Exemple #1
   Subroutine */ int igraphdgetv0_(integer *ido, char *bmat, integer *itry, logical
                                   *initv, integer *n, integer *j, doublereal *v, integer *ldv,
                                   doublereal *resid, doublereal *rnorm, integer *ipntr, doublereal *
                                   workd, integer *ierr)
    /* Initialized data */

    IGRAPH_F77_SAVE logical inits = TRUE_;

    /* System generated locals */
    integer v_dim1, v_offset, i__1;

    /* Builtin functions */
    double sqrt(doublereal);

    /* Local variables */
    real t0, t1, t2, t3;
    integer jj, nbx = 0;
    extern doublereal igraphddot_(integer *, doublereal *, integer *, doublereal *,
                                  integer *);
    IGRAPH_F77_SAVE integer iter;
    IGRAPH_F77_SAVE logical orth;
    integer nopx = 0;
    extern doublereal igraphdnrm2_(integer *, doublereal *, integer *);
    IGRAPH_F77_SAVE integer iseed[4];
    extern /* Subroutine */ int igraphdgemv_(char *, integer *, integer *,
            doublereal *, doublereal *, integer *, doublereal *, integer *,
            doublereal *, doublereal *, integer *);
    integer idist;
    extern /* Subroutine */ int igraphdcopy_(integer *, doublereal *, integer *,
            doublereal *, integer *);
    IGRAPH_F77_SAVE logical first;
    real tmvbx = 0;
    extern /* Subroutine */ int igraphdvout_(integer *, integer *, doublereal *,
            integer *, char *, ftnlen);
    integer mgetv0 = 0;
    real tgetv0 = 0;
    IGRAPH_F77_SAVE doublereal rnorm0;
    extern /* Subroutine */ int igraphsecond_(real *);
    integer logfil, ndigit;
    extern /* Subroutine */ int igraphdlarnv_(integer *, integer *, integer *,
            doublereal *);
    IGRAPH_F77_SAVE integer msglvl;
    real tmvopx = 0;

    /*     %----------------------------------------------------%
           | Include files for debugging and timing information |

           | Scalar Arguments |

           | Array Arguments |

           | Parameters |

           | Local Scalars & Arrays |

           | External Subroutines |

           | External Functions |

           | Intrinsic Functions |

           | Data Statements |

           Parameter adjustments */
    v_dim1 = *ldv;
    v_offset = 1 + v_dim1;
    v -= v_offset;

    /* Function Body

       | Executable Statements |

       | Initialize the seed of the LAPACK |
       | random number generator           |
       %-----------------------------------% */

    if (inits) {
        iseed[0] = 1;
        iseed[1] = 3;
        iseed[2] = 5;
        iseed[3] = 7;
        inits = FALSE_;

    if (*ido == 0) {

        /*        %-------------------------------%
                  | Initialize timing statistics  |
                  | & message level for debugging |
                  %-------------------------------% */

        msglvl = mgetv0;

        *ierr = 0;
        iter = 0;
        first = FALSE_;
        orth = FALSE_;

        /*        %-----------------------------------------------------%
                  | Possibly generate a random starting vector in RESID |
                  | Use a LAPACK random number generator used by the    |
                  | matrix generation routines.                         |
                  |    idist = 1: uniform (0,1)  distribution;          |
                  |    idist = 2: uniform (-1,1) distribution;          |
                  |    idist = 3: normal  (0,1)  distribution;          |
                  %-----------------------------------------------------% */

        if (! (*initv)) {
            idist = 2;
            igraphdlarnv_(&idist, iseed, n, &resid[1]);

        /*        %----------------------------------------------------------%
                  | Force the starting vector into the range of OP to handle |
                  | the generalized problem when B is possibly (singular).   |
                  %----------------------------------------------------------% */

        if (*(unsigned char *)bmat == 'G') {
            ipntr[1] = 1;
            ipntr[2] = *n + 1;
            igraphdcopy_(n, &resid[1], &c__1, &workd[1], &c__1);
            *ido = -1;
            goto L9000;

    /*     %-----------------------------------------%
           | Back from computing OP*(initial-vector) |
           %-----------------------------------------% */

    if (first) {
        goto L20;

    /*     %-----------------------------------------------%
           | Back from computing B*(orthogonalized-vector) |
           %-----------------------------------------------% */

    if (orth) {
        goto L40;

    if (*(unsigned char *)bmat == 'G') {
        tmvopx += t3 - t2;

    /*     %------------------------------------------------------%
           | Starting vector is now in the range of OP; r = OP*r; |
           | Compute B-norm of starting vector.                   |
           %------------------------------------------------------% */

    first = TRUE_;
    if (*(unsigned char *)bmat == 'G') {
        igraphdcopy_(n, &workd[*n + 1], &c__1, &resid[1], &c__1);
        ipntr[1] = *n + 1;
        ipntr[2] = 1;
        *ido = 2;
        goto L9000;
    } else if (*(unsigned char *)bmat == 'I') {
        igraphdcopy_(n, &resid[1], &c__1, &workd[1], &c__1);


    if (*(unsigned char *)bmat == 'G') {
        tmvbx += t3 - t2;

    first = FALSE_;
    if (*(unsigned char *)bmat == 'G') {
        rnorm0 = igraphddot_(n, &resid[1], &c__1, &workd[1], &c__1);
        rnorm0 = sqrt((abs(rnorm0)));
    } else if (*(unsigned char *)bmat == 'I') {
        rnorm0 = igraphdnrm2_(n, &resid[1], &c__1);
    *rnorm = rnorm0;

    /*     %---------------------------------------------%
           | Exit if this is the very first Arnoldi step |
           %---------------------------------------------% */

    if (*j == 1) {
        goto L50;

    /*     %----------------------------------------------------------------
           | Otherwise need to B-orthogonalize the starting vector against |
           | the current Arnoldi basis using Gram-Schmidt with iter. ref.  |
           | This is the case where an invariant subspace is encountered   |
           | in the middle of the Arnoldi factorization.                   |
           |                                                               |
           |       s = V^{T}*B*r;   r = r - V*s;                           |
           |                                                               |
           | Stopping criteria used for iter. ref. is discussed in         |
           | Parlett's book, page 107 and in Gragg & Reichel TOMS paper.   |
           %---------------------------------------------------------------% */

    orth = TRUE_;

    i__1 = *j - 1;
    igraphdgemv_("T", n, &i__1, &c_b24, &v[v_offset], ldv, &workd[1], &c__1, &c_b26,
                 &workd[*n + 1], &c__1);
    i__1 = *j - 1;
    igraphdgemv_("N", n, &i__1, &c_b29, &v[v_offset], ldv, &workd[*n + 1], &c__1, &
                 c_b24, &resid[1], &c__1);

    /*     %----------------------------------------------------------%
           | Compute the B-norm of the orthogonalized starting vector |
           %----------------------------------------------------------% */

    if (*(unsigned char *)bmat == 'G') {
        igraphdcopy_(n, &resid[1], &c__1, &workd[*n + 1], &c__1);
        ipntr[1] = *n + 1;
        ipntr[2] = 1;
        *ido = 2;
        goto L9000;
    } else if (*(unsigned char *)bmat == 'I') {
        igraphdcopy_(n, &resid[1], &c__1, &workd[1], &c__1);


    if (*(unsigned char *)bmat == 'G') {
        tmvbx += t3 - t2;

    if (*(unsigned char *)bmat == 'G') {
        *rnorm = igraphddot_(n, &resid[1], &c__1, &workd[1], &c__1);
        *rnorm = sqrt((abs(*rnorm)));
    } else if (*(unsigned char *)bmat == 'I') {
        *rnorm = igraphdnrm2_(n, &resid[1], &c__1);

    /*     %--------------------------------------%
           | Check for further orthogonalization. |
           %--------------------------------------% */

    if (msglvl > 2) {
        igraphdvout_(&logfil, &c__1, &rnorm0, &ndigit, "_getv0: re-orthonalization"
                     " ; rnorm0 is", (ftnlen)38);
        igraphdvout_(&logfil, &c__1, rnorm, &ndigit, "_getv0: re-orthonalization ;"
                     " rnorm is", (ftnlen)37);

    if (*rnorm > rnorm0 * .717f) {
        goto L50;

    if (iter <= 1) {

        /*        %-----------------------------------%
                  | Perform iterative refinement step |
                  %-----------------------------------% */

        rnorm0 = *rnorm;
        goto L30;
    } else {

        /*        %------------------------------------%
                  | Iterative refinement step "failed" |
                  %------------------------------------% */

        i__1 = *n;
        for (jj = 1; jj <= i__1; ++jj) {
            resid[jj] = 0.;
            /* L45: */
        *rnorm = 0.;
        *ierr = -1;


    if (msglvl > 0) {
        igraphdvout_(&logfil, &c__1, rnorm, &ndigit, "_getv0: B-norm of initial / "
                     "restarted starting vector", (ftnlen)53);
    if (msglvl > 2) {
        igraphdvout_(&logfil, n, &resid[1], &ndigit, "_getv0: initial / restarted "
                     "starting vector", (ftnlen)43);
    *ido = 99;

    tgetv0 += t1 - t0;

    return 0;

    /*     %---------------%
           | End of dgetv0 |
           %---------------% */

} /* igraphdgetv0_ */
Exemple #2
   Subroutine */ int igraphdlarfg_(integer *n, doublereal *alpha, doublereal *x, 
	integer *incx, doublereal *tau)
    /* System generated locals */
    integer i__1;
    doublereal d__1;

    /* Builtin functions */
    double d_sign(doublereal *, doublereal *);

    /* Local variables */
    integer j, knt;
    doublereal beta;
    extern doublereal igraphdnrm2_(integer *, doublereal *, integer *);
    extern /* Subroutine */ int igraphdscal_(integer *, doublereal *, doublereal *, 
	    integer *);
    doublereal xnorm;
    extern doublereal igraphdlapy2_(doublereal *, doublereal *), igraphdlamch_(char *);
    doublereal safmin, rsafmn;

/*  -- LAPACK auxiliary routine (version 3.4.2) --   
    -- LAPACK is a software package provided by Univ. of Tennessee,    --   
    -- Univ. of California Berkeley, Univ. of Colorado Denver and NAG Ltd..--   
       September 2012   


       Parameter adjustments */

    /* Function Body */
    if (*n <= 1) {
	*tau = 0.;
	return 0;

    i__1 = *n - 1;
    xnorm = igraphdnrm2_(&i__1, &x[1], incx);

    if (xnorm == 0.) {

/*        H  =  I */

	*tau = 0.;
    } else {

/*        general case */

	d__1 = igraphdlapy2_(alpha, &xnorm);
	beta = -d_sign(&d__1, alpha);
	safmin = igraphdlamch_("S") / igraphdlamch_("E");
	knt = 0;
	if (abs(beta) < safmin) {

/*           XNORM, BETA may be inaccurate; scale X and recompute them */

	    rsafmn = 1. / safmin;
	    i__1 = *n - 1;
	    igraphdscal_(&i__1, &rsafmn, &x[1], incx);
	    beta *= rsafmn;
	    *alpha *= rsafmn;
	    if (abs(beta) < safmin) {
		goto L10;

/*           New BETA is at most 1, at least SAFMIN */

	    i__1 = *n - 1;
	    xnorm = igraphdnrm2_(&i__1, &x[1], incx);
	    d__1 = igraphdlapy2_(alpha, &xnorm);
	    beta = -d_sign(&d__1, alpha);
	*tau = (beta - *alpha) / beta;
	i__1 = *n - 1;
	d__1 = 1. / (*alpha - beta);
	igraphdscal_(&i__1, &d__1, &x[1], incx);

/*        If ALPHA is subnormal, it may lose relative accuracy */

	i__1 = knt;
	for (j = 1; j <= i__1; ++j) {
	    beta *= safmin;
/* L20: */
	*alpha = beta;

    return 0;

/*     End of DLARFG */

} /* igraphdlarfg_ */
Exemple #3
   Subroutine */ int igraphdgeevx_(char *balanc, char *jobvl, char *jobvr, char *
	sense, integer *n, doublereal *a, integer *lda, doublereal *wr, 
	doublereal *wi, doublereal *vl, integer *ldvl, doublereal *vr, 
	integer *ldvr, integer *ilo, integer *ihi, doublereal *scale, 
	doublereal *abnrm, doublereal *rconde, doublereal *rcondv, doublereal 
	*work, integer *lwork, integer *iwork, integer *info)
    /* System generated locals */
    integer a_dim1, a_offset, vl_dim1, vl_offset, vr_dim1, vr_offset, i__1, 
	    i__2, i__3;
    doublereal d__1, d__2;

    /* Builtin functions */
    double sqrt(doublereal);

    /* Local variables */
    integer i__, k;
    doublereal r__, cs, sn;
    char job[1];
    doublereal scl, dum[1], eps;
    char side[1];
    doublereal anrm;
    integer ierr, itau;
    extern /* Subroutine */ int igraphdrot_(integer *, doublereal *, integer *, 
	    doublereal *, integer *, doublereal *, doublereal *);
    integer iwrk, nout;
    extern doublereal igraphdnrm2_(integer *, doublereal *, integer *);
    extern /* Subroutine */ int igraphdscal_(integer *, doublereal *, doublereal *, 
	    integer *);
    integer icond;
    extern logical igraphlsame_(char *, char *);
    extern doublereal igraphdlapy2_(doublereal *, doublereal *);
    extern /* Subroutine */ int igraphdlabad_(doublereal *, doublereal *), igraphdgebak_(
	    char *, char *, integer *, integer *, integer *, doublereal *, 
	    integer *, doublereal *, integer *, integer *), 
	    igraphdgebal_(char *, integer *, doublereal *, integer *, integer *, 
	    integer *, doublereal *, integer *);
    logical scalea;
    extern doublereal igraphdlamch_(char *);
    doublereal cscale;
    extern doublereal igraphdlange_(char *, integer *, integer *, doublereal *, 
	    integer *, doublereal *);
    extern /* Subroutine */ int igraphdgehrd_(integer *, integer *, integer *, 
	    doublereal *, integer *, doublereal *, doublereal *, integer *, 
	    integer *), igraphdlascl_(char *, integer *, integer *, doublereal *, 
	    doublereal *, integer *, integer *, doublereal *, integer *, 
	    integer *);
    extern integer igraphidamax_(integer *, doublereal *, integer *);
    extern /* Subroutine */ int igraphdlacpy_(char *, integer *, integer *, 
	    doublereal *, integer *, doublereal *, integer *), 
	    igraphdlartg_(doublereal *, doublereal *, doublereal *, doublereal *, 
	    doublereal *), igraphxerbla_(char *, integer *, ftnlen);
    logical select[1];
    extern integer igraphilaenv_(integer *, char *, char *, integer *, integer *, 
	    integer *, integer *, ftnlen, ftnlen);
    doublereal bignum;
    extern /* Subroutine */ int igraphdorghr_(integer *, integer *, integer *, 
	    doublereal *, integer *, doublereal *, doublereal *, integer *, 
	    integer *), igraphdhseqr_(char *, char *, integer *, integer *, integer 
	    *, doublereal *, integer *, doublereal *, doublereal *, 
	    doublereal *, integer *, doublereal *, integer *, integer *), igraphdtrevc_(char *, char *, logical *, integer *, 
	    doublereal *, integer *, doublereal *, integer *, doublereal *, 
	    integer *, integer *, integer *, doublereal *, integer *), igraphdtrsna_(char *, char *, logical *, integer *, doublereal 
	    *, integer *, doublereal *, integer *, doublereal *, integer *, 
	    doublereal *, doublereal *, integer *, integer *, doublereal *, 
	    integer *, integer *, integer *);
    integer minwrk, maxwrk;
    logical wantvl, wntsnb;
    integer hswork;
    logical wntsne;
    doublereal smlnum;
    logical lquery, wantvr, wntsnn, wntsnv;

/*  -- LAPACK driver routine (version 3.4.2) --   
    -- LAPACK is a software package provided by Univ. of Tennessee,    --   
    -- Univ. of California Berkeley, Univ. of Colorado Denver and NAG Ltd..--   
       September 2012   


       Test the input arguments   

       Parameter adjustments */
    a_dim1 = *lda;
    a_offset = 1 + a_dim1;
    a -= a_offset;
    vl_dim1 = *ldvl;
    vl_offset = 1 + vl_dim1;
    vl -= vl_offset;
    vr_dim1 = *ldvr;
    vr_offset = 1 + vr_dim1;
    vr -= vr_offset;

    /* Function Body */
    *info = 0;
    lquery = *lwork == -1;
    wantvl = igraphlsame_(jobvl, "V");
    wantvr = igraphlsame_(jobvr, "V");
    wntsnn = igraphlsame_(sense, "N");
    wntsne = igraphlsame_(sense, "E");
    wntsnv = igraphlsame_(sense, "V");
    wntsnb = igraphlsame_(sense, "B");
    if (! (igraphlsame_(balanc, "N") || igraphlsame_(balanc, "S") || igraphlsame_(balanc, "P") 
	    || igraphlsame_(balanc, "B"))) {
	*info = -1;
    } else if (! wantvl && ! igraphlsame_(jobvl, "N")) {
	*info = -2;
    } else if (! wantvr && ! igraphlsame_(jobvr, "N")) {
	*info = -3;
    } else if (! (wntsnn || wntsne || wntsnb || wntsnv) || (wntsne || wntsnb) 
	    && ! (wantvl && wantvr)) {
	*info = -4;
    } else if (*n < 0) {
	*info = -5;
    } else if (*lda < max(1,*n)) {
	*info = -7;
    } else if (*ldvl < 1 || wantvl && *ldvl < *n) {
	*info = -11;
    } else if (*ldvr < 1 || wantvr && *ldvr < *n) {
	*info = -13;

/*     Compute workspace   
        (Note: Comments in the code beginning "Workspace:" describe the   
         minimal amount of workspace needed at that point in the code,   
         as well as the preferred amount for good performance.   
         NB refers to the optimal block size for the immediately   
         following subroutine, as returned by ILAENV.   
         HSWORK refers to the workspace preferred by DHSEQR, as   
         calculated below. HSWORK is computed assuming ILO=1 and IHI=N,   
         the worst case.) */

    if (*info == 0) {
	if (*n == 0) {
	    minwrk = 1;
	    maxwrk = 1;
	} else {
	    maxwrk = *n + *n * igraphilaenv_(&c__1, "DGEHRD", " ", n, &c__1, n, &
		    c__0, (ftnlen)6, (ftnlen)1);

	    if (wantvl) {
		igraphdhseqr_("S", "V", n, &c__1, n, &a[a_offset], lda, &wr[1], &wi[
			1], &vl[vl_offset], ldvl, &work[1], &c_n1, info);
	    } else if (wantvr) {
		igraphdhseqr_("S", "V", n, &c__1, n, &a[a_offset], lda, &wr[1], &wi[
			1], &vr[vr_offset], ldvr, &work[1], &c_n1, info);
	    } else {
		if (wntsnn) {
		    igraphdhseqr_("E", "N", n, &c__1, n, &a[a_offset], lda, &wr[1], 
			    &wi[1], &vr[vr_offset], ldvr, &work[1], &c_n1, 
		} else {
		    igraphdhseqr_("S", "N", n, &c__1, n, &a[a_offset], lda, &wr[1], 
			    &wi[1], &vr[vr_offset], ldvr, &work[1], &c_n1, 
	    hswork = (integer) work[1];

	    if (! wantvl && ! wantvr) {
		minwrk = *n << 1;
		if (! wntsnn) {
/* Computing MAX */
		    i__1 = minwrk, i__2 = *n * *n + *n * 6;
		    minwrk = max(i__1,i__2);
		maxwrk = max(maxwrk,hswork);
		if (! wntsnn) {
/* Computing MAX */
		    i__1 = maxwrk, i__2 = *n * *n + *n * 6;
		    maxwrk = max(i__1,i__2);
	    } else {
		minwrk = *n * 3;
		if (! wntsnn && ! wntsne) {
/* Computing MAX */
		    i__1 = minwrk, i__2 = *n * *n + *n * 6;
		    minwrk = max(i__1,i__2);
		maxwrk = max(maxwrk,hswork);
/* Computing MAX */
		i__1 = maxwrk, i__2 = *n + (*n - 1) * igraphilaenv_(&c__1, "DORGHR",
			 " ", n, &c__1, n, &c_n1, (ftnlen)6, (ftnlen)1);
		maxwrk = max(i__1,i__2);
		if (! wntsnn && ! wntsne) {
/* Computing MAX */
		    i__1 = maxwrk, i__2 = *n * *n + *n * 6;
		    maxwrk = max(i__1,i__2);
/* Computing MAX */
		i__1 = maxwrk, i__2 = *n * 3;
		maxwrk = max(i__1,i__2);
	    maxwrk = max(maxwrk,minwrk);
	work[1] = (doublereal) maxwrk;

	if (*lwork < minwrk && ! lquery) {
	    *info = -21;

    if (*info != 0) {
	i__1 = -(*info);
	igraphxerbla_("DGEEVX", &i__1, (ftnlen)6);
	return 0;
    } else if (lquery) {
	return 0;

/*     Quick return if possible */

    if (*n == 0) {
	return 0;

/*     Get machine constants */

    eps = igraphdlamch_("P");
    smlnum = igraphdlamch_("S");
    bignum = 1. / smlnum;
    igraphdlabad_(&smlnum, &bignum);
    smlnum = sqrt(smlnum) / eps;
    bignum = 1. / smlnum;

/*     Scale A if max element outside range [SMLNUM,BIGNUM] */

    icond = 0;
    anrm = igraphdlange_("M", n, n, &a[a_offset], lda, dum);
    scalea = FALSE_;
    if (anrm > 0. && anrm < smlnum) {
	scalea = TRUE_;
	cscale = smlnum;
    } else if (anrm > bignum) {
	scalea = TRUE_;
	cscale = bignum;
    if (scalea) {
	igraphdlascl_("G", &c__0, &c__0, &anrm, &cscale, n, n, &a[a_offset], lda, &

/*     Balance the matrix and compute ABNRM */

    igraphdgebal_(balanc, n, &a[a_offset], lda, ilo, ihi, &scale[1], &ierr);
    *abnrm = igraphdlange_("1", n, n, &a[a_offset], lda, dum);
    if (scalea) {
	dum[0] = *abnrm;
	igraphdlascl_("G", &c__0, &c__0, &cscale, &anrm, &c__1, &c__1, dum, &c__1, &
	*abnrm = dum[0];

/*     Reduce to upper Hessenberg form   
       (Workspace: need 2*N, prefer N+N*NB) */

    itau = 1;
    iwrk = itau + *n;
    i__1 = *lwork - iwrk + 1;
    igraphdgehrd_(n, ilo, ihi, &a[a_offset], lda, &work[itau], &work[iwrk], &i__1, &

    if (wantvl) {

/*        Want left eigenvectors   
          Copy Householder vectors to VL */

	*(unsigned char *)side = 'L';
	igraphdlacpy_("L", n, n, &a[a_offset], lda, &vl[vl_offset], ldvl)

/*        Generate orthogonal matrix in VL   
          (Workspace: need 2*N-1, prefer N+(N-1)*NB) */

	i__1 = *lwork - iwrk + 1;
	igraphdorghr_(n, ilo, ihi, &vl[vl_offset], ldvl, &work[itau], &work[iwrk], &
		i__1, &ierr);

/*        Perform QR iteration, accumulating Schur vectors in VL   
          (Workspace: need 1, prefer HSWORK (see comments) ) */

	iwrk = itau;
	i__1 = *lwork - iwrk + 1;
	igraphdhseqr_("S", "V", n, ilo, ihi, &a[a_offset], lda, &wr[1], &wi[1], &vl[
		vl_offset], ldvl, &work[iwrk], &i__1, info);

	if (wantvr) {

/*           Want left and right eigenvectors   
             Copy Schur vectors to VR */

	    *(unsigned char *)side = 'B';
	    igraphdlacpy_("F", n, n, &vl[vl_offset], ldvl, &vr[vr_offset], ldvr);

    } else if (wantvr) {

/*        Want right eigenvectors   
          Copy Householder vectors to VR */

	*(unsigned char *)side = 'R';
	igraphdlacpy_("L", n, n, &a[a_offset], lda, &vr[vr_offset], ldvr)

/*        Generate orthogonal matrix in VR   
          (Workspace: need 2*N-1, prefer N+(N-1)*NB) */

	i__1 = *lwork - iwrk + 1;
	igraphdorghr_(n, ilo, ihi, &vr[vr_offset], ldvr, &work[itau], &work[iwrk], &
		i__1, &ierr);

/*        Perform QR iteration, accumulating Schur vectors in VR   
          (Workspace: need 1, prefer HSWORK (see comments) ) */

	iwrk = itau;
	i__1 = *lwork - iwrk + 1;
	igraphdhseqr_("S", "V", n, ilo, ihi, &a[a_offset], lda, &wr[1], &wi[1], &vr[
		vr_offset], ldvr, &work[iwrk], &i__1, info);

    } else {

/*        Compute eigenvalues only   
          If condition numbers desired, compute Schur form */

	if (wntsnn) {
	    *(unsigned char *)job = 'E';
	} else {
	    *(unsigned char *)job = 'S';

/*        (Workspace: need 1, prefer HSWORK (see comments) ) */

	iwrk = itau;
	i__1 = *lwork - iwrk + 1;
	igraphdhseqr_(job, "N", n, ilo, ihi, &a[a_offset], lda, &wr[1], &wi[1], &vr[
		vr_offset], ldvr, &work[iwrk], &i__1, info);

/*     If INFO > 0 from DHSEQR, then quit */

    if (*info > 0) {
	goto L50;

    if (wantvl || wantvr) {

/*        Compute left and/or right eigenvectors   
          (Workspace: need 3*N) */

	igraphdtrevc_(side, "B", select, n, &a[a_offset], lda, &vl[vl_offset], ldvl,
		 &vr[vr_offset], ldvr, n, &nout, &work[iwrk], &ierr);

/*     Compute condition numbers if desired   
       (Workspace: need N*N+6*N unless SENSE = 'E') */

    if (! wntsnn) {
	igraphdtrsna_(sense, "A", select, n, &a[a_offset], lda, &vl[vl_offset], 
		ldvl, &vr[vr_offset], ldvr, &rconde[1], &rcondv[1], n, &nout, 
		&work[iwrk], n, &iwork[1], &icond);

    if (wantvl) {

/*        Undo balancing of left eigenvectors */

	igraphdgebak_(balanc, "L", n, ilo, ihi, &scale[1], n, &vl[vl_offset], ldvl, 

/*        Normalize left eigenvectors and make largest component real */

	i__1 = *n;
	for (i__ = 1; i__ <= i__1; ++i__) {
	    if (wi[i__] == 0.) {
		scl = 1. / igraphdnrm2_(n, &vl[i__ * vl_dim1 + 1], &c__1);
		igraphdscal_(n, &scl, &vl[i__ * vl_dim1 + 1], &c__1);
	    } else if (wi[i__] > 0.) {
		d__1 = igraphdnrm2_(n, &vl[i__ * vl_dim1 + 1], &c__1);
		d__2 = igraphdnrm2_(n, &vl[(i__ + 1) * vl_dim1 + 1], &c__1);
		scl = 1. / igraphdlapy2_(&d__1, &d__2);
		igraphdscal_(n, &scl, &vl[i__ * vl_dim1 + 1], &c__1);
		igraphdscal_(n, &scl, &vl[(i__ + 1) * vl_dim1 + 1], &c__1);
		i__2 = *n;
		for (k = 1; k <= i__2; ++k) {
/* Computing 2nd power */
		    d__1 = vl[k + i__ * vl_dim1];
/* Computing 2nd power */
		    d__2 = vl[k + (i__ + 1) * vl_dim1];
		    work[k] = d__1 * d__1 + d__2 * d__2;
/* L10: */
		k = igraphidamax_(n, &work[1], &c__1);
		igraphdlartg_(&vl[k + i__ * vl_dim1], &vl[k + (i__ + 1) * vl_dim1], 
			&cs, &sn, &r__);
		igraphdrot_(n, &vl[i__ * vl_dim1 + 1], &c__1, &vl[(i__ + 1) * 
			vl_dim1 + 1], &c__1, &cs, &sn);
		vl[k + (i__ + 1) * vl_dim1] = 0.;
/* L20: */

    if (wantvr) {

/*        Undo balancing of right eigenvectors */

	igraphdgebak_(balanc, "R", n, ilo, ihi, &scale[1], n, &vr[vr_offset], ldvr, 

/*        Normalize right eigenvectors and make largest component real */

	i__1 = *n;
	for (i__ = 1; i__ <= i__1; ++i__) {
	    if (wi[i__] == 0.) {
		scl = 1. / igraphdnrm2_(n, &vr[i__ * vr_dim1 + 1], &c__1);
		igraphdscal_(n, &scl, &vr[i__ * vr_dim1 + 1], &c__1);
	    } else if (wi[i__] > 0.) {
		d__1 = igraphdnrm2_(n, &vr[i__ * vr_dim1 + 1], &c__1);
		d__2 = igraphdnrm2_(n, &vr[(i__ + 1) * vr_dim1 + 1], &c__1);
		scl = 1. / igraphdlapy2_(&d__1, &d__2);
		igraphdscal_(n, &scl, &vr[i__ * vr_dim1 + 1], &c__1);
		igraphdscal_(n, &scl, &vr[(i__ + 1) * vr_dim1 + 1], &c__1);
		i__2 = *n;
		for (k = 1; k <= i__2; ++k) {
/* Computing 2nd power */
		    d__1 = vr[k + i__ * vr_dim1];
/* Computing 2nd power */
		    d__2 = vr[k + (i__ + 1) * vr_dim1];
		    work[k] = d__1 * d__1 + d__2 * d__2;
/* L30: */
		k = igraphidamax_(n, &work[1], &c__1);
		igraphdlartg_(&vr[k + i__ * vr_dim1], &vr[k + (i__ + 1) * vr_dim1], 
			&cs, &sn, &r__);
		igraphdrot_(n, &vr[i__ * vr_dim1 + 1], &c__1, &vr[(i__ + 1) * 
			vr_dim1 + 1], &c__1, &cs, &sn);
		vr[k + (i__ + 1) * vr_dim1] = 0.;
/* L40: */

/*     Undo scaling if necessary */

    if (scalea) {
	i__1 = *n - *info;
/* Computing MAX */
	i__3 = *n - *info;
	i__2 = max(i__3,1);
	igraphdlascl_("G", &c__0, &c__0, &cscale, &anrm, &i__1, &c__1, &wr[*info + 
		1], &i__2, &ierr);
	i__1 = *n - *info;
/* Computing MAX */
	i__3 = *n - *info;
	i__2 = max(i__3,1);
	igraphdlascl_("G", &c__0, &c__0, &cscale, &anrm, &i__1, &c__1, &wi[*info + 
		1], &i__2, &ierr);
	if (*info == 0) {
	    if ((wntsnv || wntsnb) && icond == 0) {
		igraphdlascl_("G", &c__0, &c__0, &cscale, &anrm, n, &c__1, &rcondv[
			1], n, &ierr);
	} else {
	    i__1 = *ilo - 1;
	    igraphdlascl_("G", &c__0, &c__0, &cscale, &anrm, &i__1, &c__1, &wr[1], 
		    n, &ierr);
	    i__1 = *ilo - 1;
	    igraphdlascl_("G", &c__0, &c__0, &cscale, &anrm, &i__1, &c__1, &wi[1], 
		    n, &ierr);

    work[1] = (doublereal) maxwrk;
    return 0;

/*     End of DGEEVX */

} /* igraphdgeevx_ */
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* Subroutine */ int igraphdneupd_(logical *rvec, char *howmny, logical *select, 
	doublereal *dr, doublereal *di, doublereal *z__, integer *ldz, 
	doublereal *sigmar, doublereal *sigmai, doublereal *workev, char *
	bmat, integer *n, char *which, integer *nev, doublereal *tol, 
	doublereal *resid, integer *ncv, doublereal *v, integer *ldv, integer 
	*iparam, integer *ipntr, doublereal *workd, doublereal *workl, 
	integer *lworkl, integer *info)
    /* System generated locals */
    integer v_dim1, v_offset, z_dim1, z_offset, i__1;
    doublereal d__1, d__2;

    /* Builtin functions */
    double igraphpow_dd(doublereal *, doublereal *);
    integer igraphs_cmp(char *, char *, ftnlen, ftnlen);
    /* Subroutine */ int igraphs_copy(char *, char *, ftnlen, ftnlen);

    /* Local variables */
    static integer j, k, ih, jj, np;
    static doublereal vl[1]	/* was [1][1] */;
    static integer ibd, ldh, ldq, iri;
    static doublereal sep;
    static integer irr, wri, wrr;
    extern /* Subroutine */ int igraphdger_(integer *, integer *, doublereal *, 
	    doublereal *, integer *, doublereal *, integer *, doublereal *, 
	    integer *);
    static integer mode;
    static doublereal eps23;
    static integer ierr;
    static doublereal temp;
    static integer iwev;
    static char type__[6];
    extern doublereal igraphdnrm2_(integer *, doublereal *, integer *);
    static doublereal temp1;
    extern /* Subroutine */ int igraphdscal_(integer *, doublereal *, doublereal *, 
	    integer *);
    static integer ihbds, iconj;
    extern /* Subroutine */ int igraphdgemv_(char *, integer *, integer *, 
	    doublereal *, doublereal *, integer *, doublereal *, integer *, 
	    doublereal *, doublereal *, integer *);
    static doublereal conds;
    static logical reord;
    extern /* Subroutine */ int igraphdcopy_(integer *, doublereal *, integer *, 
	    doublereal *, integer *);
    static integer nconv;
    extern /* Subroutine */ int igraphdtrmm_(char *, char *, char *, char *, 
	    integer *, integer *, doublereal *, doublereal *, integer *, 
	    doublereal *, integer *), igraphdmout_(
	    integer *, integer *, integer *, doublereal *, integer *, integer 
	    *, char *);
    static integer iwork[1];
    static doublereal rnorm;
    static integer ritzi;
    extern /* Subroutine */ int igraphdvout_(integer *, integer *, doublereal *, 
	    integer *, char *), igraphivout_(integer *, integer *, integer *
	    , integer *, char *);
    static integer ritzr;
    extern /* Subroutine */ int igraphdgeqr2_(integer *, integer *, doublereal *, 
	    integer *, doublereal *, doublereal *, integer *);
    extern doublereal igraphdlapy2_(doublereal *, doublereal *);
    extern /* Subroutine */ int igraphdorm2r_(char *, char *, integer *, integer *, 
	    integer *, doublereal *, integer *, doublereal *, doublereal *, 
	    integer *, doublereal *, integer *);
    extern doublereal igraphdlamch_(char *);
    static integer iheigi, iheigr, bounds, invsub, iuptri, msglvl, outncv, 
	    ishift, numcnv;
    extern /* Subroutine */ int igraphdlacpy_(char *, integer *, integer *, 
	    doublereal *, integer *, doublereal *, integer *), 
	    igraphdlahqr_(logical *, logical *, integer *, integer *, integer *, 
	    doublereal *, integer *, doublereal *, doublereal *, integer *, 
	    integer *, doublereal *, integer *, integer *), igraphdlaset_(char *, 
	    integer *, integer *, doublereal *, doublereal *, doublereal *, 
	    integer *), igraphdtrevc_(char *, char *, logical *, integer *, 
	    doublereal *, integer *, doublereal *, integer *, doublereal *, 
	    integer *, integer *, integer *, doublereal *, integer * 
	    ), igraphdtrsen_(char *, char *, logical *, integer *, doublereal 
	    *, integer *, doublereal *, integer *, doublereal *, doublereal *,
	     integer *, doublereal *, doublereal *, doublereal *, integer *, 
	    integer *, integer *, integer *), igraphdngets_(integer 
	    *, char *, integer *, integer *, doublereal *, doublereal *, 
	    doublereal *, doublereal *, doublereal *);

/*     %----------------------------------------------------% */
/*     | Include files for debugging and timing information | */
/*     %----------------------------------------------------% */

/* \SCCS Information: @(#) */
/* FILE: debug.h   SID: 2.3   DATE OF SID: 11/16/95   RELEASE: 2 */

/*     %---------------------------------% */
/*     | See debug.doc for documentation | */
/*     %---------------------------------% */

/*     %------------------% */
/*     | Scalar Arguments | */
/*     %------------------% */

/*     %--------------------------------% */
/*     | See stat.doc for documentation | */
/*     %--------------------------------% */

/* \SCCS Information: @(#) */
/* FILE: stat.h   SID: 2.2   DATE OF SID: 11/16/95   RELEASE: 2 */

/*     %-----------------% */
/*     | Array Arguments | */
/*     %-----------------% */

/*     %------------% */
/*     | Parameters | */
/*     %------------% */

/*     %---------------% */
/*     | Local Scalars | */
/*     %---------------% */

/*     %----------------------% */
/*     | External Subroutines | */
/*     %----------------------% */

/*     %--------------------% */
/*     | External Functions | */
/*     %--------------------% */

/*     %---------------------% */
/*     | Intrinsic Functions | */
/*     %---------------------% */

/*     %-----------------------% */
/*     | Executable Statements | */
/*     %-----------------------% */

/*     %------------------------% */
/*     | Set default parameters | */
/*     %------------------------% */

    /* Parameter adjustments */
    z_dim1 = *ldz;
    z_offset = 1 + z_dim1;
    z__ -= z_offset;
    v_dim1 = *ldv;
    v_offset = 1 + v_dim1;
    v -= v_offset;

    /* Function Body */
    msglvl = debug_1.mneupd;
    mode = iparam[7];
    nconv = iparam[5];
    *info = 0;

/*     %---------------------------------% */
/*     | Get machine dependent constant. | */
/*     %---------------------------------% */

    eps23 = igraphdlamch_("Epsilon-Machine");
    eps23 = igraphpow_dd(&eps23, &c_b3);

/*     %--------------% */
/*     | Quick return | */
/*     %--------------% */

    ierr = 0;

    if (nconv <= 0) {
	ierr = -14;
    } else if (*n <= 0) {
	ierr = -1;
    } else if (*nev <= 0) {
	ierr = -2;
    } else if (*ncv <= *nev + 1 || *ncv > *n) {
	ierr = -3;
    } else if (igraphs_cmp(which, "LM", (ftnlen)2, (ftnlen)2) != 0 && igraphs_cmp(which, 
	    "SM", (ftnlen)2, (ftnlen)2) != 0 && igraphs_cmp(which, "LR", (ftnlen)2, (ftnlen)2
	    ) != 0 && igraphs_cmp(which, "SR", (ftnlen)2, (ftnlen)2) != 0 
	    && igraphs_cmp(which, "LI", (ftnlen)2, (ftnlen)2) != 0 && igraphs_cmp(which, 
	    "SI", (ftnlen)2, (ftnlen)2) != 0) {
	ierr = -5;
    } else if (*(unsigned char *)bmat != 'I' && *(unsigned char *)bmat != 'G')
	ierr = -6;
    } else /* if(complicated condition) */ {
/* Computing 2nd power */
	i__1 = *ncv;
	if (*lworkl < i__1 * i__1 * 3 + *ncv * 6) {
	    ierr = -7;
	} else if (*(unsigned char *)howmny != 'A' && *(unsigned char *)
		howmny != 'P' && *(unsigned char *)howmny != 'S' && *rvec) {
	    ierr = -13;
	} else if (*(unsigned char *)howmny == 'S') {
	    ierr = -12;

    if (mode == 1 || mode == 2) {
	igraphs_copy(type__, "REGULR", (ftnlen)6, (ftnlen)6);
    } else if (mode == 3 && *sigmai == 0.) {
	igraphs_copy(type__, "SHIFTI", (ftnlen)6, (ftnlen)6);
    } else if (mode == 3) {
	igraphs_copy(type__, "REALPT", (ftnlen)6, (ftnlen)6);
    } else if (mode == 4) {
	igraphs_copy(type__, "IMAGPT", (ftnlen)6, (ftnlen)6);
    } else {
	ierr = -10;
    if (mode == 1 && *(unsigned char *)bmat == 'G') {
	ierr = -11;

/*     %------------% */
/*     | Error Exit | */
/*     %------------% */

    if (ierr != 0) {
	*info = ierr;
	goto L9000;

/*     %--------------------------------------------------------% */
/*     | Pointer into WORKL for address of H, RITZ, BOUNDS, Q   | */
/*     | etc... and the remaining workspace.                    | */
/*     | Also update pointer to be used on output.              | */
/*     | Memory is laid out as follows:                         | */
/*     | workl(1:ncv*ncv) := generated Hessenberg matrix        | */
/*     | workl(ncv*ncv+1:ncv*ncv+2*ncv) := real and imaginary   | */
/*     |                                   parts of ritz values | */
/*     | workl(ncv*ncv+2*ncv+1:ncv*ncv+3*ncv) := error bounds   | */
/*     %--------------------------------------------------------% */

/*     %-----------------------------------------------------------% */
/*     | The following is used and set by DNEUPD .                  | */
/*     | workl(ncv*ncv+3*ncv+1:ncv*ncv+4*ncv) := The untransformed | */
/*     |                             real part of the Ritz values. | */
/*     | workl(ncv*ncv+4*ncv+1:ncv*ncv+5*ncv) := The untransformed | */
/*     |                        imaginary part of the Ritz values. | */
/*     | workl(ncv*ncv+5*ncv+1:ncv*ncv+6*ncv) := The untransformed | */
/*     |                           error bounds of the Ritz values | */
/*     | workl(ncv*ncv+6*ncv+1:2*ncv*ncv+6*ncv) := Holds the upper | */
/*     |                             quasi-triangular matrix for H | */
/*     | workl(2*ncv*ncv+6*ncv+1: 3*ncv*ncv+6*ncv) := Holds the    | */
/*     |       associated matrix representation of the invariant   | */
/*     |       subspace for H.                                     | */
/*     | GRAND total of NCV * ( 3 * NCV + 6 ) locations.           | */
/*     %-----------------------------------------------------------% */

    ih = ipntr[5];
    ritzr = ipntr[6];
    ritzi = ipntr[7];
    bounds = ipntr[8];
    ldh = *ncv;
    ldq = *ncv;
    iheigr = bounds + ldh;
    iheigi = iheigr + ldh;
    ihbds = iheigi + ldh;
    iuptri = ihbds + ldh;
    invsub = iuptri + ldh * *ncv;
    ipntr[9] = iheigr;
    ipntr[10] = iheigi;
    ipntr[11] = ihbds;
    ipntr[12] = iuptri;
    ipntr[13] = invsub;
    wrr = 1;
    wri = *ncv + 1;
    iwev = wri + *ncv;

/*     %-----------------------------------------% */
/*     | irr points to the REAL part of the Ritz | */
/*     |     values computed by _neigh before    | */
/*     |     exiting _naup2.                     | */
/*     | iri points to the IMAGINARY part of the | */
/*     |     Ritz values computed by _neigh      | */
/*     |     before exiting _naup2.              | */
/*     | ibd points to the Ritz estimates        | */
/*     |     computed by _neigh before exiting   | */
/*     |     _naup2.                             | */
/*     %-----------------------------------------% */

    irr = ipntr[14] + *ncv * *ncv;
    iri = irr + *ncv;
    ibd = iri + *ncv;

/*     %------------------------------------% */
/*     | RNORM is B-norm of the RESID(1:N). | */
/*     %------------------------------------% */

    rnorm = workl[ih + 2];
    workl[ih + 2] = 0.;

    if (msglvl > 2) {
	igraphdvout_(&debug_1.logfil, ncv, &workl[irr], &debug_1.ndigit, "_neupd: "
		"Real part of Ritz values passed in from _NAUPD.");
	igraphdvout_(&debug_1.logfil, ncv, &workl[iri], &debug_1.ndigit, "_neupd: "
		"Imag part of Ritz values passed in from _NAUPD.");
	igraphdvout_(&debug_1.logfil, ncv, &workl[ibd], &debug_1.ndigit, "_neupd: "
		"Ritz estimates passed in from _NAUPD.");

    if (*rvec) {

	reord = FALSE_;

/*        %---------------------------------------------------% */
/*        | Use the temporary bounds array to store indices   | */
/*        | These will be used to mark the select array later | */
/*        %---------------------------------------------------% */

	i__1 = *ncv;
	for (j = 1; j <= i__1; ++j) {
	    workl[bounds + j - 1] = (doublereal) j;
	    select[j] = FALSE_;
/* L10: */

/*        %-------------------------------------% */
/*        | Select the wanted Ritz values.      | */
/*        | Sort the Ritz values so that the    | */
/*        | wanted ones appear at the tailing   | */
/*        | NEV positions of workl(irr) and     | */
/*        | workl(iri).  Move the corresponding | */
/*        | error estimates in workl(bound)     | */
/*        | accordingly.                        | */
/*        %-------------------------------------% */

	np = *ncv - *nev;
	ishift = 0;
	igraphdngets_(&ishift, which, nev, &np, &workl[irr], &workl[iri], &workl[
		bounds], &workl[1], &workl[np + 1]);

	if (msglvl > 2) {
	    igraphdvout_(&debug_1.logfil, ncv, &workl[irr], &debug_1.ndigit, "_neu"
		    "pd: Real part of Ritz values after calling _NGETS.");
	    igraphdvout_(&debug_1.logfil, ncv, &workl[iri], &debug_1.ndigit, "_neu"
		    "pd: Imag part of Ritz values after calling _NGETS.");
	    igraphdvout_(&debug_1.logfil, ncv, &workl[bounds], &debug_1.ndigit, 
  		    "_neupd: Ritz value indices after calling _NGETS.");

/*        %-----------------------------------------------------% */
/*        | Record indices of the converged wanted Ritz values  | */
/*        | Mark the select array for possible reordering       | */
/*        %-----------------------------------------------------% */

	numcnv = 0;
	i__1 = *ncv;
	for (j = 1; j <= i__1; ++j) {
/* Computing MAX */
	    d__1 = eps23, d__2 = igraphdlapy2_(&workl[irr + *ncv - j], &workl[iri + 
		    *ncv - j]);
	    temp1 = max(d__1,d__2);
	    jj = (integer) workl[bounds + *ncv - j];
	    if (numcnv < nconv && workl[ibd + jj - 1] <= *tol * temp1) {
		select[jj] = TRUE_;
		if (jj > *nev) {
		    reord = TRUE_;
/* L11: */

/*        %-----------------------------------------------------------% */
/*        | Check the count (numcnv) of converged Ritz values with    | */
/*        | the number (nconv) reported by igraphdnaupd.  If these two      | */
/*        | are different then there has probably been an error       | */
/*        | caused by incorrect passing of the igraphdnaupd data.           | */
/*        %-----------------------------------------------------------% */

	if (msglvl > 2) {
	    igraphivout_(&debug_1.logfil, &c__1, &numcnv, &debug_1.ndigit, "_neupd"
		    ": Number of specified eigenvalues");
	    igraphivout_(&debug_1.logfil, &c__1, &nconv, &debug_1.ndigit, "_neupd:"
		    " Number of \"converged\" eigenvalues");

	if (numcnv != nconv) {
	    *info = -15;
	    goto L9000;

/*        %-----------------------------------------------------------% */
/*        | Call LAPACK routine dlahqr  to compute the real Schur form | */
/*        | of the upper Hessenberg matrix returned by DNAUPD .        | */
/*        | Make a copy of the upper Hessenberg matrix.               | */
/*        | Initialize the Schur vector matrix Q to the identity.     | */
/*        %-----------------------------------------------------------% */

	i__1 = ldh * *ncv;
	igraphdcopy_(&i__1, &workl[ih], &c__1, &workl[iuptri], &c__1);
        igraphdlaset_("All", ncv, ncv, &c_b37, &c_b38, &workl[invsub], &ldq);
	igraphdlahqr_(&c_true, &c_true, ncv, &c__1, ncv, &workl[iuptri], &ldh, &
		workl[iheigr], &workl[iheigi], &c__1, ncv, &workl[invsub], &
		ldq, &ierr);
	igraphdcopy_(ncv, &workl[invsub + *ncv - 1], &ldq, &workl[ihbds], &c__1);

	if (ierr != 0) {
	    *info = -8;
	    goto L9000;

	if (msglvl > 1) {
	    igraphdvout_(&debug_1.logfil, ncv, &workl[iheigr], &debug_1.ndigit, 
		    "_neupd: Real part of the eigenvalues of H");
	    igraphdvout_(&debug_1.logfil, ncv, &workl[iheigi], &debug_1.ndigit, 
		    "_neupd: Imaginary part of the Eigenvalues of H");
	    igraphdvout_(&debug_1.logfil, ncv, &workl[ihbds], &debug_1.ndigit, 
		    "_neupd: Last row of the Schur vector matrix");

	    if (msglvl > 3) {
		igraphdmout_(&debug_1.logfil, ncv, ncv, &workl[iuptri], &ldh, &
			debug_1.ndigit, "_neupd: The upper quasi-triangular "
			"matrix ");

	if (reord) {

/*           %-----------------------------------------------------% */
/*           | Reorder the computed upper quasi-triangular matrix. | */
/*           %-----------------------------------------------------% */

	    igraphdtrsen_("None", "V", &select[1], ncv, &workl[iuptri], &ldh, &
		    workl[invsub], &ldq, &workl[iheigr], &workl[iheigi], &
		    nconv, &conds, &sep, &workl[ihbds], ncv, iwork, &c__1, &

	    if (ierr == 1) {
		*info = 1;
		goto L9000;

	    if (msglvl > 2) {
		igraphdvout_(&debug_1.logfil, ncv, &workl[iheigr], &debug_1.ndigit, 
 		        "_neupd: Real part of the eigenvalues of H--reordered");
		igraphdvout_(&debug_1.logfil, ncv, &workl[iheigi], &debug_1.ndigit, 
			"_neupd: Imag part of the eigenvalues of H--reordered");
		if (msglvl > 3) {
		    igraphdmout_(&debug_1.logfil, ncv, ncv, &workl[iuptri], &ldq, &
			    debug_1.ndigit, "_neupd: Quasi-triangular matrix"
			    " after re-ordering");


/*        %---------------------------------------% */
/*        | Copy the last row of the Schur vector | */
/*        | into workl(ihbds).  This will be used | */
/*        | to compute the Ritz estimates of      | */
/*        | converged Ritz values.                | */
/*        %---------------------------------------% */

	igraphdcopy_(ncv, &workl[invsub + *ncv - 1], &ldq, &workl[ihbds], &c__1);

/*        %----------------------------------------------------% */
/*        | Place the computed eigenvalues of H into DR and DI | */
/*        | if a spectral transformation was not used.         | */
/*        %----------------------------------------------------% */

	if (igraphs_cmp(type__, "REGULR", (ftnlen)6, (ftnlen)6) == 0) {
	    igraphdcopy_(&nconv, &workl[iheigr], &c__1, &dr[1], &c__1);
	    igraphdcopy_(&nconv, &workl[iheigi], &c__1, &di[1], &c__1);

/*        %----------------------------------------------------------% */
/*        | Compute the QR factorization of the matrix representing  | */
/*        | the wanted invariant subspace located in the first NCONV | */
/*        | columns of workl(invsub,ldq).                            | */
/*        %----------------------------------------------------------% */

	igraphdgeqr2_(ncv, &nconv, &workl[invsub], &ldq, &workev[1], &workev[*ncv + 
		1], &ierr);

/*        %---------------------------------------------------------% */
/*        | * Postmultiply V by Q using dorm2r .                     | */
/*        | * Copy the first NCONV columns of VQ into Z.            | */
/*        | * Postmultiply Z by R.                                  | */
/*        | The N by NCONV matrix Z is now a matrix representation  | */
/*        | of the approximate invariant subspace associated with   | */
/*        | the Ritz values in workl(iheigr) and workl(iheigi)      | */
/*        | The first NCONV columns of V are now approximate Schur  | */
/*        | vectors associated with the real upper quasi-triangular | */
/*        | matrix of order NCONV in workl(iuptri)                  | */
/*        %---------------------------------------------------------% */

	igraphdorm2r_("Right", "Notranspose", n, ncv, &nconv, &workl[invsub], &ldq, 
		&workev[1], &v[v_offset], ldv, &workd[*n + 1], &ierr);
	igraphdlacpy_("All", n, &nconv, &v[v_offset], ldv, &z__[z_offset], ldz);

	i__1 = nconv;
	for (j = 1; j <= i__1; ++j) {

/*           %---------------------------------------------------% */
/*           | Perform both a column and row scaling if the      | */
/*           | diagonal element of workl(invsub,ldq) is negative | */
/*           | I'm lazy and don't take advantage of the upper    | */
/*           | quasi-triangular form of workl(iuptri,ldq)        | */
/*           | Note that since Q is orthogonal, R is a diagonal  | */
/*           | matrix consisting of plus or minus ones           | */
/*           %---------------------------------------------------% */

	    if (workl[invsub + (j - 1) * ldq + j - 1] < 0.) {
		igraphdscal_(&nconv, &c_b64, &workl[iuptri + j - 1], &ldq);
		igraphdscal_(&nconv, &c_b64, &workl[iuptri + (j - 1) * ldq], &c__1);

/* L20: */

	if (*(unsigned char *)howmny == 'A') {

/*           %--------------------------------------------% */
/*           | Compute the NCONV wanted eigenvectors of T | */
/*           | located in workl(iuptri,ldq).              | */
/*           %--------------------------------------------% */

	    i__1 = *ncv;
	    for (j = 1; j <= i__1; ++j) {
		if (j <= nconv) {
		    select[j] = TRUE_;
		} else {
		    select[j] = FALSE_;
/* L30: */

	    igraphdtrevc_("Right", "Select", &select[1], ncv, &workl[iuptri], &ldq, 
		    vl, &c__1, &workl[invsub], &ldq, ncv, &outncv, &workev[1],

	    if (ierr != 0) {
		*info = -9;
		goto L9000;

/*           %------------------------------------------------% */
/*           | Scale the returning eigenvectors so that their | */
/*           | Euclidean norms are all one. LAPACK subroutine | */
/*           | igraphdtrevc  returns each eigenvector normalized so  | */
/*           | that the element of largest magnitude has      | */
/*           | magnitude 1;                                   | */
/*           %------------------------------------------------% */

	    iconj = 0;
	    i__1 = nconv;
	    for (j = 1; j <= i__1; ++j) {

		if (workl[iheigi + j - 1] == 0.) {

/*                 %----------------------% */
/*                 | real eigenvalue case | */
/*                 %----------------------% */

		    temp = igraphdnrm2_(ncv, &workl[invsub + (j - 1) * ldq], &c__1);
		    d__1 = 1. / temp;
		    igraphdscal_(ncv, &d__1, &workl[invsub + (j - 1) * ldq], &c__1);

		} else {

/*                 %-------------------------------------------% */
/*                 | Complex conjugate pair case. Note that    | */
/*                 | since the real and imaginary part of      | */
/*                 | the eigenvector are stored in consecutive | */
/*                 | columns, we further normalize by the      | */
/*                 | square root of two.                       | */
/*                 %-------------------------------------------% */

		    if (iconj == 0) {
			d__1 = igraphdnrm2_(ncv, &workl[invsub + (j - 1) * ldq], &
			d__2 = igraphdnrm2_(ncv, &workl[invsub + j * ldq], &c__1);
			temp = igraphdlapy2_(&d__1, &d__2);
			d__1 = 1. / temp;
			igraphdscal_(ncv, &d__1, &workl[invsub + (j - 1) * ldq], &
			d__1 = 1. / temp;
			igraphdscal_(ncv, &d__1, &workl[invsub + j * ldq], &c__1);
			iconj = 1;
		    } else {
			iconj = 0;


/* L40: */

	    igraphdgemv_("T", ncv, &nconv, &c_b38, &workl[invsub], &ldq, &workl[
		    ihbds], &c__1, &c_b37, &workev[1], &c__1);

	    iconj = 0;
	    i__1 = nconv;
	    for (j = 1; j <= i__1; ++j) {
		if (workl[iheigi + j - 1] != 0.) {

/*                 %-------------------------------------------% */
/*                 | Complex conjugate pair case. Note that    | */
/*                 | since the real and imaginary part of      | */
/*                 | the eigenvector are stored in consecutive | */
/*                 %-------------------------------------------% */

		    if (iconj == 0) {
			workev[j] = igraphdlapy2_(&workev[j], &workev[j + 1]);
			workev[j + 1] = workev[j];
			iconj = 1;
		    } else {
			iconj = 0;
/* L45: */

	    if (msglvl > 2) {
		igraphdcopy_(ncv, &workl[invsub + *ncv - 1], &ldq, &workl[ihbds], &
		igraphdvout_(&debug_1.logfil, ncv, &workl[ihbds], &debug_1.ndigit, 
			"_neupd: Last row of the eigenvector matrix for T");
		if (msglvl > 3) {
		    igraphdmout_(&debug_1.logfil, ncv, ncv, &workl[invsub], &ldq, &
			    debug_1.ndigit, "_neupd: The eigenvector matrix "
			    "for T");

/*           %---------------------------------------% */
/*           | Copy Ritz estimates into workl(ihbds) | */
/*           %---------------------------------------% */

	    igraphdcopy_(&nconv, &workev[1], &c__1, &workl[ihbds], &c__1);

/*           %---------------------------------------------------------% */
/*           | Compute the QR factorization of the eigenvector matrix  | */
/*           | associated with leading portion of T in the first NCONV | */
/*           | columns of workl(invsub,ldq).                           | */
/*           %---------------------------------------------------------% */

	    igraphdgeqr2_(ncv, &nconv, &workl[invsub], &ldq, &workev[1], &workev[*
		    ncv + 1], &ierr);

/*           %----------------------------------------------% */
/*           | * Postmultiply Z by Q.                       | */
/*           | * Postmultiply Z by R.                       | */
/*           | The N by NCONV matrix Z is now contains the  | */
/*           | Ritz vectors associated with the Ritz values | */
/*           | in workl(iheigr) and workl(iheigi).          | */
/*           %----------------------------------------------% */

	    igraphdorm2r_("Right", "Notranspose", n, ncv, &nconv, &workl[invsub], &
		    ldq, &workev[1], &z__[z_offset], ldz, &workd[*n + 1], &

	    igraphdtrmm_("Right", "Upper", "No transpose", "Non-unit", n, &nconv, &
		    c_b38, &workl[invsub], &ldq, &z__[z_offset], ldz);


    } else {

/*        %------------------------------------------------------% */
/*        | An approximate invariant subspace is not needed.     | */
/*        | Place the Ritz values computed DNAUPD  into DR and DI | */
/*        %------------------------------------------------------% */

	igraphdcopy_(&nconv, &workl[ritzr], &c__1, &dr[1], &c__1);
	igraphdcopy_(&nconv, &workl[ritzi], &c__1, &di[1], &c__1);
	igraphdcopy_(&nconv, &workl[ritzr], &c__1, &workl[iheigr], &c__1);
	igraphdcopy_(&nconv, &workl[ritzi], &c__1, &workl[iheigi], &c__1);
	igraphdcopy_(&nconv, &workl[bounds], &c__1, &workl[ihbds], &c__1);

/*     %------------------------------------------------% */
/*     | Transform the Ritz values and possibly vectors | */
/*     | and corresponding error bounds of OP to those  | */
/*     | of A*x = lambda*B*x.                           | */
/*     %------------------------------------------------% */

    if (igraphs_cmp(type__, "REGULR", (ftnlen)6, (ftnlen)6) == 0) {

	if (*rvec) {
	    igraphdscal_(ncv, &rnorm, &workl[ihbds], &c__1);

    } else {

/*        %---------------------------------------% */
/*        |   A spectral transformation was used. | */
/*        | * Determine the Ritz estimates of the | */
/*        |   Ritz values in the original system. | */
/*        %---------------------------------------% */

	if (igraphs_cmp(type__, "SHIFTI", (ftnlen)6, (ftnlen)6) == 0) {

	    if (*rvec) {
		igraphdscal_(ncv, &rnorm, &workl[ihbds], &c__1);

	    i__1 = *ncv;
	    for (k = 1; k <= i__1; ++k) {
		temp = igraphdlapy2_(&workl[iheigr + k - 1], &workl[iheigi + k - 1])
		workl[ihbds + k - 1] = (d__1 = workl[ihbds + k - 1], abs(d__1)
			) / temp / temp;
/* L50: */

	} else if (igraphs_cmp(type__, "REALPT", (ftnlen)6, (ftnlen)6) == 0) {

	    i__1 = *ncv;
	    for (k = 1; k <= i__1; ++k) {
/* L60: */

	} else if (igraphs_cmp(type__, "IMAGPT", (ftnlen)6, (ftnlen)6) == 0) {

	    i__1 = *ncv;
	    for (k = 1; k <= i__1; ++k) {
/* L70: */


/*        %-----------------------------------------------------------% */
/*        | *  Transform the Ritz values back to the original system. | */
/*        |    For TYPE = 'SHIFTI' the transformation is              | */
/*        |             lambda = 1/theta + sigma                      | */
/*        |    For TYPE = 'REALPT' or 'IMAGPT' the user must from     | */
/*        |    Rayleigh quotients or a projection. See remark 3 above.| */
/*        | NOTES:                                                    | */
/*        | *The Ritz vectors are not affected by the transformation. | */
/*        %-----------------------------------------------------------% */

	if (igraphs_cmp(type__, "SHIFTI", (ftnlen)6, (ftnlen)6) == 0) {

	    i__1 = *ncv;
	    for (k = 1; k <= i__1; ++k) {
		temp = igraphdlapy2_(&workl[iheigr + k - 1], &workl[iheigi + k - 1])
		workl[iheigr + k - 1] = workl[iheigr + k - 1] / temp / temp + 
		workl[iheigi + k - 1] = -workl[iheigi + k - 1] / temp / temp 
			+ *sigmai;
/* L80: */

	    igraphdcopy_(&nconv, &workl[iheigr], &c__1, &dr[1], &c__1);
	    igraphdcopy_(&nconv, &workl[iheigi], &c__1, &di[1], &c__1);

	} else if (igraphs_cmp(type__, "REALPT", (ftnlen)6, (ftnlen)6) == 0 || 
		igraphs_cmp(type__, "IMAGPT", (ftnlen)6, (ftnlen)6) == 0) {

	    igraphdcopy_(&nconv, &workl[iheigr], &c__1, &dr[1], &c__1);
	    igraphdcopy_(&nconv, &workl[iheigi], &c__1, &di[1], &c__1);



    if (igraphs_cmp(type__, "SHIFTI", (ftnlen)6, (ftnlen)6) == 0 && msglvl > 1) {
	igraphdvout_(&debug_1.logfil, &nconv, &dr[1], &debug_1.ndigit, "_neupd: Un"
		"transformed real part of the Ritz valuess.");
	igraphdvout_(&debug_1.logfil, &nconv, &di[1], &debug_1.ndigit, "_neupd: Un"
		"transformed imag part of the Ritz valuess.");
	igraphdvout_(&debug_1.logfil, &nconv, &workl[ihbds], &debug_1.ndigit, "_ne"
		"upd: Ritz estimates of untransformed Ritz values.");
    } else if (igraphs_cmp(type__, "REGULR", (ftnlen)6, (ftnlen)6) == 0 && msglvl > 
	    1) {
	igraphdvout_(&debug_1.logfil, &nconv, &dr[1], &debug_1.ndigit, "_neupd: Re"
		"al parts of converged Ritz values.");
	igraphdvout_(&debug_1.logfil, &nconv, &di[1], &debug_1.ndigit, "_neupd: Im"
		"ag parts of converged Ritz values.");
	igraphdvout_(&debug_1.logfil, &nconv, &workl[ihbds], &debug_1.ndigit, "_ne"
		"upd: Associated Ritz estimates.");

/*     %-------------------------------------------------% */
/*     | Eigenvector Purification step. Formally perform | */
/*     | one of inverse subspace iteration. Only used    | */
/*     | for MODE = 2.                                   | */
/*     %-------------------------------------------------% */

    if (*rvec && *(unsigned char *)howmny == 'A' && igraphs_cmp(type__, "SHIFTI"
	    , (ftnlen)6, (ftnlen)6) == 0) {

/*        %------------------------------------------------% */
/*        | Purify the computed Ritz vectors by adding a   | */
/*        | little bit of the residual vector:             | */
/*        |                      T                         | */
/*        |          resid(:)*( e    s ) / theta           | */
/*        |                      NCV                       | */
/*        | where H s = s theta. Remember that when theta  | */
/*        | has nonzero imaginary part, the corresponding  | */
/*        | Ritz vector is stored across two columns of Z. | */
/*        %------------------------------------------------% */

	iconj = 0;
	i__1 = nconv;
	for (j = 1; j <= i__1; ++j) {
	    if (workl[iheigi + j - 1] == 0.) {
		workev[j] = workl[invsub + (j - 1) * ldq + *ncv - 1] / workl[
			iheigr + j - 1];
	    } else if (iconj == 0) {
		temp = igraphdlapy2_(&workl[iheigr + j - 1], &workl[iheigi + j - 1])
		workev[j] = (workl[invsub + (j - 1) * ldq + *ncv - 1] * workl[
			iheigr + j - 1] + workl[invsub + j * ldq + *ncv - 1] *
			 workl[iheigi + j - 1]) / temp / temp;
		workev[j + 1] = (workl[invsub + j * ldq + *ncv - 1] * workl[
			iheigr + j - 1] - workl[invsub + (j - 1) * ldq + *ncv 
			- 1] * workl[iheigi + j - 1]) / temp / temp;
		iconj = 1;
	    } else {
		iconj = 0;
/* L110: */

/*        %---------------------------------------% */
/*        | Perform a rank one update to Z and    | */
/*        | purify all the Ritz vectors together. | */
/*        %---------------------------------------% */

	igraphdger_(n, &nconv, &c_b38, &resid[1], &c__1, &workev[1], &c__1, &z__[
		z_offset], ldz);



    return 0;

/*     %---------------% */
/*     | End of DNEUPD  | */
/*     %---------------% */

} /* dneupd_ */
Exemple #5
/* Subroutine */ int igraphdgeevx_(char *balanc, char *jobvl, char *jobvr, char *
	sense, integer *n, doublereal *a, integer *lda, doublereal *wr, 
	doublereal *wi, doublereal *vl, integer *ldvl, doublereal *vr, 
	integer *ldvr, integer *ilo, integer *ihi, doublereal *scale, 
	doublereal *abnrm, doublereal *rconde, doublereal *rcondv, doublereal 
	*work, integer *lwork, integer *iwork, integer *info)
    /* System generated locals */
    integer a_dim1, a_offset, vl_dim1, vl_offset, vr_dim1, vr_offset, i__1, 
	    i__2, i__3;
    doublereal d__1, d__2;

    /* Builtin functions */
    double sqrt(doublereal);

    /* Local variables */
    integer i__, k;
    doublereal r__, cs, sn;
    char job[1];
    doublereal scl, dum[1], eps;
    char side[1];
    doublereal anrm;
    integer ierr, itau;
    extern /* Subroutine */ int igraphdrot_(integer *, doublereal *, integer *, 
	    doublereal *, integer *, doublereal *, doublereal *);
    integer iwrk, nout;
    extern doublereal igraphdnrm2_(integer *, doublereal *, integer *);
    extern /* Subroutine */ int igraphdscal_(integer *, doublereal *, doublereal *, 
	    integer *);
    integer icond;
    extern logical igraphlsame_(char *, char *);
    extern doublereal igraphdlapy2_(doublereal *, doublereal *);
    extern /* Subroutine */ int igraphdlabad_(doublereal *, doublereal *), igraphdgebak_(
	    char *, char *, integer *, integer *, integer *, doublereal *, 
	    integer *, doublereal *, integer *, integer *), 
	    igraphdgebal_(char *, integer *, doublereal *, integer *, integer *, 
	    integer *, doublereal *, integer *);
    logical scalea;
    extern doublereal igraphdlamch_(char *);
    doublereal cscale;
    extern doublereal igraphdlange_(char *, integer *, integer *, doublereal *, 
	    integer *, doublereal *);
    extern /* Subroutine */ int igraphdgehrd_(integer *, integer *, integer *, 
	    doublereal *, integer *, doublereal *, doublereal *, integer *, 
	    integer *), igraphdlascl_(char *, integer *, integer *, doublereal *, 
	    doublereal *, integer *, integer *, doublereal *, integer *, 
	    integer *);
    extern integer igraphidamax_(integer *, doublereal *, integer *);
    extern /* Subroutine */ int igraphdlacpy_(char *, integer *, integer *, 
	    doublereal *, integer *, doublereal *, integer *), 
	    igraphdlartg_(doublereal *, doublereal *, doublereal *, doublereal *, 
	    doublereal *), igraphxerbla_(char *, integer *, ftnlen);
    logical select[1];
    extern integer igraphilaenv_(integer *, char *, char *, integer *, integer *, 
	    integer *, integer *, ftnlen, ftnlen);
    doublereal bignum;
    extern /* Subroutine */ int igraphdorghr_(integer *, integer *, integer *, 
	    doublereal *, integer *, doublereal *, doublereal *, integer *, 
	    integer *), igraphdhseqr_(char *, char *, integer *, integer *, integer 
	    *, doublereal *, integer *, doublereal *, doublereal *, 
	    doublereal *, integer *, doublereal *, integer *, integer *), igraphdtrevc_(char *, char *, logical *, integer *, 
	    doublereal *, integer *, doublereal *, integer *, doublereal *, 
	    integer *, integer *, integer *, doublereal *, integer *), igraphdtrsna_(char *, char *, logical *, integer *, doublereal 
	    *, integer *, doublereal *, integer *, doublereal *, integer *, 
	    doublereal *, doublereal *, integer *, integer *, doublereal *, 
	    integer *, integer *, integer *);
    integer minwrk, maxwrk;
    logical wantvl, wntsnb;
    integer hswork;
    logical wntsne;
    doublereal smlnum;
    logical lquery, wantvr, wntsnn, wntsnv;

/*  -- LAPACK driver routine (version 3.3.1) --   
    -- LAPACK is a software package provided by Univ. of Tennessee,    --   
    -- Univ. of California Berkeley, Univ. of Colorado Denver and NAG Ltd..--   
    -- April 2011                                                      --   


    DGEEVX computes for an N-by-N real nonsymmetric matrix A, the   
    eigenvalues and, optionally, the left and/or right eigenvectors.   

    Optionally also, it computes a balancing transformation to improve   
    the conditioning of the eigenvalues and eigenvectors (ILO, IHI,   
    SCALE, and ABNRM), reciprocal condition numbers for the eigenvalues   
    (RCONDE), and reciprocal condition numbers for the right   
    eigenvectors (RCONDV).   

    The right eigenvector v(j) of A satisfies   
                     A * v(j) = lambda(j) * v(j)   
    where lambda(j) is its eigenvalue.   
    The left eigenvector u(j) of A satisfies   
                  u(j)**T * A = lambda(j) * u(j)**T   
    where u(j)**T denotes the transpose of u(j).   

    The computed eigenvectors are normalized to have Euclidean norm   
    equal to 1 and largest component real.   

    Balancing a matrix means permuting the rows and columns to make it   
    more nearly upper triangular, and applying a diagonal similarity   
    transformation D * A * D**(-1), where D is a diagonal matrix, to   
    make its rows and columns closer in norm and the condition numbers   
    of its eigenvalues and eigenvectors smaller.  The computed   
    reciprocal condition numbers correspond to the balanced matrix.   
    Permuting rows and columns will not change the condition numbers   
    (in exact arithmetic) but diagonal scaling will.  For further   
    explanation of balancing, see section 4.10.2 of the LAPACK   
    Users' Guide.   


    BALANC  (input) CHARACTER*1   
            Indicates how the input matrix should be diagonally scaled   
            and/or permuted to improve the conditioning of its   
            = 'N': Do not diagonally scale or permute;   
            = 'P': Perform permutations to make the matrix more nearly   
                   upper triangular. Do not diagonally scale;   
            = 'S': Diagonally scale the matrix, i.e. replace A by   
                   D*A*D**(-1), where D is a diagonal matrix chosen   
                   to make the rows and columns of A more equal in   
                   norm. Do not permute;   
            = 'B': Both diagonally scale and permute A.   

            Computed reciprocal condition numbers will be for the matrix   
            after balancing and/or permuting. Permuting does not change   
            condition numbers (in exact arithmetic), but balancing does.   

    JOBVL   (input) CHARACTER*1   
            = 'N': left eigenvectors of A are not computed;   
            = 'V': left eigenvectors of A are computed.   
            If SENSE = 'E' or 'B', JOBVL must = 'V'.   

    JOBVR   (input) CHARACTER*1   
            = 'N': right eigenvectors of A are not computed;   
            = 'V': right eigenvectors of A are computed.   
            If SENSE = 'E' or 'B', JOBVR must = 'V'.   

    SENSE   (input) CHARACTER*1   
            Determines which reciprocal condition numbers are computed.   
            = 'N': None are computed;   
            = 'E': Computed for eigenvalues only;   
            = 'V': Computed for right eigenvectors only;   
            = 'B': Computed for eigenvalues and right eigenvectors.   

            If SENSE = 'E' or 'B', both left and right eigenvectors   
            must also be computed (JOBVL = 'V' and JOBVR = 'V').   

    N       (input) INTEGER   
            The order of the matrix A. N >= 0.   

    A       (input/output) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (LDA,N)   
            On entry, the N-by-N matrix A.   
            On exit, A has been overwritten.  If JOBVL = 'V' or   
            JOBVR = 'V', A contains the real Schur form of the balanced   
            version of the input matrix A.   

    LDA     (input) INTEGER   
            The leading dimension of the array A.  LDA >= max(1,N).   

    WR      (output) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (N)   
    WI      (output) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (N)   
            WR and WI contain the real and imaginary parts,   
            respectively, of the computed eigenvalues.  Complex   
            conjugate pairs of eigenvalues will appear consecutively   
            with the eigenvalue having the positive imaginary part   

    VL      (output) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (LDVL,N)   
            If JOBVL = 'V', the left eigenvectors u(j) are stored one   
            after another in the columns of VL, in the same order   
            as their eigenvalues.   
            If JOBVL = 'N', VL is not referenced.   
            If the j-th eigenvalue is real, then u(j) = VL(:,j),   
            the j-th column of VL.   
            If the j-th and (j+1)-st eigenvalues form a complex   
            conjugate pair, then u(j) = VL(:,j) + i*VL(:,j+1) and   
            u(j+1) = VL(:,j) - i*VL(:,j+1).   

    LDVL    (input) INTEGER   
            The leading dimension of the array VL.  LDVL >= 1; if   
            JOBVL = 'V', LDVL >= N.   

    VR      (output) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (LDVR,N)   
            If JOBVR = 'V', the right eigenvectors v(j) are stored one   
            after another in the columns of VR, in the same order   
            as their eigenvalues.   
            If JOBVR = 'N', VR is not referenced.   
            If the j-th eigenvalue is real, then v(j) = VR(:,j),   
            the j-th column of VR.   
            If the j-th and (j+1)-st eigenvalues form a complex   
            conjugate pair, then v(j) = VR(:,j) + i*VR(:,j+1) and   
            v(j+1) = VR(:,j) - i*VR(:,j+1).   

    LDVR    (input) INTEGER   
            The leading dimension of the array VR.  LDVR >= 1, and if   
            JOBVR = 'V', LDVR >= N.   

    ILO     (output) INTEGER   
    IHI     (output) INTEGER   
            ILO and IHI are integer values determined when A was   
            balanced.  The balanced A(i,j) = 0 if I > J and   
            J = 1,...,ILO-1 or I = IHI+1,...,N.   

    SCALE   (output) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (N)   
            Details of the permutations and scaling factors applied   
            when balancing A.  If P(j) is the index of the row and column   
            interchanged with row and column j, and D(j) is the scaling   
            factor applied to row and column j, then   
            SCALE(J) = P(J),    for J = 1,...,ILO-1   
                     = D(J),    for J = ILO,...,IHI   
                     = P(J)     for J = IHI+1,...,N.   
            The order in which the interchanges are made is N to IHI+1,   
            then 1 to ILO-1.   

    ABNRM   (output) DOUBLE PRECISION   
            The one-norm of the balanced matrix (the maximum   
            of the sum of absolute values of elements of any column).   

    RCONDE  (output) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (N)   
            RCONDE(j) is the reciprocal condition number of the j-th   

    RCONDV  (output) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (N)   
            RCONDV(j) is the reciprocal condition number of the j-th   
            right eigenvector.   

    WORK    (workspace/output) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (MAX(1,LWORK))   
            On exit, if INFO = 0, WORK(1) returns the optimal LWORK.   

    LWORK   (input) INTEGER   
            The dimension of the array WORK.   If SENSE = 'N' or 'E',   
            LWORK >= max(1,2*N), and if JOBVL = 'V' or JOBVR = 'V',   
            LWORK >= 3*N.  If SENSE = 'V' or 'B', LWORK >= N*(N+6).   
            For good performance, LWORK must generally be larger.   

            If LWORK = -1, then a workspace query is assumed; the routine   
            only calculates the optimal size of the WORK array, returns   
            this value as the first entry of the WORK array, and no error   
            message related to LWORK is issued by XERBLA.   

    IWORK   (workspace) INTEGER array, dimension (2*N-2)   
            If SENSE = 'N' or 'E', not referenced.   

    INFO    (output) INTEGER   
            = 0:  successful exit   
            < 0:  if INFO = -i, the i-th argument had an illegal value.   
            > 0:  if INFO = i, the QR algorithm failed to compute all the   
                  eigenvalues, and no eigenvectors or condition numbers   
                  have been computed; elements 1:ILO-1 and i+1:N of WR   
                  and WI contain eigenvalues which have converged.   


       Test the input arguments   

       Parameter adjustments */
    a_dim1 = *lda;
    a_offset = 1 + a_dim1;
    a -= a_offset;
    vl_dim1 = *ldvl;
    vl_offset = 1 + vl_dim1;
    vl -= vl_offset;
    vr_dim1 = *ldvr;
    vr_offset = 1 + vr_dim1;
    vr -= vr_offset;

    /* Function Body */
    *info = 0;
    lquery = *lwork == -1;
    wantvl = igraphlsame_(jobvl, "V");
    wantvr = igraphlsame_(jobvr, "V");
    wntsnn = igraphlsame_(sense, "N");
    wntsne = igraphlsame_(sense, "E");
    wntsnv = igraphlsame_(sense, "V");
    wntsnb = igraphlsame_(sense, "B");
    if (! (igraphlsame_(balanc, "N") || igraphlsame_(balanc, "S") || igraphlsame_(balanc, "P") 
	    || igraphlsame_(balanc, "B"))) {
	*info = -1;
    } else if (! wantvl && ! igraphlsame_(jobvl, "N")) {
	*info = -2;
    } else if (! wantvr && ! igraphlsame_(jobvr, "N")) {
	*info = -3;
    } else if (! (wntsnn || wntsne || wntsnb || wntsnv) || (wntsne || wntsnb) 
	    && ! (wantvl && wantvr)) {
	*info = -4;
    } else if (*n < 0) {
	*info = -5;
    } else if (*lda < max(1,*n)) {
	*info = -7;
    } else if (*ldvl < 1 || wantvl && *ldvl < *n) {
	*info = -11;
    } else if (*ldvr < 1 || wantvr && *ldvr < *n) {
	*info = -13;

/*     Compute workspace   
        (Note: Comments in the code beginning "Workspace:" describe the   
         minimal amount of workspace needed at that point in the code,   
         as well as the preferred amount for good performance.   
         NB refers to the optimal block size for the immediately   
         following subroutine, as returned by ILAENV.   
         HSWORK refers to the workspace preferred by DHSEQR, as   
         calculated below. HSWORK is computed assuming ILO=1 and IHI=N,   
         the worst case.) */

    if (*info == 0) {
	if (*n == 0) {
	    minwrk = 1;
	    maxwrk = 1;
	} else {
	    maxwrk = *n + *n * igraphilaenv_(&c__1, "DGEHRD", " ", n, &c__1, n, &
		    c__0, (ftnlen)6, (ftnlen)1);

	    if (wantvl) {
		igraphdhseqr_("S", "V", n, &c__1, n, &a[a_offset], lda, &wr[1], &wi[
			1], &vl[vl_offset], ldvl, &work[1], &c_n1, info);
	    } else if (wantvr) {
		igraphdhseqr_("S", "V", n, &c__1, n, &a[a_offset], lda, &wr[1], &wi[
			1], &vr[vr_offset], ldvr, &work[1], &c_n1, info);
	    } else {
		if (wntsnn) {
		    igraphdhseqr_("E", "N", n, &c__1, n, &a[a_offset], lda, &wr[1], 
			    &wi[1], &vr[vr_offset], ldvr, &work[1], &c_n1, 
		} else {
		    igraphdhseqr_("S", "N", n, &c__1, n, &a[a_offset], lda, &wr[1], 
			    &wi[1], &vr[vr_offset], ldvr, &work[1], &c_n1, 
	    hswork = (integer) work[1];

	    if (! wantvl && ! wantvr) {
		minwrk = *n << 1;
		if (! wntsnn) {
/* Computing MAX */
		    i__1 = minwrk, i__2 = *n * *n + *n * 6;
		    minwrk = max(i__1,i__2);
		maxwrk = max(maxwrk,hswork);
		if (! wntsnn) {
/* Computing MAX */
		    i__1 = maxwrk, i__2 = *n * *n + *n * 6;
		    maxwrk = max(i__1,i__2);
	    } else {
		minwrk = *n * 3;
		if (! wntsnn && ! wntsne) {
/* Computing MAX */
		    i__1 = minwrk, i__2 = *n * *n + *n * 6;
		    minwrk = max(i__1,i__2);
		maxwrk = max(maxwrk,hswork);
/* Computing MAX */
		i__1 = maxwrk, i__2 = *n + (*n - 1) * igraphilaenv_(&c__1, "DORGHR",
			 " ", n, &c__1, n, &c_n1, (ftnlen)6, (ftnlen)1);
		maxwrk = max(i__1,i__2);
		if (! wntsnn && ! wntsne) {
/* Computing MAX */
		    i__1 = maxwrk, i__2 = *n * *n + *n * 6;
		    maxwrk = max(i__1,i__2);
/* Computing MAX */
		i__1 = maxwrk, i__2 = *n * 3;
		maxwrk = max(i__1,i__2);
	    maxwrk = max(maxwrk,minwrk);
	work[1] = (doublereal) maxwrk;

	if (*lwork < minwrk && ! lquery) {
	    *info = -21;

    if (*info != 0) {
	i__1 = -(*info);
	igraphxerbla_("DGEEVX", &i__1, (ftnlen)6);
	return 0;
    } else if (lquery) {
	return 0;

/*     Quick return if possible */

    if (*n == 0) {
	return 0;

/*     Get machine constants */

    eps = igraphdlamch_("P");
    smlnum = igraphdlamch_("S");
    bignum = 1. / smlnum;
    igraphdlabad_(&smlnum, &bignum);
    smlnum = sqrt(smlnum) / eps;
    bignum = 1. / smlnum;

/*     Scale A if max element outside range [SMLNUM,BIGNUM] */

    icond = 0;
    anrm = igraphdlange_("M", n, n, &a[a_offset], lda, dum);
    scalea = FALSE_;
    if (anrm > 0. && anrm < smlnum) {
	scalea = TRUE_;
	cscale = smlnum;
    } else if (anrm > bignum) {
	scalea = TRUE_;
	cscale = bignum;
    if (scalea) {
	igraphdlascl_("G", &c__0, &c__0, &anrm, &cscale, n, n, &a[a_offset], lda, &

/*     Balance the matrix and compute ABNRM */

    igraphdgebal_(balanc, n, &a[a_offset], lda, ilo, ihi, &scale[1], &ierr);
    *abnrm = igraphdlange_("1", n, n, &a[a_offset], lda, dum);
    if (scalea) {
	dum[0] = *abnrm;
	igraphdlascl_("G", &c__0, &c__0, &cscale, &anrm, &c__1, &c__1, dum, &c__1, &
	*abnrm = dum[0];

/*     Reduce to upper Hessenberg form   
       (Workspace: need 2*N, prefer N+N*NB) */

    itau = 1;
    iwrk = itau + *n;
    i__1 = *lwork - iwrk + 1;
    igraphdgehrd_(n, ilo, ihi, &a[a_offset], lda, &work[itau], &work[iwrk], &i__1, &

    if (wantvl) {

/*        Want left eigenvectors   
          Copy Householder vectors to VL */

	*(unsigned char *)side = 'L';
	igraphdlacpy_("L", n, n, &a[a_offset], lda, &vl[vl_offset], ldvl)

/*        Generate orthogonal matrix in VL   
          (Workspace: need 2*N-1, prefer N+(N-1)*NB) */

	i__1 = *lwork - iwrk + 1;
	igraphdorghr_(n, ilo, ihi, &vl[vl_offset], ldvl, &work[itau], &work[iwrk], &
		i__1, &ierr);

/*        Perform QR iteration, accumulating Schur vectors in VL   
          (Workspace: need 1, prefer HSWORK (see comments) ) */

	iwrk = itau;
	i__1 = *lwork - iwrk + 1;
	igraphdhseqr_("S", "V", n, ilo, ihi, &a[a_offset], lda, &wr[1], &wi[1], &vl[
		vl_offset], ldvl, &work[iwrk], &i__1, info);

	if (wantvr) {

/*           Want left and right eigenvectors   
             Copy Schur vectors to VR */

	    *(unsigned char *)side = 'B';
	    igraphdlacpy_("F", n, n, &vl[vl_offset], ldvl, &vr[vr_offset], ldvr);

    } else if (wantvr) {

/*        Want right eigenvectors   
          Copy Householder vectors to VR */

	*(unsigned char *)side = 'R';
	igraphdlacpy_("L", n, n, &a[a_offset], lda, &vr[vr_offset], ldvr)

/*        Generate orthogonal matrix in VR   
          (Workspace: need 2*N-1, prefer N+(N-1)*NB) */

	i__1 = *lwork - iwrk + 1;
	igraphdorghr_(n, ilo, ihi, &vr[vr_offset], ldvr, &work[itau], &work[iwrk], &
		i__1, &ierr);

/*        Perform QR iteration, accumulating Schur vectors in VR   
          (Workspace: need 1, prefer HSWORK (see comments) ) */

	iwrk = itau;
	i__1 = *lwork - iwrk + 1;
	igraphdhseqr_("S", "V", n, ilo, ihi, &a[a_offset], lda, &wr[1], &wi[1], &vr[
		vr_offset], ldvr, &work[iwrk], &i__1, info);

    } else {

/*        Compute eigenvalues only   
          If condition numbers desired, compute Schur form */

	if (wntsnn) {
	    *(unsigned char *)job = 'E';
	} else {
	    *(unsigned char *)job = 'S';

/*        (Workspace: need 1, prefer HSWORK (see comments) ) */

	iwrk = itau;
	i__1 = *lwork - iwrk + 1;
	igraphdhseqr_(job, "N", n, ilo, ihi, &a[a_offset], lda, &wr[1], &wi[1], &vr[
		vr_offset], ldvr, &work[iwrk], &i__1, info);

/*     If INFO > 0 from DHSEQR, then quit */

    if (*info > 0) {
	goto L50;

    if (wantvl || wantvr) {

/*        Compute left and/or right eigenvectors   
          (Workspace: need 3*N) */

	igraphdtrevc_(side, "B", select, n, &a[a_offset], lda, &vl[vl_offset], ldvl,
		 &vr[vr_offset], ldvr, n, &nout, &work[iwrk], &ierr);

/*     Compute condition numbers if desired   
       (Workspace: need N*N+6*N unless SENSE = 'E') */

    if (! wntsnn) {
	igraphdtrsna_(sense, "A", select, n, &a[a_offset], lda, &vl[vl_offset], 
		ldvl, &vr[vr_offset], ldvr, &rconde[1], &rcondv[1], n, &nout, 
		&work[iwrk], n, &iwork[1], &icond);

    if (wantvl) {

/*        Undo balancing of left eigenvectors */

	igraphdgebak_(balanc, "L", n, ilo, ihi, &scale[1], n, &vl[vl_offset], ldvl, 

/*        Normalize left eigenvectors and make largest component real */

	i__1 = *n;
	for (i__ = 1; i__ <= i__1; ++i__) {
	    if (wi[i__] == 0.) {
		scl = 1. / igraphdnrm2_(n, &vl[i__ * vl_dim1 + 1], &c__1);
		igraphdscal_(n, &scl, &vl[i__ * vl_dim1 + 1], &c__1);
	    } else if (wi[i__] > 0.) {
		d__1 = igraphdnrm2_(n, &vl[i__ * vl_dim1 + 1], &c__1);
		d__2 = igraphdnrm2_(n, &vl[(i__ + 1) * vl_dim1 + 1], &c__1);
		scl = 1. / igraphdlapy2_(&d__1, &d__2);
		igraphdscal_(n, &scl, &vl[i__ * vl_dim1 + 1], &c__1);
		igraphdscal_(n, &scl, &vl[(i__ + 1) * vl_dim1 + 1], &c__1);
		i__2 = *n;
		for (k = 1; k <= i__2; ++k) {
/* Computing 2nd power */
		    d__1 = vl[k + i__ * vl_dim1];
/* Computing 2nd power */
		    d__2 = vl[k + (i__ + 1) * vl_dim1];
		    work[k] = d__1 * d__1 + d__2 * d__2;
/* L10: */
		k = igraphidamax_(n, &work[1], &c__1);
		igraphdlartg_(&vl[k + i__ * vl_dim1], &vl[k + (i__ + 1) * vl_dim1], 
			&cs, &sn, &r__);
		igraphdrot_(n, &vl[i__ * vl_dim1 + 1], &c__1, &vl[(i__ + 1) * 
			vl_dim1 + 1], &c__1, &cs, &sn);
		vl[k + (i__ + 1) * vl_dim1] = 0.;
/* L20: */

    if (wantvr) {

/*        Undo balancing of right eigenvectors */

	igraphdgebak_(balanc, "R", n, ilo, ihi, &scale[1], n, &vr[vr_offset], ldvr, 

/*        Normalize right eigenvectors and make largest component real */

	i__1 = *n;
	for (i__ = 1; i__ <= i__1; ++i__) {
	    if (wi[i__] == 0.) {
		scl = 1. / igraphdnrm2_(n, &vr[i__ * vr_dim1 + 1], &c__1);
		igraphdscal_(n, &scl, &vr[i__ * vr_dim1 + 1], &c__1);
	    } else if (wi[i__] > 0.) {
		d__1 = igraphdnrm2_(n, &vr[i__ * vr_dim1 + 1], &c__1);
		d__2 = igraphdnrm2_(n, &vr[(i__ + 1) * vr_dim1 + 1], &c__1);
		scl = 1. / igraphdlapy2_(&d__1, &d__2);
		igraphdscal_(n, &scl, &vr[i__ * vr_dim1 + 1], &c__1);
		igraphdscal_(n, &scl, &vr[(i__ + 1) * vr_dim1 + 1], &c__1);
		i__2 = *n;
		for (k = 1; k <= i__2; ++k) {
/* Computing 2nd power */
		    d__1 = vr[k + i__ * vr_dim1];
/* Computing 2nd power */
		    d__2 = vr[k + (i__ + 1) * vr_dim1];
		    work[k] = d__1 * d__1 + d__2 * d__2;
/* L30: */
		k = igraphidamax_(n, &work[1], &c__1);
		igraphdlartg_(&vr[k + i__ * vr_dim1], &vr[k + (i__ + 1) * vr_dim1], 
			&cs, &sn, &r__);
		igraphdrot_(n, &vr[i__ * vr_dim1 + 1], &c__1, &vr[(i__ + 1) * 
			vr_dim1 + 1], &c__1, &cs, &sn);
		vr[k + (i__ + 1) * vr_dim1] = 0.;
/* L40: */

/*     Undo scaling if necessary */

    if (scalea) {
	i__1 = *n - *info;
/* Computing MAX */
	i__3 = *n - *info;
	i__2 = max(i__3,1);
	igraphdlascl_("G", &c__0, &c__0, &cscale, &anrm, &i__1, &c__1, &wr[*info + 
		1], &i__2, &ierr);
	i__1 = *n - *info;
/* Computing MAX */
	i__3 = *n - *info;
	i__2 = max(i__3,1);
	igraphdlascl_("G", &c__0, &c__0, &cscale, &anrm, &i__1, &c__1, &wi[*info + 
		1], &i__2, &ierr);
	if (*info == 0) {
	    if ((wntsnv || wntsnb) && icond == 0) {
		igraphdlascl_("G", &c__0, &c__0, &cscale, &anrm, n, &c__1, &rcondv[
			1], n, &ierr);
	} else {
	    i__1 = *ilo - 1;
	    igraphdlascl_("G", &c__0, &c__0, &cscale, &anrm, &i__1, &c__1, &wr[1], 
		    n, &ierr);
	    i__1 = *ilo - 1;
	    igraphdlascl_("G", &c__0, &c__0, &cscale, &anrm, &i__1, &c__1, &wi[1], 
		    n, &ierr);

    work[1] = (doublereal) maxwrk;
    return 0;

/*     End of DGEEVX */

} /* igraphdgeevx_ */
/* Subroutine */ int igraphdnaitr_(integer *ido, char *bmat, integer *n, integer *k,
	 integer *np, integer *nb, doublereal *resid, doublereal *rnorm, 
	doublereal *v, integer *ldv, doublereal *h__, integer *ldh, integer *
	ipntr, doublereal *workd, integer *info)
    /* Initialized data */

    static logical first = TRUE_;

    /* System generated locals */
    integer h_dim1, h_offset, v_dim1, v_offset, i__1, i__2;
    doublereal d__1, d__2;

    /* Builtin functions */
    double sqrt(doublereal);

    /* Local variables */
    static integer i__, j;
    static real t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5;
    static integer jj, ipj, irj, ivj;
    static doublereal ulp, tst1;
    extern doublereal igraphddot_(integer *, doublereal *, integer *, doublereal *, 
	    integer *);
    static integer ierr, iter;
    static doublereal unfl, ovfl;
    static integer itry;
    extern doublereal igraphdnrm2_(integer *, doublereal *, integer *);
    static doublereal temp1;
    static logical orth1, orth2, step3, step4;
    static doublereal betaj;
    extern /* Subroutine */ int igraphdscal_(integer *, doublereal *, doublereal *, 
	    integer *), igraphdgemv_(char *, integer *, integer *, doublereal *, 
	    doublereal *, integer *, doublereal *, integer *, doublereal *, 
	    doublereal *, integer *);
    static integer infol;
    extern /* Subroutine */ int igraphdcopy_(integer *, doublereal *, integer *, 
	    doublereal *, integer *), igraphdaxpy_(integer *, doublereal *, 
	    doublereal *, integer *, doublereal *, integer *), igraphdmout_(integer 
	    *, integer *, integer *, doublereal *, integer *, integer *, char 
    static doublereal xtemp[2];
    extern /* Subroutine */ int igraphdvout_(integer *, integer *, doublereal *, 
	    integer *, char *);
    static doublereal wnorm;
    extern /* Subroutine */ int igraphivout_(integer *, integer *, integer *, 
	    integer *, char *), igraphdgetv0_(integer *, char *, integer *, 
	    logical *, integer *, integer *, doublereal *, integer *, 
	    doublereal *, doublereal *, integer *, doublereal *, integer *
	    ), igraphdlabad_(doublereal *, doublereal *);
    static doublereal rnorm1;
    extern doublereal igraphdlamch_(char *);
    extern /* Subroutine */ int igraphdlascl_(char *, integer *, integer *, 
	    doublereal *, doublereal *, integer *, integer *, doublereal *, 
	    integer *, integer *);
    extern doublereal igraphdlanhs_(char *, integer *, doublereal *, integer *, 
	    doublereal *);
    extern /* Subroutine */ int igraphsecond_(real *);
    static logical rstart;
    static integer msglvl;
    static doublereal smlnum;

/*     %----------------------------------------------------% */
/*     | Include files for debugging and timing information | */
/*     %----------------------------------------------------% */

/* \SCCS Information: @(#) */
/* FILE: debug.h   SID: 2.3   DATE OF SID: 11/16/95   RELEASE: 2 */

/*     %---------------------------------% */
/*     | See debug.doc for documentation | */
/*     %---------------------------------% */

/*     %------------------% */
/*     | Scalar Arguments | */
/*     %------------------% */

/*     %--------------------------------% */
/*     | See stat.doc for documentation | */
/*     %--------------------------------% */

/* \SCCS Information: @(#) */
/* FILE: stat.h   SID: 2.2   DATE OF SID: 11/16/95   RELEASE: 2 */

/*     %-----------------% */
/*     | Array Arguments | */
/*     %-----------------% */

/*     %------------% */
/*     | Parameters | */
/*     %------------% */

/*     %---------------% */
/*     | Local Scalars | */
/*     %---------------% */

/*     %-----------------------% */
/*     | Local Array Arguments | */
/*     %-----------------------% */

/*     %----------------------% */
/*     | External Subroutines | */
/*     %----------------------% */

/*     %--------------------% */
/*     | External Functions | */
/*     %--------------------% */

/*     %---------------------% */
/*     | Intrinsic Functions | */
/*     %---------------------% */

/*     %-----------------% */
/*     | Data statements | */
/*     %-----------------% */

    /* Parameter adjustments */
    v_dim1 = *ldv;
    v_offset = 1 + v_dim1;
    v -= v_offset;
    h_dim1 = *ldh;
    h_offset = 1 + h_dim1;
    h__ -= h_offset;

    /* Function Body */

/*     %-----------------------% */
/*     | Executable Statements | */
/*     %-----------------------% */

    if (first) {

/*        %-----------------------------------------% */
/*        | Set machine-dependent constants for the | */
/*        | the splitting and deflation criterion.  | */
/*        | If norm(H) <= sqrt(OVFL),               | */
/*        | overflow should not occur.              | */
/*        | REFERENCE: LAPACK subroutine dlahqr     | */
/*        %-----------------------------------------% */

	unfl = igraphdlamch_("safe minimum");
	ovfl = 1. / unfl;
	igraphdlabad_(&unfl, &ovfl);
	ulp = igraphdlamch_("precision");
	smlnum = unfl * (*n / ulp);
	first = FALSE_;

    if (*ido == 0) {

/*        %-------------------------------% */
/*        | Initialize timing statistics  | */
/*        | & message level for debugging | */
/*        %-------------------------------% */

	msglvl = debug_1.mnaitr;

/*        %------------------------------% */
/*        | Initial call to this routine | */
/*        %------------------------------% */

	*info = 0;
	step3 = FALSE_;
	step4 = FALSE_;
	rstart = FALSE_;
	orth1 = FALSE_;
	orth2 = FALSE_;
	j = *k + 1;
	ipj = 1;
	irj = ipj + *n;
	ivj = irj + *n;

/*     %-------------------------------------------------% */
/*     | When in reverse communication mode one of:      | */
/*     | STEP3, STEP4, ORTH1, ORTH2, RSTART              | */
/*     | will be .true. when ....                        | */
/*     | STEP3: return from computing OP*v_{j}.          | */
/*     | STEP4: return from computing B-norm of OP*v_{j} | */
/*     | ORTH1: return from computing B-norm of r_{j+1}  | */
/*     | ORTH2: return from computing B-norm of          | */
/*     |        correction to the residual vector.       | */
/*     | RSTART: return from OP computations needed by   | */
/*     |         dgetv0.                                 | */
/*     %-------------------------------------------------% */

    if (step3) {
	goto L50;
    if (step4) {
	goto L60;
    if (orth1) {
	goto L70;
    if (orth2) {
	goto L90;
    if (rstart) {
	goto L30;

/*     %-----------------------------% */
/*     | Else this is the first step | */
/*     %-----------------------------% */

/*     %--------------------------------------------------------------% */
/*     |                                                              | */
/*     |        A R N O L D I     I T E R A T I O N     L O O P       | */
/*     |                                                              | */
/*     | Note:  B*r_{j-1} is already in WORKD(1:N)=WORKD(IPJ:IPJ+N-1) | */
/*     %--------------------------------------------------------------% */

    if (msglvl > 1) {
	igraphivout_(&debug_1.logfil, &c__1, &j, &debug_1.ndigit, "_naitr: generat"
		"ing Arnoldi vector number");
	igraphdvout_(&debug_1.logfil, &c__1, rnorm, &debug_1.ndigit, "_naitr: B-no"
		"rm of the current residual is");

/*        %---------------------------------------------------% */
/*        | STEP 1: Check if the B norm of j-th residual      | */
/*        | vector is zero. Equivalent to determing whether   | */
/*        | an exact j-step Arnoldi factorization is present. | */
/*        %---------------------------------------------------% */

    betaj = *rnorm;
    if (*rnorm > 0.) {
	goto L40;

/*           %---------------------------------------------------% */
/*           | Invariant subspace found, generate a new starting | */
/*           | vector which is orthogonal to the current Arnoldi | */
/*           | basis and continue the iteration.                 | */
/*           %---------------------------------------------------% */

    if (msglvl > 0) {
	igraphivout_(&debug_1.logfil, &c__1, &j, &debug_1.ndigit, "_naitr: ****** "
		"RESTART AT STEP ******");

/*           %---------------------------------------------% */
/*           | ITRY is the loop variable that controls the | */
/*           | maximum amount of times that a restart is   | */
/*           | attempted. NRSTRT is used by stat.h         | */
/*           %---------------------------------------------% */

    betaj = 0.;
    itry = 1;
    rstart = TRUE_;
    *ido = 0;

/*           %--------------------------------------% */
/*           | If in reverse communication mode and | */
/*           | RSTART = .true. flow returns here.   | */
/*           %--------------------------------------% */

    igraphdgetv0_(ido, bmat, &itry, &c_false, n, &j, &v[v_offset], ldv, &resid[1], 
	    rnorm, &ipntr[1], &workd[1], &ierr);
    if (*ido != 99) {
	goto L9000;
    if (ierr < 0) {
	if (itry <= 3) {
	    goto L20;

/*              %------------------------------------------------% */
/*              | Give up after several restart attempts.        | */
/*              | Set INFO to the size of the invariant subspace | */
/*              | which spans OP and exit.                       | */
/*              %------------------------------------------------% */

	*info = j - 1;
	timing_1.tnaitr += t1 - t0;
	*ido = 99;
	goto L9000;


/*        %---------------------------------------------------------% */
/*        | STEP 2:  v_{j} = r_{j-1}/rnorm and p_{j} = p_{j}/rnorm  | */
/*        | Note that p_{j} = B*r_{j-1}. In order to avoid overflow | */
/*        | when reciprocating a small RNORM, test against lower    | */
/*        | machine bound.                                          | */
/*        %---------------------------------------------------------% */

    igraphdcopy_(n, &resid[1], &c__1, &v[j * v_dim1 + 1], &c__1);
    if (*rnorm >= unfl) {
	temp1 = 1. / *rnorm;
	igraphdscal_(n, &temp1, &v[j * v_dim1 + 1], &c__1);
	igraphdscal_(n, &temp1, &workd[ipj], &c__1);
    } else {

/*            %-----------------------------------------% */
/*            | To scale both v_{j} and p_{j} carefully | */
/*            | use LAPACK routine SLASCL               | */
/*            %-----------------------------------------% */

	igraphdlascl_("General", &i__, &i__, rnorm, &c_b25, n, &c__1, &v[j * v_dim1 
		+ 1], n, &infol);
	igraphdlascl_("General", &i__, &i__, rnorm, &c_b25, n, &c__1, &workd[ipj], 
		n, &infol);

/*        %------------------------------------------------------% */
/*        | STEP 3:  r_{j} = OP*v_{j}; Note that p_{j} = B*v_{j} | */
/*        | Note that this is not quite yet r_{j}. See STEP 4    | */
/*        %------------------------------------------------------% */

    step3 = TRUE_;
    igraphdcopy_(n, &v[j * v_dim1 + 1], &c__1, &workd[ivj], &c__1);
    ipntr[1] = ivj;
    ipntr[2] = irj;
    ipntr[3] = ipj;
    *ido = 1;

/*        %-----------------------------------% */
/*        | Exit in order to compute OP*v_{j} | */
/*        %-----------------------------------% */

    goto L9000;

/*        %----------------------------------% */
/*        | Back from reverse communication; | */
/*        | WORKD(IRJ:IRJ+N-1) := OP*v_{j}   | */
/*        | if step3 = .true.                | */
/*        %----------------------------------% */

    timing_1.tmvopx += t3 - t2;
    step3 = FALSE_;

/*        %------------------------------------------% */
/*        | Put another copy of OP*v_{j} into RESID. | */
/*        %------------------------------------------% */

    igraphdcopy_(n, &workd[irj], &c__1, &resid[1], &c__1);

/*        %---------------------------------------% */
/*        | STEP 4:  Finish extending the Arnoldi | */
/*        |          factorization to length j.   | */
/*        %---------------------------------------% */

    if (*(unsigned char *)bmat == 'G') {
	step4 = TRUE_;
	ipntr[1] = irj;
	ipntr[2] = ipj;
	*ido = 2;

/*           %-------------------------------------% */
/*           | Exit in order to compute B*OP*v_{j} | */
/*           %-------------------------------------% */

	goto L9000;
    } else if (*(unsigned char *)bmat == 'I') {
	igraphdcopy_(n, &resid[1], &c__1, &workd[ipj], &c__1);

/*        %----------------------------------% */
/*        | Back from reverse communication; | */
/*        | WORKD(IPJ:IPJ+N-1) := B*OP*v_{j} | */
/*        | if step4 = .true.                | */
/*        %----------------------------------% */

    if (*(unsigned char *)bmat == 'G') {
	timing_1.tmvbx += t3 - t2;

    step4 = FALSE_;

/*        %-------------------------------------% */
/*        | The following is needed for STEP 5. | */
/*        | Compute the B-norm of OP*v_{j}.     | */
/*        %-------------------------------------% */

    if (*(unsigned char *)bmat == 'G') {
	wnorm = igraphddot_(n, &resid[1], &c__1, &workd[ipj], &c__1);
	wnorm = sqrt((abs(wnorm)));
    } else if (*(unsigned char *)bmat == 'I') {
	wnorm = igraphdnrm2_(n, &resid[1], &c__1);

/*        %-----------------------------------------% */
/*        | Compute the j-th residual corresponding | */
/*        | to the j step factorization.            | */
/*        | Use Classical Gram Schmidt and compute: | */
/*        | w_{j} <-  V_{j}^T * B * OP * v_{j}      | */
/*        | r_{j} <-  OP*v_{j} - V_{j} * w_{j}      | */
/*        %-----------------------------------------% */

/*        %------------------------------------------% */
/*        | Compute the j Fourier coefficients w_{j} | */
/*        | WORKD(IPJ:IPJ+N-1) contains B*OP*v_{j}.  | */
/*        %------------------------------------------% */

    igraphdgemv_("T", n, &j, &c_b25, &v[v_offset], ldv, &workd[ipj], &c__1, &c_b47, 
	    &h__[j * h_dim1 + 1], &c__1);

/*        %--------------------------------------% */
/*        | Orthogonalize r_{j} against V_{j}.   | */
/*        | RESID contains OP*v_{j}. See STEP 3. | */
/*        %--------------------------------------% */

    igraphdgemv_("N", n, &j, &c_b50, &v[v_offset], ldv, &h__[j * h_dim1 + 1], &c__1,
	     &c_b25, &resid[1], &c__1);

    if (j > 1) {
	h__[j + (j - 1) * h_dim1] = betaj;


    orth1 = TRUE_;

    if (*(unsigned char *)bmat == 'G') {
	igraphdcopy_(n, &resid[1], &c__1, &workd[irj], &c__1);
	ipntr[1] = irj;
	ipntr[2] = ipj;
	*ido = 2;

/*           %----------------------------------% */
/*           | Exit in order to compute B*r_{j} | */
/*           %----------------------------------% */

	goto L9000;
    } else if (*(unsigned char *)bmat == 'I') {
	igraphdcopy_(n, &resid[1], &c__1, &workd[ipj], &c__1);

/*        %---------------------------------------------------% */
/*        | Back from reverse communication if ORTH1 = .true. | */
/*        | WORKD(IPJ:IPJ+N-1) := B*r_{j}.                    | */
/*        %---------------------------------------------------% */

    if (*(unsigned char *)bmat == 'G') {
	timing_1.tmvbx += t3 - t2;

    orth1 = FALSE_;

/*        %------------------------------% */
/*        | Compute the B-norm of r_{j}. | */
/*        %------------------------------% */

    if (*(unsigned char *)bmat == 'G') {
	*rnorm = igraphddot_(n, &resid[1], &c__1, &workd[ipj], &c__1);
	*rnorm = sqrt((abs(*rnorm)));
    } else if (*(unsigned char *)bmat == 'I') {
	*rnorm = igraphdnrm2_(n, &resid[1], &c__1);

/*        %-----------------------------------------------------------% */
/*        | STEP 5: Re-orthogonalization / Iterative refinement phase | */
/*        | Maximum NITER_ITREF tries.                                | */
/*        |                                                           | */
/*        |          s      = V_{j}^T * B * r_{j}                     | */
/*        |          r_{j}  = r_{j} - V_{j}*s                         | */
/*        |          alphaj = alphaj + s_{j}                          | */
/*        |                                                           | */
/*        | The stopping criteria used for iterative refinement is    | */
/*        | discussed in Parlett's book SEP, page 107 and in Gragg &  | */
/*        | Reichel ACM TOMS paper; Algorithm 686, Dec. 1990.         | */
/*        | Determine if we need to correct the residual. The goal is | */
/*        | to enforce ||v(:,1:j)^T * r_{j}|| .le. eps * || r_{j} ||  | */
/*        | The following test determines whether the sine of the     | */
/*        | angle between  OP*x and the computed residual is less     | */
/*        | than or equal to 0.717.                                   | */
/*        %-----------------------------------------------------------% */

    if (*rnorm > wnorm * .717f) {
	goto L100;
    iter = 0;

/*        %---------------------------------------------------% */
/*        | Enter the Iterative refinement phase. If further  | */
/*        | refinement is necessary, loop back here. The loop | */
/*        | variable is ITER. Perform a step of Classical     | */
/*        | Gram-Schmidt using all the Arnoldi vectors V_{j}  | */
/*        %---------------------------------------------------% */


    if (msglvl > 2) {
	xtemp[0] = wnorm;
	xtemp[1] = *rnorm;
	igraphdvout_(&debug_1.logfil, &c__2, xtemp, &debug_1.ndigit, "_naitr: re-o"
		"rthonalization; wnorm and rnorm are");
	igraphdvout_(&debug_1.logfil, &j, &h__[j * h_dim1 + 1], &debug_1.ndigit, 
		"_naitr: j-th column of H");

/*        %----------------------------------------------------% */
/*        | Compute V_{j}^T * B * r_{j}.                       | */
/*        | WORKD(IRJ:IRJ+J-1) = v(:,1:J)'*WORKD(IPJ:IPJ+N-1). | */
/*        %----------------------------------------------------% */

    igraphdgemv_("T", n, &j, &c_b25, &v[v_offset], ldv, &workd[ipj], &c__1, &c_b47, 
	    &workd[irj], &c__1);

/*        %---------------------------------------------% */
/*        | Compute the correction to the residual:     | */
/*        | r_{j} = r_{j} - V_{j} * WORKD(IRJ:IRJ+J-1). | */
/*        | The correction to H is v(:,1:J)*H(1:J,1:J)  | */
/*        | + v(:,1:J)*WORKD(IRJ:IRJ+J-1)*e'_j.         | */
/*        %---------------------------------------------% */

    igraphdgemv_("N", n, &j, &c_b50, &v[v_offset], ldv, &workd[irj], &c__1, &c_b25, 
	    &resid[1], &c__1);
    igraphdaxpy_(&j, &c_b25, &workd[irj], &c__1, &h__[j * h_dim1 + 1], &c__1);

    orth2 = TRUE_;
    if (*(unsigned char *)bmat == 'G') {
	igraphdcopy_(n, &resid[1], &c__1, &workd[irj], &c__1);
	ipntr[1] = irj;
	ipntr[2] = ipj;
	*ido = 2;

/*           %-----------------------------------% */
/*           | Exit in order to compute B*r_{j}. | */
/*           | r_{j} is the corrected residual.  | */
/*           %-----------------------------------% */

	goto L9000;
    } else if (*(unsigned char *)bmat == 'I') {
	igraphdcopy_(n, &resid[1], &c__1, &workd[ipj], &c__1);

/*        %---------------------------------------------------% */
/*        | Back from reverse communication if ORTH2 = .true. | */
/*        %---------------------------------------------------% */

    if (*(unsigned char *)bmat == 'G') {
	timing_1.tmvbx += t3 - t2;

/*        %-----------------------------------------------------% */
/*        | Compute the B-norm of the corrected residual r_{j}. | */
/*        %-----------------------------------------------------% */

    if (*(unsigned char *)bmat == 'G') {
	rnorm1 = igraphddot_(n, &resid[1], &c__1, &workd[ipj], &c__1);
	rnorm1 = sqrt((abs(rnorm1)));
    } else if (*(unsigned char *)bmat == 'I') {
	rnorm1 = igraphdnrm2_(n, &resid[1], &c__1);

    if (msglvl > 0 && iter > 0) {
	igraphivout_(&debug_1.logfil, &c__1, &j, &debug_1.ndigit, "_naitr: Iterati"
		"ve refinement for Arnoldi residual");
	if (msglvl > 2) {
	    xtemp[0] = *rnorm;
	    xtemp[1] = rnorm1;
	    igraphdvout_(&debug_1.logfil, &c__2, xtemp, &debug_1.ndigit, "_naitr: "
		    "iterative refinement ; rnorm and rnorm1 are");

/*        %-----------------------------------------% */
/*        | Determine if we need to perform another | */
/*        | step of re-orthogonalization.           | */
/*        %-----------------------------------------% */

    if (rnorm1 > *rnorm * .717f) {

/*           %---------------------------------------% */
/*           | No need for further refinement.       | */
/*           | The cosine of the angle between the   | */
/*           | corrected residual vector and the old | */
/*           | residual vector is greater than 0.717 | */
/*           | In other words the corrected residual | */
/*           | and the old residual vector share an  | */
/*           | angle of less than arcCOS(0.717)      | */
/*           %---------------------------------------% */

	*rnorm = rnorm1;

    } else {

/*           %-------------------------------------------% */
/*           | Another step of iterative refinement step | */
/*           | is required. NITREF is used by stat.h     | */
/*           %-------------------------------------------% */

	*rnorm = rnorm1;
	if (iter <= 1) {
	    goto L80;

/*           %-------------------------------------------------% */
/*           | Otherwise RESID is numerically in the span of V | */
/*           %-------------------------------------------------% */

	i__1 = *n;
	for (jj = 1; jj <= i__1; ++jj) {
	    resid[jj] = 0.;
/* L95: */
	*rnorm = 0.;

/*        %----------------------------------------------% */
/*        | Branch here directly if iterative refinement | */
/*        | wasn't necessary or after at most NITER_REF  | */
/*        | steps of iterative refinement.               | */
/*        %----------------------------------------------% */


    rstart = FALSE_;
    orth2 = FALSE_;

    timing_1.titref += t5 - t4;

/*        %------------------------------------% */
/*        | STEP 6: Update  j = j+1;  Continue | */
/*        %------------------------------------% */

    if (j > *k + *np) {
	timing_1.tnaitr += t1 - t0;
	*ido = 99;
	i__1 = *k + *np - 1;
	for (i__ = max(1,*k); i__ <= i__1; ++i__) {

/*              %--------------------------------------------% */
/*              | Check for splitting and deflation.         | */
/*              | Use a standard test as in the QR algorithm | */
/*              | REFERENCE: LAPACK subroutine dlahqr        | */
/*              %--------------------------------------------% */

	    tst1 = (d__1 = h__[i__ + i__ * h_dim1], abs(d__1)) + (d__2 = h__[
		    i__ + 1 + (i__ + 1) * h_dim1], abs(d__2));
	    if (tst1 == 0.) {
		i__2 = *k + *np;
		tst1 = igraphdlanhs_("1", &i__2, &h__[h_offset], ldh, &workd[*n + 1]);
/* Computing MAX */
	    d__2 = ulp * tst1;
	    if ((d__1 = h__[i__ + 1 + i__ * h_dim1], abs(d__1)) <= max(d__2,
		    smlnum)) {
		h__[i__ + 1 + i__ * h_dim1] = 0.;
/* L110: */

	if (msglvl > 2) {
	    i__1 = *k + *np;
	    i__2 = *k + *np;
	    igraphdmout_(&debug_1.logfil, &i__1, &i__2, &h__[h_offset], ldh, &
		    debug_1.ndigit, "_naitr: Final upper Hessenberg matrix H"
		    " of order K+NP");

	goto L9000;

/*        %--------------------------------------------------------% */
/*        | Loop back to extend the factorization by another step. | */
/*        %--------------------------------------------------------% */

    goto L1000;

/*     %---------------------------------------------------------------% */
/*     |                                                               | */
/*     |  E N D     O F     M A I N     I T E R A T I O N     L O O P  | */
/*     |                                                               | */
/*     %---------------------------------------------------------------% */

    return 0;

/*     %---------------% */
/*     | End of igraphdnaitr | */
/*     %---------------% */

} /* igraphdnaitr_ */
Exemple #7
   Subroutine */ int igraphdsaup2_(integer *ido, char *bmat, integer *n, char *
	which, integer *nev, integer *np, doublereal *tol, doublereal *resid, 
	integer *mode, integer *iupd, integer *ishift, integer *mxiter, 
	doublereal *v, integer *ldv, doublereal *h__, integer *ldh, 
	doublereal *ritz, doublereal *bounds, doublereal *q, integer *ldq, 
	doublereal *workl, integer *ipntr, doublereal *workd, integer *info)
    /* System generated locals */
    integer h_dim1, h_offset, q_dim1, q_offset, v_dim1, v_offset, i__1, i__2, 
    doublereal d__1, d__2, d__3;

    /* Builtin functions */
    double pow_dd(doublereal *, doublereal *);
    integer s_cmp(char *, char *, ftnlen, ftnlen);
    /* Subroutine */ int s_copy(char *, char *, ftnlen, ftnlen);
    double sqrt(doublereal);

    /* Local variables */
    integer j;
    real t0, t1, t2, t3;
    integer kp[3];
    IGRAPH_F77_SAVE integer np0;
    integer nbx = 0;
    IGRAPH_F77_SAVE integer nev0;
    extern doublereal igraphddot_(integer *, doublereal *, integer *, doublereal *, 
	    integer *);
    IGRAPH_F77_SAVE doublereal eps23;
    integer ierr;
    IGRAPH_F77_SAVE integer iter;
    doublereal temp;
    integer nevd2;
    extern doublereal igraphdnrm2_(integer *, doublereal *, integer *);
    IGRAPH_F77_SAVE logical getv0;
    integer nevm2;
    IGRAPH_F77_SAVE logical cnorm;
    extern /* Subroutine */ int igraphdcopy_(integer *, doublereal *, integer *, 
	    doublereal *, integer *), igraphdswap_(integer *, doublereal *, integer 
	    *, doublereal *, integer *);
    IGRAPH_F77_SAVE integer nconv;
    IGRAPH_F77_SAVE logical initv;
    IGRAPH_F77_SAVE doublereal rnorm;
    real tmvbx = 0.0;
    extern /* Subroutine */ int igraphdvout_(integer *, integer *, doublereal *, 
	    integer *, char *, ftnlen), igraphivout_(integer *, integer *, integer *
	    , integer *, char *, ftnlen), igraphdgetv0_(integer *, char *, integer *
	    , logical *, integer *, integer *, doublereal *, integer *, 
	    doublereal *, doublereal *, integer *, doublereal *, integer *);
    integer msaup2 = 0;
    real tsaup2;
    extern doublereal igraphdlamch_(char *);
    integer nevbef;
    extern /* Subroutine */ int igraphsecond_(real *);
    integer logfil, ndigit;
    extern /* Subroutine */ int igraphdseigt_(doublereal *, integer *, doublereal *,
	     integer *, doublereal *, doublereal *, doublereal *, integer *);
    IGRAPH_F77_SAVE logical update;
    extern /* Subroutine */ int igraphdsaitr_(integer *, char *, integer *, integer 
	    *, integer *, integer *, doublereal *, doublereal *, doublereal *,
	     integer *, doublereal *, integer *, integer *, doublereal *, 
	    integer *), igraphdsgets_(integer *, char *, integer *, integer 
	    *, doublereal *, doublereal *, doublereal *), igraphdsapps_(
	    integer *, integer *, integer *, doublereal *, doublereal *, 
	    integer *, doublereal *, integer *, doublereal *, doublereal *, 
	    integer *, doublereal *), igraphdsconv_(integer *, doublereal *, 
	    doublereal *, doublereal *, integer *);
    IGRAPH_F77_SAVE logical ushift;
    char wprime[2];
    IGRAPH_F77_SAVE integer msglvl;
    integer nptemp;
    extern /* Subroutine */ int igraphdsortr_(char *, logical *, integer *, 
	    doublereal *, doublereal *);
    IGRAPH_F77_SAVE integer kplusp;

/*     %----------------------------------------------------%   
       | Include files for debugging and timing information |   

       | Scalar Arguments |   

       | Array Arguments |   

       | Parameters |   

       | Local Scalars |   

       | External Subroutines |   

       | External Functions |   

       | Intrinsic Functions |   

       | Executable Statements |   

       Parameter adjustments */
    v_dim1 = *ldv;
    v_offset = 1 + v_dim1;
    v -= v_offset;
    h_dim1 = *ldh;
    h_offset = 1 + h_dim1;
    h__ -= h_offset;
    q_dim1 = *ldq;
    q_offset = 1 + q_dim1;
    q -= q_offset;

    /* Function Body */
    if (*ido == 0) {

/*        %-------------------------------%   
          | Initialize timing statistics  |   
          | & message level for debugging |   
          %-------------------------------% */

	msglvl = msaup2;

/*        %---------------------------------%   
          | Set machine dependent constant. |   
          %---------------------------------% */

	eps23 = igraphdlamch_("Epsilon-Machine");
	eps23 = pow_dd(&eps23, &c_b3);

/*        %-------------------------------------%   
          | nev0 and np0 are integer variables  |   
          | hold the initial values of NEV & NP |   
          %-------------------------------------% */

	nev0 = *nev;
	np0 = *np;

/*        %-------------------------------------%   
          | kplusp is the bound on the largest  |   
          |        Lanczos factorization built. |   
          | nconv is the current number of      |   
          |        "converged" eigenvlues.      |   
          | iter is the counter on the current  |   
          |      iteration step.                |   
          %-------------------------------------% */

	kplusp = nev0 + np0;
	nconv = 0;
	iter = 0;

/*        %--------------------------------------------%   
          | Set flags for computing the first NEV steps |   
          | of the Lanczos factorization.              |   
          %--------------------------------------------% */

	getv0 = TRUE_;
	update = FALSE_;
	ushift = FALSE_;
	cnorm = FALSE_;

	if (*info != 0) {

/*        %--------------------------------------------%   
          | User provides the initial residual vector. |   
          %--------------------------------------------% */

	    initv = TRUE_;
	    *info = 0;
	} else {
	    initv = FALSE_;

/*     %---------------------------------------------%   
       | Get a possibly random starting vector and   |   
       | force it into the range of the operator OP. |   

   L10: */

    if (getv0) {
	igraphdgetv0_(ido, bmat, &c__1, &initv, n, &c__1, &v[v_offset], ldv, &resid[
		1], &rnorm, &ipntr[1], &workd[1], info);

	if (*ido != 99) {
	    goto L9000;

	if (rnorm == 0.) {

/*           %-----------------------------------------%   
             | The initial vector is zero. Error exit. |   
             %-----------------------------------------% */

	    *info = -9;
	    goto L1200;
	getv0 = FALSE_;
	*ido = 0;

/*     %------------------------------------------------------------%   
       | Back from reverse communication: continue with update step |   
       %------------------------------------------------------------% */

    if (update) {
	goto L20;

/*     %-------------------------------------------%   
       | Back from computing user specified shifts |   
       %-------------------------------------------% */

    if (ushift) {
	goto L50;

/*     %-------------------------------------%   
       | Back from computing residual norm   |   
       | at the end of the current iteration |   
       %-------------------------------------% */

    if (cnorm) {
	goto L100;

/*     %----------------------------------------------------------%   
       | Compute the first NEV steps of the Lanczos factorization |   
       %----------------------------------------------------------% */

    igraphdsaitr_(ido, bmat, n, &c__0, &nev0, mode, &resid[1], &rnorm, &v[v_offset],
	     ldv, &h__[h_offset], ldh, &ipntr[1], &workd[1], info);

/*     %---------------------------------------------------%   
       | ido .ne. 99 implies use of reverse communication  |   
       | to compute operations involving OP and possibly B |   
       %---------------------------------------------------% */

    if (*ido != 99) {
	goto L9000;

    if (*info > 0) {

/*        %-----------------------------------------------------%   
          | dsaitr was unable to build an Lanczos factorization |   
          | of length NEV0. INFO is returned with the size of   |   
          | the factorization built. Exit main loop.            |   
          %-----------------------------------------------------% */

	*np = *info;
	*mxiter = iter;
	*info = -9999;
	goto L1200;

/*     %--------------------------------------------------------------%   
       |                                                              |   
       |           M A I N  LANCZOS  I T E R A T I O N  L O O P       |   
       |           Each iteration implicitly restarts the Lanczos     |   
       |           factorization in place.                            |   
       |                                                              |   
       %--------------------------------------------------------------% */



    if (msglvl > 0) {
	igraphivout_(&logfil, &c__1, &iter, &ndigit, "_saup2: **** Start of major "
		"iteration number ****", (ftnlen)49);
    if (msglvl > 1) {
	igraphivout_(&logfil, &c__1, nev, &ndigit, "_saup2: The length of the curr"
		"ent Lanczos factorization", (ftnlen)55);
	igraphivout_(&logfil, &c__1, np, &ndigit, "_saup2: Extend the Lanczos fact"
		"orization by", (ftnlen)43);

/*        %------------------------------------------------------------%   
          | Compute NP additional steps of the Lanczos factorization. |   
          %------------------------------------------------------------% */

    *ido = 0;
    update = TRUE_;

    igraphdsaitr_(ido, bmat, n, nev, np, mode, &resid[1], &rnorm, &v[v_offset], ldv,
	     &h__[h_offset], ldh, &ipntr[1], &workd[1], info);

/*        %---------------------------------------------------%   
          | ido .ne. 99 implies use of reverse communication  |   
          | to compute operations involving OP and possibly B |   
          %---------------------------------------------------% */

    if (*ido != 99) {
	goto L9000;

    if (*info > 0) {

/*           %-----------------------------------------------------%   
             | dsaitr was unable to build an Lanczos factorization |   
             | of length NEV0+NP0. INFO is returned with the size  |   
             | of the factorization built. Exit main loop.         |   
             %-----------------------------------------------------% */

	*np = *info;
	*mxiter = iter;
	*info = -9999;
	goto L1200;
    update = FALSE_;

    if (msglvl > 1) {
	igraphdvout_(&logfil, &c__1, &rnorm, &ndigit, "_saup2: Current B-norm of r"
		"esidual for factorization", (ftnlen)52);

/*        %--------------------------------------------------------%   
          | Compute the eigenvalues and corresponding error bounds |   
          | of the current symmetric tridiagonal matrix.           |   
          %--------------------------------------------------------% */

    igraphdseigt_(&rnorm, &kplusp, &h__[h_offset], ldh, &ritz[1], &bounds[1], &
	    workl[1], &ierr);

    if (ierr != 0) {
	*info = -8;
	goto L1200;

/*        %----------------------------------------------------%   
          | Make a copy of eigenvalues and corresponding error |   
          | bounds obtained from _seigt.                       |   
          %----------------------------------------------------% */

    igraphdcopy_(&kplusp, &ritz[1], &c__1, &workl[kplusp + 1], &c__1);
    igraphdcopy_(&kplusp, &bounds[1], &c__1, &workl[(kplusp << 1) + 1], &c__1);

/*        %---------------------------------------------------%   
          | Select the wanted Ritz values and their bounds    |   
          | to be used in the convergence test.               |   
          | The selection is based on the requested number of |   
          | eigenvalues instead of the current NEV and NP to  |   
          | prevent possible misconvergence.                  |   
          | * Wanted Ritz values := RITZ(NP+1:NEV+NP)         |   
          | * Shifts := RITZ(1:NP) := WORKL(1:NP)             |   
          %---------------------------------------------------% */

    *nev = nev0;
    *np = np0;
    igraphdsgets_(ishift, which, nev, np, &ritz[1], &bounds[1], &workl[1]);

/*        %-------------------%   
          | Convergence test. |   
          %-------------------% */

    igraphdcopy_(nev, &bounds[*np + 1], &c__1, &workl[*np + 1], &c__1);
    igraphdsconv_(nev, &ritz[*np + 1], &workl[*np + 1], tol, &nconv);

    if (msglvl > 2) {
	kp[0] = *nev;
	kp[1] = *np;
	kp[2] = nconv;
	igraphivout_(&logfil, &c__3, kp, &ndigit, "_saup2: NEV, NP, NCONV are", (
	igraphdvout_(&logfil, &kplusp, &ritz[1], &ndigit, "_saup2: The eigenvalues"
		" of H", (ftnlen)28);
	igraphdvout_(&logfil, &kplusp, &bounds[1], &ndigit, "_saup2: Ritz estimate"
		"s of the current NCV Ritz values", (ftnlen)53);

/*        %---------------------------------------------------------%   
          | Count the number of unwanted Ritz values that have zero |   
          | Ritz estimates. If any Ritz estimates are equal to zero |   
          | then a leading block of H of order equal to at least    |   
          | the number of Ritz values with zero Ritz estimates has  |   
          | split off. None of these Ritz values may be removed by  |   
          | shifting. Decrease NP the number of shifts to apply. If |   
          | no shifts may be applied, then prepare to exit          |   
          %---------------------------------------------------------% */

    nptemp = *np;
    i__1 = nptemp;
    for (j = 1; j <= i__1; ++j) {
	if (bounds[j] == 0.) {
/* L30: */

    if (nconv >= nev0 || iter > *mxiter || *np == 0) {

/*           %------------------------------------------------%   
             | Prepare to exit. Put the converged Ritz values |   
             | and corresponding bounds in RITZ(1:NCONV) and  |   
             | BOUNDS(1:NCONV) respectively. Then sort. Be    |   
             | careful when NCONV > NP since we don't want to |   
             | swap overlapping locations.                    |   
             %------------------------------------------------% */

	if (s_cmp(which, "BE", (ftnlen)2, (ftnlen)2) == 0) {

/*              %-----------------------------------------------------%   
                | Both ends of the spectrum are requested.            |   
                | Sort the eigenvalues into algebraically decreasing  |   
                | order first then swap low end of the spectrum next  |   
                | to high end in appropriate locations.               |   
                | NOTE: when np < floor(nev/2) be careful not to swap |   
                | overlapping locations.                              |   
                %-----------------------------------------------------% */

	    s_copy(wprime, "SA", (ftnlen)2, (ftnlen)2);
	    igraphdsortr_(wprime, &c_true, &kplusp, &ritz[1], &bounds[1])
	    nevd2 = *nev / 2;
	    nevm2 = *nev - nevd2;
	    if (*nev > 1) {
		i__1 = min(nevd2,*np);
/* Computing MAX */
		i__2 = kplusp - nevd2 + 1, i__3 = kplusp - *np + 1;
		igraphdswap_(&i__1, &ritz[nevm2 + 1], &c__1, &ritz[max(i__2,i__3)], 
		i__1 = min(nevd2,*np);
/* Computing MAX */
		i__2 = kplusp - nevd2 + 1, i__3 = kplusp - *np;
		igraphdswap_(&i__1, &bounds[nevm2 + 1], &c__1, &bounds[max(i__2,
			i__3) + 1], &c__1);

	} else {

/*              %--------------------------------------------------%   
                | LM, SM, LA, SA case.                             |   
                | Sort the eigenvalues of H into the an order that |   
                | is opposite to WHICH, and apply the resulting    |   
                | order to BOUNDS.  The eigenvalues are sorted so  |   
                | that the wanted part are always within the first |   
                | NEV locations.                                   |   
                %--------------------------------------------------% */

	    if (s_cmp(which, "LM", (ftnlen)2, (ftnlen)2) == 0) {
		s_copy(wprime, "SM", (ftnlen)2, (ftnlen)2);
	    if (s_cmp(which, "SM", (ftnlen)2, (ftnlen)2) == 0) {
		s_copy(wprime, "LM", (ftnlen)2, (ftnlen)2);
	    if (s_cmp(which, "LA", (ftnlen)2, (ftnlen)2) == 0) {
		s_copy(wprime, "SA", (ftnlen)2, (ftnlen)2);
	    if (s_cmp(which, "SA", (ftnlen)2, (ftnlen)2) == 0) {
		s_copy(wprime, "LA", (ftnlen)2, (ftnlen)2);

	    igraphdsortr_(wprime, &c_true, &kplusp, &ritz[1], &bounds[1])


/*           %--------------------------------------------------%   
             | Scale the Ritz estimate of each Ritz value       |   
             | by 1 / max(eps23,magnitude of the Ritz value).   |   
             %--------------------------------------------------% */

	i__1 = nev0;
	for (j = 1; j <= i__1; ++j) {
/* Computing MAX */
	    d__2 = eps23, d__3 = (d__1 = ritz[j], abs(d__1));
	    temp = max(d__2,d__3);
	    bounds[j] /= temp;
/* L35: */

/*           %----------------------------------------------------%   
             | Sort the Ritz values according to the scaled Ritz  |   
             | esitmates.  This will push all the converged ones  |   
             | towards the front of ritzr, ritzi, bounds          |   
             | (in the case when NCONV < NEV.)                    |   
             %----------------------------------------------------% */

	s_copy(wprime, "LA", (ftnlen)2, (ftnlen)2);
	igraphdsortr_(wprime, &c_true, &nev0, &bounds[1], &ritz[1]);

/*           %----------------------------------------------%   
             | Scale the Ritz estimate back to its original |   
             | value.                                       |   
             %----------------------------------------------% */

	i__1 = nev0;
	for (j = 1; j <= i__1; ++j) {
/* Computing MAX */
	    d__2 = eps23, d__3 = (d__1 = ritz[j], abs(d__1));
	    temp = max(d__2,d__3);
	    bounds[j] *= temp;
/* L40: */

/*           %--------------------------------------------------%   
             | Sort the "converged" Ritz values again so that   |   
             | the "threshold" values and their associated Ritz |   
             | estimates appear at the appropriate position in  |   
             | ritz and bound.                                  |   
             %--------------------------------------------------% */

	if (s_cmp(which, "BE", (ftnlen)2, (ftnlen)2) == 0) {

/*              %------------------------------------------------%   
                | Sort the "converged" Ritz values in increasing |   
                | order.  The "threshold" values are in the      |   
                | middle.                                        |   
                %------------------------------------------------% */

	    s_copy(wprime, "LA", (ftnlen)2, (ftnlen)2);
	    igraphdsortr_(wprime, &c_true, &nconv, &ritz[1], &bounds[1]);

	} else {

/*              %----------------------------------------------%   
                | In LM, SM, LA, SA case, sort the "converged" |   
                | Ritz values according to WHICH so that the   |   
                | "threshold" value appears at the front of    |   
                | ritz.                                        |   
                %----------------------------------------------% */
	    igraphdsortr_(which, &c_true, &nconv, &ritz[1], &bounds[1]);


/*           %------------------------------------------%   
             |  Use h( 1,1 ) as storage to communicate  |   
             |  rnorm to _seupd if needed               |   
             %------------------------------------------% */

	h__[h_dim1 + 1] = rnorm;

	if (msglvl > 1) {
	    igraphdvout_(&logfil, &kplusp, &ritz[1], &ndigit, "_saup2: Sorted Ritz"
		    " values.", (ftnlen)27);
	    igraphdvout_(&logfil, &kplusp, &bounds[1], &ndigit, "_saup2: Sorted ri"
		    "tz estimates.", (ftnlen)30);

/*           %------------------------------------%   
             | Max iterations have been exceeded. |   
             %------------------------------------% */

	if (iter > *mxiter && nconv < *nev) {
	    *info = 1;

/*           %---------------------%   
             | No shifts to apply. |   
             %---------------------% */

	if (*np == 0 && nconv < nev0) {
	    *info = 2;

	*np = nconv;
	goto L1100;

    } else if (nconv < *nev && *ishift == 1) {

/*           %---------------------------------------------------%   
             | Do not have all the requested eigenvalues yet.    |   
             | To prevent possible stagnation, adjust the number |   
             | of Ritz values and the shifts.                    |   
             %---------------------------------------------------% */

	nevbef = *nev;
/* Computing MIN */
	i__1 = nconv, i__2 = *np / 2;
	*nev += min(i__1,i__2);
	if (*nev == 1 && kplusp >= 6) {
	    *nev = kplusp / 2;
	} else if (*nev == 1 && kplusp > 2) {
	    *nev = 2;
	*np = kplusp - *nev;

/*           %---------------------------------------%   
             | If the size of NEV was just increased |   
             | resort the eigenvalues.               |   
             %---------------------------------------% */

	if (nevbef < *nev) {
	    igraphdsgets_(ishift, which, nev, np, &ritz[1], &bounds[1], &workl[1]);


    if (msglvl > 0) {
	igraphivout_(&logfil, &c__1, &nconv, &ndigit, "_saup2: no. of \"converge"
		"d\" Ritz values at this iter.", (ftnlen)52);
	if (msglvl > 1) {
	    kp[0] = *nev;
	    kp[1] = *np;
	    igraphivout_(&logfil, &c__2, kp, &ndigit, "_saup2: NEV and NP are", (
	    igraphdvout_(&logfil, nev, &ritz[*np + 1], &ndigit, "_saup2: \"wante"
		    "d\" Ritz values.", (ftnlen)29);
	    igraphdvout_(&logfil, nev, &bounds[*np + 1], &ndigit, "_saup2: Ritz es"
		    "timates of the \"wanted\" values ", (ftnlen)46);

    if (*ishift == 0) {

/*           %-----------------------------------------------------%   
             | User specified shifts: reverse communication to     |   
             | compute the shifts. They are returned in the first  |   
             | NP locations of WORKL.                              |   
             %-----------------------------------------------------% */

	ushift = TRUE_;
	*ido = 3;
	goto L9000;


/*        %------------------------------------%   
          | Back from reverse communication;   |   
          | User specified shifts are returned |   
          | in WORKL(1:*NP)                   |   
          %------------------------------------% */

    ushift = FALSE_;

/*        %---------------------------------------------------------%   
          | Move the NP shifts to the first NP locations of RITZ to |   
          | free up WORKL.  This is for the non-exact shift case;   |   
          | in the exact shift case, dsgets already handles this.   |   
          %---------------------------------------------------------% */

    if (*ishift == 0) {
	igraphdcopy_(np, &workl[1], &c__1, &ritz[1], &c__1);

    if (msglvl > 2) {
	igraphivout_(&logfil, &c__1, np, &ndigit, "_saup2: The number of shifts to"
		" apply ", (ftnlen)38);
	igraphdvout_(&logfil, np, &workl[1], &ndigit, "_saup2: shifts selected", (
	if (*ishift == 1) {
	    igraphdvout_(&logfil, np, &bounds[1], &ndigit, "_saup2: corresponding "
		    "Ritz estimates", (ftnlen)36);

/*        %---------------------------------------------------------%   
          | Apply the NP0 implicit shifts by QR bulge chasing.      |   
          | Each shift is applied to the entire tridiagonal matrix. |   
          | The first 2*N locations of WORKD are used as workspace. |   
          | After dsapps is done, we have a Lanczos                 |   
          | factorization of length NEV.                            |   
          %---------------------------------------------------------% */

    igraphdsapps_(n, nev, np, &ritz[1], &v[v_offset], ldv, &h__[h_offset], ldh, &
	    resid[1], &q[q_offset], ldq, &workd[1]);

/*        %---------------------------------------------%   
          | Compute the B-norm of the updated residual. |   
          | Keep B*RESID in WORKD(1:N) to be used in    |   
          | the first step of the next call to dsaitr.  |   
          %---------------------------------------------% */

    cnorm = TRUE_;
    if (*(unsigned char *)bmat == 'G') {
	igraphdcopy_(n, &resid[1], &c__1, &workd[*n + 1], &c__1);
	ipntr[1] = *n + 1;
	ipntr[2] = 1;
	*ido = 2;

/*           %----------------------------------%   
             | Exit in order to compute B*RESID |   
             %----------------------------------% */

	goto L9000;
    } else if (*(unsigned char *)bmat == 'I') {
	igraphdcopy_(n, &resid[1], &c__1, &workd[1], &c__1);


/*        %----------------------------------%   
          | Back from reverse communication; |   
          | WORKD(1:N) := B*RESID            |   
          %----------------------------------% */

    if (*(unsigned char *)bmat == 'G') {
	tmvbx += t3 - t2;

    if (*(unsigned char *)bmat == 'G') {
	rnorm = igraphddot_(n, &resid[1], &c__1, &workd[1], &c__1);
	rnorm = sqrt((abs(rnorm)));
    } else if (*(unsigned char *)bmat == 'I') {
	rnorm = igraphdnrm2_(n, &resid[1], &c__1);
    cnorm = FALSE_;
/* L130: */

    if (msglvl > 2) {
	igraphdvout_(&logfil, &c__1, &rnorm, &ndigit, "_saup2: B-norm of residual "
		"for NEV factorization", (ftnlen)48);
	igraphdvout_(&logfil, nev, &h__[(h_dim1 << 1) + 1], &ndigit, "_saup2: main"
		" diagonal of compressed H matrix", (ftnlen)44);
	i__1 = *nev - 1;
	igraphdvout_(&logfil, &i__1, &h__[h_dim1 + 2], &ndigit, "_saup2: subdiagon"
		"al of compressed H matrix", (ftnlen)42);

    goto L1000;

/*     %---------------------------------------------------------------%   
       |                                                               |   
       |  E N D     O F     M A I N     I T E R A T I O N     L O O P  |   
       |                                                               |   
       %---------------------------------------------------------------% */


    *mxiter = iter;
    *nev = nconv;

    *ido = 99;

/*     %------------%   
       | Error exit |   
       %------------% */

    tsaup2 = t1 - t0;

    return 0;

/*     %---------------%   
       | End of dsaup2 |   
       %---------------% */

} /* igraphdsaup2_ */
Exemple #8
   Subroutine */ int igraphdstein_(integer *n, doublereal *d__, doublereal *e, 
	integer *m, doublereal *w, integer *iblock, integer *isplit, 
	doublereal *z__, integer *ldz, doublereal *work, integer *iwork, 
	integer *ifail, integer *info)
    /* System generated locals */
    integer z_dim1, z_offset, i__1, i__2, i__3;
    doublereal d__1, d__2, d__3, d__4, d__5;

    /* Builtin functions */
    double sqrt(doublereal);

    /* Local variables */
    integer i__, j, b1, j1, bn;
    doublereal xj, scl, eps, sep, nrm, tol;
    integer its;
    doublereal xjm, ztr, eps1;
    integer jblk, nblk;
    extern doublereal igraphddot_(integer *, doublereal *, integer *, doublereal *, 
	    integer *);
    integer jmax;
    extern doublereal igraphdnrm2_(integer *, doublereal *, integer *);
    extern /* Subroutine */ int igraphdscal_(integer *, doublereal *, doublereal *, 
	    integer *);
    integer iseed[4], gpind, iinfo;
    extern doublereal igraphdasum_(integer *, doublereal *, integer *);
    extern /* Subroutine */ int igraphdcopy_(integer *, doublereal *, integer *, 
	    doublereal *, integer *), igraphdaxpy_(integer *, doublereal *, 
	    doublereal *, integer *, doublereal *, integer *);
    doublereal ortol;
    integer indrv1, indrv2, indrv3, indrv4, indrv5;
    extern doublereal igraphdlamch_(char *);
    extern /* Subroutine */ int igraphdlagtf_(integer *, doublereal *, doublereal *,
	     doublereal *, doublereal *, doublereal *, doublereal *, integer *
	    , integer *);
    extern integer igraphidamax_(integer *, doublereal *, integer *);
    extern /* Subroutine */ int igraphxerbla_(char *, integer *, ftnlen), igraphdlagts_(
	    integer *, integer *, doublereal *, doublereal *, doublereal *, 
	    doublereal *, integer *, doublereal *, doublereal *, integer *);
    integer nrmchk;
    extern /* Subroutine */ int igraphdlarnv_(integer *, integer *, integer *, 
	    doublereal *);
    integer blksiz;
    doublereal onenrm, dtpcrt, pertol;

/*  -- LAPACK computational routine (version 3.4.0) --   
    -- LAPACK is a software package provided by Univ. of Tennessee,    --   
    -- Univ. of California Berkeley, Univ. of Colorado Denver and NAG Ltd..--   
       November 2011   


       Test the input parameters.   

       Parameter adjustments */
    z_dim1 = *ldz;
    z_offset = 1 + z_dim1;
    z__ -= z_offset;

    /* Function Body */
    *info = 0;
    i__1 = *m;
    for (i__ = 1; i__ <= i__1; ++i__) {
	ifail[i__] = 0;
/* L10: */

    if (*n < 0) {
	*info = -1;
    } else if (*m < 0 || *m > *n) {
	*info = -4;
    } else if (*ldz < max(1,*n)) {
	*info = -9;
    } else {
	i__1 = *m;
	for (j = 2; j <= i__1; ++j) {
	    if (iblock[j] < iblock[j - 1]) {
		*info = -6;
		goto L30;
	    if (iblock[j] == iblock[j - 1] && w[j] < w[j - 1]) {
		*info = -5;
		goto L30;
/* L20: */

    if (*info != 0) {
	i__1 = -(*info);
	igraphxerbla_("DSTEIN", &i__1, (ftnlen)6);
	return 0;

/*     Quick return if possible */

    if (*n == 0 || *m == 0) {
	return 0;
    } else if (*n == 1) {
	z__[z_dim1 + 1] = 1.;
	return 0;

/*     Get machine constants. */

    eps = igraphdlamch_("Precision");

/*     Initialize seed for random number generator DLARNV. */

    for (i__ = 1; i__ <= 4; ++i__) {
	iseed[i__ - 1] = 1;
/* L40: */

/*     Initialize pointers. */

    indrv1 = 0;
    indrv2 = indrv1 + *n;
    indrv3 = indrv2 + *n;
    indrv4 = indrv3 + *n;
    indrv5 = indrv4 + *n;

/*     Compute eigenvectors of matrix blocks. */

    j1 = 1;
    i__1 = iblock[*m];
    for (nblk = 1; nblk <= i__1; ++nblk) {

/*        Find starting and ending indices of block nblk. */

	if (nblk == 1) {
	    b1 = 1;
	} else {
	    b1 = isplit[nblk - 1] + 1;
	bn = isplit[nblk];
	blksiz = bn - b1 + 1;
	if (blksiz == 1) {
	    goto L60;
	gpind = b1;

/*        Compute reorthogonalization criterion and stopping criterion. */

	onenrm = (d__1 = d__[b1], abs(d__1)) + (d__2 = e[b1], abs(d__2));
/* Computing MAX */
	d__3 = onenrm, d__4 = (d__1 = d__[bn], abs(d__1)) + (d__2 = e[bn - 1],
	onenrm = max(d__3,d__4);
	i__2 = bn - 1;
	for (i__ = b1 + 1; i__ <= i__2; ++i__) {
/* Computing MAX */
	    d__4 = onenrm, d__5 = (d__1 = d__[i__], abs(d__1)) + (d__2 = e[
		    i__ - 1], abs(d__2)) + (d__3 = e[i__], abs(d__3));
	    onenrm = max(d__4,d__5);
/* L50: */
	ortol = onenrm * .001;

	dtpcrt = sqrt(.1 / blksiz);

/*        Loop through eigenvalues of block nblk. */

	jblk = 0;
	i__2 = *m;
	for (j = j1; j <= i__2; ++j) {
	    if (iblock[j] != nblk) {
		j1 = j;
		goto L160;
	    xj = w[j];

/*           Skip all the work if the block size is one. */

	    if (blksiz == 1) {
		work[indrv1 + 1] = 1.;
		goto L120;

/*           If eigenvalues j and j-1 are too close, add a relatively   
             small perturbation. */

	    if (jblk > 1) {
		eps1 = (d__1 = eps * xj, abs(d__1));
		pertol = eps1 * 10.;
		sep = xj - xjm;
		if (sep < pertol) {
		    xj = xjm + pertol;

	    its = 0;
	    nrmchk = 0;

/*           Get random starting vector. */

	    igraphdlarnv_(&c__2, iseed, &blksiz, &work[indrv1 + 1]);

/*           Copy the matrix T so it won't be destroyed in factorization. */

	    igraphdcopy_(&blksiz, &d__[b1], &c__1, &work[indrv4 + 1], &c__1);
	    i__3 = blksiz - 1;
	    igraphdcopy_(&i__3, &e[b1], &c__1, &work[indrv2 + 2], &c__1);
	    i__3 = blksiz - 1;
	    igraphdcopy_(&i__3, &e[b1], &c__1, &work[indrv3 + 1], &c__1);

/*           Compute LU factors with partial pivoting  ( PT = LU ) */

	    tol = 0.;
	    igraphdlagtf_(&blksiz, &work[indrv4 + 1], &xj, &work[indrv2 + 2], &work[
		    indrv3 + 1], &tol, &work[indrv5 + 1], &iwork[1], &iinfo);

/*           Update iteration count. */

	    if (its > 5) {
		goto L100;

/*           Normalize and scale the righthand side vector Pb.   

   Computing MAX */
	    d__2 = eps, d__3 = (d__1 = work[indrv4 + blksiz], abs(d__1));
	    scl = blksiz * onenrm * max(d__2,d__3) / igraphdasum_(&blksiz, &work[
		    indrv1 + 1], &c__1);
	    igraphdscal_(&blksiz, &scl, &work[indrv1 + 1], &c__1);

/*           Solve the system LU = Pb. */

	    igraphdlagts_(&c_n1, &blksiz, &work[indrv4 + 1], &work[indrv2 + 2], &
		    work[indrv3 + 1], &work[indrv5 + 1], &iwork[1], &work[
		    indrv1 + 1], &tol, &iinfo);

/*           Reorthogonalize by modified Gram-Schmidt if eigenvalues are   
             close enough. */

	    if (jblk == 1) {
		goto L90;
	    if ((d__1 = xj - xjm, abs(d__1)) > ortol) {
		gpind = j;
	    if (gpind != j) {
		i__3 = j - 1;
		for (i__ = gpind; i__ <= i__3; ++i__) {
		    ztr = -igraphddot_(&blksiz, &work[indrv1 + 1], &c__1, &z__[b1 + 
			    i__ * z_dim1], &c__1);
		    igraphdaxpy_(&blksiz, &ztr, &z__[b1 + i__ * z_dim1], &c__1, &
			    work[indrv1 + 1], &c__1);
/* L80: */

/*           Check the infinity norm of the iterate. */

	    jmax = igraphidamax_(&blksiz, &work[indrv1 + 1], &c__1);
	    nrm = (d__1 = work[indrv1 + jmax], abs(d__1));

/*           Continue for additional iterations after norm reaches   
             stopping criterion. */

	    if (nrm < dtpcrt) {
		goto L70;
	    if (nrmchk < 3) {
		goto L70;

	    goto L110;

/*           If stopping criterion was not satisfied, update info and   
             store eigenvector number in array ifail. */

	    ifail[*info] = j;

/*           Accept iterate as jth eigenvector. */

	    scl = 1. / igraphdnrm2_(&blksiz, &work[indrv1 + 1], &c__1);
	    jmax = igraphidamax_(&blksiz, &work[indrv1 + 1], &c__1);
	    if (work[indrv1 + jmax] < 0.) {
		scl = -scl;
	    igraphdscal_(&blksiz, &scl, &work[indrv1 + 1], &c__1);
	    i__3 = *n;
	    for (i__ = 1; i__ <= i__3; ++i__) {
		z__[i__ + j * z_dim1] = 0.;
/* L130: */
	    i__3 = blksiz;
	    for (i__ = 1; i__ <= i__3; ++i__) {
		z__[b1 + i__ - 1 + j * z_dim1] = work[indrv1 + i__];
/* L140: */

/*           Save the shift to check eigenvalue spacing at next   
             iteration. */

	    xjm = xj;

/* L150: */

    return 0;

/*     End of DSTEIN */

} /* igraphdstein_ */
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* Subroutine */ int igraphdseupd_(logical *rvec, char *howmny, logical *
	select, doublereal *d__, doublereal *z__, integer *ldz, doublereal *
	sigma, char *bmat, integer *n, char *which, integer *nev, doublereal *
	tol, doublereal *resid, integer *ncv, doublereal *v, integer *ldv, 
	integer *iparam, integer *ipntr, doublereal *workd, doublereal *workl,
	 integer *lworkl, integer *info)
    /* System generated locals */
    integer v_dim1, v_offset, z_dim1, z_offset, i__1;
    doublereal d__1, d__2, d__3;

    /* Builtin functions */
    integer igraphs_cmp(char *, char *, ftnlen, ftnlen);
    /* Subroutine */ int igraphs_copy(char *, char *, ftnlen, ftnlen);
    double igraphpow_dd(doublereal *, doublereal *);

    /* Local variables */
    static integer j, k, ih, jj, iq, np, iw;
    extern /* Subroutine */ int igraphdger_(integer *, integer *, doublereal *
	    , doublereal *, integer *, doublereal *, integer *, doublereal *, 
	    integer *);
    static integer ibd, ihb, ihd, ldh;
    extern doublereal igraphdnrm2_(integer *, doublereal *, integer *);
    static integer ldq, irz;
    extern /* Subroutine */ int igraphdscal_(integer *, doublereal *, 
	    doublereal *, integer *), igraphdcopy_(integer *, doublereal *, 
	    integer *, doublereal *, integer *), igraphdvout_(integer *, 
	    integer *, doublereal *, integer *, char *), igraphivout_(
	    integer *, integer *, integer *, integer *, char *), 
	    igraphdgeqr2_(integer *, integer *, doublereal *, integer *, 
	    doublereal *, doublereal *, integer *);
    static integer mode;
    static doublereal eps23;
    extern /* Subroutine */ int igraphdorm2r_(char *, char *, integer *, 
	    integer *, integer *, doublereal *, integer *, doublereal *, 
	    doublereal *, integer *, doublereal *, integer *);
    static integer ierr;
    static doublereal temp;
    static integer next;
    static char type__[6];
    extern doublereal igraphdlamch_(char *);
    static integer ritz;
    extern /* Subroutine */ int igraphdlacpy_(char *, integer *, integer *, 
	    doublereal *, integer *, doublereal *, integer *), 
	    igraphdsgets_(integer *, char *, integer *, integer *, doublereal 
	    *, doublereal *, doublereal *);
    static doublereal temp1;
    extern /* Subroutine */ int igraphdsteqr_(char *, integer *, doublereal *,
	     doublereal *, doublereal *, integer *, doublereal *, integer *), igraphdsesrt_(char *, logical *, integer *, doublereal *,
	     integer *, doublereal *, integer *), igraphdsortr_(char *
	    , logical *, integer *, doublereal *, doublereal *);
    static logical reord;
    static integer nconv;
    static doublereal rnorm, bnorm2;
    static integer bounds, msglvl, ishift, numcnv, leftptr, rghtptr;

/*     %----------------------------------------------------% */
/*     | Include files for debugging and timing information | */
/*     %----------------------------------------------------% */

/* \SCCS Information: @(#) */
/* FILE: debug.h   SID: 2.3   DATE OF SID: 11/16/95   RELEASE: 2 */

/*     %---------------------------------% */
/*     | See debug.doc for documentation | */
/*     %---------------------------------% */

/*     %------------------% */
/*     | Scalar Arguments | */
/*     %------------------% */

/*     %--------------------------------% */
/*     | See stat.doc for documentation | */
/*     %--------------------------------% */

/* \SCCS Information: @(#) */
/* FILE: stat.h   SID: 2.2   DATE OF SID: 11/16/95   RELEASE: 2 */

/*     %-----------------% */
/*     | Array Arguments | */
/*     %-----------------% */

/*     %------------% */
/*     | Parameters | */
/*     %------------% */

/*     %---------------% */
/*     | Local Scalars | */
/*     %---------------% */

/*     %----------------------% */
/*     | External Subroutines | */
/*     %----------------------% */

/*     %--------------------% */
/*     | External Functions | */
/*     %--------------------% */

/*     %---------------------% */
/*     | Intrinsic Functions | */
/*     %---------------------% */

/*     %-----------------------% */
/*     | Executable Statements | */
/*     %-----------------------% */

/*     %------------------------% */
/*     | Set default parameters | */
/*     %------------------------% */

    /* Parameter adjustments */
    z_dim1 = *ldz;
    z_offset = 1 + z_dim1;
    z__ -= z_offset;
    v_dim1 = *ldv;
    v_offset = 1 + v_dim1;
    v -= v_offset;

    /* Function Body */
    msglvl = debug_1.mseupd;
    mode = iparam[7];
    nconv = iparam[5];
    *info = 0;

/*     %--------------% */
/*     | Quick return | */
/*     %--------------% */

    if (nconv == 0) {
	goto L9000;
    ierr = 0;

    if (nconv <= 0) {
	ierr = -14;
    if (*n <= 0) {
	ierr = -1;
    if (*nev <= 0) {
	ierr = -2;
    if (*ncv <= *nev || *ncv > *n) {
	ierr = -3;
    if (igraphs_cmp(which, "LM", (ftnlen)2, (ftnlen)2) != 0 && igraphs_cmp(which, "SM", (
	    ftnlen)2, (ftnlen)2) != 0 && igraphs_cmp(which, "LA", (ftnlen)2, (
	    ftnlen)2) != 0 && igraphs_cmp(which, "SA", (ftnlen)2, (ftnlen)2) != 0 &&
	     igraphs_cmp(which, "BE", (ftnlen)2, (ftnlen)2) != 0) {
	ierr = -5;
    if (*(unsigned char *)bmat != 'I' && *(unsigned char *)bmat != 'G') {
	ierr = -6;
    if (*(unsigned char *)howmny != 'A' && *(unsigned char *)howmny != 'P' && 
	    *(unsigned char *)howmny != 'S' && *rvec) {
	ierr = -15;
    if (*rvec && *(unsigned char *)howmny == 'S') {
	ierr = -16;

/* Computing 2nd power */
    i__1 = *ncv;
    if (*rvec && *lworkl < i__1 * i__1 + (*ncv << 3)) {
	ierr = -7;

    if (mode == 1 || mode == 2) {
	igraphs_copy(type__, "REGULR", (ftnlen)6, (ftnlen)6);
    } else if (mode == 3) {
	igraphs_copy(type__, "SHIFTI", (ftnlen)6, (ftnlen)6);
    } else if (mode == 4) {
	igraphs_copy(type__, "BUCKLE", (ftnlen)6, (ftnlen)6);
    } else if (mode == 5) {
	igraphs_copy(type__, "CAYLEY", (ftnlen)6, (ftnlen)6);
    } else {
	ierr = -10;
    if (mode == 1 && *(unsigned char *)bmat == 'G') {
	ierr = -11;
    if (*nev == 1 && igraphs_cmp(which, "BE", (ftnlen)2, (ftnlen)2) == 0) {
	ierr = -12;

/*     %------------% */
/*     | Error Exit | */
/*     %------------% */

    if (ierr != 0) {
	*info = ierr;
	goto L9000;

/*     %-------------------------------------------------------% */
/*     | Pointer into WORKL for address of H, RITZ, BOUNDS, Q  | */
/*     | etc... and the remaining workspace.                   | */
/*     | Also update pointer to be used on output.             | */
/*     | Memory is laid out as follows:                        | */
/*     | workl(1:2*ncv) := generated tridiagonal matrix H      | */
/*     |       The subdiagonal is stored in workl(2:ncv).      | */
/*     |       The dead spot is workl(1) but upon exiting      | */
/*     |       dsaupd  stores the B-norm of the last residual   | */
/*     |       vector in workl(1). We use this !!!             | */
/*     | workl(2*ncv+1:2*ncv+ncv) := ritz values               | */
/*     |       The wanted values are in the first NCONV spots. | */
/*     | workl(3*ncv+1:3*ncv+ncv) := computed Ritz estimates   | */
/*     |       The wanted values are in the first NCONV spots. | */
/*     | NOTE: workl(1:4*ncv) is set by dsaupd  and is not      | */
/*     |       modified by dseupd .                             | */
/*     %-------------------------------------------------------% */

/*     %-------------------------------------------------------% */
/*     | The following is used and set by dseupd .              | */
/*     | workl(4*ncv+1:4*ncv+ncv) := used as workspace during  | */
/*     |       computation of the eigenvectors of H. Stores    | */
/*     |       the diagonal of H. Upon EXIT contains the NCV   | */
/*     |       Ritz values of the original system. The first   | */
/*     |       NCONV spots have the wanted values. If MODE =   | */
/*     |       1 or 2 then will equal workl(2*ncv+1:3*ncv).    | */
/*     | workl(5*ncv+1:5*ncv+ncv) := used as workspace during  | */
/*     |       computation of the eigenvectors of H. Stores    | */
/*     |       the subdiagonal of H. Upon EXIT contains the    | */
/*     |       NCV corresponding Ritz estimates of the         | */
/*     |       original system. The first NCONV spots have the | */
/*     |       wanted values. If MODE = 1,2 then will equal    | */
/*     |       workl(3*ncv+1:4*ncv).                           | */
/*     | workl(6*ncv+1:6*ncv+ncv*ncv) := orthogonal Q that is  | */
/*     |       the eigenvector matrix for H as returned by     | */
/*     |       dsteqr . Not referenced if RVEC = .False.        | */
/*     |       Ordering follows that of workl(4*ncv+1:5*ncv)   | */
/*     | workl(6*ncv+ncv*ncv+1:6*ncv+ncv*ncv+2*ncv) :=         | */
/*     |       Workspace. Needed by dsteqr  and by dseupd .      | */
/*     | GRAND total of NCV*(NCV+8) locations.                 | */
/*     %-------------------------------------------------------% */

    ih = ipntr[5];
    ritz = ipntr[6];
    bounds = ipntr[7];
    ldh = *ncv;
    ldq = *ncv;
    ihd = bounds + ldh;
    ihb = ihd + ldh;
    iq = ihb + ldh;
    iw = iq + ldh * *ncv;
    next = iw + (*ncv << 1);
    ipntr[4] = next;
    ipntr[8] = ihd;
    ipntr[9] = ihb;
    ipntr[10] = iq;

/*     %----------------------------------------% */
/*     | irz points to the Ritz values computed | */
/*     |     by _seigt before exiting _saup2.   | */
/*     | ibd points to the Ritz estimates       | */
/*     |     computed by _seigt before exiting  | */
/*     |     _saup2.                            | */
/*     %----------------------------------------% */

    irz = ipntr[11] + *ncv;
    ibd = irz + *ncv;

/*     %---------------------------------% */
/*     | Set machine dependent constant. | */
/*     %---------------------------------% */

    eps23 = igraphdlamch_("Epsilon-Machine");
    eps23 = igraphpow_dd(&eps23, &c_b21);

/*     %---------------------------------------% */
/*     | RNORM is B-norm of the RESID(1:N).    | */
/*     | BNORM2 is the 2 norm of B*RESID(1:N). | */
/*     | Upon exit of dsaupd  WORKD(1:N) has    | */
/*     | B*RESID(1:N).                         | */
/*     %---------------------------------------% */

    rnorm = workl[ih];
    if (*(unsigned char *)bmat == 'I') {
	bnorm2 = rnorm;
    } else if (*(unsigned char *)bmat == 'G') {
	bnorm2 = igraphdnrm2_(n, &workd[1], &c__1);

    if (msglvl > 2) {
	igraphdvout_(&debug_1.logfil, ncv, &workl[irz], &debug_1.ndigit, 
		"_seupd: Ritz values passed in from _SAUPD.");
	igraphdvout_(&debug_1.logfil, ncv, &workl[ibd], &debug_1.ndigit, 
		"_seupd: Ritz estimates passed in from _SAUPD.");

    if (*rvec) {

	reord = FALSE_;

/*        %---------------------------------------------------% */
/*        | Use the temporary bounds array to store indices   | */
/*        | These will be used to mark the select array later | */
/*        %---------------------------------------------------% */

	i__1 = *ncv;
	for (j = 1; j <= i__1; ++j) {
	    workl[bounds + j - 1] = (doublereal) j;
	    select[j] = FALSE_;
/* L10: */

/*        %-------------------------------------% */
/*        | Select the wanted Ritz values.      | */
/*        | Sort the Ritz values so that the    | */
/*        | wanted ones appear at the tailing   | */
/*        | NEV positions of workl(irr) and     | */
/*        | workl(iri).  Move the corresponding | */
/*        | error estimates in workl(bound)     | */
/*        | accordingly.                        | */
/*        %-------------------------------------% */

	np = *ncv - *nev;
	ishift = 0;
	igraphdsgets_(&ishift, which, nev, &np, &workl[irz], &workl[bounds], &

	if (msglvl > 2) {
	    igraphdvout_(&debug_1.logfil, ncv, &workl[irz], &debug_1.ndigit, 
		    "_seupd: Ritz values after calling _SGETS.");
	    igraphdvout_(&debug_1.logfil, ncv, &workl[bounds], &
		    debug_1.ndigit, "_seupd: Ritz value indices after callin"
		    "g _SGETS.");

/*        %-----------------------------------------------------% */
/*        | Record indices of the converged wanted Ritz values  | */
/*        | Mark the select array for possible reordering       | */
/*        %-----------------------------------------------------% */

	numcnv = 0;
	i__1 = *ncv;
	for (j = 1; j <= i__1; ++j) {
/* Computing MAX */
	    d__2 = eps23, d__3 = (d__1 = workl[irz + *ncv - j], abs(d__1));
	    temp1 = max(d__2,d__3);
	    jj = (integer) workl[bounds + *ncv - j];
	    if (numcnv < nconv && workl[ibd + jj - 1] <= *tol * temp1) {
		select[jj] = TRUE_;
		if (jj > *nev) {
		    reord = TRUE_;
/* L11: */

/*        %-----------------------------------------------------------% */
/*        | Check the count (numcnv) of converged Ritz values with    | */
/*        | the number (nconv) reported by _saupd.  If these two      | */
/*        | are different then there has probably been an error       | */
/*        | caused by incorrect passing of the _saupd data.           | */
/*        %-----------------------------------------------------------% */

	if (msglvl > 2) {
	    igraphivout_(&debug_1.logfil, &c__1, &numcnv, &debug_1.ndigit, 
		    "_seupd: Number of specified eigenvalues");
	    igraphivout_(&debug_1.logfil, &c__1, &nconv, &debug_1.ndigit, 
		    "_seupd: Number of \"converged\" eigenvalues")

	if (numcnv != nconv) {
	    *info = -17;
	    goto L9000;

/*        %-----------------------------------------------------------% */
/*        | Call LAPACK routine _steqr to compute the eigenvalues and | */
/*        | eigenvectors of the final symmetric tridiagonal matrix H. | */
/*        | Initialize the eigenvector matrix Q to the identity.      | */
/*        %-----------------------------------------------------------% */

	i__1 = *ncv - 1;
	igraphdcopy_(&i__1, &workl[ih + 1], &c__1, &workl[ihb], &c__1);
	igraphdcopy_(ncv, &workl[ih + ldh], &c__1, &workl[ihd], &c__1);

	igraphdsteqr_("Identity", ncv, &workl[ihd], &workl[ihb], &workl[iq], &
		ldq, &workl[iw], &ierr);

	if (ierr != 0) {
	    *info = -8;
	    goto L9000;

	if (msglvl > 1) {
	    igraphdcopy_(ncv, &workl[iq + *ncv - 1], &ldq, &workl[iw], &c__1);
	    igraphdvout_(&debug_1.logfil, ncv, &workl[ihd], &debug_1.ndigit, 
		    "_seupd: NCV Ritz values of the final H matrix");
	    igraphdvout_(&debug_1.logfil, ncv, &workl[iw], &debug_1.ndigit, 
		    "_seupd: last row of the eigenvector matrix for H");

	if (reord) {

/*           %---------------------------------------------% */
/*           | Reordered the eigenvalues and eigenvectors  | */
/*           | computed by _steqr so that the "converged"  | */
/*           | eigenvalues appear in the first NCONV       | */
/*           | positions of workl(ihd), and the associated | */
/*           | eigenvectors appear in the first NCONV      | */
/*           | columns.                                    | */
/*           %---------------------------------------------% */

	    leftptr = 1;
	    rghtptr = *ncv;

	    if (*ncv == 1) {
		goto L30;

	    if (select[leftptr]) {

/*              %-------------------------------------------% */
/*              | Search, from the left, for the first Ritz | */
/*              | value that has not converged.             | */
/*              %-------------------------------------------% */


	    } else if (! select[rghtptr]) {

/*              %----------------------------------------------% */
/*              | Search, from the right, the first Ritz value | */
/*              | that has converged.                          | */
/*              %----------------------------------------------% */


	    } else {

/*              %----------------------------------------------% */
/*              | Swap the Ritz value on the left that has not | */
/*              | converged with the Ritz value on the right   | */
/*              | that has converged.  Swap the associated     | */
/*              | eigenvector of the tridiagonal matrix H as   | */
/*              | well.                                        | */
/*              %----------------------------------------------% */

		temp = workl[ihd + leftptr - 1];
		workl[ihd + leftptr - 1] = workl[ihd + rghtptr - 1];
		workl[ihd + rghtptr - 1] = temp;
		igraphdcopy_(ncv, &workl[iq + *ncv * (leftptr - 1)], &c__1, &
			workl[iw], &c__1);
		igraphdcopy_(ncv, &workl[iq + *ncv * (rghtptr - 1)], &c__1, &
			workl[iq + *ncv * (leftptr - 1)], &c__1);
		igraphdcopy_(ncv, &workl[iw], &c__1, &workl[iq + *ncv * (
			rghtptr - 1)], &c__1);


	    if (leftptr < rghtptr) {
		goto L20;


	if (msglvl > 2) {
	    igraphdvout_(&debug_1.logfil, ncv, &workl[ihd], &debug_1.ndigit, 
		    "_seupd: The eigenvalues of H--reordered");

/*        %----------------------------------------% */
/*        | Load the converged Ritz values into D. | */
/*        %----------------------------------------% */

	igraphdcopy_(&nconv, &workl[ihd], &c__1, &d__[1], &c__1);

    } else {

/*        %-----------------------------------------------------% */
/*        | Ritz vectors not required. Load Ritz values into D. | */
/*        %-----------------------------------------------------% */

	igraphdcopy_(&nconv, &workl[ritz], &c__1, &d__[1], &c__1);
	igraphdcopy_(ncv, &workl[ritz], &c__1, &workl[ihd], &c__1);


/*     %------------------------------------------------------------------% */
/*     | Transform the Ritz values and possibly vectors and corresponding | */
/*     | Ritz estimates of OP to those of A*x=lambda*B*x. The Ritz values | */
/*     | (and corresponding data) are returned in ascending order.        | */
/*     %------------------------------------------------------------------% */

    if (igraphs_cmp(type__, "REGULR", (ftnlen)6, (ftnlen)6) == 0) {

/*        %---------------------------------------------------------% */
/*        | Ascending sort of wanted Ritz values, vectors and error | */
/*        | bounds. Not necessary if only Ritz values are desired.  | */
/*        %---------------------------------------------------------% */

	if (*rvec) {
 	    igraphdsesrt_("LA", rvec, &nconv, &d__[1], ncv, &workl[iq], &ldq);
	} else {
	    igraphdcopy_(ncv, &workl[bounds], &c__1, &workl[ihb], &c__1);

    } else {

/*        %-------------------------------------------------------------% */
/*        | *  Make a copy of all the Ritz values.                      | */
/*        | *  Transform the Ritz values back to the original system.   | */
/*        |    For TYPE = 'SHIFTI' the transformation is                | */
/*        |             lambda = 1/theta + sigma                        | */
/*        |    For TYPE = 'BUCKLE' the transformation is                | */
/*        |             lambda = sigma * theta / ( theta - 1 )          | */
/*        |    For TYPE = 'CAYLEY' the transformation is                | */
/*        |             lambda = sigma * (theta + 1) / (theta - 1 )     | */
/*        |    where the theta are the Ritz values returned by dsaupd .  | */
/*        | NOTES:                                                      | */
/*        | *The Ritz vectors are not affected by the transformation.   | */
/*        |  They are only reordered.                                   | */
/*        %-------------------------------------------------------------% */

	igraphdcopy_(ncv, &workl[ihd], &c__1, &workl[iw], &c__1);
	if (igraphs_cmp(type__, "SHIFTI", (ftnlen)6, (ftnlen)6) == 0) {
	    i__1 = *ncv;
	    for (k = 1; k <= i__1; ++k) {
		workl[ihd + k - 1] = 1. / workl[ihd + k - 1] + *sigma;
/* L40: */
	} else if (igraphs_cmp(type__, "BUCKLE", (ftnlen)6, (ftnlen)6) == 0) {
	    i__1 = *ncv;
	    for (k = 1; k <= i__1; ++k) {
		workl[ihd + k - 1] = *sigma * workl[ihd + k - 1] / (workl[ihd 
			+ k - 1] - 1.);
/* L50: */
	} else if (igraphs_cmp(type__, "CAYLEY", (ftnlen)6, (ftnlen)6) == 0) {
	    i__1 = *ncv;
	    for (k = 1; k <= i__1; ++k) {
		workl[ihd + k - 1] = *sigma * (workl[ihd + k - 1] + 1.) / (
			workl[ihd + k - 1] - 1.);
/* L60: */

/*        %-------------------------------------------------------------% */
/*        | *  Store the wanted NCONV lambda values into D.             | */
/*        | *  Sort the NCONV wanted lambda in WORKL(IHD:IHD+NCONV-1)   | */
/*        |    into ascending order and apply sort to the NCONV theta   | */
/*        |    values in the transformed system. We will need this to   | */
/*        |    compute Ritz estimates in the original system.           | */
/*        | *  Finally sort the lambda`s into ascending order and apply | */
/*        |    to Ritz vectors if wanted. Else just sort lambda`s into  | */
/*        |    ascending order.                                         | */
/*        | NOTES:                                                      | */
/*        | *workl(iw:iw+ncv-1) contain the theta ordered so that they  | */
/*        |  match the ordering of the lambda. We`ll use them again for | */
/*        |  Ritz vector purification.                                  | */
/*        %-------------------------------------------------------------% */

	igraphdcopy_(&nconv, &workl[ihd], &c__1, &d__[1], &c__1);
	igraphdsortr_("LA", &c_true, &nconv, &workl[ihd], &workl[iw]);
	if (*rvec) {
	    igraphdsesrt_("LA", rvec, &nconv, &d__[1], ncv, &workl[iq], &ldq);
	} else {
	    igraphdcopy_(ncv, &workl[bounds], &c__1, &workl[ihb], &c__1);
	    d__1 = bnorm2 / rnorm;
	    igraphdscal_(ncv, &d__1, &workl[ihb], &c__1);
	    igraphdsortr_("LA", &c_true, &nconv, &d__[1], &workl[ihb]);


/*     %------------------------------------------------% */
/*     | Compute the Ritz vectors. Transform the wanted | */
/*     | eigenvectors of the symmetric tridiagonal H by | */
/*     | the Lanczos basis matrix V.                    | */
/*     %------------------------------------------------% */

    if (*rvec && *(unsigned char *)howmny == 'A') {

/*        %----------------------------------------------------------% */
/*        | Compute the QR factorization of the matrix representing  | */
/*        | the wanted invariant subspace located in the first NCONV | */
/*        | columns of workl(iq,ldq).                                | */
/*        %----------------------------------------------------------% */

	igraphdgeqr2_(ncv, &nconv, &workl[iq], &ldq, &workl[iw + *ncv], &
		workl[ihb], &ierr);

/*        %--------------------------------------------------------% */
/*        | * Postmultiply V by Q.                                 | */
/*        | * Copy the first NCONV columns of VQ into Z.           | */
/*        | The N by NCONV matrix Z is now a matrix representation | */
/*        | of the approximate invariant subspace associated with  | */
/*        | the Ritz values in workl(ihd).                         | */
/*        %--------------------------------------------------------% */

	igraphdorm2r_("Right", "Notranspose", n, ncv, &nconv, &workl[iq], &
		ldq, &workl[iw + *ncv], &v[v_offset], ldv, &workd[*n + 1], &
	igraphdlacpy_("All", n, &nconv, &v[v_offset], ldv, &z__[z_offset], 

/*        %-----------------------------------------------------% */
/*        | In order to compute the Ritz estimates for the Ritz | */
/*        | values in both systems, need the last row of the    | */
/*        | eigenvector matrix. Remember, it`s in factored form | */
/*        %-----------------------------------------------------% */

	i__1 = *ncv - 1;
	for (j = 1; j <= i__1; ++j) {
	    workl[ihb + j - 1] = 0.;
/* L65: */
	workl[ihb + *ncv - 1] = 1.;
	igraphdorm2r_("Left", "Transpose", ncv, &c__1, &nconv, &workl[iq], &
		ldq, &workl[iw + *ncv], &workl[ihb], ncv, &temp, &ierr);

    } else if (*rvec && *(unsigned char *)howmny == 'S') {

/*     Not yet implemented. See remark 2 above. */


    if (igraphs_cmp(type__, "REGULR", (ftnlen)6, (ftnlen)6) == 0 && *rvec) {

	i__1 = *ncv;
	for (j = 1; j <= i__1; ++j) {
	    workl[ihb + j - 1] = rnorm * (d__1 = workl[ihb + j - 1], abs(d__1)
/* L70: */

    } else if (igraphs_cmp(type__, "REGULR", (ftnlen)6, (ftnlen)6) != 0 && *rvec) {

/*        %-------------------------------------------------% */
/*        | *  Determine Ritz estimates of the theta.       | */
/*        |    If RVEC = .true. then compute Ritz estimates | */
/*        |               of the theta.                     | */
/*        |    If RVEC = .false. then copy Ritz estimates   | */
/*        |              as computed by dsaupd .             | */
/*        | *  Determine Ritz estimates of the lambda.      | */
/*        %-------------------------------------------------% */

	igraphdscal_(ncv, &bnorm2, &workl[ihb], &c__1);
	if (igraphs_cmp(type__, "SHIFTI", (ftnlen)6, (ftnlen)6) == 0) {

	    i__1 = *ncv;
	    for (k = 1; k <= i__1; ++k) {
/* Computing 2nd power */
		d__2 = workl[iw + k - 1];
		workl[ihb + k - 1] = (d__1 = workl[ihb + k - 1], abs(d__1)) / 
			(d__2 * d__2);
/* L80: */

	} else if (igraphs_cmp(type__, "BUCKLE", (ftnlen)6, (ftnlen)6) == 0) {

	    i__1 = *ncv;
	    for (k = 1; k <= i__1; ++k) {
/* Computing 2nd power */
		d__2 = workl[iw + k - 1] - 1.;
		workl[ihb + k - 1] = *sigma * (d__1 = workl[ihb + k - 1], abs(
			d__1)) / (d__2 * d__2);
/* L90: */

	} else if (igraphs_cmp(type__, "CAYLEY", (ftnlen)6, (ftnlen)6) == 0) {

	    i__1 = *ncv;
	    for (k = 1; k <= i__1; ++k) {
		workl[ihb + k - 1] = (d__1 = workl[ihb + k - 1] / workl[iw + 
			k - 1] * (workl[iw + k - 1] - 1.), abs(d__1));
/* L100: */



    if (igraphs_cmp(type__, "REGULR", (ftnlen)6, (ftnlen)6) != 0 && msglvl > 1) {
	igraphdvout_(&debug_1.logfil, &nconv, &d__[1], &debug_1.ndigit, "_se"
		"upd: Untransformed converged Ritz values");
	igraphdvout_(&debug_1.logfil, &nconv, &workl[ihb], &debug_1.ndigit, 
		"_seupd: Ritz estimates of the untransformed Ritz values");
    } else if (msglvl > 1) {
	igraphdvout_(&debug_1.logfil, &nconv, &d__[1], &debug_1.ndigit, "_se"
		"upd: Converged Ritz values");
	igraphdvout_(&debug_1.logfil, &nconv, &workl[ihb], &debug_1.ndigit, 
		"_seupd: Associated Ritz estimates");

/*     %-------------------------------------------------% */
/*     | Ritz vector purification step. Formally perform | */
/*     | one of inverse subspace iteration. Only used    | */
/*     | for MODE = 3,4,5. See reference 7               | */
/*     %-------------------------------------------------% */

    if (*rvec && (igraphs_cmp(type__, "SHIFTI", (ftnlen)6, (ftnlen)6) == 0 || igraphs_cmp(
	    type__, "CAYLEY", (ftnlen)6, (ftnlen)6) == 0)) {

	i__1 = nconv - 1;
	for (k = 0; k <= i__1; ++k) {
	    workl[iw + k] = workl[iq + k * ldq + *ncv - 1] / workl[iw + k];
/* L110: */

    } else if (*rvec && igraphs_cmp(type__, "BUCKLE", (ftnlen)6, (ftnlen)6) == 0) {

	i__1 = nconv - 1;
	for (k = 0; k <= i__1; ++k) {
	    workl[iw + k] = workl[iq + k * ldq + *ncv - 1] / (workl[iw + k] - 
/* L120: */


    if (igraphs_cmp(type__, "REGULR", (ftnlen)6, (ftnlen)6) != 0) {
	igraphdger_(n, &nconv, &c_b110, &resid[1], &c__1, &workl[iw], &c__1, &
		z__[z_offset], ldz);


    return 0;

/*     %---------------% */
/*     | End of dseupd | */
/*     %---------------% */

} /* igraphdseupd_ */
Exemple #10
   Subroutine */ int igraphdseupd_(logical *rvec, char *howmny, logical *select, 
	doublereal *d__, doublereal *z__, integer *ldz, doublereal *sigma, 
	char *bmat, integer *n, char *which, integer *nev, doublereal *tol, 
	doublereal *resid, integer *ncv, doublereal *v, integer *ldv, integer 
	*iparam, integer *ipntr, doublereal *workd, doublereal *workl, 
	integer *lworkl, integer *info)
    /* System generated locals */
    integer v_dim1, v_offset, z_dim1, z_offset, i__1;
    doublereal d__1, d__2, d__3;

    /* Builtin functions */
    integer s_cmp(char *, char *, ftnlen, ftnlen);
    /* Subroutine */ int s_copy(char *, char *, ftnlen, ftnlen);
    double pow_dd(doublereal *, doublereal *);

    /* Local variables */
    integer j, k, ih, iq, iw;
    doublereal kv[2];
    integer ibd, ihb, ihd, ldh, ilg, ldq, ism, irz;
    extern /* Subroutine */ int igraphdger_(integer *, integer *, doublereal *, 
	    doublereal *, integer *, doublereal *, integer *, doublereal *, 
	    integer *);
    integer mode;
    doublereal eps23;
    integer ierr;
    doublereal temp;
    integer next;
    char type__[6];
    integer ritz;
    extern doublereal igraphdnrm2_(integer *, doublereal *, integer *);
    extern /* Subroutine */ int igraphdscal_(integer *, doublereal *, doublereal *, 
	    integer *);
    logical reord;
    extern /* Subroutine */ int igraphdcopy_(integer *, doublereal *, integer *, 
	    doublereal *, integer *);
    integer nconv;
    doublereal rnorm;
    extern /* Subroutine */ int igraphdvout_(integer *, integer *, doublereal *, 
	    integer *, char *, ftnlen), igraphivout_(integer *, integer *, integer *
	    , integer *, char *, ftnlen), igraphdgeqr2_(integer *, integer *, 
	    doublereal *, integer *, doublereal *, doublereal *, integer *);
    doublereal bnorm2;
    extern /* Subroutine */ int igraphdorm2r_(char *, char *, integer *, integer *, 
	    integer *, doublereal *, integer *, doublereal *, doublereal *, 
	    integer *, doublereal *, integer *);
    doublereal thres1, thres2;
    extern doublereal igraphdlamch_(char *);
    extern /* Subroutine */ int igraphdlacpy_(char *, integer *, integer *, 
	    doublereal *, integer *, doublereal *, integer *);
    integer logfil, ndigit, bounds, mseupd = 0;
    extern /* Subroutine */ int igraphdsteqr_(char *, integer *, doublereal *, 
	    doublereal *, doublereal *, integer *, doublereal *, integer *);
    integer msglvl, ktrord;
    extern /* Subroutine */ int igraphdsesrt_(char *, logical *, integer *, 
	    doublereal *, integer *, doublereal *, integer *), 
	    igraphdsortr_(char *, logical *, integer *, doublereal *, doublereal *);
    doublereal tempbnd;
    integer leftptr, rghtptr;

/*     %----------------------------------------------------%   
       | Include files for debugging and timing information |   

       | Scalar Arguments |   

       | Array Arguments |   

       | Parameters |   

       | Local Scalars |   

       | Local Arrays |   

       | External Subroutines |   

       | External Functions |   

       | Intrinsic Functions |   

       | Executable Statements |   

       | Set default parameters |   

       Parameter adjustments */
    z_dim1 = *ldz;
    z_offset = 1 + z_dim1;
    z__ -= z_offset;
    v_dim1 = *ldv;
    v_offset = 1 + v_dim1;
    v -= v_offset;

    /* Function Body */
    msglvl = mseupd;
    mode = iparam[7];
    nconv = iparam[5];
    *info = 0;

/*     %--------------%   
       | Quick return |   
       %--------------% */

    if (nconv == 0) {
	goto L9000;
    ierr = 0;

    if (nconv <= 0) {
	ierr = -14;
    if (*n <= 0) {
	ierr = -1;
    if (*nev <= 0) {
	ierr = -2;
    if (*ncv <= *nev || *ncv > *n) {
	ierr = -3;
    if (s_cmp(which, "LM", (ftnlen)2, (ftnlen)2) != 0 && s_cmp(which, "SM", (
	    ftnlen)2, (ftnlen)2) != 0 && s_cmp(which, "LA", (ftnlen)2, (
	    ftnlen)2) != 0 && s_cmp(which, "SA", (ftnlen)2, (ftnlen)2) != 0 &&
	     s_cmp(which, "BE", (ftnlen)2, (ftnlen)2) != 0) {
	ierr = -5;
    if (*(unsigned char *)bmat != 'I' && *(unsigned char *)bmat != 'G') {
	ierr = -6;
    if (*(unsigned char *)howmny != 'A' && *(unsigned char *)howmny != 'P' && 
	    *(unsigned char *)howmny != 'S' && *rvec) {
	ierr = -15;
    if (*rvec && *(unsigned char *)howmny == 'S') {
	ierr = -16;

/* Computing 2nd power */
    i__1 = *ncv;
    if (*rvec && *lworkl < i__1 * i__1 + (*ncv << 3)) {
	ierr = -7;

    if (mode == 1 || mode == 2) {
	s_copy(type__, "REGULR", (ftnlen)6, (ftnlen)6);
    } else if (mode == 3) {
	s_copy(type__, "SHIFTI", (ftnlen)6, (ftnlen)6);
    } else if (mode == 4) {
	s_copy(type__, "BUCKLE", (ftnlen)6, (ftnlen)6);
    } else if (mode == 5) {
	s_copy(type__, "CAYLEY", (ftnlen)6, (ftnlen)6);
    } else {
	ierr = -10;
    if (mode == 1 && *(unsigned char *)bmat == 'G') {
	ierr = -11;
    if (*nev == 1 && s_cmp(which, "BE", (ftnlen)2, (ftnlen)2) == 0) {
	ierr = -12;

/*     %------------%   
       | Error Exit |   
       %------------% */

    if (ierr != 0) {
	*info = ierr;
	goto L9000;

/*     %-------------------------------------------------------%   
       | Pointer into WORKL for address of H, RITZ, BOUNDS, Q  |   
       | etc... and the remaining workspace.                   |   
       | Also update pointer to be used on output.             |   
       | Memory is laid out as follows:                        |   
       | workl(1:2*ncv) := generated tridiagonal matrix H      |   
       |       The subdiagonal is stored in workl(2:ncv).      |   
       |       The dead spot is workl(1) but upon exiting      |   
       |       dsaupd stores the B-norm of the last residual   |   
       |       vector in workl(1). We use this !!!             |   
       | workl(2*ncv+1:2*ncv+ncv) := ritz values               |   
       |       The wanted values are in the first NCONV spots. |   
       | workl(3*ncv+1:3*ncv+ncv) := computed Ritz estimates   |   
       |       The wanted values are in the first NCONV spots. |   
       | NOTE: workl(1:4*ncv) is set by dsaupd and is not      |   
       |       modified by dseupd.                             |   

       | The following is used and set by dseupd.              |   
       | workl(4*ncv+1:4*ncv+ncv) := used as workspace during  |   
       |       computation of the eigenvectors of H. Stores    |   
       |       the diagonal of H. Upon EXIT contains the NCV   |   
       |       Ritz values of the original system. The first   |   
       |       NCONV spots have the wanted values. If MODE =   |   
       |       1 or 2 then will equal workl(2*ncv+1:3*ncv).    |   
       | workl(5*ncv+1:5*ncv+ncv) := used as workspace during  |   
       |       computation of the eigenvectors of H. Stores    |   
       |       the subdiagonal of H. Upon EXIT contains the    |   
       |       NCV corresponding Ritz estimates of the         |   
       |       original system. The first NCONV spots have the |   
       |       wanted values. If MODE = 1,2 then will equal    |   
       |       workl(3*ncv+1:4*ncv).                           |   
       | workl(6*ncv+1:6*ncv+ncv*ncv) := orthogonal Q that is  |   
       |       the eigenvector matrix for H as returned by     |   
       |       dsteqr. Not referenced if RVEC = .False.        |   
       |       Ordering follows that of workl(4*ncv+1:5*ncv)   |   
       | workl(6*ncv+ncv*ncv+1:6*ncv+ncv*ncv+2*ncv) :=         |   
       |       Workspace. Needed by dsteqr and by dseupd.      |   
       | GRAND total of NCV*(NCV+8) locations.                 |   
       %-------------------------------------------------------% */

    ih = ipntr[5];
    ritz = ipntr[6];
    bounds = ipntr[7];
    ldh = *ncv;
    ldq = *ncv;
    ihd = bounds + ldh;
    ihb = ihd + ldh;
    iq = ihb + ldh;
    iw = iq + ldh * *ncv;
    next = iw + (*ncv << 1);
    ipntr[4] = next;
    ipntr[8] = ihd;
    ipntr[9] = ihb;
    ipntr[10] = iq;

/*     %----------------------------------------%   
       | irz points to the Ritz values computed |   
       |     by _seigt before exiting _saup2.   |   
       | ibd points to the Ritz estimates       |   
       |     computed by _seigt before exiting  |   
       |     _saup2.                            |   
       %----------------------------------------% */

    irz = ipntr[11] + *ncv;
    ibd = irz + *ncv;

/*     %---------------------------------%   
       | Set machine dependent constant. |   
       %---------------------------------% */

    eps23 = igraphdlamch_("Epsilon-Machine");
    eps23 = pow_dd(&eps23, &c_b21);

/*     %---------------------------------------%   
       | RNORM is B-norm of the RESID(1:N).    |   
       | BNORM2 is the 2 norm of B*RESID(1:N). |   
       | Upon exit of dsaupd WORKD(1:N) has    |   
       | B*RESID(1:N).                         |   
       %---------------------------------------% */

    rnorm = workl[ih];
    if (*(unsigned char *)bmat == 'I') {
	bnorm2 = rnorm;
    } else if (*(unsigned char *)bmat == 'G') {
	bnorm2 = igraphdnrm2_(n, &workd[1], &c__1);

    if (*rvec) {

/*        %------------------------------------------------%   
          | Get the converged Ritz value on the boundary.  |   
          | This value will be used to dermine whether we  |   
          | need to reorder the eigenvalues and            |   
          | eigenvectors comupted by _steqr, and is        |   
          | referred to as the "threshold" value.          |   
          |                                                |   
          | A Ritz value gamma is said to be a wanted      |   
          | one, if                                        |   
          | abs(gamma) .ge. threshold, when WHICH = 'LM';  |   
          | abs(gamma) .le. threshold, when WHICH = 'SM';  |   
          | gamma      .ge. threshold, when WHICH = 'LA';  |   
          | gamma      .le. threshold, when WHICH = 'SA';  |   
          | gamma .le. thres1 .or. gamma .ge. thres2       |   
          |                            when WHICH = 'BE';  |   
          |                                                |   
          | Note: converged Ritz values and associated     |   
          | Ritz estimates have been placed in the first   |   
          | NCONV locations in workl(ritz) and             |   
          | workl(bounds) respectively. They have been     |   
          | sorted (in _saup2) according to the WHICH      |   
          | selection criterion. (Except in the case       |   
          | WHICH = 'BE', they are sorted in an increasing |   
          | order.)                                        |   
          %------------------------------------------------% */

	if (s_cmp(which, "LM", (ftnlen)2, (ftnlen)2) == 0 || s_cmp(which, 
		"SM", (ftnlen)2, (ftnlen)2) == 0 || s_cmp(which, "LA", (
		ftnlen)2, (ftnlen)2) == 0 || s_cmp(which, "SA", (ftnlen)2, (
		ftnlen)2) == 0) {

	    thres1 = workl[ritz];

	    if (msglvl > 2) {
		igraphdvout_(&logfil, &c__1, &thres1, &ndigit, "_seupd: Threshold "
			"eigenvalue used for re-ordering", (ftnlen)49);

	} else if (s_cmp(which, "BE", (ftnlen)2, (ftnlen)2) == 0) {

/*            %------------------------------------------------%   
              | Ritz values returned from _saup2 have been     |   
              | sorted in increasing order.  Thus two          |   
              | "threshold" values (one for the small end, one |   
              | for the large end) are in the middle.          |   
              %------------------------------------------------% */

	    ism = max(*nev,nconv) / 2;
	    ilg = ism + 1;
	    thres1 = workl[ism];
	    thres2 = workl[ilg];

	    if (msglvl > 2) {
		kv[0] = thres1;
		kv[1] = thres2;
		igraphdvout_(&logfil, &c__2, kv, &ndigit, "_seupd: Threshold eigen"
			"values used for re-ordering", (ftnlen)50);


/*        %----------------------------------------------------------%   
          | Check to see if all converged Ritz values appear within  |   
          | the first NCONV diagonal elements returned from _seigt.  |   
          | This is done in the following way:                       |   
          |                                                          |   
          | 1) For each Ritz value obtained from _seigt, compare it  |   
          |    with the threshold Ritz value computed above to       |   
          |    determine whether it is a wanted one.                 |   
          |                                                          |   
          | 2) If it is wanted, then check the corresponding Ritz    |   
          |    estimate to see if it has converged.  If it has, set  |   
          |    correponding entry in the logical array SELECT to     |   
          |    .TRUE..                                               |   
          |                                                          |   
          | If SELECT(j) = .TRUE. and j > NCONV, then there is a     |   
          | converged Ritz value that does not appear at the top of  |   
          | the diagonal matrix computed by _seigt in _saup2.        |   
          | Reordering is needed.                                    |   
          %----------------------------------------------------------% */

	reord = FALSE_;
	ktrord = 0;
	i__1 = *ncv - 1;
	for (j = 0; j <= i__1; ++j) {
	    select[j + 1] = FALSE_;
	    if (s_cmp(which, "LM", (ftnlen)2, (ftnlen)2) == 0) {
		if ((d__1 = workl[irz + j], abs(d__1)) >= abs(thres1)) {
/* Computing MAX */
		    d__2 = eps23, d__3 = (d__1 = workl[irz + j], abs(d__1));
		    tempbnd = max(d__2,d__3);
		    if (workl[ibd + j] <= *tol * tempbnd) {
			select[j + 1] = TRUE_;
	    } else if (s_cmp(which, "SM", (ftnlen)2, (ftnlen)2) == 0) {
		if ((d__1 = workl[irz + j], abs(d__1)) <= abs(thres1)) {
/* Computing MAX */
		    d__2 = eps23, d__3 = (d__1 = workl[irz + j], abs(d__1));
		    tempbnd = max(d__2,d__3);
		    if (workl[ibd + j] <= *tol * tempbnd) {
			select[j + 1] = TRUE_;
	    } else if (s_cmp(which, "LA", (ftnlen)2, (ftnlen)2) == 0) {
		if (workl[irz + j] >= thres1) {
/* Computing MAX */
		    d__2 = eps23, d__3 = (d__1 = workl[irz + j], abs(d__1));
		    tempbnd = max(d__2,d__3);
		    if (workl[ibd + j] <= *tol * tempbnd) {
			select[j + 1] = TRUE_;
	    } else if (s_cmp(which, "SA", (ftnlen)2, (ftnlen)2) == 0) {
		if (workl[irz + j] <= thres1) {
/* Computing MAX */
		    d__2 = eps23, d__3 = (d__1 = workl[irz + j], abs(d__1));
		    tempbnd = max(d__2,d__3);
		    if (workl[ibd + j] <= *tol * tempbnd) {
			select[j + 1] = TRUE_;
	    } else if (s_cmp(which, "BE", (ftnlen)2, (ftnlen)2) == 0) {
		if (workl[irz + j] <= thres1 || workl[irz + j] >= thres2) {
/* Computing MAX */
		    d__2 = eps23, d__3 = (d__1 = workl[irz + j], abs(d__1));
		    tempbnd = max(d__2,d__3);
		    if (workl[ibd + j] <= *tol * tempbnd) {
			select[j + 1] = TRUE_;
	    if (j + 1 > nconv) {
		reord = select[j + 1] || reord;
	    if (select[j + 1]) {
/* L10: */
/*        %-------------------------------------------%   
          | If KTRORD .ne. NCONV, something is wrong. |   
          %-------------------------------------------% */

	if (msglvl > 2) {
	    igraphivout_(&logfil, &c__1, &ktrord, &ndigit, "_seupd: Number of spec"
		    "ified eigenvalues", (ftnlen)39);
	    igraphivout_(&logfil, &c__1, &nconv, &ndigit, "_seupd: Number of \"con"
		    "verged\" eigenvalues", (ftnlen)41);

/*        %-----------------------------------------------------------%   
          | Call LAPACK routine _steqr to compute the eigenvalues and |   
          | eigenvectors of the final symmetric tridiagonal matrix H. |   
          | Initialize the eigenvector matrix Q to the identity.      |   
          %-----------------------------------------------------------% */

	i__1 = *ncv - 1;
	igraphdcopy_(&i__1, &workl[ih + 1], &c__1, &workl[ihb], &c__1);
	igraphdcopy_(ncv, &workl[ih + ldh], &c__1, &workl[ihd], &c__1);

	igraphdsteqr_("Identity", ncv, &workl[ihd], &workl[ihb], &workl[iq], &ldq, &
		workl[iw], &ierr);

	if (ierr != 0) {
	    *info = -8;
	    goto L9000;

	if (msglvl > 1) {
	    igraphdcopy_(ncv, &workl[iq + *ncv - 1], &ldq, &workl[iw], &c__1);
	    igraphdvout_(&logfil, ncv, &workl[ihd], &ndigit, "_seupd: NCV Ritz val"
		    "ues of the final H matrix", (ftnlen)45);
	    igraphdvout_(&logfil, ncv, &workl[iw], &ndigit, "_seupd: last row of t"
		    "he eigenvector matrix for H", (ftnlen)48);

	if (reord) {

/*           %---------------------------------------------%   
             | Reordered the eigenvalues and eigenvectors  |   
             | computed by _steqr so that the "converged"  |   
             | eigenvalues appear in the first NCONV       |   
             | positions of workl(ihd), and the associated |   
             | eigenvectors appear in the first NCONV      |   
             | columns.                                    |   
             %---------------------------------------------% */

	    leftptr = 1;
	    rghtptr = *ncv;

	    if (*ncv == 1) {
		goto L30;

	    if (select[leftptr]) {

/*              %-------------------------------------------%   
                | Search, from the left, for the first Ritz |   
                | value that has not converged.             |   
                %-------------------------------------------% */


	    } else if (! select[rghtptr]) {

/*              %----------------------------------------------%   
                | Search, from the right, the first Ritz value |   
                | that has converged.                          |   
                %----------------------------------------------% */


	    } else {

/*              %----------------------------------------------%   
                | Swap the Ritz value on the left that has not |   
                | converged with the Ritz value on the right   |   
                | that has converged.  Swap the associated     |   
                | eigenvector of the tridiagonal matrix H as   |   
                | well.                                        |   
                %----------------------------------------------% */

		temp = workl[ihd + leftptr - 1];
		workl[ihd + leftptr - 1] = workl[ihd + rghtptr - 1];
		workl[ihd + rghtptr - 1] = temp;
		igraphdcopy_(ncv, &workl[iq + *ncv * (leftptr - 1)], &c__1, &workl[
			iw], &c__1);
		igraphdcopy_(ncv, &workl[iq + *ncv * (rghtptr - 1)], &c__1, &workl[
			iq + *ncv * (leftptr - 1)], &c__1);
		igraphdcopy_(ncv, &workl[iw], &c__1, &workl[iq + *ncv * (rghtptr - 
			1)], &c__1);


	    if (leftptr < rghtptr) {
		goto L20;


	if (msglvl > 2) {
	    igraphdvout_(&logfil, ncv, &workl[ihd], &ndigit, "_seupd: The eigenval"
		    "ues of H--reordered", (ftnlen)39);

/*        %----------------------------------------%   
          | Load the converged Ritz values into D. |   
          %----------------------------------------% */

	igraphdcopy_(&nconv, &workl[ihd], &c__1, &d__[1], &c__1);

    } else {

/*        %-----------------------------------------------------%   
          | Ritz vectors not required. Load Ritz values into D. |   
          %-----------------------------------------------------% */

	igraphdcopy_(&nconv, &workl[ritz], &c__1, &d__[1], &c__1);
	igraphdcopy_(ncv, &workl[ritz], &c__1, &workl[ihd], &c__1);


/*     %------------------------------------------------------------------%   
       | Transform the Ritz values and possibly vectors and corresponding |   
       | Ritz estimates of OP to those of A*x=lambda*B*x. The Ritz values |   
       | (and corresponding data) are returned in ascending order.        |   
       %------------------------------------------------------------------% */

    if (s_cmp(type__, "REGULR", (ftnlen)6, (ftnlen)6) == 0) {

/*        %---------------------------------------------------------%   
          | Ascending sort of wanted Ritz values, vectors and error |   
          | bounds. Not necessary if only Ritz values are desired.  |   
          %---------------------------------------------------------% */

	if (*rvec) {
	    igraphdsesrt_("LA", rvec, &nconv, &d__[1], ncv, &workl[iq], &ldq);
	} else {
	    igraphdcopy_(ncv, &workl[bounds], &c__1, &workl[ihb], &c__1);

    } else {

/*        %-------------------------------------------------------------%   
          | *  Make a copy of all the Ritz values.                      |   
          | *  Transform the Ritz values back to the original system.   |   
          |    For TYPE = 'SHIFTI' the transformation is                |   
          |             lambda = 1/theta + sigma                        |   
          |    For TYPE = 'BUCKLE' the transformation is                |   
          |             lambda = sigma * theta / ( theta - 1 )          |   
          |    For TYPE = 'CAYLEY' the transformation is                |   
          |             lambda = sigma * (theta + 1) / (theta - 1 )     |   
          |    where the theta are the Ritz values returned by dsaupd.  |   
          | NOTES:                                                      |   
          | *The Ritz vectors are not affected by the transformation.   |   
          |  They are only reordered.                                   |   
          %-------------------------------------------------------------% */

	igraphdcopy_(ncv, &workl[ihd], &c__1, &workl[iw], &c__1);
	if (s_cmp(type__, "SHIFTI", (ftnlen)6, (ftnlen)6) == 0) {
	    i__1 = *ncv;
	    for (k = 1; k <= i__1; ++k) {
		workl[ihd + k - 1] = 1. / workl[ihd + k - 1] + *sigma;
/* L40: */
	} else if (s_cmp(type__, "BUCKLE", (ftnlen)6, (ftnlen)6) == 0) {
	    i__1 = *ncv;
	    for (k = 1; k <= i__1; ++k) {
		workl[ihd + k - 1] = *sigma * workl[ihd + k - 1] / (workl[ihd 
			+ k - 1] - 1.);
/* L50: */
	} else if (s_cmp(type__, "CAYLEY", (ftnlen)6, (ftnlen)6) == 0) {
	    i__1 = *ncv;
	    for (k = 1; k <= i__1; ++k) {
		workl[ihd + k - 1] = *sigma * (workl[ihd + k - 1] + 1.) / (
			workl[ihd + k - 1] - 1.);
/* L60: */

/*        %-------------------------------------------------------------%   
          | *  Store the wanted NCONV lambda values into D.             |   
          | *  Sort the NCONV wanted lambda in WORKL(IHD:IHD+NCONV-1)   |   
          |    into ascending order and apply sort to the NCONV theta   |   
          |    values in the transformed system. We'll need this to     |   
          |    compute Ritz estimates in the original system.           |   
          | *  Finally sort the lambda's into ascending order and apply |   
          |    to Ritz vectors if wanted. Else just sort lambda's into  |   
          |    ascending order.                                         |   
          | NOTES:                                                      |   
          | *workl(iw:iw+ncv-1) contain the theta ordered so that they  |   
          |  match the ordering of the lambda. We'll use them again for |   
          |  Ritz vector purification.                                  |   
          %-------------------------------------------------------------% */

	igraphdcopy_(&nconv, &workl[ihd], &c__1, &d__[1], &c__1);
	igraphdsortr_("LA", &c_true, &nconv, &workl[ihd], &workl[iw]);
	if (*rvec) {
	    igraphdsesrt_("LA", rvec, &nconv, &d__[1], ncv, &workl[iq], &ldq);
	} else {
	    igraphdcopy_(ncv, &workl[bounds], &c__1, &workl[ihb], &c__1);
	    d__1 = bnorm2 / rnorm;
	    igraphdscal_(ncv, &d__1, &workl[ihb], &c__1);
	    igraphdsortr_("LA", &c_true, &nconv, &d__[1], &workl[ihb]);


/*     %------------------------------------------------%   
       | Compute the Ritz vectors. Transform the wanted |   
       | eigenvectors of the symmetric tridiagonal H by |   
       | the Lanczos basis matrix V.                    |   
       %------------------------------------------------% */

    if (*rvec && *(unsigned char *)howmny == 'A') {

/*        %----------------------------------------------------------%   
          | Compute the QR factorization of the matrix representing  |   
          | the wanted invariant subspace located in the first NCONV |   
          | columns of workl(iq,ldq).                                |   
          %----------------------------------------------------------% */

	igraphdgeqr2_(ncv, &nconv, &workl[iq], &ldq, &workl[iw + *ncv], &workl[ihb],

/*        %--------------------------------------------------------%   
          | * Postmultiply V by Q.                                 |   
          | * Copy the first NCONV columns of VQ into Z.           |   
          | The N by NCONV matrix Z is now a matrix representation |   
          | of the approximate invariant subspace associated with  |   
          | the Ritz values in workl(ihd).                         |   
          %--------------------------------------------------------% */

	igraphdorm2r_("Right", "Notranspose", n, ncv, &nconv, &workl[iq], &ldq, &
		workl[iw + *ncv], &v[v_offset], ldv, &workd[*n + 1], &ierr);
	igraphdlacpy_("All", n, &nconv, &v[v_offset], ldv, &z__[z_offset], ldz);

/*        %-----------------------------------------------------%   
          | In order to compute the Ritz estimates for the Ritz |   
          | values in both systems, need the last row of the    |   
          | eigenvector matrix. Remember, it's in factored form |   
          %-----------------------------------------------------% */

	i__1 = *ncv - 1;
	for (j = 1; j <= i__1; ++j) {
	    workl[ihb + j - 1] = 0.;
/* L65: */
	workl[ihb + *ncv - 1] = 1.;
	igraphdorm2r_("Left", "Transpose", ncv, &c__1, &nconv, &workl[iq], &ldq, &
		workl[iw + *ncv], &workl[ihb], ncv, &temp, &ierr);

    } else if (*rvec && *(unsigned char *)howmny == 'S') {

/*     Not yet implemented. See remark 2 above. */


    if (s_cmp(type__, "REGULR", (ftnlen)6, (ftnlen)6) == 0 && *rvec) {

	i__1 = *ncv;
	for (j = 1; j <= i__1; ++j) {
	    workl[ihb + j - 1] = rnorm * (d__1 = workl[ihb + j - 1], abs(d__1)
/* L70: */

    } else if (s_cmp(type__, "REGULR", (ftnlen)6, (ftnlen)6) != 0 && *rvec) {

/*        %-------------------------------------------------%   
          | *  Determine Ritz estimates of the theta.       |   
          |    If RVEC = .true. then compute Ritz estimates |   
          |               of the theta.                     |   
          |    If RVEC = .false. then copy Ritz estimates   |   
          |              as computed by dsaupd.             |   
          | *  Determine Ritz estimates of the lambda.      |   
          %-------------------------------------------------% */

	igraphdscal_(ncv, &bnorm2, &workl[ihb], &c__1);
	if (s_cmp(type__, "SHIFTI", (ftnlen)6, (ftnlen)6) == 0) {

	    i__1 = *ncv;
	    for (k = 1; k <= i__1; ++k) {
/* Computing 2nd power */
		d__2 = workl[iw + k - 1];
		workl[ihb + k - 1] = (d__1 = workl[ihb + k - 1], abs(d__1)) / 
			(d__2 * d__2);
/* L80: */

	} else if (s_cmp(type__, "BUCKLE", (ftnlen)6, (ftnlen)6) == 0) {

	    i__1 = *ncv;
	    for (k = 1; k <= i__1; ++k) {
/* Computing 2nd power */
		d__2 = workl[iw + k - 1] - 1.;
		workl[ihb + k - 1] = *sigma * (d__1 = workl[ihb + k - 1], abs(
			d__1)) / (d__2 * d__2);
/* L90: */

	} else if (s_cmp(type__, "CAYLEY", (ftnlen)6, (ftnlen)6) == 0) {

	    i__1 = *ncv;
	    for (k = 1; k <= i__1; ++k) {
		workl[ihb + k - 1] = (d__1 = workl[ihb + k - 1] / workl[iw + 
			k - 1] * (workl[iw + k - 1] - 1.), abs(d__1));
/* L100: */



    if (s_cmp(type__, "REGULR", (ftnlen)6, (ftnlen)6) != 0 && msglvl > 1) {
	igraphdvout_(&logfil, &nconv, &d__[1], &ndigit, "_seupd: Untransformed con"
		"verged Ritz values", (ftnlen)43);
	igraphdvout_(&logfil, &nconv, &workl[ihb], &ndigit, "_seupd: Ritz estimate"
		"s of the untransformed Ritz values", (ftnlen)55);
    } else if (msglvl > 1) {
	igraphdvout_(&logfil, &nconv, &d__[1], &ndigit, "_seupd: Converged Ritz va"
		"lues", (ftnlen)29);
	igraphdvout_(&logfil, &nconv, &workl[ihb], &ndigit, "_seupd: Associated Ri"
		"tz estimates", (ftnlen)33);

/*     %-------------------------------------------------%   
       | Ritz vector purification step. Formally perform |   
       | one of inverse subspace iteration. Only used    |   
       | for MODE = 3,4,5. See reference 7               |   
       %-------------------------------------------------% */

    if (*rvec && (s_cmp(type__, "SHIFTI", (ftnlen)6, (ftnlen)6) == 0 || s_cmp(
	    type__, "CAYLEY", (ftnlen)6, (ftnlen)6) == 0)) {

	i__1 = nconv - 1;
	for (k = 0; k <= i__1; ++k) {
	    workl[iw + k] = workl[iq + k * ldq + *ncv - 1] / workl[iw + k];
/* L110: */

    } else if (*rvec && s_cmp(type__, "BUCKLE", (ftnlen)6, (ftnlen)6) == 0) {

	i__1 = nconv - 1;
	for (k = 0; k <= i__1; ++k) {
	    workl[iw + k] = workl[iq + k * ldq + *ncv - 1] / (workl[iw + k] - 
/* L120: */


    if (s_cmp(type__, "REGULR", (ftnlen)6, (ftnlen)6) != 0) {
	igraphdger_(n, &nconv, &c_b119, &resid[1], &c__1, &workl[iw], &c__1, &z__[
		z_offset], ldz);


    return 0;

/*     %---------------%   
       | End of dseupd |   
       %---------------% */

} /* igraphdseupd_ */