HYPRE_StructVectorSetBoxValues( HYPRE_StructVector  vector,
                                int                *ilower,
                                int                *iupper,
                                double             *values )
   hypre_Index   new_ilower;
   hypre_Index   new_iupper;
   hypre_Box    *new_value_box;
   int           d;
   int           ierr = 0;

   for (d = 0; d < hypre_StructGridDim(hypre_StructVectorGrid(vector)); d++)
      hypre_IndexD(new_ilower, d) = ilower[d];
      hypre_IndexD(new_iupper, d) = iupper[d];
   new_value_box = hypre_BoxCreate();
   hypre_BoxSetExtents(new_value_box, new_ilower, new_iupper);

   ierr = hypre_StructVectorSetBoxValues(vector, new_value_box, values, 0 );


   return ierr;
Exemple #2
HYPRE_StructMatrixSetBoxValues( HYPRE_StructMatrix  matrix,
                                int                *ilower,
                                int                *iupper,
                                int                 num_stencil_indices,
                                int                *stencil_indices,
                                double             *values )
   hypre_Index         new_ilower;
   hypre_Index         new_iupper;
   hypre_Box          *new_value_box;
   int                 d;
   int                 ierr = 0;

   for (d = 0; d < hypre_StructGridDim(hypre_StructMatrixGrid(matrix)); d++)
      hypre_IndexD(new_ilower, d) = ilower[d];
      hypre_IndexD(new_iupper, d) = iupper[d];
   new_value_box = hypre_BoxCreate();
   hypre_BoxSetExtents(new_value_box, new_ilower, new_iupper);

   ierr = hypre_StructMatrixSetBoxValues(matrix, new_value_box,
                                         num_stencil_indices, stencil_indices,
                                         values, 0);


   return (ierr);
HYPRE_StructGridSetExtents( HYPRE_StructGrid  grid,
                            int              *ilower,
                            int              *iupper )
   hypre_Index  new_ilower;
   hypre_Index  new_iupper;

   int          d;

   for (d = 0; d < hypre_StructGridDim((hypre_StructGrid *) grid); d++)
      hypre_IndexD(new_ilower, d) = ilower[d];
      hypre_IndexD(new_iupper, d) = iupper[d];

   return ( hypre_StructGridSetExtents(grid, new_ilower, new_iupper) );
HYPRE_StructGridSetPeriodic( HYPRE_StructGrid  grid,
                             int              *periodic )
   hypre_Index  new_periodic;

   int          d;

   for (d = 0; d < hypre_StructGridDim(grid); d++)
      hypre_IndexD(new_periodic, d) = periodic[d];

   return ( hypre_StructGridSetPeriodic(grid, new_periodic) );
Exemple #5
HYPRE_StructStencilSetElement( HYPRE_StructStencil  stencil,
                               int                  element_index,
                               int                 *offset )
   int           ierr = 0;
   hypre_Index  *shape;
   int           d;
   shape = hypre_StructStencilShape(stencil);
   for (d = 0; d < hypre_StructStencilDim(stencil); d++)
      hypre_IndexD(shape[element_index], d) = offset[d];

   return ierr;
Exemple #6
HYPRE_StructVectorSetValues( HYPRE_StructVector  vector,
                             HYPRE_Int          *grid_index,
                             double              values )
   hypre_Index  new_grid_index;
   HYPRE_Int    d;

   for (d = 0; d < hypre_StructGridDim(hypre_StructVectorGrid(vector)); d++)
      hypre_IndexD(new_grid_index, d) = grid_index[d];

   hypre_StructVectorSetValues(vector, new_grid_index, &values, 0, -1, 0);

   return hypre_error_flag;
HYPRE_StructVectorSetValues( HYPRE_StructVector  vector,
                             int                *grid_index,
                             double              values )
   hypre_Index  new_grid_index;
   int          d;
   int          ierr = 0;

   for (d = 0; d < hypre_StructGridDim(hypre_StructVectorGrid(vector)); d++)
      hypre_IndexD(new_grid_index, d) = grid_index[d];

   ierr = hypre_StructVectorSetValues(vector, new_grid_index, values, 0);

   return ierr;
Exemple #8
HYPRE_StructMatrixSetValues( HYPRE_StructMatrix  matrix,
                             int                *grid_index,
                             int                 num_stencil_indices,
                             int                *stencil_indices,
                             double             *values )
   hypre_Index  new_grid_index;
   int          d;
   int          ierr = 0;

   for (d = 0; d < hypre_StructGridDim(hypre_StructMatrixGrid(matrix)); d++)
      hypre_IndexD(new_grid_index, d) = grid_index[d];

   ierr = hypre_StructMatrixSetValues(matrix, new_grid_index,
                                      num_stencil_indices, stencil_indices,
                                      values, 0);

   return (ierr);
hypre_SStructSendInfoData *
hypre_SStructSendInfo( hypre_StructGrid      *fgrid,
                       hypre_BoxManager      *cboxman,
                       hypre_Index            rfactor )
   hypre_SStructSendInfoData *sendinfo_data;

   MPI_Comm                   comm= hypre_SStructVectorComm(fgrid);

   hypre_BoxArray            *grid_boxes;
   hypre_Box                 *grid_box, cbox;
   hypre_Box                 *intersect_box, boxman_entry_box;

   hypre_BoxManEntry        **boxman_entries;
   HYPRE_Int                  nboxman_entries;

   hypre_BoxArrayArray       *send_boxes;
   HYPRE_Int                **send_processes;
   HYPRE_Int                **send_remote_boxnums;

   hypre_Index                ilower, iupper, index;

   HYPRE_Int                  myproc, proc;

   HYPRE_Int                  cnt;
   HYPRE_Int                  i, j;

   hypre_MPI_Comm_rank(comm, &myproc);

   sendinfo_data= hypre_CTAlloc(hypre_SStructSendInfoData, 1);

    * Create the structured sendbox patterns. 
    *   send_boxes are obtained by intersecting this proc's fgrid boxes
    *   with cgrid's box_man. Intersecting BoxManEntries not on this proc
    *   will give boxes that we will need to send data to- i.e., we scan
    *   through the boxes of grid and find the processors that own a chunk
    *   of it.
   intersect_box = hypre_CTAlloc(hypre_Box, 1);
   grid_boxes   = hypre_StructGridBoxes(fgrid);

   send_boxes= hypre_BoxArrayArrayCreate(hypre_BoxArraySize(grid_boxes));
   send_processes= hypre_CTAlloc(HYPRE_Int *, hypre_BoxArraySize(grid_boxes));
   send_remote_boxnums= hypre_CTAlloc(HYPRE_Int *, hypre_BoxArraySize(grid_boxes));

   hypre_ForBoxI(i, grid_boxes)
       grid_box= hypre_BoxArrayBox(grid_boxes, i);

        * Find the boxarray that must be sent. BoxManIntersect returns
        * the full extents of the boxes that intersect with the given box.
        * We further need to intersect each box in the list with the given
        * box to determine the actual box that needs to be sent.
       hypre_SStructIndexScaleF_C(hypre_BoxIMin(grid_box), index,
                                  rfactor, hypre_BoxIMin(&cbox));
       hypre_SStructIndexScaleF_C(hypre_BoxIMax(grid_box), index,
                                  rfactor, hypre_BoxIMax(&cbox));

       hypre_BoxManIntersect(cboxman, hypre_BoxIMin(&cbox), hypre_BoxIMax(&cbox),
                            &boxman_entries, &nboxman_entries);

       cnt= 0;
       for (j= 0; j< nboxman_entries; j++)
          hypre_SStructBoxManEntryGetProcess(boxman_entries[j], &proc);
          if (proc != myproc)
       send_processes[i]     = hypre_CTAlloc(HYPRE_Int, cnt);
       send_remote_boxnums[i]= hypre_CTAlloc(HYPRE_Int, cnt);

       cnt= 0;
       for (j= 0; j< nboxman_entries; j++)
          hypre_SStructBoxManEntryGetProcess(boxman_entries[j], &proc);

          /* determine the chunk of the boxman_entries[j] box that is needed */
          hypre_BoxManEntryGetExtents(boxman_entries[j], ilower, iupper);
          hypre_BoxSetExtents(&boxman_entry_box, ilower, iupper);
          hypre_IntersectBoxes(&boxman_entry_box, &cbox, &boxman_entry_box);

          if (proc != myproc)
             send_processes[i][cnt]     = proc;
                              hypre_BoxArrayArrayBoxArray(send_boxes, i));
   }  /* hypre_ForBoxI(i, grid_boxes) */ 
Exemple #10
hypre_FacSemiRestrictSetup2( void                 *fac_restrict_vdata,
                             hypre_SStructVector  *r,
                             HYPRE_Int             part_crse,
                             HYPRE_Int             part_fine,
                             hypre_SStructPVector *rc,
                             hypre_Index           rfactors )
   HYPRE_Int                 ierr = 0;

   hypre_FacSemiRestrictData2 *fac_restrict_data = fac_restrict_vdata;
   MPI_Comm                    comm= hypre_SStructPVectorComm(rc);
   hypre_CommInfo             *comm_info;
   hypre_CommPkg             **interlevel_comm;

   hypre_SStructPVector       *rf= hypre_SStructVectorPVector(r, part_fine);
   hypre_StructVector         *s_rc, *s_cvector;
   hypre_SStructPGrid         *pgrid;

   hypre_SStructPVector       *fgrid_cvectors;
   hypre_SStructPGrid         *fgrid_coarsen;
   hypre_BoxArrayArray       **identity_arrayboxes;
   hypre_BoxArrayArray       **fullwgt_ownboxes;
   hypre_BoxArrayArray       **fullwgt_sendboxes;
   hypre_BoxArray             *boxarray;
   hypre_BoxArray             *tmp_boxarray, *intersect_boxes;
   HYPRE_Int                ***own_cboxnums;

   hypre_BoxArrayArray       **send_boxes, *send_rboxes;
   HYPRE_Int                ***send_processes;
   HYPRE_Int                ***send_remote_boxnums;

   hypre_BoxArrayArray       **recv_boxes, *recv_rboxes;
   HYPRE_Int                ***recv_processes;
   HYPRE_Int                ***recv_remote_boxnums;

   hypre_BoxManager           *boxman;
   hypre_BoxManEntry         **boxman_entries;
   HYPRE_Int                   nboxman_entries;

   hypre_Box                   box, scaled_box;

   hypre_Index                 zero_index, index, ilower, iupper;
   HYPRE_Int                   ndim= hypre_SStructVectorNDim(r);
   HYPRE_Int                   myproc, proc;
   HYPRE_Int                   nvars, vars;
   HYPRE_Int                   num_values;

   HYPRE_Int                   i, cnt1, cnt2;
   HYPRE_Int                   fi, ci;

   hypre_MPI_Comm_rank(comm, &myproc);

   nvars= hypre_SStructPVectorNVars(rc);
  (fac_restrict_data -> nvars)=  nvars;
   hypre_CopyIndex(rfactors, (fac_restrict_data -> stride));
   for (i= ndim; i< 3; i++)
      rfactors[i]= 1;

   /* work vector for storing the fullweighted fgrid boxes */
   hypre_SStructPGridCreate(hypre_SStructPVectorComm(rf), ndim, &fgrid_coarsen);
   pgrid= hypre_SStructPVectorPGrid(rf);
   for (vars= 0; vars< nvars; vars++)
      boxarray= hypre_StructGridBoxes(hypre_SStructPGridSGrid(pgrid, vars));
      hypre_ForBoxI(fi, boxarray)
         hypre_CopyBox(hypre_BoxArrayBox(boxarray, fi), &box);
         hypre_StructMapFineToCoarse(hypre_BoxIMin(&box), zero_index,
                                     rfactors, hypre_BoxIMin(&box));
         hypre_StructMapFineToCoarse(hypre_BoxIMax(&box), zero_index,
                                     rfactors, hypre_BoxIMax(&box));
 * hypre_FacZeroCFSten: Zeroes the coarse stencil coefficients that reach 
 * into an underlying coarsened refinement box.
 * Algo: For each cbox
 *       {
 *          1) refine cbox and expand by one in each direction
 *          2) boxman_intersect with the fboxman 
 *                3) loop over intersection boxes to see if stencil
 *                   reaches over.
 *       }
hypre_FacZeroCFSten( hypre_SStructPMatrix *Af,
                     hypre_SStructPMatrix *Ac,
                     hypre_SStructGrid    *grid,
                     HYPRE_Int             fine_part,
                     hypre_Index           rfactors )
   hypre_BoxManager      *fboxman;
   hypre_BoxManEntry    **boxman_entries;
   HYPRE_Int              nboxman_entries;

   hypre_SStructPGrid    *p_cgrid;

   hypre_Box              fgrid_box;
   hypre_StructGrid      *cgrid;
   hypre_BoxArray        *cgrid_boxes;
   hypre_Box             *cgrid_box;
   hypre_Box              scaled_box;

   hypre_Box             *shift_ibox;

   hypre_StructMatrix    *smatrix;

   hypre_StructStencil   *stencils;
   HYPRE_Int              stencil_size;

   hypre_Index            refine_factors, upper_shift;
   hypre_Index            stride;
   hypre_Index            stencil_shape;
   hypre_Index            zero_index, ilower, iupper;

   HYPRE_Int              nvars, var1, var2;
   HYPRE_Int              ndim;

   hypre_Box             *ac_dbox;
   HYPRE_Real            *ac_ptr;
   hypre_Index            loop_size;

   HYPRE_Int              iac;
   HYPRE_Int              ci, i, j;

   HYPRE_Int              abs_shape;

   HYPRE_Int              ierr = 0;

   p_cgrid  = hypre_SStructPMatrixPGrid(Ac);
   nvars    = hypre_SStructPMatrixNVars(Ac);
   ndim     = hypre_SStructPGridNDim(p_cgrid);

   hypre_BoxInit(&fgrid_box, ndim);
   hypre_BoxInit(&scaled_box, ndim);

   for (i= 0; i< ndim; i++)
      stride[i]= 1;
      upper_shift[i]= rfactors[i]-1;

   hypre_CopyIndex(rfactors, refine_factors);
   if (ndim < 3)
      for (i= ndim; i< 3; i++)
         refine_factors[i]= 1;
   for (var1= 0; var1< nvars; var1++)
      cgrid= hypre_SStructPGridSGrid(hypre_SStructPMatrixPGrid(Ac), var1);
      cgrid_boxes= hypre_StructGridBoxes(cgrid);

      fboxman= hypre_SStructGridBoxManager(grid, fine_part, var1);

       * For each parent coarse box find all fboxes that may be connected
       * through a stencil entry- refine this box, expand it by one
       * in each direction, and boxman_intersect with fboxman
      hypre_ForBoxI(ci, cgrid_boxes)
         cgrid_box= hypre_BoxArrayBox(cgrid_boxes, ci);

         hypre_StructMapCoarseToFine(hypre_BoxIMin(cgrid_box), zero_index,
                                     refine_factors, hypre_BoxIMin(&scaled_box));
         hypre_StructMapCoarseToFine(hypre_BoxIMax(cgrid_box), upper_shift,
                                     refine_factors, hypre_BoxIMax(&scaled_box));

         hypre_SubtractIndexes(hypre_BoxIMin(&scaled_box), stride, 3,
         hypre_AddIndexes(hypre_BoxIMax(&scaled_box), stride, 3,

         hypre_BoxManIntersect(fboxman, hypre_BoxIMin(&scaled_box),
                               hypre_BoxIMax(&scaled_box), &boxman_entries,

         for (var2= 0; var2< nvars; var2++)
            stencils=  hypre_SStructPMatrixSStencil(Ac, var1, var2);

            if (stencils != NULL)
               stencil_size= hypre_StructStencilSize(stencils);
               smatrix     = hypre_SStructPMatrixSMatrix(Ac, var1, var2);
               ac_dbox     = hypre_BoxArrayBox(hypre_StructMatrixDataSpace(smatrix),

                * Find the stencil coefficients that must be zeroed off.
                * Loop over all possible boxes.
               for (i= 0; i< stencil_size; i++)
                  hypre_CopyIndex(hypre_StructStencilElement(stencils, i),
                  AbsStencilShape(stencil_shape, abs_shape);         

                  if (abs_shape)   /* non-centre stencils are zeroed */
                     /* look for connecting fboxes that must be zeroed. */
                     for (j= 0; j< nboxman_entries; j++)
                        hypre_BoxManEntryGetExtents(boxman_entries[j], ilower, iupper);
                        hypre_BoxSetExtents(&fgrid_box, ilower, iupper);

                        shift_ibox= hypre_CF_StenBox(&fgrid_box, cgrid_box, stencil_shape, 
                                                     refine_factors, ndim);

                        if ( hypre_BoxVolume(shift_ibox) )
                           ac_ptr= hypre_StructMatrixExtractPointerByIndex(smatrix,
                           hypre_BoxGetSize(shift_ibox, loop_size);

                           hypre_BoxLoop1Begin(ndim, loop_size,
                                               ac_dbox, hypre_BoxIMin(shift_ibox),
                                               stride, iac);
#pragma omp parallel for private(HYPRE_BOX_PRIVATE,iac) HYPRE_SMP_SCHEDULE
                              ac_ptr[iac] = 0.0;
                        }   /* if ( hypre_BoxVolume(shift_ibox) ) */


                     }  /* for (j= 0; j< nboxman_entries; j++) */
                  }     /* if (abs_shape)  */
               }        /* for (i= 0; i< stencil_size; i++) */
            }           /* if (stencils != NULL) */
         }              /* for (var2= 0; var2< nvars; var2++) */

      }   /* hypre_ForBoxI  ci */
Exemple #12
hypre_FacZeroCData( void                 *fac_vdata,
                    hypre_SStructMatrix  *A )
    hypre_FACData         *fac_data      =  fac_vdata;

    hypre_SStructGrid     *grid;
    hypre_SStructPGrid    *p_cgrid;

    hypre_StructGrid      *cgrid;
    hypre_BoxArray        *cgrid_boxes;
    hypre_Box             *cgrid_box;

    hypre_BoxManager      *fboxman;
    hypre_BoxManEntry    **boxman_entries;
    HYPRE_Int              nboxman_entries;

    hypre_Box              scaled_box;
    hypre_Box              intersect_box;

    hypre_SStructPMatrix  *level_pmatrix;
    hypre_StructStencil   *stencils;
    HYPRE_Int              stencil_size;

    hypre_Index           *refine_factors;
    hypre_Index            temp_index;
    hypre_Index            ilower, iupper;

    HYPRE_Int              max_level     =  fac_data -> max_levels;
    HYPRE_Int             *level_to_part =  fac_data -> level_to_part;

    HYPRE_Int              ndim          =  hypre_SStructMatrixNDim(A);
    HYPRE_Int              part_crse     =  0;
    HYPRE_Int              part_fine     =  1;
    HYPRE_Int              level;
    HYPRE_Int              nvars, var;

    HYPRE_Int              ci, i, j, rem, intersect_size;

    double                *values;

    HYPRE_Int              ierr = 0;

    for (level= max_level; level> 0; level--)
        level_pmatrix = hypre_SStructMatrixPMatrix(fac_data -> A_level[level], part_crse);

        grid          = (fac_data -> grid_level[level]);
        refine_factors= &(fac_data -> refine_factors[level]);

        p_cgrid= hypre_SStructGridPGrid(grid, part_crse);
        nvars  = hypre_SStructPGridNVars(p_cgrid);

        for (var= 0; var< nvars; var++)
            stencils    =  hypre_SStructPMatrixSStencil(level_pmatrix, var, var);
            stencil_size=  hypre_StructStencilSize(stencils);

             * For each variable, find the underlying boxes for each coarse box.
            cgrid        = hypre_SStructPGridSGrid(p_cgrid, var);
            cgrid_boxes  = hypre_StructGridBoxes(cgrid);
            fboxman         = hypre_SStructGridBoxManager(grid, part_fine, var);

            hypre_ForBoxI(ci, cgrid_boxes)
                cgrid_box= hypre_BoxArrayBox(cgrid_boxes, ci);

                hypre_StructMapCoarseToFine(hypre_BoxIMin(cgrid_box), temp_index,
                                            *refine_factors, hypre_BoxIMin(&scaled_box));
                for (i= 0; i< ndim; i++)
                    temp_index[i]= (*refine_factors)[i]-1;
                hypre_StructMapCoarseToFine(hypre_BoxIMax(cgrid_box), temp_index,
                                            *refine_factors, hypre_BoxIMax(&scaled_box));

                hypre_BoxManIntersect(fboxman, hypre_BoxIMin(&scaled_box),
                                      hypre_BoxIMax(&scaled_box), &boxman_entries,

                for (i= 0; i< nboxman_entries; i++)
                    hypre_BoxManEntryGetExtents(boxman_entries[i], ilower, iupper);
                    hypre_BoxSetExtents(&intersect_box, ilower, iupper);
                    hypre_IntersectBoxes(&intersect_box, &scaled_box, &intersect_box);

                    /* adjust the box so that it is divisible by refine_factors */
                    for (j= 0; j< ndim; j++)
                        rem= hypre_BoxIMin(&intersect_box)[j]%(*refine_factors)[j];
                        if (rem)
                            hypre_BoxIMin(&intersect_box)[j]+=(*refine_factors)[j] - rem;

                    hypre_StructMapFineToCoarse(hypre_BoxIMin(&intersect_box), temp_index,
                                                *refine_factors, hypre_BoxIMin(&intersect_box));
                    hypre_StructMapFineToCoarse(hypre_BoxIMax(&intersect_box), temp_index,
                                                *refine_factors, hypre_BoxIMax(&intersect_box));

                    intersect_size= hypre_BoxVolume(&intersect_box);
                    if (intersect_size > 0)
                         * Coarse underlying box found. Now zero off.
                        values= hypre_CTAlloc(double, intersect_size);

                        for (j= 0; j< stencil_size; j++)
                            HYPRE_SStructMatrixSetBoxValues(fac_data -> A_level[level],
                                                            var, 1, &j, values);

                                                            var, 1, &j, values);


                    }  /* if (intersect_size > 0) */
                }     /* for (i= 0; i< nboxman_entries; i++) */


            }   /* hypre_ForBoxI(ci, cgrid_boxes) */
        }      /* for (var= 0; var< nvars; var++) */
Exemple #13
 * hypre_CFInterfaceExtents: Given a cgrid_box, a fgrid_box, and stencils,
 * find the extents of the C/F interface (interface nodes in the C box).
 * Boxes corresponding to stencil shifts are stored in the first stencil_size
 * boxes, and the union of these are appended to the end of the returned
 * box_array.
hypre_BoxArray *
hypre_CFInterfaceExtents( hypre_Box              *fgrid_box,
                          hypre_Box              *cgrid_box,
                          hypre_StructStencil    *stencils,
                          hypre_Index             rfactors )

   hypre_BoxArray        *stencil_box_extents;
   hypre_BoxArray        *union_boxes;
   hypre_Box             *cfine_box;
   hypre_Box             *box;

   hypre_Index            stencil_shape, cstart, zero_index, neg_index;
   HYPRE_Int              stencil_size;
   HYPRE_Int              abs_stencil;

   HYPRE_Int              ndim= hypre_StructStencilDim(stencils);
   HYPRE_Int              i, j;
   for (i= 0; i< ndim; i++)
      neg_index[i]= -1;
   hypre_CopyIndex(hypre_BoxIMin(cgrid_box), cstart);

   stencil_size       = hypre_StructStencilSize(stencils);
   stencil_box_extents= hypre_BoxArrayCreate(stencil_size);
   union_boxes        = hypre_BoxArrayCreate(0);

   for (i= 0; i< stencil_size; i++)
       hypre_CopyIndex(hypre_StructStencilElement(stencils, i), stencil_shape);
       AbsStencilShape(stencil_shape, abs_stencil);

       if (abs_stencil)  /* only do if not the centre stencil */
          cfine_box= hypre_CF_StenBox(fgrid_box, cgrid_box, stencil_shape, rfactors,

          if ( hypre_BoxVolume(cfine_box) )
             hypre_AppendBox(cfine_box, union_boxes);
             hypre_CopyBox(cfine_box, hypre_BoxArrayBox(stencil_box_extents, i));
             for (j= 0; j< ndim; j++)
                hypre_BoxIMin(cfine_box)[j]-=  cstart[j];
                hypre_BoxIMax(cfine_box)[j]-=  cstart[j];
             hypre_CopyBox(cfine_box, hypre_BoxArrayBox(stencil_box_extents, i));
             hypre_BoxSetExtents(hypre_BoxArrayBox(stencil_box_extents, i),
                                 zero_index, neg_index);


       else /* centre */
           hypre_BoxSetExtents(hypre_BoxArrayBox(stencil_box_extents, i),
                               zero_index, neg_index);

    * Union the stencil_box_extents to get the full CF extents and append to
    * the end of the stencil_box_extents BoxArray. Then shift the unioned boxes
    * by cstart.
   if (hypre_BoxArraySize(union_boxes) > 1)

   hypre_ForBoxI(i, union_boxes)
       hypre_AppendBox(hypre_BoxArrayBox(union_boxes, i), stencil_box_extents);
Exemple #14
 * hypre_Maxwell_Grad.c
 *   Forms a node-to-edge gradient operator. Looping over the
 *   edge grid so that each processor fills up only its own rows. Each 
 *   processor will have its processor interface nodal ranks.
 *   Loops over two types of boxes, interior of grid boxes and boundary
 *   of boxes. Algo:
 *       find all nodal and edge physical boundary points and set 
 *       the appropriate flag to be 0 at a boundary dof.
 *       set -1's in value array
 *       for each edge box, 
 *       for interior 
 *       {
 *          connect edge ijk (row) to nodes (col) connected to this edge
 *          and change -1 to 1 if needed;
 *       }
 *       for boundary layers
 *       {
 *          if edge not on the physical boundary connect only the nodes
 *          that are not on the physical boundary
 *       }
 *       set parcsr matrix with values;
 * Note that the nodes that are on the processor interface can be 
 * on the physical boundary. But the off-proc edges connected to this
 * type of node will be a physical boundary edge.
hypre_ParCSRMatrix *
hypre_Maxwell_Grad(hypre_SStructGrid    *grid)
   MPI_Comm               comm = (grid ->  comm);

   HYPRE_IJMatrix         T_grad;
   hypre_ParCSRMatrix    *parcsr_grad;
   HYPRE_Int              matrix_type= HYPRE_PARCSR;

   hypre_SStructGrid     *node_grid, *edge_grid;

   hypre_SStructPGrid    *pgrid;
   hypre_StructGrid      *var_grid;
   hypre_BoxArray        *boxes, *tmp_box_array1, *tmp_box_array2;
   hypre_BoxArray        *node_boxes, *edge_boxes, *cell_boxes;
   hypre_Box             *box, *cell_box;
   hypre_Box              layer, interior_box;
   hypre_Box             *box_piece;

   hypre_BoxManager      *boxman;
   hypre_BoxManEntry     *entry;

   HYPRE_Int             *inode, *jedge;
   HYPRE_Int              nrows, nnodes, *nflag, *eflag, *ncols;
   HYPRE_Real            *vals;

   hypre_Index            index;
   hypre_Index            loop_size, start, lindex;
   hypre_Index            shift, shift2;
   hypre_Index           *offsets, *varoffsets;

   HYPRE_Int              nparts= hypre_SStructGridNParts(grid);
   HYPRE_Int              ndim  = hypre_SStructGridNDim(grid);

   HYPRE_SStructVariable  vartype_node, *vartype_edges;
   HYPRE_SStructVariable *vartypes;

   HYPRE_Int              nvars, part;

   HYPRE_Int              i, j, k, m, n, d;
   HYPRE_Int             *direction, ndirection;

   HYPRE_Int              ilower, iupper;
   HYPRE_Int              jlower, jupper;

   HYPRE_Int              start_rank1, start_rank2, rank;

   HYPRE_Int              myproc;
   HYPRE_Int              ierr=0;

   hypre_BoxInit(&layer, ndim);
   hypre_BoxInit(&interior_box, ndim);

   hypre_MPI_Comm_rank(comm, &myproc);

   for (i= 0; i< ndim; i++)
      hypre_IndexD(shift, i)= -1;

   /* To get the correct ranks, separate node & edge grids must be formed. 
      Note that the edge vars must be ordered the same way as is in grid.*/
   HYPRE_SStructGridCreate(comm, ndim, nparts, &node_grid);
   HYPRE_SStructGridCreate(comm, ndim, nparts, &edge_grid);

   vartype_edges= hypre_TAlloc(HYPRE_SStructVariable, ndim);

   /* Assuming the same edge variable types on all parts */
   pgrid   = hypre_SStructGridPGrid(grid, 0);
   vartypes= hypre_SStructPGridVarTypes(pgrid);
   nvars   = hypre_SStructPGridNVars(pgrid);

   k= 0;
   for (i= 0; i< nvars; i++)
      j= vartypes[i];
         case 2:
            vartype_edges[k]= HYPRE_SSTRUCT_VARIABLE_XFACE;

         case 3:
            vartype_edges[k]= HYPRE_SSTRUCT_VARIABLE_YFACE;

         case 5:
            vartype_edges[k]= HYPRE_SSTRUCT_VARIABLE_XEDGE;

         case 6:
            vartype_edges[k]= HYPRE_SSTRUCT_VARIABLE_YEDGE;

         case 7:
            vartype_edges[k]= HYPRE_SSTRUCT_VARIABLE_ZEDGE;

      }  /* switch(j) */
   }     /* for (i= 0; i< nvars; i++) */

   for (part= 0; part< nparts; part++)
      pgrid= hypre_SStructGridPGrid(grid, part);  
      var_grid= hypre_SStructPGridCellSGrid(pgrid) ;

      boxes= hypre_StructGridBoxes(var_grid);
      hypre_ForBoxI(j, boxes)
         box= hypre_BoxArrayBox(boxes, j);
         HYPRE_SStructGridSetExtents(node_grid, part,
                                     hypre_BoxIMin(box), hypre_BoxIMax(box));
         HYPRE_SStructGridSetExtents(edge_grid, part,
                                     hypre_BoxIMin(box), hypre_BoxIMax(box));
      HYPRE_SStructGridSetVariables(node_grid, part, 1, &vartype_node);
      HYPRE_SStructGridSetVariables(edge_grid, part, ndim, vartype_edges);
 * hypre_CF_StenBox: Given a cgrid_box, a fgrid_box, and a stencil_shape,
 * the stencil_shape direction. Returns an empty box if these two boxes
 * are not connected in the stencil_shape direction.
hypre_Box *
hypre_CF_StenBox( hypre_Box              *fgrid_box,
                  hypre_Box              *cgrid_box,
                  hypre_Index             stencil_shape,
                  hypre_Index             rfactors,
                  HYPRE_Int               ndim )
   hypre_Box              coarsen_box;
   hypre_Box              contracted_box;
   hypre_Box              extended_box;
   hypre_Box              intersect_box;
   hypre_Box             *stenbox;

   hypre_Box              shift_cbox, shift_ibox;
   hypre_Index            size_cbox, size_ibox;

   hypre_Index            temp_index;
   hypre_Index            shift_index;

   HYPRE_Int              i, remainder, intersect_size;

   stenbox = hypre_BoxCreate();

   * Coarsen the fine box, extend it, and shift it to determine if there
   * is a reach between fgrid_box and cgrid_box in the stencil_shape direction.
   * Note: the fine_box may not align as the index rule assumes:
   *  [a_0,a_1,a_2]x[b_0,b_1,b_2], a_i= c_i*rfactors[i]
   *                               b_i= f_i*rfactors[i]+g_i, g_i= rfactors[i]-1.
   * When fine_box does not, then there must be a sibling box. fine_box
   * should be adjusted so that the flooring of the MapFineToCoarse does not
   * introduce extra coarse nodes in the coarsened box. Only the lower bound
   * needs to be adjusted.
   hypre_CopyBox(fgrid_box, &contracted_box);
   for (i= 0; i< ndim; i++)
      remainder= hypre_BoxIMin(&contracted_box)[i] % rfactors[i];
      if (remainder)
          hypre_BoxIMin(&contracted_box)[i]+= rfactors[i] - remainder;

   hypre_StructMapFineToCoarse(hypre_BoxIMin(&contracted_box), temp_index,
                               rfactors, hypre_BoxIMin(&coarsen_box));
   hypre_StructMapFineToCoarse(hypre_BoxIMax(&contracted_box), temp_index,
                               rfactors, hypre_BoxIMax(&coarsen_box));

   for (i= 0; i< ndim; i++)
      size_cbox[i] = hypre_BoxSizeD(&coarsen_box, i) - 1;

   * Extend the coarsened fgrid_box by one layer in each direction so
   * that actual cf interface is reached. If only coarsen_box were
   * extended, the actual cf interface may not be reached.
   hypre_CopyBox(&coarsen_box, &extended_box);
   /*hypre_StructMapFineToCoarse(hypre_BoxIMin(fgrid_box), temp_index,
                               rfactors, hypre_BoxIMin(&extended_box));
   hypre_StructMapFineToCoarse(hypre_BoxIMax(fgrid_box), temp_index,
                               rfactors, hypre_BoxIMax(&extended_box));*/
   for (i= 0; i< ndim; i++)

   hypre_IntersectBoxes(&extended_box, cgrid_box, &intersect_box);
   intersect_size= hypre_BoxVolume(&intersect_box);
   if (intersect_size == 0)
       hypre_CopyBox(&intersect_box, stenbox);
       return stenbox;

   for (i= 0; i< ndim; i++)
      size_ibox[i] = hypre_BoxSizeD(&intersect_box, i) - 1;

   * To find the box extents that must be loop over, we need to take the
   * "opposite" stencil_shape and shift the coarsen and extended boxes.
   hypre_AddIndex(shift_index, hypre_BoxIMin(&intersect_box), hypre_BoxIMin(&shift_ibox));
   hypre_AddIndex(shift_index, hypre_BoxIMax(&intersect_box), hypre_BoxIMax(&shift_ibox));
   hypre_IntersectBoxes(&shift_ibox, &intersect_box, &shift_ibox);

   hypre_AddIndex(shift_index, hypre_BoxIMin(&coarsen_box), hypre_BoxIMin(&shift_cbox));
   hypre_AddIndex(shift_index, hypre_BoxIMax(&coarsen_box), hypre_BoxIMax(&shift_cbox));
   hypre_IntersectBoxes(&shift_cbox, &coarsen_box, &shift_cbox);

   * shift_ibox & shift_cbox will contain the loop extents. Shifting
   * shift_cbox by -stencil_shape and then intersecting with shift_ibox
   * gives the exact extents.
   hypre_SetIndex(shift_index, -stencil_shape[0], -stencil_shape[1], -stencil_shape[2]);
   hypre_AddIndex(shift_index, hypre_BoxIMin(&shift_cbox), hypre_BoxIMin(&shift_cbox));
   hypre_AddIndex(shift_index, hypre_BoxIMax(&shift_cbox), hypre_BoxIMax(&shift_cbox));
   hypre_IntersectBoxes(&shift_cbox, &shift_ibox, stenbox);

   return stenbox;