stream , CONFIG_KEY_FORMAT      , LICENSE_PATH_KEY );
      fprintf(stream , CONFIG_ENDVALUE_FORMAT , site_config_get_rsh_command( site_config ));

      queue_driver_type * rsh_driver = site_config_get_queue_driver( site_config , RSH_DRIVER_NAME );
      const hash_type * host_list = queue_driver_get_option( rsh_driver , RSH_HOSTLIST );
      hash_iter_type * iter = hash_iter_alloc( host_list );
      while (!hash_iter_is_complete( iter )) {
        const char * host_name = hash_iter_get_next_key( iter );
        fprintf(stream , CONFIG_KEY_FORMAT      , RSH_HOST_KEY );
        fprintf(stream , "%s:%d\n"  , host_name , hash_get_int( host_list , host_name));
      hash_iter_free( iter );
  fprintf(stream , "\n\n");
Exemple #4
stringlist_type * config_schema_item_get_required_children_value(const config_schema_item_type * item , const char * value) {
  return hash_safe_get( item->required_children_value , value );
Exemple #5
void ensemble_config_init_FIELD( ensemble_config_type * ensemble_config , const config_type * config , ecl_grid_type * grid) {
  const config_content_item_type * item = config_get_content_item( config , FIELD_KEY );
  if (item != NULL) {
    int i;
    for (i=0; i < config_content_item_get_size( item ); i++) {
      const config_content_node_type * node = config_content_item_iget_node( item , i );
      const char *  key                     = config_content_node_iget( node , 0 );
      const char *  var_type_string         = config_content_node_iget( node , 1 );
      enkf_config_node_type * config_node;
        hash_type * options = hash_alloc();
        int    truncation = TRUNCATE_NONE;
        double value_min  = -1;
        double value_max  = -1;
        config_content_node_init_opt_hash( node , options , 2 );
        if (hash_has_key( options , MIN_KEY)) {
          truncation |= TRUNCATE_MIN;
          value_min   = atof(hash_get( options , MIN_KEY));

        if (hash_has_key( options , MAX_KEY)) {
          truncation |= TRUNCATE_MAX;
          value_max   = atof(hash_get( options , MAX_KEY));
        if (strcmp(var_type_string , DYNAMIC_KEY) == 0) {
          config_node = ensemble_config_add_field( ensemble_config , key , grid , false);
          enkf_config_node_update_state_field( config_node , truncation , value_min , value_max );
        } else if (strcmp(var_type_string , PARAMETER_KEY) == 0) {
          const char *  ecl_file          = config_content_node_iget( node , 2 );
          const char *  init_file_fmt     = hash_safe_get( options , INIT_FILES_KEY );
          const char *  init_transform    = hash_safe_get( options , INIT_TRANSFORM_KEY );
          const char *  output_transform  = hash_safe_get( options , OUTPUT_TRANSFORM_KEY );
          const char *  min_std_file      = hash_safe_get( options , MIN_STD_KEY );
          const char *  forward_string    = hash_safe_get( options , FORWARD_INIT_KEY );
          bool forward_init = false;

          if (forward_string) {
            if (!util_sscanf_bool( forward_string , &forward_init))
              fprintf(stderr,"** Warning: parsing %s as bool failed - using FALSE \n",forward_string);
          config_node = ensemble_config_add_field( ensemble_config , key , grid , forward_init);
          enkf_config_node_update_parameter_field( config_node, 
                                                   ecl_file          , 
                                                   init_file_fmt     , 
                                                   min_std_file      , 
                                                   truncation        , 
                                                   value_min         , 
                                                   value_max         ,    
                                                   init_transform    , 
                                                   output_transform   );
        } else if (strcmp(var_type_string , GENERAL_KEY) == 0) {
          /* General - not really interesting .. */
          const char *  ecl_file          = config_content_node_iget( node , 2 );
          const char *  enkf_infile       = config_content_node_iget( node , 3 );
          const char *  init_file_fmt     = hash_safe_get( options , INIT_FILES_KEY );
          const char *  init_transform    = hash_safe_get( options , INIT_TRANSFORM_KEY );
          const char *  output_transform  = hash_safe_get( options , OUTPUT_TRANSFORM_KEY );
          const char *  input_transform   = hash_safe_get( options , INPUT_TRANSFORM_KEY );
          const char *  min_std_file      = hash_safe_get( options , MIN_STD_KEY );
          const char *  forward_string    = hash_safe_get( options , FORWARD_INIT_KEY );
          bool forward_init = false;

          if (forward_string) {
            if (!util_sscanf_bool( forward_string , &forward_init))
              fprintf(stderr,"** Warning: parsing %s as bool failed - using FALSE \n",forward_string);
          config_node = ensemble_config_add_field( ensemble_config , key , grid , forward_init);
          enkf_config_node_update_general_field( config_node,
                                                 ecl_file , 
                                                 enkf_infile , 
                                                 init_file_fmt , 
                                                 min_std_file , 
                                                 truncation , value_min , value_max , 
                                                 init_transform , 
                                                 input_transform , 

        } else 
          util_abort("%s: field type: %s is not recognized\n",__func__ , var_type_string);
        hash_free( options );