static void extern_local_brush(Brush *brush) { id_lib_extern((ID *)brush->mtex.tex); id_lib_extern((ID *)brush->mask_mtex.tex); id_lib_extern((ID *)brush->clone.image); id_lib_extern((ID *)brush->paint_curve); }
Mesh *BKE_mesh_copy_ex(Main *bmain, Mesh *me) { Mesh *men; MTFace *tface; MTexPoly *txface; int a, i; const int do_tessface = ((me->totface != 0) && (me->totpoly == 0)); /* only do tessface if we have no polys */ men = BKE_libblock_copy_ex(bmain, &me->id); men->mat = MEM_dupallocN(me->mat); for (a = 0; a < men->totcol; a++) { id_us_plus((ID *)men->mat[a]); } id_us_plus((ID *)men->texcomesh); CustomData_copy(&me->vdata, &men->vdata, CD_MASK_MESH, CD_DUPLICATE, men->totvert); CustomData_copy(&me->edata, &men->edata, CD_MASK_MESH, CD_DUPLICATE, men->totedge); CustomData_copy(&me->ldata, &men->ldata, CD_MASK_MESH, CD_DUPLICATE, men->totloop); CustomData_copy(&me->pdata, &men->pdata, CD_MASK_MESH, CD_DUPLICATE, men->totpoly); if (do_tessface) { CustomData_copy(&me->fdata, &men->fdata, CD_MASK_MESH, CD_DUPLICATE, men->totface); } else { mesh_tessface_clear_intern(men, FALSE); } BKE_mesh_update_customdata_pointers(men, do_tessface); /* ensure indirect linked data becomes lib-extern */ for (i = 0; i < me->fdata.totlayer; i++) { if (me->fdata.layers[i].type == CD_MTFACE) { tface = (MTFace *)me->fdata.layers[i].data; for (a = 0; a < me->totface; a++, tface++) if (tface->tpage) id_lib_extern((ID *)tface->tpage); } } for (i = 0; i < me->pdata.totlayer; i++) { if (me->pdata.layers[i].type == CD_MTEXPOLY) { txface = (MTexPoly *)me->pdata.layers[i].data; for (a = 0; a < me->totpoly; a++, txface++) if (txface->tpage) id_lib_extern((ID *)txface->tpage); } } men->edit_btmesh = NULL; men->mselect = MEM_dupallocN(men->mselect); men->bb = MEM_dupallocN(men->bb); men->key = BKE_key_copy(me->key); if (men->key) men->key->from = (ID *)men; return men; }
/* for curve, mball, mesh types */ void extern_local_matarar(struct Material **matar, short totcol) { short i; for(i= 0; i < totcol; i++) { id_lib_extern((ID *)matar[i]); } }
static void group_linkobs2scene_cb(bContext *UNUSED(C), Scene *scene, TreeElement *UNUSED(te), TreeStoreElem *UNUSED(tsep), TreeStoreElem *tselem) { Group *group = (Group *)tselem->id; GroupObject *gob; Base *base; for (gob = group->gobject.first; gob; gob = gob->next) { base = BKE_scene_base_find(scene, gob->ob); if (base) { base->object->flag |= SELECT; base->flag |= SELECT; } else { /* link to scene */ base = MEM_callocN(sizeof(Base), "add_base"); BLI_addhead(&scene->base, base); base->lay = gob->ob->lay; gob->ob->flag |= SELECT; base->flag = gob->ob->flag; base->object = gob->ob; id_lib_extern((ID *)gob->ob); /* in case these are from a linked group */ } } }
static void extern_local_material(Material *ma) { int i; for(i=0; i < MAX_MTEX; i++) { if(ma->mtex[i]) id_lib_extern((ID *)ma->mtex[i]->tex); } }
/* XXX keep synced with next function */ Material *copy_material(Material *ma) { Material *man; int a; man= copy_libblock(ma); id_lib_extern((ID *)man->group); for(a=0; a<MAX_MTEX; a++) { if(ma->mtex[a]) { man->mtex[a]= MEM_mallocN(sizeof(MTex), "copymaterial"); memcpy(man->mtex[a], ma->mtex[a], sizeof(MTex)); id_us_plus((ID *)man->mtex[a]->tex); } } if(ma->ramp_col) man->ramp_col= MEM_dupallocN(ma->ramp_col); if(ma->ramp_spec) man->ramp_spec= MEM_dupallocN(ma->ramp_spec); if (ma->preview) man->preview = BKE_previewimg_copy(ma->preview); if(ma->nodetree) { man->nodetree= ntreeCopyTree(ma->nodetree); /* 0 == full new tree */ } man->gpumaterial.first= man->gpumaterial.last= NULL; return man; }
static int group_instance_add_exec(bContext *C, wmOperator *op) { Group *group= BLI_findlink(&CTX_data_main(C)->group, RNA_enum_get(op->ptr, "group")); int enter_editmode; unsigned int layer; float loc[3], rot[3]; object_add_generic_invoke_options(C, op); if(!ED_object_add_generic_get_opts(C, op, loc, rot, &enter_editmode, &layer)) return OPERATOR_CANCELLED; if(group) { Main *bmain= CTX_data_main(C); Scene *scene= CTX_data_scene(C); Object *ob= ED_object_add_type(C, OB_EMPTY, loc, rot, FALSE, layer); rename_id(&ob->id, group->; ob->dup_group= group; ob->transflag |= OB_DUPLIGROUP; id_lib_extern(&group->id); /* works without this except if you try render right after, see: 22027 */ DAG_scene_sort(bmain, scene); WM_event_add_notifier(C, NC_SCENE|ND_OB_ACTIVE, CTX_data_scene(C)); return OPERATOR_FINISHED; } return OPERATOR_CANCELLED; }
Camera *copy_camera(Camera *cam) { Camera *camn; camn= copy_libblock(&cam->id); id_lib_extern((ID *)camn->dof_ob); return camn; }
Camera *BKE_camera_copy(Camera *cam) { Camera *camn; camn = BKE_libblock_copy(&cam->id); id_lib_extern((ID *)camn->dof_ob); return camn; }
void TimelineMarker_camera_set(PointerRNA *ptr, PointerRNA value) { TimeMarker *data= (TimeMarker*)(ptr->data); ID *id= ptr->; if( return; if( id_lib_extern((ID*); data->camera=; }
static void group_instance_cb(bContext *C, Scene *scene, TreeElement *UNUSED(te), TreeStoreElem *UNUSED(tsep), TreeStoreElem *tselem) { Group *group = (Group *)tselem->id; Object *ob = ED_object_add_type(C, OB_EMPTY, scene->cursor, NULL, FALSE, scene->layact); rename_id(&ob->id, group-> + 2); ob->dup_group = group; ob->transflag |= OB_DUPLIGROUP; id_lib_extern(&group->id); }
static void expand_local_mesh(Main *bmain, Mesh *me) { id_lib_extern((ID *)me->texcomesh); if(me->mtface) { /* why is this an exception? - should not really make local when extern'ing - campbell */ make_local_tface(bmain, me); } if(me->mat) { extern_local_matarar(me->mat, me->totcol); } }
static void expand_local_mesh(Mesh *me) { id_lib_extern((ID *)me->texcomesh); if (me->mtface || me->mtpoly) { int a, i; for (i = 0; i < me->pdata.totlayer; i++) { if (me->pdata.layers[i].type == CD_MTEXPOLY) { MTexPoly *txface = (MTexPoly *)me->pdata.layers[i].data; for (a = 0; a < me->totpoly; a++, txface++) { /* special case: ima always local immediately */ if (txface->tpage) { id_lib_extern((ID *)txface->tpage); } } } } for (i = 0; i < me->fdata.totlayer; i++) { if (me->fdata.layers[i].type == CD_MTFACE) { MTFace *tface = (MTFace *)me->fdata.layers[i].data; for (a = 0; a < me->totface; a++, tface++) { /* special case: ima always local immediately */ if (tface->tpage) { id_lib_extern((ID *)tface->tpage); } } } } } if (me->mat) { extern_local_matarar(me->mat, me->totcol); } }
Camera *BKE_camera_copy(Camera *cam) { Camera *camn; camn = BKE_libblock_copy(&cam->id); id_lib_extern((ID *)camn->dof_ob); if (cam->id.lib) { BKE_id_lib_local_paths(G.main, cam->id.lib, &camn->id); } return camn; }
static void lib_indirect_test_id(ID *id, Library *lib) { #define LIBTAG(a) if (a && a->id.lib) { a->id.flag &= ~LIB_INDIRECT; a->id.flag |= LIB_EXTERN; } (void)0 if (id->lib) { /* datablocks that were indirectly related are now direct links * without this, appending data that has a link to other data will fail to write */ if (lib && id->lib->parent == lib) { id_lib_extern(id); } return; } if (GS(id->name) == ID_OB) { Object *ob = (Object *)id; Mesh *me; int a; #if 0 /* XXX OLD ANIMSYS, NLASTRIPS ARE NO LONGER USED */ /* XXX old animation system! -------------------------------------- */ { bActionStrip *strip; for (strip = ob->nlastrips.first; strip; strip = strip->next) { LIBTAG(strip->object); LIBTAG(strip->act); LIBTAG(strip->ipo); } } /* XXX: new animation system needs something like this? */ #endif for (a = 0; a < ob->totcol; a++) { LIBTAG(ob->mat[a]); } LIBTAG(ob->dup_group); LIBTAG(ob->proxy); me = ob->data; LIBTAG(me); } #undef LIBTAG }
Mesh *copy_mesh(Mesh *me) { Mesh *men; MTFace *tface; int a, i; men= copy_libblock(me); men->mat= MEM_dupallocN(me->mat); for(a=0; a<men->totcol; a++) { id_us_plus((ID *)men->mat[a]); } id_us_plus((ID *)men->texcomesh); CustomData_copy(&me->vdata, &men->vdata, CD_MASK_MESH, CD_DUPLICATE, men->totvert); CustomData_copy(&me->edata, &men->edata, CD_MASK_MESH, CD_DUPLICATE, men->totedge); CustomData_copy(&me->fdata, &men->fdata, CD_MASK_MESH, CD_DUPLICATE, men->totface); mesh_update_customdata_pointers(men); /* ensure indirect linked data becomes lib-extern */ for(i=0; i<me->fdata.totlayer; i++) { if(me->fdata.layers[i].type == CD_MTFACE) { tface= (MTFace*)me->fdata.layers[i].data; for(a=0; a<me->totface; a++, tface++) if(tface->tpage) id_lib_extern((ID*)tface->tpage); } } men->mselect= NULL; men->edit_mesh= NULL; men->pv= NULL; /* looks like this is no-longer supported but NULL just incase */ men->bb= MEM_dupallocN(men->bb); men->key= copy_key(me->key); if(men->key) men->key->from= (ID *)men; return men; }
static int bpy_bmtexpoly_image_set(BPy_BMTexPoly *self, PyObject *value, void *UNUSED(closure)) { ID *id; if (value == Py_None) { id = NULL; } else if (pyrna_id_FromPyObject(value, &id) && id && GS(id->name) == ID_IM) { /* pass */ } else { PyErr_Format(PyExc_KeyError, "BMTexPoly.image = x" "expected an image or None, not '%.200s'", Py_TYPE(value)->tp_name); return -1; } id_lib_extern(id); self->data->tpage = (struct Image *)id; return 0; }
static void lib_indirect_test_id(ID *id, Library *lib) { if(id->lib) { /* datablocks that were indirectly related are now direct links * without this, appending data that has a link to other data will fail to write */ if(lib && id->lib->parent == lib) { id_lib_extern(id); } return; } if(GS(id->name)==ID_OB) { Object *ob= (Object *)id; bActionStrip *strip; Mesh *me; int a; // XXX old animation system! -------------------------------------- for (strip=ob->nlastrips.first; strip; strip=strip->next){ LIBTAG(strip->object); LIBTAG(strip->act); LIBTAG(strip->ipo); } // XXX: new animation system needs something like this? for(a=0; a<ob->totcol; a++) { LIBTAG(ob->mat[a]); } LIBTAG(ob->dup_group); LIBTAG(ob->proxy); me= ob->data; LIBTAG(me); } }
static void group_linkobs2scene_cb(bContext *UNUSED(C), Scene *scene, TreeElement *UNUSED(te), TreeStoreElem *UNUSED(tsep), TreeStoreElem *tselem) { Group *group= (Group *)tselem->id; GroupObject *gob; Base *base; for (gob=group->gobject.first; gob; gob=gob->next) { base= object_in_scene(gob->ob, scene); if (base) { base->object->flag |= SELECT; base->flag |= SELECT; } else { /* link to scene */ base= MEM_callocN( sizeof(Base), "add_base"); BLI_addhead(&scene->base, base); base->lay= (1<<20)-1; /*v3d->lay;*/ /* would be nice to use the 3d layer but the include's not here */ gob->ob->flag |= SELECT; base->flag = gob->ob->flag; base->object= gob->ob; id_lib_extern((ID *)gob->ob); /* in case these are from a linked group */ } } }
static void extern_local_brush(Brush *brush) { id_lib_extern((ID *)brush->mtex.tex); }
static void extern_local_texture(Tex *tex) { id_lib_extern((ID *)tex->ima); }
/* UNUSED, keep in case we want to copy functionality for use elsewhere */ static void copy_attr(Main *bmain, Scene *scene, View3D *v3d, short event) { Object *ob; Base *base; Curve *cu, *cu1; Nurb *nu; int do_scene_sort= 0; if (scene->id.lib) return; if (!(ob=OBACT)) return; if (scene->obedit) { // XXX get from context /* obedit_copymenu(); */ return; } if (event==9) { copymenu_properties(scene, v3d, ob); return; } else if (event==10) { copymenu_logicbricks(scene, v3d, ob); return; } else if (event==24) { /* moved to object_link_modifiers */ /* copymenu_modifiers(bmain, scene, v3d, ob); */ return; } for (base= FIRSTBASE; base; base= base->next) { if (base != BASACT) { if (TESTBASELIB(v3d, base)) { base->object->recalc |= OB_RECALC_OB; if (event==1) { /* loc */ copy_v3_v3(base->object->loc, ob->loc); copy_v3_v3(base->object->dloc, ob->dloc); } else if (event==2) { /* rot */ copy_v3_v3(base->object->rot, ob->rot); copy_v3_v3(base->object->drot, ob->drot); copy_qt_qt(base->object->quat, ob->quat); copy_qt_qt(base->object->dquat, ob->dquat); } else if (event==3) { /* size */ copy_v3_v3(base->object->size, ob->size); copy_v3_v3(base->object->dscale, ob->dscale); } else if (event==4) { /* drawtype */ base->object->dt= ob->dt; base->object->dtx= ob->dtx; base->object->empty_drawtype= ob->empty_drawtype; base->object->empty_drawsize= ob->empty_drawsize; } else if (event==5) { /* time offs */ base->object->sf= ob->sf; } else if (event==6) { /* dupli */ base->object->dupon= ob->dupon; base->object->dupoff= ob->dupoff; base->object->dupsta= ob->dupsta; base->object->dupend= ob->dupend; base->object->transflag &= ~OB_DUPLI; base->object->transflag |= (ob->transflag & OB_DUPLI); base->object->dup_group= ob->dup_group; if (ob->dup_group) id_lib_extern(&ob->dup_group->id); } else if (event==7) { /* mass */ base->object->mass= ob->mass; } else if (event==8) { /* damping */ base->object->damping= ob->damping; base->object->rdamping= ob->rdamping; } else if (event==11) { /* all physical attributes */ base->object->gameflag = ob->gameflag; base->object->inertia = ob->inertia; base->object->formfactor = ob->formfactor; base->object->damping= ob->damping; base->object->rdamping= ob->rdamping; base->object->min_vel= ob->min_vel; base->object->max_vel= ob->max_vel; if (ob->gameflag & OB_BOUNDS) { base->object->collision_boundtype = ob->collision_boundtype; } base->object->margin= ob->margin; base->object->bsoft= copy_bulletsoftbody(ob->bsoft); } else if (event==17) { /* tex space */ copy_texture_space(base->object, ob); } else if (event==18) { /* font settings */ if (base->object->type==ob->type) { cu= ob->data; cu1= base->object->data; cu1->spacemode= cu->spacemode; cu1->spacing= cu->spacing; cu1->linedist= cu->linedist; cu1->shear= cu->shear; cu1->fsize= cu->fsize; cu1->xof= cu->xof; cu1->yof= cu->yof; cu1->textoncurve= cu->textoncurve; cu1->wordspace= cu->wordspace; cu1->ulpos= cu->ulpos; cu1->ulheight= cu->ulheight; if (cu1->vfont) cu1->vfont->; cu1->vfont= cu->vfont; id_us_plus((ID *)cu1->vfont); if (cu1->vfontb) cu1->vfontb->; cu1->vfontb= cu->vfontb; id_us_plus((ID *)cu1->vfontb); if (cu1->vfonti) cu1->vfonti->; cu1->vfonti= cu->vfonti; id_us_plus((ID *)cu1->vfonti); if (cu1->vfontbi) cu1->vfontbi->; cu1->vfontbi= cu->vfontbi; id_us_plus((ID *)cu1->vfontbi); BKE_text_to_curve(bmain, scene, base->object, 0); /* needed? */ BLI_strncpy(cu1->family, cu->family, sizeof(cu1->family)); base->object->recalc |= OB_RECALC_DATA; } } else if (event==19) { /* bevel settings */ if (ELEM(base->object->type, OB_CURVE, OB_FONT)) { cu= ob->data; cu1= base->object->data; cu1->bevobj= cu->bevobj; cu1->taperobj= cu->taperobj; cu1->width= cu->width; cu1->bevresol= cu->bevresol; cu1->ext1= cu->ext1; cu1->ext2= cu->ext2; base->object->recalc |= OB_RECALC_DATA; } } else if (event==25) { /* curve resolution */ if (ELEM(base->object->type, OB_CURVE, OB_FONT)) { cu= ob->data; cu1= base->object->data; cu1->resolu= cu->resolu; cu1->resolu_ren= cu->resolu_ren; nu= cu1->nurb.first; while (nu) { nu->resolu= cu1->resolu; nu= nu->next; } base->object->recalc |= OB_RECALC_DATA; } } else if (event==21) { if (base->object->type==OB_MESH) { ModifierData *md = modifiers_findByType(ob, eModifierType_Subsurf); if (md) { ModifierData *tmd = modifiers_findByType(base->object, eModifierType_Subsurf); if (!tmd) { tmd = modifier_new(eModifierType_Subsurf); BLI_addtail(&base->object->modifiers, tmd); } modifier_copyData(md, tmd); base->object->recalc |= OB_RECALC_DATA; } } } else if (event==22) { /* Copy the constraint channels over */ copy_constraints(&base->object->constraints, &ob->constraints, TRUE); do_scene_sort= 1; } else if (event==23) { base->object->softflag= ob->softflag; if (base->object->soft) sbFree(base->object->soft); base->object->soft= copy_softbody(ob->soft); if (!modifiers_findByType(base->object, eModifierType_Softbody)) { BLI_addhead(&base->object->modifiers, modifier_new(eModifierType_Softbody)); } } else if (event==26) { #if 0 // XXX old animation system copy_nlastrips(&base->object->nlastrips, &ob->nlastrips); #endif // XXX old animation system } else if (event==27) { /* autosmooth */ if (base->object->type==OB_MESH) { Mesh *me= ob->data; Mesh *cme= base->object->data; cme->smoothresh= me->smoothresh; if (me->flag & ME_AUTOSMOOTH) cme->flag |= ME_AUTOSMOOTH; else cme->flag &= ~ME_AUTOSMOOTH; } } else if (event==28) { /* UV orco */ if (ELEM(base->object->type, OB_CURVE, OB_SURF)) { cu= ob->data; cu1= base->object->data; if (cu->flag & CU_UV_ORCO) cu1->flag |= CU_UV_ORCO; else cu1->flag &= ~CU_UV_ORCO; } } else if (event==29) { /* protected bits */ base->object->protectflag= ob->protectflag; } else if (event==30) { /* index object */ base->object->index= ob->index; } else if (event==31) { /* object color */ copy_v4_v4(base->object->col, ob->col); } } } } if (do_scene_sort) DAG_scene_sort(bmain, scene); DAG_ids_flush_update(bmain, 0); }