void icec_showchannel(ice_channel *c, const char *from, const char *txt, int emote) { DESCRIPTOR_DATA *d, *dnext; CHAR_DATA *ch; char buf[MAX_STRING_LENGTH]; if (!c->local) return; sprintf(buf, emote ? c->local->format2 : c->local->format1, from, color_itom(txt)); strcat(buf, "\n\r"); for (d=descriptor_list; d; d=dnext) { dnext=d->next; ch=d->original ? d->original : d->character; if (!ch || IS_NPC(ch) || get_trust(ch) < c->local->level || !ice_audible(c, imc_makename(ch->name, imc_name)) || !imc_hasname(ch->pcdata->ice_listen, c->local->name)) continue; send_to_char(buf, ch); } }
/* check for icec channels, return TRUE to stop command processing, FALSE otherwise */ bool icec_command_hook(CHAR_DATA *ch, const char *command, const char *argument) { ice_channel *c; char arg[MAX_STRING_LENGTH]; const char *word2; int emote=0; if (IS_NPC(ch)) return FALSE; #ifdef CIRCLE skip_spaces(&argument); #endif c=icec_findlchannel(command); if (!c || !c->local) return FALSE; if (c->local->level > get_trust(ch)) return FALSE; if (!imc_hasname(ch->pcdata->ice_listen, c->local->name)) return FALSE; if (!ice_audible(c, imc_makename(ch->name, imc_name))) { send_to_char("You cannot use that channel.\n\r", ch); return TRUE; } word2=imc_getarg(argument, arg, MAX_STRING_LENGTH); if (!arg[0]) { send_to_char("Use ichan to toggle the channel - or provide some text.\n\r", ch); return TRUE; } if (!str_cmp(arg, ",") || !str_cmp(arg, "emote")) { emote=1; argument=word2; } icec_sendmessage(c, ch->name, color_mtoi(argument), emote); return TRUE; }
void icec_sendmessage(ice_channel *c, const char *name, const char *text, int emote) { imc_packet out; strcpy(out.from, name); imc_initdata(&out.data); imc_addkey(&out.data, "channel", c->name); imc_addkey(&out.data, "text", text); imc_addkeyi(&out.data, "emote", emote); /* send a message out on a channel */ if(c->policy == ICE_PRIVATE) { /* send to the daemon to distribute */ /* send locally */ icec_showchannel(c, imc_makename(name, imc_name), text, emote); sprintf(out.to, "ICE@%s", ice_mudof(c->name)); strcpy(out.type, "ice-msg-p"); } else { /* broadcast */ strcpy(out.type, "ice-msg-b"); strcpy(out.to, "*@*"); } imc_send(&out); imc_freedata(&out.data); }