void initMPU6500(mpu6500_t *mpu6500) {
    uint8_t i2cBuffer[5]; // Buffer for I2C data

    i2cBuffer[0] = i2cRead(MPU6500_ADDRESS, MPU6500_WHO_AM_I);
    if (i2cBuffer[0] == MPU6500_WHO_AM_I_ID) { // Read "WHO_AM_I" register
        UARTprintf("MPU-6500 found\n");
    } else if (i2cBuffer[0] == MPU9250_WHO_AM_I_ID) {
        UARTprintf("MPU-9250 found\n");
    } else {
        UARTprintf("Could not find MPU-6500 or MPU-9250: %2X\n", i2cBuffer[0]);
        while (1);

    i2cWrite(MPU6500_ADDRESS, MPU6500_PWR_MGMT_1, (1 << 7)); // Reset device, this resets all internal registers to their default values
    while (i2cRead(MPU6500_ADDRESS, MPU6500_PWR_MGMT_1) & (1 << 7)) {
        // Wait for the bit to clear
    i2cWrite(MPU6500_ADDRESS, MPU6500_PWR_MGMT_1, (1 << 3) | (1 << 0)); // Disable sleep mode, disable temperature sensor and use PLL as clock reference

    i2cBuffer[0] = 0; // Set the sample rate to 1kHz - 1kHz/(1+0) = 1kHz
    i2cBuffer[1] = 0x03; // Disable FSYNC and set 41 Hz Gyro filtering, 1 KHz sampling
    i2cBuffer[2] = 3 << 3; // Set Gyro Full Scale Range to +-2000deg/s
    i2cBuffer[3] = 2 << 3; // Set Accelerometer Full Scale Range to +-8g
    i2cBuffer[4] = 0x03; // 41 Hz Acc filtering
    i2cWriteData(MPU6500_ADDRESS, MPU6500_SMPLRT_DIV, i2cBuffer, 5); // Write to all five registers at once

    // Set accelerometer and gyroscope scale factor from datasheet
    mpu6500->gyroScaleFactor = MPU6500_GYRO_SCALE_FACTOR_2000;
    mpu6500->accScaleFactor = MPU6500_ACC_SCALE_FACTOR_8;

    /* Enable Raw Data Ready Interrupt on INT pin and enable bypass/passthrough mode */
    i2cBuffer[0] = (1 << 5) | (1 << 4) | (1 << 1); // Enable LATCH_INT_EN, INT_ANYRD_2CLEAR and BYPASS_EN
                                                   // When this bit is equal to 1, the INT pin is held high until the interrupt is cleared
                                                   // When this bit is equal to 1, interrupt status is cleared if any read operation is performed
                                                   // When asserted, the I2C_MASTER interface pins (ES_CL and ES_DA) will go into 'bypass mode' when the I2C master interface is disabled
    i2cBuffer[1] = (1 << 0);                       // Enable RAW_RDY_EN - When set to 1, Enable Raw Sensor Data Ready interrupt to propagate to interrupt pin
    i2cWriteData(MPU6500_ADDRESS, MPU6500_INT_PIN_CFG, i2cBuffer, 2); // Write to both registers at once

    // Set INT input pin
    SysCtlPeripheralEnable(GPIO_MPU_INT_PERIPH); // Enable GPIO peripheral
    SysCtlDelay(2); // Insert a few cycles after enabling the peripheral to allow the clock to be fully activated
    GPIOPinTypeGPIOInput(GPIO_MPU_INT_BASE, GPIO_MPU_INT_PIN); // Set as input

    delay(100); // Wait for sensor to stabilize

    while (calibrateMPU6500Gyro()) { // Get gyro zero values
        // Loop until calibration is successful
i2cReadData( char address, char *buf, int buflen, char *rxbuf, int replylen )
    if( buflen > MAX_I2C_MESSAGE )
        return( kMessageTooLong );

    // Send message (if necessary)
    int     timeout = DEFAULT_I2C_TIMEOUT;
    if( i2cWriteData( address, buf, buflen, replylen ) == kMessageSuccess ) {
        // Now wait for reply data
        // If the sensor is disconnected this will block for several mS
        while( nI2CBytesReady < replylen && timeout != 0 ) {

        // Reply arrived ?
        if(timeout > 0)
            readI2CReply( rxbuf, replylen );

    // Return status
    if( timeout > 0 && nI2CStatus == i2cStatusDone )
        return( kMessageSuccess );
        return( kMessageError );