Exemple #1
static int				/* O - 0 on success or -1 on error */
try_connect(http_addr_t *addr,		/* I - Socket address */
            const char  *addrname,	/* I - Hostname or IP address */
            int         port)		/* I - Port number */
  int	fd;				/* Socket */
  int	status;				/* Connection status */

  debug_printf("DEBUG: %.3f Trying %s://%s:%d...\n", run_time(),
               port == 515 ? "lpd" : "socket", addrname, port);

  if ((fd = socket(httpAddrFamily(addr), SOCK_STREAM, 0)) < 0)
    fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Unable to create socket: %s\n",
    return (-1);

  _httpAddrSetPort(addr, port);


  status = connect(fd, (void *)addr, (socklen_t)httpAddrLength(addr));


  return (status);
Exemple #2
void *					/* O - Profile or NULL on error */
cupsdCreateProfile(int job_id,		/* I - Job ID or 0 for none */
                   int allow_networking)/* I - Allow networking off machine? */
  cups_file_t		*fp;		/* File pointer */
  char			profile[1024],	/* File containing the profile */
			bin[1024],	/* Quoted ServerBin */
			cache[1024],	/* Quoted CacheDir */
			domain[1024],	/* Domain socket, if any */
			request[1024],	/* Quoted RequestRoot */
			root[1024],	/* Quoted ServerRoot */
			state[1024],	/* Quoted StateDir */
			temp[1024];	/* Quoted TempDir */
  const char		*nodebug;	/* " (with no-log)" for no debug */
  cupsd_listener_t	*lis;		/* Current listening socket */

  if (!UseSandboxing || Sandboxing == CUPSD_SANDBOXING_OFF)
    * Only use sandbox profiles as root...

    cupsdLogMessage(CUPSD_LOG_DEBUG2, "cupsdCreateProfile(job_id=%d, allow_networking=%d) = NULL", job_id, allow_networking);

    return (NULL);

  if ((fp = cupsTempFile2(profile, sizeof(profile))) == NULL)
    cupsdLogMessage(CUPSD_LOG_DEBUG2, "cupsdCreateProfile(job_id=%d, allow_networking=%d) = NULL", job_id, allow_networking);
    cupsdLogMessage(CUPSD_LOG_ERROR, "Unable to create security profile: %s",
    return (NULL);

  fchown(cupsFileNumber(fp), RunUser, Group);
  fchmod(cupsFileNumber(fp), 0640);

  cupsd_requote(bin, ServerBin, sizeof(bin));
  cupsd_requote(cache, CacheDir, sizeof(cache));
  cupsd_requote(request, RequestRoot, sizeof(request));
  cupsd_requote(root, ServerRoot, sizeof(root));
  cupsd_requote(state, StateDir, sizeof(state));
  cupsd_requote(temp, TempDir, sizeof(temp));

  nodebug = LogLevel < CUPSD_LOG_DEBUG ? " (with no-log)" : "";

  cupsFilePuts(fp, "(version 1)\n");
  if (Sandboxing == CUPSD_SANDBOXING_STRICT)
    cupsFilePuts(fp, "(deny default)\n");
    cupsFilePuts(fp, "(allow default)\n");
  if (LogLevel >= CUPSD_LOG_DEBUG)
    cupsFilePuts(fp, "(debug deny)\n");
  cupsFilePuts(fp, "(import \"system.sb\")\n");
  cupsFilePuts(fp, "(system-network)\n");
  cupsFilePuts(fp, "(allow mach-per-user-lookup)\n");
  cupsFilePuts(fp, "(allow ipc-posix-sem)\n");
  cupsFilePuts(fp, "(allow ipc-posix-shm)\n");
  cupsFilePuts(fp, "(allow ipc-sysv-shm)\n");
  cupsFilePuts(fp, "(allow mach-lookup)\n");
  if (!RunUser)
		   "(deny file-write* file-read-data file-read-metadata\n"
		   "  (regex"
		   " #\"^/Users$\""
		   " #\"^/Users/\""
		   ")%s)\n", nodebug);
                 "(deny file-write*\n"
                 "  (regex"
		 " #\"^%s$\""		/* ServerRoot */
		 " #\"^%s/\""		/* ServerRoot/... */
		 " #\"^/private/etc$\""
		 " #\"^/private/etc/\""
		 " #\"^/usr/local/etc$\""
		 " #\"^/usr/local/etc/\""
		 " #\"^/Library$\""
		 " #\"^/Library/\""
		 " #\"^/System$\""
		 " #\"^/System/\""
		 root, root, nodebug);
  /* Specifically allow applications to stat RequestRoot and some other system folders */
                 "(allow file-read-metadata\n"
                 "  (regex"
		 " #\"^/$\""		/* / */
		 " #\"^/usr$\""		/* /usr */
		 " #\"^/Library$\""	/* /Library */
		 " #\"^/Library/Printers$\""	/* /Library/Printers */
		 " #\"^%s$\""		/* RequestRoot */
  /* Read and write TempDir, CacheDir, and other common folders */
	       "(allow file-write* file-read-data file-read-metadata\n"
	       "  (regex"
	       " #\"^/private/var/db/\""
	       " #\"^/private/var/folders/\""
	       " #\"^/private/var/lib/\""
	       " #\"^/private/var/log/\""
	       " #\"^/private/var/mysql/\""
	       " #\"^/private/var/run/\""
	       " #\"^/private/var/spool/\""
	       " #\"^/Library/Application Support/\""
	       " #\"^/Library/Caches/\""
	       " #\"^/Library/Logs/\""
	       " #\"^/Library/Preferences/\""
	       " #\"^/Library/WebServer/\""
	       " #\"^/Users/Shared/\""
		 "(deny file-write*\n"
		 "       (regex #\"^%s$\")%s)\n",
		 request, nodebug);
		 "(deny file-write* file-read-data file-read-metadata\n"
		 "       (regex #\"^%s/\")%s)\n",
		 request, nodebug);
                 "(allow file-write* file-read-data file-read-metadata\n"
                 "  (regex"
		 " #\"^%s$\""		/* TempDir */
		 " #\"^%s/\""		/* TempDir/... */
		 " #\"^%s$\""		/* CacheDir */
		 " #\"^%s/\""		/* CacheDir/... */
		 " #\"^%s$\""		/* StateDir */
		 " #\"^%s/\""		/* StateDir/... */
		 temp, temp, cache, cache, state, state);
  /* Read common folders */
                 "(allow file-read-data file-read-metadata\n"
                 "  (regex"
                 " #\"^/AppleInternal$\""
                 " #\"^/AppleInternal/\""
                 " #\"^/bin$\""		/* /bin */
                 " #\"^/bin/\""		/* /bin/... */
                 " #\"^/private$\""
                 " #\"^/private/etc$\""
                 " #\"^/private/etc/\""
                 " #\"^/private/tmp$\""
                 " #\"^/private/tmp/\""
                 " #\"^/private/var$\""
                 " #\"^/private/var/db$\""
                 " #\"^/private/var/folders$\""
                 " #\"^/private/var/lib$\""
                 " #\"^/private/var/log$\""
                 " #\"^/private/var/mysql$\""
                 " #\"^/private/var/run$\""
                 " #\"^/private/var/spool$\""
                 " #\"^/private/var/tmp$\""
                 " #\"^/private/var/tmp/\""
                 " #\"^/usr/bin$\""	/* /usr/bin */
                 " #\"^/usr/bin/\""	/* /usr/bin/... */
                 " #\"^/usr/libexec/cups$\""	/* /usr/libexec/cups */
                 " #\"^/usr/libexec/cups/\""	/* /usr/libexec/cups/... */
                 " #\"^/usr/libexec/fax$\""	/* /usr/libexec/fax */
                 " #\"^/usr/libexec/fax/\""	/* /usr/libexec/fax/... */
                 " #\"^/usr/sbin$\""	/* /usr/sbin */
                 " #\"^/usr/sbin/\""	/* /usr/sbin/... */
		 " #\"^/Library$\""	/* /Library */
		 " #\"^/Library/\""	/* /Library/... */
		 " #\"^/System$\""	/* /System */
		 " #\"^/System/\""	/* /System/... */
		 " #\"^%s/Library$\""	/* RequestRoot/Library */
		 " #\"^%s/Library/\""	/* RequestRoot/Library/... */
		 " #\"^%s$\""		/* ServerBin */
		 " #\"^%s/\""		/* ServerBin/... */
		 " #\"^%s$\""		/* ServerRoot */
		 " #\"^%s/\""		/* ServerRoot/... */
		 request, request, bin, bin, root, root);
    /* Limited write access to /Library/Printers/... */
		 "(allow file-write*\n"
		 "  (regex"
		 " #\"^/Library/Printers/.*/\""
		   "(deny file-write*\n"
		   "  (regex"
		   " #\"^/Library/Printers/PPDs$\""
		   " #\"^/Library/Printers/PPDs/\""
		   " #\"^/Library/Printers/PPD Plugins$\""
		   " #\"^/Library/Printers/PPD Plugins/\""
		   ")%s)\n", nodebug);
  /* Allow execution of child processes as long as the programs are not in a user directory */
  cupsFilePuts(fp, "(allow process*)\n");
  cupsFilePuts(fp, "(deny process-exec (regex #\"^/Users/\"))\n");
  if (RunUser && getenv("CUPS_TESTROOT"))
    /* Allow source directory access in "make test" environment */
    char	testroot[1024];		/* Root directory of test files */

    cupsd_requote(testroot, getenv("CUPS_TESTROOT"), sizeof(testroot));

		   "(allow file-write* file-read-data file-read-metadata\n"
		   "  (regex"
		   " #\"^%s$\""		/* CUPS_TESTROOT */
		   " #\"^%s/\""		/* CUPS_TESTROOT/... */
		   testroot, testroot);
		   "(allow process-exec\n"
		   "  (regex"
		   " #\"^%s/\""		/* CUPS_TESTROOT/... */
    cupsFilePrintf(fp, "(allow sysctl*)\n");
  if (job_id)
    /* Allow job filters to read the current job files... */
                   "(allow file-read-data file-read-metadata\n"
                   "       (regex #\"^%s/([ac]%05d|d%05d-[0-9][0-9][0-9])$\"))\n",
		   request, job_id, job_id);
    /* Allow email notifications from notifiers... */
		 "(allow process-exec\n"
		 "  (literal \"/usr/sbin/sendmail\")\n"
		 "  (with no-sandbox))\n");
  /* Allow access to Bluetooth, USB, and notify_post. */
  cupsFilePuts(fp, "(allow iokit*)\n");
  cupsFilePuts(fp, "(allow distributed-notification-post)\n");
  /* Allow outbound networking to local services */
  cupsFilePuts(fp, "(allow network-outbound"
		   "\n       (regex #\"^/private/var/run/\" #\"^/private/tmp/\" #\"^/private/var/tmp/\")");
  for (lis = (cupsd_listener_t *)cupsArrayFirst(Listeners);
       lis = (cupsd_listener_t *)cupsArrayNext(Listeners))
    if (httpAddrFamily(&(lis->address)) == AF_LOCAL)
      httpAddrString(&(lis->address), domain, sizeof(domain));
      cupsFilePrintf(fp, "\n       (literal \"%s\")", domain);
  if (allow_networking)
    /* Allow TCP and UDP networking off the machine... */
    cupsFilePuts(fp, "\n       (remote tcp))\n");
    cupsFilePuts(fp, "(allow network-bind)\n"); /* for LPD resvport */
    cupsFilePuts(fp, "(allow network*\n"
		     "       (local udp \"*:*\")\n"
		     "       (remote udp \"*:*\"))\n");

    /* Also allow access to device files... */
    cupsFilePuts(fp, "(allow file-write* file-read-data file-read-metadata file-ioctl\n"
                     "       (regex #\"^/dev/\"))\n");

    /* And allow kernel extensions to be loaded, e.g., SMB */
    cupsFilePuts(fp, "(allow system-kext-load)\n");
    /* Only allow SNMP (UDP) and LPD (TCP) off the machine... */
    cupsFilePuts(fp, ")\n");
    cupsFilePuts(fp, "(allow network-outbound\n"
		     "       (remote udp \"*:161\")\n"
		     "       (remote tcp \"*:515\"))\n");
    cupsFilePuts(fp, "(allow network-inbound\n"
		     "       (local udp \"localhost:*\"))\n");

  cupsdLogMessage(CUPSD_LOG_DEBUG2, "cupsdCreateProfile(job_id=%d,allow_networking=%d) = \"%s\"", job_id, allow_networking, profile);
  return ((void *)strdup(profile));

  cupsdLogMessage(CUPSD_LOG_DEBUG2, "cupsdCreateProfile(job_id=%d, allow_networking=%d) = NULL", job_id, allow_networking);

  return (NULL);
#endif /* HAVE_SANDBOX_H */
Exemple #3
static void
scan_devices(int ipv4,			/* I - SNMP IPv4 socket */
             int ipv6)			/* I - SNMP IPv6 socket */
  int			fd,		/* File descriptor for this address */
			busy;		/* Are we busy processing something? */
  char			*address,	/* Current address */
			*community;	/* Current community */
  fd_set		input;		/* Input set for select() */
  struct timeval	timeout;	/* Timeout for select() */
  time_t		endtime;	/* End time for scan */
  http_addrlist_t	*addrs,		/* List of addresses */
			*addr;		/* Current address */
  snmp_cache_t		*device;	/* Current device */
  char			temp[1024];	/* Temporary address string */

  gettimeofday(&StartTime, NULL);

  * First send all of the broadcast queries...

  for (address = (char *)cupsArrayFirst(Addresses);
       address = (char *)cupsArrayNext(Addresses))
    if (!strcmp(address, "@LOCAL"))
      addrs = get_interface_addresses(NULL);
    else if (!strncmp(address, "@IF(", 4))
      char	ifname[255];		/* Interface name */

      strlcpy(ifname, address + 4, sizeof(ifname));
      if (ifname[0])
        ifname[strlen(ifname) - 1] = '\0';

      addrs = get_interface_addresses(ifname);
      addrs = httpAddrGetList(address, AF_UNSPEC, NULL);

    if (!addrs)
      fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Unable to scan \"%s\"!\n", address);

    for (community = (char *)cupsArrayFirst(Communities);
	 community = (char *)cupsArrayNext(Communities))
      debug_printf("DEBUG: Scanning for devices in \"%s\" via \"%s\"...\n",
        	   community, address);

      for (addr = addrs; addr; addr = addr->next)
#ifdef AF_INET6
        if (httpAddrFamily(&(addr->addr)) == AF_INET6)
	  fd = ipv6;
#endif /* AF_INET6 */
        fd = ipv4;

        debug_printf("DEBUG: Sending get request to %s...\n",
	             httpAddrString(&(addr->addr), temp, sizeof(temp)));

        _cupsSNMPWrite(fd, &(addr->addr), CUPS_SNMP_VERSION_1, community,
	               CUPS_ASN1_GET_REQUEST, DEVICE_TYPE, DeviceTypeOID);


  * Then read any responses that come in over the next 3 seconds...

  endtime = time(NULL) + MaxRunTime;


  while (time(NULL) < endtime)
    timeout.tv_sec  = 2;
    timeout.tv_usec = 0;

    FD_SET(ipv4, &input);
    if (ipv6 >= 0)
      FD_SET(ipv6, &input);

    fd = ipv4 > ipv6 ? ipv4 : ipv6;
    if (select(fd + 1, &input, NULL, NULL, &timeout) < 0)
      fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: %.3f select() for %d/%d failed: %s\n", run_time(),
              ipv4, ipv6, strerror(errno));

    busy = 0;

    if (FD_ISSET(ipv4, &input))
      busy = 1;

    if (ipv6 >= 0 && FD_ISSET(ipv6, &input))
      busy = 1;

    if (!busy)
      * List devices with complete information...

      int sent_something = 0;

      for (device = (snmp_cache_t *)cupsArrayFirst(Devices);
	   device = (snmp_cache_t *)cupsArrayNext(Devices))
        if (!device->sent && device->info && device->make_and_model)
	  if (device->uri)

	  device->sent = sent_something = 1;

      if (!sent_something)

  debug_printf("DEBUG: %.3f Scan complete!\n", run_time());
Exemple #4
http_addrlist_t *			/* O - Connected address or NULL on failure */
    http_addrlist_t *addrlist,		/* I - List of potential addresses */
    int             *sock,		/* O - Socket */
    int             msec,		/* I - Timeout in milliseconds */
    int             *cancel)		/* I - Pointer to "cancel" variable */
  int			val;		/* Socket option value */
#ifndef WIN32
  int			flags;		/* Socket flags */
#endif /* !WIN32 */
  int			remaining;	/* Remaining timeout */
  int			i,		/* Looping var */
			nfds,		/* Number of file descriptors */
			fds[100],	/* Socket file descriptors */
			result;		/* Result from select() or poll() */
  http_addrlist_t	*addrs[100];	/* Addresses */
#ifndef HAVE_POLL
  int			max_fd = -1;	/* Highest file descriptor */
#endif /* !HAVE_POLL */
#  ifdef HAVE_POLL
  struct pollfd		pfds[100];	/* Polled file descriptors */
#  else
  fd_set		input_set,	/* select() input set */
			output_set,	/* select() output set */
			error_set;	/* select() error set */
  struct timeval	timeout;	/* Timeout */
#  endif /* HAVE_POLL */
#endif /* O_NONBLOCK */
#ifdef DEBUG
  socklen_t		len;		/* Length of value */
  http_addr_t		peer;		/* Peer address */
  char			temp[256];	/* Temporary address string */
#endif /* DEBUG */

  DEBUG_printf(("httpAddrConnect2(addrlist=%p, sock=%p, msec=%d, cancel=%p)", (void *)addrlist, (void *)sock, msec, (void *)cancel));

  if (!sock)
    errno = EINVAL;
    _cupsSetError(IPP_STATUS_ERROR_INTERNAL, strerror(errno), 0);
    return (NULL);

  if (cancel && *cancel)
    return (NULL);

  if (msec <= 0)
    msec = INT_MAX;

  * Loop through each address until we connect or run out of addresses...

  nfds      = 0;
  remaining = msec;

  while (remaining > 0)
    if (cancel && *cancel)
      while (nfds > 0)
        nfds --;
	httpAddrClose(NULL, fds[nfds]);

      return (NULL);

    if (addrlist && nfds < (int)(sizeof(fds) / sizeof(fds[0])))
      * Create the socket...

      DEBUG_printf(("2httpAddrConnect2: Trying %s:%d...", httpAddrString(&(addrlist->addr), temp, sizeof(temp)), httpAddrPort(&(addrlist->addr))));

      if ((fds[nfds] = (int)socket(httpAddrFamily(&(addrlist->addr)), SOCK_STREAM, 0)) < 0)
	* Don't abort yet, as this could just be an issue with the local
	* system not being configured with IPv4/IPv6/domain socket enabled.
	* Just skip this address...

        addrlist = addrlist->next;

      * Set options...

      val = 1;
      setsockopt(fds[nfds], SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, CUPS_SOCAST &val, sizeof(val));

      val = 1;
      setsockopt(fds[nfds], SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEPORT, CUPS_SOCAST &val, sizeof(val));
#endif /* SO_REUSEPORT */

      val = 1;
      setsockopt(fds[nfds], SOL_SOCKET, SO_NOSIGPIPE, CUPS_SOCAST &val, sizeof(val));
#endif /* SO_NOSIGPIPE */

      * Using TCP_NODELAY improves responsiveness, especially on systems
      * with a slow loopback interface...

      val = 1;
      setsockopt(fds[nfds], IPPROTO_TCP, TCP_NODELAY, CUPS_SOCAST &val, sizeof(val));

      * Close this socket when starting another process...

      fcntl(fds[nfds], F_SETFD, FD_CLOEXEC);
#endif /* FD_CLOEXEC */

      * Do an asynchronous connect by setting the socket non-blocking...

      DEBUG_printf(("httpAddrConnect2: Setting non-blocking connect()"));

      flags = fcntl(fds[nfds], F_GETFL, 0);
      fcntl(fds[nfds], F_SETFL, flags | O_NONBLOCK);
#endif /* O_NONBLOCK */

      * Then connect...

      if (!connect(fds[nfds], &(addrlist->addr.addr), (socklen_t)httpAddrLength(&(addrlist->addr))))
	DEBUG_printf(("1httpAddrConnect2: Connected to %s:%d...", httpAddrString(&(addrlist->addr), temp, sizeof(temp)), httpAddrPort(&(addrlist->addr))));

	fcntl(fds[nfds], F_SETFL, flags);
#endif /* O_NONBLOCK */

	*sock = fds[nfds];

	while (nfds > 0)
	  nfds --;
	  httpAddrClose(NULL, fds[nfds]);

	return (addrlist);

#ifdef WIN32
      if (WSAGetLastError() != WSAEINPROGRESS && WSAGetLastError() != WSAEWOULDBLOCK)
      if (errno != EINPROGRESS && errno != EWOULDBLOCK)
#endif /* WIN32 */
	DEBUG_printf(("1httpAddrConnect2: Unable to connect to %s:%d: %s", httpAddrString(&(addrlist->addr), temp, sizeof(temp)), httpAddrPort(&(addrlist->addr)), strerror(errno)));
	httpAddrClose(NULL, fds[nfds]);
	addrlist = addrlist->next;

#ifndef WIN32
      fcntl(fds[nfds], F_SETFL, flags);
#endif /* !WIN32 */

#ifndef HAVE_POLL
      if (fds[nfds] > max_fd)
	max_fd = fds[nfds];
#endif /* !HAVE_POLL */

      addrs[nfds] = addrlist;
      nfds ++;
      addrlist = addrlist->next;

    if (!addrlist && nfds == 0)

    * See if we can connect to any of the addresses so far...

    DEBUG_puts("1httpAddrConnect2: Finishing async connect()");

      if (cancel && *cancel)
	* Close this socket and return...

	DEBUG_puts("1httpAddrConnect2: Canceled connect()");

	while (nfds > 0)
	  nfds --;
	  httpAddrClose(NULL, fds[nfds]);

	*sock = -1;

	return (NULL);

#  ifdef HAVE_POLL
      for (i = 0; i < nfds; i ++)
	pfds[i].fd     = fds[i];
	pfds[i].events = POLLIN | POLLOUT;

      result = poll(pfds, (nfds_t)nfds, addrlist ? 100 : remaining > 250 ? 250 : remaining);

      DEBUG_printf(("1httpAddrConnect2: poll() returned %d (%d)", result, errno));

#  else
      for (i = 0; i < nfds; i ++)
	FD_SET(fds[i], &input_set);
      output_set = input_set;
      error_set  = input_set;

      timeout.tv_sec  = 0;
      timeout.tv_usec = (addrlist ? 100 : remaining > 250 ? 250 : remaining) * 1000;

      result = select(max_fd + 1, &input_set, &output_set, &error_set, &timeout);

      DEBUG_printf(("1httpAddrConnect2: select() returned %d (%d)", result, errno));
#  endif /* HAVE_POLL */
#  ifdef WIN32
    while (result < 0 && (WSAGetLastError() == WSAEINTR || WSAGetLastError() == WSAEWOULDBLOCK));
#  else
    while (result < 0 && (errno == EINTR || errno == EAGAIN));
#  endif /* WIN32 */

    if (result > 0)
      http_addrlist_t *connaddr = NULL;	/* Connected address, if any */

      for (i = 0; i < nfds; i ++)
#  ifdef HAVE_POLL
	DEBUG_printf(("pfds[%d].revents=%x\n", i, pfds[i].revents));
	if (pfds[i].revents && !(pfds[i].revents & (POLLERR | POLLHUP)))
#  else
	if (FD_ISSET(fds[i], &input_set) && !FD_ISSET(fds[i], &error_set))
#  endif /* HAVE_POLL */
	  *sock    = fds[i];
	  connaddr = addrs[i];

#  ifdef DEBUG
	  len   = sizeof(peer);
	  if (!getpeername(fds[i], (struct sockaddr *)&peer, &len))
	    DEBUG_printf(("1httpAddrConnect2: Connected to %s:%d...", httpAddrString(&peer, temp, sizeof(temp)), httpAddrPort(&peer)));
#  endif /* DEBUG */
#  ifdef HAVE_POLL
	else if (pfds[i].revents & (POLLERR | POLLHUP))
#  else
	else if (FD_ISSET(fds[i], &error_set))
#  endif /* HAVE_POLL */
          * Error on socket, remove from the "pool"...

	  httpAddrClose(NULL, fds[i]);
          nfds --;
          if (i < nfds)
            memmove(fds + i, fds + i + 1, (size_t)(nfds - i) * (sizeof(fds[0])));
            memmove(addrs + i, addrs + i + 1, (size_t)(nfds - i) * (sizeof(addrs[0])));
          i --;

      if (connaddr)
        return (connaddr);
#endif /* O_NONBLOCK */

    if (addrlist)
      remaining -= 100;
      remaining -= 250;