Exemple #1
static void output_vertices (vertex_db & vertices)
    std::string tmp_file_name = "tmpidmap";
        tmp_file (SpatialIndex::StorageManager::createNewDiskStorageManager (
    idmap_t idmap (tmp_file, page_size);

    vertex_db::iterator v_start = vertices.begin ();
    vertex_db::iterator v_ptr = v_start;

    ofstream myfile;
    myfile.open ("example.txt");

    long v_id = 1;
    long edges = 0;
//    map<vertex_id,long> idmap;

    while (v_ptr != vertices.end ())
        edges += ((vertex_info)v_ptr->second).neighbours.size ();

//	idmap.insert(pair<vertex_id,long>((vertex_id)v_ptr->first,v_id));
        idmap.insert (v_ptr->first, v_id);
    ldiv_t divresult = ldiv(edges,2);
    myfile << v_id << " " << divresult.quot << " 0\n";

    v_start = vertices.begin ();
    v_ptr = v_start;
    v_id = 1;
    while (v_ptr != vertices.end ())
        std::vector<vertex_id> n = ((vertex_info)v_ptr->second).neighbours;
        vertex_id id = (vertex_id)v_ptr->first;

//                map<vertex_id,long>::iterator it;

//        it = idmap.find(id);
        std::cout << get_remapped_vertex (idmap, id) << " : ";
        //std::cout << it->second << " : ";

        BOOST_FOREACH (vertex_id n_id, n)
//                it = idmap.find(n_id);
                myfile << get_remapped_vertex (idmap, n_id) << " ";

        myfile << endl;

Exemple #2
	uintptr pa;
	PTE *l1, *l2;

	pa = ttbget();
	l1 = KADDR(pa);

	/* redundant with l.s; only covers first MB of 17MB */
	l1[L1X(VIRTIO)] = PHYSIO|Dom0|L1AP(Krw)|Section;

	idmap(l1, PHYSETHER);		/* igep 9221 ethernet regs */
	idmap(l1, PHYSL4PROT);
	idmap(l1, PHYSL3);
	idmap(l1, PHYSSMS);
	idmap(l1, PHYSDRC);
	idmap(l1, PHYSGPMC);

	/* map high vectors to start of dram, but only 4K, not 1MB */
	pa -= MACHSIZE+2*1024;
	l2 = KADDR(pa);
	memset(l2, 0, 1024);
	/* vectors step on u-boot, but so do page tables */
	l2[L2X(HVECTORS)] = PHYSDRAM|L2AP(Krw)|Small;
	l1[L1X(HVECTORS)] = pa|Dom0|Coarse;	/* vectors -> ttb-machsize-2k */


	m->mmul1 = l1;
//	mmudump(l1);			/* DEBUG */
static int do_idmap(char **arg, char reply[REPLY_MAX])
    return idmap(arg[0], arg[1], atoi(arg[2]));
    int MFGraph::decompose(const int componentID, std::ostream & patt_stream, std::string chr)
        IdMap<ListDigraph, ListDigraph::Node> idmap(mfGraph);
        // compute total flow
        float total_flow = this->total_flow();
#ifndef NDEBUG
        std::cout << "total flow:: " << total_flow << std::endl;
        int flownum = 0;
        // iterate while residual flow
        while (total_flow > 0.00001) {
            // compute residual flow for each arc
            ListDigraph::ArcMap<float> residual_flow(mfGraph);
            for (ListDigraph::ArcIt arc(mfGraph); arc != INVALID; ++arc) {
                residual_flow[arc] = (total_flow - flow_map[arc]);
                if(flow_map[arc] != 0){
// #ifndef NDEBUG
//                     std::cout << "source: " << mfGraph.id(mfGraph.source(arc))<< ", target: " << mfGraph.id(mfGraph.target(arc)) << ", flow: " << flow_map[arc] <<std::endl;
// #endif
#ifndef NDEBUG
            std::cout << "run the min-max dijkstra algorithm " << std::endl;
            // run the min-max dijkstra algorithm
            ListDigraph::NodeMap<float> dist(mfGraph);
            Dijkstra<ListDigraph, ListDigraph::ArcMap<float> >
            ::SetOperationTraits<DijkstraMinMaxOperationTraits<float> >
            ::Create dijkstra(mfGraph, residual_flow);
            dijkstra.run(source, sink);
#ifndef NDEBUG
            std::cout << "get the resulting path and it's flow " << std::endl;
            // get the resulting path and it's flow
            Path<ListDigraph> shortestPath = dijkstra.path(sink);
            float path_flow = total_flow - dijkstra.dist(sink);

            // break out if this is not a valid path
            if (path_flow == 0) {
#ifndef NDEBUG
              std::cout << "Found invalid path" << std::endl;

            // construct a meth fragment from path here
            // and remove path flow from each arc in path
#ifndef NDEBUG
            std::cout << "dijkstra.dist: " << dijkstra.dist(sink) << ", path_flow:" << path_flow << ", total flow: " << total_flow << " length: " << shortestPath.length() << std::endl;

            // it's a valid pattern, so increase number of paths found

            std::stringstream region_list;
            MethylRead* pattern = NULL;
            int start, end;
            //MethylRead pattern = MethylRead(*read_map[source]);
            //int start = read_map[source]->start();
            //int end = read_map[sink]->end();
            for(Path<ListDigraph>::ArcIt arc(shortestPath); arc != INVALID; ++arc) {
                ListDigraph::Node s = mfGraph.source(arc);
                ListDigraph::Node t = mfGraph.target(arc);
                if (s == source) {
                    pattern = new MethylRead(*read_map[t]);
                    start = read_map[t]->start();
                    end = read_map[t]->end();
                    // end = read_map[sink]->end();

#ifndef NDEBUG
                    std::cout << "Original pattern = " << pattern->getMethString() << std::endl;

#ifndef NDEBUG
            if (!pattern) {
              std::cout << "We should not hit this" << std::endl;
              for (Path<ListDigraph>::ArcIt arc(shortestPath); arc != INVALID; ++arc) {
                ListDigraph::Node s = mfGraph.source(arc);
                ListDigraph::Node t = mfGraph.target(arc);
                std::cout << mfGraph.id(s) << " -> " << mfGraph.id(t) << std::endl;
            for(Path<ListDigraph>::ArcIt arc(shortestPath); arc != INVALID; ++arc) {
// #ifndef NDEBUG
//                 std::cout << " After finding a path, " << "source: " << mfGraph.id(mfGraph.source(arc))<< ", target: " << mfGraph.id(mfGraph.target(arc)) << ", flow: " << flow_map[arc] << " ,arc - pathFlow: " << flow_map[arc] - path_flow << std::endl;
// #endif
                ListDigraph::Node s = mfGraph.source(arc);
                ListDigraph::Node t = mfGraph.target(arc);
                MethylRead *read = read_map[t];

                // don't print the source node or nodes connected to sink
                if (s != source && t != get_sink()) {
                    region_list << idmap[s];
                    if (!childless[t]) {
                        region_list << ",";
                flow_map[arc] -= path_flow;
                // delete arc if no residual flow
                if (flow_map[arc] < 1e-6) {
                if (s == source) {
                if (!read  || t == get_sink()) {
                if (s != source && t != get_sink()) {
                    end = read->end();
                    //std::cout << "new pattern = " << pattern->getMethString() << std::endl;
              //  if (childless[t]) {
              //      end = read->end();
              //  }

#ifndef NDEBUG
            std::cout << "new pattern = " << pattern->getMethString() << std::endl;

            //Note we add source one nucleotide before every read
            patt_stream << chr << "\t" << start << "\t" << end;
            patt_stream << "\t" << componentID << "\t" << flownum << "\t" << path_flow;
            patt_stream << "\t" << pattern->getMethString() << "\t" << region_list.str() << std::endl;

            delete pattern;
            // recompute residual flow
            total_flow -= path_flow;
        // all done
        return flownum;
Exemple #5
static int do_idmap(char **arg, char reply[REPLY_MAX])
    ALOGD("do_idmap : %s %s %s", arg[0], arg[1], arg[2]);
    return idmap(arg[0], arg[1], atoi(arg[2]));