// Takes in a file, and pointer to a key and returns the line 
// which is encrypted on that file, and saves the key used to
// encrypt that line to the pointer it was passed.
void findNeedle(FILE * haystack, int * needleLine, char * key){
  char line[MAX_LINE];
  memset(line, 0, MAX_LINE);
  int lineNum = 1;
  double lowestScore = INT_MAX;
  char * encodedBuffer;


  //Find the bestScoring phrase
  while(fgets(line, MAX_LINE, haystack ) != NULL ){
    line[strcspn(line, "\n")] = 0;
    int len;
    char * buffer = hexStrToBytes(line, &len);
    char possibleKey = singleByteDecrypt(buffer, len);
    if (possibleKey > -1){
      double score = bufferScorer(buffer, len);
      if (score < lowestScore){
        lowestScore = score;
        * needleLine = lineNum;
        * key = possibleKey;
        encodedBuffer = buffer;
        printf("Found message on line: %d, key was: %x, scored: %f\n", lineNum, possibleKey, score);
        printf("Message might be:");
        printByteBuf(singleByteXOR(encodedBuffer, possibleKey, len), len);
    } lineNum++;
Exemple #2
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
  int bytesLen = 0;
  char *bytes = hexStrToBytes(sInputStr, &bytesLen);
  if (!bytes) {
    printf("Failure! Couldn't convert hex to bytes.\n");
    return 1;

  char *base64Str = malloc(Base64encode_len(bytesLen));
  if (!base64Str) {
    printf("Failure! Couldn't alloc buffer for base64 string.\n");
    return 1;
  Base64encode(base64Str, bytes, bytesLen);

  if (strcmp(base64Str, sOutputStr) == 0) {
  } else {


  return 0;
Exemple #3
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
    int bytesLen1 = 0;
    char *bytes1 = hexStrToBytes(sInputStr1, &bytesLen1);
    if (!bytes1) {
        printf("Failure! Couldn't convert hex to bytes for first input.\n");
        return 1;

    int bytesLen2 = 0;
    char *bytes2 = hexStrToBytes(sInputStr2, &bytesLen2);
    if (!bytes2) {
        printf("Failure! Couldn't convert hex to bytes for second input.\n");
        return 1;

    char *xorResultStr = malloc(bytesLen1);
    if (!xorResultStr) {
        printf("Failure! Couldn't alloc buffer for xor result string.\n");
        return 1;

    if (bytesLen1 != bytesLen2) {
        printf("Failure! The lengths of both inputs are different.\n");
        return 1;

    xorBytes(bytes1, bytes2, xorResultStr, bytesLen1);

    char *aHexStr = malloc(bytesLen1 * 2);
    if (!aHexStr) {
        printf("Failure! Couldn't alloc buffer for hex string.\n");
        return 1;

    bytesToHexStr(xorResultStr, aHexStr, bytesLen1);

    if (strcmp(aHexStr, sOutputStr) == 0) {
    } else {


    return 0;
Exemple #4
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
    int len;

    char * aByteBuff = hexStrToBytes(aHexStr, &len);
    char key = singleByteDecrypt(aByteBuff, len);
    printf("The key was: %c \nThe message is: ", key);
    char * result = singleByteXOR(aByteBuff, key, len);
    printByteBuf(result, len);

Exemple #5
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
    int blen;
    double *freqMap = readFreqMap(freqFile);
    if (!freqMap) {
        printf("Couldn't read frequencies");
    char* inputBytes = hexStrToBytes(inputString, &blen);
    if (!inputBytes || !blen) {
        printf("Error converting input to hex");
    char key;
    double score;
    char *message = crackXOR(inputBytes, blen, freqMap, &key, &score);
    printf("The message is: %s\n", message);
    printf("The key is: %c\n", key);
    return 0;
Exemple #6
char * decode(char* hexStr, double* currentScore, char* bestKey){
  	int bytesLen1 = 0;
    char *bytes1 = hexStrToBytes(hexStr, &bytesLen1);
    if (!bytes1) {
    	printf("Failure! Couldn't convert hex to bytes.\n");
    	return NULL;
    char *result = malloc(bytesLen1);
	static double frequencyTable[NUM_LETTERS] = 
    	{8.617, 1.492,2.782,4.253,12.702,2.228,2.015,6.094,6.966,
        .153,.772,4.025,2.406,6.749, 7.507,1.929,.095,5.987,

    double topScore = 0;
    char* bestString = malloc(bytesLen1*2);
    //char* bestKey = malloc(sizeof(char));// please please hold the key
    for (int x = 0; x <= ASCII_MAX; x++) {
    	char* letterCount = malloc(sizeof(char)*ASCII_MAX);
    	for(int y = 0; y<bytesLen1; y++){
        	result[y] = bytes1[y] ^ (char) x;
        	result[y] = tolower(result[y]);
        	letterCount[result[y]] = letterCount[result[y]] + 1;
      	char key = (char)x; //hold this key here, for reference towards the bottom
     	double score = 100;
      	for(int x = 0; x < NUM_LETTERS; x++){//for 97-122 (a-z)
        	score = score - fabs(((double)letterCount[x+97]/(double)bytesLen1)*100.0 - frequencyTable[x]);

     	int spaceTotal = 0;
      	int punctTotal = 0;
      	for(int x = 0; x <= ASCII_MAX; x++){
          		punctTotal = punctTotal + letterCount[x];
          		spaceTotal = spaceTotal + letterCount[x];

      	double punctScore = ((double)punctTotal)/((double)bytesLen1)*100.0;
      	double spaceScore = ((double)spaceTotal)/((double)bytesLen1)*100.0;

      	//will exclude strings that have too much punctuation
        	score = -1;
      	//will exclude strings that have too much white space
      	score = score - fabs(spaceScore - (1.0/6.0)*100.0);

      	//will keep track of the top scoring string
        	topScore = score;
        	*bestKey = key;
        	for(int s = 0; s < bytesLen1; s++){
         		bestString[s] = result[s];
        	bestString[bytesLen1] = '\0';
    *currentScore = topScore;
    //printf("%c \n", *bestKey); //should print out the key that was used for the best string
    //printf("%s \n", bestString);
    return bestString;