Exemple #1
 * help_topic:  Given a topic, we search the help directory, and try to
 * find the right file, if all is cool, and we can open it, or zcat it,
 * then we call help_prompt to get the actually displaying of the file
 * on the road.
static	void	help_topic (char *path, char *name)
    char	*filename = (char *) 0;

    if (!name)

    /* what is the base name? */
    malloc_sprintf(&filename, "%s/%s", path, name);
    if (filename[strlen(filename)-1] == '/')
        chop(filename, 1);

    /* let uzfopen have all the fun */
    if ((help_fp = uzfopen(&filename, path, 1)))
        /* Isnt this a heck of a lot better then the kludge you were using? */
        help_put_it(name, "*** Help on %s", name);
        help_prompt(name, NULL);
        help_put_it (name, "*** No help available on %s: Use ? for list of topics", name);

Exemple #2
void help(char *command)
         if(!command) help_ls();
    else if(!strcmp(command, "help"          )) help_help();
    else if(!strcmp(command, "prompt"        )) help_prompt();
    else if(!strcmp(command, "init"          )) help_init();
    else if(!strcmp(command, "drop"          )) help_drop();
    else if(!strcmp(command, "create-service")) help_create_service();
    else if(!strcmp(command, "list"          )) help_list();
    else if(!strcmp(command, "switch"        )) help_switch();
    else if(!strcmp(command, "back"          )) help_back();
    else if(!strcmp(command, "book"          )) help_book();
    else if(!strcmp(command, "service"       )) help_service();
    else if(!strcmp(command, "bill"          )) help_bill();
    else if(!strcmp(command, "checkout"      )) help_checkout();
    else error_print("Unknown command!");
Exemple #3
 * help_prompt: The main procedure called to display the help file
 * currently being accessed.  Using add_wait_prompt(), it sets it
 * self up to be recalled when the next page is asked for.   If
 * called when we have finished paging the help file, we exit, as
 * there is nothing left to show.  If line is 'q' or 'Q', exit the
 * help pager, clean up, etc..  If all is cool for now, we call
 * show_help, and either if its finished, exit, or prompt for the
 * next page.   From here, if we've finished the help page, and
 * doing help prompts, prompt for the help..
static	void	help_prompt (char *name, char *line)
    if (finished_help_paging)
        if (*paused_topic)
            help_show_paused_topic(paused_topic, empty_string);

    if (line && toupper(*line) == 'Q')
        finished_help_paging = 1;
        help_fp = NULL;

    if (show_help(help_window, name))
        if (dumb_mode)
            help_prompt(name, NULL);
            add_wait_prompt("*** Hit any key for more, 'q' to quit ***",
                            help_prompt, name, WAIT_PROMPT_KEY, 1);
        finished_help_paging = 1;
        if (help_fp)
        help_fp = NULL;

        if (help_show_directory)
            if (get_int_var(HELP_PAGER_VAR))
                if (dumb_mode)
                    help_show_paused_topic(name, empty_string);
                    add_wait_prompt("*** Hit any key to end ***",
                                    help_show_paused_topic, paused_topic,
                                    WAIT_PROMPT_KEY, 1);
                help_show_paused_topic(paused_topic, empty_string);
                set_help_screen((Screen *) 0);
            help_show_directory = 0;

    if (finished_help_paging)
        if (get_int_var(HELP_PROMPT_VAR))
            char	tmp[BIG_BUFFER_SIZE + 1];

            snprintf(tmp, sizeof tmp, "%s%sHelp? ", help_topic_list,
                     *help_topic_list ? " " : empty_string);
            if (!dumb_mode)
                add_wait_prompt(tmp, help_me, help_topic_list,
                                WAIT_PROMPT_LINE, 1);
            if (*paused_topic)
                help_show_paused_topic(paused_topic, empty_string);
#if 0
            set_help_screen((Screen *) 0);