Exemple #1
  void Model::
    if (ainv_upper_triangular_.empty()) {
      ainv_upper_triangular_.resize(ndof_ * (ndof_ + 1) / 2);
    deFloat const one(1);
    for (size_t irow(0); irow < ndof_; ++irow) {
      taoJoint * joint(kgm_tree_->info[irow].joint);
      // Compute one column of Ainv by solving forward dynamics of the
      // corresponding joint having a unit torque, while all the
      // others remain unactuated. This works on the kgm_tree because
      // it has zero speeds, thus the Coriolis-centrifgual effects are
      // zero, and by using zero gravity we get pure system dynamics:
      // acceleration = mass_inv * force (in matrix form).
      taoDynamics::fwdDynamics(kgm_tree_->root, &zero_gravity);
      // Retrieve the column of Ainv by reading the joint
      // accelerations generated by the column-selecting unit torque
      // (into a flattened upper triangular matrix).
      for (size_t icol(0); icol <= irow; ++icol) {
	kgm_tree_->info[icol].joint->getDDQ(&ainv_upper_triangular_[squareToTriangularIndex(irow, icol, ndof_)]);
    // Reset all the accelerations.
    for (size_t ii(0); ii < ndof_; ++ii) {
Exemple #2
  void Model::
    if (a_upper_triangular_.empty()) {
      a_upper_triangular_.resize(ndof_ * (ndof_ + 1) / 2);
    deFloat const one(1);
    for (size_t irow(0); irow < ndof_; ++irow) {
      taoJoint * joint(kgm_joints_[irow]);
      // Compute one column of A by solving inverse dynamics of the
      // corresponding joint having a unit acceleration, while all the
      // others remain fixed. This works on the KGM tree because it
      // has zero speeds, thus the Coriolis-centrifgual effects are
      // zero, and by using zero gravity we get pure system dynamics:
      // force = mass * acceleration (in matrix form).
      taoDynamics::invDynamics(kgm_root_, &zero_gravity);
      // Retrieve the column of A by reading the joint torques
      // required for the column-selecting unit acceleration (into a
      // flattened upper triangular matrix).
      for (size_t icol(0); icol <= irow; ++icol) {
	kgm_joints_[icol]->getTau(&a_upper_triangular_[squareToTriangularIndex(irow, icol, ndof_)]);
    // Reset all the torques.
    for (size_t ii(0); ii < ndof_; ++ii) {
Exemple #3
autoConfusion Confusion_groupResponses (Confusion me, const char32 *labels, const char32 *newLabel, long newpos) {
	try {
		long ncondense = Melder_countTokens (labels);
		autoNUMvector<long> icol (1, my numberOfColumns);

		for (long i = 1; i <= my numberOfColumns; i++) {
			icol[i] = i;

		for (char32 *token = Melder_firstToken (labels); token != 0; token = Melder_nextToken ()) {
			for (long i = 1; i <= my numberOfColumns; i++) {
				if (Melder_equ (token, my columnLabels[i])) {
					icol[i] = 0;
		long nfound = 0;
		for (long i = 1; i <= my numberOfColumns; i++) {
			if (icol[i] == 0) {
				nfound ++;
		if (nfound == 0) {
			Melder_throw (U"Invalid response labels.");
		if (nfound != ncondense) {
			Melder_warning (U"One or more of the given response labels are suspect.");
		long newnresp = my numberOfColumns - nfound + 1;
		if (newpos < 1) {
			newpos = 1;
		if (newpos > newnresp) {
			newpos = newnresp;
		autoConfusion thee = Confusion_create (my numberOfRows, newnresp);
		NUMstrings_copyElements (my rowLabels, thy rowLabels, 1, my numberOfRows);
		TableOfReal_setColumnLabel (thee.get(), newpos, newLabel);
		long inewcol = 1;
		for (long i = 1; i <= my numberOfColumns; i++) {
			long colpos = newpos;
			if (icol[i] > 0) {
				if (inewcol == newpos) {
				colpos = inewcol;
				TableOfReal_setColumnLabel (thee.get(), colpos, my columnLabels[i]);
			for (long j = 1; j <= my numberOfRows; j++) {
				thy data[j][colpos] += my data[j][i];
		return thee;
	} catch (MelderError) {
		Melder_throw (me, U": responses not grouped.");
Exemple #4
void ObjectScene::syncQuad(Kite::KQuadCom *Quad) {
	auto pixItem = (QGraphicsPixmapItem *)Quad->getSceneItem();

	Kite::KRectF32 brect;

	if (!Quad->getAtlasTextureArray().str.empty()) {
		Kite::KAtlasTextureArray *tarray = nullptr;
		emit(tarray = (Kite::KAtlasTextureArray *)requestResource(Quad->getAtlasTextureArray().str.c_str()));

		if (tarray) {
			auto atex = tarray->getItem(Quad->getTextureArrayIndex());
			if (atex) {
				Kite::KTexture *tex = atex->getTexture();
				if (tex) {
					Kite::KImage image;
					QImage qimage(image.getPixelsData(), image.getWidth(), image.getHeight(), QImage::Format::Format_RGBA8888);
					auto procimgae = qimage.copy(Quad->getAtlasItem().xpos, Quad->getAtlasItem().ypos,
																	  Quad->getAtlasItem().width, Quad->getAtlasItem().height)
														  .mirrored(Quad->getAtlasItem().getFlipH(), !Quad->getAtlasItem().getFlipV())
														  .scaled(Quad->getWidth(), Quad->getHeight());

					if (Quad->getBlendColor() != Kite::KColor(Kite::Colors::WHITE)) {
						QColor col(Quad->getBlendColor().getR(), Quad->getBlendColor().getG(),
								   Quad->getBlendColor().getB(), Quad->getBlendColor().getA());

						auto alpha = procimgae.alphaChannel();
						for (int x = 0; x != procimgae.width(); ++x) {
							for (int y(0); y != procimgae.height(); ++y) {
								if (qAlpha(procimgae.pixel(x, y)) == 0) continue; // transparrent pixels

								QColor icol(procimgae.pixel(x, y));
								icol.setRed(BLEND_Multiply(icol.red(), col.red()));
								icol.setBlue(BLEND_Multiply(icol.blue(), col.blue()));
								icol.setGreen(BLEND_Multiply(icol.green(), col.green()));
								procimgae.setPixel(x, y, icol.rgb());

	QPixmap pm(Quad->getWidth(), Quad->getHeight());
	pm.fill(QColor(Quad->getBlendColor().getR(), Quad->getBlendColor().getG(), Quad->getBlendColor().getB(), Quad->getBlendColor().getA()));
Exemple #5
		Record::FieldNames DBResult::getFieldNames() const
			FieldNames result;
			size_t nbcol(getNbColumns());
			for(size_t icol(0); icol<nbcol; ++icol)
			return result;
Exemple #6
  bool Model::
  computeJacobian(taoDNode const * node,
		  double gx, double gy, double gz,
		  Matrix & jacobian) const
    if ( ! node) {
      return false;
#ifdef DEBUG
    fprintf(stderr, "computeJacobian()\ng: [% 4.2f % 4.2f % 4.2f]\n", gx, gy, gz);
#endif // DEBUG
    // \todo Implement support for more than one joint per node, and
    // 	more than one DOF per joint.
    jacobian.resize(6, ndof_);
    for (size_t icol(0); icol < ndof_; ++icol) {
      deVector6 Jg_col;	// in NDOF case, this will become an array of deVector6...
      // in NOJ case, we will have to loop over all joints of a node...
#ifdef DEBUG
      fprintf(stderr, "iJg[%zu]: [ % 4.2f % 4.2f % 4.2f % 4.2f % 4.2f % 4.2f]\n",
	      Jg_col.elementAt(0), Jg_col.elementAt(1), Jg_col.elementAt(2),
	      Jg_col.elementAt(3), Jg_col.elementAt(4), Jg_col.elementAt(5));
#endif // DEBUG
      for (size_t irow(0); irow < 6; ++irow) {
	jacobian.coeffRef(irow, icol) = Jg_col.elementAt(irow);
      // Add the effect of the joint rotation on the translational
      // velocity at the global point (column-wise cross product with
      // [gx;gy;gz]). Note that Jg_col.elementAt(3) is the
      // contribution to omega_x etc, because the upper 3 elements of
      // Jg_col are v_x etc.  (And don't ask me why we have to
      // subtract the cross product, it probably got inverted
      // somewhere)
      jacobian.coeffRef(0, icol) -= -gz * Jg_col.elementAt(4) + gy * Jg_col.elementAt(5);
      jacobian.coeffRef(1, icol) -=  gz * Jg_col.elementAt(3) - gx * Jg_col.elementAt(5);
      jacobian.coeffRef(2, icol) -= -gy * Jg_col.elementAt(3) + gx * Jg_col.elementAt(4);
#ifdef DEBUG
      fprintf(stderr, "0Jg[%zu]: [ % 4.2f % 4.2f % 4.2f % 4.2f % 4.2f % 4.2f]\n",
	      jacobian.coeff(0, icol), jacobian.coeff(1, icol), jacobian.coeff(2, icol),
	      jacobian.coeff(3, icol), jacobian.coeff(4, icol), jacobian.coeff(5, icol));
#endif // DEBUG
    return true;
Exemple #7
  bool Model::
  getInverseMassInertia(Matrix & inverse_mass_inertia) const
    if (ainv_upper_triangular_.empty()) {
      return false;
    inverse_mass_inertia.resize(ndof_, ndof_);
    for (size_t irow(0); irow < ndof_; ++irow) {
      for (size_t icol(0); icol <= irow; ++icol) {
	inverse_mass_inertia.coeffRef(irow, icol) = ainv_upper_triangular_[squareToTriangularIndex(irow, icol, ndof_)];
	if (irow != icol) {
	  inverse_mass_inertia.coeffRef(icol, irow) = inverse_mass_inertia.coeff(irow, icol);
    return true;
Exemple #8
T GaussJordan(VVT &a, VVT &b) {
  const int n = a.size();
  const int m = b[0].size();
  VI irow(n), icol(n), ipiv(n);
  T det = 1;

  for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
    int pj = -1, pk = -1;
    for (int j = 0; j < n; j++) if (!ipiv[j])
      for (int k = 0; k < n; k++) if (!ipiv[k])
        if (pj == -1 || fabs(a[j][k]) > fabs(a[pj][pk])) { pj = j; pk = k; }
    if (fabs(a[pj][pk]) < EPS) { return 0; }
    swap(a[pj], a[pk]);
    swap(b[pj], b[pk]);
    if (pj != pk) det *= -1;
    irow[i] = pj;
    icol[i] = pk;

    T c = 1.0 / a[pk][pk];
    det *= a[pk][pk];
    a[pk][pk] = 1.0;
    for (int p = 0; p < n; p++) a[pk][p] *= c;
    for (int p = 0; p < m; p++) b[pk][p] *= c;
    for (int p = 0; p < n; p++) if (p != pk) {
      c = a[p][pk];
      a[p][pk] = 0;
      for (int q = 0; q < n; q++) a[p][q] -= a[pk][q] * c;
      for (int q = 0; q < m; q++) b[p][q] -= b[pk][q] * c;      

  for (int p = n-1; p >= 0; p--) if (irow[p] != icol[p]) {
    for (int k = 0; k < n; k++) swap(a[k][irow[p]], a[k][icol[p]]);

  return det;
Exemple #9
void Bayes::sample_muOmega() {
  double tau = 10.0;
  int d0 = p + 2;
  // matrix_t S0(p, p);
  ublas::matrix<double> S0(p, p);
  S0 = d0 * ublas::identity_matrix<double>(p, p)/4.0;
  std::vector<int> idx;
  ublas::indirect_array<> irow(p);
  // projection - want every row
  for (size_t i=0; i<irow.size(); ++i)
    irow(i) = i;
  // size_t rank;
  ublas::matrix<double> S(p, p);
  // matrix_t SS(p, p);
  ublas::matrix<double> SS(p, p);
  ublas::matrix<double> Omega_inv(p, p);

  // identity matrix for inverting cholesky factorization
  ublas::matrix<double> I(p, p);
  I.assign(ublas::identity_matrix<double> (p, p));
  ublas::symmetric_adaptor<ublas::matrix<double>, ublas::upper> SH(I);

  // triangular matrix for cholesky_decompose
  ublas::triangular_matrix<double, ublas::lower, ublas::row_major> L(p, p);

  int df;
  for (int j=0; j<k; ++j) {
    idx = find_all(z, j);
    int n_idx = idx.size();

    ublas::matrix<double> xx(p, n_idx);
    ublas::matrix<double> e(p, n_idx);
    // ublas::matrix<double> m(p, 1);
    ublas::vector<double> m(p);

    ublas::indirect_array<> icol(n_idx);
    for (size_t i=0; i<idx.size(); ++i)
      icol(i) = idx[i];
    if (n_idx > 0) {
      double a = tau/(1.0 + n_idx*tau);
      //! REFACTOR - should be able to do matrix_sum directly on projection rather than make a copy?
      xx.assign(project(x, irow, icol));
      m.assign(ublas::matrix_sum(xx, 1)/n_idx);
      // e.assign(xx - outer_prod(column(m, 0), ublas::scalar_vector<double>(n_idx, 1)));
      e.assign(xx - outer_prod(m, ublas::scalar_vector<double>(n_idx, 1)));
      S.assign(prod(e, trans(e)) + outer_prod(m, m) * n_idx * a/tau);
      // SS = trans(S) + S0;
      SS = S + S0;
      df = d0 + n_idx;

      // Omega(j).assign(wishart_rnd(df, SS));
      Omega(j).assign(wishart_InvA_rnd(df, SS));
      cholesky_decompose(SH, L);
      Omega_inv.assign(solve(SH, I, ublas::upper_tag()));
      mu(j).assign(a*n_idx*m + sqrt(a)*prod(Omega_inv, Rmath::rnorm(0, 1, p)));
    } else {
      // Omega(j).assign(wishart_rnd(d0, S0));
      Omega(j).assign(wishart_InvA_rnd(d0, S0));
      cholesky_decompose(SH, L);
      Omega_inv.assign(solve(SH, I, ublas::upper_tag()));
      mu(j).assign(sqrt(tau) * prod(Omega_inv, Rmath::rnorm(0, 1, p)));