Exemple #1
static void myaction(HttpConn *conn)
    HttpQueue   *q;

    q = conn->writeq;
        Set the HTTP response status
    httpSetStatus(conn, 200);

        Add desired headers. "Set" will overwrite, add will create if not already defined.
    httpAddHeaderString(conn, "Content-Type", "text/plain");
    httpSetHeaderString(conn, "Cache-Control", "no-cache");

    httpWrite(q, "<html><title>simpleAction</title><body>\r\n");
    httpWrite(q, "<p>Name: %s</p>\n", httpGetParam(conn, "name", "-"));
    httpWrite(q, "<p>Address: %s</p>\n", httpGetParam(conn, "address", "-"));
    httpWrite(q, "</body></html>\r\n");

        Call finalize output and close the request.
        Delay closing if you want to do asynchronous output and close later.

        Useful things to do in actions
    httpRedirect(conn, 302, "/other-uri");
    httpError(conn, 409, "My message : %d", 5);
Exemple #2
    Start the request (and complete it)
static void startDir(HttpQueue *q)
    HttpConn        *conn;
    HttpTx          *tx;
    HttpRx          *rx;
    MprList         *list;
    MprDirEntry     *dp;
    HttpDir         *dir;
    cchar           *path;
    uint            nameSize;
    int             next;

    conn = q->conn;
    rx = conn->rx;
    tx = conn->tx;
    if ((dir = conn->reqData) == 0) {
        httpError(conn, HTTP_CODE_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, "Cannot get directory listing");

    if (!(rx->flags & (HTTP_GET | HTTP_HEAD))) {
        httpError(conn, HTTP_CODE_BAD_METHOD, "Bad method");
    httpSetContentType(conn, "text/html");
    httpSetHeaderString(conn, "Cache-Control", "no-cache");
    httpSetHeaderString(conn, "Last-Modified", conn->http->currentDate);

    if ((list = mprGetPathFiles(tx->filename, MPR_PATH_RELATIVE)) == 0) {
        httpWrite(q, "<h2>Cannot get file list</h2>\r\n");
    if (dir->pattern) {
        filterDirList(conn, list);
    sortList(conn, list);
        Get max filename size
    nameSize = 0;
    for (next = 0; (dp = mprGetNextItem(list, &next)) != 0; ) {
        nameSize = max((int) strlen(dp->name), nameSize);
    nameSize = max(nameSize, 22);

    path = rx->route->prefix ? sjoin(rx->route->prefix, rx->pathInfo, NULL) : rx->pathInfo;
    outputHeader(q, path, nameSize);
    for (next = 0; (dp = mprGetNextItem(list, &next)) != 0; ) {
        outputLine(q, dp, tx->filename, nameSize);
Exemple #3
static void outputFooter(HttpQueue *q)
    HttpConn    *conn;
    MprSocket   *sock;
    Dir         *dir;
    conn = q->conn;
    dir = conn->data;
    if (dir->fancyIndexing == 2) {
        httpWrite(q, "<tr><th colspan=\"5\"><hr /></th></tr>\r\n</table>\r\n");
    } else if (dir->fancyIndexing == 1) {
        httpWrite(q, "<hr /></pre>\r\n");
    } else {
        httpWrite(q, "</ul>\r\n");
    sock = conn->sock->listenSock;
    httpWrite(q, "<address>%s %s at %s Port %d</address>\r\n", BIT_TITLE, BIT_VERSION, sock->ip, sock->port);
    httpWrite(q, "</body></html>\r\n");
Exemple #4
    Write upload data. This routine blocks. If you need non-blocking ... cut and paste.
ssize httpWriteUploadData(HttpConn *conn, MprList *fileData, MprList *formData)
    char    *path, *pair, *key, *value, *name;
    ssize   rc;
    int     next;

    rc = 0;
    if (formData) {
        for (rc = next = 0; rc >= 0 && (pair = mprGetNextItem(formData, &next)) != 0; ) {
            key = stok(sclone(pair), "=", &value);
            rc += httpWrite(conn->writeq, "%s\r\nContent-Disposition: form-data; name=\"%s\";\r\n", conn->boundary, key);
            rc += httpWrite(conn->writeq, "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded\r\n\r\n%s\r\n", value);
    if (fileData) {
        for (rc = next = 0; rc >= 0 && (path = mprGetNextItem(fileData, &next)) != 0; ) {
            name = mprGetPathBase(path);
            rc += httpWrite(conn->writeq, "%s\r\nContent-Disposition: form-data; name=\"file%d\"; filename=\"%s\"\r\n", 
                conn->boundary, next - 1, name);
            rc += httpWrite(conn->writeq, "Content-Type: %s\r\n\r\n", mprLookupMime(MPR->mimeTypes, path));
            rc += blockingFileCopy(conn, path);
            rc += httpWrite(conn->writeq, "\r\n");
    rc += httpWrite(conn->writeq, "%s--\r\n--", conn->boundary);
    return rc;
Exemple #5
static void processDir(HttpQueue *q)
    HttpConn        *conn;
    HttpTx          *tx;
    HttpRx          *rx;
    MprList         *list;
    MprDirEntry     *dp;
    Dir             *dir;
    uint            nameSize;
    int             next;

    conn = q->conn;
    rx = conn->rx;
    tx = conn->tx;
    dir = conn->data;

    mprLog(5, "processDir");

    httpSetHeaderString(conn, "Cache-Control", "no-cache");
    httpSetHeaderString(conn, "Last-Modified", conn->http->currentDate);

    list = mprGetPathFiles(tx->filename, 1);
    if (list == 0) {
        httpWrite(q, "<h2>Can't get file list</h2>\r\n");
    if (dir->pattern) {
        filterDirList(conn, list);
    sortList(conn, list);

        Get max filename
    nameSize = 0;
    for (next = 0; (dp = mprGetNextItem(list, &next)) != 0; ) {
        nameSize = max((int) strlen(dp->name), nameSize);
    nameSize = max(nameSize, 22);

    outputHeader(q, rx->pathInfo, nameSize);
    for (next = 0; (dp = mprGetNextItem(list, &next)) != 0; ) {
        outputLine(q, dp, tx->filename, nameSize);
Exemple #6
/* self explanatory  */
int soapPostSubmit(int fd,
                   const char * url,
				   const char * host,
				   unsigned short port,
				   const char * action,
				   const char * body,
				   const char * httpversion)
	int bodysize;
	char headerbuf[512];
	int headerssize;
	char portstr[8];
	bodysize = (int)strlen(body);
	/* We are not using keep-alive HTTP connections.
	 * HTTP/1.1 needs the header Connection: close to do that.
	 * This is the default with HTTP/1.0
	 * Using HTTP/1.1 means we need to support chunked transfer-encoding :
	 * When using HTTP/1.1, the router "BiPAC 7404VNOX" always use chunked
	 * transfer encoding. */
    /* Connection: Close is normally there only in HTTP/1.1 but who knows */
	portstr[0] = '\0';
	if(port != 80)
		snprintf(portstr, sizeof(portstr), ":%hu", port);
	headerssize = snprintf(headerbuf, sizeof(headerbuf),
                       "POST %s HTTP/%s\r\n"
	                   "Host: %s%s\r\n"
	                   "Content-Length: %d\r\n"
					   "Content-Type: text/xml\r\n"
					   "SOAPAction: \"%s\"\r\n"
					   "Connection: Close\r\n"
					   "Cache-Control: no-cache\r\n"	/* ??? */
					   "Pragma: no-cache\r\n"
					   url, httpversion, host, portstr, bodysize, action);
	if ((unsigned int)headerssize >= sizeof(headerbuf))
		return -1;
#ifdef DEBUG
	/*printf("SOAP request : headersize=%d bodysize=%d\n",
	       headerssize, bodysize);
	printf("SOAP request : POST %s HTTP/%s - Host: %s%s\n",
	        url, httpversion, host, portstr);
	printf("SOAPAction: \"%s\" - Content-Length: %d\n", action, bodysize);
	printf("Headers :\n%s", headerbuf);
	printf("Body :\n%s\n", body);
	return httpWrite(fd, body, bodysize, headerbuf, headerssize);
Exemple #7
bool simpleForm(MprTestGroup *gp, char *uri, char *formData, int expectStatus)
    HttpConn    *conn;
    MprOff      contentLen;
    ssize       len;
    int         status;

    contentLen = 0;
    if (expectStatus <= 0) {
        expectStatus = 200;
    if (startRequest(gp, "POST", uri) < 0) {
        return 0;
    conn = getConn(gp);

    if (formData) {
        httpSetHeader(conn, "Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded");
        len = slen(formData);
        if (httpWrite(conn->writeq, formData, len) != len) {
            return MPR_ERR_CANT_WRITE;
    if (httpWait(conn, HTTP_STATE_COMPLETE, -1) < 0) {
        return MPR_ERR_CANT_READ;
    status = httpGetStatus(conn);
    if (status != expectStatus) {
        mprLog("appweb test form", 0, "Client failed for %s, response code: %d, msg %s", 
            uri, status, httpGetStatusMessage(conn));
        return 0;
    gp->content = httpReadString(conn);
    contentLen = httpGetContentLength(conn);
    if (! tassert(gp->content != 0 && contentLen > 0)) {
        return 0;
    return 1;
Exemple #8
/* relativement clair */
int soapPostSubmit(int fd,
                   const char * url,
				   const char * host,
				   unsigned short port,
				   const char * action,
				   const char * body)
	int bodysize;
	char headerbuf[1024];
	bodysize = strlen(body);
	snprintf(headerbuf, 1024,
                       "POST %s HTTP/1.1\r\n"
	                   "HOST: %s:%d\r\n"
	                   "Content-length: %d\r\n"
					   "Content-Type: text/xml\r\n"
					   "SOAPAction: \"%s\"\r\n"
					   url, host, port, bodysize, action);
	//fwrite(body, 1, bodysize, stdout);
	return httpWrite(fd, body, bodysize, headerbuf);
Exemple #9
bool simplePost(MprTestGroup *gp, char *uri, char *bodyData, ssize len, int expectStatus)
    HttpConn    *conn;
    MprOff      contentLen;
    int         status;

    contentLen = 0;
    conn = getConn(gp);

    if (expectStatus <= 0) {
        expectStatus = 200;
    if (startRequest(gp, "POST", uri) < 0) {
        return 0;
    if (bodyData) {
        if (httpWrite(conn->writeq, bodyData, len) != len) {
            return MPR_ERR_CANT_WRITE;
    if (httpWait(conn, HTTP_STATE_COMPLETE, -1) < 0) {
        return MPR_ERR_CANT_READ;

    status = httpGetStatus(conn);
    if (status != expectStatus) {
        mprLog("appweb test post", 0, "Client failed for %s, response code: %d, msg %s", 
            uri, status, httpGetStatusMessage(conn));
        return 0;
    gp->content = httpReadString(conn);
    contentLen = httpGetContentLength(conn);
    if (! tassert(gp->content != 0 && contentLen > 0)) {
        return 0;
    return 1;
Exemple #10
    Run the handler. This is called when all input data has been received.
static void processSimple(HttpQueue *q)
    HttpConn    *conn;

    conn = q->conn;
    httpSetHeader(conn, 0, "Last-Modified", conn->http->currentDate);

        Create the empty header packet. This will be filled in by the downstream network connector stage.
    httpPutForService(q, httpCreateHeaderPacket(conn), 0);

        Generate some dynamic data. If you generate a lot, this will buffer up to a configured maximum. 
        If that limit is exceeded, the packet will be sent downstream and the response headers will be created.
    httpWrite(q, "Hello World");

        Send an end of data packet
    httpPutForService(q, httpCreateEndPacket(conn), 1);
Exemple #11
    Write upload data. This routine blocks. If you need non-blocking ... cut and paste.
PUBLIC ssize httpWriteUploadData(HttpConn *conn, MprList *fileData, MprList *formData)
    char    *path, *pair, *key, *value, *name;
    cchar   *type;
    ssize   rc;
    int     next;

    rc = 0;
    if (formData) {
        for (rc = next = 0; rc >= 0 && (pair = mprGetNextItem(formData, &next)) != 0; ) {
            key = ssplit(sclone(pair), "=", &value);
            rc += httpWrite(conn->writeq, "%s\r\nContent-Disposition: form-data; name=\"%s\";\r\n", conn->boundary, key);
            rc += httpWrite(conn->writeq, "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded\r\n\r\n%s\r\n", value);
    if (fileData) {
        for (rc = next = 0; rc >= 0 && (path = mprGetNextItem(fileData, &next)) != 0; ) {
            if (!mprPathExists(path, R_OK)) {
                httpError(conn, HTTP_CODE_NOT_FOUND, "Cannot open %s", path);
                return MPR_ERR_CANT_OPEN;
            name = mprGetPathBase(path);
            rc += httpWrite(conn->writeq, "%s\r\nContent-Disposition: form-data; name=\"file%d\"; filename=\"%s\"\r\n",
                conn->boundary, next - 1, name);
            if ((type = mprLookupMime(MPR->mimeTypes, path)) != 0) {
                rc += httpWrite(conn->writeq, "Content-Type: %s\r\n", mprLookupMime(MPR->mimeTypes, path));
            httpWrite(conn->writeq, "\r\n");
            if (blockingFileCopy(conn, path) < 0) {
                return MPR_ERR_CANT_WRITE;
            rc += httpWrite(conn->writeq, "\r\n");
    rc += httpWrite(conn->writeq, "%s--\r\n--", conn->boundary);
    return rc;
Exemple #12
static ssize writeBody(HttpConn *conn, MprList *files)
    MprFile     *file;
    char        buf[ME_MAX_BUFFER], *path, *pair;
    ssize       bytes, len, count, nbytes, sofar;
    int         next;

    if (app->upload) {
        if (httpWriteUploadData(conn, app->files, app->formData) < 0) {
            return MPR_ERR_CANT_WRITE;
    } else {
        if (app->formData) {
            count = mprGetListLength(app->formData);
            for (next = 0; (pair = mprGetNextItem(app->formData, &next)) != 0; ) {
                len = strlen(pair);
                if (next < count) {
                    len = slen(pair);
                    if (httpWriteString(conn->writeq, pair) != len || httpWriteString(conn->writeq, "&") != 1) {
                        return MPR_ERR_CANT_WRITE;
                } else {
                    if (httpWrite(conn->writeq, pair, len) != len) {
                        return MPR_ERR_CANT_WRITE;
        if (files) {
            assert(mprGetListLength(files) == 1);
            for (next = 0; (path = mprGetNextItem(files, &next)) != 0; ) {
                if (strcmp(path, "-") == 0) {
                    file = mprAttachFileFd(0, "stdin", O_RDONLY | O_BINARY);
                } else {
                    file = mprOpenFile(path, O_RDONLY | O_BINARY, 0);
                if (file == 0) {
                    mprLog("error http", 0, "Cannot open \"%s\"", path);
                    return MPR_ERR_CANT_OPEN;
                app->inFile = file;
                if (app->verbose) {
                    mprPrintf("uploading: %s\n", path);
                while ((bytes = mprReadFile(file, buf, sizeof(buf))) > 0) {
                    sofar = 0;
                    while (bytes > 0) {
                        if ((nbytes = httpWriteBlock(conn->writeq, &buf[sofar], bytes, HTTP_BLOCK)) < 0) {
                            return MPR_ERR_CANT_WRITE;
                        bytes -= nbytes;
                        sofar += nbytes;
                        assert(bytes >= 0);
                httpFlushQueue(conn->writeq, HTTP_BLOCK);
                app->inFile = 0;
        if (app->bodyData) {
            len = mprGetBufLength(app->bodyData);
            if (httpWriteBlock(conn->writeq, mprGetBufStart(app->bodyData), len, HTTP_BLOCK) != len) {
                return MPR_ERR_CANT_WRITE;
    return 0;
Exemple #13
/* httpWrite sends the headers and the body to the socket
 * and returns the number of bytes sent */
static int
httpWrite(int fd, const char * body, int bodysize,
          const char * headers, int headerssize)
	int n = 0;
	/*n = write(fd, headers, headerssize);*/
		n += write(fd, body, bodysize);*/
	/* Note : my old linksys router only took into account
	 * soap request that are sent into only one packet */
	char * p;
	p = malloc(headerssize+bodysize);
	  return 0;
	memcpy(p, headers, headerssize);
	memcpy(p+headerssize, body, bodysize);
	/*n = write(fd, p, headerssize+bodysize);*/
	n = send(fd, p, headerssize+bodysize, 0);
	if(n<0) {
	/* disable send on the socket */
	/* draytek routers dont seems to like that... */
#if 0
#ifdef _WIN32
	if(shutdown(fd, SD_SEND)<0) {
	if(shutdown(fd, SHUT_WR)<0)	{ /*SD_SEND*/
	return n;

/* self explanatory  */
int soapPostSubmit(int fd,
                   const char * url,
				   const char * host,
				   unsigned short port,
				   const char * action,
				   const char * body,
				   const char * httpversion)
	int bodysize;
	char headerbuf[512];
	int headerssize;
	char portstr[8];
	bodysize = (int)strlen(body);
	/* We are not using keep-alive HTTP connections.
	 * HTTP/1.1 needs the header Connection: close to do that.
	 * This is the default with HTTP/1.0
	 * Using HTTP/1.1 means we need to support chunked transfer-encoding :
	 * When using HTTP/1.1, the router "BiPAC 7404VNOX" always use chunked
	 * transfer encoding. */
    /* Connection: Close is normally there only in HTTP/1.1 but who knows */
	portstr[0] = '\0';
	if(port != 80)
		snprintf(portstr, sizeof(portstr), ":%hu", port);
	headerssize = snprintf(headerbuf, sizeof(headerbuf),
                       "POST %s HTTP/%s\r\n"
	                   "Host: %s%s\r\n"
					   "User-Agent: " OS_STRING ", UPnP/1.0, MiniUPnPc/" MINIUPNPC_VERSION_STRING "\r\n"
	                   "Content-Length: %d\r\n"
					   "Content-Type: text/xml\r\n"
					   "SOAPAction: \"%s\"\r\n"
					   "Connection: Close\r\n"
					   "Cache-Control: no-cache\r\n"	/* ??? */
					   "Pragma: no-cache\r\n"
					   url, httpversion, host, portstr, bodysize, action);
#ifdef DEBUG
	/*printf("SOAP request : headersize=%d bodysize=%d\n",
	       headerssize, bodysize);
	printf("SOAP request : POST %s HTTP/%s - Host: %s%s\n",
	        url, httpversion, host, portstr);
	printf("SOAPAction: \"%s\" - Content-Length: %d\n", action, bodysize);
	printf("Headers :\n%s", headerbuf);
	printf("Body :\n%s\n", body);
	return httpWrite(fd, body, bodysize, headerbuf, headerssize);
Exemple #14
static void outputLine(HttpQueue *q, MprDirEntry *ep, cchar *path, int nameSize)
    MprPath     info;
    MprTime     when;
    Dir         *dir;
    char        *newPath, sizeBuf[16], timeBuf[48], *icon;
    struct tm   tm;
    bool        isDir;
    int         len;
    cchar       *ext, *mimeType;
    char        *dirSuffix;
    char        *months[] = { "Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec" };

    path = mprEscapeHtml(path);
    dir = q->conn->data;
    if (ep->size >= (1024 * 1024 * 1024)) {
        fmtNum(sizeBuf, sizeof(sizeBuf), (int) ep->size, 1024 * 1024 * 1024, "G");

    } else if (ep->size >= (1024 * 1024)) {
        fmtNum(sizeBuf, sizeof(sizeBuf), (int) ep->size, 1024 * 1024, "M");

    } else if (ep->size >= 1024) {
        fmtNum(sizeBuf, sizeof(sizeBuf), (int) ep->size, 1024, "K");

    } else {
        fmt(sizeBuf, sizeof(sizeBuf), "%6d", (int) ep->size);
    newPath = mprJoinPath(path, ep->name);

    if (mprGetPathInfo(newPath, &info) < 0) {
        when = mprGetTime();
        isDir = 0;
    } else {
        isDir = info.isDir ? 1 : 0;
        when = (MprTime) info.mtime * MPR_TICKS_PER_SEC;
    if (isDir) {
        icon = "folder";
        dirSuffix = "/";
    } else {
        ext = mprGetPathExt(ep->name);
        if (ext && (mimeType = mprLookupMime(q->conn->rx->route->mimeTypes, ext)) != 0) {
            if (strcmp(ext, "es") == 0 || strcmp(ext, "ejs") == 0 || strcmp(ext, "php") == 0) {
                icon = "text";
            } else if (strstr(mimeType, "text") != 0) {
                icon = "text";
            } else {
                icon = "compressed";
        } else {
            icon = "compressed";
        dirSuffix = "";
    mprDecodeLocalTime(&tm, when);

    fmt(timeBuf, sizeof(timeBuf), "%02d-%3s-%4d %02d:%02d", tm.tm_mday, months[tm.tm_mon], tm.tm_year + 1900, 
        tm.tm_hour,  tm.tm_min);
    len = (int) strlen(ep->name) + (int) strlen(dirSuffix);

    if (dir->fancyIndexing == 2) {
        httpWrite(q, "<tr><td valign=\"top\">");
        httpWrite(q, "<img src=\"/icons/%s.gif\" alt=\"[   ]\", /></td>", icon);
        httpWrite(q, "<td><a href=\"%s%s\">%s%s</a></td>", ep->name, dirSuffix, ep->name, dirSuffix);
        httpWrite(q, "<td>%s</td><td>%s</td></tr>\r\n", timeBuf, sizeBuf);

    } else if (dir->fancyIndexing == 1) {
        httpWrite(q, "<img src=\"/icons/%s.gif\" alt=\"[   ]\", /> ", icon);
        httpWrite(q, "<a href=\"%s%s\">%s%s</a>%-*s %17s %4s\r\n", ep->name, dirSuffix, ep->name, dirSuffix, 
            nameSize - len, "", timeBuf, sizeBuf);

    } else {
        httpWrite(q, "<li><a href=\"%s%s\"> %s%s</a></li>\r\n", ep->name, dirSuffix, ep->name, dirSuffix);
Exemple #15
translate_messages(const char *language)/* I - Output language... */
  * Google provides a simple translation/language tool for translating
  * from one language to another.  It is far from perfect, however it
  * can be used to get a basic translation done or update an existing
  * translation when no other resources are available.
  * Translation requests are sent as HTTP POSTs to
  * "http://translate.google.com/translate_t" with the following form
  * variables:
  *   Name      Description                         Value
  *   --------  ----------------------------------  ----------------
  *   hl        Help language?                      "en"
  *   ie        Input encoding                      "UTF8"
  *   langpair  Language pair                       "en|" + language
  *   oe        Output encoding                     "UTF8"
  *   text      Text to translate                   translation string

  int		i;			/* Looping var */
  message_t     *m;			/* Current message */
  int		tries;			/* Number of tries... */
  http_t	*http;			/* HTTP connection */
  http_status_t	status;			/* Status of POST request */
  char		*idptr,			/* Pointer into msgid */
		*strptr,		/* Pointer into msgstr */
		buffer[65536],		/* Input/output buffer */
		*bufptr,		/* Pointer into buffer */
		*bufend,		/* Pointer to end of buffer */
		length[16];		/* Content length */
  unsigned char	*utf8;			/* UTF-8 string */
  int		ch;			/* Current decoded character */
  int		bytes;			/* Number of bytes read */

  * Connect to translate.google.com...

  puts("Connecting to translate.google.com...");

  if ((http = httpConnect("translate.google.com", 80)) == NULL)
    perror("Unable to connect to translate.google.com");

  * Scan the current messages, requesting a translation of any untranslated
  * messages...

  for (i = num_messages, m = messages; i > 0; i --, m ++)
    * Skip messages that are already translated...

    if (m->str && m->str[0])

    * Encode the form data into the buffer...

    snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer),
             "hl=en&ie=UTF8&langpair=en|%s&oe=UTF8&text=", language);
    bufptr = buffer + strlen(buffer);
    bufend = buffer + sizeof(buffer) - 5;

    for (idptr = m->id; *idptr && bufptr < bufend; idptr ++)
      if (*idptr == ' ')
        *bufptr++ = '+';
      else if (*idptr < ' ' || *idptr == '%')
        sprintf(bufptr, "%%%02X", *idptr & 255);
	bufptr += 3;
      else if (*idptr != '&')
        *bufptr++ = *idptr;

    *bufptr++ = '&';
    *bufptr = '\0';

    sprintf(length, "%d", bufptr - buffer);

    * Send the request...

    printf("\"%s\" = ", m->id);

    tries = 0;

      httpSetField(http, HTTP_FIELD_CONTENT_TYPE,
      httpSetField(http, HTTP_FIELD_CONTENT_LENGTH, length);

      if (httpPost(http, "/translate_t"))
	httpPost(http, "/translate_t");

      httpWrite(http, buffer, bufptr - buffer);

      while ((status = httpUpdate(http)) == HTTP_CONTINUE);

      if (status != HTTP_OK && status != HTTP_ERROR)

      tries ++;
    while (status == HTTP_ERROR && tries < 10);

    if (status == HTTP_OK)
      * OK, read the translation back...

      bufptr = buffer;
      bufend = buffer + sizeof(buffer) - 1;

      while ((bytes = httpRead(http, bufptr, bufend - bufptr)) > 0)
        bufptr += bytes;

      if (bytes < 0)
        * Read error, abort!

        puts("READ ERROR!");

      *bufptr = '\0';

      * Find the first textarea element - that will have the translation data...

      if ((bufptr = strstr(buffer, "<textarea")) == NULL)
        * No textarea, abort!

        puts("NO TEXTAREA!");

      if ((bufptr = strchr(bufptr, '>')) == NULL)
        * textarea doesn't end, abort!

        puts("TEXTAREA SHORT DATA!");

      utf8 = (unsigned char *)bufptr + 1;

      if ((bufend = strstr(bufptr, "</textarea>")) == NULL)
        * textarea doesn't close, abort!

        puts("/TEXTAREA SHORT DATA!");

      *bufend = '\0';

      * Copy the UTF-8 translation to ISO-8859-1 (for now)...

      m->str = malloc(bufend - bufptr);

      for (strptr = m->str; *utf8;)
        if (*utf8 < 0x80)
	  *strptr++ = *utf8++;
	  if ((*utf8 & 0xe0) == 0xc0)
	    * Two-byte encoding...

            ch   = ((utf8[0] & 0x1f) << 6) | (utf8[1] & 0x3f);
	    utf8 += 2;
	  else if ((ch & 0xf0) == 0xe0)
	    * Three-byte encoding...

            ch   = ((((utf8[0] & 0x0f) << 6) | (utf8[1] & 0x3f)) << 6) |
	           (utf8[2] & 0x3f);
	    utf8 += 3;

          if (ch < 256)			/* ISO-8859-1 */
	    *strptr++ = ch;
	  else if (ch == 0x20ac)	/* Euro */
	    *strptr++ = 0xA4;		/* ISO-8859-15 mapping */

      *strptr = '\0';

      printf("\"%s\"\n", m->str);
    else if (status == HTTP_ERROR)
      printf("NETWORK ERROR (%s)!\n", strerror(httpError(http)));
      printf("HTTP ERROR %d!\n", status);

Exemple #16
static void outputHeader(HttpQueue *q, cchar *path, int nameSize)
    Dir     *dir;
    char    *parent, *parentSuffix;
    int     reverseOrder, fancy, isRootDir;

    dir = q->conn->data;
    fancy = 1;
    path = mprEscapeHtml(path);

    httpWrite(q, "<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC \"-/*W3C//DTD HTML 3.2 Final//EN\">\r\n");
    httpWrite(q, "<html>\r\n <head>\r\n  <title>Index of %s</title>\r\n", path);
    httpWrite(q, " </head>\r\n");
    httpWrite(q, "<body>\r\n");

    httpWrite(q, "<h1>Index of %s</h1>\r\n", path);

    if (dir->sortOrder > 0) {
        reverseOrder = 'D';
    } else {
        reverseOrder = 'A';
    if (dir->fancyIndexing == 0) {
        fancy = '0';
    } else if (dir->fancyIndexing == 1) {
        fancy = '1';
    } else if (dir->fancyIndexing == 2) {
        fancy = '2';
    parent = mprGetPathDir(path);
    if (parent[strlen(parent) - 1] != '/') {
        parentSuffix = "/";
    } else {
        parentSuffix = "";
    isRootDir = (strcmp(path, "/") == 0);

    if (dir->fancyIndexing == 2) {
        httpWrite(q, "<table><tr><th><img src=\"/icons/blank.gif\" alt=\"[ICO]\" /></th>");

        httpWrite(q, "<th><a href=\"?C=N;O=%c;F=%c\">Name</a></th>", reverseOrder, fancy);
        httpWrite(q, "<th><a href=\"?C=M;O=%c;F=%c\">Last modified</a></th>", reverseOrder, fancy);
        httpWrite(q, "<th><a href=\"?C=S;O=%c;F=%c\">Size</a></th>", reverseOrder, fancy);
        httpWrite(q, "<th><a href=\"?C=D;O=%c;F=%c\">Description</a></th>\r\n", reverseOrder, fancy);

        httpWrite(q, "</tr><tr><th colspan=\"5\"><hr /></th></tr>\r\n");

        if (! isRootDir) {
            httpWrite(q, "<tr><td valign=\"top\"><img src=\"/icons/back.gif\"");
            httpWrite(q, "alt=\"[DIR]\" /></td><td><a href=\"%s%s\">", parent, parentSuffix);
            httpWrite(q, "Parent Directory</a></td>");
            httpWrite(q, "<td align=\"right\">  - </td></tr>\r\n");

    } else if (dir->fancyIndexing == 1) {
        httpWrite(q, "<pre><img src=\"/icons/space.gif\" alt=\"Icon\" /> ");

        httpWrite(q, "<a href=\"?C=N;O=%c;F=%c\">Name</a>%*s", reverseOrder, fancy, nameSize - 3, " ");
        httpWrite(q, "<a href=\"?C=M;O=%c;F=%c\">Last modified</a>       ", reverseOrder, fancy);
        httpWrite(q, "<a href=\"?C=S;O=%c;F=%c\">Size</a>               ", reverseOrder, fancy);
        httpWrite(q, "<a href=\"?C=D;O=%c;F=%c\">Description</a>\r\n", reverseOrder, fancy);

        httpWrite(q, "<hr />");

        if (! isRootDir) {
            httpWrite(q, "<img src=\"/icons/parent.gif\" alt=\"[DIR]\" />");
            httpWrite(q, " <a href=\"%s%s\">Parent Directory</a>\r\n", parent, parentSuffix);

    } else {
        httpWrite(q, "<ul>\n");
        if (! isRootDir) {
            httpWrite(q, "<li><a href=\"%s%s\"> Parent Directory</a></li>\r\n", parent, parentSuffix);
Exemple #17
static void processProxy(HttpQueue *q)
    int     count = 50000;
    q->max = 65536;
#if USE0
     May overflow q->max
    while (sofar < count) {
        httpWrite(q, "%d aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa\n", sofar++);
    sofar = 0;
#if USE1
    httpWrite(q, "%d aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa\n", sofar++);
    if (sofar == count) {
        sofar = 0;
#if USE2
    while (sofar < count && q->count < (q->max * 3 / 4)) {
        /* NOTE: httpWrite may do internal flush if count > max */
        httpWrite(q, "%d aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa\n", sofar++);
    if (sofar == count) {
        sofar = 0;
#if USE3
    HttpPacket  *packet;
    int         i, size;
    size = 1024;
    for (; sofar < count && q->count < q->max; sofar++) {
        packet = httpCreateDataPacket(size);
        for (i = 1; i < size - 1; i++) {
            mprPutCharToBuf(packet->content, 'a');
        mprPutCharToBuf(packet->content, '\n');
        httpPutForService(q, packet, HTTP_DELAY_SERVICE);
    if (sofar == count) {
        sofar = 0;

#if USE4 || 1
Exemple #18
static void 
_post_write_data (GtkCupsRequest *request)
  gsize bytes;
  char buffer[_GTK_CUPS_MAX_CHUNK_SIZE];
  http_status_t http_status;

            g_print ("CUPS Backend: %s\n", G_STRFUNC));

  request->poll_state = GTK_CUPS_HTTP_WRITE;
  if (httpCheck (request->http))
    http_status = httpUpdate (request->http);
    http_status = request->last_status;

  request->last_status = http_status;

  if (http_status == HTTP_CONTINUE || http_status == HTTP_OK)
      GIOStatus io_status;
      GError *error;

      error = NULL;

      /* send data */
      io_status =
        g_io_channel_read_chars (request->data_io, 

      if (io_status == G_IO_STATUS_ERROR)
          request->state = GTK_CUPS_POST_DONE;
	  request->poll_state = GTK_CUPS_HTTP_IDLE;
          gtk_cups_result_set_error (request->result,
                                     "Error reading from cache file: %s",

	  g_error_free (error);
      else if (bytes == 0 && io_status == G_IO_STATUS_EOF)
          request->state = GTK_CUPS_POST_CHECK;
	  request->poll_state = GTK_CUPS_HTTP_READ;

          request->attempts = 0;

      if (httpWrite2 (request->http, buffer, bytes) < bytes)
      if (httpWrite (request->http, buffer, (int) bytes) < bytes)
#endif /* HAVE_CUPS_API_1_2 */
          int http_errno;

          http_errno = httpError (request->http);

          request->state = GTK_CUPS_POST_DONE;
	  request->poll_state = GTK_CUPS_HTTP_IDLE;
          gtk_cups_result_set_error (request->result,
                                     "Error writing to socket in Post %s", 
                                     g_strerror (http_errno));
  else if (http_status == HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED)
      request->state = GTK_CUPS_POST_CHECK;
      request->poll_state = GTK_CUPS_HTTP_READ;

      request->attempts = 0;
Exemple #19
 * Finalize the configuration page and output it to the HTTP device.
 * @param devptr pointer to the current device for httpWrite calls
int outputConfig(device *devptr, int flashSuccess)
    device *ethptr;
    struct http *webptr;
    int cntr;

    /* Format strings for output to underlying device */
    char *oneforall, *oneper, *formsubmit, *flashReport;
    flashReport = NULL;

    /* Pointers for nvramGet() return values */
    char *configDomainname, *configGatewayIP;
    char *configHostname, *configIP, *configSubnetMask;

    /* Size variables for NVRAM configuration options */
    int hostname_strsz, domainname_strsz, lan_ip_strsz;
    int subnet_mask_strsz, gate_ip_strsz;

    /* Lengths of NVRAM lookup strings + null termination character */
    hostname_strsz = strnlen(NET_HOSTNAME, NVRAM_STRMAX) + 1;
    domainname_strsz = strnlen(NET_DOMAINNAME, NVRAM_STRMAX) + 1;
    lan_ip_strsz = strnlen(NET_LAN_IPADDR, NVRAM_STRMAX) + 1;
    subnet_mask_strsz = strnlen(NET_SUBNET_MASK, NVRAM_STRMAX) + 1;
    gate_ip_strsz = strnlen(NET_GATEWAY, NVRAM_STRMAX) + 1;

    /* Setup device pointer */
    webptr = &httptab[devptr->minor];

    /* Setup local pointers to device character pointers */
    char *hostname_str = webptr->hostname_str;
    char *domainname_str = webptr->domainname_str;
    char *lan_ip_str = webptr->lan_ip_str;
    char *subnet_mask_str = webptr->subnet_mask_str;
    char *gate_ip_str = webptr->gate_ip_str;

    /* Zero out the nvram string lookup buffers */
    bzero(hostname_str, hostname_strsz + DEVMAXNAME);
    bzero(domainname_str, domainname_strsz + DEVMAXNAME);
    bzero(lan_ip_str, lan_ip_strsz + DEVMAXNAME);
    bzero(subnet_mask_str, subnet_mask_strsz + DEVMAXNAME);
    bzero(gate_ip_str, gate_ip_strsz + DEVMAXNAME);

    /* Configuration settings, 1 for all devices */
    oneforall =
        "<form method='POST' name='configform'"
        " action='config.html' target='_self'>"
        "<table align=center>"
        "<td>Gateway IP Address:</td>"
        "<input type='text' name='%s'"
        " value='%s' maxlength='%d' width='32' />"
        "</td>" "</tr>" "<tr>" "<td colspan='2'><hr></td>" "</tr>";

    /* Configuration settings, 1 per device */
    oneper =
        "<td colspan='2' align='left'>%s:</td>"
        "<td>Host Name:</td>"
        "<input type='text' name='%s'"
        " value='%s' maxlength='%d' width='32' />"
        "<td>Domain Name:</td>"
        "<input type='text' name='%s'"
        " value='%s' maxlength='%d' width='32' />"
        "<td>Local IP Address:</td>"
        "<input type='text' name='%s'"
        " value='%s' maxlength='%d' width='32' />"
        "<td>Subnet Mask:</td>"
        "<input type='text' name='%s'"
        " value='%s' maxlength='%d' width='32' />"
        "</td>" "</tr>" "<tr>" "<td colspan='2'><hr></td>" "</tr>";

    formsubmit =
        "<td align='center' colspan='2'>"
        "<input type='submit' value='Submit Changes' />"
        "</td>" "</table>" "</form>";

    /* Report on the success of updating router configuration in NVRAM */
    switch (flashSuccess)
    case 0:
        flashReport = "<div style='color:#00ff00' align='center'>"
            "Updated router configuration settings, restart required."

    case 1:
        flashReport = "<div style='color:#ff0000' align='center'>"
            "Failed to update router configuration settings." "</div>";
        flashReport = NULL;
    if (NULL != flashReport)
        httpWrite(devptr, flashReport, strnlen(flashReport, HTTP_STR_SM));

    /* Settings that pertain to all devices */
    if (NULL == (configGatewayIP = nvramGet(NET_GATEWAY)))
        configGatewayIP = "not set";
    printf(oneforall, NET_GATEWAY, configGatewayIP, IPv4_DOTDEC_MAXLEN);

    /* Settings that are per device */
    for (cntr = 0; cntr < NETHER; cntr++)
        ethptr = ethertab[cntr].dev;
        if (NULL == ethptr)

        sprintf(hostname_str, "%s_%s", ethptr->name, NET_HOSTNAME);
        sprintf(domainname_str, "%s_%s", ethptr->name, NET_DOMAINNAME);
        sprintf(lan_ip_str, "%s_%s", ethptr->name, NET_LAN_IPADDR);
        sprintf(subnet_mask_str, "%s_%s", ethptr->name, NET_SUBNET_MASK);

        if (NULL == (configHostname = nvramGet(hostname_str)))
            configHostname = "not set";
        if (NULL == (configDomainname = nvramGet(domainname_str)))
            configDomainname = "not set";
        if (NULL == (configIP = nvramGet(lan_ip_str)))
            configIP = "not set";
        if (NULL == (configSubnetMask = nvramGet(subnet_mask_str)))
            configSubnetMask = "not set";

        printf(oneper,          /* Format string for settings per device */
               ethptr->name,    /* Device name */
               hostname_str, configHostname, NET_HOSTNM_MAXLEN,
               domainname_str, configDomainname, NVRAM_STRMAX,
               lan_ip_str, configIP, IPv4_DOTDEC_MAXLEN,
               subnet_mask_str, configSubnetMask, IPv4_DOTDEC_MAXLEN);

    /* Output the bottom of the configuration page body */
    httpWrite(devptr, formsubmit, strnlen(formsubmit, HTTP_STR_MD));

    /* Free memory of configuration page strings */
    if (hostname_str != NULL)
    if (domainname_str != NULL)
    if (lan_ip_str != NULL)
    if (subnet_mask_str != NULL)
    if (gate_ip_str != NULL)

    return OK;
Exemple #20
static ssize writeBody(HttpConn *conn, MprList *files)
    MprFile     *file;
    char        buf[HTTP_BUFSIZE], *path, *pair;
    ssize       bytes, len, count, nbytes, sofar;
    int         next, oldMode;

    if (app->upload) {
        if (httpWriteUploadData(conn, app->files, app->formData) < 0) {
            mprError("Can't write upload data %s", httpGetError(conn));
            return MPR_ERR_CANT_WRITE;
    } else {
        if (app->formData) {
            count = mprGetListLength(app->formData);
            for (next = 0; (pair = mprGetNextItem(app->formData, &next)) != 0; ) {
                len = strlen(pair);
                if (next < count) {
                    len = slen(pair);
                    if (httpWrite(conn->writeq, pair, len) != len || httpWrite(conn->writeq, "&", 1) != 1) {
                        return MPR_ERR_CANT_WRITE;
                } else {
                    if (httpWrite(conn->writeq, pair, len) != len) {
                        return MPR_ERR_CANT_WRITE;
        if (files) {
            mprAssert(mprGetListLength(files) == 1);
            for (next = 0; (path = mprGetNextItem(files, &next)) != 0; ) {
                if (strcmp(path, "-") == 0) {
                    file = mprAttachFileFd(0, "stdin", O_RDONLY | O_BINARY);
                } else {
                    file = mprOpenFile(path, O_RDONLY | O_BINARY, 0);
                if (file == 0) {
                    mprError("Can't open \"%s\"", path);
                    return MPR_ERR_CANT_OPEN;
                app->inFile = file;
                if (app->verbose) {
                    mprPrintf("uploading: %s\n", path);
                oldMode = mprSetSocketBlockingMode(conn->sock, 1);
                while ((bytes = mprReadFile(file, buf, sizeof(buf))) > 0) {
                    sofar = 0;
                    while (bytes > 0) {
                        if ((nbytes = httpWriteBlock(conn->writeq, &buf[sofar], bytes)) < 0) {
                            return MPR_ERR_CANT_WRITE;
                        bytes -= nbytes;
                        sofar += nbytes;
                        mprAssert(bytes >= 0);
                httpFlushQueue(conn->writeq, 1);
                mprSetSocketBlockingMode(conn->sock, oldMode);
                app->inFile = 0;
        if (app->bodyData) {
            len = mprGetBufLength(app->bodyData);
            if (httpWriteBlock(conn->writeq, mprGetBufStart(app->bodyData), len) != len) {
                return MPR_ERR_CANT_WRITE;
    return 0;