Exemple #1
Grid::Grid(Grid *Orig){
  int i;
  domainname = strdup(Orig->domainname);
  domainfile = Orig->domainfile;
  totverts   = Orig->totverts;

  xcoords = dvector(0, totverts-1);
  ycoords = dvector(0, totverts-1);
  zcoords = dvector(0, totverts-1);

  dcopy(totverts, Orig->xcoords, 1, xcoords, 1);
  dcopy(totverts, Orig->ycoords, 1, ycoords, 1);
  dcopy(totverts, Orig->zcoords, 1, zcoords, 1);

  nel = Orig->nel;
  nverts = ivector(0, nel-1);
  icopy(nel, Orig->nverts, 1, nverts, 1);

  vertids = imatrix(0, nel-1, 0, Max_Nverts-1);
  icopy(nel*Max_Nverts, Orig->vertids[0], 1, vertids[0], 1);

  elmtids = ivector(0, nel-1);
  icopy(nel, Orig->elmtids, 1, elmtids, 1);

  vertexmap = imatrix(0, nel-1, 0, Max_Nverts-1);
  icopy(nel*Max_Nverts, Orig->vertexmap[0], 1, vertexmap[0], 1);
void GrowBisectionNode2(ctrl_t *ctrl, graph_t *graph, real_t *ntpwgts, 
         idx_t niparts)
  idx_t i, j, k, nvtxs, bestcut=0, mincut, inbfs;
  idx_t *xadj, *where, *bndind, *bestwhere;


  nvtxs  = graph->nvtxs;
  xadj   = graph->xadj;

  /* Allocate refinement memory. Allocate sufficient memory for both edge and node */
  graph->pwgts  = imalloc(3, "GrowBisectionNode: pwgts");
  graph->where  = imalloc(nvtxs, "GrowBisectionNode: where");
  graph->bndptr = imalloc(nvtxs, "GrowBisectionNode: bndptr");
  graph->bndind = imalloc(nvtxs, "GrowBisectionNode: bndind");
  graph->id     = imalloc(nvtxs, "GrowBisectionNode: id");
  graph->ed     = imalloc(nvtxs, "GrowBisectionNode: ed");
  graph->nrinfo = (nrinfo_t *)gk_malloc(nvtxs*sizeof(nrinfo_t), "GrowBisectionNode: nrinfo");
  bestwhere = iwspacemalloc(ctrl, nvtxs);

  where  = graph->where;
  bndind = graph->bndind;

  for (inbfs=0; inbfs<niparts; inbfs++) {
    iset(nvtxs, 1, where);
    if (inbfs > 0)
      where[irandInRange(nvtxs)] = 0;

    Compute2WayPartitionParams(ctrl, graph);
    General2WayBalance(ctrl, graph, ntpwgts);
    FM_2WayRefine(ctrl, graph, ntpwgts, ctrl->niter);

    /* Construct and refine the vertex separator */
    for (i=0; i<graph->nbnd; i++) {
      j = bndind[i];
      if (xadj[j+1]-xadj[j] > 0) /* ignore islands */
        where[j] = 2;

    Compute2WayNodePartitionParams(ctrl, graph); 
    FM_2WayNodeRefine2Sided(ctrl, graph, 4);

    printf("ISep: [%"PRIDX" %"PRIDX" %"PRIDX" %"PRIDX"] %"PRIDX"\n", 
        inbfs, graph->pwgts[0], graph->pwgts[1], graph->pwgts[2], bestcut); 

    if (inbfs == 0 || bestcut > graph->mincut) {
      bestcut = graph->mincut;
      icopy(nvtxs, where, bestwhere);

  graph->mincut = bestcut;
  icopy(nvtxs, bestwhere, where);

Exemple #3
idx_t ComputeRealCutFromMoved(idx_t *vtxdist, idx_t *mvtxdist, idx_t *part, 
    idx_t *mpart, char *filename, MPI_Comm comm)
  idx_t i, j, nvtxs, mype, npes, cut;
  idx_t *xadj, *adjncy, *gpart, *gmpart, *perm, *sizes;
  MPI_Status status;

  gkMPI_Comm_size(comm, &npes);
  gkMPI_Comm_rank(comm, &mype);

  if (mype != 0) {
    gkMPI_Send((void *)part, vtxdist[mype+1]-vtxdist[mype], IDX_T, 0, 1, comm);
    gkMPI_Send((void *)mpart, mvtxdist[mype+1]-mvtxdist[mype], IDX_T, 0, 1, comm);
  else {  /* Processor 0 does all the rest */
    gpart = imalloc(vtxdist[npes], "ComputeRealCut: gpart");
    icopy(vtxdist[1], part, gpart);
    gmpart = imalloc(mvtxdist[npes], "ComputeRealCut: gmpart");
    icopy(mvtxdist[1], mpart, gmpart);

    for (i=1; i<npes; i++) {
      gkMPI_Recv((void *)(gpart+vtxdist[i]), vtxdist[i+1]-vtxdist[i], IDX_T, i, 1, comm, &status);
      gkMPI_Recv((void *)(gmpart+mvtxdist[i]), mvtxdist[i+1]-mvtxdist[i], IDX_T, i, 1, comm, &status);

    /* OK, now go and reconstruct the permutation to go from the graph to mgraph */
    perm  = imalloc(vtxdist[npes], "ComputeRealCut: perm");
    sizes = ismalloc(npes+1, 0, "ComputeRealCut: sizes");

    for (i=0; i<vtxdist[npes]; i++)
    MAKECSR(i, npes, sizes);
    for (i=0; i<vtxdist[npes]; i++)
      perm[i] = sizes[gpart[i]]++;

    /* Ok, now read the graph from the file */
    ReadMetisGraph(filename, &nvtxs, &xadj, &adjncy);

    /* OK, now compute the cut */
    for (cut=0, i=0; i<nvtxs; i++) {
      for (j=xadj[i]; j<xadj[i+1]; j++) {
        if (gmpart[perm[i]] != gmpart[perm[adjncy[j]]])
    cut = cut/2;

    gk_free((void **)&gpart, &gmpart, &perm, &sizes, &xadj, &adjncy, LTERM);

    return cut;

  return 0;
void McRandomBisection(ctrl_t *ctrl, graph_t *graph, real_t *ntpwgts, 
         idx_t niparts)
  idx_t i, ii, j, k, nvtxs, ncon, from, bestcut=0, mincut, inbfs, qnum;
  idx_t *bestwhere, *where, *perm, *counts;
  idx_t *vwgt;


  nvtxs = graph->nvtxs;
  ncon  = graph->ncon;
  vwgt  = graph->vwgt;

  Allocate2WayPartitionMemory(ctrl, graph);
  where = graph->where;

  bestwhere = iwspacemalloc(ctrl, nvtxs);
  perm      = iwspacemalloc(ctrl, nvtxs);
  counts    = iwspacemalloc(ctrl, ncon);

  for (inbfs=0; inbfs<2*niparts; inbfs++) {
    irandArrayPermute(nvtxs, perm, nvtxs/2, 1);
    iset(ncon, 0, counts);

    /* partition by spliting the queues randomly */
    for (ii=0; ii<nvtxs; ii++) {
      i        = perm[ii];
      qnum     = iargmax(ncon, vwgt+i*ncon);
      where[i] = (counts[qnum]++)%2;

    Compute2WayPartitionParams(ctrl, graph);

    FM_2WayRefine(ctrl, graph, ntpwgts, ctrl->niter);
    Balance2Way(ctrl, graph, ntpwgts);
    FM_2WayRefine(ctrl, graph, ntpwgts, ctrl->niter);
    Balance2Way(ctrl, graph, ntpwgts);
    FM_2WayRefine(ctrl, graph, ntpwgts, ctrl->niter);

    if (inbfs == 0 || bestcut >= graph->mincut) {
      bestcut = graph->mincut;
      icopy(nvtxs, where, bestwhere);
      if (bestcut == 0)

  graph->mincut = bestcut;
  icopy(nvtxs, bestwhere, where);

Exemple #5
void Grid::RemovePrisms(){
  int i=0,j;
  int vertextoremove;
  int vertextouse;
  int vertexa, vertexb;

    if(nverts[i] == 6){
#if 0
      vertexa = vertids[i][0];
      vertexb = vertids[i][3];

      vertextoremove = min(vertexa, vertexb);
      vertextouse    = max(vertexa, vertexb);
  vertids[0][j] =
    (vertids[0][j] == vertextoremove) ? vertextouse: vertids[0][j];

      vertexa = vertids[i][1];
      vertexb = vertids[i][2];

      vertextoremove = min(vertexa, vertexb);
      vertextouse    = max(vertexa, vertexb);

  vertids[0][j] =
    (vertids[0][j] == vertextoremove) ? vertextouse: vertids[0][j];

      vertexa = vertids[i][4];
      vertexb = vertids[i][5];

      vertextoremove = min(vertexa, vertexb);
      vertextouse    = max(vertexa, vertexb);

  vertids[0][j] =
    (vertids[0][j] == vertextoremove) ? vertextouse: vertids[0][j];
      icopy(nel-i-1, elmtids+i+1, 1, elmtids+i, 1);
      icopy(nel-i-1, nverts+i+1, 1, nverts+i, 1);
      icopy((nel-i-1)*Max_Nverts, vertids[i]+Max_Nverts, 1, vertids[i], 1);
      icopy((nel-i-1)*Max_Nverts, vertexmap[i]+Max_Nverts, 1, vertexmap[i], 1);

Exemple #6
void Grid::RemoveHexes(){
  int i=0;
    if(nverts[i] == 8){
      icopy(nel-i-1, elmtids+i+1, 1, elmtids+i, 1);
      icopy(nel-i-1, nverts+i+1, 1, nverts+i, 1);
      icopy((nel-i-1)*Max_Nverts, vertids[i]+Max_Nverts, 1, vertids[i], 1);
Exemple #7
// shadow under stones
void ImageHandler::paintShadowStone (QImage &si, int d) {
	//const double pixel=0.8,shadow=0.99;

	// these are the images
	int i, j,  k;
	double di, dj, d2=(double)d/2.0-5e-1, r=d2-2e-1;
	double hh;
	bool smallerstones = false;
	if (smallerstones) r-=1;
	for (i=0; i<d; i++)
		for (j=0; j<d; j++) {
			di=i-d2; dj=j-d2;
			if (hh>=0) {
				hh=2*hh/r ;
				if (hh> 1)  hh=1;
			else painting_buffer[k]=0;
		// now copy the result in QImages
		icopy(painting_buffer, si, d, d);
Exemple #8
icopy_sign(GEN x, long sx)
  GEN y=icopy(x);
  return y;
Exemple #9
void Grid::ImportTetOrientation(Grid *fromgrid){
  int i,j;
  int lid;
    lid = fromgrid->elmtids[i];
    icopy(4, fromgrid->vertexmap[i], 1, vertexmap[lid], 1);
Exemple #10
static Field *sortHeaders(Field *fld, int nfld){
  register int i;
  Field *fout;
  int cnt,*size,*emap,*nfacet;

  fout = (Field *)calloc(1,sizeof(Field));


  cnt   = 0;
  for(i = 0; i < nfld; ++i)
    if((fld+i != ((Field* ) NULL)))
      // if(fld[i])
      cnt   += fld[i].nel;

  fout->nel    = cnt;

  emap   = fout->emap   = ivector(0,fout->nel-1);
  nfacet = fout->nfacet = ivector(0,fout->nel-1);
  for(i = 0,cnt = 0; i < nfld; ++i){
    if((fld+i != ((Field* ) NULL))){
      icopy(fld[i].nel,fld[i].emap,  1,emap,1);
      emap   += fld[i].nel;
      nfacet += fld[i].nel;
      cnt    += isum(fld[i].nel,fld[i].nfacet,1);

  size = fout->size = ivector(0,cnt-1);
  for(i = 0,cnt = 0; i < nfld; ++i){
    if((fld+i != ((Field* ) NULL))){
      cnt = isum(fld[i].nel,fld[i].nfacet,1);
      size += cnt;

  for(i = 0,cnt = 0; i < nfld; ++i){
    if((fld+i != ((Field* ) NULL)))
      cnt += fld[i].nel;

  return fout;
Exemple #11
void MlevelNodeBisectionL2(ctrl_t *ctrl, graph_t *graph, idx_t niparts)
  idx_t i, mincut, nruns=5;
  graph_t *cgraph; 
  idx_t *bestwhere;

  /* if the graph is small, just find a single vertex separator */
  if (graph->nvtxs < 5000) {
    MlevelNodeBisectionL1(ctrl, graph, niparts);


  ctrl->CoarsenTo = gk_max(100, graph->nvtxs/30);

  cgraph = CoarsenGraphNlevels(ctrl, graph, 4);

  bestwhere = iwspacemalloc(ctrl, cgraph->nvtxs);

  mincut = graph->tvwgt[0];
  for (i=0; i<nruns; i++) {
    MlevelNodeBisectionL1(ctrl, cgraph, 0.7*niparts);

    if (i == 0 || cgraph->mincut < mincut) {
      mincut = cgraph->mincut;
      if (i < nruns-1)
        icopy(cgraph->nvtxs, cgraph->where, bestwhere);

    if (mincut == 0)

    if (i < nruns-1) 

  if (mincut != cgraph->mincut) 
    icopy(cgraph->nvtxs, bestwhere, cgraph->where);


  Refine2WayNode(ctrl, graph, cgraph);

Exemple #12
void Grid::ImportPrismOrientation(Grid *fromgrid){
  int i,j;
  int lid;
    if(fromgrid->nverts[i] == 6){
      lid = fromgrid->elmtids[i];
      icopy(6, fromgrid->vertexmap[i], 1, vertexmap[lid], 1);
Exemple #13
void gimax (int *x, int n, int *work) { 
  register int i;

  MPI_Allreduce (x, work, n, MPI_INT, MPI_MAX, MPI_COMM_WORLD);

  /* *x = *work; */

Exemple #14
void Grid::FixPrismOrientation(){
  int i, j, k, tmp;
  int *lid = ivector(0, 6-1);
  int *gid = ivector(0, 6-1);

    if(nverts[i] == 6){

      icopy(6, vertids[i], 1, gid, 1);

  lid[j] = j;

      // order the local ids (maximum global id first)
    tmp    = gid[k];
    gid[k] = gid[0];
    gid[0] = tmp;

    tmp    = lid[k];
    lid[k] = lid[0];
    lid[0] = tmp;
      // we now know that the local id of the maximum global id is in lid[0]
      if(lid[0] == 4 || lid[0] == 5){
  // nothing to do
      else if(lid[0] == 1 || lid[0] == 2){
  // must rotate around clockwise
  vertexmap[i][0] = 4;
  vertexmap[i][1] = 0;
  vertexmap[i][2] = 3;
  vertexmap[i][3] = 5;
  vertexmap[i][4] = 1;
  vertexmap[i][5] = 2;
      else if(lid[0] == 0 || lid[0] == 3){
  // must rotate around clockwise
  vertexmap[i][0] = 1;
  vertexmap[i][1] = 4;
  vertexmap[i][2] = 5;
  vertexmap[i][3] = 2;
  vertexmap[i][4] = 0;
  vertexmap[i][5] = 3;

void InitKWayPartitioningGrow(ctrl_t *ctrl, graph_t *graph)
  idx_t ntrials, curobj=0, bestobj=0;
  idx_t *bestwhere=NULL;


  bestwhere = iwspacemalloc(ctrl, graph->nvtxs);

  for (ntrials=0; ntrials<ctrl->nIparts; ntrials++) {
    GrowKWayPartitioning(ctrl, graph);

    switch (ctrl->objtype) {
        curobj = graph->mincut;

        curobj = graph->minvol;

        gk_errexit(SIGERR, "Unknown objtype: %d\n", ctrl->objtype);
    printf("  Ipart.%"PRIDX" curobj: %"PRIDX"\n", ntrials, curobj);

    if (ntrials == 0 || bestobj > curobj) {
      icopy(graph->nvtxs, graph->where, bestwhere);
      bestobj = curobj;

  if (bestobj != curobj)
    icopy(graph->nvtxs, bestwhere, graph->where);

  printf("  Ipart Select bestobj: %"PRIDX"\n", bestobj);


Exemple #16
void Grid::FixTetOrientation(){

  int i,j,k, tmp;

  // max vertex becomes top

  int *lid = ivector(0, 4-1);
  int *gid = ivector(0, 4-1);

    icopy(4, vertids[i], 1, gid, 1);

      lid[j] = j;

    // order the local ids (minimum global id first)
    tmp    = gid[k];
    gid[k] = gid[j];
    gid[j] = tmp;

    tmp    = lid[k];
    lid[k] = lid[j];
    lid[j] = tmp;
    if(checktetvolume(gid, xcoords, ycoords, zcoords) < 0){
      tmp = lid[0];
      lid[0] = lid[1];
      lid[1] = tmp;

    icopy(4, lid, 1, vertexmap[i], 1);
void McGrowBisection(ctrl_t *ctrl, graph_t *graph, real_t *ntpwgts, 
         idx_t niparts)
  idx_t i, j, k, nvtxs, ncon, from, bestcut=0, mincut, inbfs;
  idx_t *bestwhere, *where;


  nvtxs = graph->nvtxs;

  Allocate2WayPartitionMemory(ctrl, graph);
  where = graph->where;

  bestwhere = iwspacemalloc(ctrl, nvtxs);

  for (inbfs=0; inbfs<2*niparts; inbfs++) {
    iset(nvtxs, 1, where);
    where[irandInRange(nvtxs)] = 0;

    Compute2WayPartitionParams(ctrl, graph);

    Balance2Way(ctrl, graph, ntpwgts);
    FM_2WayRefine(ctrl, graph, ntpwgts, ctrl->niter);
    Balance2Way(ctrl, graph, ntpwgts);
    FM_2WayRefine(ctrl, graph, ntpwgts, ctrl->niter);

    if (inbfs == 0 || bestcut >= graph->mincut) {
      bestcut = graph->mincut;
      icopy(nvtxs, where, bestwhere);
      if (bestcut == 0)

  graph->mincut = bestcut;
  icopy(nvtxs, bestwhere, where);

Exemple #18
void MlevelNodeBisectionMultiple(ctrl_t *ctrl, graph_t *graph)
  idx_t i, mincut;
  idx_t *bestwhere;

  /* if the graph is small, just find a single vertex separator */
  if (ctrl->nseps == 1 || graph->nvtxs < (ctrl->compress ? 1000 : 2000)) {
    MlevelNodeBisectionL2(ctrl, graph, LARGENIPARTS);


  bestwhere = iwspacemalloc(ctrl, graph->nvtxs);

  mincut = graph->tvwgt[0];
  for (i=0; i<ctrl->nseps; i++) {
    MlevelNodeBisectionL2(ctrl, graph, LARGENIPARTS);

    if (i == 0 || graph->mincut < mincut) {
      mincut = graph->mincut;
      if (i < ctrl->nseps-1)
        icopy(graph->nvtxs, graph->where, bestwhere);

    if (mincut == 0)

    if (i < ctrl->nseps-1) 

  if (mincut != graph->mincut) {
    icopy(graph->nvtxs, bestwhere, graph->where);
    Compute2WayNodePartitionParams(ctrl, graph);

Exemple #19
idx_t ComputeRealCut(idx_t *vtxdist, idx_t *part, char *filename, MPI_Comm comm)
  idx_t i, j, nvtxs, mype, npes, cut;
  idx_t *xadj, *adjncy, *gpart;
  MPI_Status status;

  gkMPI_Comm_size(comm, &npes);
  gkMPI_Comm_rank(comm, &mype);

  if (mype != 0) {
    gkMPI_Send((void *)part, vtxdist[mype+1]-vtxdist[mype], IDX_T, 0, 1, comm);
  else {  /* Processor 0 does all the rest */
    gpart = imalloc(vtxdist[npes], "ComputeRealCut: gpart");
    icopy(vtxdist[1], part, gpart);

    for (i=1; i<npes; i++) 
      gkMPI_Recv((void *)(gpart+vtxdist[i]), vtxdist[i+1]-vtxdist[i], IDX_T, i, 1, comm, &status);

    ReadMetisGraph(filename, &nvtxs, &xadj, &adjncy);

    /* OK, now compute the cut */
    for (cut=0, i=0; i<nvtxs; i++) {
      for (j=xadj[i]; j<xadj[i+1]; j++) {
        if (gpart[i] != gpart[adjncy[j]])
    cut = cut/2;

    gk_free((void **)&gpart, &xadj, &adjncy, LTERM);

    return cut;
  return 0;
void InitKWayPartitioningRB(ctrl_t *ctrl, graph_t *graph)
  idx_t i, options[METIS_NOPTIONS], curobj=0;
  idx_t *bestwhere=NULL;
  real_t *ubvec=NULL;
  int status;

  options[METIS_OPTION_NITER]   = 10;
  options[METIS_OPTION_NO2HOP]  = ctrl->no2hop;
  options[METIS_OPTION_ONDISK]  = ctrl->ondisk;

  ubvec = rmalloc(graph->ncon, "InitKWayPartitioning: ubvec");
  for (i=0; i<graph->ncon; i++) 
    ubvec[i] = (real_t)pow(ctrl->ubfactors[i], 1.0/log(ctrl->nparts));

  switch (ctrl->objtype) {
      options[METIS_OPTION_NCUTS] = ctrl->nIparts;
      status = METIS_PartGraphRecursive(&graph->nvtxs, &graph->ncon, 
                   graph->xadj, graph->adjncy, graph->vwgt, graph->vsize, 
                   graph->adjwgt, &ctrl->nparts, ctrl->tpwgts, ubvec, 
                   options, &curobj, graph->where);

      if (status != METIS_OK)
        gk_errexit(SIGERR, "Failed during initial partitioning\n");


#ifdef XXX /* This does not seem to help */
      bestwhere = imalloc(graph->nvtxs, "InitKWayPartitioning: bestwhere");
      options[METIS_OPTION_NCUTS] = 2;

      ntrials = (ctrl->nIparts+1)/2;
      for (i=0; i<ntrials; i++) {
        status = METIS_PartGraphRecursive(&graph->nvtxs, &graph->ncon, 
                     graph->xadj, graph->adjncy, graph->vwgt, graph->vsize, 
                     graph->adjwgt, &ctrl->nparts, ctrl->tpwgts, ubvec, 
                     options, &curobj, graph->where);
        if (status != METIS_OK)
          gk_errexit(SIGERR, "Failed during initial partitioning\n");

        curobj = ComputeVolume(graph, graph->where);

        if (i == 0 || bestobj > curobj) {
          bestobj = curobj;
          if (i < ntrials-1)
            icopy(graph->nvtxs, graph->where, bestwhere);

        if (bestobj == 0)
      if (bestobj != curobj)
        icopy(graph->nvtxs, bestwhere, graph->where);


      gk_errexit(SIGERR, "Unknown objtype: %d\n", ctrl->objtype);

  gk_free((void **)&ubvec, &bestwhere, LTERM);

idx_t MlevelKWayPartitioning(ctrl_t *ctrl, graph_t *graph, idx_t *part)
  idx_t i, objval=0, curobj=0, bestobj=0;
  real_t curbal=0.0, bestbal=0.0;
  graph_t *cgraph;

  for (i=0; i<ctrl->ncuts; i++) {
    cgraph = CoarsenGraph(ctrl, graph);

    IFSET(ctrl->dbglvl, METIS_DBG_TIME, gk_startwctimer(ctrl->InitPartTmr));
    AllocateKWayPartitionMemory(ctrl, cgraph);

    /* Compute the initial partitioning */
    switch (ctrl->iptype) {
        FreeWorkSpace(ctrl); /* Release the work space, for the recursive metis call */
        InitKWayPartitioningRB(ctrl, cgraph);
        AllocateWorkSpace(ctrl, graph); /* Re-allocate the work space */

        AllocateRefinementWorkSpace(ctrl, 2*cgraph->nedges);
        InitKWayPartitioningGrow(ctrl, cgraph);

        gk_errexit(SIGERR, "Unknown iptype: %d\n", ctrl->iptype);

    IFSET(ctrl->dbglvl, METIS_DBG_TIME, gk_stopwctimer(ctrl->InitPartTmr));
    IFSET(ctrl->dbglvl, METIS_DBG_IPART, printf("Initial %"PRIDX \
          "-way partitioning cut: %"PRIDX"\n", ctrl->nparts, objval));

    RefineKWay(ctrl, graph, cgraph);

    switch (ctrl->objtype) {
        curobj = graph->mincut;

        curobj = graph->minvol;

        gk_errexit(SIGERR, "Unknown objtype: %d\n", ctrl->objtype);

    curbal = ComputeLoadImbalanceDiff(graph, ctrl->nparts, ctrl->pijbm, ctrl->ubfactors);

    if (i == 0 
        || (curbal <= 0.0005 && bestobj > curobj)
        || (bestbal > 0.0005 && curbal < bestbal)) {
      icopy(graph->nvtxs, graph->where, part);
      bestobj = curobj;
      bestbal = curbal;


    if (bestobj == 0)


  return bestobj;
Exemple #22
int METIS_NodeND(idx_t *nvtxs, idx_t *xadj, idx_t *adjncy, idx_t *vwgt,
          idx_t *options, idx_t *perm, idx_t *iperm) 
  int sigrval=0, renumber=0;
  idx_t i, ii, j, l, nnvtxs=0;
  graph_t *graph=NULL;
  ctrl_t *ctrl;
  idx_t *cptr, *cind, *piperm;
  int numflag = 0;

  /* set up malloc cleaning code and signal catchers */
  if (!gk_malloc_init()) 


  if ((sigrval = gk_sigcatch()) != 0) 
    goto SIGTHROW;

  /* set up the run time parameters */
  ctrl = SetupCtrl(METIS_OP_OMETIS, options, 1, 3, NULL, NULL);
  if (!ctrl) {

  /* if required, change the numbering to 0 */
  if (ctrl->numflag == 1) {
    Change2CNumbering(*nvtxs, xadj, adjncy);
    renumber = 1;

  IFSET(ctrl->dbglvl, METIS_DBG_TIME, InitTimers(ctrl));
  IFSET(ctrl->dbglvl, METIS_DBG_TIME, gk_startcputimer(ctrl->TotalTmr));

  /* prune the dense columns */
  if (ctrl->pfactor > 0.0) { 
    piperm = imalloc(*nvtxs, "OMETIS: piperm");

    graph = PruneGraph(ctrl, *nvtxs, xadj, adjncy, vwgt, piperm, ctrl->pfactor);
    if (graph == NULL) {
      /* if there was no prunning, cleanup the pfactor */
      gk_free((void **)&piperm, LTERM);
      ctrl->pfactor = 0.0;
    else {
      nnvtxs = graph->nvtxs;
      ctrl->compress = 0;  /* disable compression if prunning took place */

  /* compress the graph; note that compression only happens if not prunning 
     has taken place. */
  if (ctrl->compress) { 
    cptr = imalloc(*nvtxs+1, "OMETIS: cptr");
    cind = imalloc(*nvtxs, "OMETIS: cind");

    graph = CompressGraph(ctrl, *nvtxs, xadj, adjncy, vwgt, cptr, cind);
    if (graph == NULL) {
      /* if there was no compression, cleanup the compress flag */
      gk_free((void **)&cptr, &cind, LTERM);
      ctrl->compress = 0; 
    else {
      nnvtxs = graph->nvtxs;
      ctrl->cfactor = 1.0*(*nvtxs)/nnvtxs;
      if (ctrl->cfactor > 1.5 && ctrl->nseps == 1)
        ctrl->nseps = 2;
      //ctrl->nseps = (idx_t)(ctrl->cfactor*ctrl->nseps);

  /* if no prunning and no compression, setup the graph in the normal way. */
  if (ctrl->pfactor == 0.0 && ctrl->compress == 0) 
    graph = SetupGraph(ctrl, *nvtxs, 1, xadj, adjncy, vwgt, NULL, NULL);

  ASSERT(CheckGraph(graph, ctrl->numflag, 1));

  /* allocate workspace memory */
  AllocateWorkSpace(ctrl, graph);

  /* do the nested dissection ordering  */
  if (ctrl->ccorder) 
    MlevelNestedDissectionCC(ctrl, graph, iperm, graph->nvtxs);
    MlevelNestedDissection(ctrl, graph, iperm, graph->nvtxs);

  if (ctrl->pfactor > 0.0) { /* Order any prunned vertices */
    icopy(nnvtxs, iperm, perm);  /* Use perm as an auxiliary array */
    for (i=0; i<nnvtxs; i++)
      iperm[piperm[i]] = perm[i];
    for (i=nnvtxs; i<*nvtxs; i++)
      iperm[piperm[i]] = i;

    gk_free((void **)&piperm, LTERM);
  else if (ctrl->compress) { /* Uncompress the ordering */
    /* construct perm from iperm */
    for (i=0; i<nnvtxs; i++)
      perm[iperm[i]] = i; 
    for (l=ii=0; ii<nnvtxs; ii++) {
      i = perm[ii];
      for (j=cptr[i]; j<cptr[i+1]; j++)
        iperm[cind[j]] = l++;

    gk_free((void **)&cptr, &cind, LTERM);

  for (i=0; i<*nvtxs; i++)
    perm[iperm[i]] = i;

  IFSET(ctrl->dbglvl, METIS_DBG_TIME, gk_stopcputimer(ctrl->TotalTmr));
  IFSET(ctrl->dbglvl, METIS_DBG_TIME, PrintTimers(ctrl));

  /* clean up */

  /* if required, change the numbering back to 1 */
  if (renumber)
    Change2FNumberingOrder(*nvtxs, xadj, adjncy, perm, iperm);


  return metis_rcode(sigrval);
Exemple #23
bezout(GEN a, GEN b, GEN *pu, GEN *pv)
  GEN t,u,u1,v,v1,d,d1,q,r;
  GEN *pt;
  pari_sp av, av1;
  long s, sa, sb;
  ulong g;
  ulong xu,xu1,xv,xv1;                /* Lehmer stage recurrence matrix */
  int lhmres;                        /* Lehmer stage return value */

  s = abscmpii(a,b);
  if (s < 0)
    t=b; b=a; a=t;
    pt=pu; pu=pv; pv=pt;
  /* now |a| >= |b| */

  sa = signe(a); sb = signe(b);
  if (!sb)
    if (pv) *pv = gen_0;
    case  0: if (pu) *pu = gen_0; return gen_0;
    case  1: if (pu) *pu = gen_1; return icopy(a);
    case -1: if (pu) *pu = gen_m1; return(negi(a));
  if (s == 0)                        /* |a| == |b| != 0 */
    if (pu) *pu = gen_0;
    if (sb > 0)
    { if (pv) *pv = gen_1; return icopy(b); }
    { if (pv) *pv = gen_m1; return(negi(b)); }
  /* now |a| > |b| > 0 */

  if (lgefint(a) == 3)                /* single-word affair */
    g = xxgcduu(uel(a,2), uel(b,2), 0, &xu, &xu1, &xv, &xv1, &s);
    sa = s > 0 ? sa : -sa;
    sb = s > 0 ? -sb : sb;
    if (pu)
      if (xu == 0) *pu = gen_0; /* can happen when b divides a */
      else if (xu == 1) *pu = sa < 0 ? gen_m1 : gen_1;
      else if (xu == 2) *pu = sa < 0 ? gen_m2 : gen_2;
        *pu = cgeti(3);
        (*pu)[1] = evalsigne(sa)|evallgefint(3);
        (*pu)[2] = xu;
    if (pv)
      if (xv == 1) *pv = sb < 0 ? gen_m1 : gen_1;
      else if (xv == 2) *pv = sb < 0 ? gen_m2 : gen_2;
        *pv = cgeti(3);
        (*pv)[1] = evalsigne(sb)|evallgefint(3);
        (*pv)[2] = xv;
    if      (g == 1) return gen_1;
    else if (g == 2) return gen_2;
    else return utoipos(g);

  /* general case */
  av = avma;
  (void)new_chunk(lgefint(b) + (lgefint(a)<<1)); /* room for u,v,gcd */
  /* if a is significantly larger than b, calling lgcdii() is not the best
   * way to start -- reduce a mod b first
  if (lgefint(a) > lgefint(b))
    d = absi(b), q = dvmdii(absi(a), d, &d1);
    if (!signe(d1))                /* a == qb */
      avma = av;
      if (pu) *pu = gen_0;
      if (pv) *pv = sb < 0 ? gen_m1 : gen_1;
      return (icopy(d));
      u = gen_0;
      u1 = v = gen_1;
      v1 = negi(q);
    /* if this results in lgefint(d) == 3, will fall past main loop */
    d = absi(a); d1 = absi(b);
    u = v1 = gen_1; u1 = v = gen_0;
  av1 = avma;

  /* main loop is almost identical to that of invmod() */
  while (lgefint(d) > 3 && signe(d1))
    lhmres = lgcdii((ulong *)d, (ulong *)d1, &xu, &xu1, &xv, &xv1, ULONG_MAX);
    if (lhmres != 0)                /* check progress */
    {                                /* apply matrix */
      if ((lhmres == 1) || (lhmres == -1))
        if (xv1 == 1)
          r = subii(d,d1); d=d1; d1=r;
          a = subii(u,u1); u=u1; u1=a;
          a = subii(v,v1); v=v1; v1=a;
          r = subii(d, mului(xv1,d1)); d=d1; d1=r;
          a = subii(u, mului(xv1,u1)); u=u1; u1=a;
          a = subii(v, mului(xv1,v1)); v=v1; v1=a;
        r  = subii(muliu(d,xu),  muliu(d1,xv));
        d1 = subii(muliu(d,xu1), muliu(d1,xv1)); d = r;
        a  = subii(muliu(u,xu),  muliu(u1,xv));
        u1 = subii(muliu(u,xu1), muliu(u1,xv1)); u = a;
        a  = subii(muliu(v,xu),  muliu(v1,xv));
        v1 = subii(muliu(v,xu1), muliu(v1,xv1)); v = a;
        if (lhmres&1) { togglesign(d);  togglesign(u);  togglesign(v); }
        else          { togglesign(d1); togglesign(u1); togglesign(v1); }
    if (lhmres <= 0 && signe(d1))
      q = dvmdii(d,d1,&r);
      a = subii(u,mulii(q,u1));
      u=u1; u1=a;
      a = subii(v,mulii(q,v1));
      v=v1; v1=a;
      d=d1; d1=r;
    if (gc_needed(av,1))
      if(DEBUGMEM>1) pari_warn(warnmem,"bezout");
      gerepileall(av1,6, &d,&d1,&u,&u1,&v,&v1);
  } /* end while */

  /* Postprocessing - final sprint */
  if (signe(d1))
    /* Assertions: lgefint(d)==lgefint(d1)==3, and
     * gcd(d,d1) is nonzero and fits into one word
    g = xxgcduu(uel(d,2), uel(d1,2), 0, &xu, &xu1, &xv, &xv1, &s);
    u = subii(muliu(u,xu), muliu(u1, xv));
    v = subii(muliu(v,xu), muliu(v1, xv));
    if (s < 0) { sa = -sa; sb = -sb; }
    avma = av;
    if (pu) *pu = sa < 0 ? negi(u) : icopy(u);
    if (pv) *pv = sb < 0 ? negi(v) : icopy(v);
    if (g == 1) return gen_1;
    else if (g == 2) return gen_2;
    else return utoipos(g);
  /* get here when the final sprint was skipped (d1 was zero already).
   * Now the matrix is final, and d contains the gcd.
  avma = av;
  if (pu) *pu = sa < 0 ? negi(u) : icopy(u);
  if (pv) *pv = sb < 0 ? negi(v) : icopy(v);
  return icopy(d);
Exemple #24
void EliminateComponents(ctrl_t *ctrl, graph_t *graph) {
    idx_t i, ii, j, jj, k, me, nparts, nvtxs, ncon, ncmps, other,
        ncand, target;
    idx_t *xadj, *adjncy, *vwgt, *adjwgt, *where, *pwgts;
    idx_t *cptr, *cind, *cpvec, *pcptr, *pcind, *cwhere;
    idx_t cid, bestcid, *cwgt, *bestcwgt;
    idx_t ntodo, oldntodo, *todo;
    rkv_t *cand;
    real_t *tpwgts;
    idx_t *vmarker = NULL, *pmarker = NULL, *modind = NULL;  /* volume specific work arrays */


    nvtxs = graph->nvtxs;
    ncon = graph->ncon;
    xadj = graph->xadj;
    adjncy = graph->adjncy;
    vwgt = graph->vwgt;
    adjwgt = (ctrl->objtype == METIS_OBJTYPE_VOL ? NULL : graph->adjwgt);

    where = graph->where;
    pwgts = graph->pwgts;

    nparts = ctrl->nparts;
    tpwgts = ctrl->tpwgts;

    cptr = iwspacemalloc(ctrl, nvtxs + 1);
    cind = iwspacemalloc(ctrl, nvtxs);

    ncmps = FindPartitionInducedComponents(graph, where, cptr, cind);

          printf("I found %"PRIDX" components, for this %"PRIDX"-way partition\n",
                 ncmps, nparts));

    /* There are more components than partitions */
    if (ncmps > nparts) {
        cwgt = iwspacemalloc(ctrl, ncon);
        bestcwgt = iwspacemalloc(ctrl, ncon);
        cpvec = iwspacemalloc(ctrl, nparts);
        pcptr = iset(nparts + 1, 0, iwspacemalloc(ctrl, nparts + 1));
        pcind = iwspacemalloc(ctrl, ncmps);
        cwhere = iset(nvtxs, -1, iwspacemalloc(ctrl, nvtxs));
        todo = iwspacemalloc(ctrl, ncmps);
        cand = (rkv_t *) wspacemalloc(ctrl, nparts * sizeof(rkv_t));

        if (ctrl->objtype == METIS_OBJTYPE_VOL) {
            /* Vol-refinement specific working arrays */
            modind = iwspacemalloc(ctrl, nvtxs);
            vmarker = iset(nvtxs, 0, iwspacemalloc(ctrl, nvtxs));
            pmarker = iset(nparts, -1, iwspacemalloc(ctrl, nparts));

        /* Get a CSR representation of the components-2-partitions mapping */
        for (i = 0; i < ncmps; i++) {
        MAKECSR(i, nparts, pcptr);
        for (i = 0; i < ncmps; i++) {
            pcind[pcptr[where[cind[cptr[i]]]]++] = i;
        SHIFTCSR(i, nparts, pcptr);

        /* Assign the heaviest component of each partition to its original partition */
        for (ntodo = 0, i = 0; i < nparts; i++) {
            if (pcptr[i + 1] - pcptr[i] == 1) {
                bestcid = pcind[pcptr[i]];
            } else {
                for (bestcid = -1, j = pcptr[i]; j < pcptr[i + 1]; j++) {
                    cid = pcind[j];
                    iset(ncon, 0, cwgt);
                    for (ii = cptr[cid]; ii < cptr[cid + 1]; ii++) {
                        iaxpy(ncon, 1, vwgt + cind[ii] * ncon, 1, cwgt, 1);
                    if (bestcid == -1 || isum(ncon, bestcwgt, 1) < isum(ncon, cwgt, 1)) {
                        bestcid = cid;
                        icopy(ncon, cwgt, bestcwgt);
                /* Keep track of those that need to be dealt with */
                for (j = pcptr[i]; j < pcptr[i + 1]; j++) {
                    if (pcind[j] != bestcid) {
                        todo[ntodo++] = pcind[j];

            for (j = cptr[bestcid]; j < cptr[bestcid + 1]; j++) {
                ASSERT(where[cind[j]] == i);
                cwhere[cind[j]] = i;

        while (ntodo > 0) {
            oldntodo = ntodo;
            for (i = 0; i < ntodo; i++) {
                cid = todo[i];
                me = where[cind[cptr[cid]]];  /* Get the domain of this component */

                /* Determine the weight of the block to be moved */
                iset(ncon, 0, cwgt);
                for (j = cptr[cid]; j < cptr[cid + 1]; j++) {
                    iaxpy(ncon, 1, vwgt + cind[j] * ncon, 1, cwgt, 1);

                IFSET(ctrl->dbglvl, METIS_DBG_CONTIGINFO,
                      printf("Trying to move %"PRIDX" [%"PRIDX"] from %"PRIDX"\n",
                             cid, isum(ncon, cwgt, 1), me));

                /* Determine the connectivity */
                iset(nparts, 0, cpvec);
                for (j = cptr[cid]; j < cptr[cid + 1]; j++) {
                    ii = cind[j];
                    for (jj = xadj[ii]; jj < xadj[ii + 1]; jj++) {
                        if (cwhere[adjncy[jj]] != -1) {
                            cpvec[cwhere[adjncy[jj]]] += (adjwgt ? adjwgt[jj] : 1);

                /* Put the neighbors into a cand[] array for sorting */
                for (ncand = 0, j = 0; j < nparts; j++) {
                    if (cpvec[j] > 0) {
                        cand[ncand].key = cpvec[j];
                        cand[ncand++].val = j;
                if (ncand == 0) {

                rkvsortd(ncand, cand);

                /* Limit the moves to only the top candidates, which are defined as
                   those with connectivity at least 50% of the best.
                   This applies only when ncon=1, as for multi-constraint, balancing
                   will be hard. */
                if (ncon == 1) {
                    for (j = 1; j < ncand; j++) {
                        if (cand[j].key < .5 * cand[0].key) {
                    ncand = j;

                /* Now among those, select the one with the best balance */
                target = cand[0].val;
                for (j = 1; j < ncand; j++) {
                    if (BetterBalanceKWay(ncon, cwgt, ctrl->ubfactors,
                                          1, pwgts + target * ncon, ctrl->pijbm + target * ncon,
                                          1, pwgts + cand[j].val * ncon, ctrl->pijbm + cand[j].val * ncon)) {
                                              target = cand[j].val;

                IFSET(ctrl->dbglvl, METIS_DBG_CONTIGINFO,
                      printf("\tMoving it to %"PRIDX" [%"PRIDX"] [%"PRIDX"]\n", target, cpvec[target], ncand));

                /* Note that as a result of a previous movement, a connected component may
                   now will like to stay to its original partition */
                if (target != me) {
                    switch (ctrl->objtype) {
                        case METIS_OBJTYPE_CUT:MoveGroupContigForCut(ctrl, graph, target, cid, cptr, cind);

                        case METIS_OBJTYPE_VOL:
                            MoveGroupContigForVol(ctrl, graph, target, cid, cptr, cind,
                                                  vmarker, pmarker, modind);

                        default:gk_errexit(SIGERR, "Unknown objtype %d\n", ctrl->objtype);

                /* Update the cwhere vector */
                for (j = cptr[cid]; j < cptr[cid + 1]; j++) {
                    cwhere[cind[j]] = target;

                todo[i] = todo[--ntodo];
            if (oldntodo == ntodo) {
                IFSET(ctrl->dbglvl, METIS_DBG_CONTIGINFO, printf("Stopped at ntodo: %"PRIDX"\n", ntodo));

        for (i = 0; i < nvtxs; i++) {
            ASSERT(where[i] == cwhere[i]);


Exemple #25
* This function is the entry point of the parallel multilevel local diffusion
* algorithm. It uses parallel undirected diffusion followed by adaptive k-way 
* refinement. This function utilizes local coarsening.
int ParMETIS_V3_RefineKway(idx_t *vtxdist, idx_t *xadj, idx_t *adjncy, idx_t *vwgt, 
        idx_t *adjwgt, idx_t *wgtflag, idx_t *numflag, idx_t *ncon, idx_t *nparts, 
        real_t *tpwgts, real_t *ubvec, idx_t *options, idx_t *edgecut, idx_t *part, 
        MPI_Comm *comm)
  idx_t npes, mype, status;
  ctrl_t *ctrl=NULL;
  graph_t *graph=NULL;
  size_t curmem;

  /* Check the input parameters and return if an error */
  status = CheckInputsPartKway(vtxdist, xadj, adjncy, vwgt, adjwgt, wgtflag, 
               numflag, ncon, nparts, tpwgts, ubvec, options, edgecut, part, comm);
  if (GlobalSEMinComm(*comm, status) == 0) 
    return METIS_ERROR;

  status = METIS_OK;
  curmem = gk_GetCurMemoryUsed();

  /* Setup ctrl */
  ctrl = SetupCtrl(PARMETIS_OP_RMETIS, options, *ncon, *nparts, tpwgts, ubvec, *comm);
  npes = ctrl->npes;
  mype = ctrl->mype;

  /* Take care the nparts == 1 case */
  if (*nparts == 1) {
    iset(vtxdist[mype+1]-vtxdist[mype], (*numflag == 0 ? 0 : 1), part); 
    *edgecut = 0;
    goto DONE;

  /* setup the graph */
  if (*numflag > 0) 
    ChangeNumbering(vtxdist, xadj, adjncy, part, npes, mype, 1);

  graph = SetupGraph(ctrl, *ncon, vtxdist, xadj, vwgt, NULL, adjncy, adjwgt, *wgtflag);

  if (ctrl->ps_relation == PARMETIS_PSR_COUPLED)
    iset(graph->nvtxs, mype, graph->home);
    icopy(graph->nvtxs, part, graph->home);

  /* Allocate workspace */
  AllocateWSpace(ctrl, 10*graph->nvtxs);

  /* Partition and Remap */
  STARTTIMER(ctrl, ctrl->TotalTmr);

  ctrl->CoarsenTo = gk_min(vtxdist[npes]+1, 50*(*ncon)*gk_max(npes, *nparts));

  Adaptive_Partition(ctrl, graph);
  ParallelReMapGraph(ctrl, graph);

  icopy(graph->nvtxs, graph->where, part);
  *edgecut = graph->mincut;

  STOPTIMER(ctrl, ctrl->TotalTmr);

  /* Take care of output */
  IFSET(ctrl->dbglvl, DBG_TIME, PrintTimingInfo(ctrl));
  IFSET(ctrl->dbglvl, DBG_TIME, gkMPI_Barrier(ctrl->gcomm));
  IFSET(ctrl->dbglvl, DBG_INFO, PrintPostPartInfo(ctrl, graph, 1));


  if (*numflag > 0)
    ChangeNumbering(vtxdist, xadj, adjncy, part, npes, mype, 0);

  if (gk_GetCurMemoryUsed() - curmem > 0) {
    printf("ParMETIS appears to have a memory leak of %zdbytes. Report this.\n",
        (ssize_t)(gk_GetCurMemoryUsed() - curmem));

  return (int)status;
Exemple #26
void ImageHandler::paintBlackStone (QImage &bi, int d, int stone_render) 
	const double pixel=0.8;//,shadow=0.99;

	bool Alias=true;
	// these are the images
	int i, j, g,g1,g2, k;
	double di, dj, d2=(double)d/2.0-5e-1, r=d2-2e-1, f=sqrt(3.0);
	double x, y, z, xr,xr1, xr2, xg1,xg2,hh;
	bool smallerstones = false;
	if (smallerstones) r-=1;
	for (i=0; i<d; i++)
		for (j=0; j<d; j++) {
			di=i-d2; dj=j-d2;
			if (hh>=0) 
				if (stone_render !=1)
					if (z>0) z=sqrt(z)*f;
					else z=0;
					x=di; y=dj;
					if (xr1>0.9) xg1=(xr1-0.9)*10;
					else xg1=0;
					//if (xr2>1) xg2=(xr2-1)*10;
					if (xr2>0.96) xg2=(xr2-0.96)*10;
					else xg2=0;
					//random = drand48();
					g1=(int)(5+10*drand48() + 10*xr1 + xg1*140);
					g2=(int)(10+10* xr2+xg2*160);
					g=(g1 > g2 ? g1 : g2);
					//g=(int)1/ (1/g1 + 1/g2);
					if (hh>pixel || !Alias) {
					else {			

				else //code for flat stones
			else painting_buffer[k]=0;
		// now copy the result in QImages
		icopy(painting_buffer, bi, d, d);
Exemple #27
* This function is the entry point of the initial partition algorithm
* that does recursive bissection.
* This algorithm assembles the graph to all the processors and preceeds
* by parallelizing the recursive bisection step.
void InitPartition(ctrl_t *ctrl, graph_t *graph)
  idx_t i, j, ncon, mype, npes, gnvtxs, ngroups;
  idx_t *xadj, *adjncy, *adjwgt, *vwgt;
  idx_t *part, *gwhere0, *gwhere1;
  idx_t *tmpwhere, *tmpvwgt, *tmpxadj, *tmpadjncy, *tmpadjwgt;
  graph_t *agraph;
  idx_t lnparts, fpart, fpe, lnpes; 
  idx_t twoparts=2, moptions[METIS_NOPTIONS], edgecut, max_cut;
  real_t *tpwgts, *tpwgts2, *lbvec, lbsum, min_lbsum, wsum;
  MPI_Comm ipcomm;
  struct {
    double sum;
    int rank;
  } lpesum, gpesum;


  ncon = graph->ncon;

  ngroups = gk_max(gk_min(RIP_SPLIT_FACTOR, ctrl->npes), 1);

  IFSET(ctrl->dbglvl, DBG_TIME, gkMPI_Barrier(ctrl->comm));
  IFSET(ctrl->dbglvl, DBG_TIME, starttimer(ctrl->InitPartTmr));

  lbvec = rwspacemalloc(ctrl, ncon);

  /* assemble the graph to all the processors */
  agraph = AssembleAdaptiveGraph(ctrl, graph);
  gnvtxs = agraph->nvtxs;

  /* make a copy of the graph's structure for later */
  xadj   = icopy(gnvtxs+1, agraph->xadj, iwspacemalloc(ctrl, gnvtxs+1));
  vwgt   = icopy(gnvtxs*ncon, agraph->vwgt, iwspacemalloc(ctrl, gnvtxs*ncon));
  adjncy = icopy(agraph->nedges, agraph->adjncy, iwspacemalloc(ctrl, agraph->nedges));
  adjwgt = icopy(agraph->nedges, agraph->adjwgt, iwspacemalloc(ctrl, agraph->nedges));
  part   = iwspacemalloc(ctrl, gnvtxs);

  /* create different processor groups */
  gkMPI_Comm_split(ctrl->gcomm, ctrl->mype % ngroups, 0, &ipcomm);
  gkMPI_Comm_rank(ipcomm, &mype);
  gkMPI_Comm_size(ipcomm, &npes);

  /* Go into the recursive bisection */
  moptions[METIS_OPTION_SEED] = ctrl->sync + (ctrl->mype % ngroups) + 1;

  tpwgts  = ctrl->tpwgts;
  tpwgts2 = rwspacemalloc(ctrl, 2*ncon);

  lnparts = ctrl->nparts;
  fpart = fpe = 0;
  lnpes = npes;
  while (lnpes > 1 && lnparts > 1) {
    /* determine the weights of the two partitions as a function of the 
       weight of the target partition weights */
    for (j=(lnparts>>1), i=0; i<ncon; i++) {
      tpwgts2[i]      = rsum(j, tpwgts+fpart*ncon+i, ncon);
      tpwgts2[ncon+i] = rsum(lnparts-j, tpwgts+(fpart+j)*ncon+i, ncon);
      wsum            = 1.0/(tpwgts2[i] + tpwgts2[ncon+i]);
      tpwgts2[i]      *= wsum;
      tpwgts2[ncon+i] *= wsum;

    METIS_PartGraphRecursive(&agraph->nvtxs, &ncon, agraph->xadj, agraph->adjncy, 
          agraph->vwgt, NULL, agraph->adjwgt, &twoparts, tpwgts2, NULL, moptions, 
          &edgecut, part);

    /* pick one of the branches */
    if (mype < fpe+lnpes/2) {
      KeepPart(ctrl, agraph, part, 0);
      lnpes   = lnpes/2;
      lnparts = lnparts/2;
    else {
      KeepPart(ctrl, agraph, part, 1);
      fpart   = fpart + lnparts/2;
      fpe     = fpe + lnpes/2;
      lnpes   = lnpes - lnpes/2;
      lnparts = lnparts - lnparts/2;

  gwhere0 = iset(gnvtxs, 0, iwspacemalloc(ctrl, gnvtxs));
  gwhere1 = iwspacemalloc(ctrl, gnvtxs);

  if (lnparts == 1) { /* Case npes is greater than or equal to nparts */
    /* Only the first process will assign labels (for the reduction to work) */
    if (mype == fpe) {
      for (i=0; i<agraph->nvtxs; i++) 
        gwhere0[agraph->label[i]] = fpart;
  else { /* Case in which npes is smaller than nparts */
    /* create the normalized tpwgts for the lnparts from ctrl->tpwgts */
    tpwgts = rwspacemalloc(ctrl, lnparts*ncon);
    for (j=0; j<ncon; j++) {
      for (wsum=0.0, i=0; i<lnparts; i++) {
        tpwgts[i*ncon+j] = ctrl->tpwgts[(fpart+i)*ncon+j];
        wsum += tpwgts[i*ncon+j];
      for (wsum=1.0/wsum, i=0; i<lnparts; i++) 
        tpwgts[i*ncon+j] *= wsum;

    METIS_PartGraphKway(&agraph->nvtxs, &ncon, agraph->xadj, agraph->adjncy, 
          agraph->vwgt, NULL, agraph->adjwgt, &lnparts, tpwgts, NULL, moptions, 
          &edgecut, part);

    for (i=0; i<agraph->nvtxs; i++) 
      gwhere0[agraph->label[i]] = fpart + part[i];

  gkMPI_Allreduce((void *)gwhere0, (void *)gwhere1, gnvtxs, IDX_T, MPI_SUM, ipcomm);

  if (ngroups > 1) {
    tmpxadj   = agraph->xadj;
    tmpadjncy = agraph->adjncy;
    tmpadjwgt = agraph->adjwgt;
    tmpvwgt   = agraph->vwgt;
    tmpwhere  = agraph->where;

    agraph->xadj   = xadj;
    agraph->adjncy = adjncy;
    agraph->adjwgt = adjwgt;
    agraph->vwgt   = vwgt;
    agraph->where  = gwhere1;
    agraph->vwgt   = vwgt;
    agraph->nvtxs  = gnvtxs;

    edgecut = ComputeSerialEdgeCut(agraph);
    ComputeSerialBalance(ctrl, agraph, gwhere1, lbvec);
    lbsum = rsum(ncon, lbvec, 1);

    gkMPI_Allreduce((void *)&edgecut, (void *)&max_cut,   1, IDX_T,  MPI_MAX, ctrl->gcomm);
    gkMPI_Allreduce((void *)&lbsum,   (void *)&min_lbsum, 1, REAL_T, MPI_MIN, ctrl->gcomm);

    lpesum.sum = lbsum;
    if (min_lbsum < UNBALANCE_FRACTION*ncon) {
      if (lbsum < UNBALANCE_FRACTION*ncon)
        lpesum.sum = edgecut;
        lpesum.sum = max_cut;
    lpesum.rank = ctrl->mype;
    gkMPI_Allreduce((void *)&lpesum, (void *)&gpesum, 1, MPI_DOUBLE_INT,
        MPI_MINLOC, ctrl->gcomm);
    gkMPI_Bcast((void *)gwhere1, gnvtxs, IDX_T, gpesum.rank, ctrl->gcomm);

    agraph->xadj   = tmpxadj;
    agraph->adjncy = tmpadjncy;
    agraph->adjwgt = tmpadjwgt;
    agraph->vwgt   = tmpvwgt;
    agraph->where  = tmpwhere;

  icopy(graph->nvtxs, gwhere1+graph->vtxdist[ctrl->mype], graph->where);


  IFSET(ctrl->dbglvl, DBG_TIME, gkMPI_Barrier(ctrl->comm));
  IFSET(ctrl->dbglvl, DBG_TIME, stoptimer(ctrl->InitPartTmr));

Exemple #28
void TestParMetis_GPart(char *filename, char *xyzfile, MPI_Comm comm)
  idx_t ncon, nparts, npes, mype, opt2, realcut;
  graph_t graph, mgraph;
  idx_t *part, *mpart, *savepart, *order, *sizes;
  idx_t numflag=0, wgtflag=0, options[10], edgecut, ndims;
  real_t ipc2redist, *xyz=NULL, *tpwgts = NULL, ubvec[MAXNCON];

  gkMPI_Comm_size(comm, &npes);
  gkMPI_Comm_rank(comm, &mype);

  ParallelReadGraph(&graph, filename, comm);
  if (xyzfile)
    xyz = ReadTestCoordinates(&graph, xyzfile, &ndims, comm);

  part   = imalloc(graph.nvtxs, "TestParMetis_V3: part");
  tpwgts = rmalloc(MAXNCON*npes*2, "TestParMetis_V3: tpwgts");
  rset(MAXNCON, 1.05, ubvec);

  graph.vwgt = ismalloc(graph.nvtxs*5, 1, "TestParMetis_GPart: vwgt");

  / ParMETIS_V3_PartKway
  options[0] = 1;
  options[1] = 3;
  options[2] = 1;
  wgtflag = 2;
  numflag = 0;
  edgecut = 0;

  for (nparts=2*npes; nparts>=npes/2 && nparts > 0; nparts = nparts/2) {
    for (ncon=1; ncon<=NCON; ncon++) {
      if (ncon > 1 && nparts > 1)
        Mc_AdaptGraph(&graph, part, ncon, nparts, comm);
        iset(graph.nvtxs, 1, graph.vwgt);

      if (mype == 0)
        printf("\nTesting ParMETIS_V3_PartKway with ncon: %"PRIDX", nparts: %"PRIDX"\n", ncon, nparts);

      rset(nparts*ncon, 1.0/(real_t)nparts, tpwgts);
      ParMETIS_V3_PartKway(graph.vtxdist, graph.xadj, graph.adjncy, graph.vwgt, 
          NULL, &wgtflag, &numflag, &ncon, &nparts, tpwgts, ubvec, options, 
          &edgecut, part, &comm);

      realcut = ComputeRealCut(graph.vtxdist, part, filename, comm);
      if (mype == 0) {
        printf("ParMETIS_V3_PartKway reported a cut of %"PRIDX" [%s:%"PRIDX"]\n", edgecut,
            (edgecut == realcut ? "OK" : "ERROR"), realcut);

      if (mype == 0)
        printf("\nTesting ParMETIS_V3_RefineKway with ncon: %"PRIDX", nparts: %"PRIDX"\n", ncon, nparts);

      options[3] = PARMETIS_PSR_UNCOUPLED;
      ParMETIS_V3_RefineKway(graph.vtxdist, graph.xadj, graph.adjncy, graph.vwgt, 
          NULL, &wgtflag, &numflag, &ncon, &nparts, tpwgts, ubvec, options, 
          &edgecut, part, &comm);

      realcut = ComputeRealCut(graph.vtxdist, part, filename, comm);
      if (mype == 0) {
        printf("ParMETIS_V3_RefineKway reported a cut of %"PRIDX" [%s:%"PRIDX"]\n", edgecut,
            (edgecut == realcut ? "OK" : "ERROR"), realcut);

  / ParMETIS_V3_PartGeomKway 
  if (xyzfile != NULL) {
    options[0] = 1;
    options[1] = 3;
    options[2] = 1;
    wgtflag = 2;
    numflag = 0;

    for (nparts=2*npes; nparts>=npes/2 && nparts > 0; nparts = nparts/2) {
      for (ncon=1; ncon<=NCON; ncon++) {
        if (ncon > 1)
          Mc_AdaptGraph(&graph, part, ncon, nparts, comm);
          iset(graph.nvtxs, 1, graph.vwgt);
        if (mype == 0)
          printf("\nTesting ParMETIS_V3_PartGeomKway with ncon: %"PRIDX", nparts: %"PRIDX"\n", ncon, nparts);
        rset(nparts*ncon, 1.0/(real_t)nparts, tpwgts);
        ParMETIS_V3_PartGeomKway(graph.vtxdist, graph.xadj, graph.adjncy, graph.vwgt, 
            NULL, &wgtflag, &numflag, &ndims, xyz, &ncon, &nparts, tpwgts, ubvec, 
            options, &edgecut, part, &comm);
        realcut = ComputeRealCut(graph.vtxdist, part, filename, comm);
        if (mype == 0) 
          printf("ParMETIS_V3_PartGeomKway reported a cut of %"PRIDX" [%s:%"PRIDX"]\n", edgecut,
              (edgecut == realcut ? "OK" : "ERROR"), realcut);

  / ParMETIS_V3_PartGeom 
  if (xyz != NULL) {
    wgtflag = 0;
    numflag = 0;
    if (mype == 0)
      printf("\nTesting ParMETIS_V3_PartGeom\n");

      ParMETIS_V3_PartGeom(graph.vtxdist, &ndims, xyz, part, &comm); 

    realcut = ComputeRealCut(graph.vtxdist, part, filename, comm);
    if (mype == 0) 
      printf("ParMETIS_V3_PartGeom reported a cut of %"PRIDX"\n", realcut);

  / Coupled ParMETIS_V3_RefineKway 
  options[0] = 1;
  options[1] = 3;
  options[2] = 1;
  options[3] = PARMETIS_PSR_COUPLED;
  nparts = npes;
  wgtflag = 0;
  numflag = 0;
  ncon = 1;
  rset(nparts*ncon, 1.0/(real_t)nparts, tpwgts);

  if (mype == 0)
    printf("\nTesting coupled ParMETIS_V3_RefineKway with default options (before move)\n");

  ParMETIS_V3_RefineKway(graph.vtxdist, graph.xadj, graph.adjncy, NULL, NULL, 
      &wgtflag, &numflag, &ncon, &nparts, tpwgts, ubvec, options, &edgecut, 
      part, &comm);

  /* Compute a good partition and move the graph. Do so quietly! */
  options[0] = 0;
  nparts = npes;
  wgtflag = 0;
  numflag = 0;
  ncon = 1;
  rset(nparts*ncon, 1.0/(real_t)nparts, tpwgts);
  ParMETIS_V3_PartKway(graph.vtxdist, graph.xadj, graph.adjncy, NULL, NULL, 
      &wgtflag, &numflag, &ncon, &npes, tpwgts, ubvec, options, &edgecut, 
      part, &comm);
  TestMoveGraph(&graph, &mgraph, part, comm);
  gk_free((void **)&(graph.vwgt), LTERM);
  mpart    = ismalloc(mgraph.nvtxs, mype, "TestParMetis_V3: mpart");
  savepart = imalloc(mgraph.nvtxs, "TestParMetis_V3: savepart");

  / Coupled ParMETIS_V3_RefineKway 
  options[0] = 1;
  options[1] = 3;
  options[2] = 1;
  options[3] = PARMETIS_PSR_COUPLED;
  nparts  = npes;
  wgtflag = 0;
  numflag = 0;

  for (ncon=1; ncon<=NCON; ncon++) {
    if (mype == 0)
      printf("\nTesting coupled ParMETIS_V3_RefineKway with ncon: %"PRIDX", nparts: %"PRIDX"\n", ncon, nparts);

    rset(nparts*ncon, 1.0/(real_t)nparts, tpwgts);
      ParMETIS_V3_RefineKway(mgraph.vtxdist, mgraph.xadj, mgraph.adjncy, NULL, NULL, 
          &wgtflag, &numflag, &ncon, &nparts, tpwgts, ubvec, options, &edgecut, 
          mpart, &comm);

    realcut = ComputeRealCutFromMoved(graph.vtxdist, mgraph.vtxdist, part, mpart, 
                  filename, comm);
    if (mype == 0) 
      printf("ParMETIS_V3_RefineKway reported a cut of %"PRIDX" [%s:%"PRIDX"]\n", edgecut,
          (edgecut == realcut ? "OK" : "ERROR"), realcut);

  / ParMETIS_V3_AdaptiveRepart
  mgraph.vwgt  = ismalloc(mgraph.nvtxs*NCON, 1, "TestParMetis_V3: mgraph.vwgt");
  mgraph.vsize = ismalloc(mgraph.nvtxs, 1, "TestParMetis_V3: mgraph.vsize");
  AdaptGraph(&mgraph, 4, comm); 
  options[0] = 1;
  options[1] = 7;
  options[2] = 1;
  options[3] = PARMETIS_PSR_COUPLED;
  wgtflag = 2;
  numflag = 0;

  for (nparts=2*npes; nparts>=npes/2; nparts = nparts/2) {
    options[0] = 0;
    ncon    = 1;
    wgtflag = 0;
    rset(nparts*ncon, 1.0/(real_t)nparts, tpwgts);
    ParMETIS_V3_PartKway(mgraph.vtxdist, mgraph.xadj, mgraph.adjncy, NULL, NULL, 
        &wgtflag, &numflag, &ncon, &nparts, tpwgts, ubvec, options, &edgecut, 
        savepart, &comm);

    options[0] = 1;
    wgtflag    = 2;

    for (ncon=1; ncon<=NCON; ncon++) {
      rset(nparts*ncon, 1.0/(real_t)nparts, tpwgts);

      if (ncon > 1)
        Mc_AdaptGraph(&mgraph, savepart, ncon, nparts, comm);
        AdaptGraph(&mgraph, 4, comm); 

      for (ipc2redist=1000.0; ipc2redist>=0.001; ipc2redist/=1000.0) {
        icopy(mgraph.nvtxs, savepart, mpart);

        if (mype == 0)
          printf("\nTesting ParMETIS_V3_AdaptiveRepart with ipc2redist: %.3"PRREAL", ncon: %"PRIDX", nparts: %"PRIDX"\n", 
              ipc2redist, ncon, nparts);

        ParMETIS_V3_AdaptiveRepart(mgraph.vtxdist, mgraph.xadj, mgraph.adjncy, 
            mgraph.vwgt, mgraph.vsize, NULL, &wgtflag, &numflag, &ncon, &nparts, 
            tpwgts, ubvec, &ipc2redist, options, &edgecut, mpart, &comm);

        realcut = ComputeRealCutFromMoved(graph.vtxdist, mgraph.vtxdist, part, mpart, 
                      filename, comm);
        if (mype == 0) 
          printf("ParMETIS_V3_AdaptiveRepart reported a cut of %"PRIDX" [%s:%"PRIDX"]\n", edgecut,
              (edgecut == realcut ? "OK" : "ERROR"), realcut);

  gk_free((void **)&tpwgts, &part, &mpart, &savepart, &xyz, &mgraph.vwgt, &mgraph.vsize, LTERM);
void ProjectKWayPartition(ctrl_t *ctrl, graph_t *graph)
  idx_t i, j, k, nvtxs, nbnd, nparts, me, other, istart, iend, tid, ted;
  idx_t *xadj, *adjncy, *adjwgt;
  idx_t *cmap, *where, *bndptr, *bndind, *cwhere, *htable;
  graph_t *cgraph;


  nparts = ctrl->nparts;

  cgraph = graph->coarser;
  cwhere = cgraph->where;

  nvtxs   = graph->nvtxs;
  cmap    = graph->cmap;
  xadj    = graph->xadj;
  adjncy  = graph->adjncy;
  adjwgt  = graph->adjwgt;

  AllocateKWayPartitionMemory(ctrl, graph);

  where  = graph->where;
  bndind = graph->bndind;
  bndptr = iset(nvtxs, -1, graph->bndptr);

  htable = iset(nparts, -1, iwspacemalloc(ctrl, nparts));

  /* Compute the required info for refinement */
  switch (ctrl->objtype) {
        ckrinfo_t *myrinfo;
        cnbr_t *mynbrs;

        /* go through and project partition and compute id/ed for the nodes */
        for (i=0; i<nvtxs; i++) {
          k        = cmap[i];
          where[i] = cwhere[k];
          cmap[i]  = cgraph->ckrinfo[k].ed;  /* For optimization */

        memset(graph->ckrinfo, 0, sizeof(ckrinfo_t)*nvtxs);

        for (nbnd=0, i=0; i<nvtxs; i++) {
          istart = xadj[i];
          iend   = xadj[i+1];

          myrinfo = graph->ckrinfo+i;

          if (cmap[i] == 0) { /* Interior node. Note that cmap[i] = crinfo[cmap[i]].ed */
            for (tid=0, j=istart; j<iend; j++) 
              tid += adjwgt[j];

            myrinfo->id   = tid;
            myrinfo->inbr = -1;
          else { /* Potentially an interface node */
            myrinfo->inbr = cnbrpoolGetNext(ctrl, iend-istart+1);
            mynbrs        = ctrl->cnbrpool + myrinfo->inbr;

            me = where[i];
            for (tid=0, ted=0, j=istart; j<iend; j++) {
              other = where[adjncy[j]];
              if (me == other) {
                tid += adjwgt[j];
              else {
                ted += adjwgt[j];
                if ((k = htable[other]) == -1) {
                  htable[other]               = myrinfo->nnbrs;
                  mynbrs[myrinfo->nnbrs].pid  = other;
                  mynbrs[myrinfo->nnbrs++].ed = adjwgt[j];
                else {
                  mynbrs[k].ed += adjwgt[j];
            myrinfo->id = tid;
            myrinfo->ed = ted;
            /* Remove space for edegrees if it was interior */
            if (ted == 0) { 
              ctrl->nbrpoolcpos -= iend-istart+1;
              myrinfo->inbr      = -1;
            else {
              if (ted-tid >= 0) 
                BNDInsert(nbnd, bndind, bndptr, i); 
              for (j=0; j<myrinfo->nnbrs; j++)
                htable[mynbrs[j].pid] = -1;
        graph->nbnd = nbnd;


        vkrinfo_t *myrinfo;
        vnbr_t *mynbrs;

        ASSERT(cgraph->minvol == ComputeVolume(cgraph, cgraph->where));

        /* go through and project partition and compute id/ed for the nodes */
        for (i=0; i<nvtxs; i++) {
          k        = cmap[i];
          where[i] = cwhere[k];
          cmap[i]  = cgraph->vkrinfo[k].ned;  /* For optimization */

        memset(graph->vkrinfo, 0, sizeof(vkrinfo_t)*nvtxs);

        for (i=0; i<nvtxs; i++) {
          istart = xadj[i];
          iend   = xadj[i+1];
          myrinfo = graph->vkrinfo+i;

          if (cmap[i] == 0) { /* Note that cmap[i] = crinfo[cmap[i]].ed */
            myrinfo->nid  = iend-istart;
            myrinfo->inbr = -1;
          else { /* Potentially an interface node */
            myrinfo->inbr = vnbrpoolGetNext(ctrl, iend-istart+1);
            mynbrs        = ctrl->vnbrpool + myrinfo->inbr;

            me = where[i];
            for (tid=0, ted=0, j=istart; j<iend; j++) {
              other = where[adjncy[j]];
              if (me == other) {
              else {
                if ((k = htable[other]) == -1) {
                  htable[other]                = myrinfo->nnbrs;
                  mynbrs[myrinfo->nnbrs].gv    = 0;
                  mynbrs[myrinfo->nnbrs].pid   = other;
                  mynbrs[myrinfo->nnbrs++].ned = 1;
                else {
            myrinfo->nid = tid;
            myrinfo->ned = ted;
            /* Remove space for edegrees if it was interior */
            if (ted == 0) { 
              ctrl->nbrpoolcpos -= iend-istart+1;
              myrinfo->inbr = -1;
            else {
              for (j=0; j<myrinfo->nnbrs; j++)
                htable[mynbrs[j].pid] = -1;
        ComputeKWayVolGains(ctrl, graph);

        ASSERT(graph->minvol == ComputeVolume(graph, graph->where));

      gk_errexit(SIGERR, "Unknown objtype of %d\n", ctrl->objtype);

  graph->mincut = cgraph->mincut;
  icopy(nparts*graph->ncon, cgraph->pwgts, graph->pwgts);

  graph->coarser = NULL;

Exemple #30
// shaded white stones
void ImageHandler::paintWhiteStone (QImage &wi, int d, int stone_render)//bool stripes ) {
	WhiteDesc desc;
	decideAppearance(&desc, d);

	// the angle from which the dim starts (measured to the light direction = pi/4)
	// alpha should be in (0, pi)
	const double ALPHA = M_PI/4;
	// how big the dim is (should be < d/2)
	const double STRIPE = d/5.0;

	double theta;
	const double pixel=0.8;//, shadow=0.99;

	bool Alias=true;
	// these are the images
	int i, j, g, g1,g2,k;
	double di, dj, d2=(double)d/2.0-5e-1, r=d2-2e-1, f=sqrt(3.0);
	double x, y, z, xr, xr1, xr2, xg1,xg2, hh;
	bool smallerstones = false;
	if (smallerstones) r-=1;

	for (i=0; i<d; i++)
		for (j=0; j<d; j++) {
			di=i-d2; dj=j-d2;
			if (hh>=0) 
				if (stone_render != 1)
					if (z>0) z=sqrt(z)*f;
					else z=0;
					x=di; y=dj;
//#define WHITE_SHINE_START			0.9
//#define WHITE_SHINE_END			0.92
#define WHITE_SHINE_START			0.9795
#define WHITE_SHINE_END				0.98
					if (xr1>WHITE_SHINE_START) xg1=(xr1-WHITE_SHINE_START)*10;
					else xg1=0;

					if (xr2>WHITE_SHINE_END) xg2=(xr2-WHITE_SHINE_END)*10;
					else xg2=0;
//#define WHITENESS					200
#define WHITENESS					235
//#define WHITENESS_SHINE			10
#define WHITENESS_SHINE				5
					g2=(int)(WHITENESS+WHITENESS_SHINE* xr2+xg2*45);
				//g=(g1 > g2 ? g1 : g2);
					theta = atan2(double(j-d/2), double(i-d/2)) + M_PI - M_PI/4 + M_PI/2;
					bool stripeband = theta > ALPHA && theta < 2*M_PI-ALPHA;

					if (theta > M_PI) 
					theta = (2*M_PI-theta);

					double stripe = STRIPE*sin((M_PI/2)*(theta-ALPHA)/(M_PI-ALPHA));
					if (stripe < 1) stripe = 1;
					double g1min=(int)(0+WHITENESS_SHINE*xr1+xg1*45), g2min=(int)(0+WHITENESS_SHINE*xr2+xg2*45);
					double g1max=(int)(WHITENESS+WHITENESS_SHINE*xr1+xg1*45), g2max=(int)(WHITENESS+WHITENESS_SHINE* xr2+xg2*45);;
					g1min = g1max - (g1max-g1min)*(1-exp(-1*(theta-ALPHA)/(M_PI-ALPHA)));
					g2min = g2max - (g2max-g2min)*(1-exp(-1*(theta-ALPHA)/(M_PI-ALPHA)));
					if ((hh < STRIPE) && hh > pixel && stripeband) 
						if (hh > stripe) g1 = (int)g1max;
						else g1 = int(g1min + (g1max-g1min)*sqrt(hh/stripe));
						if (hh > stripe) g2 = (int)g2max;
						else g2 = int(g2min + (g2max-g2min)*sqrt(hh/stripe));
						g=(g1 > g2 ? g1 : g2);
						if (stone_render == 0) //stripes)
							g = (int)getStripe(desc, g, xr1/7.0, i, j);
					else if (( hh > pixel ) || (!Alias) )
						g=(int)(g1max > g2max ? g1max : g2max);
						if (stone_render == 0)//stripes)
							g = (int)getStripe(desc, g, xr1/7.0, i, j);
					else {
						g1=(int)(stripeband ? g1min : g1max);
						g2=(int)(stripeband ? g2min : g2max);
						g=(g1 > g2 ? g1 : g2);
						if (stone_render == 0)//stripes)
							g = (int)getStripe(desc, g, xr1/7.0, i, j);
				else // Code for flat stones
					// draws a black circle for 2D stones
					if ((hh>=-1)&&(hh<=1))
					else if (hh>0)
			else painting_buffer[k]=0;

	// now copy the result in QImages
	icopy(painting_buffer, wi, d, d);