Exemple #1
// This draws the background of a toolbar
void ToolBar::OnPaint( wxPaintEvent & event )
   wxPaintDC dc( (wxWindow *) event.GetEventObject() );

   // Start with a clean background
   // Under GTK, we specifically set the toolbar background to the background
   // colour in the system theme.
#if defined( __WXGTK__ )
   dc.SetBackground( wxBrush( wxSystemSettings::GetColour( wxSYS_COLOUR_BACKGROUND ) ) );


// EXPERIMENTAL_THEMING is set to not apply the gradient
// on wxMAC builds.  on wxMAC we have the AQUA_THEME.
   Repaint( &dc );

   wxImage * mpBackGradient =   &theTheme.Image( bmpRecoloredUpLarge  );

   if( mpBackGradient != NULL )
      wxSize imSz( mpBackGradient->GetWidth(), mpBackGradient->GetHeight() );
      wxSize sz = GetSize();
      int y;
         int yPix = ((float)y * imSz.y - 1.0f)/(sz.y-1);
         wxColour col(
            mpBackGradient->GetRed( 0, yPix),
            mpBackGradient->GetGreen( 0, yPix),
            mpBackGradient->GetBlue( 0, yPix));

         // Set background colour so that controls placed on this
         // toolbar such as radio buttons will draw reasonably.
         // It's a little tacky setting the background colour
         // here, but we can't do it in the constructor as the gradient
         // may not be available yet.
         // Better than this would be to set the colour when the image
         // is loaded.
         // We use the colour at the half way point as a suitable 'average'.
         if( y==(sz.y/2) )
            SetBackgroundColour( col );
         wxPen Pen( col );
         dc.SetPen(Pen );
         AColor::Line(dc, 0, y, sz.x, y );
Exemple #2
// This draws the background of a toolbar
void ToolBar::OnPaint( wxPaintEvent & event )
   wxPaintDC dc( (wxWindow *) event.GetEventObject() );

   // Start with a clean background
   // Under GTK, clearing will cause the background to be white and
   // rather than setting a background color, just bypass the clear.
#if !defined(__WXGTK__)

// EXPERIMENTAL_THEMING is set to not apply the gradient
// on wxMAC builds.  on wxMAC we have the AQUA_THEME.
   Repaint( &dc );

   wxImage * mpBackGradient =   &theTheme.Image( bmpRecoloredUpLarge  );

   if( mpBackGradient != NULL )
      wxSize imSz( mpBackGradient->GetWidth(), mpBackGradient->GetHeight() );
      wxSize sz = GetSize();
      int y;
         int yPix = ((float)y * imSz.y - 0.0001f)/(sz.y-1);
         wxColour col( 
            mpBackGradient->GetRed( 0, yPix),
            mpBackGradient->GetGreen( 0, yPix),
            mpBackGradient->GetBlue( 0, yPix));

         // Set background colour so that controls placed on this
         // toolbar such as radio buttons will draw reasonably.
         // It's a little tacky setting the background colour 
         // here, but we can't do it in the constructor as the gradient
         // may not be available yet.
         // Better than this would be to set the colour when the image 
         // is loaded.
         // We use the colour at the half way point as a suitable 'average'.
         if( y==(sz.y/2) )
            SetBackgroundColour( col );
         wxPen Pen( col );
         dc.SetPen(Pen );
         dc.DrawLine( 0, y, sz.x, y );

   if( IsResizable() && IsDocked() )
      wxSize sz = GetSize();

      AColor::Dark( &dc, false );
      dc.DrawLine( sz.x - 4,  0, sz.x - 4, sz.y );
      dc.DrawLine( sz.x - 1,  0, sz.x - 1, sz.y );