double get_hapscore(hap_set_t& hap_set) { std::sort(hap_set.begin(),hap_set.end()); std::vector<hinfo> haps; typedef hap_set_t::const_iterator hiter; { hiter i(hap_set.begin()), i_end(hap_set.end()); for (; i!=i_end; ++i) { // 1: check if we match any types; add new type if not bool is_match(false); const unsigned hs(haps.size()); for (unsigned j(0); j<hs; ++j) { if (is_hap_match(*i,haps[j])) { is_match=true; break; } } if (! is_match) haps.push_back(hinfo(*i)); } } const bool is_2hap(haps.size()>1); // 2: get two most likely haplotypes: if (is_2hap) { std::partial_sort(haps.begin(),haps.begin()+2,haps.end()); } // 3: calculate average read alignment score restricted to two best haplotypes: //static const double neginf(std::log(0)); double ln2hapratio(0); { hiter i(hap_set.begin()), i_end(hap_set.end()); for (; i!=i_end; ++i) { double als(get_align_score(*i,haps[0])); if (is_2hap) { als=std::max(als,get_align_score(*i,haps[1])); } //ln2hapratio = log_sum(ln2hapratio,als); ln2hapratio += als; } // target is log(avg(read_prob_ratio)), not avg(log(read_prob_ratio)): // //ln2hapratio -= std::log(static_cast<double>(hap_set.size())); ln2hapratio /= static_cast<double>(hap_set.size()); } return ln2hapratio; }
void PluginGeneratorGUI::save( const QString& filepath,const bool generatecpp) { MLXMLTree tree; collectInfo(tree); if (generatecpp) { QDir dir(finfo.absolutePath()); QString cppcode = MLXMLUtilityFunctions::generateCPP(finfo.baseName(),tree); QFileInfo cppinfo(finfo.absolutePath() + "/" +finfo.baseName() + ".cpp"); QString cppoldfilename = UsefulGUIFunctions::generateBackupName(cppinfo); dir.rename(cppinfo.fileName(),cppoldfilename); QFile cppfile(cppinfo.absoluteFilePath()); if (! | QIODevice::Text)) return; QTextStream outcpp(&cppfile); outcpp << cppcode; cppfile.close(); QString hcode = MLXMLUtilityFunctions::generateH(finfo.baseName(),tree); QFileInfo hinfo(finfo.absolutePath() + "/" +finfo.baseName() + ".h"); QString holdfilename = UsefulGUIFunctions::generateBackupName(hinfo); dir.rename(hinfo.fileName(),holdfilename); QFile hfile(hinfo.absoluteFilePath()); if (! | QIODevice::Text)) return; QTextStream outh(&hfile); outh << hcode; hfile.close(); } QString xml = generateXML(tree); //QDomDocument has been introduced only in order to indent the xml code QDomDocument doc; doc.setContent(xml,false); xml = doc.toString(); QFile file(filepath); if (! | QIODevice::Text)) return; QTextStream out(&file); out << xml; file.close(); finfo.setFile(filepath); }