void ViewerBaseOperation::initImage() { Image *anImage = this->m_image; ImBuf *ibuf = BKE_image_acquire_ibuf(anImage, this->m_imageUser, &this->m_lock); if (!ibuf) return; if (ibuf->x != (int)getWidth() || ibuf->y != (int)getHeight()) { BLI_lock_thread(LOCK_DRAW_IMAGE); imb_freerectImBuf(ibuf); imb_freerectfloatImBuf(ibuf); IMB_freezbuffloatImBuf(ibuf); ibuf->x = getWidth(); ibuf->y = getHeight(); imb_addrectImBuf(ibuf); imb_addrectfloatImBuf(ibuf); anImage->ok = IMA_OK_LOADED; BLI_unlock_thread(LOCK_DRAW_IMAGE); } /* now we combine the input with ibuf */ this->m_outputBuffer = ibuf->rect_float; this->m_outputBufferDisplay = (unsigned char *)ibuf->rect; BKE_image_release_ibuf(this->m_image, this->m_lock); }
void ViewerOperation::initImage() { Image *ima = this->m_image; ImageUser iuser = *this->m_imageUser; void *lock; ImBuf *ibuf; /* make sure the image has the correct number of views */ if (ima && BKE_scene_multiview_is_render_view_first(this->m_rd, this->m_viewName)) { BKE_image_verify_viewer_views(this->m_rd, ima, this->m_imageUser); } BLI_thread_lock(LOCK_DRAW_IMAGE); /* local changes to the original ImageUser */ iuser.multi_index = BKE_scene_multiview_view_id_get(this->m_rd, this->m_viewName); ibuf = BKE_image_acquire_ibuf(ima, &iuser, &lock); if (!ibuf) { BLI_thread_unlock(LOCK_DRAW_IMAGE); return; } if (ibuf->x != (int)getWidth() || ibuf->y != (int)getHeight()) { imb_freerectImBuf(ibuf); imb_freerectfloatImBuf(ibuf); IMB_freezbuffloatImBuf(ibuf); ibuf->x = getWidth(); ibuf->y = getHeight(); /* zero size can happen if no image buffers exist to define a sensible resolution */ if (ibuf->x > 0 && ibuf->y > 0) imb_addrectfloatImBuf(ibuf); ima->ok = IMA_OK_LOADED; ibuf->userflags |= IB_DISPLAY_BUFFER_INVALID; } if (m_doDepthBuffer) { addzbuffloatImBuf(ibuf); } /* now we combine the input with ibuf */ this->m_outputBuffer = ibuf->rect_float; /* needed for display buffer update */ this->m_ibuf = ibuf; if (m_doDepthBuffer) { this->m_depthBuffer = ibuf->zbuf_float; } BKE_image_release_ibuf(this->m_image, this->m_ibuf, lock); BLI_thread_unlock(LOCK_DRAW_IMAGE); }
ImBuf *IMB_allocImBuf(unsigned int x, unsigned int y, uchar planes, unsigned int flags) { ImBuf *ibuf; ibuf = MEM_callocN(sizeof(ImBuf), "ImBuf_struct"); if (ibuf) { ibuf->x = x; ibuf->y = y; ibuf->planes = planes; ibuf->ftype = IMB_FTYPE_PNG; ibuf->foptions.quality = 15; /* the 15 means, set compression to low ratio but not time consuming */ ibuf->channels = 4; /* float option, is set to other values when buffers get assigned */ ibuf->ppm[0] = ibuf->ppm[1] = IMB_DPI_DEFAULT / 0.0254f; /* IMB_DPI_DEFAULT -> pixels-per-meter */ if (flags & IB_rect) { if (imb_addrectImBuf(ibuf) == false) { IMB_freeImBuf(ibuf); return NULL; } } if (flags & IB_rectfloat) { if (imb_addrectfloatImBuf(ibuf) == false) { IMB_freeImBuf(ibuf); return NULL; } } if (flags & IB_zbuf) { if (addzbufImBuf(ibuf) == false) { IMB_freeImBuf(ibuf); return NULL; } } if (flags & IB_zbuffloat) { if (addzbuffloatImBuf(ibuf) == false) { IMB_freeImBuf(ibuf); return NULL; } } /* assign default spaces */ colormanage_imbuf_set_default_spaces(ibuf); } return (ibuf); }
void IMB_float_from_rect(struct ImBuf *ibuf) { /* quick method to convert byte to floatbuf */ if(ibuf->rect==NULL) return; if(ibuf->rect_float==NULL) { if (imb_addrectfloatImBuf(ibuf) == 0) return; } /* Float bufs should be stored linear */ if (ibuf->profile != IB_PROFILE_NONE) { /* if the image has been given a profile then we're working * with color management in mind, so convert it to linear space */ imb_float_from_rect_linear(ibuf, ibuf->rect_float); } else { imb_float_from_rect_nonlinear(ibuf, ibuf->rect_float); } }
void ViewerOperation::initImage() { Image *ima = this->m_image; void *lock; ImBuf *ibuf = BKE_image_acquire_ibuf(ima, this->m_imageUser, &lock); if (!ibuf) return; BLI_lock_thread(LOCK_DRAW_IMAGE); if (ibuf->x != (int)getWidth() || ibuf->y != (int)getHeight()) { imb_freerectImBuf(ibuf); imb_freerectfloatImBuf(ibuf); IMB_freezbuffloatImBuf(ibuf); ibuf->x = getWidth(); ibuf->y = getHeight(); imb_addrectfloatImBuf(ibuf); ima->ok = IMA_OK_LOADED; ibuf->userflags |= IB_DISPLAY_BUFFER_INVALID; } if (m_doDepthBuffer) { addzbuffloatImBuf(ibuf); } BLI_unlock_thread(LOCK_DRAW_IMAGE); /* now we combine the input with ibuf */ this->m_outputBuffer = ibuf->rect_float; /* needed for display buffer update */ this->m_ibuf = ibuf; if (m_doDepthBuffer) { this->m_depthBuffer = ibuf->zbuf_float; } BKE_image_release_ibuf(this->m_image, this->m_ibuf, lock); }
static void node_composit_exec_splitviewer(void *data, bNode *node, bNodeStack **in, bNodeStack **UNUSED(out)) { /* image assigned to output */ /* stack order input sockets: image image */ if(in[0]->data==NULL || in[1]->data==NULL) return; if(node->id && (node->flag & NODE_DO_OUTPUT)) { /* only one works on out */ Image *ima= (Image *)node->id; RenderData *rd= data; ImBuf *ibuf; CompBuf *cbuf, *buf1, *buf2, *mask; int x, y; float offset; void *lock; buf1= typecheck_compbuf(in[0]->data, CB_RGBA); buf2= typecheck_compbuf(in[1]->data, CB_RGBA); BKE_image_user_calc_frame(node->storage, rd->cfra, 0); /* always returns for viewer image, but we check nevertheless */ ibuf= BKE_image_acquire_ibuf(ima, node->storage, &lock); if(ibuf==NULL) { printf("node_composit_exec_viewer error\n"); BKE_image_release_ibuf(ima, lock); return; } /* free all in ibuf */ imb_freerectImBuf(ibuf); imb_freerectfloatImBuf(ibuf); IMB_freezbuffloatImBuf(ibuf); /* make ibuf, and connect to ima */ ibuf->x= buf1->x; ibuf->y= buf1->y; imb_addrectfloatImBuf(ibuf); ima->ok= IMA_OK_LOADED; /* output buf */ cbuf= alloc_compbuf(buf1->x, buf1->y, CB_RGBA, 0); /* no alloc*/ cbuf->rect= ibuf->rect_float; /* mask buf */ mask= alloc_compbuf(buf1->x, buf1->y, CB_VAL, 1); /* Check which offset mode is selected and limit offset if needed */ if(node->custom2 == 0) { offset = buf1->x / 100.0f * node->custom1; CLAMP(offset, 0, buf1->x); } else { offset = buf1->y / 100.0f * node->custom1; CLAMP(offset, 0, buf1->y); } if(node->custom2 == 0) { for(y=0; y<buf1->y; y++) { float *fac= mask->rect + y*buf1->x; for(x=offset; x>0; x--, fac++) *fac= 1.0f; } } else { for(y=0; y<offset; y++) { float *fac= mask->rect + y*buf1->x; for(x=buf1->x; x>0; x--, fac++) *fac= 1.0f; } } composit3_pixel_processor(node, cbuf, buf1, in[0]->vec, buf2, in[1]->vec, mask, NULL, do_copy_split_rgba, CB_RGBA, CB_RGBA, CB_VAL); BKE_image_release_ibuf(ima, lock); generate_preview(data, node, cbuf); free_compbuf(cbuf); free_compbuf(mask); if(in[0]->data != buf1) free_compbuf(buf1); if(in[1]->data != buf2) free_compbuf(buf2); } }
ImBuf *imb_loadpng(unsigned char *mem, size_t size, int flags, char colorspace[IM_MAX_SPACE]) { struct ImBuf *ibuf = NULL; png_structp png_ptr; png_infop info_ptr; unsigned char *pixels = NULL; unsigned short *pixels16 = NULL; png_bytepp row_pointers = NULL; png_uint_32 width, height; int bit_depth, color_type; PNGReadStruct ps; unsigned char *from, *to; unsigned short *from16; float *to_float; int i, bytesperpixel; if (imb_is_a_png(mem) == 0) return(NULL); /* both 8 and 16 bit PNGs are default to standard byte colorspace */ colorspace_set_default_role(colorspace, IM_MAX_SPACE, COLOR_ROLE_DEFAULT_BYTE); png_ptr = png_create_read_struct(PNG_LIBPNG_VER_STRING, NULL, NULL, NULL); if (png_ptr == NULL) { printf("Cannot png_create_read_struct\n"); return NULL; } info_ptr = png_create_info_struct(png_ptr); if (info_ptr == NULL) { png_destroy_read_struct(&png_ptr, (png_infopp)NULL, (png_infopp)NULL); printf("Cannot png_create_info_struct\n"); return NULL; } ps.size = size; /* XXX, 4gig limit! */ ps.data = mem; ps.seek = 0; png_set_read_fn(png_ptr, (void *) &ps, ReadData); if (setjmp(png_jmpbuf(png_ptr))) { png_destroy_read_struct(&png_ptr, &info_ptr, (png_infopp)NULL); if (pixels) MEM_freeN(pixels); if (pixels16) MEM_freeN(pixels16); if (row_pointers) MEM_freeN(row_pointers); if (ibuf) IMB_freeImBuf(ibuf); return NULL; } // png_set_sig_bytes(png_ptr, 8); png_read_info(png_ptr, info_ptr); png_get_IHDR(png_ptr, info_ptr, &width, &height, &bit_depth, &color_type, NULL, NULL, NULL); bytesperpixel = png_get_channels(png_ptr, info_ptr); switch (color_type) { case PNG_COLOR_TYPE_RGB: case PNG_COLOR_TYPE_RGB_ALPHA: break; case PNG_COLOR_TYPE_PALETTE: png_set_palette_to_rgb(png_ptr); if (png_get_valid(png_ptr, info_ptr, PNG_INFO_tRNS)) { bytesperpixel = 4; } else { bytesperpixel = 3; } break; case PNG_COLOR_TYPE_GRAY: case PNG_COLOR_TYPE_GRAY_ALPHA: if (bit_depth < 8) { png_set_expand(png_ptr); bit_depth = 8; } break; default: printf("PNG format not supported\n"); longjmp(png_jmpbuf(png_ptr), 1); } ibuf = IMB_allocImBuf(width, height, 8 * bytesperpixel, 0); if (ibuf) { ibuf->ftype = PNG; if (bit_depth == 16) ibuf->ftype |= PNG_16BIT; if (png_get_valid(png_ptr, info_ptr, PNG_INFO_pHYs)) { int unit_type; png_uint_32 xres, yres; if (png_get_pHYs(png_ptr, info_ptr, &xres, &yres, &unit_type)) if (unit_type == PNG_RESOLUTION_METER) { ibuf->ppm[0] = xres; ibuf->ppm[1] = yres; } } } else { printf("Couldn't allocate memory for PNG image\n"); } if (ibuf && ((flags & IB_test) == 0)) { if (bit_depth == 16) { imb_addrectfloatImBuf(ibuf); png_set_swap(png_ptr); pixels16 = MEM_mallocN(ibuf->x * ibuf->y * bytesperpixel * sizeof(png_uint_16), "pixels"); if (pixels16 == NULL) { printf("Cannot allocate pixels array\n"); longjmp(png_jmpbuf(png_ptr), 1); } /* allocate memory for an array of row-pointers */ row_pointers = (png_bytepp) MEM_mallocN(ibuf->y * sizeof(png_uint_16p), "row_pointers"); if (row_pointers == NULL) { printf("Cannot allocate row-pointers array\n"); longjmp(png_jmpbuf(png_ptr), 1); } /* set the individual row-pointers to point at the correct offsets */ for (i = 0; i < ibuf->y; i++) { row_pointers[ibuf->y - 1 - i] = (png_bytep) ((png_uint_16 *)pixels16 + (i * ibuf->x) * bytesperpixel); } png_read_image(png_ptr, row_pointers); /* copy image data */ to_float = ibuf->rect_float; from16 = pixels16; switch (bytesperpixel) { case 4: for (i = ibuf->x * ibuf->y; i > 0; i--) { to_float[0] = from16[0] / 65535.0; to_float[1] = from16[1] / 65535.0; to_float[2] = from16[2] / 65535.0; to_float[3] = from16[3] / 65535.0; to_float += 4; from16 += 4; } break; case 3: for (i = ibuf->x * ibuf->y; i > 0; i--) { to_float[0] = from16[0] / 65535.0; to_float[1] = from16[1] / 65535.0; to_float[2] = from16[2] / 65535.0; to_float[3] = 1.0; to_float += 4; from16 += 3; } break; case 2: for (i = ibuf->x * ibuf->y; i > 0; i--) { to_float[0] = to_float[1] = to_float[2] = from16[0] / 65535.0; to_float[3] = from16[1] / 65535.0; to_float += 4; from16 += 2; } break; case 1: for (i = ibuf->x * ibuf->y; i > 0; i--) { to_float[0] = to_float[1] = to_float[2] = from16[0] / 65535.0; to_float[3] = 1.0; to_float += 4; from16++; } break; } } else { imb_addrectImBuf(ibuf); pixels = MEM_mallocN(ibuf->x * ibuf->y * bytesperpixel * sizeof(unsigned char), "pixels"); if (pixels == NULL) { printf("Cannot allocate pixels array\n"); longjmp(png_jmpbuf(png_ptr), 1); } /* allocate memory for an array of row-pointers */ row_pointers = (png_bytepp) MEM_mallocN(ibuf->y * sizeof(png_bytep), "row_pointers"); if (row_pointers == NULL) { printf("Cannot allocate row-pointers array\n"); longjmp(png_jmpbuf(png_ptr), 1); } /* set the individual row-pointers to point at the correct offsets */ for (i = 0; i < ibuf->y; i++) { row_pointers[ibuf->y - 1 - i] = (png_bytep) ((unsigned char *)pixels + (i * ibuf->x) * bytesperpixel * sizeof(unsigned char)); } png_read_image(png_ptr, row_pointers); /* copy image data */ to = (unsigned char *) ibuf->rect; from = pixels; switch (bytesperpixel) { case 4: for (i = ibuf->x * ibuf->y; i > 0; i--) { to[0] = from[0]; to[1] = from[1]; to[2] = from[2]; to[3] = from[3]; to += 4; from += 4; } break; case 3: for (i = ibuf->x * ibuf->y; i > 0; i--) { to[0] = from[0]; to[1] = from[1]; to[2] = from[2]; to[3] = 0xff; to += 4; from += 3; } break; case 2: for (i = ibuf->x * ibuf->y; i > 0; i--) { to[0] = to[1] = to[2] = from[0]; to[3] = from[1]; to += 4; from += 2; } break; case 1: for (i = ibuf->x * ibuf->y; i > 0; i--) { to[0] = to[1] = to[2] = from[0]; to[3] = 0xff; to += 4; from++; } break; } } if (flags & IB_metadata) { png_text *text_chunks; int count = png_get_text(png_ptr, info_ptr, &text_chunks, NULL); for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { IMB_metadata_add_field(ibuf, text_chunks[i].key, text_chunks[i].text); ibuf->flags |= IB_metadata; } } png_read_end(png_ptr, info_ptr); } /* clean up */ if (pixels) MEM_freeN(pixels); if (pixels16) MEM_freeN(pixels16); if (row_pointers) MEM_freeN(row_pointers); png_destroy_read_struct(&png_ptr, &info_ptr, (png_infopp)NULL); return(ibuf); }
static void node_composit_exec_viewer(void *data, bNode *node, bNodeStack **in, bNodeStack **UNUSED(out)) { /* image assigned to output */ /* stack order input sockets: col, alpha, z */ if (node->id && (node->flag & NODE_DO_OUTPUT)) { /* only one works on out */ RenderData *rd= data; Image *ima= (Image *)node->id; ImBuf *ibuf; CompBuf *cbuf, *tbuf; int rectx, recty; void *lock; BKE_image_user_frame_calc(node->storage, rd->cfra, 0); /* always returns for viewer image, but we check nevertheless */ ibuf= BKE_image_acquire_ibuf(ima, node->storage, &lock); if (ibuf==NULL) { printf("node_composit_exec_viewer error\n"); BKE_image_release_ibuf(ima, lock); return; } /* free all in ibuf */ imb_freerectImBuf(ibuf); imb_freerectfloatImBuf(ibuf); IMB_freezbuffloatImBuf(ibuf); /* get size */ tbuf= in[0]->data?in[0]->data:(in[1]->data?in[1]->data:in[2]->data); if (tbuf==NULL) { rectx= 320; recty= 256; } else { rectx= tbuf->x; recty= tbuf->y; } /* make ibuf, and connect to ima */ ibuf->x= rectx; ibuf->y= recty; imb_addrectfloatImBuf(ibuf); ima->ok= IMA_OK_LOADED; /* now we combine the input with ibuf */ cbuf= alloc_compbuf(rectx, recty, CB_RGBA, 0); /* no alloc*/ cbuf->rect= ibuf->rect_float; /* when no alpha, we can simply copy */ if (in[1]->data==NULL) { composit1_pixel_processor(node, cbuf, in[0]->data, in[0]->vec, do_copy_rgba, CB_RGBA); } else composit2_pixel_processor(node, cbuf, in[0]->data, in[0]->vec, in[1]->data, in[1]->vec, do_copy_a_rgba, CB_RGBA, CB_VAL); /* zbuf option */ if (in[2]->data) { CompBuf *zbuf= alloc_compbuf(rectx, recty, CB_VAL, 1); ibuf->zbuf_float= zbuf->rect; ibuf->mall |= IB_zbuffloat; composit1_pixel_processor(node, zbuf, in[2]->data, in[2]->vec, do_copy_value, CB_VAL); /* free compbuf, but not the rect */ zbuf->malloc= 0; free_compbuf(zbuf); } BKE_image_release_ibuf(ima, lock); generate_preview(data, node, cbuf); free_compbuf(cbuf); } else if (in[0]->data) { generate_preview(data, node, in[0]->data); } }
/* no profile conversion */ void IMB_float_from_rect_simple(struct ImBuf *ibuf) { if(ibuf->rect_float==NULL) imb_addrectfloatImBuf(ibuf); imb_float_from_rect_nonlinear(ibuf, ibuf->rect_float); }