Exemple #1
void logfile_append (hashcat_ctx_t *hashcat_ctx, const char *fmt, ...)
  logfile_ctx_t *logfile_ctx = hashcat_ctx->logfile_ctx;

  if (logfile_ctx->enabled == false) return;

  FILE *fp = fopen (logfile_ctx->logfile, "ab");

  if (fp == NULL)
    event_log_error (hashcat_ctx, "%s: %s", logfile_ctx->logfile, strerror (errno));


  lock_file (fp);

  va_list ap;

  va_start (ap, fmt);

  vfprintf (fp, fmt, ap);

  va_end (ap);

  hc_fwrite (EOL, strlen (EOL), 1, fp);

  fflush (fp);

  fclose (fp);
Exemple #2
int dictstat_write (hashcat_ctx_t *hashcat_ctx)
  hashconfig_t   *hashconfig   = hashcat_ctx->hashconfig;
  dictstat_ctx_t *dictstat_ctx = hashcat_ctx->dictstat_ctx;

  if (dictstat_ctx->enabled == false) return 0;

  if (hashconfig->dictstat_disable == true) return 0;

  FILE *fp = fopen (dictstat_ctx->filename, "wb");

  if (fp == NULL)
    event_log_error (hashcat_ctx, "%s: %s", dictstat_ctx->filename, strerror (errno));

    return -1;

  if (lock_file (fp) == -1)
    fclose (fp);

    event_log_error (hashcat_ctx, "%s: %s", dictstat_ctx->filename, strerror (errno));

    return -1;

  // header

  u64 z = 0;

  v = byte_swap_64 (v);
  z = byte_swap_64 (z);

  hc_fwrite (&v, sizeof (u64), 1, fp);
  hc_fwrite (&z, sizeof (u64), 1, fp);

  // data

  hc_fwrite (dictstat_ctx->base, sizeof (dictstat_t), dictstat_ctx->cnt, fp);

  fclose (fp);

  return 0;
Exemple #3
static void out_flush (out_t *out)
  if (out->len == 0) return;

  hc_fwrite (out->buf, 1, out->len, out->fp);

  out->len = 0;
Exemple #4
void usage_big_print (const char *progname)
  for (int i = 0; USAGE_BIG[i] != NULL; i++)
    printf (USAGE_BIG[i], progname);

    hc_fwrite (EOL, strlen (EOL), 1, stdout);
Exemple #5
int save_hash (hashcat_ctx_t *hashcat_ctx)
  hashes_t        *hashes       = hashcat_ctx->hashes;
  hashconfig_t    *hashconfig   = hashcat_ctx->hashconfig;
  user_options_t  *user_options = hashcat_ctx->user_options;

  const char *hashfile = hashes->hashfile;

  char *new_hashfile;
  char *old_hashfile;

  hc_asprintf (&new_hashfile, "%s.new", hashfile);
  hc_asprintf (&old_hashfile, "%s.old", hashfile);

  unlink (new_hashfile);

  char separator = hashconfig->separator;

  FILE *fp = fopen (new_hashfile, "wb");

  if (fp == NULL)
    event_log_error (hashcat_ctx, "%s: %s", new_hashfile, strerror (errno));

    free (new_hashfile);
    free (old_hashfile);

    return -1;

  if (lock_file (fp) == -1)
    fclose (fp);

    event_log_error (hashcat_ctx, "%s: %s", new_hashfile, strerror (errno));

    free (new_hashfile);
    free (old_hashfile);

    return -1;

  u8 *out_buf = (u8 *) hcmalloc (HCBUFSIZ_LARGE);

  for (u32 salt_pos = 0; salt_pos < hashes->salts_cnt; salt_pos++)
    if (hashes->salts_shown[salt_pos] == 1) continue;

    salt_t *salt_buf = &hashes->salts_buf[salt_pos];

    for (u32 digest_pos = 0; digest_pos < salt_buf->digests_cnt; digest_pos++)
      u32 idx = salt_buf->digests_offset + digest_pos;

      if (hashes->digests_shown[idx] == 1) continue;

      if (hashconfig->opts_type & OPTS_TYPE_BINARY_HASHFILE)
        if ((hashconfig->hash_mode == 2500) || (hashconfig->hash_mode == 2501))
          hccapx_t hccapx;

          to_hccapx_t (hashcat_ctx, &hccapx, salt_pos, digest_pos);

          hc_fwrite (&hccapx, sizeof (hccapx_t), 1, fp);
          // TODO
        if (user_options->username == true)
          user_t *user = hashes->hash_info[idx]->user;

          u32 i;

          for (i = 0; i < user->user_len; i++) fputc (user->user_name[i], fp);

          fputc (separator, fp);

        out_buf[0] = 0;

        ascii_digest (hashcat_ctx, (char *) out_buf, HCBUFSIZ_LARGE, salt_pos, digest_pos);

        fprintf (fp, "%s" EOL, out_buf);

  hcfree (out_buf);

  fflush (fp);

  fclose (fp);

  unlink (old_hashfile);

  if (rename (hashfile, old_hashfile) != 0)
    event_log_error (hashcat_ctx, "Rename file '%s' to '%s': %s", hashfile, old_hashfile, strerror (errno));

    free (new_hashfile);
    free (old_hashfile);

    return -1;

  unlink (hashfile);

  if (rename (new_hashfile, hashfile) != 0)
    event_log_error (hashcat_ctx, "Rename file '%s' to '%s': %s", new_hashfile, hashfile, strerror (errno));

    free (new_hashfile);
    free (old_hashfile);

    return -1;

  unlink (old_hashfile);

  free (new_hashfile);
  free (old_hashfile);

  return 0;
Exemple #6
void status_display_machine_readable (hashcat_ctx_t *hashcat_ctx)
  const hwmon_ctx_t *hwmon_ctx = hashcat_ctx->hwmon_ctx;

  hashcat_status_t *hashcat_status = (hashcat_status_t *) hcmalloc (sizeof (hashcat_status_t));

  const int rc_status = hashcat_get_status (hashcat_ctx, hashcat_status);

  if (rc_status == -1)
    hcfree (hashcat_status);


  printf ("STATUS\t%d\t", hashcat_status->status_number);

  printf ("SPEED\t");

  for (int device_id = 0; device_id < hashcat_status->device_info_cnt; device_id++)
    const device_info_t *device_info = hashcat_status->device_info_buf + device_id;

    if (device_info->skipped_dev == true) continue;

    printf ("%" PRIu64 "\t", (u64) (device_info->hashes_msec_dev * 1000));

    // that 1\t is for backward compatibility
    printf ("1000\t");

  printf ("EXEC_RUNTIME\t");

  for (int device_id = 0; device_id < hashcat_status->device_info_cnt; device_id++)
    const device_info_t *device_info = hashcat_status->device_info_buf + device_id;

    if (device_info->skipped_dev == true) continue;

    printf ("%f\t", device_info->exec_msec_dev);

  printf ("CURKU\t%" PRIu64 "\t", hashcat_status->restore_point);

  printf ("PROGRESS\t%" PRIu64 "\t%" PRIu64 "\t", hashcat_status->progress_cur_relative_skip, hashcat_status->progress_end_relative_skip);

  printf ("RECHASH\t%d\t%d\t", hashcat_status->digests_done, hashcat_status->digests_cnt);

  printf ("RECSALT\t%d\t%d\t", hashcat_status->salts_done, hashcat_status->salts_cnt);

  if (hwmon_ctx->enabled == true)
    printf ("TEMP\t");

    for (int device_id = 0; device_id < hashcat_status->device_info_cnt; device_id++)
      const device_info_t *device_info = hashcat_status->device_info_buf + device_id;

      if (device_info->skipped_dev == true) continue;

      const int temp = hm_get_temperature_with_device_id (hashcat_ctx, device_id);

      printf ("%d\t", temp);

  printf ("REJECTED\t%" PRIu64 "\t", hashcat_status->progress_rejected);

  printf ("UTIL\t");

  for (int device_id = 0; device_id < hashcat_status->device_info_cnt; device_id++)
    const device_info_t *device_info = hashcat_status->device_info_buf + device_id;

    if (device_info->skipped_dev == true) continue;

    // ok, little cheat here again...

    const int util = hm_get_utilization_with_device_id (hashcat_ctx, device_id);

    printf ("%d\t", util);

  hc_fwrite (EOL, strlen (EOL), 1, stdout);

  fflush (stdout);

  status_status_destroy (hashcat_ctx, hashcat_status);

  hcfree (hashcat_status);