Exemple #1
static double tstop_event(void* v) {
	NetCvode* d = (NetCvode*)v;
	double x = *getarg(1);
	if (!cvode_active_) { // watch out for fixed step roundoff if x
		// close to n*dt
		double y = x/nrn_threads->_dt;
		if (y > 1 && fabs(floor(y + 1e-6) - y) < 1e-6) {
			//printf("reduce %g to avoid fixed step roundoff\n", x);
			x -= nrn_threads->_dt/4.;
	if (ifarg(2)) {
		Object* ppobj = nil;
		int reinit = 0;
		if (ifarg(3)) {
			ppobj = *hoc_objgetarg(3);
			if (!ppobj || ppobj->ctemplate->is_point_ <= 0
			    || nrn_is_artificial_[ob2pntproc(ppobj)->prop->type]
				hoc_execerror(hoc_object_name(ppobj), "is not a POINT_PROCESS");
			reinit = int(chkarg(4, 0, 1));
	    if (hoc_is_object_arg(2)) {
		d->hoc_event(x, nil, ppobj, reinit, *hoc_objgetarg(2));
		d->hoc_event(x, gargstr(2), ppobj, reinit);
		d->hoc_event(x, 0, 0, 0);
	return x;
Exemple #2
static void* finithnd_cons(Object*) {
	int type = 1; // default is after INITIAL blocks are called
	int ia = 1;
	if (hoc_is_double_arg(ia)) {
		type = (int)chkarg(ia, 0, 3);
	char* s = NULL;
	Object* pyact = NULL;
	if (hoc_is_object_arg(ia)) {
		pyact = *hoc_objgetarg(ia);
		if (!pyact) {
			hoc_execerror("arg is None", 0);
		s =gargstr(ia);
	Object* obj = NULL;
	if (ifarg(ia)) {
		obj = *hoc_objgetarg(ia);
	FInitialHandler* f = new FInitialHandler(type, s, obj, pyact);
	return f;
Exemple #3
void LinearMechanism::create()
	int i;
	i = 0;
	Object* o = *hoc_objgetarg(++i);
	if (strcmp(o->ctemplate->sym->name, "PythonObject") == 0) {
	    f_callable_ = o;
	    c_ = matrix_arg(++i);
    } else {
        f_callable_ = NULL;
        c_ = matrix_arg(1);
	g_ = matrix_arg(++i);
	y_ = vector_arg(++i);

	if (ifarg(i + 2) && hoc_is_object_arg(i + 2) && is_vector_arg(i + 2)) {
		y0_ = vector_arg(++i);
	b_ = vector_arg(++i);
    if (ifarg(++i)) {
	Oc oc;

	if (hoc_is_double_arg(i)) {
		nnode_ = 1;
		nodes_ = new Node*[1];
		double x = chkarg(i, 0., 1.);
		Section* sec = chk_access();
		nodes_[0] = node_exact(sec, x);
		nrn_notify_when_double_freed(&NODEV(nodes_[0]), this);
		Object* o = *hoc_objgetarg(i);
		check_obj_type(o, "SectionList");
		SectionList* sl = new SectionList(o);
		Vect* x = vector_arg(i+1);
		Section* sec;
		nnode_ = 0;
		nodes_ = new Node*[x->capacity()];
		for (sec = sl->begin(); sec; sec = sl->next()) {
			nodes_[nnode_] = node_exact(sec, x->elem(nnode_));
			nrn_notify_when_double_freed(&NODEV(nodes_[nnode_]), this);
		if (ifarg(i+2)) {
			elayer_ = vector_arg(i+2);
 	model_ = new LinearModelAddition(c_, g_, y_, y0_, b_,
		nnode_, nodes_, elayer_, f_callable_);
Exemple #4
static void* ste_cons(Object*) {
	int nstate = (int)chkarg(1, 1, 1e6);
	Point_process* pnt = NULL;
	if (ifarg(2)) {
		Object* obj = *hoc_objgetarg(2);
		pnt = ob2pntproc(obj);
	StateTransitionEvent* ste = new StateTransitionEvent(nstate, pnt);
	return ste;
Exemple #5
static double extra_scatter_gather(void* v) {
	int direction = int(chkarg(1, 0, 1));
	Object* o = *hoc_objgetarg(2);
	check_obj_type(o, "PythonObject");
	ExtraScatterList* esl = extra_scatterlist[direction];
	if (!esl) {
		esl = new ExtraScatterList(2);
		extra_scatterlist[direction] = esl;
	return 0.;
Exemple #6
static double joequals(void* v) {
	jobject jo1 = (jobject)v;
	Object* o2 = *hoc_objgetarg(1);
	jobject jo2;
	if (o2 == nil) {return 0.;}
	if (o2->ctemplate->constructor == joconstruct // a JavaObject
	 || o2->ctemplate->sym->type == JAVAOBJECT) { // registerd java Object
		jobject jo2 = (jobject)o2->u.this_pointer;
		return (nrnjava_env->CallStaticIntMethod(neuronCls, identityID,
			jo1,jo2 )  != 0 ) ? 1. : 0.;

	return 0.;
Exemple #7
static double ste_transition(void* v) {
	StateTransitionEvent* ste = (StateTransitionEvent*)v;
	int src = (int)chkarg(1, 0, ste->nstate()-1);
	int dest = (int)chkarg(2, 0, ste->nstate()-1);
	double* var1 = hoc_pgetarg(3);
	double* var2 = hoc_pgetarg(4);
	HocCommand* hc = NULL;
	if (ifarg(5)) {
		Object* obj = NULL;
		if (hoc_is_str_arg(5)) {
			char* stmt = NULL;
			stmt = gargstr(5);
			if (ifarg(6)) {
				obj = *hoc_objgetarg(6);
			hc = new HocCommand(stmt, obj);
			obj = *hoc_objgetarg(5);
			hc = new HocCommand(obj);
	ste->transition(src, dest, var1, var2, hc);
	return 1.;
Exemple #8
static double extra_scatter_gather_remove(void* v) {
	Object* o = *hoc_objgetarg(1);
	for (int direction=0; direction < 2; ++direction) {
		ExtraScatterList* esl = extra_scatterlist[direction];
		if (esl) for (int i = esl->count()-1; i >= 0; --i) {
			Object* o1 = esl->item(i);
			// if esl exists then python exists
			if ((*nrnpy_pysame)(o, o1)) {
	return 0.;
Exemple #9
JNIEXPORT jobject JNICALL Java_neuron_Neuron_getHocObjectArg
  (JNIEnv *env, jclass cl, jint i, jthrowable e) {
	jobject ret;
//printf("getHocObjArg %s  %ld\n", hoc_object_name(o), (long)o);
	if (!ifarg(i)) {
		printf("error - missing Object as arg %d\n", i);
		illegalArg(env, "missing Object");
		return e;
	if (hoc_is_object_arg(i)) {
		Object* o = *hoc_objgetarg(i);
		ret = h2jObject(o);
	}else if (hoc_is_str_arg(i)) { //encapsulate in String
		char* s = gargstr(i);
		ret = Java_neuron_Neuron_getHocStringArg(env, cl, i);
		printf("error - expecting Object or strdef as arg %d\n", i);
		illegalArg(env, "expecting Object or strdef");
		ret = e;
	return ret;
Exemple #10
static void pack_help(int i, OcBBS* bbs) {
	if (!posting_) {
		posting_ = true;
	for (; ifarg(i); ++i) {
		if (hoc_is_double_arg(i)) {
		}else if (hoc_is_str_arg(i)) {
		}else if (is_vector_arg(i)){
			int n; double* px;
			n = vector_arg_px(i, &px);
			bbs->pkvec(n, px);
		}else{ // must be a PythonObject
			size_t size;
			char* s = nrnpy_po2pickle(*hoc_objgetarg(i), &size);
			bbs->pkpickle(s, size);
			delete [] s;
Exemple #11
Rand* nrn_random_arg(int i) {
	Object* ob = *hoc_objgetarg(i);
	check_obj_type(ob, "Random");
	Rand* r = (Rand*)(ob->u.this_pointer);
	return r;
Exemple #12
void nrn_vecsim_add(void* v, boolean record) {
	IvocVect* yvec, *tvec, *dvec;
	extern short* nrn_is_artificial_;
	double* pvar = nil;
	char* s = nil;
	double ddt;
	Object* ppobj = nil;
	int iarg = 0;

	yvec = (IvocVect*)v;
	if (hoc_is_object_arg(1)) {
		iarg = 1;
		ppobj = *hoc_objgetarg(1);
		if (!ppobj || ppobj->ctemplate->is_point_ <= 0
		    || nrn_is_artificial_[ob2pntproc(ppobj)->prop->type]
		    ) {
			hoc_execerror("Optional first arg is not a POINT_PROCESS", 0);
	if (record == false && hoc_is_str_arg(iarg+1)) {//statement involving $1
		// Vector.play("proced($1)", ...)
		s = gargstr(iarg+1);
	}else if (record == false && hoc_is_double_arg(iarg+1)) {// play that element
		// Vector.play(index)
		// must be a VecPlayStep and nothing else
			VecPlayStep* vps = (VecPlayStep*)net_cvode_instance->playrec_uses(v);
		if (vps) {
			int j = (int)chkarg(iarg+1, 0., yvec->capacity()-1);
			if (vps->si_) {
		// Vector.play(&SEClamp[0].amp1, ...)
		// Vector.record(&SEClamp[0].i, ...)
		pvar = hoc_pgetarg(iarg+1);
	tvec = nil;
	dvec = nil;
	ddt = -1.;
	int con = 0;
	if (ifarg(iarg+2)) {
		if (hoc_is_object_arg(iarg+2)) {
			// Vector...(..., tvec)
			tvec = vector_arg(iarg+2);
			// Vector...(..., Dt)
			ddt = chkarg(iarg+2, 1e-9, 1e10);
		if (ifarg(iarg+3)) {
			if (hoc_is_double_arg(iarg+3)) {
				con = (int)chkarg(iarg+3, 0., 1.);
				dvec = vector_arg(iarg+3);
				con = 1;
// tvec can be used for many record/play items
//	if (tvec) { nrn_vecsim_remove(tvec); }
	if (record) {
		// yvec can be used only for one record (but many play)
		if (yvec) { nrn_vecsim_remove(yvec); }
		if (tvec) {
			new VecRecordDiscrete(pvar, yvec, tvec, ppobj);
		} else if (ddt > 0.) {
			new VecRecordDt(pvar, yvec, ddt, ppobj);
		} else if (pvar == &t) {
			new TvecRecord(chk_access(), yvec, ppobj);
		} else {
			new YvecRecord(pvar, yvec, ppobj);
		if (con) {
			if (s) {
				new VecPlayContinuous(s, yvec, tvec, dvec, ppobj);
				new VecPlayContinuous(pvar, yvec, tvec, dvec, ppobj);
			if (!tvec && ddt == -1.) {
				chkarg(iarg+2, 1e-9, 1e10);
			if (s) {
				new VecPlayStep(s, yvec, tvec, ddt, ppobj);
				new VecPlayStep(pvar, yvec, tvec, ddt, ppobj);
Exemple #13
static int submit_help(OcBBS* bbs) {
	int id, i, firstarg, style;
	char* pname = 0; // if using Python callable
	posting_ = true;
	i = 1;
	if (hoc_is_double_arg(i)) {
		bbs->pkint((id = (int)chkarg(i++, 0, 1e7)));
		bbs->pkint((id = --bbs->next_local_));
	if (ifarg(i+1)) {
#if 1
		int argtypes = 0;
		int ii = 1;
		if (hoc_is_str_arg(i)) {
			style = 1;
			bbs->pkint(style); // "fname", arg1, ... style
			Object* ob = *hoc_objgetarg(i++);
			size_t size;
			if (nrnpy_po2pickle) {
				pname = (*nrnpy_po2pickle)(ob, &size);
			if (pname) {
				style = 3;
				bbs->pkint(style); // pyfun, arg1, ... style
				bbs->pkpickle(pname, size);
				delete [] pname;
				style = 2;
				bbs->pkint(style); // [object],"fname", arg1, ... style
//printf("ob=%s\n", hoc_object_name(ob));

		firstarg = i;
		for (; ifarg(i); ++i) { // first is least significant
			if (hoc_is_double_arg(i)) {
				argtypes += 1*ii;
			}else if (hoc_is_str_arg(i)) {
				argtypes += 2*ii;
			}else if (is_vector_arg(i)) { //hoc Vector
				argtypes += 3*ii;
			}else{ // must be a PythonObject
				argtypes += 4*ii;
			ii *= 5;
//printf("submit style %d %s argtypes=%o\n", style, gargstr(firstarg-1), argtypes);
		pack_help(firstarg, bbs);
		if (hoc_is_str_arg(i)) {
			bbs->pkint(0); // hoc statement style
		}else if (nrnpy_po2pickle) {
			size_t size;
			pname = (*nrnpy_po2pickle)(*hoc_objgetarg(i), &size);
			bbs->pkint(3); // pyfun with no arg style
			bbs->pkpickle(pname, size);
			bbs->pkint(0); // argtypes
			delete [] pname;
	posting_ = false;
	return id;
Exemple #14
void fit_praxis(void) {
	extern Symbol* hoc_lookup();
	extern char* gargstr();
	char* after_quad;	
	int i;
	double err, fmin;
	double* px;
	/* allow nested calls to fit_praxis. I.e. store all the needed
	   statics specific to this invocation with proper reference
	   counting and then unref/destoy on exit from this invocation.
	   Before the prax call save the statics from earlier invocation
	   without increasing the
	   ref count and on exit restore without decreasing the ref count.
	/* save before setting statics, restore after prax */
	double minerrsav, *minargsav, maxstepsizesav, tolerancesav;
	long int printmodesav, nvarsav;
	Symbol* efun_sym_sav;
	Object* efun_py_save, *efun_py_arg_save;
	void* vec_py_save_save;
	/* store statics specified by this invocation */
	/* will be copied just before calling prax */
	double minerr_, *minarg_;
	long int nvar_;
	Symbol* efun_sym_;
	Object* efun_py_, *efun_py_arg_;
	void* vec_py_save_;

	minerr_ = 0.0;
	nvar_ = 0;
	minarg_ = NULL;
	efun_sym_ = NULL;
	efun_py_ = NULL;
	efun_py_arg_ = NULL;
	vec_py_save_ = NULL;
	fmin = 0.;

    if (hoc_is_object_arg(1)) {
	efun_py_ = *hoc_objgetarg(1);
	efun_py_arg_ = *vector_pobj(vector_arg(2));
	vec_py_save_ = vector_new2(efun_py_arg_->u.this_pointer);
	nvar_ = vector_capacity(vec_py_save_);
	px = vector_vec(vec_py_save_);
	nvar_ = (int)chkarg(1, 0., 1e6);
	efun_sym_ = hoc_lookup(gargstr(2));
	if (!efun_sym_
	   || (efun_sym_->type != FUNCTION
	      && efun_sym_->type != FUN_BLTIN)) {
		hoc_execerror(gargstr(2), "not a function name");
	if (!hoc_is_pdouble_arg(3)) {
		void* vec = vector_arg(3);
		if (vector_capacity(vec) != nvar_) {
			hoc_execerror("first arg not equal to size of Vector",0);
		px = vector_vec(vec);
		px = hoc_pgetarg(3);
	minarg_ = (double*)ecalloc(nvar_, sizeof(double));

	if (maxstepsize == 0.) {
		hoc_execerror("call attr_praxis first to set attributes", 0);
	machep = 1e-15;
	if (ifarg(4)) {
		after_quad = gargstr(4);
		after_quad = (char*)0;

	/* save the values set by earlier invocation */
	minerrsav = minerr;
	minargsav = minarg;
	tolerancesav = tolerance;
	maxstepsizesav = maxstepsize;
	printmodesav = printmode;
	nvarsav = nvar;
	efun_sym_sav = hoc_efun_sym;
	efun_py_save = efun_py;
	efun_py_arg_save = efun_py_arg;
	vec_py_save_save = vec_py_save;

	/* copy this invocation values to the statics */
	minerr = minerr_;
	minarg = minarg_;
	nvar = nvar_;
	hoc_efun_sym = efun_sym_;
	efun_py = efun_py_;
	efun_py_arg = efun_py_arg_;
	vec_py_save = vec_py_save_;

	err = praxis(&tolerance, &machep, &maxstepsize,	nvar, &printmode,
		px, efun, &fmin, after_quad);
	err = minerr;
	if (minerr < 1e9) {
		for (i=0; i<nvar; ++i) { px[i] = minarg[i]; }

	/* restore the values set by earlier invocation */
	minerr = minerrsav;
	minarg = minargsav;
	tolerance = tolerancesav;
	maxstepsize = maxstepsizesav;
	printmode = printmodesav;
	nvar = nvar_; /* in case one calls prax_pval */
	hoc_efun_sym = efun_sym_sav;
	efun_py = efun_py_save;
	efun_py_arg = efun_py_arg_save;
	vec_py_save = vec_py_save_save;

	if (efun_py_) {
		double* px = vector_vec(efun_py_arg_->u.this_pointer);
		for (i=0; i < nvar_; ++i) {
			px[i] = minarg_[i];
	if (minarg_) {