/*! Set the download progress bar value (0 - 100 %). If the given value is 0, the progress bar is hidden. \param value The progress bar value. */ void NmAttachmentListItem::setProgressBarValue(const int value) { NM_FUNCTION; // First check if the value is 0 or below -> hide progressbar. if (0 >= value) { removeProgressBar(); return; } if (!mProgressBar) { mProgressBar = new HbProgressBar(this); mProgressBar->setObjectName("attachmentlistitem_progress"); mProgressBar->setRange(PROGRESSBAR_MIN,PROGRESSBAR_MAX); HbStyle::setItemName(mProgressBar, "progressbar"); repolish(); } mProgressBar->setProgressValue(value); // Start hiding the count down. if (PROGRESSBAR_MAX <= value){ hideProgressBar(); } }
void StatGetterThread::onStart() { setLabel("Retrieving files count.."); emit showLabel(); emit setProgressRange(0, 0); emit setProgressValue(0); emit showProgressBar(); FillPreAnalysisTree(); const size_t totalValue = preAnalysisTree_.size(); setLabel("Calculating statistics.."); emit setProgressRange(0, totalValue); emit setProgressValue(0); FillStatTreeByPath(); GetSubdirsCount(); emit setProgressValue(totalValue); emit hideLabel(); emit hideProgressBar(); emit finished(); }
void CModListView::downloadFinished(QStringList savedFiles, QStringList failedFiles, QStringList errors) { QString title = "Download failed"; QString firstLine = "Unable to download all files.\n\nEncountered errors:\n\n"; QString lastLine = "\n\nInstall successfully downloaded?"; // if all files were d/loaded there should be no errors. And on failure there must be an error assert(failedFiles.empty() == errors.empty()); if (savedFiles.empty()) { // no successfully downloaded mods QMessageBox::warning(this, title, firstLine + errors.join("\n"), QMessageBox::Ok, QMessageBox::Ok ); } else if (!failedFiles.empty()) { // some mods were not downloaded int result = QMessageBox::warning (this, title, firstLine + errors.join("\n") + lastLine, QMessageBox::Yes | QMessageBox::No, QMessageBox::No ); if (result == QMessageBox::Yes) installFiles(savedFiles); } else { // everything OK installFiles(savedFiles); } // remove progress bar after some delay so user can see that download was complete and not interrupted. QTimer::singleShot(1000, this, SLOT(hideProgressBar())); dlManager->deleteLater(); dlManager = nullptr; }
IProgressWorker::IProgressWorker(QProgressBar* progBar, QLabel* label, QObject* parent) : QObject(parent) { connect(this, SIGNAL(setProgressRange(int,int)), progBar, SLOT(setRange(int,int))); connect(this, SIGNAL(setProgressValue(int)), progBar, SLOT(setValue(int))); connect(this, SIGNAL(showProgressBar()), progBar, SLOT(show())); connect(this, SIGNAL(hideProgressBar()), progBar, SLOT(hide())); connect(this, SIGNAL(setLabel(QString)), label, SLOT(setText(QString))); connect(this, SIGNAL(showLabel()), label, SLOT(show())); connect(this, SIGNAL(hideLabel()), label, SLOT(hide())); }
void CModListView::on_pushButton_clicked() { delete dlManager; dlManager = nullptr; hideProgressBar(); }