Exemple #1
Color hitScene(struct Scene* scene, struct HitRecord* record, Ray ray, int depth){
    Color result = {0, 0, 0};
    for(int k = 0; k < scene->num_triangles; k++){
        hitTriangle(&scene->triangles[k], record, ray);

        result = addColors(result, shadeWithMaterial(scene, record, ray, depth));

    return result;
Exemple #2
//Loop for going over the set of triangles
triangle* figureIntersection ( node* currNode, scene *myScene, coord* t )
	int intersect = 0; //flag for intersection occurrence
	coord limit = 2;  //space max bound
	triangle* current = NULL;
	kdTreeNode* currPacket = currNode->currentPacket;
	coord u; //multiplication factor. The closest triangle has the smallest u
	//printf("intersection verification process\n");
	while( 1 )
		TrigRefList* currTrigRef = currNode->currentPacket->trig;
		while( currTrigRef != NULL )
			if ( hitTriangle( &( currNode->v ), currTrigRef->ref, &u ) == 1 )
				//avoids self intersection
				if( currTrigRef->ref != currNode->lastIntercepted )
					if ( u < limit )
						current = currTrigRef->ref;
						limit = u;
						intersect = 1;
						//cout << "intersect! " << currTrigRef->ref->index
						//     << endl;
			// cout << "u: " << u << " limit " << limit
			//      << " index " << currTrigRef->ref->index << endl;
			currTrigRef = currTrigRef->next;
		if( intersect == 1 )
			//this avoids self intersection
			currNode->lastIntercepted = current;
			// printf( "Intersection found - Trig Index: %d\n\n",
			//         current->index );
			// cout << "current V1: x" <<  current->V1.x
			//      << " y " << current->V1.y
			//      << " z " <<  current->V1.z << endl;
			// cout << "current V1: x" <<  current->V2.x
			//      << " y " << current->V2.y
			//      << " z " <<  current->V2.z << endl;
			// cout << "current V1: x" <<  current->V3.x
			//      << " y " << current->V3.y
			//      << " z " <<  current->V3.z << endl;
			// cout << "packet: x0 " << currNode->currentPacket->x0
			//      << " y0 " << currNode->currentPacket->y0
			//      << " z0 " << currNode->currentPacket->z0 << endl;
			// cout << "packet: x1 " << currNode->currentPacket->x1
			//      << " y1 " << currNode->currentPacket->y1
			//      << " z0 " << currNode->currentPacket->z1 << endl;
			// exit(0);
			break; //intersection found
			//printf( "getting next packet\n" );
			currPacket = getTrianguleList( &( currNode->v ) ,
			                               myScene->tree );
			if( currPacket != NULL && currPacket != currNode->currentPacket )
				// currTrigRef = currPacket->trig;
				// for( int i = 0; i < currPacket->pnum; i++ )
				// {
				// 	cout << "index: " << currTrigRef->ref->index << endl;
				// 	cout << "v1  - x: " << currTrigRef->ref->V1.x
				// 	     << " y: " << currTrigRef->ref->V1.y
				// 	     << " z: " << currTrigRef->ref->V1.z << endl;
				// 	cout << "v2  - x: " << currTrigRef->ref->V2.x
				// 	     << " y: " << currTrigRef->ref->V2.y
				// 	     << " z: " << currTrigRef->ref->V2.z << endl;
				// 	cout << "v3  - x: " << currTrigRef->ref->V3.x
				// 	     << " y: " << currTrigRef->ref->V3.y
				// 	     << " z: " << currTrigRef->ref->V3.z << endl;
				// 	cout << endl;
				// 	currTrigRef = currTrigRef->next;
				// }
				//printf( "no more triangles\n" );
			currNode->currentPacket = currPacket;

	if ( current != NULL )
		*t = limit;

	return current;
Exemple #3
//Function to calculate the color contribution of each ray
color_fixed lightContribution ( node* currNode, scene *myScene )
	color_fixed c1 = { 0, 0, 0 };
	coord t = currNode->t;
	triangle* intersection = currNode->lastIntercepted;
	if ( intersection == NULL )
		//printf( "no intersection \n" );
		return c1;

	point_fixed intersectionPoint = currNode->v.start + t * currNode->v.dir;
	vect_fixed normal = normalTriangle( intersection, myScene );
	material intersectMat = myScene->materials[ intersection->materialId ];

	for( unsigned int j = 0; j < myScene->NbLights; ++j )
		coord n1, n2;
		light currentl = myScene->lights[j];
		// vector length from the intersection point to the l
		vect_fixed dist = currentl.pos - intersectionPoint;
		n1 = currNode->v.dir * normal;
		//root->v.dir.x * normal.x + root->v.dir.y * normal.y + root->v.dir.z
		// * normal.z ;
		if (n1 > 0)
			normal.x = -normal.x;
			normal.y = -normal.y;
			normal.z = -normal.z;
		n1 = currNode->v.dir * normal;
		n2 = dist * normal;
		if( n1 < 0 && n2 > 0 )
			//now let's create a ray from the intersection point to
			//the light source
			ray lightRay;
			lightRay.start = intersectionPoint;
			lightRay.dir = ( 1 / square_root( dist * dist ) ) * dist;
			//let's see if there are objects in the middle of the road that can
			// cause reflection or shadow
			// light ray and ray have to be in the same direction so proyection
			// from the light ray in the ray has to have the
			// same direction so cosI positive

			int shadow = 0;
			kdTreeNode* shadowPack = currNode->currentPacket;
			kdTreeNode* newShadowPack = NULL;
			//incrementing the ray starting point for avoiding self intersection

			//printf( "shadow verification process\n" );
			while( 1 )
				TrigRefList* currTrigRef = shadowPack->trig;
				while( currTrigRef != NULL )
					coord u = 0;
					if ( hitTriangle( &lightRay, currTrigRef->ref, &u ) == 1 )
						if( u == 0 )
							//not self intersection in the same packet
							currTrigRef = currTrigRef->next;
						if ( currTrigRef->ref != currNode->lastIntercepted )
							//not self intersection in different packets
							//is it really necessary ?
							printf( "Intersection found - Trig Index: %d" \
							        "- shadow region for light %d\n\n ",
							        currTrigRef->ref->index, j );
							cout << "shadow ray start x: " << lightRay.start.x
							     << " y: " << lightRay.start.y
							     << " z: "  << lightRay.start.z << endl;
							cout << "shadow ray dir x  : " << lightRay.dir.x
							     << " y: " << lightRay.dir.y
							     << " z: "  << lightRay.dir.z   << endl;
							cout << "u: " << u;
							shadow = 1;
							printf( "yes! It is necessary\n " );
					currTrigRef = currTrigRef->next;
				if( shadow == 1 )
					break; //shadow found
					//printf( "getting next packet\n" );
					newShadowPack = getTrianguleList( &lightRay,
					                                  myScene->tree );
					if( newShadowPack != NULL && newShadowPack != shadowPack )
						currTrigRef = newShadowPack->trig;
						// for( int i = 0; i < newShadowPack->pnum; i++ )
						// {
						// 	cout << "index: " << currTrigRef->ref->index
						// 	     << endl;
						// 	cout << "v1  - x: " << currTrigRef->ref->V1.x
						// 	     << " y: " << currTrigRef->ref->V1.y << " z: "
						// 	     << currTrigRef->ref->V1.z << endl;
						// 	cout << "v2  - x: " << currTrigRef->ref->V2.x
						// 	     << " y: " << currTrigRef->ref->V2.y
						// 	     << " z: " << currTrigRef->ref->V2.z << endl;
						// 	cout << "v3  - x: " << currTrigRef->ref->V3.x
						// 	     << " y: " << currTrigRef->ref->V3.y
						// 	     << " z: " << currTrigRef->ref->V3.z << endl;
						// 	cout << endl;
						// 	currTrigRef = currTrigRef->next;
						// }
						//cout << "no more triangles" << endl;
					shadowPack = newShadowPack;
			//we considered the objects as lambert-surface ones so this means
			// that the Intensity from the incoming ray
			// depends on the angle between the normal

			//if there's no shadow, we considered the current light source
			// effect : Io=In*cos(0);
			if ( shadow == 0 )

		    	mfp coef=1;
				for(unsigned int q=0; q<= (unsigned int)(currNode->level); ++q)

				if ((currNode->type==REFLECTED_RAY)
				    || (currNode->type==ROOT_RAY)
				    || (currNode->type==TOTAL_REFLECTED_RAY))

					// lambert
					// cout << " coef:  " << coef
					//      << " level: " << root->level << endl;
					// intensity from objects material
					mfp lambert = (lightRay.dir * normal) * coef;
				   //  cout << " lambert:  " << lambert  << endl;
					c1.red = c1.red + lambert * currentl.red * intersectMat.red;
					c1.green = (c1.green + lambert * currentl.green
					            * intersectMat.green);
					c1.blue = (c1.blue + lambert * currentl.blue
					           * intersectMat.blue);

					// cout << "color r2 R " << c1.red
					//      << " g " << c1.green
					//      << " b " << c1.blue << endl;

				else if (currNode->type==REFRACTED_RAY)

					//pseudo beer
					c1.red = c1.red + coef * intersectMat.red;
					c1.green = c1.green + coef * intersectMat.green;
					c1.blue = c1.blue + coef * intersectMat.blue;

			//cout << "FFFUUUU" << endl;
	return c1;