Exemple #1
make_param(register struct Paramblock *p, expptr e)
    register expptr q;
    struct Constblock qc;

    p->vclass = CLPARAM;
    if (e->headblock.vtype != TYCHAR)
        e = putx(fixtype(e));
    p->paramval = q = mkconv(p->vtype, e);
    if (p->vtype == TYCHAR) {
        if (q->tag == TEXPR)
            p->paramval = q = fixexpr((Exprp)q);
        if (q->tag == TADDR && q->addrblock.uname_tag == UNAM_CONST) {
            qc.Const = q->addrblock.user.Const;
            qc.tag = TCONST;
            qc.vtype = q->addrblock.vtype;
            qc.vleng = q->addrblock.vleng;
            q = (expptr)&qc;
        if (!ISCONST(q) || q->constblock.vtype != TYCHAR) {
            errstr("invalid value for character parameter %s",
        if (!(e = p->vleng))
            p->vleng = ICON(q->constblock.vleng->constblock.Const.ci
                            + q->constblock.Const.ccp1.blanks);
        else if (q->constblock.vleng->constblock.Const.ci
                 > e->constblock.Const.ci) {
                = e->constblock.Const.ci;
            q->constblock.Const.ccp1.blanks = 0;
                = e->constblock.Const.ci
                  - q->constblock.vleng->constblock.Const.ci;
doentry(struct Entrypoint *ep)
	register int type;
	register Namep np;
	chainp p, p1;
	register Namep q;
	Addrp rs;
	int it, k;
	extern char dflttype[26];
	Extsym *entryname = ep->entryname;

	if (++nentry > 1)
		p1_label((long)(extsymtab - entryname - 1));

/* The main program isn't allowed to have parameters, so any given
   parameters are ignored */

	if(procclass == CLMAIN && !ep->arglist || procclass == CLBLOCK)

	/* Entry points in MAIN are an error, but we process them here */
	/* to prevent faults elsewhere. */

/* So now we're working with something other than CLMAIN or CLBLOCK.
   Determine the type of its return value. */

	impldcl( np = mkname(entryname->fextname) );
	type = np->vtype;
	proc_argchanges = prev_proc && type != entryname->extype;
	entryname->extseen = 1;
	if(proctype == TYUNKNOWN)
		if( (proctype = type) == TYCHAR)
			procleng = np->vleng ? np->vleng->constblock.Const.ci
					     : (ftnint) (-1);

	if(proctype == TYCHAR)
		if(type != TYCHAR)
			err("noncharacter entry of character function");

/* Functions returning type   char   can only have multiple entries if all
   entries return the same length */

		else if( (np->vleng ? np->vleng->constblock.Const.ci :
		    (ftnint) (-1)) != procleng)
			err("mismatched character entry lengths");
	else if(type == TYCHAR)
		err("character entry of noncharacter function");
	else if(type != proctype)
		multitype = YES;
	if(rtvlabel[type] == 0)
		rtvlabel[type] = (int)newlabel();
	ep->typelabel = rtvlabel[type];

	if(type == TYCHAR)
		if(chslot < 0)
			chslot = nextarg(TYADDR);
			chlgslot = nextarg(TYLENG);
		np->vstg = STGARG;

/* Put a new argument in the function, one which will hold the result of
   a character function.  This will have to be named sometime, probably in
   mkarg(). */

		if(procleng < 0) {
			np->vleng = (expptr) mkarg(TYLENG, chlgslot);
			np->vleng->addrblock.uname_tag = UNAM_IDENT;
			strcpy (np -> vleng -> addrblock.user.ident,
		if (!xretslot[TYCHAR]) {
			xretslot[TYCHAR] = rs =
				autovar(0, type, ISCONST(np->vleng)
					? np->vleng : ICON(0), "");
			strcpy(rs->user.ident, "ret_val");

/* Handle a   complex   return type -- declare a new parameter (pointer to
   a complex value) */

	else if( ISCOMPLEX(type) ) {
		if (!xretslot[type])
			xretslot[type] =
				autovar(0, type, EXNULL, " ret_val");
				/* the blank is for use in out_addr */
		np->vstg = STGARG;
		if(cxslot < 0)
			cxslot = nextarg(TYADDR);
	else if (type != TYSUBR) {
		if (type == TYUNKNOWN) {
			dclerr("untyped function", np);
			proctype = type = np->vtype =
		if (!xretslot[type])
			xretslot[type] = retslot =
				autovar(1, type, EXNULL, " ret_val");
				/* the blank is for use in out_addr */
		np->vstg = STGAUTO;

	for(p = ep->arglist ; p ; p = p->nextp)
		if(! (( q = (Namep) (p->datap) )->vknownarg) ) {
			q->vknownarg = 1;
			q->vardesc.varno = nextarg(TYADDR);
			allargs = mkchain((char *)q, allargs);
			q->argno = nallargs++;
		else if (nentry == 1)
		else for(p1 = ep->arglist ; p1 != p; p1 = p1->nextp)
			if ((Namep)p1->datap == q)

	k = 0;
	for(p = ep->arglist ; p ; p = p->nextp) {
		if(! (( q = (Namep) (p->datap) )->vdcldone) )
			q->vdcldone = YES;
			if(q->vtype == TYCHAR)

/* If we don't know the length of a char*(*) (i.e. a string), we must add
   in this additional length argument. */

				if (q->vclass == CLPROC)
				else if (q->vleng == NULL) {
					/* character*(*) */
					q->vleng = (expptr)
					    mkarg(TYLENG, nextarg(TYLENG) );
		if (q->vdimfinish)
		if (q->vtype == TYCHAR && q->vclass != CLPROC)

	if (entryname->extype != type)

	/* save information for checking consistency of arg lists */

	it = infertypes;
	if (entryname->exproto)
		infertypes = 1;
	save_argtypes(ep->arglist, &entryname->arginfo, &np->arginfo,
			0, np->fvarname, STGEXT, k, np->vtype, 2);
	infertypes = it;