Exemple #1
int main()
  double x[1000] ;
  // double y[8000] ;
  // if storage is sufficient, source and destination
  // can be same array
  int i ;

  outS("enter a word : ") ;

  inS(x) ;

  outS(x) ;  
  outS("_hello\n") ;

  //  unpack(y, x) ;
  unpack(x, x) ;

  i = 0 ;
  //  while (y[i] != 0) { y[i] += 2.0 ; i++ ; }
  while (x[i] != 0) { x[i] += 2.0 ; i++ ; }

  //  pack(x, y) ;
  pack(x, x) ;

  outS(x) ;  
  outS("_goodbye\n") ;
void Map::load(QString dir)
    QDir qDir(dir);

    if(dir[dir.size() - 1] != '\\')
        dir += '\\';

    leftPopulation -> loadPopulation(dir + "LeftPopulation\\");
    rightPopulation -> loadPopulation(dir + "RightPopulation\\");

    QFile *fileX = new QFile(dir + "mapX.save");
    QFile *fileY = new QFile(dir + "mapY.save");
    QFile *fileS = new QFile(dir + "mapS.save");
    if (! fileX -> open(QIODevice::ReadOnly | QIODevice::Text) ||
            ! fileY -> open(QIODevice::ReadOnly | QIODevice::Text) ||
            ! fileS -> open(QIODevice::ReadOnly | QIODevice::Text) )
        // Error while trying to read file
        // Everything is OK
        QTextStream inX(fileX);
        QTextStream inY(fileY);
        QTextStream inS(fileS);

        inS >> minDeltaX;
        inS >> maxDeltaX;
        inS >> minDeltaY;
        inS >> maxDeltaY;
        inS >> lengthStartEnd;
        inS >> lengthTotal;

        int tmp_size;
        inX >> tmp_size;
        inY >> tmp_size;
        for(int i = 0; i < points.size(); ++i)
            inX >> points[i].x;
            inY >> points[i].y;

    fileX -> close();
    fileY -> close();
    fileS -> close();
