Exemple #1
void glfHandler::WriteEntry(int outputPosition)
    data.offset = outputPosition - position;
    position = outputPosition;

    switch (data.recordType)
    case 0 :
    case 1 :
        data.refBase = backTranslateBase[data.refBase];
        ifwrite(handle, &data, sizeof(data));
        data.refBase = translateBase[data.refBase];
    case 2 :
        data.refBase = backTranslateBase[data.refBase];
        ifwrite(handle, &data, sizeof(data) - 3);
        data.refBase = translateBase[data.refBase];

        ifwrite(handle, (void *)(const char *) indelSequence[0], abs(data.indel.length[0]));
        ifwrite(handle, (void *)(const char *) indelSequence[1], abs(data.indel.length[1]));
Exemple #2
// Write the header to the specified file.
bool GlfHeader::write(IFILE filePtr) const
    if((filePtr == NULL) || (filePtr->isOpen() == false))
        // File is not open, return failure.
        std::string errorString = 
            "Failed to write the header since the file is not open.";
        throw(GlfException(GlfStatus::FAIL_ORDER, errorString));

    int numWrite = 0;
    // Write the magic
    numWrite = ifwrite(filePtr, GLF_MAGIC.c_str(), GLF_MAGIC_LEN);
    if(numWrite != GLF_MAGIC_LEN)
        String errorMsg = "Failed to write the magic number (";
        errorMsg += GLF_MAGIC_LEN;
        errorMsg += " bytes).  Only wrote ";
        errorMsg += numWrite;
        errorMsg += " bytes.";
        std::string errorString = errorMsg.c_str();
        throw(GlfException(GlfStatus::FAIL_IO, errorString));

    // Write the header length.
    int32_t headerLen = myText.length();
    int byteLen = sizeof(int32_t);
    numWrite = ifwrite(filePtr, &headerLen, byteLen);
    if(numWrite != byteLen)
        String errorMsg = "Failed to write the length of the header text (";
        errorMsg += byteLen;
        errorMsg += " bytes).  Only wrote ";
        errorMsg += numWrite;
        errorMsg += " bytes.";
        std::string errorString = errorMsg.c_str();
        throw(GlfException(GlfStatus::FAIL_IO, errorString));
    // Write the header to the file.
    numWrite = ifwrite(filePtr, myText.c_str(), headerLen);
    if(numWrite != headerLen)
        String errorMsg = "Failed to write the header text (";
        errorMsg += headerLen;
        errorMsg += " bytes).  Only wrote ";
        errorMsg += numWrite;
        errorMsg += " bytes.";
        std::string errorString = errorMsg.c_str();
        throw(GlfException(GlfStatus::FAIL_IO, errorString));
    // Successfully wrote, return success.
Exemple #3
void glfHandler::BeginSection(const String & sectionLabel, int sectionLength)
    int labelLength = sectionLabel.Length() + 1;

    ifwrite(handle, &labelLength, sizeof(int));
    ifwrite(handle, (void *)(const char *) sectionLabel, labelLength);
    ifwrite(handle, &sectionLength, sizeof(int));

    label = sectionLabel;
    maxPosition = sectionLength;
Exemple #4
void glfHandler::WriteHeader(const String & headerText)
    char magicNumber[4] = {'G', 'L', 'F', 3};

    ifwrite(handle, magicNumber, 4);

    unsigned int headerLength = headerText.Length();

    ifwrite(handle, &headerLength, 4);
    ifwrite(handle, (void *)(const char *) headerText, headerLength);
Exemple #5
// Write the refSection to the specified file.
bool GlfRefSection::write(IFILE filePtr) const
    int refNameLen = myRefName.length();
    int byteLen = sizeof(int32_t);
    int numWrite = ifwrite(filePtr, &refNameLen, byteLen);
    if(numWrite != byteLen)
        String errorMsg =
            "Failed to write the length of the reference sequence name (";
        errorMsg += byteLen;
        errorMsg += " bytes).  Only wrote ";
        errorMsg += numWrite;
        errorMsg += " bytes.";
        std::string errorString = errorMsg.c_str();
        throw(GlfException(GlfStatus::FAIL_IO, errorString));

    numWrite = ifwrite(filePtr, myRefName.c_str(), refNameLen);
    if(numWrite != refNameLen)
        String errorMsg = "Failed to write the reference sequence name (";
        errorMsg += refNameLen;
        errorMsg += " bytes).  Only wrote ";
        errorMsg += numWrite;
        errorMsg += " bytes.";
        std::string errorString = errorMsg.c_str();
        throw(GlfException(GlfStatus::FAIL_IO, errorString));

    // Write the length of the reference sequence
    byteLen = sizeof(uint32_t);
    numWrite = ifwrite(filePtr, &myRefLen, byteLen);
    if(numWrite != byteLen)
        String errorMsg = "Failed to write the reference sequence length (";
        errorMsg += byteLen;
        errorMsg += " bytes).  Only wrote ";
        errorMsg += numWrite;
        errorMsg += " bytes.";
        std::string errorString = errorMsg.c_str();
        throw(GlfException(GlfStatus::FAIL_IO, errorString));

    // Successfully wrote, return success.
Exemple #6
stfio::filetype stfio_file_type(HDRTYPE* hdr) {
#ifdef __LIBBIOSIG2_H__
        switch (biosig_get_filetype(hdr)) {
        switch (hdr->TYPE) {

#if (BIOSIG_VERSION > 10500)
        case ABF2:	return stfio::abf;
        case ABF:	return stfio::abf;
        case ATF:	return stfio::atf;
        case CFS:	return stfio::cfs;
        case HEKA:	return stfio::heka;
        case HDF:	return stfio::hdf5;
#if (BIOSIG_VERSION > 10403)
        case AXG:	return stfio::axg;
        case IBW:	return stfio::igor;
        case SMR:	return stfio::son;
        default:	return stfio::none;

#if (defined(WITH_BIOSIG) || defined(WITH_BIOSIG2))
bool stfio::check_biosig_version(int a, int b, int c) {
	return (BIOSIG_VERSION >= 10000*a + 100*b + c);

stfio::filetype stfio::importBiosigFile(const std::string &fName, Recording &ReturnData, ProgressInfo& progDlg) {

    std::string errorMsg("Exception while calling std::importBSFile():\n");
    std::string yunits;
    stfio::filetype type;

    // =====================================================================================================================
    // importBiosig opens file with libbiosig
    //	- performs an automated identification of the file format
    //  - and decides whether the data is imported through importBiosig (currently CFS, HEKA, ABF1, GDF, and others)
    //  - or handed back to other import*File functions (currently ABF2, AXG, HDF5)
    // There are two implementations, level-1 and level-2 interface of libbiosig.
    //   level 1 is used when -DWITH_BIOSIG, -lbiosig
    //   level 2 is used when -DWITH_BIOSIG2, -lbiosig2
    //   level 1 is better tested, but it does not provide ABI compatibility between MinGW and VisualStudio
    //   level 2 interface has been developed to provide ABI compatibility, but it is less tested
    //      and the API might still undergo major changes.
    // =====================================================================================================================

#ifdef __LIBBIOSIG2_H__

    HDRTYPE* hdr =  sopen( fName.c_str(), "r", NULL );
    if (hdr==NULL) {
        return stfio::none;

    type = stfio_file_type(hdr);
    if (biosig_check_error(hdr)) {
        return type;
    enum FileFormat biosig_filetype=biosig_get_filetype(hdr);
    if (biosig_filetype==ATF || biosig_filetype==ABF2 || biosig_filetype==HDF ) {
        // ATF, ABF2 and HDF5 support should be handled by importATF, and importABF, and importHDF5 not importBiosig
        return type;

    // earlier versions of biosig support only the file type identification, but did not properly read the files
    if ( (BIOSIG_VERSION < 10603)
      && (biosig_filetype==AXG)
       ) {
        return type;

    // ensure the event table is in chronological order	

    // allocate local memory for intermediate results;
    const int strSize=100;
    char str[strSize];

	count sections and generate list of indices indicating start and end of sweeps

    double fs = biosig_get_eventtable_samplerate(hdr);
    size_t numberOfEvents = biosig_get_number_of_events(hdr);
    size_t nsections = biosig_get_number_of_segments(hdr);
    size_t *SegIndexList = (size_t*)malloc((nsections+1)*sizeof(size_t));
    SegIndexList[0] = 0;
    SegIndexList[nsections] = biosig_get_number_of_samples(hdr);
    std::string annotationTableDesc = std::string();
    for (size_t k=0, n=0; k < numberOfEvents; k++) {
        uint32_t pos;
        uint16_t typ;
#if BIOSIG_VERSION < 10605
        char *desc;
        const char *desc;
        uint32_t dur;
        uint16_t chn;
        gdftype  timestamp;

        biosig_get_nth_event(hdr, k, &typ, &pos, NULL, NULL, NULL, &desc);

        if (typ == 0x7ffe) {
            SegIndexList[++n] = pos;
        else if (typ < 256) {
            sprintf(str,"%f s:\t%s\n", pos/fs, desc);
            annotationTableDesc += std::string( str );
    int numberOfChannels = biosig_get_number_of_channels(hdr);

        rescale data to mV and pA
    for (int ch=0; ch < numberOfChannels; ++ch) {
        CHANNEL_TYPE *hc = biosig_get_channel(hdr, ch);
        switch (biosig_channel_get_physdimcode(hc) & 0xffe0) {
        case 4256:  // Volt
		//biosig_channel_scale_to_unit(hc, "mV");
		biosig_channel_change_scale_to_physdimcode(hc, 4274);
        case 4160:  // Ampere
		//biosig_channel_scale_to_unit(hc, "pA");
		biosig_channel_change_scale_to_physdimcode(hc, 4181);

        read bulk data
    biosig_data_type *data = biosig_get_data(hdr, 0);
    size_t SPR = biosig_get_number_of_samples(hdr);

#ifdef _STFDEBUG
    std::cout << "Number of events: " << numberOfEvents << std::endl;
    /*int res = */ hdr2ascii(hdr, stdout, 4);

    for (int NS=0; NS < numberOfChannels; ) {
        CHANNEL_TYPE *hc = biosig_get_channel(hdr, NS);
        Channel TempChannel(nsections);

        for (size_t ns=1; ns<=nsections; ns++) {
	        size_t SPS = SegIndexList[ns]-SegIndexList[ns-1];	// length of segment, samples per segment

		int progbar = int(100.0*(1.0*ns/nsections + NS)/numberOfChannels);
		std::ostringstream progStr;
		progStr << "Reading channel #" << NS + 1 << " of " << numberOfChannels
			<< ", Section #" << ns << " of " << nsections;
		progDlg.Update(progbar, progStr.str());

		/* unused //
		char sweepname[20];
		sprintf(sweepname,"sweep %i",(int)ns);
		Section TempSection(
                                SPS, // TODO: hdr->nsamplingpoints[nc][ns]
                                "" // TODO: hdr->sectionname[nc][ns]

		std::copy(&(data[NS*SPR + SegIndexList[ns-1]]),
			  &(data[NS*SPR + SegIndexList[ns]]),
			  TempSection.get_w().begin() );

        try {
            TempChannel.InsertSection(TempSection, ns-1);
        catch (...) {
			return type;
    try {
        if ((int)ReturnData.size() < numberOfChannels) {
		ReturnData.InsertChannel(TempChannel, NS++);
    catch (...) {
		return type;


    ReturnData.SetComment ( biosig_get_recording_id(hdr) );

    sprintf(str,"v%i.%i.%i (compiled on %s %s)",BIOSIG_VERSION_MAJOR,BIOSIG_VERSION_MINOR,BIOSIG_PATCHLEVEL,__DATE__,__TIME__);
    std::string Desc = std::string("importBiosig with libbiosig ")+std::string(str) + " ";

    const char* tmpstr;
    if ((tmpstr=biosig_get_technician(hdr)))
            Desc += std::string ("\nTechnician:\t") + std::string (tmpstr) + " ";
    Desc += std::string( "\nCreated with: ");
    if ((tmpstr=biosig_get_manufacturer_name(hdr)))
        Desc += std::string( tmpstr ) + " ";
    if ((tmpstr=biosig_get_manufacturer_model(hdr)))
        Desc += std::string( tmpstr ) + " ";
    if ((tmpstr=biosig_get_manufacturer_version(hdr)))
        Desc += std::string( tmpstr ) + " ";
    if ((tmpstr=biosig_get_manufacturer_serial_number(hdr)))
        Desc += std::string( tmpstr ) + " ";

    Desc += std::string ("\nUser specified Annotations:\n")+annotationTableDesc;


#if (BIOSIG_VERSION > 10509)
    tmpstr = biosig_get_application_specific_information(hdr);
    if (tmpstr != NULL) /* MSVC2008 can not properly handle std::string( (char*)NULL ) */

    ReturnData.SetScaling("biosig scaling factor");

        Date and time conversion
    struct tm T;
    biosig_get_startdatetime(hdr, &T);


#else  // #ifndef __LIBBIOSIG2_H__

    HDRTYPE* hdr =  sopen( fName.c_str(), "r", NULL );
    if (hdr==NULL) {
        return stfio::none;
    type = stfio_file_type(hdr);

#if !defined(BIOSIG_VERSION) || (BIOSIG_VERSION < 10501)
    if (hdr->TYPE==ABF) {
           biosig v1.5.0 and earlier does not always return
           with a proper error message for ABF files.
           This causes problems with the ABF fallback mechanism
    if ( hdr->TYPE==ABF2 ) {
        // ABF2 support should be handled by importABF not importBiosig
        return type;
    if (hdr->TYPE==ABF && hdr->AS.B4C_ERRNUM) {
        /* this triggers the fall back mechanims w/o reporting an error message */
        destructHDR(hdr);	// free allocated memory
        return type;

#if defined(BIOSIG_VERSION) && (BIOSIG_VERSION > 10400)
    if (hdr->AS.B4C_ERRNUM) {
    if (B4C_ERRNUM) {
        destructHDR(hdr);	// free allocated memory
        return type;
    if ( hdr->TYPE==ATF || hdr->TYPE==HDF) {
        // ATF, HDF5 support should be handled by importATF and importHDF5 not importBiosig
        return type;

    // earlier versions of biosig support only the file type identification, but did not read AXG files
#if defined(BIOSIG_VERSION) && (BIOSIG_VERSION > 10403)
    if ( (BIOSIG_VERSION < 10600)
         && (hdr->TYPE==AXG)
       ) {
        // biosig's AXG import crashes on Windows at this time
        return type;
    // ensure the event table is in chronological order

    // allocate local memory for intermediate results;
    const int strSize=100;
    char str[strSize];

	count sections and generate list of indices indicating start and end of sweeps
    size_t numberOfEvents = hdr->EVENT.N;
    size_t LenIndexList = 256;
    if (LenIndexList > numberOfEvents) LenIndexList = numberOfEvents + 2;
    size_t *SegIndexList = (size_t*)malloc(LenIndexList*sizeof(size_t));
    uint32_t nsections = 0;
    SegIndexList[nsections] = 0;
    size_t MaxSectionLength = 0;
    for (size_t k=0; k <= numberOfEvents; k++) {
        if (LenIndexList <= nsections+2) {
            // allocate more memory as needed
		    LenIndexList *=2;
		    SegIndexList = (size_t*)realloc(SegIndexList, LenIndexList*sizeof(size_t));
            count number of sections and stores it in nsections;
            EVENT.TYP==0x7ffe indicate number of breaks between sweeps
	        SegIndexList includes index to first sample and index to last sample,
	        thus, the effective length of SegIndexList is the number of 0x7ffe plus two.
        if (0)                              ;
        else if (k >= hdr->EVENT.N)         SegIndexList[++nsections] = hdr->NRec*hdr->SPR;
        else if (hdr->EVENT.TYP[k]==0x7ffe) SegIndexList[++nsections] = hdr->EVENT.POS[k];
        else                                continue;

        size_t SPS = SegIndexList[nsections]-SegIndexList[nsections-1];	// length of segment, samples per segment
	    if (MaxSectionLength < SPS) MaxSectionLength = SPS;

    int numberOfChannels = 0;
    for (int k=0; k < hdr->NS; k++)
        if (hdr->CHANNEL[k].OnOff==1)

        rescale data to mV and pA
    for (int ch=0; ch < hdr->NS; ++ch) {
        CHANNEL_TYPE *hc = hdr->CHANNEL+ch;
        if (hc->OnOff != 1) continue;
        double scale = PhysDimScale(hc->PhysDimCode); 
        switch (hc->PhysDimCode & 0xffe0) {
        case 4256:  // Volt
                hc->PhysDimCode = 4274; // = PhysDimCode("mV");
                scale *=1e3;   // V->mV
                hc->PhysMax *= scale;         
                hc->PhysMin *= scale;         
                hc->Cal *= scale;         
                hc->Off *= scale;         
        case 4160:  // Ampere
                hc->PhysDimCode = 4181; // = PhysDimCode("pA");
                scale *=1e12;   // A->pA
                hc->PhysMax *= scale;         
                hc->PhysMin *= scale;         
                hc->Cal *= scale;         
                hc->Off *= scale;         

        read bulk data 
    /* size_t blks = */ sread(NULL, 0, hdr->NRec, hdr);
    biosig_data_type *data = hdr->data.block;
    size_t SPR = hdr->NRec*hdr->SPR;

#ifdef _STFDEBUG
    std::cout << "Number of events: " << numberOfEvents << std::endl;
    /*int res = */ hdr2ascii(hdr, stdout, 4);

    int NS = 0;   // number of non-empty channels
    for (size_t nc=0; nc < hdr->NS; ++nc) {

        if (hdr->CHANNEL[nc].OnOff == 0) continue;

        Channel TempChannel(nsections);
#if defined(BIOSIG_VERSION) && (BIOSIG_VERSION > 10301)

        for (size_t ns=1; ns<=nsections; ns++) {
	        size_t SPS = SegIndexList[ns]-SegIndexList[ns-1];	// length of segment, samples per segment

		int progbar = 100.0*(1.0*ns/nsections + NS)/numberOfChannels;
		std::ostringstream progStr;
		progStr << "Reading channel #" << NS + 1 << " of " << numberOfChannels
			<< ", Section #" << ns << " of " << nsections;
		progDlg.Update(progbar, progStr.str());

		/* unused //
		char sweepname[20];
		sprintf(sweepname,"sweep %i",(int)ns);		
		Section TempSection(
                                SPS, // TODO: hdr->nsamplingpoints[nc][ns]
                                "" // TODO: hdr->sectionname[nc][ns]

		std::copy(&(data[NS*SPR + SegIndexList[ns-1]]),
			  &(data[NS*SPR + SegIndexList[ns]]),
			  TempSection.get_w().begin() );

        try {
            TempChannel.InsertSection(TempSection, ns-1);
        catch (...) {
			return type;
    try {
        if ((int)ReturnData.size() < numberOfChannels) {
        ReturnData.InsertChannel(TempChannel, NS++);
    catch (...) {
		return type;


    ReturnData.SetComment ( hdr->ID.Recording );

    sprintf(str,"v%i.%i.%i (compiled on %s %s)",BIOSIG_VERSION_MAJOR,BIOSIG_VERSION_MINOR,BIOSIG_PATCHLEVEL,__DATE__,__TIME__);
    std::string Desc = std::string("importBiosig with libbiosig ")+std::string(str);

    if (hdr->ID.Technician)
            Desc += std::string ("\nTechnician:\t") + std::string (hdr->ID.Technician);
    Desc += std::string( "\nCreated with: ");
    if (hdr->ID.Manufacturer.Name)
        Desc += std::string( hdr->ID.Manufacturer.Name );
    if (hdr->ID.Manufacturer.Model)
        Desc += std::string( hdr->ID.Manufacturer.Model );
    if (hdr->ID.Manufacturer.Version)
        Desc += std::string( hdr->ID.Manufacturer.Version );
    if (hdr->ID.Manufacturer.SerialNumber)
        Desc += std::string( hdr->ID.Manufacturer.SerialNumber );

    Desc += std::string ("\nUser specified Annotations:\n");
    for (size_t k=0; k < numberOfEvents; k++) {
        if (hdr->EVENT.TYP[k] < 256) {
            sprintf(str,"%f s\t",hdr->EVENT.POS[k]/hdr->EVENT.SampleRate);
            Desc += std::string( str );
            if (hdr->EVENT.CodeDesc != NULL)
                Desc += std::string( hdr->EVENT.CodeDesc[hdr->EVENT.TYP[k]] );
            Desc += "\n";
    // hdr->AS.bci2000 is an alias to hdr->AS.fpulse, which available only in libbiosig v1.6.0 or later

    if (hdr->AS.bci2000) ReturnData.SetGlobalSectionDescription(std::string(hdr->AS.bci2000));

    ReturnData.SetScaling("biosig scaling factor");

        Date and time conversion
    struct tm T;
    gdf_time2tm_time_r(hdr->T0, &T);
    struct tm* Tp;
    Tp = gdf_time2tm_time(hdr->T0);
    T = *Tp;



    return stfio::biosig;

    // =====================================================================================================================
    // Save file with libbiosig into GDF format
    // There basically two implementations, one with libbiosig before v1.6.0 and
    // and one for libbiosig v1.6.0 and later
    // =====================================================================================================================

bool stfio::exportBiosigFile(const std::string& fName, const Recording& Data, stfio::ProgressInfo& progDlg) {
    converts the internal data structure to libbiosig's internal structure
    and saves the file as gdf file.

    The data in converted into the raw data format, and not into the common
    data matrix.

#ifdef __LIBBIOSIG2_H__

    size_t numberOfChannels = Data.size();
    HDRTYPE* hdr = constructHDR(numberOfChannels, 0);

	/* Initialize all header parameters */
    biosig_set_filetype(hdr, GDF);

    biosig_set_startdatetime(hdr, Data.GetDateTime());

    const char *xunits = Data.GetXUnits().c_str();
    uint16_t pdc = PhysDimCode(xunits);

    if ((pdc & 0xffe0) != PhysDimCode("s")) {
        fprintf(stderr,"Stimfit exportBiosigFile: xunits [%s] has not proper units, assume [ms]\n",Data.GetXUnits().c_str());
        pdc = PhysDimCode("ms");

    double fs = 1.0/(PhysDimScale(pdc) * Data.GetXScale());
    biosig_set_samplerate(hdr, fs);

#if (BIOSIG_VERSION < 10700)
    biosig_set_flags(hdr, 0, 0, 0);

    size_t k, m, numberOfEvents=0;
    size_t NRec=0;	// corresponds to hdr->NRec
    size_t SPR=1;	// corresponds to hdr->SPR
    size_t chSPR=0;	// corresponds to hc->SPR

    /* Initialize all channel parameters */
	size_t *chanSPR = (size_t*)malloc(numberOfChannels*sizeof(size_t));
    for (k = 0; k < numberOfChannels; ++k) {
        CHANNEL_TYPE *hc = biosig_get_channel(hdr, k);

		biosig_channel_set_scaling(hc, 1e9, -1e9, 1e9, -1e9);
		biosig_channel_set_label(hc, Data[k].GetChannelName().c_str());
		biosig_channel_set_physdim(hc, Data[k].GetYUnits().c_str());

		biosig_channel_set_filter(hc, NAN, NAN, NAN);
		biosig_channel_set_timing_offset(hc, 0.0);
		biosig_channel_set_impedance(hc, NAN);

        chSPR    = SPR;

        // each segment gets one marker, roughly
        numberOfEvents += Data[k].size();

        size_t m,len = 0;
        for (len=0, m = 0; m < Data[k].size(); ++m) {
            unsigned div = lround(Data[k][m].GetXScale()/Data.GetXScale());
            chSPR = lcm(chSPR,div);  // sampling interval of m-th segment in k-th channel
            len += div*Data[k][m].size();
        SPR = lcm(SPR, chSPR);

            hc->SPR (i.e. chSPR) is 'abused' to store final hdr->SPR/hc->SPR, this is corrected in the loop below
            its a hack to avoid the need for another malloc().
        biosig_channel_set_samples_per_record(hc, chSPR);

        if (k==0) {
            NRec = len;
        else if ((size_t)NRec != len) {
            throw std::runtime_error("File can't be exported:\n"
                "No data or traces have different sizes" );

            return false;

    biosig_set_number_of_samples(hdr, NRec, SPR);
    size_t bpb = 0;
    for (k = 0; k < numberOfChannels; ++k) {
        CHANNEL_TYPE *hc = biosig_get_channel(hdr, k);
        // the 'abuse' of hc->SPR described above is corrected
        size_t spr = biosig_channel_get_samples_per_record(hc);
        spr = SPR / spr;
        biosig_channel_set_samples_per_record(hc, spr);
        size_t spr = SPR/chanSPR[k];
        chanSPR[k] = spr;
        bpb += spr * 8; /* its always double */

	    build Event table for storing segment information
	    pre-allocate memory for even table

        numberOfEvents *= 2;    // about two events per segment
        biosig_set_number_of_events(hdr, numberOfEvents);

    /* check whether all segments have same size */
        char flag = (numberOfChannels > 0);
        size_t m, POS, pos;
        for (k=0; k < numberOfChannels; ++k) {
            pos = Data[k].size();
            if (k==0)
                POS = pos;
                flag &= (POS == pos);
        for (m=0; flag && (m < Data[(size_t)0].size()); ++m) {
            for (k=0; k < biosig_get_number_of_channels(hdr); ++k) {
                pos = Data[k][m].size() * lround(Data[k][m].GetXScale()/Data.GetXScale());
                if (k==0)
                    POS = pos;
                    flag &= (POS == pos);
        if (!flag) {
            throw std::runtime_error(
                    "File can't be exported:\n"
                    "Traces have different sizes or no channels found"
            return false;

        size_t N=0;
        size_t pos = 0;
        for (m=0; m < (Data[k].size()); ++m) {
            if (pos > 0) {
                uint16_t typ=0x7ffe;
                uint32_t pos32=pos;
                uint16_t chn=0;
                uint32_t dur=0;
                // set break marker
                biosig_set_nth_event(hdr, N++, &typ, &pos32, &chn, &dur, NULL, NULL);
                // set annotation
                const char *Desc = Data[k][m].GetSectionDescription().c_str();
                 if (Desc != NULL && strlen(Desc)>0)
                    biosig_set_nth_event(hdr, N++, NULL, &pos32, &chn, &dur, NULL, Desc);   // TODO
            pos += Data[k][m].size() * lround(Data[k][m].GetXScale()/Data.GetXScale());

        biosig_set_number_of_events(hdr, N);
        biosig_set_eventtable_samplerate(hdr, fs);

        /* convert data into GDF rawdata from  */
        uint8_t *rawdata = (uint8_t*)malloc(bpb * NRec);

        size_t bi=0;
	for (k=0; k < numberOfChannels; ++k) {
        CHANNEL_TYPE *hc = biosig_get_channel(hdr, k);
        size_t chSPR = biosig_channel_get_samples_per_record(hc);
        size_t chSPR = chanSPR[k];
        size_t m,n,len=0;
        for (m=0; m < Data[k].size(); ++m) {

            size_t div = lround(Data[k][m].GetXScale()/Data.GetXScale());
            size_t div2 = SPR/div;		  // TODO: avoid using hdr->SPR

            // fprintf(stdout,"k,m,div,div2: %i,%i,%i,%i\n",(int)k,(int)m,(int)div,(int)div2);  //
            for (n=0; n < Data[k][m].size(); ++n) {
                uint64_t val;
                double d = Data[k][m][n];
#if !defined(__MINGW32__) && !defined(_MSC_VER) && !defined(__APPLE__)
                val = htole64(*(uint64_t*)&d);
                val = *(uint64_t*)&d;
                size_t p, spr = (len + n*div) / SPR;

                for (p=0; p < div2; p++)
                   *(uint64_t*)(rawdata + bi + bpb * spr + p*8) = val;
            len += div*Data[k][m].size();
		bi += chSPR*8;

	if (chanSPR) free(chanSPR);

        write to file
    std::string errorMsg("Exception while calling std::exportBiosigFile():\n");

    hdr = sopen( fName.c_str(), "w", hdr );
    if (serror2(hdr)) {
        errorMsg += biosig_get_errormsg(hdr);
        throw std::runtime_error(errorMsg.c_str());
        return false;

    ifwrite(rawdata, bpb, NRec, hdr);


#else   // #ifndef __LIBBIOSIG2_H__

    HDRTYPE* hdr = constructHDR(Data.size(), 0);
    assert(hdr->NS == Data.size());

	/* Initialize all header parameters */
    hdr->TYPE = GDF;
#if (BIOSIG_VERSION >= 10508)
    /* transition in biosig to rename HDR->VERSION to HDR->Version
       to avoid name space conflict with macro VERSION
    hdr->Version = 3.0;   // select latest supported version of GDF format
    hdr->VERSION = 3.0;   // select latest supported version of GDF format

    struct tm t = Data.GetDateTime();

    hdr->T0 = tm_time2gdf_time(&t);

    const char *xunits = Data.GetXUnits().c_str();
    uint16_t pdc = PhysDimCode(xunits);
    uint16_t pdc = PhysDimCode((char*)xunits);
    if ((pdc & 0xffe0) == PhysDimCode("s")) {
        fprintf(stderr,"Stimfit exportBiosigFile: xunits [%s] has not proper units, assume [ms]\n",Data.GetXUnits().c_str());
        pdc = PhysDimCode("ms");
    hdr->SampleRate = 1.0/(PhysDimScale(pdc) * Data.GetXScale());
    hdr->SPR  = 1;

    hdr->FLAG.UCAL = 0;

    hdr->FILE.COMPRESSION = 0;

	/* Initialize all channel parameters */
    size_t k, m;
    for (k = 0; k < hdr->NS; ++k) {
        CHANNEL_TYPE *hc = hdr->CHANNEL+k;

        hc->PhysMin = -1e9;
        hc->PhysMax =  1e9;
        hc->DigMin  = -1e9;
        hc->DigMax  =  1e9;
        hc->Cal     =  1.0;
        hc->Off     =  0.0;

        /* Channel descriptions. */
        strncpy(hc->Label, Data[k].GetChannelName().c_str(), MAX_LENGTH_LABEL);
        hc->PhysDimCode = PhysDimCode(Data[k].GetYUnits().c_str());
        hc->PhysDimCode = PhysDimCode((char*)Data[k].GetYUnits().c_str());
        hc->OnOff      = 1;
        hc->LeadIdCode = 0;

        hc->TOffset  = 0.0;
        hc->Notch    = NAN;
        hc->LowPass  = NAN;
        hc->HighPass = NAN;
        hc->Impedance= NAN;

        hc->SPR    = hdr->SPR;
        hc->GDFTYP = 17; 	// double

        // each segment gets one marker, roughly
        hdr->EVENT.N += Data[k].size();

        size_t m,len = 0;
        for (len=0, m = 0; m < Data[k].size(); ++m) {
            unsigned div = lround(Data[k][m].GetXScale()/Data.GetXScale());
            hc->SPR = lcm(hc->SPR,div);  // sampling interval of m-th segment in k-th channel
            len += div*Data[k][m].size();
        hdr->SPR = lcm(hdr->SPR, hc->SPR);

        if (k==0) {
            hdr->NRec = len;
        else if ((size_t)hdr->NRec != len) {
            throw std::runtime_error("File can't be exported:\n"
                "No data or traces have different sizes" );

            return false;

    hdr->AS.bpb = 0;
    for (k = 0; k < hdr->NS; ++k) {
        CHANNEL_TYPE *hc = hdr->CHANNEL+k;
        hc->SPR = hdr->SPR / hc->SPR;
        hc->bi  = hdr->AS.bpb;
        hdr->AS.bpb += hc->SPR * 8; /* its always double */

	    build Event table for storing segment information
	size_t N = hdr->EVENT.N * 2;    // about two events per segment
	hdr->EVENT.POS = (uint32_t*)realloc(hdr->EVENT.POS, N * sizeof(*hdr->EVENT.POS));
	hdr->EVENT.DUR = (uint32_t*)realloc(hdr->EVENT.DUR, N * sizeof(*hdr->EVENT.DUR));
	hdr->EVENT.TYP = (uint16_t*)realloc(hdr->EVENT.TYP, N * sizeof(*hdr->EVENT.TYP));
	hdr->EVENT.CHN = (uint16_t*)realloc(hdr->EVENT.CHN, N * sizeof(*hdr->EVENT.CHN));
#if (BIOSIG_VERSION >= 10500)
	hdr->EVENT.TimeStamp = (gdf_time*)realloc(hdr->EVENT.TimeStamp, N * sizeof(gdf_time));

    /* check whether all segments have same size */
        char flag = (hdr->NS>0);
        size_t m, POS, pos;
        for (k=0; k < hdr->NS; ++k) {
            pos = Data[k].size();
            if (k==0)
                POS = pos;
                flag &= (POS == pos);
        for (m=0; flag && (m < Data[(size_t)0].size()); ++m) {
            for (k=0; k < hdr->NS; ++k) {
                pos = Data[k][m].size() * lround(Data[k][m].GetXScale()/Data.GetXScale());
                if (k==0)
                    POS = pos;
                    flag &= (POS == pos);
        if (!flag) {
            throw std::runtime_error(
                    "File can't be exported:\n"
                    "Traces have different sizes or no channels found"
            return false;

        size_t pos = 0;
        for (m=0; m < (Data[k].size()); ++m) {
            if (pos > 0) {
                // start of new segment after break
                hdr->EVENT.POS[N] = pos;
                hdr->EVENT.TYP[N] = 0x7ffe;
                hdr->EVENT.CHN[N] = 0;
                hdr->EVENT.DUR[N] = 0;
#if 0
            // event description
            hdr->EVENT.POS[N] = pos;
            FreeTextEvent(hdr, N, "myevent");
            //FreeTextEvent(hdr, N, Data[k][m].GetSectionDescription().c_str()); // TODO
            hdr->EVENT.CHN[N] = k;
            hdr->EVENT.DUR[N] = 0;
            pos += Data[k][m].size() * lround(Data[k][m].GetXScale()/Data.GetXScale());

        hdr->EVENT.N = N;
        hdr->EVENT.SampleRate = hdr->SampleRate;


	/* convert data into GDF rawdata from  */
	hdr->AS.rawdata = (uint8_t*)realloc(hdr->AS.rawdata, hdr->AS.bpb*hdr->NRec);
	for (k=0; k < hdr->NS; ++k) {
        CHANNEL_TYPE *hc = hdr->CHANNEL+k;

        size_t m,n,len=0;
        for (m=0; m < Data[k].size(); ++m) {
            size_t div = lround(Data[k][m].GetXScale()/Data.GetXScale());
            size_t div2 = hdr->SPR/div;

            // fprintf(stdout,"k,m,div,div2: %i,%i,%i,%i\n",(int)k,(int)m,(int)div,(int)div2);  //
            for (n=0; n < Data[k][m].size(); ++n) {
                uint64_t val;
                double d = Data[k][m][n];
#if !defined(__MINGW32__) && !defined(_MSC_VER) && !defined(__APPLE__)
                val = htole64(*(uint64_t*)&d);
                val = *(uint64_t*)&d;
                size_t p, spr = (len + n*div) / hdr->SPR;
                for (p=0; p < div2; p++)
                   *(uint64_t*)(hdr->AS.rawdata + hc->bi + hdr->AS.bpb * spr + p*8) = val;
            len += div*Data[k][m].size();

        write to file
    std::string errorMsg("Exception while calling std::exportBiosigFile():\n");

    hdr = sopen( fName.c_str(), "w", hdr );
#if (BIOSIG_VERSION > 10400)
    if (serror2(hdr)) {
        errorMsg += hdr->AS.B4C_ERRMSG;
    if (serror()) {
	    errorMsg += B4C_ERRMSG;
        throw std::runtime_error(errorMsg.c_str());
        return false;

    ifwrite(hdr->AS.rawdata, hdr->AS.bpb, hdr->NRec, hdr);


    return true;
Exemple #7
void glfHandler::EndSection()
    char marker = 0;

    ifwrite(handle, &marker, sizeof(char));
Exemple #8
bool BamInterface::writeHeader(IFILE filePtr, SamFileHeader& header,
                               SamStatus& status)
    if((filePtr == NULL) || (filePtr->isOpen() == false))
        // File is not open, return false.
                         "Cannot write header since the file pointer is null");

    char magic[4];
    magic[0] = 'B';
    magic[1] = 'A';
    magic[2] = 'M';
    magic[3] = 1;

    // Write magic to the file.
    ifwrite(filePtr, magic, 4);

    // Write the header to the file.
    // Construct a string containing the entire header.
    std::string headerString = "";

    int32_t headerLen = headerString.length();
    int numWrite = 0;

    // Write the header length.
    numWrite = ifwrite(filePtr, &headerLen, sizeof(int32_t));
    if(numWrite != sizeof(int32_t))
                         "Failed to write the BAM header length.");

    // Write the header to the file.
    numWrite = ifwrite(filePtr, headerString.c_str(), headerLen);
    if(numWrite != headerLen)
                         "Failed to write the BAM header.");

    // Write the Reference Information.
    const SamReferenceInfo& refInfo = header.getReferenceInfo();

    // Get the number of sequences.
    int32_t numSeq = refInfo.getNumEntries();
    ifwrite(filePtr, &numSeq, sizeof(int32_t));

    // Write each reference sequence
    for (int i = 0; i < numSeq; i++)
        const char* refName = refInfo.getReferenceName(i);
        // Add one for the null value.
        int32_t nameLength = strlen(refName) + 1;
        // Write the length of the reference name.
        ifwrite(filePtr, &nameLength, sizeof(int32_t));

        // Write the name.
        ifwrite(filePtr, refName, nameLength);
        // Write the length of the reference sequence.
        int32_t refLen = refInfo.getReferenceLength(i);
        ifwrite(filePtr, &refLen, sizeof(int32_t));
