DispBeamColumn2d::recvSelf(int commitTag, Channel &theChannel,
			   FEM_ObjectBroker &theBroker)
  // receive the integer data containing tag, numSections and coord transformation info
  int dbTag = this->getDbTag();
  int i;
  static Vector data(14);

  if (theChannel.recvVector(dbTag, commitTag, data) < 0)  {
    opserr << "DispBeamColumn2d::recvSelf() - failed to recv data Vector\n";
    return -1;

  connectedExternalNodes(0) = (int)data(1);
  connectedExternalNodes(1) = (int)data(2);
  int nSect = (int)data(3);
  int crdTransfClassTag = (int)data(4);
  int crdTransfDbTag = (int)data(5);

  int beamIntClassTag = (int)data(6);
  int beamIntDbTag = (int)data(7);
  rho = data(8);
  cMass = (int)data(9);
  alphaM = data(10);
  betaK = data(11);
  betaK0 = data(12);
  betaKc = data(13);
  // create a new crdTransf object if one needed
  if (crdTransf == 0 || crdTransf->getClassTag() != crdTransfClassTag) {
      if (crdTransf != 0)
	  delete crdTransf;

      crdTransf = theBroker.getNewCrdTransf(crdTransfClassTag);

      if (crdTransf == 0) {
	opserr << "DispBeamColumn2d::recvSelf() - failed to obtain a CrdTrans object with classTag " <<
	  crdTransfClassTag << endln;
	  return -2;	  

  // invoke recvSelf on the crdTransf object
  if (crdTransf->recvSelf(commitTag, theChannel, theBroker) < 0) {
    opserr << "DispBeamColumn2d::sendSelf() - failed to recv crdTranf\n";
    return -3;

  // create a new beamInt object if one needed
  if (beamInt == 0 || beamInt->getClassTag() != beamIntClassTag) {
      if (beamInt != 0)
	  delete beamInt;

      beamInt = theBroker.getNewBeamIntegration(beamIntClassTag);

      if (beamInt == 0) {
	opserr << "DispBeamColumn2d::recvSelf() - failed to obtain the beam integration object with classTag" <<
	  beamIntClassTag << endln;


  // invoke recvSelf on the beamInt object
  if (beamInt->recvSelf(commitTag, theChannel, theBroker) < 0)  
     opserr << "DispBeamColumn2d::sendSelf() - failed to recv beam integration\n";
     return -3;

  // recv an ID for the sections containing each sections dbTag and classTag

  ID idSections(2*nSect);
  int loc = 0;

  if (theChannel.recvID(dbTag, commitTag, idSections) < 0)  {
    opserr << "DispBeamColumn2d::recvSelf() - failed to recv ID data\n";
    return -1;

  // now receive the sections
  if (numSections != nSect) {

    // we do not have correct number of sections, must delete the old and create
    // new ones before can recvSelf on the sections

    // delete the old
    if (numSections != 0) {
      for (int i=0; i<numSections; i++)
	delete theSections[i];
      delete [] theSections;

    // create a new array to hold pointers
    theSections = new SectionForceDeformation *[nSect];
    if (theSections == 0) {
opserr << "DispBeamColumn2d::recvSelf() - out of memory creating sections array of size " <<
  nSect << endln;
      return -1;

    // create a section and recvSelf on it
    numSections = nSect;
    loc = 0;
    for (i=0; i<numSections; i++) {
      int sectClassTag = idSections(loc);
      int sectDbTag = idSections(loc+1);
      loc += 2;
      theSections[i] = theBroker.getNewSection(sectClassTag);
      if (theSections[i] == 0) {
	opserr << "DispBeamColumn2d::recvSelf() - Broker could not create Section of class type " <<
	  sectClassTag << endln;
      if (theSections[i]->recvSelf(commitTag, theChannel, theBroker) < 0) {
	opserr << "DispBeamColumn2d::recvSelf() - section " << i << " failed to recv itself\n";
	return -1;

  } else {

    // for each existing section, check it is of correct type
    // (if not delete old & create a new one) then recvSelf on it
    loc = 0;
    for (i=0; i<numSections; i++) {
      int sectClassTag = idSections(loc);
      int sectDbTag = idSections(loc+1);
      loc += 2;

      // check of correct type
      if (theSections[i]->getClassTag() !=  sectClassTag) {
	// delete the old section[i] and create a new one
	delete theSections[i];
	theSections[i] = theBroker.getNewSection(sectClassTag);
	if (theSections[i] == 0) {
	opserr << "DispBeamColumn2d::recvSelf() - Broker could not create Section of class type " <<
	  sectClassTag << endln;

      // recvSelf on it
      if (theSections[i]->recvSelf(commitTag, theChannel, theBroker) < 0) {
	opserr << "DispBeamColumn2d::recvSelf() - section " << i << " failed to recv itself\n";
	return -1;

  return 0;
DispBeamColumn2d::sendSelf(int commitTag, Channel &theChannel)
  // place the integer data into an ID

  int dbTag = this->getDbTag();
  int i, j;
  int loc = 0;
  static Vector data(14);
  data(0) = this->getTag();
  data(1) = connectedExternalNodes(0);
  data(2) = connectedExternalNodes(1);
  data(3) = numSections;
  data(4) = crdTransf->getClassTag();
  int crdTransfDbTag  = crdTransf->getDbTag();
  if (crdTransfDbTag  == 0) {
    crdTransfDbTag = theChannel.getDbTag();
    if (crdTransfDbTag  != 0) 
  data(5) = crdTransfDbTag;
  data(6) = beamInt->getClassTag();
  int beamIntDbTag  = beamInt->getDbTag();
  if (beamIntDbTag  == 0) {
    beamIntDbTag = theChannel.getDbTag();
    if (beamIntDbTag  != 0) 
  data(7) = beamIntDbTag;
  data(8) = rho;
  data(9) = cMass;
  data(10) = alphaM;
  data(11) = betaK;
  data(12) = betaK0;
  data(13) = betaKc;
  if (theChannel.sendVector(dbTag, commitTag, data) < 0) {
    opserr << "DispBeamColumn2d::sendSelf() - failed to send data Vector\n";
     return -1;
  // send the coordinate transformation
  if (crdTransf->sendSelf(commitTag, theChannel) < 0) {
     opserr << "DispBeamColumn2d::sendSelf() - failed to send crdTranf\n";
     return -1;

  // send the beam integration
  if (beamInt->sendSelf(commitTag, theChannel) < 0) {
    opserr << "DispBeamColumn2d::sendSelf() - failed to send beamInt\n";
    return -1;

  // send an ID for the sections containing each sections dbTag and classTag
  // if section ha no dbTag get one and assign it
  ID idSections(2*numSections);
  loc = 0;
  for (i = 0; i<numSections; i++) {
    int sectClassTag = theSections[i]->getClassTag();
    int sectDbTag = theSections[i]->getDbTag();
    if (sectDbTag == 0) {
      sectDbTag = theChannel.getDbTag();

    idSections(loc) = sectClassTag;
    idSections(loc+1) = sectDbTag;
    loc += 2;

  if (theChannel.sendID(dbTag, commitTag, idSections) < 0)  {
    opserr << "DispBeamColumn2d::sendSelf() - failed to send ID data\n";
    return -1;

  // send the sections
  for (j = 0; j<numSections; j++) {
    if (theSections[j]->sendSelf(commitTag, theChannel) < 0) {
      opserr << "DispBeamColumn2d::sendSelf() - section " << 
	j << "failed to send itself\n";
      return -1;

  return 0;
Exemple #3
Timoshenko2d::recvSelf(int commitTag, Channel &theChannel,
			   FEM_ObjectBroker &theBroker)
  // receive the integer data containing tag, numSections and coord transformation info
  int dbTag = this->getDbTag();
  int i;
  static ID idData(7); // one bigger than needed so no clash with section ID

  if (theChannel.recvID(dbTag, commitTag, idData) < 0)  {
    opserr << "Timoshenko2d::recvSelf() - failed to recv ID data\n";
    return -1;

  connectedExternalNodes(0) = idData(1);
  connectedExternalNodes(1) = idData(2);
  int crdTransfClassTag = idData(4);
  int crdTransfDbTag = idData(5);

  // create a new crdTransf object if one needed
  if (crdTransf == 0 || crdTransf->getClassTag() != crdTransfClassTag) {
      if (crdTransf != 0)
	  delete crdTransf;

      crdTransf = theBroker.getNewCrdTransf(crdTransfClassTag);

      if (crdTransf == 0) {
	opserr << "Timoshenko2d::recvSelf() - failed to obtain a CrdTrans object with classTag " <<
	  crdTransfClassTag << endln;
	  return -2;	  


  // invoke recvSelf on the crdTransf object
  if (crdTransf->recvSelf(commitTag, theChannel, theBroker) < 0) {
    opserr << "Timoshenko2d::sendSelf() - failed to recv crdTranf\n";
    return -3;
  // recv an ID for the sections containing each sections dbTag and classTag

  ID idSections(2*idData(3));
  int loc = 0;

  if (theChannel.recvID(dbTag, commitTag, idSections) < 0)  {
    opserr << "Timoshenko2d::recvSelf() - failed to recv ID data\n";
    return -1;

    // now receive the sections
  if (numSections != idData(3)) {

    // we do not have correct number of sections, must delete the old and create
    // new ones before can recvSelf on the sections

    // delete the old
    if (numSections != 0) {
      for (i=0; i<numSections; i++)
	delete theSections[i];
      delete [] theSections;

    // create a new array to hold pointers
    theSections = new SectionForceDeformation *[idData(3)];
    if (theSections == 0) {
      opserr << "Timoshenko2d::recvSelf() - out of memory creating sections array of size " <<
      idData(3) << endln;
      return -1;

    // create a section and recvSelf on it
    numSections = idData(3);
    loc = 0;
    for (i=0; i<numSections; i++) {
      int sectClassTag = idSections(loc);
      int sectDbTag = idSections(loc+1);
      loc += 2;
	  //switch (sectClassTag) {
		  opserr << "Timoshenko2d::recvSelf() --default secTag at sec " << i+1 << endln;
		  theSections[i] = new FiberSection2d();
		//  break;
      if (theSections[i] == 0) {
	opserr << "Timoshenko2d::recvSelf() - Broker could not create Section of class type " <<
	  sectClassTag << endln;
      if (theSections[i]->recvSelf(commitTag, theChannel, theBroker) < 0) {
	opserr << "Timoshenko2d::recvSelf() - section " << i << " failed to recv itself\n";
	return -1;

  } else {

    // for each existing section, check it is of correct type
    // (if not delete old & create a new one) then recvSelf on it
    loc = 0;
    for (i=0; i<numSections; i++) {
      int sectClassTag = idSections(loc);
      int sectDbTag = idSections(loc+1);
      loc += 2;

      // check of correct type
      if (theSections[i]->getClassTag() !=  sectClassTag) {
	// delete the old section[i] and create a new one
	delete theSections[i];
	//switch (sectClassTag) {
		opserr << "Timoshenko2d::recvSelf() --default secTag at sec " << i+1 << endln;
		theSections[i] = new FiberSection2d();
	//	break;
	if (theSections[i] == 0) {
	opserr << "Timoshenko2d::recvSelf() - Broker could not create Section of class type " <<
	  sectClassTag << endln;

      // recvSelf on it
      if (theSections[i]->recvSelf(commitTag, theChannel, theBroker) < 0) {
	opserr << "Timoshenko2d::recvSelf() - section " << i << " failed to recv itself\n";
	return -1;

  return 0;
DispBeamColumn2dWithSensitivity::sendSelf(int commitTag, Channel &theChannel)
  // place the integer data into an ID

  int dbTag = this->getDbTag();
  int i, j;
  int loc = 0;

  static ID idData(7);  // one bigger than needed so no clash later
  idData(0) = this->getTag();
  idData(1) = connectedExternalNodes(0);
  idData(2) = connectedExternalNodes(1);
  idData(3) = numSections;
  idData(4) = crdTransf->getClassTag();
  int crdTransfDbTag  = crdTransf->getDbTag();
  if (crdTransfDbTag  == 0) {
    crdTransfDbTag = theChannel.getDbTag();
    if (crdTransfDbTag  != 0)
  idData(5) = crdTransfDbTag;
  if (alphaM != 0 || betaK != 0 || betaK0 != 0 || betaKc != 0) 
    idData(6) = 1;
    idData(6) = 0;
  if (theChannel.sendID(dbTag, commitTag, idData) < 0) {
    opserr << "DispBeamColumn2dWithSensitivity::sendSelf() - failed to send ID data\n";
     return -1;
  if (idData(6) == 1) {
    // send damping coefficients
    static Vector dData(4);
    dData(0) = alphaM;
    dData(1) = betaK;
    dData(2) = betaK0;
    dData(3) = betaKc;
    if (theChannel.sendVector(dbTag, commitTag, dData) < 0) {
      opserr << "DispBeamColumn2d::sendSelf() - failed to send double data\n";
      return -1;

  // send the coordinate transformation

  if (crdTransf->sendSelf(commitTag, theChannel) < 0) {
     opserr << "DispBeamColumn2dWithSensitivity::sendSelf() - failed to send crdTranf\n";
     return -1;

  // send an ID for the sections containing each sections dbTag and classTag
  // if section ha no dbTag get one and assign it

  ID idSections(2*numSections);
  loc = 0;
  for (i = 0; i<numSections; i++) {
    int sectClassTag = theSections[i]->getClassTag();
    int sectDbTag = theSections[i]->getDbTag();
    if (sectDbTag == 0) {
      sectDbTag = theChannel.getDbTag();

    idSections(loc) = sectClassTag;
    idSections(loc+1) = sectDbTag;
    loc += 2;

  if (theChannel.sendID(dbTag, commitTag, idSections) < 0)  {
    opserr << "DispBeamColumn2dWithSensitivity::sendSelf() - failed to send ID data\n";
    return -1;

  // send the sections

  for (j = 0; j<numSections; j++) {
    if (theSections[j]->sendSelf(commitTag, theChannel) < 0) {
      opserr << "DispBeamColumn2dWithSensitivity::sendSelf() - section " <<
	j << "failed to send itself\n";
      return -1;

  return 0;
Exemple #5
Timoshenko2d::sendSelf(int commitTag, Channel &theChannel)
  // place the integer data into an ID

  int dbTag = this->getDbTag();
  int i, j;
  int loc = 0;
  static ID idData(7);  // one bigger than needed so no clash later
  idData(0) = this->getTag();
  idData(1) = connectedExternalNodes(0);
  idData(2) = connectedExternalNodes(1);
  idData(3) = numSections;
  idData(4) = crdTransf->getClassTag();
  int crdTransfDbTag  = crdTransf->getDbTag();
  if (crdTransfDbTag  == 0) {
    crdTransfDbTag = theChannel.getDbTag();
    if (crdTransfDbTag  != 0) 
  idData(5) = crdTransfDbTag;
  if (theChannel.sendID(dbTag, commitTag, idData) < 0) {
    opserr << "Timoshenko2d::sendSelf() - failed to send ID data\n";
     return -1;

  // send the coordinate transformation
  if (crdTransf->sendSelf(commitTag, theChannel) < 0) {
     opserr << "Timoshenko2d::sendSelf() - failed to send crdTranf\n";
     return -1;

  // send an ID for the sections containing each sections dbTag and classTag
  // if section ha no dbTag get one and assign it

  ID idSections(2*numSections);
  loc = 0;
  for (i = 0; i<numSections; i++) {
    int sectClassTag = theSections[i]->getClassTag();
    int sectDbTag = theSections[i]->getDbTag();
    if (sectDbTag == 0) {
      sectDbTag = theChannel.getDbTag();

    idSections(loc) = sectClassTag;
    idSections(loc+1) = sectDbTag;
    loc += 2;

  if (theChannel.sendID(dbTag, commitTag, idSections) < 0)  {
    opserr << "Timoshenko2d::sendSelf() - failed to send ID data\n";
    return -1;

  // send the sections
  for (j = 0; j<numSections; j++) {
    if (theSections[j]->sendSelf(commitTag, theChannel) < 0) {
      opserr << "Timoshenko2d::sendSelf() - section " << 
	j << "failed to send itself\n";
      return -1;

  return 0;