Exemple #1
void opticalFlow::occMatpEst( Mat_<Vec2f> &flow12, Mat_<Vec2f> &flow21, Mat_<uchar>&occMap)
	int iy, ix;

	const float FLOW_PIXEL_THRESH = 2;

	for (iy=0; iy<height1; ++iy)
		for (ix=0; ix<width1; ++ix)
			Vec2f fFlow = flow12[iy][ix];
			int ny, nx;
			ny = floor(iy+fFlow[1]+0.5);
			nx = floor(ix+fFlow[0]+0.5);

			if (ny>=0 && ny<height1 && nx>=0 && nx<width1) 
				cv::Vec2f bFlow = flow21[ny][nx];
				if (fabs(bFlow[1]+ny-iy)<FLOW_PIXEL_THRESH && fabs(bFlow[0]+nx-ix)<FLOW_PIXEL_THRESH)
			occMap[iy][ix] = 0;

	Mat bw = occMap;
    Mat labelImage(occMap.size(), CV_32S);
    int nLabels = connectedComponents(bw, labelImage, 8);

	occMap[iy][ix] = 0;
	vector<int> hist(nLabels,0);
	for (iy=0; iy<height1; ++iy)
		for (ix=0; ix<width1; ++ix)
	vector<int> rmv_list;
	for (int i=0;i<nLabels;++i){
		if (hist[i]<50)
	for (iy=0; iy<height1; ++iy)
		for (ix=0; ix<width1; ++ix)
			for (int r=0; r<rmv_list.size(); ++r)
			if(labelImage.at<int>(iy,ix) == rmv_list[r])
				occMap[iy][ix] = 0;
Exemple #2
  //! Compute automatic stretch for a portion of the cube
  void ChipViewport::computeStretch(Stretch &stretch, bool force) {
    if (p_stretchLocked && !force) {
      stretch = *p_stretch;
    else {
      Statistics stats;
      for (int line = 1; line < p_chip->Lines(); line++) {
        for (int samp = 1; samp < p_chip->Samples(); samp++) {
          double value = p_chip->GetValue(samp, line);
          stats.AddData(&value, 1);

      Histogram hist(stats.BestMinimum(), stats.BestMaximum());
      for (int line = 1; line <= p_chip->Lines(); line++) {
        for (int samp = 1; samp <= p_chip->Samples(); samp++) {
          double value = p_chip->GetValue(samp, line);
          hist.AddData(&value, 1);

      if (hist.Percent(0.5) != hist.Percent(99.5)) {
        stretch.AddPair(hist.Percent(0.5), 0.0);
        stretch.AddPair(hist.Percent(99.5), 255.0);
      else {
        stretch.AddPair(-DBL_MAX, 0.0);
        stretch.AddPair(DBL_MAX, 255.0);

      *p_stretch = stretch;
Exemple #3
::libmaus::util::Histogram::unique_ptr_type libmaus::util::Utf8String::getHistogram(::libmaus::autoarray::AutoArray<uint8_t> const & A)
	#if defined(_OPENMP)
	uint64_t const numthreads = omp_get_max_threads();
	uint64_t const numthreads = 1;
	::libmaus::autoarray::AutoArray<uint64_t> const partstarts = computePartStarts(A,numthreads);
	uint64_t const numparts = partstarts.size()-1;
	::libmaus::util::Histogram::unique_ptr_type hist(new ::libmaus::util::Histogram);
	::libmaus::parallel::OMPLock lock;
	#if defined(_OPENMP)
	#pragma omp parallel for
	for ( int64_t t = 0; t < static_cast<int64_t>(numparts); ++t )
		::libmaus::util::Histogram::unique_ptr_type lhist(new ::libmaus::util::Histogram);
		uint64_t codelen = 0;
		uint64_t const tcodelen = partstarts[t+1]-partstarts[t];
		::libmaus::util::GetObject<uint8_t const *> G(A.begin()+partstarts[t]);
		while ( codelen != tcodelen )
	return UNIQUE_PTR_MOVE(hist);
Exemple #4
static void
print_ahstats(const struct ahstat *ahstat)
#define	p32(f, m) if (ahstat->f || sflag <= 1) \
    printf("\t%u" m, (unsigned int)ahstat->f, plural(ahstat->f))
#define	p64(f, m) if (ahstat->f || sflag <= 1) \
    printf("\t%ju" m, (uintmax_t)ahstat->f, plural(ahstat->f))
#define	hist(f, n, t) \
    ipsec_hist_new((f), sizeof(f)/sizeof(f[0]), (n), (t));

	p32(ahs_hdrops, " packet%s shorter than header shows\n");
	p32(ahs_nopf, " packet%s dropped; protocol family not supported\n");
	p32(ahs_notdb, " packet%s dropped; no TDB\n");
	p32(ahs_badkcr, " packet%s dropped; bad KCR\n");
	p32(ahs_qfull, " packet%s dropped; queue full\n");
	p32(ahs_noxform, " packet%s dropped; no transform\n");
	p32(ahs_wrap, " replay counter wrap%s\n");
	p32(ahs_badauth, " packet%s dropped; bad authentication detected\n");
	p32(ahs_badauthl, " packet%s dropped; bad authentication length\n");
	p32(ahs_replay, " possible replay packet%s detected\n");
	p32(ahs_input, " packet%s in\n");
	p32(ahs_output, " packet%s out\n");
	p32(ahs_invalid, " packet%s dropped; invalid TDB\n");
	p64(ahs_ibytes, " byte%s in\n");
	p64(ahs_obytes, " byte%s out\n");
	p32(ahs_toobig, " packet%s dropped; larger than IP_MAXPACKET\n");
	p32(ahs_pdrops, " packet%s blocked due to policy\n");
	p32(ahs_crypto, " crypto processing failure%s\n");
	p32(ahs_tunnel, " tunnel sanity check failure%s\n");
	hist(ahstat->ahs_hist, ipsec_ahnames, "AH output");

#undef p32
#undef p64
#undef hist
template<class Storage, class SrcType, class ThreshType, class DstType> static int
    foaCvBackProject(Storage, SrcType, ThreshType, DstType)
    const S1 = 4;
    const S2 = 4;
    const S3 = 4;

    CvSize roi = {100, 100};
    int step = roi.width * sizeof( SrcType );

    SrcType* src[3];
    src[0] = new SrcType[roi.width * roi.height];
    src[1] = new SrcType[roi.width * roi.height];
    src[2] = new SrcType[roi.width * roi.height];

    DstType* measure = new DstType[roi.width * roi.height];

    ThreshType _thresh[3][5] = {{1, 2, 3, 4, 5},
                                {2, 3, 4, 5, 6},
                                {5, 6, 7, 9, 10}};
    ThreshType* thresh[3] = { _thresh[0], _thresh[1], _thresh[2] };

    int Errors = 0;

    for( int i = 0; i < roi.width * roi.height; i++ )
        src[0][i] = src[1][i] = src[2][i] = 0;

    for( i = 0; i < roi.width; i++ )
        for( int j = 0; j < 3; j++ )
            src[j][roi.width + i] = (SrcType)thresh[j][i%5];

    CVHistogram<Storage> hist( S1, S2, S3 );

    CvCalculateC1( hist, src, roi, step, thresh );
    CvBackProject<CVHistogram<Storage>, SrcType, ThreshType, DstType>
        ( hist, src, roi, step, thresh, measure, roi.width * sizeof(DstType), 0 );

    for( i = 0; i < roi.width; i++ )
        if( measure[roi.width + i] != roi.width / 5 * (1 + (i%5 == 0) + (i%5 == 1)))
        trsWrite( ATS_CON | ATS_LST, "Wrong destination value\n" );
    for( int y = 0; y < roi.height; y++ )
        for( int x = 0; x < roi.width; x++ )
            if( y != 1 && measure[roi.width * y + x] != 0 )
                trsWrite( ATS_CON | ATS_LST, "Wrong destination value (non zero)\n" );
                goto _exit;
    delete src[0];
    delete src[1];
    delete src[2];
    delete measure;

    return Errors == 0 ? TRS_OK : trsResult( TRS_FAIL, "Fixed %d errors", Errors );
Exemple #6
void Detector::writeHistogram(){
    cv::Mat hist(scale + 1, scale + 1, CV_32FC1);
    cv::Mat histN;
//    cv::cvtColor(image, newImage, CV_Lab2BGR);
    //matrice à cv Mat
    for (int row = 0; row < scale; row++){
        for (int col = 0; col < scale; col++){
            hist.at<double>(row, col) = 1.0*histoS[row][col]/totalPixelSkinBase;
    for (int row = 0; row < scale; row++){
        for (int col = 0; col < scale; col++){
            histN.at<double>(row, col) = 1.0*histoNS[row][col]/totalPixelNonSkinBase;
    char histName[64];
    char histNName[64];
    sprintf(histName, "histogram%d.jpg", scale);
    sprintf(histNName, "histogramNonSkin%d.jpg", scale);
//    cv::normalize(hist, hist, 1, cv::NORM_MINMAX);
    cv::imwrite( histName, hist);
    cv::imwrite( histNName, histN);

std::pair<float, float>
calculate_mapping_function(std::list<TexturePatch::ConstPtr> const & texture_patches) {
    float min = std::numeric_limits<float>::max();
    float max = std::numeric_limits<float>::lowest();
    for (TexturePatch::ConstPtr texture_patch : texture_patches) {
        mve::FloatImage::ConstPtr image = texture_patch->get_image();
        mve::ByteImage::ConstPtr validity_mask = texture_patch->get_validity_mask();
        for (int i = 0; i < image->get_value_amount(); ++i) {
            if (validity_mask->at(i / 3) == 0) continue;

            min = std::min(min, image->at(i));
            max = std::max(max, image->at(i));
    Histogram hist(min, max, 10000);
    for (TexturePatch::ConstPtr texture_patch : texture_patches) {
        mve::FloatImage::ConstPtr image = texture_patch->get_image();
        mve::ByteImage::ConstPtr validity_mask = texture_patch->get_validity_mask();
        for (int i = 0; i < image->get_value_amount(); ++i) {
            if (validity_mask->at(i / 3) == 0) continue;

    min = hist.get_approx_percentile(0.005f);
    max = hist.get_approx_percentile(0.995f);

    return std::pair<float, float>(min, max);
    int maximalRectangle(vector<vector<char> > &matrix) {

        int n = matrix.size();

        if(n<1) return 0;

        int m = matrix[0].size();

        if(m<1) return 0;

        int ans = 0;

        vector<int> hist(m, 0);

        for(int i=0; i<n; i++){

            for(int j=0; j<m; j++){

                if(matrix[i][j]=='1')   hist[j]++;

                else    hist[j] = 0;


            ans = max(ans, rectInHist(hist));


        return ans;

void HistogramManager::createBJetSummedHistograms3D(DataType::value type) {
	for (unsigned short jetbinSum = 0; jetbinSum < BJetBinSummed::NUMBER_OF_SUMMED_BJET_BINS; ++jetbinSum) {
		for (unordered_map<std::string, TH3Array>::iterator iter = collection3D.begin(); iter != collection3D.end();
				++iter) {
			string collectionName = iter->first;
			TH3CollectionRef coll = iter->second[type];
			unordered_map<std::string, TH3Ptr> histMap = coll->getAllHistograms();

			for (unordered_map<std::string, TH3Ptr>::const_iterator histIter = histMap.begin();
					histIter != histMap.end(); ++histIter) {
				string name = histIter->first;
				//check if it is a Bjet-binned histogram
				if (!boost::algorithm::ends_with(name, BJetBin::names[jetbinSum]))

				string tmp_name(name);
				boost::algorithm::replace_last(tmp_name, BJetBin::names[jetbinSum], BJetBinSummed::names[jetbinSum]);
				TH3Ptr hist((TH3*) histIter->second->Clone(tmp_name.c_str()));
				string title(hist->GetTitle());
				boost::algorithm::replace_last(title, BJetBin::names[jetbinSum], BJetBinSummed::names[jetbinSum]);

				for (unsigned short jetbin = jetbinSum + 1; jetbin < BJetBin::NUMBER_OF_BJET_BINS; ++jetbin) {
					string histName = name;
					//replace the suffix of the current <base> histogram with the value in the loop.
					boost::algorithm::replace_last(histName, BJetBin::names[jetbinSum], BJetBin::names[jetbin]);

				collection3D[collectionName][type]->add(tmp_name, hist);
Exemple #10
void Control::drawHistogram(std::string image_name)
    cv::Mat image = cv::imread(image_name);
    cv::Mat hist(200, 256, CV_8UC1, cv::Scalar(0));
    Channel channel(image);
    channel.drawHistogram(hist, 255);
    cv::imwrite("hist.png", hist);
Exemple #11
int main(int argc, char *argv[])

        int NUM_RUNS = atoi(argv[1]);
        int TEST_RUNS = atoi(argv[2]);

void MainWindow::setImages()
	Histogram hist(image);
	histogram = hist.getImage();

 HistPtr GetHist(const std::string& hist_name) const
     HistPtr hist(dynamic_cast<Hist*>(file->Get(hist_name.c_str())));
         throw exception("Can't read histogram '%1%' from model file '%2%'.")
             % hist_name % file->GetName();
     return hist;
Exemple #14
void DrawPlot::scale(std::vector<TH1*>& v_hist, const double factor)const{
  for(std::vector<TH1*>::const_iterator i_hist = v_hist.begin();  i_hist != v_hist.end(); ++i_hist){
    TH1* hist(*i_hist);
    const double integral(hist->Integral(0,hist->GetNbinsX()+1));
    hist->SetYTitle(TString(hist->GetYaxis()->GetTitle()) + "  (scaled)");
Exemple #15
void makePlots(std::string fname="runWithGun_Fix.root", 
	       std::string text="Fixed Depth Calculation",
	       std::string prefix="Fix", bool save=false) {
  std::string name[4] = {"ECLL_EB", "ECLL_EBref", "ECLL_EE", "ECLL_EERef"};
  double xrnglo[4] = {1200.0,1200.0,3100.0,3100.0};
  double xrnghi[4] = {1600.0,1600.0,3600.0,3600.0};
  std::string xtitl[4] = {"R_{Cyl} (mm)","R_{Cyl} (mm)","|z| (mm)", "|z| (mm)"};
  std::string ytitl[4] = {"# X_{0} (*100)", "# X_{0} (*100)", "# X_{0} (*100)", 
			  "# X_{0} (*100)"};
  std::string title[4] = {"EB (Normal)", "EB (Reflected)", "EE (Normal)", 
			  "EE (Reflected)"};

  gStyle->SetCanvasBorderMode(0); gStyle->SetCanvasColor(kWhite);
  gStyle->SetPadColor(kWhite);    gStyle->SetFillColor(kWhite);
  TFile      *file = new TFile(fname.c_str());
  if (file) {
    char namep[100];
    for (int k=0; k<4; ++k) {
      TH2D* hist(0);
      for (int i=0; i<4; ++i) {
	if (i == 0) sprintf (namep, "%s", name[k].c_str());
	else        sprintf (namep, "%s;%d", name[k].c_str(),i);
	hist = (TH2D*)file->FindObjectAny(name[k].c_str());
	std::cout << namep << " read out at " << hist << std::endl;
	if (hist != 0) {
	  std::cout << "Entries " << hist->GetEntries() << std::endl;
	  if (hist->GetEntries() > 0) break;
      if (hist != 0) {
	sprintf (namep,"%s%s",name[k].c_str(),prefix.c_str());
	TCanvas *pad = new TCanvas(namep,namep,500,500);
	pad->SetRightMargin(0.10); pad->SetTopMargin(0.10);
	TPaveStats* st1 = (TPaveStats*)hist->GetListOfFunctions()->FindObject("stats");
	if (st1 != NULL) {
	  st1->SetY1NDC(0.70); st1->SetY2NDC(0.90);
	  st1->SetX1NDC(0.65); st1->SetX2NDC(0.90);
	TPaveText *txt1 = new TPaveText(0.50,0.60,0.90,0.65,"blNDC");
	if (save) {
	  sprintf (namep, "c_%s%s.gif",name[k].c_str(),prefix.c_str());
void MainWindow::equalization()
	Histogram hist(image);
	histogram = hist.getImage();
	image = histogramEqualization(image,hist);
void MainWindow::isodataSlot()
	Histogram hist(image);
	histogram = hist.getImage();
	image = isodata(image,hist,0,image.getLevel()+1);

Exemple #18
::libmaus2::util::Histogram::unique_ptr_type libmaus2::util::OctetString::getHistogram() const
	::libmaus2::util::Histogram::unique_ptr_type hist(new ::libmaus2::util::Histogram);
	for ( uint64_t i = 0; i < A.size(); ++i )
	return UNIQUE_PTR_MOVE(hist);
     void MSLib_Material_Driver( State_t*   state, const int* ndx, const int  len, Domain_t*  domain )
          MS_Matmodel* msModel = 0L;

          HistVarSet<real8>  hist(msModel);
          HistVarSet<real8>  hist_updt(msModel);
          HistVarSet<real8*> hist_list(msModel);
          HistVarSet<bool>   log_flags(msModel);
void LLGAnalysis::makeHist( string nametitle, int nbins, double xmin, double xmax, string xtitle, string ytitle, string drawOption, double xAxisOffset, double yAxisOffset ) {

    TH1D hist(nametitle.c_str(), nametitle.c_str(), nbins, xmin, xmax );
    hist.GetXaxis()->SetTitle( xtitle.c_str() );
    hist.GetYaxis()->SetTitle( ytitle.c_str() );
    hist.GetYaxis()->SetTitleOffset( yAxisOffset );
    hist.GetXaxis()->SetTitleOffset( xAxisOffset );
    _histograms1D.insert( pair<string, TH1D>( nametitle, hist ) );
    _histograms1DDrawOptions.insert( pair<string,string>( nametitle, drawOption ) );
Exemple #21
static double iteration(int m0, int m1, int m2, int n0, int n1, int n2,
	double Alpha[], double Beta[], MAPTYPE *vol,
	double B0[], double B1[], double B2[], double f[], double mx, int nh, double h[], int *psh)
	int j2, j1, j0, i2, i1, i0;
	double *dat, *wt0, *wt1, *Alpha1, *Beta1;
	double t2[MAXB*MAXB], t1[MAXB], ll;

	dat    = (double *)mxCalloc(n1*n0, sizeof(double));
	wt0    = (double *)mxCalloc(n1*n0, sizeof(double));
	wt1    = (double *)mxCalloc(n1*n0, sizeof(double));
	Alpha1 = (double *)mxCalloc(m1*m0*m1*m0, sizeof(double));
	Beta1  = (double *)mxCalloc(m1*m0, sizeof(double));

	hist(m0,m1,m2, n0,n1,n2, vol, B0,B1,B2,f, nh,(nh-1.0)/mx,h, dat, psh);

	ll = 0.0;

	for(j2=0;j2<n2; j2++)
		for(i0=0; i0<m0*m1; i0++)
			t2[i0] = 0.0;
			for(i2=0;i2<m2; i2++)
				t2[i0] += B2[j2+n2*i2]*f[i0+m0*m1*i2];
		for(j1=0; j1<n1; j1++)
			for(i0=0; i0<m0; i0++)
				t1[i0] = 0.0;
				for(i1=0;i1<m1; i1++)
					t1[i0] += B1[j1+n1*i1]*t2[i0+m0*i1];
			for(j0=0; j0<n0; j0++)
				double sc = 0.0;
				for(i0=0; i0<m0; i0++)
					sc += B0[j0+n0*i0]*t1[i0];
				weights(dat[j0+n0*j1], exp(sc), nh, (nh-1.0)/mx,h, &wt0[j0+n0*j1], &wt1[j0+n0*j1], &ll);
		kronutil(n0,n1,n2, m0,m1,m2, j2, wt0,wt1, B0,B1,B2, Alpha1,Beta1, Alpha,Beta);

	mxFree((void *)dat);
	mxFree((void *)wt0);
	mxFree((void *)wt1);
	mxFree((void *)Alpha1);
	mxFree((void *)Beta1);

statistics::Histogram get_density_histogram(const em::DensityMap *dmap,
                                            float threshold,int num_bins) {
  statistics::Histogram hist(threshold-em::EPS,dmap->get_max_value()+.1,
  for(long v_ind=0;v_ind<dmap->get_number_of_voxels();v_ind++) {
    if (dmap->get_value(v_ind) > threshold) {
  return hist;
void MainWindow::gamma()
	Histogram hist(image);
	histogram = hist.getImage();
	double gamma = QInputDialog::getDouble(this,"Gamma value","Gamma value");
	image = applyContrast(image,gamma);

void MainWindow::manual()
	Histogram hist(image);
	histogram = hist.getImage();
	double thres = QInputDialog::getDouble(this,"Threshold value","Threshold value");
	image = changeLUT(image,thres);

			static ImpCompactNumberArray::unique_ptr_type constructFromArray(iterator_in it_in, uint64_t const n)
				libmaus::util::Histogram hist;
				for ( iterator_in it_a = it_in; it_a != it_in+n; ++it_a )
					hist ( libmaus::math::bitsPerNum(*it_a) );

				ImpCompactNumberArrayGenerator gen(hist);

				ImpCompactNumberArray::unique_ptr_type ptr(gen.construct(it_in,n));
				return UNIQUE_PTR_MOVE(ptr);
  virtual void generate_round(int round, nbgen &rng, histogram_c &center) {
    int_c board_card_sum{0, 3, 4, 5};
    size_t round_size = ehslp->size(round);
    std::vector<datapoint_t> features = std::vector<datapoint_t>(round_size);

    // thread variables
    int per_block = round_size / nb_threads;
    std::vector<size_t> thread_block_size(nb_threads, per_block);
    thread_block_size.back() += round_size - nb_threads * per_block;

    std::vector<std::thread> eval_threads(nb_threads);
    size_t accumulator = 0;
    for (int t = 0; t < nb_threads; ++t) {
      accumulator += thread_block_size[t];
      eval_threads[t] =
          std::thread([t, round, accumulator, &features, &board_card_sum,
                       &thread_block_size, this] {
            uint8_t cards[7];
            histogram_t hist(1);

            for (size_t i = (accumulator - thread_block_size[t]);
                 i < accumulator; ++i) {
              hist[0] = ehslp->raw(round,i);
              features[i].histogram = hist;

    for (int t = 0; t < nb_threads; ++t)

    std::cout << "clustering " << round_size << " holdings into "
              << nb_buckets[round] << " buckets...\n";

    unsigned restarts = 100; // TODO: configurable
    kmeans_center_multiple_restarts(restarts, nb_buckets[round],
                                    kmeans_center_init_random, center, features,
    kmeans(nb_buckets[round], features, l2_distance, center, nb_threads,

    std::cout << "writing abstraction for round to file...\n";
    dump_to->write(reinterpret_cast<const char *>(&round), sizeof(round));
    dump_to->write(reinterpret_cast<const char *>(&nb_buckets[round]),

    size_t nb_entries = ehslp->size(round);
    for (size_t i = 0; i < nb_entries; ++i) {
      dump_to->write(reinterpret_cast<const char *>(&features[i].cluster),
    std::cout << "done.\n";
std::vector<unsigned int> ImgProcessing::histogramProcess(Mat src){

	std::vector<unsigned int> hist (10,0);

	for (int i = 0; i < src.rows; i++) {
		for (int j = 0; j < src.cols; j++) {
			int n = (int) src.at<unsigned char>(i, j);
			hist[n] += 1;

	return hist;
HistEncoding::FeatureType HistEncoding::computeFeatures(SampleType samples) const
    if (_usePCA)
        samples = samples * _pcaBasis;
    FeatureType hist(_k, 1);

    for (int i = 0; i < samples.rows(); ++i)
        hist(_tree->findNN(samples.row(i)), 0) += 1;

    if (samples.rows() > 0)
        hist = hist.normalized();

    return hist;
Exemple #29
int Data::calculate(cv::Mat ch, bool vertical){
	int result = -1;
	cv::Point p;
	SimpleHistogram hist(vertical ? ch.size().width : ch.size().height);
	for (p.y = 0; p.y < ch.size().height; p.y++){
		for (p.x = 0; p.x < ch.size().width; p.x++) {
			if (ch.at<uchar>(p) > 0)
				hist.add(vertical ? p.x : p.y);
	result = hist.indexOfMax();
	return result;
void MainWindow::otsuThresh()
	Histogram hist(image);
	histogram = hist.getImage();
	image = otsu(image,hist);