void renderHex(unsigned char *buf, int len, const char* s) {
    for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
        unsigned char msb = hexToDec(s[i * 2 + 0]);
        unsigned char lsb = hexToDec(s[i * 2 + 1]);
        buf[i] = (msb << 4) | lsb;
Exemple #2
getOctetFromEscaped(char hex1, char hex2)
	if (isxdigit((int)hex1) && isxdigit((int)hex2)) {
		return (char)((hexToDec(hex1) << 4) + hexToDec(hex2));

	return 0;
Exemple #3
void Sha1Hash::setHash(std::string hash)
    uint8 counter = 0;

    char ch1, ch2;
    uint8 b1, b2;

    for (uint8 i = 0; i < hash.length(); i = i + 2)
        ch1 = hash.at(i);
        ch2 = hash.at(i + 1);
        b1 = hexToDec(ch1);
        b2 = hexToDec(ch2);
        mDigest[counter++] = (b1 << 4) | b2;
char DataReader_::handleNextCharWithChunked(char &c) {
	switch (chunkedState) {

		if (c == '\n') {
			chunked_data_len_not_parse.trim(); // delete \r\n characters 
			chunked_data_len = hexToDec(chunked_data_len_not_parse); // convert lenght to int
			chunked_data_len_not_parse = "";
			chunkedState = READ_CHUNKED_DATA;
			if (chunked_data_len == 0) {
				return END_OF_DATA_CHAR;
		else {
			chunked_data_len_not_parse += c;
		chunked_data_len -= 1;
		if (-1 < chunked_data_len) { // first tine data_len == 0 -> go to read len 
			return c; // raw data without chuncked
		else {
			char_count += 1; // escape \r\n last chars in chuncked data
			if (char_count > 1) {
				char_count = 0;
				chunkedState = READ_CHUNKED_LEN;
	return SKIP_CHAR;
Exemple #5
/* delete a message from the device's database */
void handleDeleteMessage()
    unsigned int index = hexToDec(dequeue(&requestBuffer))*16 + hexToDec(dequeue(&requestBuffer));
    unsigned int result = deleteSmsWithIndex(index);

    /*if success, refresh screen*/
    if(result == 0)

    /*enqueue reply*/
    enqueueString(&replyBuffer, "DE", 2);
    enqueue(&replyBuffer, '0');
    enqueue(&replyBuffer, decToHex(result));
Exemple #6
int main(void)
    char *input = (char *) malloc(512);

	printf("Decimal: %d\n", (int) hexToDec(input));
	return 0;
Exemple #7
/* sends an SMS */
void handleSendMessage()
    enqueueString(&replyBuffer, "SM", 2);
    enqueue(&replyBuffer, '0');

    /*check destination length then fetch destination*/
    unsigned int destLen = hexToDec(dequeue(&requestBuffer))*16 + hexToDec(dequeue(&requestBuffer));
    if(destLen < 1 || destLen > 12)
        enqueue(&replyBuffer, '1');
    SMS_SUBMIT smsToSend;
    for(int i=0; i<destLen; i++)
        smsToSend.recipient_id[i] = dequeue(&requestBuffer);

    /*check data length then fetch message content*/
    smsToSend.data_length = hexToDec(dequeue(&requestBuffer))*16 + hexToDec(dequeue(&requestBuffer));
    if(smsToSend.data_length > DATA_MAX_LENGTH)
        enqueue(&replyBuffer, '1');
    for(i=0; i<smsToSend.data_length; i++)
        smsToSend.data[i] = (char)(hexToDec(dequeue(&requestBuffer))*16 + hexToDec(dequeue(&requestBuffer)));

    /*send SMS and enqueue success indicator*/
    enqueue(&replyBuffer, '0');
Exemple #8
 * Unescapes "%"-escaped characters in a query:
static void unescapeUrl(char *url)
   int x, y, len;

   len = strlen(url);
   for (x = 0, y = 0; url[y]; x++, y++) {
      if ((url[x] = url[y]) == '%' && y < (len - 2)) {
	  url[x] = hexToDec(&url[y+1]);
	  y += 2;
   url[x] = '\0';
void ClientAJAKumoTCP::handleCmd(char *cmd, char* parameter, char* data) {
    uint16_t command = (cmd[0] << 8) | cmd[1];
    switch(command) {
    case 'QI': { // Output routing info
        uint8_t output = hexToDec(parameter, 4);
        uint8_t input = hexToDec(data + strlen(data) - 4, 4);
        _receivedRouting = output-1;

        if(output <= ClientAJAKumoTCP_NUMOUTPUTS) {
            if(routingState[output-1] != input-1) {
                if(_serialOutput > 0)
                    Serial << "Route changed: " << input << " --> " << output << "\n";
                routingState[output-1] = input-1;

        if(_serialOutput > 1)
            Serial << "Unhandled incoming " << cmd << "," << parameter << " = " << data << "\n";
Exemple #10
int htoi(char s[])
    int result = 0;
    int i = 0;

    if (s[1] == 'x' || s[1] == 'X')
        i = 2;

    for (; s[i] != '\0'; i++) {
        result = result * 16 + hexToDec(s[i]);
    return result;
Exemple #11
/* updates a message's data field */
void handleUpdateMessage()
    enqueueString(&replyBuffer, "UM", 2);
    unsigned int index = hexToDec(dequeue(&requestBuffer))*16 + hexToDec(dequeue(&requestBuffer));

    /* fetch data length and check if allowed */
    unsigned int dataLen = hexToDec(dequeue(&requestBuffer))*16 + hexToDec(dequeue(&requestBuffer));
    if(dataLen > DATA_MAX_LENGTH)
        enqueue(&replyBuffer, '1');

    /* fetch data */
    char data[DATA_MAX_LENGTH];
    for(int i=0; i<dataLen; i++)
        data[i] = (char)(hexToDec(dequeue(&requestBuffer))*16 + hexToDec(dequeue(&requestBuffer)));

    /* process the request and enqueue the result */
    enqueue(&replyBuffer, '0');
    enqueue(&replyBuffer, updateSmsDataWithIndex(index, data, dataLen));
Exemple #12
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    int i, selectIndex, tintValue, optionSwitch, negativeIndex,
        yiq, terse, enableRed, enableBlue, enableGreen, ret, exitStatus;

    i = yiq = terse = tintValue = optionSwitch = negativeIndex =
        enableRed = enableBlue = enableGreen = ret = exitStatus = 0;

    selectIndex = -1;

    long red, blue, green;
    red = blue = green = 0;

    char *colorString, *inputString;
    char negativeTintInput[10] = "";

    /* -l (limit), -i (invert), -s (select) */
    while ((i = getopt  (argc, argv, ":rghbtlis:c")) != -1)
        switch(i) {
            case 'l': optionSwitch =  1; break;
            case 'i': optionSwitch = -1; break;
            case 'c': optionSwitch =  2; break;
            case 'r': enableRed    =  1; break;
            case 'g': enableGreen  =  1; break;
            case 'b': enableBlue   =  1; break;
            case 's': selectIndex  =  atoi(optarg); break;
            case 'h': usage();
            case 't': terse = 1; break;
            case '?':
                /* here we hand number arguments to a string to parse */
                /* because we want to do negative args without escaping (--) */
                switch(optopt) {
                    case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4': case '5':
                    case '6': case '7': case '8': case '9': case '0':
                        negativeTintInput[negativeIndex++] = optopt;
                    default: usage();

    /* always gonna need an input string. */
    if (argv[optind] == NULL)

    /* if not inverting, need tint value. */
    if (optionSwitch != -1 && optionSwitch != 2 && !negativeIndex)
        if (argv[optind] == NULL)

    /* default to all colors. */
    if (!enableRed && !enableGreen && !enableBlue)
         enableRed = enableGreen = enableBlue = 1;

    /* set input and color strings, default to last 6 characters. */
    inputString = argv[argc - 1];
    selectIndex = selectIndex == -1 ? strlen(inputString) - 6 : selectIndex;
    colorString = &inputString[selectIndex];

    /* set color handles. */
    red   = hexToDec(colorString, 0);
    green = hexToDec(colorString, 2);
    blue  = hexToDec(colorString, 4);

    /* set and apply the tint value if we're using it */
    if (optionSwitch != -1 && optionSwitch != 2) {
        tintValue = negativeIndex ? -1 * atoi(negativeTintInput) : atoi(argv[optind]);
        red   += tintValue;
        green += tintValue;
        blue  += tintValue;

    /* do the thing */
    switch(optionSwitch) {
        case -1: /* invert */
            red   = 255 - red;
            green = 255 - green;
            blue  = 255 - blue;

        case 0: /* normal */
        case 1: /* limit */
            ret = makeValid(&red,   optionSwitch);
            ret += makeValid(&green, optionSwitch);
            ret += makeValid(&blue,  optionSwitch);
            exitStatus = ret >=2 ? 1 : 0;

        case 2: /* contrast - ref: https://24ways.org/2010/calculating-color-contrast/ */
            yiq = ((red * 299) + (green * 587) + (blue * 114)) / 1000;
            exit(yiq >= 128 ? 1 : 0);

    /* insert result if enabled */
    if (enableRed)
        decToHex(red,   &colorString[0]);
    if (enableGreen)
        decToHex(green, &colorString[2]);
    if (enableBlue)
        decToHex(blue,  &colorString[4]);

    /* print color only */
    if (terse) {
        colorString[6] = '\0';
        inputString = colorString;

    printf("%s", inputString);
Exemple #13
/* reads the data of a message into the send buffer */
void handleReadMessage()
    char upperNibble = dequeue(&requestBuffer), lowerNibble = dequeue(&requestBuffer);
    unsigned int index = hexToDec(upperNibble)*16 + hexToDec(lowerNibble);
    pSmsNode_t pSelectedSms = getSmsWithIndex(index);

    if(pSelectedSms == NULL)

    enqueueString(&replyBuffer, "MC", 2);
    enqueue(&replyBuffer, upperNibble);
    enqueue(&replyBuffer, lowerNibble);

    if (pSelectedSms->type == INCOMING_MESSAGE)
        unsigned int srcLen, i;
        SMS_DELIVER* pMsg = (SMS_DELIVER*)pSelectedSms->pSMS;

        /* fetch timestamp time */
        enqueue(&replyBuffer, pMsg->timestamp[7]);
        enqueue(&replyBuffer, pMsg->timestamp[6]);
        enqueue(&replyBuffer, pMsg->timestamp[9]);
        enqueue(&replyBuffer, pMsg->timestamp[8]);
        enqueue(&replyBuffer, pMsg->timestamp[11]);
        enqueue(&replyBuffer, pMsg->timestamp[10]);

        /* fetch destination */
        enqueue(&replyBuffer, decToHex(DEVICE_ID_LENGTH/16));
        enqueue(&replyBuffer, decToHex(DEVICE_ID_LENGTH%16));
        char dest[] = DEVICE_ID;
        for(i=0 ; i<DEVICE_ID_LENGTH ; ++i)
            enqueue(&replyBuffer, '0');
            enqueue(&replyBuffer, dest[i]);

        /* fetch source */
        for(srcLen=0; (pMsg->sender_id[srcLen] != (char)NULL) && (srcLen < ID_MAX_LENGTH); ++srcLen);
        enqueue(&replyBuffer, decToHex(srcLen/16));
        enqueue(&replyBuffer, decToHex(srcLen%16));
        for(i=0 ; i<srcLen ; ++i)
            enqueue(&replyBuffer, '0');
            enqueue(&replyBuffer, pMsg->sender_id[i]);

        /* fetch SMS message data */
        unsigned int dataLength =pMsg->data_length;
        enqueue(&replyBuffer, decToHex(dataLength/16));
        enqueue(&replyBuffer, decToHex(dataLength%16));
        for(i=0 ; i<dataLength ; ++i)
            enqueue(&replyBuffer, decToHex(pMsg->data[i]/16));
            enqueue(&replyBuffer, decToHex(pMsg->data[i]%16));
    else /* OUTGOING_MESSAGE */
        unsigned int destLen, i;
        SMS_SUBMIT* pMsg = (SMS_SUBMIT*)pSelectedSms->pSMS;

        /* no timestamp, send zeros instead (see README) */
        enqueueString(&replyBuffer, "000000", 6);

        /* fetch destination */
        for(destLen=0; (pMsg->recipient_id[destLen] != (char)NULL) && (destLen < ID_MAX_LENGTH); ++destLen);
        enqueue(&replyBuffer, decToHex(destLen/16));
        enqueue(&replyBuffer, decToHex(destLen%16));
        for(i=0 ; i<destLen ; ++i)
            enqueue(&replyBuffer, '0');
            enqueue(&replyBuffer, pMsg->recipient_id[i]);

        /* fetch source */
        enqueue(&replyBuffer, decToHex(DEVICE_ID_LENGTH/16));
        enqueue(&replyBuffer, decToHex(DEVICE_ID_LENGTH%16));
        char src[] = DEVICE_ID;
        for(i=0 ; i<DEVICE_ID_LENGTH ; ++i)
            enqueue(&replyBuffer, '0');
            enqueue(&replyBuffer, src[i]);

        /* fetch SMS message data */
        unsigned int dataLength = pMsg->data_length;
        enqueue(&replyBuffer, decToHex(dataLength/16));
        enqueue(&replyBuffer, decToHex(dataLength%16));
        for(i=0 ; i<dataLength ; ++i)
            enqueue(&replyBuffer, decToHex(pMsg->data[i]/16));
            enqueue(&replyBuffer, decToHex(pMsg->data[i]%16));
Exemple #14
// strURL: URL to decode.
CString CURLEncode::Decode(CString strURL)
	int i=strURL.Find(_T('%'));
	TCHAR tc1=0, tc2=0;
	BYTE b=0;
	while (i>-1)

		if (isHex(tc1) && isHex(tc2))
			b=hexToDec(tc1, tc2);

			// first deal with 1-byte unprintable characters
			if (b<0x1F || b==0x7F) {
				strURL.SetAt(i, b);
				strURL.Delete(i+1, 2);
			} else {
				// Then deal with 1-byte unsafe/reserved characters
				// We are reading for those static LPCTSTR strings,
				// so we have nice support for Unicode
				for (int ii=0; ii<m_iUnsafeLen && !bFound; ii++)
					if (__toascii(m_lpszUnsafeString[ii])==b)
						strURL.SetAt(i, m_lpszUnsafeString[ii]);
						strURL.Delete(i+1, 2);
				for (int ii=0; ii<m_iReservedLen && !bFound; ii++)
					if (__toascii(m_lpszReservedString[ii])==b)
						strURL.SetAt(i, m_lpszReservedString[ii]);
						strURL.Delete(i+1, 2);
				// Then deal with UTF-8 (2-bytes) characters
				if (!bFound)
					// We need to have 2 bytes for decoding
					if (strURL.GetAt(i+3)==_T('%'))

						if (isHex(tc1) && isHex(tc2))
							BYTE b2=hexToDec(tc1, tc2);
							strURL.SetAt(i, fromUTF8(MAKEWORD(b2, b)));
							strURL.Delete(i+1, 5);

		i=strURL.Find(_T('%'), i+1);

	return strURL;
Exemple #15
void Gprmc::stringInterpretation(String gpsString)
	gprmcIndex			= 0; 
	firstCommaIndex		= 0; 
	secondCommaIndex	= 0; 
	thirdCommaIndex		= 0; 
	fourthCommaIndex	= 0; 
	fifthCommaIndex		= 0; 
	sixthCommaIndex		= 0;  
	seventhCommaIndex	= 0; 
	eighthCommaIndex	= 0; 
	ninthCommaIndex		= 0;  
	tenthCommaIndex		= 0; 
	eleventhCommaIndex  = 0; 
	twelfthCommaIndex	= 0; 

	 time = 0; 
	 status = "V"; 
	 latitude = 0; 
	 longitude = 0; 
	 speedOverGround = 0; 
	 date = 0; 

	 gprmcFound = false; 
	 checksumFound		= false; 

	 checksum = 0;
	 character = '0'; 

	 if(gpsString.indexOf("GPRMC") != -1)
		 gprmcFound = true; 
		gprmcIndex = gpsString.indexOf("GPRMC"); 
		firstCommaIndex		= gpsString.indexOf	(',', gprmcIndex		 + 1); 
		secondCommaIndex	= gpsString.indexOf	(',', firstCommaIndex	 + 1); 
		thirdCommaIndex		= gpsString.indexOf	(',', secondCommaIndex	 + 1); 
		fourthCommaIndex	= gpsString.indexOf	(',', thirdCommaIndex	 + 1); 
		fifthCommaIndex		= gpsString.indexOf	(',', fourthCommaIndex	 + 1); 
		sixthCommaIndex		= gpsString.indexOf	(',', fifthCommaIndex	 + 1); 
		seventhCommaIndex	= gpsString.indexOf	(',', sixthCommaIndex	 + 1); 
		eighthCommaIndex	= gpsString.indexOf	(',', seventhCommaIndex  + 1); 
		ninthCommaIndex		= gpsString.indexOf	(',', eighthCommaIndex	 + 1); 
		tenthCommaIndex		= gpsString.indexOf	(',', ninthCommaIndex    + 1); 
		eleventhCommaIndex	= gpsString.indexOf	(',', tenthCommaIndex	 + 1); 
		twelfthCommaIndex	= gpsString.indexOf (',', eleventhCommaIndex + 1); 

		 * substring()
		 * der Startindex ist inklusive, der Endindex ist exkluiv!

		if (gpsString.substring(twelfthCommaIndex + 2, twelfthCommaIndex + 3).equals("*"))
			gprmcSentence			= gpsString.substring (gprmcIndex,			   twelfthCommaIndex + 5); 

		timeString					= gpsString.substring (firstCommaIndex + 1,	     secondCommaIndex  ); 
		statusString 				= gpsString.substring (secondCommaIndex + 1,     thirdCommaIndex   ); 
		latitudeString				= gpsString.substring (thirdCommaIndex + 1,	     fourthCommaIndex  ); 
	 // northSouthString			= gpsString.substring (fourthCommaIndex + 1,     fifthCommaIndex   ); 
		longitudeString				= gpsString.substring (fifthCommaIndex + 1,	     sixthCommaIndex   ); 
	 // westEastString				= gpsString.substring (sixthCommaIndex + 1,	     seventhCommaIndex ); 
		speedOverGroundString		= gpsString.substring (seventhCommaIndex + 1,    eighthCommaIndex  ); 
	 // trackAngleString			= gpsString.substring (eighthCommaIndex + 1,     ninthCommaIndex   ); 
		dateString					= gpsString.substring (ninthCommaIndex + 1,	     tenthCommaIndex   ); 
	 // magneticVariationString		= gpsString.substring (tenthCommaIndex + 1,      eleventhCommaIndex); 
	 // magneticVariationSignString	= gpsString.substring (eleventhCommaIndex + 1,   twelfthCommaIndex ); 
		if (gpsString.substring(twelfthCommaIndex + 2, twelfthCommaIndex + 3).equals("*"))
			checksumString			= gpsString.substring (twelfthCommaIndex + 3, twelfthCommaIndex + 5); 
			checksumFound			= true; 

		 * Checksumme überprüfen:
		 * Die Checksumme wird berechnet, indem alle Zeichen zwischen dem $ und dem *
		 * duch ein (bitweise) exklusiv-oder berechnet werden.
		 * Angegeben wird die Checksumme durch eine Hexadezimalzahl, die hiner dem * steht. 

		for (int i = 0; i < gprmcSentence.length() - 3; i++)
			checksum = checksum ^ byte(gprmcSentence[i]); 

		 * Die Daten werden nur gesetzt, falls die empfangenen Daten
		 * valide sind und die Checksumme korrekt ist.

		if(statusString.equals("A") && hexToDec(checksumString) == checksum)
			char floatBufferTime[15];
			timeString.toCharArray(floatBufferTime, sizeof(floatBufferTime)); 	
			char floatBufferLat[15];
			latitudeString.toCharArray(floatBufferLat, sizeof(floatBufferLat)); 	

			char floatBufferLon[15];
			longitudeString.toCharArray(floatBufferLon, sizeof(floatBufferLon)); 	

			char floatBufferSpeed[15];
			speedOverGroundString.toCharArray(floatBufferSpeed, sizeof(floatBufferSpeed)); 	

			char floatBufferDate[15];
			dateString.toCharArray(floatBufferDate, sizeof(floatBufferDate)); 	 
