int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int rv; struct vegas_status s; rv = vegas_status_attach(&s); if (rv!=VEGAS_OK) { fprintf(stderr, "Error connecting to shared mem.\n"); perror(NULL); exit(1); } vegas_status_lock(&s); /* Loop over cmd line to fill in params */ static struct option long_opts[] = { {"key", 1, NULL, 'k'}, {"get", 1, NULL, 'g'}, {"string", 1, NULL, 's'}, {"float", 1, NULL, 'f'}, {"double", 1, NULL, 'd'}, {"int", 1, NULL, 'i'}, {"quiet", 0, NULL, 'q'}, {"clear", 0, NULL, 'C'}, {"del", 0, NULL, 'D'}, {0,0,0,0} }; int opt,opti; char *key=NULL; float flttmp; double dbltmp; int inttmp; int quiet=0, clear=0; while ((opt=getopt_long(argc,argv,"k:g:s:f:d:i:qCD",long_opts,&opti))!=-1) { switch (opt) { case 'k': key = optarg; break; case 'g': hgetr8(s.buf, optarg, &dbltmp); printf("%g\n", dbltmp); break; case 's': if (key) hputs(s.buf, key, optarg); break; case 'f': flttmp = atof(optarg); if (key) hputr4(s.buf, key, flttmp); break; case 'd': dbltmp = atof(optarg); if (key) hputr8(s.buf, key, dbltmp); break; case 'i': inttmp = atoi(optarg); if (key) hputi4(s.buf, key, inttmp); break; case 'D': if (key) hdel(s.buf, key); break; case 'C': clear=1; break; case 'q': quiet=1; break; default: break; } } /* If not quiet, print out buffer */ if (!quiet) { printf(s.buf); printf("\n"); } vegas_status_unlock(&s); if (clear) vegas_status_clear(&s); exit(0); }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int instance_id = 0; hashpipe_status_t *s; /* Loop over cmd line to fill in params */ static struct option long_opts[] = { {"help", 0, NULL, 'h'}, {"shmkey", 1, NULL, 'K'}, {"key", 1, NULL, 'k'}, {"get", 1, NULL, 'g'}, {"string", 1, NULL, 's'}, {"float", 1, NULL, 'f'}, {"double", 1, NULL, 'd'}, {"int", 1, NULL, 'i'}, {"verbose", 0, NULL, 'v'}, {"clear", 0, NULL, 'C'}, {"del", 0, NULL, 'D'}, {"query", 1, NULL, 'Q'}, {"instance", 1, NULL, 'I'}, {0,0,0,0} }; int opt,opti; char *key=NULL; char value[81]; float flttmp; double dbltmp; int inttmp; int verbose=0, clear=0; char keyfile[1000]; while ((opt=getopt_long(argc,argv,"hk:g:s:f:d:i:vCDQ:K:I:",long_opts,&opti))!=-1) { switch (opt) { case 'K': // Keyfile snprintf(keyfile, sizeof(keyfile), "HASHPIPE_KEYFILE=%s", optarg); keyfile[sizeof(keyfile)-1] = '\0'; putenv(keyfile); break; case 'I': instance_id = atoi(optarg); break; case 'k': key = optarg; break; case 'Q': s = get_status_buffer(instance_id); hashpipe_status_lock(s); hgets(s->buf, optarg, 80, value); hashpipe_status_unlock(s); value[80] = '\0'; printf("%s\n", value); break; case 'g': s = get_status_buffer(instance_id); hashpipe_status_lock(s); hgetr8(s->buf, optarg, &dbltmp); hashpipe_status_unlock(s); printf("%g\n", dbltmp); break; case 's': if (key) { s = get_status_buffer(instance_id); hashpipe_status_lock(s); hputs(s->buf, key, optarg); hashpipe_status_unlock(s); } break; case 'f': flttmp = atof(optarg); if (key) { s = get_status_buffer(instance_id); hashpipe_status_lock(s); hputr4(s->buf, key, flttmp); hashpipe_status_unlock(s); } break; case 'd': dbltmp = atof(optarg); if (key) { s = get_status_buffer(instance_id); hashpipe_status_lock(s); hputr8(s->buf, key, dbltmp); hashpipe_status_unlock(s); } break; case 'i': inttmp = atoi(optarg); if (key) { s = get_status_buffer(instance_id); hashpipe_status_lock(s); hputi4(s->buf, key, inttmp); hashpipe_status_unlock(s); } break; case 'D': if (key) { s = get_status_buffer(instance_id); hashpipe_status_lock(s); hdel(s->buf, key); hashpipe_status_unlock(s); } break; case 'C': clear=1; break; case 'v': verbose=1; break; case 'h': usage(); return 0; case '?': // Command line parsing error default: usage(); exit(1); break; } } s = get_status_buffer(instance_id); /* If verbose, print out buffer */ if (verbose) { hashpipe_status_lock(s); printf("%s\n", s->buf); hashpipe_status_unlock(s); } if (clear) hashpipe_status_clear(s); exit(0); }
static void *run(void * _args) { // Cast _args struct guppi_thread_args *args = (struct guppi_thread_args *)_args; #ifdef DEBUG_SEMS fprintf(stderr, "s/tid %lu/ FLUFf/\n", pthread_self()); #endif THREAD_RUN_BEGIN(args); THREAD_RUN_SET_AFFINITY_PRIORITY(args); /* Attach to status shared mem area */ THREAD_RUN_ATTACH_STATUS(args->instance_id, st); /* Attach to paper_input_databuf */ THREAD_RUN_ATTACH_DATABUF(args->instance_id, paper_input_databuf, db_in, args->input_buffer); /* Attach to paper_gpu_input_databuf */ THREAD_RUN_ATTACH_DATABUF(args->instance_id, paper_gpu_input_databuf, db_out, args->output_buffer); // Init status variables guppi_status_lock_safe(&st); hputi8(st.buf, "FLUFMCNT", 0); guppi_status_unlock_safe(&st); /* Loop */ int rv; int curblock_in=0; int curblock_out=0; struct timespec start, finish; while (run_threads) { // Note waiting status, // query integrating status // and, if armed, start count guppi_status_lock_safe(&st); hputs(st.buf, STATUS_KEY, "waiting"); guppi_status_unlock_safe(&st); // Wait for new input block to be filled while ((rv=paper_input_databuf_wait_filled(db_in, curblock_in)) != GUPPI_OK) { if (rv==GUPPI_TIMEOUT) { guppi_status_lock_safe(&st); hputs(st.buf, STATUS_KEY, "blocked_in"); guppi_status_unlock_safe(&st); continue; } else { guppi_error(__FUNCTION__, "error waiting for filled databuf"); run_threads=0; pthread_exit(NULL); break; } } // Wait for new gpu_input block (our output block) to be free while ((rv=paper_gpu_input_databuf_wait_free(db_out, curblock_out)) != GUPPI_OK) { if (rv==GUPPI_TIMEOUT) { guppi_status_lock_safe(&st); hputs(st.buf, STATUS_KEY, "blocked gpu input"); guppi_status_unlock_safe(&st); continue; } else { guppi_error(__FUNCTION__, "error waiting for free databuf"); run_threads=0; pthread_exit(NULL); break; } } // Got a new data block, update status guppi_status_lock_safe(&st); hputs(st.buf, STATUS_KEY, "fluffing"); hputi4(st.buf, "FLUFBKIN", curblock_in); hputu8(st.buf, "FLUFMCNT", db_in->block[curblock_in].header.mcnt); guppi_status_unlock_safe(&st); // Copy header and call fluff function clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &start); memcpy(&db_out->block[curblock_out].header, &db_in->block[curblock_in].header, sizeof(paper_input_header_t)); paper_fluff(db_in->block[curblock_in].data, db_out->block[curblock_out].data); clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &finish); // Note processing time guppi_status_lock_safe(&st); // Bits per fluff / ns per fluff = Gbps hputr4(st.buf, "FLUFGBPS", (float)(8*N_BYTES_PER_BLOCK)/ELAPSED_NS(start,finish)); guppi_status_unlock_safe(&st); // Mark input block as free and advance paper_input_databuf_set_free(db_in, curblock_in); curblock_in = (curblock_in + 1) % db_in->header.n_block; // Mark output block as full and advance paper_gpu_input_databuf_set_filled(db_out, curblock_out); curblock_out = (curblock_out + 1) % db_out->header.n_block; /* Check for cancel */ pthread_testcancel(); } run_threads=0; // Have to close all pushes THREAD_RUN_DETACH_DATAUF; THREAD_RUN_DETACH_DATAUF; THREAD_RUN_DETACH_STATUS; THREAD_RUN_END; // Thread success! return NULL; }
static void *run(hashpipe_thread_args_t * args) { // Local aliases to shorten access to args fields // Our input buffer is a paper_input_databuf // Our output buffer is a paper_gpu_input_databuf paper_input_databuf_t *db_in = (paper_input_databuf_t *)args->ibuf; paper_gpu_input_databuf_t *db_out = (paper_gpu_input_databuf_t *)args->obuf; hashpipe_status_t st = args->st; const char * status_key = args->thread_desc->skey; #ifdef DEBUG_SEMS fprintf(stderr, "s/tid %lu/ FLUFf/\n", pthread_self()); #endif // Init status variables hashpipe_status_lock_safe(&st); hputi8(st.buf, "FLUFMCNT", 0); hashpipe_status_unlock_safe(&st); /* Loop */ int rv; int curblock_in=0; int curblock_out=0; float gbps, min_gbps; struct timespec start, finish; while (run_threads()) { // Note waiting status, // query integrating status // and, if armed, start count hashpipe_status_lock_safe(&st); hputs(st.buf, status_key, "waiting"); hashpipe_status_unlock_safe(&st); // Wait for new input block to be filled while ((rv=paper_input_databuf_wait_filled(db_in, curblock_in)) != HASHPIPE_OK) { if (rv==HASHPIPE_TIMEOUT) { hashpipe_status_lock_safe(&st); hputs(st.buf, status_key, "blocked_in"); hashpipe_status_unlock_safe(&st); continue; } else { hashpipe_error(__FUNCTION__, "error waiting for filled databuf"); pthread_exit(NULL); break; } } // Wait for new gpu_input block (our output block) to be free while ((rv=paper_gpu_input_databuf_wait_free(db_out, curblock_out)) != HASHPIPE_OK) { if (rv==HASHPIPE_TIMEOUT) { hashpipe_status_lock_safe(&st); hputs(st.buf, status_key, "blocked gpu input"); hashpipe_status_unlock_safe(&st); continue; } else { hashpipe_error(__FUNCTION__, "error waiting for free databuf"); pthread_exit(NULL); break; } } // Got a new data block, update status hashpipe_status_lock_safe(&st); hputs(st.buf, status_key, "fluffing"); hputi4(st.buf, "FLUFBKIN", curblock_in); hputu8(st.buf, "FLUFMCNT", db_in->block[curblock_in].header.mcnt); hashpipe_status_unlock_safe(&st); // Copy header and call fluff function clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &start); memcpy(&db_out->block[curblock_out].header, &db_in->block[curblock_in].header, sizeof(paper_input_header_t)); paper_fluff(db_in->block[curblock_in].data, db_out->block[curblock_out].data); clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &finish); // Note processing time hashpipe_status_lock_safe(&st); // Bits per fluff / ns per fluff = Gbps hgetr4(st.buf, "FLUFMING", &min_gbps); gbps = (float)(8*N_BYTES_PER_BLOCK)/ELAPSED_NS(start,finish); hputr4(st.buf, "FLUFGBPS", gbps); if(min_gbps == 0 || gbps < min_gbps) { hputr4(st.buf, "FLUFMING", gbps); } hashpipe_status_unlock_safe(&st); // Mark input block as free and advance paper_input_databuf_set_free(db_in, curblock_in); curblock_in = (curblock_in + 1) % db_in->header.n_block; // Mark output block as full and advance paper_gpu_input_databuf_set_filled(db_out, curblock_out); curblock_out = (curblock_out + 1) % db_out->header.n_block; /* Check for cancel */ pthread_testcancel(); } // Thread success! return NULL; }
static void *run(hashpipe_thread_args_t * args, int doCPU) { // Local aliases to shorten access to args fields paper_gpu_input_databuf_t *db_in = (paper_gpu_input_databuf_t *)args->ibuf; paper_output_databuf_t *db_out = (paper_output_databuf_t *)args->obuf; hashpipe_status_t st = args->st; const char * status_key = args->thread_desc->skey; #ifdef DEBUG_SEMS fprintf(stderr, "s/tid %lu/ GPU/\n", pthread_self()); #endif // Init integration control status variables int gpu_dev = 0; hashpipe_status_lock_safe(&st); hputs(st.buf, "INTSTAT", "off"); hputi8(st.buf, "INTSYNC", 0); hputi4(st.buf, "INTCOUNT", N_SUB_BLOCKS_PER_INPUT_BLOCK); hputi8(st.buf, "GPUDUMPS", 0); hgeti4(st.buf, "GPUDEV", &gpu_dev); // No change if not found hputi4(st.buf, "GPUDEV", gpu_dev); hashpipe_status_unlock_safe(&st); /* Loop */ int rv; char integ_status[17]; uint64_t start_mcount, last_mcount=0; uint64_t gpu_dumps=0; int int_count; // Number of blocks to integrate per dump int xgpu_error = 0; int curblock_in=0; int curblock_out=0; struct timespec start, stop; uint64_t elapsed_gpu_ns = 0; uint64_t gpu_block_count = 0; // Initialize context to point at first input and output memory blocks. // This seems redundant since we do this just before calling // xgpuCudaXengine, but we need to pass something in for array_h and // matrix_x to prevent xgpuInit from allocating memory. XGPUContext context; context.array_h = (ComplexInput *)db_in->block[0].data; context.array_len = (db_in->header.n_block * sizeof(paper_gpu_input_block_t) - sizeof(paper_input_header_t)) / sizeof(ComplexInput); context.matrix_h = (Complex *)db_out->block[0].data; context.matrix_len = (db_out->header.n_block * sizeof(paper_output_block_t) - sizeof(paper_output_header_t)) / sizeof(Complex); xgpu_error = xgpuInit(&context, gpu_dev); if (XGPU_OK != xgpu_error) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: xGPU initialization failed (error code %d)\n", xgpu_error); return THREAD_ERROR; } while (run_threads()) { // Note waiting status, // query integrating status // and, if armed, start count hashpipe_status_lock_safe(&st); hputs(st.buf, status_key, "waiting"); hgets(st.buf, "INTSTAT", 16, integ_status); hgeti8(st.buf, "INTSYNC", (long long*)&start_mcount); hashpipe_status_unlock_safe(&st); // Wait for new input block to be filled while ((rv=hashpipe_databuf_wait_filled((hashpipe_databuf_t *)db_in, curblock_in)) != HASHPIPE_OK) { if (rv==HASHPIPE_TIMEOUT) { hashpipe_status_lock_safe(&st); hputs(st.buf, status_key, "blocked_in"); hashpipe_status_unlock_safe(&st); continue; } else { hashpipe_error(__FUNCTION__, "error waiting for filled databuf"); pthread_exit(NULL); break; } } // Got a new data block, update status and determine how to handle it hashpipe_status_lock_safe(&st); hputi4(st.buf, "GPUBLKIN", curblock_in); hputu8(st.buf, "GPUMCNT", db_in->block[curblock_in].header.mcnt); hashpipe_status_unlock_safe(&st); // If integration status "off" if(!strcmp(integ_status, "off")) { // Mark input block as free and advance hashpipe_databuf_set_free((hashpipe_databuf_t *)db_in, curblock_in); curblock_in = (curblock_in + 1) % db_in->header.n_block; // Skip to next input buffer continue; } // If integration status is "start" if(!strcmp(integ_status, "start")) { // If buffer mcount < start_mcount (i.e. not there yet) if(db_in->block[curblock_in].header.mcnt < start_mcount) { // Drop input buffer // Mark input block as free and advance hashpipe_databuf_set_free((hashpipe_databuf_t *)db_in, curblock_in); curblock_in = (curblock_in + 1) % db_in->header.n_block; // Skip to next input buffer continue; // Else if mcount == start_mcount (time to start) } else if(db_in->block[curblock_in].header.mcnt == start_mcount) { // Set integration status to "on" // Read integration count (INTCOUNT) fprintf(stderr, "--- integration on ---\n"); strcpy(integ_status, "on"); hashpipe_status_lock_safe(&st); hputs(st.buf, "INTSTAT", integ_status); hgeti4(st.buf, "INTCOUNT", &int_count); hashpipe_status_unlock_safe(&st); // Compute last mcount last_mcount = start_mcount + (int_count-1) * N_SUB_BLOCKS_PER_INPUT_BLOCK; // Else (missed starting mcount) } else { // Handle missed start of integration // TODO! fprintf(stderr, "--- mcnt=%06lx > start_mcnt=%06lx ---\n", db_in->block[curblock_in].header.mcnt, start_mcount); } } // Integration status is "on" or "stop" // Note processing status hashpipe_status_lock_safe(&st); hputs(st.buf, status_key, "processing gpu"); hashpipe_status_unlock_safe(&st); // Setup for current chunk context.input_offset = curblock_in * sizeof(paper_gpu_input_block_t) / sizeof(ComplexInput); context.output_offset = curblock_out * sizeof(paper_output_block_t) / sizeof(Complex); // Call CUDA X engine function int doDump = 0; // Dump if this is the last block or we are doing both CPU and GPU // (GPU and CPU test mode always dumps every input block) if(db_in->block[curblock_in].header.mcnt >= last_mcount || doCPU) { doDump = 1; // Check whether we missed the end of integration. If we get a block // whose mcnt is greater than last_mcount, then for some reason (e.g. // networking problems) we didn't see a block whose mcnt was // last_mcount. This should "never" happen, but it has been seen to // occur when the 10 GbE links have many errors. if(db_in->block[curblock_in].header.mcnt > last_mcount) { // Can't do much error recovery, so just log it. fprintf(stderr, "--- mcnt=%06lx > last_mcnt=%06lx ---\n", db_in->block[curblock_in].header.mcnt, last_mcount); } // Wait for new output block to be free while ((rv=paper_output_databuf_wait_free(db_out, curblock_out)) != HASHPIPE_OK) { if (rv==HASHPIPE_TIMEOUT) { hashpipe_status_lock_safe(&st); hputs(st.buf, status_key, "blocked gpu out"); hashpipe_status_unlock_safe(&st); continue; } else { hashpipe_error(__FUNCTION__, "error waiting for free databuf"); pthread_exit(NULL); break; } } } clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &start); xgpuCudaXengine(&context, doDump ? SYNCOP_DUMP : SYNCOP_SYNC_TRANSFER); clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &stop); elapsed_gpu_ns += ELAPSED_NS(start, stop); gpu_block_count++; if(doDump) { clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &start); xgpuClearDeviceIntegrationBuffer(&context); clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &stop); elapsed_gpu_ns += ELAPSED_NS(start, stop); // TODO Maybe need to subtract all or half the integration time here // depending on recevier's expectations. db_out->block[curblock_out].header.mcnt = last_mcount; // If integration status if "stop" if(!strcmp(integ_status, "stop")) { // Set integration status to "off" strcpy(integ_status, "off"); hashpipe_status_lock_safe(&st); hputs(st.buf, "INTSTAT", integ_status); hashpipe_status_unlock_safe(&st); } else { // Advance last_mcount for end of next integration last_mcount += int_count * N_SUB_BLOCKS_PER_INPUT_BLOCK; } // Mark output block as full and advance paper_output_databuf_set_filled(db_out, curblock_out); curblock_out = (curblock_out + 1) % db_out->header.n_block; // TODO Need to handle or at least check for overflow! // Update GPU dump counter and GPU Gbps gpu_dumps++; hashpipe_status_lock_safe(&st); hputi8(st.buf, "GPUDUMPS", gpu_dumps); hputr4(st.buf, "GPUGBPS", (float)(8*N_FLUFFED_BYTES_PER_BLOCK*gpu_block_count)/elapsed_gpu_ns); hashpipe_status_unlock_safe(&st); // Start new average elapsed_gpu_ns = 0; gpu_block_count = 0; } if(doCPU) { /* Note waiting status */ hashpipe_status_lock_safe(&st); hputs(st.buf, status_key, "waiting"); hashpipe_status_unlock_safe(&st); // Wait for new output block to be free while ((rv=paper_output_databuf_wait_free(db_out, curblock_out)) != HASHPIPE_OK) { if (rv==HASHPIPE_TIMEOUT) { hashpipe_status_lock_safe(&st); hputs(st.buf, status_key, "blocked cpu out"); hashpipe_status_unlock_safe(&st); continue; } else { hashpipe_error(__FUNCTION__, "error waiting for free databuf"); pthread_exit(NULL); break; } } // Note "processing cpu" status, current input block hashpipe_status_lock_safe(&st); hputs(st.buf, status_key, "processing cpu"); hashpipe_status_unlock_safe(&st); /* * Call CPU X engine function */ xgpuOmpXengine((Complex *)db_out->block[curblock_out].data, context.array_h); // Mark output block as full and advance paper_output_databuf_set_filled(db_out, curblock_out); curblock_out = (curblock_out + 1) % db_out->header.n_block; // TODO Need to handle or at least check for overflow! } // Mark input block as free and advance hashpipe_databuf_set_free((hashpipe_databuf_t *)db_in, curblock_in); curblock_in = (curblock_in + 1) % db_in->header.n_block; /* Check for cancel */ pthread_testcancel(); } xgpuFree(&context); // Thread success! return NULL; }
static void *run(hashpipe_thread_args_t * args) { s6_input_databuf_t *db = (s6_input_databuf_t *)args->obuf; hashpipe_status_t *p_st = &(args->st); hashpipe_status_t st = args->st; const char * status_key = args->thread_desc->skey; //s6_input_block_t fake_data_block; /* Main loop */ int i, rv; uint64_t mcnt = 0; uint64_t num_coarse_chan = N_COARSE_CHAN; uint64_t *data; int block_idx = 0; int error_count = 0, max_error_count = 0; float error, max_error = 0.0; int gen_fake = 0; hashpipe_status_lock_safe(&st); //hashpipe_status_lock_safe(p_st); hputi4(st.buf, "NUMCCHAN", N_COARSE_CHAN); hputi4(st.buf, "NUMFCHAN", N_FINE_CHAN); hputi4(st.buf, "NUMBBEAM", N_BYTES_PER_BEAM); hputi4(st.buf, "NUMBBLOC", sizeof(s6_input_block_t)); hputi4(st.buf, "THRESHLD", POWER_THRESH); hgeti4(st.buf, "GENFAKE", &gen_fake); hashpipe_status_unlock_safe(&st); //hashpipe_status_unlock_safe(p_st); time_t t, prior_t; prior_t = time(&prior_t); while (run_threads()) { hashpipe_status_lock_safe(&st); //hashpipe_status_lock_safe(p_st); hputi4(st.buf, "NETBKOUT", block_idx); hputs(st.buf, status_key, "waiting"); hashpipe_status_unlock_safe(&st); //hashpipe_status_unlock_safe(p_st); t = time(&t); fprintf(stderr, "elapsed seconds for block %d : %ld\n", block_idx, t - prior_t); prior_t = t; // Wait for data struct timespec sleep_dur, rem_sleep_dur; sleep_dur.tv_sec = 1; sleep_dur.tv_nsec = 0; //fprintf(stderr, "fake net thread sleeping for %7.5f seconds\n", // sleep_dur.tv_sec + (double)sleep_dur.tv_nsec/1000000000.0); nanosleep(&sleep_dur, &rem_sleep_dur); /* Wait for new block to be free, then clear it * if necessary and fill its header with new values. */ while ((rv=s6_input_databuf_wait_free(db, block_idx)) != HASHPIPE_OK) { if (rv==HASHPIPE_TIMEOUT) { hashpipe_status_lock_safe(&st); hputs(st.buf, status_key, "blocked"); hashpipe_status_unlock_safe(&st); continue; } else { hashpipe_error(__FUNCTION__, "error waiting for free databuf"); pthread_exit(NULL); break; } } hashpipe_status_lock_safe(&st); hputs(st.buf, status_key, "receiving"); hashpipe_status_unlock_safe(&st); // populate block header db->block[block_idx].header.mcnt = mcnt; db->block[block_idx].header.coarse_chan_id = 321; db->block[block_idx].header.num_coarse_chan = num_coarse_chan; memset(db->block[block_idx].header.missed_pkts, 0, sizeof(uint64_t) * N_BEAM_SLOTS); if(gen_fake) { gen_fake = 0; // gen fake data for all beams, all blocks // TODO vary data by beam fprintf(stderr, "generating fake data to block 0 beam 0..."); gen_fake_data(&(db->block[0].data[0])); fprintf(stderr, " done\n"); fprintf(stderr, "copying to block 0 beam"); for(int beam_i = 1; beam_i < N_BEAMS; beam_i++) { fprintf(stderr, " %d", beam_i); memcpy((void *)&db->block[0].data[beam_i*N_BYTES_PER_BEAM/sizeof(uint64_t)], (void *)&db->block[0].data[0], N_BYTES_PER_BEAM); } fprintf(stderr, " done\n"); fprintf(stderr, "copying to block"); for(int block_i = 1; block_i < N_INPUT_BLOCKS; block_i++) { fprintf(stderr, " %d", block_i); memcpy((void *)&db->block[block_i].data[0], (void *)&db->block[0].data[0], N_DATA_BYTES_PER_BLOCK); } fprintf(stderr, " done\n"); } hashpipe_status_lock_safe(&st); hputr4(st.buf, "NETMXERR", max_error); hputi4(st.buf, "NETERCNT", error_count); hputi4(st.buf, "NETMXECT", max_error_count); hashpipe_status_unlock_safe(&st); // Mark block as full s6_input_databuf_set_filled(db, block_idx); // Setup for next block block_idx = (block_idx + 1) % db->header.n_block; mcnt++; // uncomment the following to test dynamic setting of num_coarse_chan //num_coarse_chan--; /* Will exit if thread has been cancelled */ pthread_testcancel(); } // Thread success! return THREAD_OK; }
static void *run(hashpipe_thread_args_t * args) { // Local aliases to shorten access to args fields // Our output buffer happens to be a paper_input_databuf hashpipe_status_t st = args->st; const char * status_key = args->thread_desc->skey; st_p = &st; // allow global (this source file) access to the status buffer // Get inital value for crc32 function uint32_t init_crc = crc32(0,0,0); // Flag that holds off the crc thread int holdoff = 1; // Force ourself into the hold off state hashpipe_status_lock_safe(&st); hputi4(st.buf, "CRCHOLD", 1); hashpipe_status_unlock_safe(&st); while(holdoff) { // We're not in any hurry to startup sleep(1); hashpipe_status_lock_safe(&st); // Look for CRCHOLD value hgeti4(st.buf, "CRCHOLD", &holdoff); if(!holdoff) { // Done holding, so delete the key hdel(st.buf, "CRCHOLD"); } hashpipe_status_unlock_safe(&st); } /* Read network params */ struct hashpipe_udp_params up = { .bindhost = "", .bindport = 8511, .packet_size = 8200 }; hashpipe_status_lock_safe(&st); // Get info from status buffer if present (no change if not present) hgets(st.buf, "BINDHOST", 80, up.bindhost); hgeti4(st.buf, "BINDPORT", &up.bindport); // Store bind host/port info etc in status buffer hputs(st.buf, "BINDHOST", up.bindhost); hputi4(st.buf, "BINDPORT", up.bindport); hputu4(st.buf, "CRCPKOK", 0); hputu4(st.buf, "CRCPKERR", 0); hputs(st.buf, status_key, "running"); hashpipe_status_unlock_safe(&st); struct hashpipe_udp_packet p; /* Give all the threads a chance to start before opening network socket */ sleep(1); /* Set up UDP socket */ int rv = hashpipe_udp_init(&up); if (rv!=HASHPIPE_OK) { hashpipe_error("paper_crc_thread", "Error opening UDP socket."); pthread_exit(NULL); } pthread_cleanup_push((void *)hashpipe_udp_close, &up); /* Main loop */ uint64_t packet_count = 0; uint64_t good_count = 0; uint64_t error_count = 0; uint64_t elapsed_wait_ns = 0; uint64_t elapsed_recv_ns = 0; uint64_t elapsed_proc_ns = 0; float ns_per_wait = 0.0; float ns_per_recv = 0.0; float ns_per_proc = 0.0; struct timespec start, stop; struct timespec recv_start, recv_stop; packet_header_t hdr; while (run_threads()) { /* Read packet */ clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &recv_start); do { clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &start); p.packet_size = recv(up.sock,, HASHPIPE_MAX_PACKET_SIZE, 0); clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &recv_stop); } while (p.packet_size == -1 && (errno == EAGAIN || errno == EWOULDBLOCK) && run_threads()); // Break out of loop if stopping if(!run_threads()) break; // Increment packet count packet_count++; // Check CRC if(crc32(init_crc, (/*const?*/ uint8_t *), p.packet_size) == 0xffffffff) { // CRC OK! Increment good counter good_count++; } else { // CRC error! Increment error counter error_count++; // Log message get_header(&p, &hdr); hashpipe_warn("paper_crc", "CRC error mcnt %llu ; fid %u ; xid %u", hdr.mcnt, hdr.fid, hdr.xid); } clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &stop); elapsed_wait_ns += ELAPSED_NS(recv_start, start); elapsed_recv_ns += ELAPSED_NS(start, recv_stop); elapsed_proc_ns += ELAPSED_NS(recv_stop, stop); if(packet_count % 1000 == 0) { // Compute stats get_header(&p, &hdr); ns_per_wait = (float)elapsed_wait_ns / packet_count; ns_per_recv = (float)elapsed_recv_ns / packet_count; ns_per_proc = (float)elapsed_proc_ns / packet_count; // Update status hashpipe_status_lock_busywait_safe(&st); hputu8(st.buf, "CRCMCNT", hdr.mcnt); // Gbps = bits_per_packet / ns_per_packet // (N_BYTES_PER_PACKET excludes header, so +8 for the header) hputr4(st.buf, "CRCGBPS", 8*(N_BYTES_PER_PACKET+8)/(ns_per_recv+ns_per_proc)); hputr4(st.buf, "CRCWATNS", ns_per_wait); hputr4(st.buf, "CRCRECNS", ns_per_recv); hputr4(st.buf, "CRCPRCNS", ns_per_proc); // TODO Provide some way to recognize request to zero out the // CRCERR and CRCOK fields. hputu8(st.buf, "CRCPKOK", good_count); hputu8(st.buf, "CRCPKERR", error_count); hashpipe_status_unlock_safe(&st); // Start new average elapsed_wait_ns = 0; elapsed_recv_ns = 0; elapsed_proc_ns = 0; packet_count = 0; } /* Will exit if thread has been cancelled */ pthread_testcancel(); } /* Have to close all push's */ pthread_cleanup_pop(1); /* Closes push(hashpipe_udp_close) */ return NULL; } static hashpipe_thread_desc_t crc_thread = { name: "paper_crc_thread", skey: "CRCSTAT", init: NULL, run: run, ibuf_desc: {NULL},
static void *run(void * _args) { // Cast _args struct guppi_thread_args *args = (struct guppi_thread_args *)_args; THREAD_RUN_BEGIN(args); THREAD_RUN_SET_AFFINITY_PRIORITY(args); THREAD_RUN_ATTACH_STATUS(args->instance_id, st); // Attach to paper_ouput_databuf THREAD_RUN_ATTACH_DATABUF(args->instance_id, paper_output_databuf, db, args->input_buffer); // Setup socket and message structures int sockfd; unsigned int xengine_id = 0; struct timespec packet_delay = { .tv_sec = 0, .tv_nsec = PACKET_DELAY_NS }; guppi_status_lock_safe(&st); hgetu4(st.buf, "XID", &xengine_id); // No change if not found hputu4(st.buf, "XID", xengine_id); hputu4(st.buf, "OUTDUMPS", 0); guppi_status_unlock_safe(&st); pkt_t pkt; pkt.hdr.header = HEADER; pkt.hdr.instids = INSTIDS(xengine_id); pkt.hdr.pktinfo = PKTINFO(BYTES_PER_PACKET); pkt.hdr.heaplen = HEAPLEN; // TODO Get catcher hostname and port from somewhere #ifndef CATCHER_PORT #define CATCHER_PORT 7148 #endif #define stringify2(x) #x #define stringify(x) stringify2(x) // Open socket sockfd = open_udp_socket("catcher", stringify(CATCHER_PORT)); if(sockfd == -1) { guppi_error(__FUNCTION__, "error opening socket"); run_threads=0; pthread_exit(NULL); } #ifdef TEST_INDEX_CALCS int i, j; for(i=0; i<32; i++) { for(j=i; j<32; j++) { regtile_index(2*i, 2*j); } } for(i=0; i<32; i++) { for(j=i; j<32; j++) { casper_index(2*i, 2*j); } } run_threads=0; #endif /* Main loop */ int rv; int casper_chan, gpu_chan; int baseline; unsigned int dumps = 0; int block_idx = 0; struct timespec start, stop; signal(SIGINT,cc); signal(SIGTERM,cc); while (run_threads) { guppi_status_lock_safe(&st); hputs(st.buf, STATUS_KEY, "waiting"); guppi_status_unlock_safe(&st); // Wait for new block to be filled while ((rv=paper_output_databuf_wait_filled(db, block_idx)) != GUPPI_OK) { if (rv==GUPPI_TIMEOUT) { guppi_status_lock_safe(&st); hputs(st.buf, STATUS_KEY, "blocked"); guppi_status_unlock_safe(&st); continue; } else { guppi_error(__FUNCTION__, "error waiting for filled databuf"); run_threads=0; pthread_exit(NULL); break; } } clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &start); // Note processing status, current input block guppi_status_lock_safe(&st); hputs(st.buf, STATUS_KEY, "processing"); hputi4(st.buf, "OUTBLKIN", block_idx); guppi_status_unlock_safe(&st); // Update header's timestamp for this dump pkt.hdr.timestamp = TIMESTAMP(db->block[block_idx].header.mcnt * N_TIME_PER_PACKET * 2 * N_CHAN_TOTAL / 128); // Init header's offset for this dump uint32_t nbytes = 0; pkt.hdr.offset = OFFSET(nbytes); // Unpack and convert in packet sized chunks float * pf_re = db->block[block_idx].data; float * pf_im = db->block[block_idx].data + xgpu_info.matLength; pktdata_t * p_out =; for(casper_chan=0; casper_chan<N_CHAN_PER_X; casper_chan++) { // De-interleave the channels gpu_chan = (casper_chan/Nc) + ((casper_chan%Nc)*Nx); for(baseline=0; baseline<CASPER_CHAN_LENGTH; baseline++) { off_t idx_regtile = idx_map[baseline]; pktdata_t re = CONVERT(pf_re[gpu_chan*REGTILE_CHAN_LENGTH+idx_regtile]); pktdata_t im = CONVERT(pf_im[gpu_chan*REGTILE_CHAN_LENGTH+idx_regtile]); *p_out++ = re; *p_out++ = -im; // Conjugate data to match downstream expectations nbytes += 2*sizeof(pktdata_t); if(nbytes % BYTES_PER_PACKET == 0) { int bytes_sent = send(sockfd, &pkt, sizeof(pkt.hdr)+BYTES_PER_PACKET, 0); if(bytes_sent == -1) { // Send all packets even if cactcher is not listening (i.e. we // we get a connection refused error), but abort sending this // dump if we get any other error. if(errno != ECONNREFUSED) { perror("send"); // Update stats guppi_status_lock_safe(&st); hputu4(st.buf, "OUTDUMPS", ++dumps); hputr4(st.buf, "OUTSECS", 0.0); hputr4(st.buf, "OUTMBPS", 0.0); guppi_status_unlock_safe(&st); // Break out of both for loops goto done_sending; } } else if(bytes_sent != sizeof(pkt.hdr)+BYTES_PER_PACKET) { printf("only sent %d of %lu bytes!!!\n", bytes_sent, sizeof(pkt.hdr)+BYTES_PER_PACKET); } // Delay to prevent overflowing network TX queue nanosleep(&packet_delay, NULL); // Setup for next packet p_out =; // Update header's byte_offset for this chunk pkt.hdr.offset = OFFSET(nbytes); } } } clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &stop); guppi_status_lock_safe(&st); hputu4(st.buf, "OUTDUMPS", ++dumps); hputr4(st.buf, "OUTSECS", (float)ELAPSED_NS(start,stop)/1e9); hputr4(st.buf, "OUTMBPS", (1e3*8*bytes_per_dump)/ELAPSED_NS(start,stop)); guppi_status_unlock_safe(&st); done_sending: // Mark block as free paper_output_databuf_set_free(db, block_idx); // Setup for next block block_idx = (block_idx + 1) % db->header.n_block; /* Will exit if thread has been cancelled */ pthread_testcancel(); } // Have to close all pushes THREAD_RUN_DETACH_DATAUF; THREAD_RUN_DETACH_STATUS; THREAD_RUN_END; // Thread success! return NULL; } static pipeline_thread_module_t module = { name: "paper_gpu_output_thread", type: PIPELINE_OUTPUT_THREAD, init: init, run: run };
static void *run(void * _args) { // Cast _args struct guppi_thread_args *args = (struct guppi_thread_args *)_args; #ifdef DEBUG_SEMS fprintf(stderr, "s/tid %lu/NET/' <<.\n", pthread_self()); #endif THREAD_RUN_BEGIN(args); THREAD_RUN_SET_AFFINITY_PRIORITY(args); THREAD_RUN_ATTACH_STATUS(args->instance_id, st); st_p = &st; // allow global (this source file) access to the status buffer /* Attach to paper_input_databuf */ THREAD_RUN_ATTACH_DATABUF(args->instance_id, paper_input_databuf, db, args->output_buffer); /* Read in general parameters */ struct guppi_params gp; struct sdfits pf; char status_buf[GUPPI_STATUS_SIZE]; guppi_status_lock_busywait_safe(st_p); memcpy(status_buf, st_p->buf, GUPPI_STATUS_SIZE); guppi_status_unlock_safe(st_p); guppi_read_obs_params(status_buf, &gp, &pf); pthread_cleanup_push((void *)guppi_free_sdfits, &pf); /* Read network params */ struct guppi_udp_params up; //guppi_read_net_params(status_buf, &up); paper_read_net_params(status_buf, &up); // Store bind host/port info etc in status buffer guppi_status_lock_busywait_safe(&st); hputs(st.buf, "BINDHOST", up.bindhost); hputi4(st.buf, "BINDPORT", up.bindport); hputu4(st.buf, "MISSEDFE", 0); hputu4(st.buf, "MISSEDPK", 0); hputs(st.buf, STATUS_KEY, "running"); guppi_status_unlock_safe(&st); struct guppi_udp_packet p; /* Give all the threads a chance to start before opening network socket */ sleep(1); #ifndef TIMING_TEST /* Set up UDP socket */ int rv = guppi_udp_init(&up); if (rv!=GUPPI_OK) { guppi_error("guppi_net_thread", "Error opening UDP socket."); pthread_exit(NULL); } pthread_cleanup_push((void *)guppi_udp_close, &up); #endif /* Main loop */ uint64_t packet_count = 0; uint64_t elapsed_wait_ns = 0; uint64_t elapsed_recv_ns = 0; uint64_t elapsed_proc_ns = 0; float ns_per_wait = 0.0; float ns_per_recv = 0.0; float ns_per_proc = 0.0; struct timespec start, stop; struct timespec recv_start, recv_stop; signal(SIGINT,cc); while (run_threads) { #ifndef TIMING_TEST /* Read packet */ clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &recv_start); do { clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &start); p.packet_size = recv(up.sock,, GUPPI_MAX_PACKET_SIZE, 0); clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &recv_stop); } while (p.packet_size == -1 && (errno == EAGAIN || errno == EWOULDBLOCK) && run_threads); if(!run_threads) break; if (up.packet_size != p.packet_size) { if (p.packet_size != -1) { #ifdef DEBUG_NET guppi_warn("guppi_net_thread", "Incorrect pkt size"); #endif continue; } else { guppi_error("guppi_net_thread", "guppi_udp_recv returned error"); perror("guppi_udp_recv"); pthread_exit(NULL); } } #endif packet_count++; // Copy packet into any blocks where it belongs. const uint64_t mcnt = write_paper_packet_to_blocks((paper_input_databuf_t *)db, &p); clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &stop); elapsed_wait_ns += ELAPSED_NS(recv_start, start); elapsed_recv_ns += ELAPSED_NS(start, recv_stop); elapsed_proc_ns += ELAPSED_NS(recv_stop, stop); if(mcnt != -1) { // Update status ns_per_wait = (float)elapsed_wait_ns / packet_count; ns_per_recv = (float)elapsed_recv_ns / packet_count; ns_per_proc = (float)elapsed_proc_ns / packet_count; guppi_status_lock_busywait_safe(&st); hputu8(st.buf, "NETMCNT", mcnt); // Gbps = bits_per_packet / ns_per_packet // (N_BYTES_PER_PACKET excludes header, so +8 for the header) hputr4(st.buf, "NETGBPS", 8*(N_BYTES_PER_PACKET+8)/(ns_per_recv+ns_per_proc)); hputr4(st.buf, "NETWATNS", ns_per_wait); hputr4(st.buf, "NETRECNS", ns_per_recv); hputr4(st.buf, "NETPRCNS", ns_per_proc); guppi_status_unlock_safe(&st); // Start new average elapsed_wait_ns = 0; elapsed_recv_ns = 0; elapsed_proc_ns = 0; packet_count = 0; } #if defined TIMING_TEST || defined NET_TIMING_TEST #define END_LOOP_COUNT (1*1000*1000) static int loop_count=0; static struct timespec tt_start, tt_stop; if(loop_count == 0) { clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &tt_start); } //if(loop_count == 1000000) run_threads = 0; if(loop_count == END_LOOP_COUNT) { clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &tt_stop); int64_t elapsed = ELAPSED_NS(tt_start, tt_stop); printf("processed %d packets in %.6f ms (%.3f us per packet)\n", END_LOOP_COUNT, elapsed/1e6, elapsed/1e3/END_LOOP_COUNT); exit(0); } loop_count++; #endif /* Will exit if thread has been cancelled */ pthread_testcancel(); } /* Have to close all push's */ #ifndef TIMING_TEST pthread_cleanup_pop(0); /* Closes push(guppi_udp_close) */ #endif pthread_cleanup_pop(0); /* Closes guppi_free_psrfits */ THREAD_RUN_DETACH_DATAUF; THREAD_RUN_DETACH_STATUS; THREAD_RUN_END; return NULL; }