Transaction Transaction::create(Connection connection) { ib_tx_t* ib_tx; throw_if_error( ib_tx_create(&ib_tx, connection.ib(), NULL) ); return Transaction(ib_tx); }
static void ironbee_plugin_txn_start(TSCont contp, TSHttpTxn txnp) { assert(contp != NULL); assert(txnp != NULL); /* start of Request */ /* First req on a connection, we set up conn stuff */ ib_status_t rc; ib_engine_t *ib = NULL; TSCont mycont; tsib_ssn_ctx *ssndata; tsib_txn_ctx *txndata; ssndata = TSContDataGet(contp); if (ssndata->iconn == NULL) { rc = tsib_manager_engine_acquire(&ib); if (rc == IB_DECLINED) { /* OK, this means the manager is disabled deliberately, * but otherwise all's well. So this TXN * gets processed without intervention from Ironbee * and is invisble when our SSN_CLOSE hook runs. */ TSHttpTxnReenable(txnp, TS_EVENT_HTTP_CONTINUE); TSDebug("ironbee", "Decline from engine manager"); return; } else if (rc != IB_OK) { TSError("[ironbee] Failed to acquire engine: %s", ib_status_to_string(rc)); goto noib_error; } if (ib != NULL) { rc = ib_conn_create(ib, &ssndata->iconn, contp); if (rc != IB_OK) { TSError("[ironbee] ib_conn_create: %s", ib_status_to_string(rc)); tsib_manager_engine_release(ib); goto noib_error; } /* In the normal case, release the engine when the * connection's memory pool is destroyed */ rc = ib_mm_register_cleanup(ssndata->iconn->mm, cleanup_ib_connection, ib); if (rc != IB_OK) { TSError("[ironbee] ib_mm_register_cleanup: %s", ib_status_to_string(rc)); tsib_manager_engine_release(ib); goto noib_error; } TSDebug("ironbee", "CONN CREATE: conn=%p", ssndata->iconn); ssndata->txnp = txnp; ssndata->txn_count = ssndata->closing = 0; rc = ironbee_conn_init(ssndata); if (rc != IB_OK) { TSError("[ironbee] ironbee_conn_init: %s", ib_status_to_string(rc)); goto noib_error; } TSContDataSet(contp, ssndata); TSDebug("ironbee", "ironbee_plugin: ib_state_notify_conn_opened()"); rc = ib_state_notify_conn_opened(ib, ssndata->iconn); if (rc != IB_OK) { TSError("[ironbee] Failed to notify connection opened: %s", ib_status_to_string(rc)); } } else { /* Use TSError where there's no ib or tx */ TSError("Ironbee: No ironbee engine!"); goto noib_error; } } /* create a txn cont (request ctx) and tx */ txndata = TSmalloc(sizeof(*txndata)); memset(txndata, 0, sizeof(*txndata)); txndata->ssn = ssndata; txndata->txnp = txnp; rc = ib_tx_create(&txndata->tx, ssndata->iconn, txndata); if (rc != IB_OK) { TSError("[ironbee] Failed to create tx: %d", rc); tsib_manager_engine_release(ib); TSfree(txndata); goto noib_error; } ++ssndata->txn_count; ib_log_debug_tx(txndata->tx, "TX CREATE: conn=%p tx=%p id=%s txn_count=%d", ssndata->iconn, txndata->tx, txndata->tx->id, txndata->ssn->txn_count); mycont = TSContCreate(ironbee_plugin, TSContMutexGet(contp)); TSContDataSet(mycont, txndata); TSHttpTxnHookAdd(txnp, TS_HTTP_TXN_CLOSE_HOOK, mycont); /* Hook to process responses */ TSHttpTxnHookAdd(txnp, TS_HTTP_READ_RESPONSE_HDR_HOOK, mycont); /* Hook to process requests */ TSHttpTxnHookAdd(txnp, TS_HTTP_PRE_REMAP_HOOK, mycont); /* Hook to process request headers when sent to the server. */ TSHttpTxnHookAdd(txnp, TS_HTTP_SEND_REQUEST_HDR_HOOK, mycont); /* Create continuations for input and output filtering * to give them txn lifetime. */ txndata->in_data_cont = TSTransformCreate(in_data_event, txnp); TSContDataSet(txndata->in_data_cont, txndata); txndata->out_data_cont = TSTransformCreate(out_data_event, txnp); TSContDataSet(txndata->out_data_cont, txndata); TSHttpTxnReenable(txnp, TS_EVENT_HTTP_CONTINUE); return; noib_error: /* NULL txndata signals this to SEND_RESPONSE */ TSContDataSet(contp, NULL); TSError("[ironbee] Internal error initialising for transaction"); TSHttpTxnHookAdd(txnp, TS_HTTP_SEND_RESPONSE_HDR_HOOK, contp); /* FIXME: check this. * Purpose is to ensure contp doesn't leak, but may not be right */ TSHttpTxnHookAdd(txnp, TS_HTTP_TXN_CLOSE_HOOK, contp); TSHttpTxnReenable(txnp, TS_EVENT_HTTP_ERROR); return; }
/** * nginx post-read-request handler to feed request line and headers to Ironbee. * * @param[in] r The nginx request object. * @return Declined (ignoreme) or error status. */ static ngx_int_t ironbee_post_read_request(ngx_http_request_t *r) { ngx_log_t *prev_log; ngxib_req_ctx *ctx; ib_conn_t *iconn; ib_parsed_req_line_t *rline; ib_parsed_header_wrapper_t *ibhdrs; ib_status_t rc; ngx_list_part_t *part; ngx_table_elt_t *hdr; unsigned int i; /* Don't process internal requests */ if (r->internal) return NGX_DECLINED; prev_log = ngxib_log(r->connection->log); ngx_regex_malloc_init(r->pool); ctx = ngx_pcalloc(r->pool, sizeof(ngxib_req_ctx)); ctx->r = r; ngx_http_set_ctx(r, ctx, ngx_ironbee_module); iconn = ngxib_conn_get(ctx, ironbee); ib_tx_create(&ctx->tx, iconn, ctx); /* Notify Ironbee of request line and headers */ rc = ib_parsed_req_line_create(ctx->tx, &rline, (const char*)r->, r->request_line.len, (const char*)r->, r->method_name.len, (const char*)r->, r->unparsed_uri.len, (const char*)r->, r->http_protocol.len); if (rc != IB_OK) cleanup_return(prev_log) NGX_ERROR; ib_state_notify_request_started(ironbee, ctx->tx, rline); rc = ib_parsed_name_value_pair_list_wrapper_create(&ibhdrs, ctx->tx); if (rc != IB_OK) cleanup_return(prev_log) NGX_ERROR; for (part = &r->headers_in.headers.part; part != NULL; part = part->next) { hdr = part->elts; for (i = 0; i < part->nelts; ++i) { ib_parsed_name_value_pair_list_add(ibhdrs, (const char*)hdr->, hdr->key.len, (const char*)hdr->, hdr->value.len); ++hdr; } } rc = ib_state_notify_request_header_data(ironbee, ctx->tx, ibhdrs); if (rc != IB_OK) cleanup_return(prev_log) NGX_ERROR; rc = ib_state_notify_request_header_finished(ironbee, ctx->tx); if (rc != IB_OK) cleanup_return(prev_log) NGX_ERROR; if (!ngxib_has_request_body(r, ctx)) { rc = ib_state_notify_request_finished(ironbee, ctx->tx); if (rc != IB_OK) cleanup_return(prev_log) NGX_ERROR; } ctx->hdrs_in = 1; if (STATUS_IS_ERROR(ctx->status)) { ctx->internal_errordoc = 1; cleanup_return(prev_log) ctx->status; } cleanup_return(prev_log) NGX_DECLINED; }
/** * Plugin for the IronBee ATS. * * Handles some ATS events. * * @param[in,out] contp Pointer to the continuation * @param[in,out] event Event from ATS * @param[in,out] edata Event data * * @returns status */ int ironbee_plugin(TSCont contp, TSEvent event, void *edata) { ib_status_t rc; TSCont mycont; TSHttpTxn txnp = (TSHttpTxn) edata; TSHttpSsn ssnp = (TSHttpSsn) edata; tsib_txn_ctx *txndata; tsib_ssn_ctx *ssndata; tsib_hdr_outcome status; TSMutex ts_mutex = NULL; TSDebug("ironbee", "Entering ironbee_plugin with %d", event); switch (event) { /* CONNECTION */ case TS_EVENT_HTTP_SSN_START: /* start of connection */ /* But we can't initialize conn stuff here, because there's * no API to get the connection stuff required by ironbee * at this point. So instead, intercept the first TXN * * what we can and must do: create a new contp whose * lifetime is our ssn */ ts_mutex = TSMutexCreate(); mycont = TSContCreate(ironbee_plugin, ts_mutex); TSHttpSsnHookAdd (ssnp, TS_HTTP_TXN_START_HOOK, mycont); ssndata = TSmalloc(sizeof(*ssndata)); memset(ssndata, 0, sizeof(*ssndata)); /* The only failure here is EALLOC, and if that happens * we're ****ed anyway */ rc = ib_lock_create_malloc(&(ssndata->mutex)); assert(rc == IB_OK); ssndata->contp = mycont; ssndata->ts_mutex = ts_mutex; TSContDataSet(mycont, ssndata); TSHttpSsnHookAdd (ssnp, TS_HTTP_SSN_CLOSE_HOOK, mycont); TSHttpSsnReenable (ssnp, TS_EVENT_HTTP_CONTINUE); break; case TS_EVENT_HTTP_TXN_START: { /* start of Request */ /* First req on a connection, we set up conn stuff */ ib_status_t rc; ib_engine_t *ib = NULL; ssndata = TSContDataGet(contp); ib_lock_lock(ssndata->mutex); if (ssndata->iconn == NULL) { rc = tsib_manager_engine_acquire(&ib); if (rc == IB_DECLINED) { /* OK, this means the manager is disabled deliberately, * but otherwise all's well. So this TXN * gets processed without intervention from Ironbee * and is invisble when our SSN_CLOSE hook runs. */ ib_lock_unlock(ssndata->mutex); TSHttpTxnReenable(txnp, TS_EVENT_HTTP_CONTINUE); TSDebug("ironbee", "Decline from engine manager"); break; } else if (rc != IB_OK) { TSError("[ironbee] Failed to acquire engine: %s", ib_status_to_string(rc)); goto noib_error; } if (ib != NULL) { rc = ib_conn_create(ib, &ssndata->iconn, contp); if (rc != IB_OK) { TSError("[ironbee] ib_conn_create: %s", ib_status_to_string(rc)); tsib_manager_engine_release(ib); goto noib_error; } /* In the normal case, release the engine when the * connection's memory pool is destroyed */ rc = ib_mm_register_cleanup(ssndata->iconn->mm, cleanup_ib_connection, ib); if (rc != IB_OK) { TSError("[ironbee] ib_mm_register_cleanup: %s", ib_status_to_string(rc)); tsib_manager_engine_release(ib); goto noib_error; } TSDebug("ironbee", "CONN CREATE: conn=%p", ssndata->iconn); ssndata->txnp = txnp; ssndata->txn_count = ssndata->closing = 0; rc = ironbee_conn_init(ssndata); if (rc != IB_OK) { TSError("[ironbee] ironbee_conn_init: %s", ib_status_to_string(rc)); goto noib_error; } TSContDataSet(contp, ssndata); TSDebug("ironbee", "ironbee_plugin: ib_state_notify_conn_opened()"); rc = ib_state_notify_conn_opened(ib, ssndata->iconn); if (rc != IB_OK) { TSError("[ironbee] Failed to notify connection opened: %s", ib_status_to_string(rc)); } } else { /* Use TSError where there's no ib or tx */ TSError("Ironbee: No ironbee engine!"); goto noib_error; } } /* create a txn cont (request ctx) and tx */ txndata = TSmalloc(sizeof(*txndata)); memset(txndata, 0, sizeof(*txndata)); txndata->ssn = ssndata; txndata->txnp = txnp; rc = ib_tx_create(&txndata->tx, ssndata->iconn, txndata); if (rc != IB_OK) { TSError("[ironbee] Failed to create tx: %d", rc); tsib_manager_engine_release(ib); TSfree(txndata); goto noib_error; } ++ssndata->txn_count; ib_lock_unlock(ssndata->mutex); ib_log_debug_tx(txndata->tx, "TX CREATE: conn=%p tx=%p id=%s txn_count=%d", ssndata->iconn, txndata->tx, txndata->tx->id, txndata->ssn->txn_count); mycont = TSContCreate(ironbee_plugin, ssndata->ts_mutex); TSContDataSet(mycont, txndata); TSHttpTxnHookAdd(txnp, TS_HTTP_TXN_CLOSE_HOOK, mycont); /* Hook to process responses */ TSHttpTxnHookAdd(txnp, TS_HTTP_READ_RESPONSE_HDR_HOOK, mycont); /* Hook to process requests */ TSHttpTxnHookAdd(txnp, TS_HTTP_READ_REQUEST_HDR_HOOK, mycont); /* Create continuations for input and output filtering * to give them txn lifetime. */ txndata->in_data_cont = TSTransformCreate(in_data_event, txnp); TSContDataSet(txndata->in_data_cont, txndata); txndata->out_data_cont = TSTransformCreate(out_data_event, txnp); TSContDataSet(txndata->out_data_cont, txndata); TSHttpTxnReenable(txnp, TS_EVENT_HTTP_CONTINUE); break; noib_error: ib_lock_unlock(ssndata->mutex); /* NULL txndata signals this to SEND_RESPONSE */ mycont = TSContCreate(ironbee_plugin, ssndata->ts_mutex); TSContDataSet(mycont, NULL); TSError("[ironbee] Internal error initialising for transaction"); TSHttpTxnHookAdd(txnp, TS_HTTP_SEND_RESPONSE_HDR_HOOK, mycont); TSHttpTxnReenable(txnp, TS_EVENT_HTTP_ERROR); break; } /* HTTP RESPONSE */ case TS_EVENT_HTTP_READ_RESPONSE_HDR: txndata = TSContDataGet(contp); if (txndata->tx == NULL) { TSHttpTxnReenable(txnp, TS_EVENT_HTTP_CONTINUE); break; } /* Feed ironbee the headers if not done already. */ if (!ib_flags_all(txndata->tx->flags, IB_TX_FRES_STARTED)) { status = process_hdr(txndata, txnp, &tsib_direction_server_resp); /* OK, if this was an HTTP 100 response, it's not the * response we're interested in. No headers have been * sent yet, and no data will be sent until we've * reached here again with the final response. */ if (status == HDR_HTTP_100) { TSHttpTxnReenable(txnp, TS_EVENT_HTTP_CONTINUE); break; } // FIXME: Need to know if this fails as it (I think) means // that the response did not come from the server and // that ironbee should ignore it. /* I've not seen a fail here. AFAICT if either the origin * isn't responding or we're responding from cache. we * never reach here in the first place. */ } /* If ironbee signalled an error while processing request body data, * this is the first opportunity to divert to an errordoc */ if (HTTP_CODE(txndata->status)) { ib_log_debug_tx(txndata->tx, "HTTP code %d contp=%p", txndata->status, contp); TSHttpTxnHookAdd(txnp, TS_HTTP_SEND_RESPONSE_HDR_HOOK, contp); TSHttpTxnReenable(txnp, TS_EVENT_HTTP_ERROR); break; } /* If we're not going to inspect response body data * we can bring forward notification of response-end * so we're in time to respond with an errordoc if Ironbee * wants to block in the response phase. * * This currently fails. However, that appears to be because I * can't unset IB_TX_FINSPECT_RESBODY with InspectionEngineOptions */ if (!ib_flags_all(txndata->tx->flags, IB_TX_FINSPECT_RESBODY)) { if (!ib_flags_all(txndata->tx->flags, IB_TX_FRES_STARTED) ) { ib_state_notify_response_started(txndata->tx->ib, txndata->tx, NULL); } if (!ib_flags_all(txndata->tx->flags, IB_TX_FRES_FINISHED) ) { ib_state_notify_response_finished(txndata->tx->ib, txndata->tx); } /* Test again for Ironbee telling us to block */ if (HTTP_CODE(txndata->status)) { TSHttpTxnHookAdd(txnp, TS_HTTP_SEND_RESPONSE_HDR_HOOK, contp); TSHttpTxnReenable(txnp, TS_EVENT_HTTP_ERROR); break; } } /* Flag that we're too late to divert to an error response */ ib_tx_flags_set(txndata->tx, IB_TX_FCLIENTRES_STARTED); /* Normal execution. Add output filter to inspect response. */ TSHttpTxnHookAdd(txnp, TS_HTTP_RESPONSE_TRANSFORM_HOOK, txndata->out_data_cont); TSHttpTxnReenable(txnp, TS_EVENT_HTTP_CONTINUE); break; /* Hook for processing response headers. */ case TS_EVENT_HTTP_SEND_RESPONSE_HDR: txndata = TSContDataGet(contp); if (txndata == NULL) { /* Ironbee is unavailable to help with our response. */ internal_error_response(txnp); /* This contp isn't going through the normal flow. */ TSContDestroy(contp); TSHttpTxnReenable(txnp, TS_EVENT_HTTP_CONTINUE); break; } /* If ironbee has sent us into an error response then * we came here in our error path, with nonzero status. */ if (txndata->status != 0) { error_response(txnp, txndata); } /* Feed ironbee the headers if not done already. */ if (!ib_flags_all(txndata->tx->flags, IB_TX_FRES_STARTED)) { if (process_hdr(txndata, txnp, &tsib_direction_client_resp) != HDR_OK) { /* I think this is a shouldn't happen event, and that * if it does we have an ironbee bug or misconfiguration. * Log an error to catch if it happens in practice. */ ib_log_error_tx(txndata->tx, "process_hdr returned error in send_response_hdr event"); } } /* If there is an ironbee-generated response body, notify ironbee. * * NOTE: I do not see anywhere else to put this as the error body is * just a buffer and not delivered via normal IO channels, so * the error body will never get caught by an event. */ if ((txndata->status != 0) && (txndata->err_body != NULL)) { const char *data = txndata->err_body; size_t data_length = txndata->err_body_len; ib_log_debug_tx(txndata->tx, "error_response: calling ib_state_notify_response_body_data() %s:%d", __FILE__, __LINE__); ib_state_notify_response_body_data(txndata->tx->ib, txndata->tx, data, data_length); } TSHttpTxnReenable(txnp, TS_EVENT_HTTP_CONTINUE); break; /* HTTP REQUEST */ case TS_EVENT_HTTP_READ_REQUEST_HDR: /* hook to examine output headers. They're not available yet */ TSHttpTxnHookAdd(txnp, TS_HTTP_PRE_REMAP_HOOK, contp); TSHttpTxnReenable(txnp, TS_EVENT_HTTP_CONTINUE); break; /* hook for processing incoming request/headers * The OS_DNS hook is an alternative here. */ case TS_EVENT_HTTP_PRE_REMAP: { int request_inspection_finished = 0; txndata = TSContDataGet(contp); assert ((txndata != NULL) && (txndata->tx != NULL)); status = process_hdr(txndata, txnp, &tsib_direction_client_req); if (HDR_OUTCOME_IS_HTTP_OR_ERROR(status, txndata)) { if (status == HDR_HTTP_STATUS) { ib_log_debug_tx(txndata->tx, "HTTP code %d contp=%p", txndata->status, contp); } else { /* Ironbee set a status we don't handle. * We returned EINVAL, but we also need housekeeping to * avoid a crash in modhtp and log something bad. */ ib_log_debug_tx(txndata->tx, "Internal error %d contp=%p", txndata->status, contp); /* Ugly hack: notifications to stop modhtp bombing out */ request_inspection_finished = 1; } } else { /* Other nonzero statuses not supported */ switch(status) { case HDR_OK: /* If we're not inspecting the Request body, * we can bring forward notification of end-request * so any header-only tests run on Request phase * can abort the tx before opening a backend connection. */ if (!ib_flags_all(txndata->tx->flags, IB_TX_FINSPECT_REQBODY)) { request_inspection_finished = 1; } break; /* All's well */ case HDR_HTTP_STATUS: // FIXME: should we take the initiative here and return 500? ib_log_error_tx(txndata->tx, "Internal error: ts-ironbee requested error but no error response set."); break; case HDR_HTTP_100: /* This can't actually happen with current Trafficserver * versions, as TS will generate a 400 error without * reference to us. But in case that changes in future ... */ ib_log_error_tx(txndata->tx, "No request headers found."); break; default: ib_log_error_tx(txndata->tx, "Unhandled state arose in handling request headers."); break; } } if (request_inspection_finished) { if (!ib_flags_all(txndata->tx->flags, IB_TX_FREQ_STARTED) ) { ib_state_notify_request_started(txndata->tx->ib, txndata->tx, NULL); } if (!ib_flags_all(txndata->tx->flags, IB_TX_FREQ_FINISHED) ) { ib_state_notify_request_finished(txndata->tx->ib, txndata->tx); } } else { /* hook an input filter to watch data */ TSHttpTxnHookAdd(txnp, TS_HTTP_REQUEST_TRANSFORM_HOOK, txndata->in_data_cont); } /* Flag that we can no longer prevent a request going to backend */ ib_tx_flags_set(txndata->tx, IB_TX_FSERVERREQ_STARTED); /* Check whether Ironbee told us to block the request. * This could now come not just from process_hdr, but also * from a brought-forward notification if we aren't inspecting * a request body and notified request_finished. */ if (HTTP_CODE(txndata->status)) { TSHttpTxnHookAdd(txnp, TS_HTTP_SEND_RESPONSE_HDR_HOOK, contp); TSHttpTxnReenable(txnp, TS_EVENT_HTTP_ERROR); } else { TSHttpTxnReenable(txnp, TS_EVENT_HTTP_CONTINUE); } break; } /* CLEANUP EVENTS */ case TS_EVENT_HTTP_TXN_CLOSE: { txndata = TSContDataGet(contp); TSContDestroy(txndata->out_data_cont); TSContDestroy(txndata->in_data_cont); TSContDataSet(contp, NULL); TSContDestroy(contp); if ( (txndata != NULL) && (txndata->tx != NULL) ) { ib_log_debug_tx(txndata->tx, "TXN Close: %p", (void *)contp); tsib_txn_ctx_destroy(txndata); } TSHttpTxnReenable(txnp, TS_EVENT_HTTP_CONTINUE); break; } case TS_EVENT_HTTP_SSN_CLOSE: TSDebug("ironbee", "SSN Close: %p", (void *)contp); tsib_ssn_ctx_destroy(TSContDataGet(contp)); tsib_manager_engine_cleanup(); TSHttpSsnReenable(ssnp, TS_EVENT_HTTP_CONTINUE); break; case TS_EVENT_MGMT_UPDATE: { TSDebug("ironbee", "Management update"); ib_status_t rc; rc = tsib_manager_engine_create(); if (rc != IB_OK) { TSError("[ironbee] Error creating new engine: %s", ib_status_to_string(rc)); } break; } /* if we get here we've got a bug */ default: TSError("[ironbee] *** Unhandled event %d in ironbee_plugin.", event); break; } return 0; }