void UPPayHttpConnection::AddHeaderL(RHTTPHeaders aHeaders, TInt aHeaderField, const TDesC8& aHeaderValue)
	RStringPool stringPool = iSession.StringPool();
	RStringF valStr = stringPool.OpenFStringL(aHeaderValue);
	THTTPHdrVal headerVal(valStr);
	aHeaders.SetFieldL(stringPool.StringF(aHeaderField, RHTTPSession::GetTable()), headerVal);
nsMultiMixedConv::ParseHeaders(nsIChannel *aChannel, char *&aPtr, 
                               uint32_t &aLen, bool *_retval) {
    // NOTE: this data must be ascii.
    // NOTE: aPtr is NOT null terminated!
    nsresult rv = NS_OK;
    char *cursor = aPtr, *newLine = nullptr;
    uint32_t cursorLen = aLen;
    bool done = false;
    uint32_t lineFeedIncrement = 1;

    // We only create an nsHttpResponseHead for packaged app channels
    // It may already be initialized, from a previous call of ParseHeaders
    // since the headers for a single part may come in more then one chunk
    if (mPackagedApp && !mResponseHead) {
        mResponseHead = new nsHttpResponseHead();

    mContentLength = UINT64_MAX; // XXX what if we were already called?
    while (cursorLen && (newLine = (char *) memchr(cursor, nsCRT::LF, cursorLen))) {
        // adjust for linefeeds
        if ((newLine > cursor) && (newLine[-1] == nsCRT::CR) ) { // CRLF
            lineFeedIncrement = 2;
            lineFeedIncrement = 1; // reset

        if (newLine == cursor) {
            // move the newLine beyond the linefeed marker
            NS_ASSERTION(cursorLen >= lineFeedIncrement, "oops!");

            cursor += lineFeedIncrement;
            cursorLen -= lineFeedIncrement;

            done = true;

        char tmpChar = *newLine;
        *newLine = '\0'; // cursor is now null terminated

        if (mResponseHead) {
            // ParseHeaderLine is destructive. We create a copy
            nsAutoCString tmpHeader(cursor);

        char *colon = (char *) strchr(cursor, ':');
        if (colon) {
            *colon = '\0';
            nsAutoCString headerStr(cursor);
            *colon = ':';

            nsAutoCString headerVal(colon + 1);

            // examine header
            if (headerStr.LowerCaseEqualsLiteral("content-type")) {
                mContentType = headerVal;
            } else if (headerStr.LowerCaseEqualsLiteral("content-length")) {
                mContentLength = nsCRT::atoll(headerVal.get());
            } else if (headerStr.LowerCaseEqualsLiteral("content-disposition")) {
                mContentDisposition = headerVal;
            } else if (headerStr.LowerCaseEqualsLiteral("set-cookie")) {
                nsCOMPtr<nsIHttpChannelInternal> httpInternal =
                if (httpInternal) {
            } else if (headerStr.LowerCaseEqualsLiteral("content-range") || 
                       headerStr.LowerCaseEqualsLiteral("range") ) {
                // something like: Content-range: bytes 7000-7999/8000
                char* tmpPtr;

                tmpPtr = (char *) strchr(colon + 1, '/');
                if (tmpPtr) 
                    *tmpPtr = '\0';

                // pass the bytes-unit and the SP
                char *range = (char *) strchr(colon + 2, ' ');
                if (!range)
                    return NS_ERROR_FAILURE;

                do {
                } while (*range == ' ');

                if (range[0] == '*'){
                    mByteRangeStart = mByteRangeEnd = 0;
                else {
                    tmpPtr = (char *) strchr(range, '-');
                    if (!tmpPtr)
                        return NS_ERROR_FAILURE;
                    tmpPtr[0] = '\0';
                    mByteRangeStart = nsCRT::atoll(range);
                    mByteRangeEnd = nsCRT::atoll(tmpPtr);

                mIsByteRangeRequest = true;
                if (mContentLength == UINT64_MAX)
                    mContentLength = uint64_t(mByteRangeEnd - mByteRangeStart + 1);
        *newLine = tmpChar;
        newLine += lineFeedIncrement;
        cursorLen -= (newLine - cursor);
        cursor = newLine;

    aPtr = cursor;
    aLen = cursorLen;

    *_retval = done;
    return rv;