Exemple #1
	void iiSubobj_resetToDefaultEditbox(SObject* editbox, bool tlResetProperties, bool tlResetMethods, SObjPropMap* propList, u32 tnPropCount, SObjEventMap* eventList, u32 tnEventCount)
		if (editbox)
			// Reset the common settings
				iiObj_resetToDefaultCommon(editbox, true, true, propList, tnPropCount, eventList, tnEventCount);

			// Set default size and position
				SetRect(&editbox->rc, 0, 0, 100, 53);
				SetRect(&editbox->rco, 0, 0, 100, 53);
				SetRect(&editbox->rcp, 0, 0, 100, 53);

				// Set the size
				iObj_setSize(editbox, 0, 0, 100, 53);

				// Font
				editbox->p.font = iFont_duplicate(gsFontDefault);

			// Set the defaults
				propSetBackColor(editbox, whiteColor);
				propSetForeColor(editbox, blackColor);
				propSetStyle(editbox, _STYLE_3D);
				propSetAlignment(editbox, _ALIGNMENT_LEFT);
				propSetBackStyle(editbox, _BACK_STYLE_OPAQUE);
				propSetBorderStyle(editbox, _BORDER_STYLE_NONE);
				propSetBorderColor(editbox, blackColor);
				propSetSelectedBackColor(editbox, selectedBackColor);
				propSetSelectedBackColor(editbox, selectedForeColor);
				propSetDisabledBackColor(editbox, disabledBackColor);
				propSetDisabledForeColor(editbox, disabledForeColor);

				iSEM_deleteChain(&editbox->p.sem, true);
				editbox->p.sem = iSEM_allocate(false);

Exemple #2
// Top level lasm1 assembler
	int main(int argc, char* argv[])
		s32					lnI, lnErrors, lnWarnings, lnOrg, numread;
		bool				llMap;
		SEM*				asmFile;
		SBuilder*			map;
		SLine*				line;
		FILE*				lfh;
		SOppie1Instruction*	instr;
		s8					buffer[2048];
		s8					output[2048];

// 		SBsa				bsa;
// 		SOra				ora;
// 		SOrr				orr;
// 		memset(&bsa, 0, sizeof(bsa));
// 		memset(&ora, 0, sizeof(ora));
// 		memset(&orr, 0, sizeof(orr));
// 		bsa.ooooo	= 0x1f;
// 		ora.ooo		= 0x7;
// 		orr.oooo	= 0xf;
// 		_asm nop;

		// Identify ourself
			printf("LibSF Oppie-1 Assembler v0.02\n");

		// Initialize Visual FreePro, Jr. stuff

		// lasm1 only takes one parameter, the input filename
			if (argc < 2 || argc > 3)
				// Display syntax
				printf("Usage:  lasm1 myfile.asm /map\n");

			} else {
				// Allocate our load manager
				asmFile = iSEM_allocate(true);
				if (!asmFile)
					// Internal error
					printf("Internal error allocating load buffer\n");

				} else {
					// Try to physically load it
					if (!iSEM_loadFromDisk(asmFile, argv[1], false, false))
						// Error opening
						printf("Unable to open %s\n", argv[1]);

					} else {
						// Indicate we're in progress
						printf("Assembling %s\n", argv[1]);

						// See if they specified /map
						llMap = (argc == 3 && strlen(argv[2]) == 4 && _memicmp(argv[2], "/map", 4) == 0);

						// Parse every line into known components
							for (line = asmFile->firstLine; line; line = (SLine*)line->ll.next)

						// Compile every line that can be compiled, report any errors
							for (	line = asmFile->firstLine, lnErrors = 0, lnWarnings = 0;
									line = (SLine*)line->ll.next	)
								// Compile pass-1
								if (line->compilerInfo->firstComp && line->compilerInfo->firstComp->iCode != _ICODE_COMMENT)
									iCompileSourceCodeLine(asmFile, line, &lnErrors, &lnWarnings, 1);

							// If there were any errors, exit
							if (lnErrors != 0)

						// Assign addresses to everything
							for (	lnOrg = 0, line = asmFile->firstLine;
									line = (SLine*)line->ll.next	)
								// Based on the type update it
									instr = (SOppie1Instruction*)line->compilerInfo->extra_info;
									if (instr->isOrg)
										// Update the origin
										lnOrg		= instr->org;

									} else {
										// Store the origin, and increase beyond this instruction's length
										instr->org	= lnOrg;
										lnOrg		+= instr->size;

						// Compile every line which has an address that may not have been resolvable before
							for (	line = asmFile->firstLine, lnErrors = 0, lnWarnings = 0;
									line = (SLine*)line->ll.next	)
								// Compile pass-2
								iCompileSourceCodeLine(asmFile, line, &lnErrors, &lnWarnings, 2);

							// If there were any errors, exit
							if (lnErrors != 0)

						// When we get here, every line has compiled out.
						// Look for memory locations which will overlay
							memset(output, 0, sizeof(output));
							memset(buffer, 0, sizeof(buffer));
							for (	line = asmFile->firstLine;
									line = (SLine*)line->ll.next	)
								// Grab the instruction for this line
									instr = (SOppie1Instruction*)line->compilerInfo->extra_info;
									if (instr->size != 0)
										// There's some content there
										if (instr->isData)
											// Store the data
												for (lnI = 0; lnI < instr->size; lnI++)
													// Increase our test buffer count
													++buffer[instr->org + lnI];
													if (buffer[instr->org + 1] > 1)
														// We've overwritten a prior memory value
														printf("Addresses overlap on line %u\n", line->lineNumber);

													// Copy the raw data
													output[instr->org + lnI] = instr->data[lnI];

										} else if (instr->isInstruction) {
											// Store the instruction
												if (instr->org + instr->size - 1 >= 2048)
													// It will wrap around the end
													printf("Invalid address for line %u\n", line->lineNumber);

											// Increase for first byte
												output[instr->org] = instr->ora.i_data1;
												if (buffer[instr->org] > 1)
													// We've overwritten a prior memory value
													printf("Addresses overlap on line %u\n", line->lineNumber);

											// If there's a second byte, do that one as well
												if (instr->size == 2)
													++buffer[instr->org + 1];
													output[instr->org + 1] = instr->ora.i_data2;
													if (buffer[instr->org + 1] > 1)
														// We've overwritten a prior memory value
														printf("Addresses overlap on line %u\n", line->lineNumber);

						// Create the otuput file
							memcpy(argv[1] + strlen(argv[1]) - 4, ".img", 4);
							lfh = fopen(argv[1], "wb+");
							if (!lfh)
								// Could not create the output file
								printf("Error creating %s\n", argv[1]);

						// Write the buffer
							numread = fwrite(output, 1, 2048, lfh);
							if (numread != 2048)
								printf("Error writing 2048 bytes\n");

							} else {
								// Success
								printf("Wrote 2048 bytes\n");

						// They specified a map file
							if (llMap)
								// Allocate our output buffer
									iBuilder_createAndInitialize(&map, -1);

								// Iterate through each line and convey data, or disassembly for the output
									for (	line = asmFile->firstLine, lnErrors = 0, lnWarnings = 0;
											line = (SLine*)line->ll.next	)
										// Grab the instruction for this line
											instr = (SOppie1Instruction*)line->compilerInfo->extra_info;
											if (instr->size != 0)
												// Show the address:
													sprintf(buffer, "%03x: \0", instr->org);
													iBuilder_appendData(map, buffer, -1);

												// There's some content there
													memset(buffer, 0, sizeof(buffer));
													if (instr->isData)
														// Show the data
															for (lnI = 0; lnI < instr->size; lnI++)
																sprintf(buffer + (lnI * 3), "%02x%s", instr->data[lnI], ((lnI + 1 < instr->size) ? ",\0" : " \0"));

													} else if (instr->isInstruction) {
														// Disassemble the instruction
														iiDebo1_decodeAssembly(buffer, instr->org, false, true, (u8*)output);
														memset(buffer + strlen(buffer), 32, 64);
														buffer[45] = '/';
														buffer[46] = '/';
														memcpy(buffer + 48, line->sourceCode->data_s8, line->sourceCode_populatedLength);
														buffer[48 + line->sourceCode_populatedLength] = 0;

												// Append the data
													iBuilder_appendData(map, buffer, strlen(buffer));


								// Save the map file
									memcpy(argv[1] + strlen(argv[1]) - 4, ".map", 4);
									iBuilder_asciiWriteOutFile(map, argv[1]);



		// Task completed (one way or another :-))