SentPkts SentPkts_ctor(int capacity, int retryCount) { SentPkts self = ALLOCSELF; self->capacity = capacity; self->index = hashtb_create(sizeof(SentPktRec), NULL); self->retryCount = retryCount; return self; }
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { struct dirent **namelist; int n; struct hashtb* stats = NULL; char filename[512]; stats = hashtb_create(sizeof(struct stats_entry), NULL); n = scandir(".", &namelist, &selector, alphasort); if (n < 0) perror("scandir"); else { while (n--) { sprintf(filename, "%s/stats.csv", namelist[n]->d_name); read_stats(stats, filename); free(namelist[n]); } free(namelist); } output_statistics(stats, "combined.csv"); hashtb_destroy(&stats); return 0; }
void testHASH() { int rand, key; FILE *fp, *fr; char rand_line[10]; char key_line[10]; struct timeval start, end; struct hashtb *newht; newht=NULL; newht=hashtb_create(); fp=fopen("rand_data.txt","r"); fr=fopen("rand_keys.txt","r"); gettimeofday(&start,NULL); while(fgets(rand_line,10,fp) != NULL && fgets(key_line,10,fr) != NULL ) { sscanf(rand_line, "%d", &rand); sscanf(key_line, "%d", &key); hashtb_add_element(newht,key,rand); } fclose(fp); rewind(fr); while(fgets(key_line,10,fr) != NULL) { sscanf(key_line, "%d", &key); hashtb_lookup(newht,key); } fclose(fr); gettimeofday(&end,NULL); free(newht); printf("Total time: %ld microseconds\n", ((end.tv_sec * 1000000 + end.tv_usec) - (start.tv_sec * 1000000 + start.tv_usec))); printf("Test complete!\n"); }
void add_next_hop_router(char *dest_router) { if ( strcmp(dest_router,nlsr->router_name)== 0) { return ; } struct routing_table_entry *rte;//=(struct routing_table_entry *)malloc(sizeof(struct routing_table_entry)); struct hashtb_enumerator ee; struct hashtb_enumerator *e = ⅇ int res; hashtb_start(nlsr->routing_table, e); res = hashtb_seek(e, dest_router, strlen(dest_router), 0); if( res == HT_NEW_ENTRY ) { rte=e->data; rte->dest_router=(char *)malloc(strlen(dest_router)+1); memset(rte->dest_router,0,strlen(dest_router)+1); memcpy(rte->dest_router,dest_router,strlen(dest_router)); //rte->next_hop_face=NO_NEXT_HOP; struct hashtb_param param_fle = {0}; rte->face_list=hashtb_create(sizeof(struct face_list_entry), ¶m_fle); add_npt_entry(dest_router, dest_router, 0, NULL, NULL); } hashtb_end(e); }
void clear_old_routing_table(void) { if ( nlsr->debugging ) printf("clear_old_routing_table called\n"); if ( nlsr->detailed_logging ) writeLogg(__FILE__,__FUNCTION__,__LINE__,"clear_old_routing_table called\n"); int i,rt_element; struct routing_table_entry *rte; struct hashtb_enumerator ee; struct hashtb_enumerator *e = ⅇ hashtb_start(nlsr->routing_table, e); rt_element=hashtb_n(nlsr->routing_table); for(i=0;i<rt_element;i++) { rte=e->data; hashtb_destroy(&rte->face_list); struct hashtb_param param_fle = {0}; rte->face_list=hashtb_create(sizeof(struct face_list_entry), ¶m_fle); hashtb_next(e); } hashtb_end(e); }
int main(int argc, char ** argv){ char* nid="123"; int chunk=1; struct hashtb_enumerator ee; struct hashtb_enumerator *e = ⅇ struct hashtb* conetht = hashtb_create(sizeof(struct conet_entry), NULL); hashtb_start(conetht, e); struct conet_entry* ce; int res=hashtb_seek(e, nid, strlen(nid), 0); if (res < 0) perror("errore nel seek dell'ht"); ce = e->data; if (res == HT_NEW_ENTRY) { ce->prev=NULL; ce->next=NULL; ce->chunk_number=chunk; ce->m_req_wnd=1; ce->m_segment_size=1046; ce->nid=nid; } hashtb_end(e); }
LMD LMD_ctor(NBS nbs, SockAddr localAddr, size_t mtu) { if (!NBS_isDgram(nbs)) return NULL; LMD self = ALLOCSELF; self->nbs = nbs; if (localAddr != NULL) self->localAddr = SockAddr_clone(localAddr); self->mtu = mtu; self->demux = hashtb_create(sizeof(LMDRec), NULL); return self; }
int mainAndreaInutile(int argc, char *argv[]) { size_t item_size=1; const struct hashtb_param param; hashtb_create(item_size, ¶m); //from hashtb.h fprintf(stderr,"Starting to setup raw socket\n"); int rawsock=setup_raw_socket_listener(); //from conet_net.h fprintf(stderr,"Raw sock=%d\n",rawsock); return 0; }
struct ccn_proxy_server * ccn_proxy_server_init(const char *filter_uri, const char *prefix_uri) { struct ccn_proxy_server *server = calloc(1, sizeof(struct ccn_proxy_server)); server->proxy = ccn_proxy_init(filter_uri, prefix_uri); server->hash_param.finalize = &ccn_proxy_server_finalize_entry; server->cname_to_iname = hashtb_create(sizeof(struct ccn_charbuf *), &(server->hash_param)); return(server); }
struct andana_server * andana_server_init(const char *key_uri, const char *filter_uri, const char *prefix_uri) { struct andana_server *server = calloc(1, sizeof(struct andana_server)); DEBUG_PRINT("%d %s andana_server_init invoked\n", __LINE__, __func__); server->proxy = ccn_proxy_init(key_uri, filter_uri, prefix_uri); struct ccn_closure *int_handler = calloc(1, sizeof(*int_handler)); int_handler->p = &andana_server_decap_interest; int_handler->data = server; struct ccn_closure *content_handler = calloc(1, sizeof(*content_handler)); content_handler->p = &andana_server_encap_content; content_handler->data = server; ccn_proxy_set_handlers(server->proxy, int_handler, content_handler); server->ENC = server->proxy->prefix_ncomps; server->SESSION_FLAG = server->proxy->prefix_ncomps; server->SESSION_ENC = server->SESSION_FLAG + 1; server->privkey = ccn_crypto_privkey_load_default(); server->node_key = ccn_crypto_symkey_init(128); server->session_hash_params.finalize = &andana_server_finalize; server->session_to_key = hashtb_create(sizeof(struct ccn_pkey *), &(server->session_hash_params)); server->cname_hash_params.finalize = &andana_server_finalize; server->cname_to_pair = hashtb_create(sizeof(struct andana_server_pair *), &(server->cname_hash_params)); return(server); }
struct andana_client * andana_client_init(const char *prefix_uri, struct andana_path *path) { struct andana_client *aclient = calloc(1, sizeof(*aclient)); aclient->proxy = ccn_proxy_client_init(prefix_uri); struct ccn_closure *int_handler = calloc(1, sizeof(*int_handler)); int_handler->p = &andana_client_encap_interest; int_handler->data = aclient; struct ccn_closure *content_handler = calloc(1, sizeof(*content_handler)); content_handler->p = &andana_client_decap_content; content_handler->data = aclient; ccn_proxy_set_handlers(aclient->proxy, int_handler, content_handler); aclient->path = andana_path_copy(path); aclient->path_hash_params.finalize = &andana_client_finalize; aclient->name_to_path = hashtb_create(sizeof(struct ccn_charbuf *), &(aclient->path_hash_params)); return(aclient); }
/** * Create a new ndnr instance * @param progname - name of program binary, used for locating helpers * @param logger - logger function * @param loggerdata - data to pass to logger function */ PUBLIC struct ndnr_handle * r_init_create(const char *progname, ndnr_logger logger, void *loggerdata) { char *sockname = NULL; const char *portstr = NULL; const char *listen_on = NULL; const char *d = NULL; struct ndnr_handle *h = NULL; struct hashtb_param param = {0}; struct ndn_charbuf *config = NULL; int res; h = calloc(1, sizeof(*h)); if (h == NULL) return(h); h->notify_after = 0; //NDNR_MAX_ACCESSION; h->logger = logger; h->loggerdata = loggerdata; h->logpid = (int)getpid(); h->progname = progname; h->debug = -1; config = r_init_read_config(h); if (config == NULL) goto Bail; r_init_parse_config(h, config, 0); /* silent pass to pick up NDNR_DEBUG */ h->debug = 1; /* so that we see any complaints */ h->debug = r_init_debug_getenv(h, "NDNR_DEBUG"); res = r_init_parse_config(h, config, 1); if (res < 0) { h->running = -1; goto Bail; } r_init_parse_config(h, config, 2); sockname = r_net_get_local_sockname(); h->skiplinks = ndn_indexbuf_create(); h->face_limit = 10; /* soft limit */ h->fdholder_by_fd = calloc(h->face_limit, sizeof(h->fdholder_by_fd[0])); param.finalize_data = h; param.finalize = &r_fwd_finalize_nameprefix; h->nameprefix_tab = hashtb_create(sizeof(struct nameprefix_entry), ¶m); param.finalize = 0; // PRUNED &r_fwd_finalize_propagating; h->propagating_tab = hashtb_create(sizeof(struct propagating_entry), ¶m); param.finalize = &r_proto_finalize_enum_state; h->enum_state_tab = hashtb_create(sizeof(struct enum_state), ¶m); h->min_stale = ~0; h->max_stale = 0; h->unsol = ndn_indexbuf_create(); h->ticktock.descr[0] = 'C'; h->ticktock.micros_per_base = 1000000; h->ticktock.gettime = &r_util_gettime; h-> = h; h->sched = ndn_schedule_create(h, &h->ticktock); h->starttime = h->sec; h->starttime_usec = h->usec; h->oldformatcontentgrumble = 1; h->oldformatinterestgrumble = 1; h->cob_limit = 4201; h->start_write_scope_limit = r_init_confval(h, "NDNR_START_WRITE_SCOPE_LIMIT", 0, 3, 3); h->debug = 1; /* so that we see any complaints */ h->debug = r_init_debug_getenv(h, "NDNR_DEBUG"); h->syncdebug = r_init_debug_getenv(h, "NDNS_DEBUG"); portstr = getenv("NDNR_STATUS_PORT"); if (portstr == NULL || portstr[0] == 0 || strlen(portstr) > 10) portstr = ""; h->portstr = portstr; ndnr_msg(h, "NDNR_DEBUG=%d NDNR_DIRECTORY=%s NDNR_STATUS_PORT=%s", h->debug, h->directory, h->portstr); listen_on = getenv("NDNR_LISTEN_ON"); if (listen_on != NULL && listen_on[0] != 0) ndnr_msg(h, "NDNR_LISTEN_ON=%s", listen_on); if (ndnr_init_repo_keystore(h, NULL) < 0) { h->running = -1; goto Bail; } r_util_reseed(h); r_store_init(h); if (h->running == -1) goto Bail; while (h->active_in_fd >= 0) { r_dispatch_process_input(h, h->active_in_fd); r_store_trim(h, h->cob_limit); ndn_schedule_run(h->sched); } ndnr_msg(h, "Repository file is indexed"); if (h->face0 == NULL) { struct fdholder *fdholder; fdholder = calloc(1, sizeof(*fdholder)); if (dup2(open("/dev/null", O_RDONLY), 0) == -1) ndnr_msg(h, "stdin: %s", strerror(errno)); fdholder->filedesc = 0; fdholder->flags = (NDNR_FACE_GG | NDNR_FACE_NORECV); r_io_enroll_face(h, fdholder); } ndnr_direct_client_start(h); d = getenv("NDNR_SKIP_VERIFY"); #if (NDN_API_VERSION >= 4004) if (d != NULL && strcmp(d, "1") == 0) { ndnr_msg(h, "NDNR_SKIP_VERIFY=%s", d); ndn_defer_verification(h->direct_client, 1); } #endif if (ndn_connect(h->direct_client, NULL) != -1) { int af = 0; int bufsize; int flags; int fd; struct fdholder *fdholder; fd = ndn_get_connection_fd(h->direct_client); // Play a dirty trick here - if this wins, we can fix it right in the c lib later on... af = try_tcp_instead(fd); flags = NDNR_FACE_NDND; if (af == AF_INET) flags |= NDNR_FACE_INET; else if (af == AF_INET6) flags |= NDNR_FACE_INET6; else flags |= NDNR_FACE_LOCAL; fdholder = r_io_record_fd(h, fd, "NDND", 5, flags); if (fdholder == NULL) abort(); ndnr_uri_listen(h, h->direct_client, "ndn:/%C1.M.S.localhost/%C1.M.SRV/repository", &ndnr_answer_req, OP_SERVICE); ndnr_uri_listen(h, h->direct_client, "ndn:/%C1.M.S.neighborhood/%C1.M.SRV/repository", &ndnr_answer_req, OP_SERVICE); bufsize = r_init_confval(h, "NDNR_MIN_SEND_BUFSIZE", 1, 2097152, 16384); establish_min_send_bufsize(h, fd, bufsize); } else ndn_disconnect(h->direct_client); // Apparently ndn_connect error case needs work. if (1 == r_init_confval(h, "NDNS_ENABLE", 0, 1, 1)) { h->sync_plumbing = calloc(1, sizeof(struct sync_plumbing)); h->sync_plumbing->ndn = h->direct_client; h->sync_plumbing->sched = h->sched; h->sync_plumbing->client_methods = &sync_client_methods; h->sync_plumbing->client_data = h; h->sync_base = SyncNewBaseForActions(h->sync_plumbing); } if (-1 == load_policy(h)) goto Bail; r_net_listen_on(h, listen_on); ndnr_internal_client_start(h); r_proto_init(h); r_proto_activate_policy(h, h->parsed_policy); if (merge_files(h) == -1) r_init_fail(h, __LINE__, "Unable to merge additional repository data files.", errno); if (h->running == -1) goto Bail; if (h->sync_plumbing) { // Start sync running // returns < 0 if a failure occurred // returns 0 if the name updates should fully restart // returns > 0 if the name updates should restart at last fence res = h->sync_plumbing->sync_methods->sync_start(h->sync_plumbing, NULL); if (res < 0) { r_init_fail(h, __LINE__, "starting sync", res); abort(); } else if (res > 0) { // XXX: need to work out details of starting from last fence. // By examination of code, SyncActions won't take this path } } Bail: if (sockname) free(sockname); sockname = NULL; ndn_charbuf_destroy(&config); if (h->running == -1) r_init_destroy(&h); return(h); }
PUBLIC void r_store_init(struct ccnr_handle *h) { struct ccn_btree *btree = NULL; struct ccn_btree_node *node = NULL; struct hashtb_param param = {0}; int i; int j; int res; struct ccn_charbuf *path = NULL; struct ccn_charbuf *msgs = NULL; off_t offset; path = ccn_charbuf_create(); param.finalize_data = h; param.finalize = 0; h->cob_limit = r_init_confval(h, "CCNR_CONTENT_CACHE", 16, 2000000, 4201); h->cookie_limit = choose_limit(h->cob_limit, (ccnr_cookie)(~0U)); h->content_by_cookie = calloc(h->cookie_limit, sizeof(h->content_by_cookie[0])); CHKPTR(h->content_by_cookie); h->content_by_accession_tab = hashtb_create(sizeof(struct content_by_accession_entry), NULL); CHKPTR(h->content_by_accession_tab); h->btree = btree = ccn_btree_create(); CHKPTR(btree); FAILIF(btree->nextnodeid != 1); ccn_charbuf_putf(path, "%s/index", h->directory); res = mkdir(ccn_charbuf_as_string(path), 0700); if (res != 0 && errno != EEXIST) r_init_fail(h, __LINE__, ccn_charbuf_as_string(path), errno); else { msgs = ccn_charbuf_create(); btree->io = ccn_btree_io_from_directory(ccn_charbuf_as_string(path), msgs); if (btree->io == NULL) res = errno; if (msgs->length != 0 && CCNSHOULDLOG(h, sffdsdf, CCNL_WARNING)) { ccnr_msg(h, "while initializing %s - %s", ccn_charbuf_as_string(path), ccn_charbuf_as_string(msgs)); } ccn_charbuf_destroy(&msgs); if (btree->io == NULL) r_init_fail(h, __LINE__, ccn_charbuf_as_string(path), res); } node = ccn_btree_getnode(btree, 1, 0); if (btree->io != NULL) btree->nextnodeid = btree->io->maxnodeid + 1; CHKPTR(node); if (node->buf->length == 0) { res = ccn_btree_init_node(node, 0, 'R', 0); CHKSYS(res); } ccn_charbuf_destroy(&path); if (h->running == -1) return; r_store_read_stable_point(h); h->active_in_fd = -1; h->active_out_fd = r_io_open_repo_data_file(h, "repoFile1", 1); /* output */ offset = lseek(h->active_out_fd, 0, SEEK_END); h->startupbytes = offset; if (offset != h->stable || node->corrupt != 0) { ccnr_msg(h, "Index not current - resetting"); ccn_btree_init_node(node, 0, 'R', 0); node = NULL; ccn_btree_destroy(&h->btree); path = ccn_charbuf_create(); /* Remove old index files to avoid confusion */ for (i = 1, j = 0; i > 0 && j < 3; i++) { path->length = 0; res = ccn_charbuf_putf(path, "%s/index/%d", h->directory, i); if (res >= 0) res = unlink(ccn_charbuf_as_string(path)); if (res < 0) j++; } h->btree = btree = ccn_btree_create(); path->length = 0; ccn_charbuf_putf(path, "%s/index", h->directory); btree->io = ccn_btree_io_from_directory(ccn_charbuf_as_string(path), msgs); CHKPTR(btree->io); btree->io->maxnodeid = 0; btree->nextnodeid = 1; node = ccn_btree_getnode(btree, 1, 0); btree->nextnodeid = btree->io->maxnodeid + 1; ccn_btree_init_node(node, 0, 'R', 0); h->stable = 0; h->active_in_fd = r_io_open_repo_data_file(h, "repoFile1", 0); /* input */ ccn_charbuf_destroy(&path); if (CCNSHOULDLOG(h, dfds, CCNL_INFO)) ccn_schedule_event(h->sched, 50000, r_store_reindexing, NULL, 0); } if (CCNSHOULDLOG(h, weuyg, CCNL_FINEST)) { FILE *dumpfile = NULL; path = ccn_charbuf_create(); ccn_charbuf_putf(path, "%s/index/btree_check.out", h->directory); dumpfile = fopen(ccn_charbuf_as_string(path), "w"); res = ccn_btree_check(btree, dumpfile); if (dumpfile != NULL) { fclose(dumpfile); dumpfile = NULL; } else path->length = 0; ccnr_msg(h, "ccn_btree_check returned %d (%s)", res, ccn_charbuf_as_string(path)); ccn_charbuf_destroy(&path); if (res < 0) r_init_fail(h, __LINE__, "index is corrupt", res); } btree->full = r_init_confval(h, "CCNR_BTREE_MAX_FANOUT", 4, 9999, 1999); btree->full0 = r_init_confval(h, "CCNR_BTREE_MAX_LEAF_ENTRIES", 4, 9999, 1999); btree->nodebytes = r_init_confval(h, "CCNR_BTREE_MAX_NODE_BYTES", 1024, 8388608, 2097152); btree->nodepool = r_init_confval(h, "CCNR_BTREE_NODE_POOL", 16, 2000000, 512); if (h->running != -1) r_store_index_needs_cleaning(h); }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { const char *progname = argv[0]; struct ccn_ping_client client = {.sent = 0, .received = 0, .total = -1, .number = -1, .interval = 1}; struct ccn_closure in_content = {.p = &incoming_content}; struct hashtb_param param = {0}; int res; struct sigaction sa; memset(&sa, 0, sizeof(sa)); sa.sa_handler = &handle_interrupt; sigaction(SIGINT, &sa, &osa); memset(&sta, 0, sizeof(sta)); gettimeofday(&sta.start, 0); sta.min = INT_MAX; while ((res = getopt(argc, argv, "hi:c:n:")) != -1) { switch (res) { case 'c': = atol(optarg); if ( <= 0) usage(progname); break; case 'i': client.interval = atof(optarg); if (client.interval < PING_MIN_INTERVAL) usage(progname); break; case 'n': client.number = atol(optarg); if (client.number < 0) usage(progname); break; case 'h': default: usage(progname); break; } } if (client.number < 0) srandom(time(NULL)); argc -= optind; argv += optind; if (argv[0] == NULL) usage(progname); sta.prefix = argv[0]; client.original_prefix = argv[0]; client.prefix = ccn_charbuf_create(); res = ccn_name_from_uri(client.prefix, argv[0]); if (res < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: bad ccn URI: %s\n", progname, argv[0]); exit(1); } if (argv[1] != NULL) fprintf(stderr, "%s warning: extra arguments ignored\n", progname); //append "/ping" to the given name prefix res = ccn_name_append_str(client.prefix, PING_COMPONENT); if (res < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: error constructing ccn URI: %s/%s\n", progname, argv[0], PING_COMPONENT); exit(1); } /* Connect to ccnd */ client.h = ccn_create(); if (ccn_connect(client.h, NULL) == -1) { perror("Could not connect to ccnd"); exit(1); } client.closure = &in_content; = &client; client.ccn_ping_table = hashtb_create(sizeof(struct ccn_ping_entry), ¶m); client.sched = ccn_schedule_create(&client, &ccn_ping_ticker); client.event = ccn_schedule_event(client.sched, 0, &do_ping, NULL, 0); printf("CCNPING %s\n", client.original_prefix); res = 0; while (res >= 0 && ( <= 0 || client.sent < || hashtb_n(client.ccn_ping_table) > 0)) { if ( <= 0 || client.sent < ccn_schedule_run(client.sched); res = ccn_run(client.h, 10); } ccn_schedule_destroy(&client.sched); ccn_destroy(&client.h); ccn_charbuf_destroy(&client.prefix); print_statistics(); return 0; }
int route_calculate(struct ccn_schedule *sched, void *clienth, struct ccn_scheduled_event *ev, int flags) { if(flags == CCN_SCHEDULE_CANCEL) { return -1; } nlsr_lock(); if ( nlsr->debugging ) printf("route_calculate called\n"); if ( nlsr->detailed_logging ) writeLogg(__FILE__,__FUNCTION__,__LINE__,"route_calculate called\n"); if( ! nlsr->is_build_adj_lsa_sheduled ) { /* Calculate Route here */ print_routing_table(); print_npt(); //struct hashtb_param param_me = {0}; nlsr->map = hashtb_create(sizeof(struct map_entry), NULL); nlsr->rev_map = hashtb_create(sizeof(struct map_entry), NULL); make_map(); assign_mapping_number(); print_map(); print_rev_map(); do_old_routing_table_updates(); clear_old_routing_table(); print_routing_table(); print_npt(); int i; int **adj_matrix; int map_element=hashtb_n(nlsr->map); adj_matrix=malloc(map_element * sizeof(int *)); for(i = 0; i < map_element; i++) { adj_matrix[i] = malloc(map_element * sizeof(int)); } make_adj_matrix(adj_matrix,map_element); if ( nlsr->debugging ) print_adj_matrix(adj_matrix,map_element); long int source=get_mapping_no(nlsr->router_name); int num_link=get_no_link_from_adj_matrix(adj_matrix, map_element ,source); if ( nlsr->is_hyperbolic_calc == 1) { long int *links=(long int *)malloc(num_link*sizeof(long int)); long int *link_costs=(long int *)malloc(num_link*sizeof(long int)); get_links_from_adj_matrix(adj_matrix, map_element , links, link_costs, source); struct hashtb_enumerator ee; struct hashtb_enumerator *e = ⅇ for (hashtb_start(nlsr->rev_map, e); e->key != NULL; hashtb_next(e)) { struct map_entry *me=e->data; if ( me->mapping != source ) { long int *faces=(long int *)calloc(num_link,sizeof(long int)); double *nbr_dist=(double *)calloc(num_link,sizeof(double)); double *nbr_to_dest=(double *)calloc(num_link,sizeof(double)); for ( i=0 ; i < num_link; i++) { int face=get_next_hop_face_from_adl(get_router_from_rev_map(links[i])); double dist_to_nbr=get_hyperbolic_distance(source,links[i]); double dist_to_dest_from_nbr=get_hyperbolic_distance(links[i],me->mapping); faces[i]=face; nbr_dist[i]=dist_to_nbr; nbr_to_dest[i]= dist_to_dest_from_nbr; } sort_hyperbolic_route(nbr_to_dest,nbr_dist, faces,0,num_link); if (nlsr->max_faces_per_prefix == 0 ) { for ( i=0 ; i < num_link; i++) { update_routing_table_with_new_hyperbolic_route(me->mapping,faces[i],nbr_to_dest[i]); } } else if ( nlsr->max_faces_per_prefix > 0 ) { if ( num_link <= nlsr->max_faces_per_prefix ) { for ( i=0 ; i < num_link; i++) { update_routing_table_with_new_hyperbolic_route(me->mapping,faces[i],nbr_to_dest[i]); } } else if (num_link > nlsr->max_faces_per_prefix) { for ( i=0 ; i < nlsr->max_faces_per_prefix; i++) { update_routing_table_with_new_hyperbolic_route(me->mapping,faces[i],nbr_to_dest[i]); } } } free(faces); free(nbr_dist); free(nbr_to_dest); } } hashtb_end(e); free(links); free(link_costs); } else if (nlsr->is_hyperbolic_calc == 0 ) { long int *parent=(long int *)malloc(map_element * sizeof(long int)); long int *dist=(long int *)malloc(map_element * sizeof(long int)); if ( (num_link == 0) || (nlsr->max_faces_per_prefix == 1 ) ) { calculate_path(adj_matrix,parent,dist, map_element, source); print_all_path_from_source(parent,source); print_all_next_hop(parent,source); update_routing_table_with_new_route(parent, dist,source); } else if ( (num_link != 0) && (nlsr->max_faces_per_prefix == 0 || nlsr->max_faces_per_prefix > 1 ) ) { long int *links=(long int *)malloc(num_link*sizeof(long int)); long int *link_costs=(long int *)malloc(num_link*sizeof(long int)); get_links_from_adj_matrix(adj_matrix, map_element , links, link_costs, source); for ( i=0 ; i < num_link; i++) { adjust_adj_matrix(adj_matrix, map_element,source,links[i],link_costs[i]); calculate_path(adj_matrix,parent,dist, map_element, source); print_all_path_from_source(parent,source); print_all_next_hop(parent,source); update_routing_table_with_new_route(parent, dist,source); } free(links); free(link_costs); } free(parent); free(dist); } print_routing_table(); print_npt(); update_npt_with_new_route(); print_routing_table(); print_npt(); for(i = 0; i < map_element; i++) { free(adj_matrix[i]); } free(adj_matrix); destroy_map(); destroy_rev_map(); //hashtb_destroy(&nlsr->map); //hashtb_destroy(&nlsr->rev_map); } nlsr->is_route_calculation_scheduled=0; nlsr_unlock(); return 0; }