Exemple #1
int main() {
  unsigned char rgb_buf[WIDTH*HEIGHT*3];
  float hsv_buf[WIDTH*HEIGHT*3];
  char *filename_in;
  char *filename_out;
  float f1, f2, f3, f4;
  FILE *fp;
  int i;
  filename_in = "testdata/pixbuff_7.ppm";
  filename_out = "testdata/pixbuff_7_hsv.txt";
  read_ppm(rgb_buf, filename_in);
  rgb2hsv(rgb_buf, hsv_buf);
  // verify sample hsv values
  f1 = hsv_buf[ind3(0, 0, 0)];
  f2 = hsv_buf[ind3(0, 0, 1)];
  f3 = hsv_buf[ind3(0, 0, 2)];
  f4 = hsv_buf[ind3(1, 1, 0)];

  printf("should be 53, 23, 40, 53\n");
  printf("%f %f %f %f\n", f1*360, f2*100, f3*100, f4*360);
  printf("Writing buffer for verification...\n");
  fp = fopen(filename_out, "w");
  for (i=0; i<WIDTH*HEIGHT*3; i++) {
    fprintf(fp, "%f\n", hsv_buf[i]);
  return 0;
Exemple #2
void orange_thresh(float* fbuf, unsigned char* mask) {
  /* Find orange ball mask from HSV float image buffer. */
  /* Thresholds from 'ppm_read_orange.m' */
  float hue, sat, val;
  int i,x,y;
  for (x=0; x<WIDTH; x++) {
    for (y=0; y<HEIGHT; y++) {
      hue = fbuf[ind3(x,y,0)];
      sat = fbuf[ind3(x,y,1)];
      val = fbuf[ind3(x,y,2)];
      i = ind1(x, y);
      mask[i] = 0;
      // highlights values
      if (val >= .99 && (hue < 30.0/360.0 || hue > 355.0/360.0) && sat > .1) {
	mask[i] = 1;
      // mid values
      if (val >= .2 && (hue > 5.0/360.0 && hue < 15.0/360.0) && sat > .55) {
	mask[i] = 1;
      if ((hue < 25.0/360.0 || hue > 358.0/360.0) && sat > .6) {
	mask[i] = 1;
      // shadows
      if (val < .6 && val > .3 && (hue < 20.0/360.0 || hue > 355.0/360.0) && sat > .65) {
	mask[i] = 1;
Exemple #3
void psi_interp_triquadratic(psi_rvec* in, psi_rvec* out) {
    psi_int i, j, k, ax;
    for(ax = 0; ax < PSI_NDIM; ++ax) {
#if PSI_NDIM == 3
        for(i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
            for(j = 0; j < 3; ++j)
                for(k = 0; k < 3; ++k)
                    out[ind5(2*i, 2*j, 2*k)].xyz[ax] = in[ind3(i, j, k)].xyz[ax];
        for(j = 0; j < 5; j += 2)
            for(k = 0; k < 5; k += 2) {
                out[ind5(1, j, k)].xyz[ax] = 0.125*(3.0*out[ind5(0, j, k)].xyz[ax]
                                                    + 6.0*out[ind5(2, j, k)].xyz[ax] - out[ind5(4, j, k)].xyz[ax]);
                out[ind5(3, j, k)].xyz[ax] = 0.125*(3.0*out[ind5(4, j, k)].xyz[ax]
                                                    + 6.0*out[ind5(2, j, k)].xyz[ax] - out[ind5(0, j, k)].xyz[ax]);
        for(i = 0; i < 5; i += 1)
            for(k = 0; k < 5; k += 2) {
                out[ind5(i, 1, k)].xyz[ax] = 0.125*(3.0*out[ind5(i, 0, k)].xyz[ax]
                                                    + 6.0*out[ind5(i, 2, k)].xyz[ax] - out[ind5(i, 4, k)].xyz[ax]);
                out[ind5(i, 3, k)].xyz[ax] = 0.125*(3.0*out[ind5(i, 4, k)].xyz[ax]
                                                    + 6.0*out[ind5(i, 2, k)].xyz[ax] - out[ind5(i, 0, k)].xyz[ax]);
        for(i = 0; i < 5; i += 1)
            for(j = 0; j < 5; j += 1) {
                out[ind5(i, j, 1)].xyz[ax] = 0.125*(3.0*out[ind5(i, j, 0)].xyz[ax]
                                                    + 6.0*out[ind5(i, j, 2)].xyz[ax] - out[ind5(i, j, 4)].xyz[ax]);
                out[ind5(i, j, 3)].xyz[ax] = 0.125*(3.0*out[ind5(i, j, 4)].xyz[ax]
                                                    + 6.0*out[ind5(i, j, 2)].xyz[ax] - out[ind5(i, j, 0)].xyz[ax]);
#elif PSI_NDIM == 2
        for(i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
            for(j = 0; j < 3; ++j)
                out[ind5(2*i, 2*j)].xyz[ax] = in[ind3(i, j)].xyz[ax];
        for(j = 0; j < 5; j += 2) {
            out[ind5(1, j)].xyz[ax] = 0.125*(3.0*out[ind5(0, j)].xyz[ax]
                                             + 6.0*out[ind5(2, j)].xyz[ax] - out[ind5(4, j)].xyz[ax]);
            out[ind5(3, j)].xyz[ax] = 0.125*(3.0*out[ind5(4, j)].xyz[ax]
                                             + 6.0*out[ind5(2, j)].xyz[ax] - out[ind5(0, j)].xyz[ax]);
        for(i = 0; i < 5; i += 1) {
            out[ind5(i, 1)].xyz[ax] = 0.125*(3.0*out[ind5(i, 0)].xyz[ax]
                                             + 6.0*out[ind5(i, 2)].xyz[ax] - out[ind5(i, 4)].xyz[ax]);
            out[ind5(i, 3)].xyz[ax] = 0.125*(3.0*out[ind5(i, 4)].xyz[ax]
                                             + 6.0*out[ind5(i, 2)].xyz[ax] - out[ind5(i, 0)].xyz[ax]);
Exemple #4
void psi_interp_trilinear(psi_rvec* in, psi_rvec* out) {
    psi_int i, j, k, ax;
    for(ax = 0; ax < PSI_NDIM; ++ax) {
#if PSI_NDIM == 3
        for(i = 0; i < 2; ++i)
            for(j = 0; j < 2; ++j)
                for(k = 0; k < 2; ++k)
                    out[ind3(2*i, 2*j, 2*k)].xyz[ax] = in[ind2(i, j, k)].xyz[ax];
        for(j = 0; j < 3; j += 2)
            for(k = 0; k < 3; k += 2)
                out[ind3(1, j, k)].xyz[ax] = 0.5*(out[ind3(0, j, k)].xyz[ax] + out[ind3(2, j, k)].xyz[ax]);
        for(i = 0; i < 3; i += 1)
            for(k = 0; k < 3; k += 2)
                out[ind3(i, 1, k)].xyz[ax] = 0.5*(out[ind3(i, 0, k)].xyz[ax] + out[ind3(i, 2, k)].xyz[ax]);
        for(i = 0; i < 3; i += 1)
            for(j = 0; j < 3; j += 1)
                out[ind3(i, j, 1)].xyz[ax] = 0.5*(out[ind3(i, j, 0)].xyz[ax] + out[ind3(i, j, 2)].xyz[ax]);
#elif PSI_NDIM == 2
        for(i = 0; i < 2; ++i)
            for(j = 0; j < 2; ++j)
                out[ind3(2*i, 2*j)].xyz[ax] = in[ind2(i, j)].xyz[ax];
        for(j = 0; j < 3; j += 2)
            out[ind3(1, j)].xyz[ax] = 0.5*(out[ind3(0, j)].xyz[ax] + out[ind3(2, j)].xyz[ax]);
        for(i = 0; i < 3; i += 1)
            out[ind3(i, 1)].xyz[ax] = 0.5*(out[ind3(i, 0)].xyz[ax] + out[ind3(i, 2)].xyz[ax]);
Exemple #5
void psi_refine_trilinear(psi_rvec* pos, psi_rvec* vel, psi_real mass, psi_tet_buffer* tetbuf, psi_int lvl) {

    // TODO: these are different for the 48-tet connectivity!
#if PSI_NDIM == 3
    // all unique tet edges across the 3-cube. Order is first, midpoint, second.
    const static psi_int edges3TL[7][3] =  { { 2 , 4 , 6 }, { 2 , 10 , 18 },
        { 6 , 12 , 18 }, { 8 , 13 , 18 }, { 8 , 14 , 20 },
        { 8 , 16 , 24 }, { 20 , 22 , 24 }
    const static psi_int nedges3TL = 7;
#elif PSI_NDIM == 2
    const static psi_int edges3TL[5][3] =  {{0,1,2}, {0,3,6}, {2,4,6}, {2,5,8}, {6,7,8}};
    const static psi_int nedges3TL = 5;

    psi_int e, i, j, k, ii, jj, kk;
    psi_rvec tmppos[27];
    psi_rvec tmpvel[27];
    psi_rvec childpos[8];
    psi_rvec childvel[8];
    psi_real midpt_tet, midpt_lin, err2;

    // check to see if all of the tet edges are within tolerance
    if(lvl < tetbuf->max_lvl) for(e = 0; e < nedges3TL; ++e) {
            err2 = 0.0;
            for(i = 0; i < PSI_NDIM; ++i) {
                midpt_tet = 0.5*(pos[edges3TL[e][0]].xyz[i] + pos[edges3TL[e][2]].xyz[i]);
                midpt_lin = pos[edges3TL[e][1]].xyz[i];
                err2 += (midpt_tet - midpt_lin)*(midpt_tet - midpt_lin);

            // if this edge gives too large an error in position, stop and recurse
            if(err2 > tetbuf->ptol2) {

#if PSI_NDIM == 3
                for(i = 0; i < 2; ++i)
                    for(j = 0; j < 2; ++j)
                        for(k = 0; k < 2; ++k) {
                            for(ii = 0; ii < 2; ++ii)
                                for(jj = 0; jj < 2; ++jj)
                                    for(kk = 0; kk < 2; ++kk) {
                                        childpos[ind2(ii,jj,kk)] = pos[ind3(ii+i,jj+j,kk+k)];
                                        childvel[ind2(ii,jj,kk)] = vel[ind3(ii+i,jj+j,kk+k)];
                            psi_interp_trilinear(childpos, tmppos);
                            psi_interp_trilinear(childvel, tmpvel);
                            psi_refine_trilinear(tmppos, tmpvel, 0.125*mass, tetbuf, lvl+1);
#elif PSI_NDIM == 2
                for(i = 0; i < 2; ++i)
                    for(j = 0; j < 2; ++j) {
                        for(ii = 0; ii < 2; ++ii)
                            for(jj = 0; jj < 2; ++jj) {
                                childpos[ind2(ii,jj)] = pos[ind3(ii+i,jj+j)];
                                childvel[ind2(ii,jj)] = vel[ind3(ii+i,jj+j)];
                        psi_interp_trilinear(childpos, tmppos);
                        psi_interp_trilinear(childvel, tmpvel);
                        psi_refine_trilinear(tmppos, tmpvel, 0.25*mass, tetbuf, lvl+1);

    // if we have passed the tolerance test, refine to the buffer
    psi_tets_from_3cube(pos, vel, mass, tetbuf);
Exemple #6
void psi_refine_triquadratic(psi_rvec* pos, psi_rvec* vel, psi_real mass, psi_tet_buffer* tetbuf, psi_int lvl) {

    // TODO: these are different for the 48-tet connectivity!
#if PSI_NDIM == 3
    // all unique tet edges across the 3x3 unit cube. Order is first, midpoint, second.
    const static int edges3TQ[19][3] =  { { 0 , 1 , 2 }, { 0 , 3 , 6 }, { 0 , 9 , 18 }, { 2 , 4 , 6 },
        { 2 , 5 , 8 }, { 2 , 10 , 18 }, { 2 , 11 , 20 }, { 6 , 7 , 8 },
        { 6 , 12 , 18 }, { 6 , 15 , 24 }, { 8 , 13 , 18 }, { 8 , 14 , 20 },
        { 8 , 16 , 24 }, { 8 , 17 , 26 }, { 18 , 19 , 20 }, { 18 , 21 , 24 },
        { 20 , 22 , 24 }, { 20 , 23 , 26 }, { 24 , 25 , 26 }
    const static int nedges3TQ = 19;
#elif PSI_NDIM == 2
    const static psi_int edges3TQ[5][3] =  {{0,1,2}, {0,3,6}, {2,4,6}, {2,5,8}, {6,7,8}};
    const static psi_int nedges3TQ = 5;

    psi_rvec interppos[125];
    psi_rvec interpvel[125];
    psi_rvec childpos[27];
    psi_rvec childvel[27];
    psi_int e, i, j, k, ii, jj, kk;
    psi_real midpt_tet, midpt_quad, err2;

    // check to see if all of the tet edges are within tolerance
    if(lvl < tetbuf->max_lvl) for(e = 0; e < nedges3TQ; ++e) {
            err2 = 0.0;
            for(i = 0; i < PSI_NDIM; ++i) {
                midpt_tet = 0.5*(pos[edges3TQ[e][0]].xyz[i] + pos[edges3TQ[e][2]].xyz[i]);
                midpt_quad = pos[edges3TQ[e][1]].xyz[i];
                err2 += (midpt_tet - midpt_quad)*(midpt_tet - midpt_quad);

            // if this edge gives too large an error in position, stop and recurse
            if(err2 > tetbuf->ptol2) {

                // triquadratic interpolation
                psi_interp_triquadratic(pos, interppos);
                psi_interp_triquadratic(vel, interpvel); // TODO: option to use velocity

#if PSI_NDIM == 3
                // extract sub-cubes from interp
                for(i = 0; i < 2; ++i)
                    for(j = 0; j < 2; ++j)
                        for(k = 0; k < 2; ++k) {
                            for(ii = 0; ii < 3; ++ii)
                                for(jj = 0; jj < 3; ++jj)
                                    for(kk = 0; kk < 3; ++kk) {// TODO: option to use velocity
                                        childpos[ind3(ii,jj,kk)] = interppos[ind5(ii+2*i,jj+2*j,kk+2*k)];
                                        childvel[ind3(ii,jj,kk)] = interpvel[ind5(ii+2*i,jj+2*j,kk+2*k)];
                            psi_refine_triquadratic(childpos, childvel, 0.125*mass, tetbuf, lvl+1);
#elif PSI_NDIM == 2
                for(i = 0; i < 2; ++i)
                    for(j = 0; j < 2; ++j) {
                        for(ii = 0; ii < 3; ++ii)
                            for(jj = 0; jj < 3; ++jj) {
                                childpos[ind3(ii,jj)] = interppos[ind5(ii+2*i,jj+2*j)];
                                childvel[ind3(ii,jj)] = interpvel[ind5(ii+2*i,jj+2*j)];
                        psi_refine_triquadratic(childpos, childvel, 0.25*mass, tetbuf, lvl+1);

    // if we have passed the tolerance test, refine the ucube to the buffer
    psi_tets_from_3cube(pos, vel, mass, tetbuf);
int main(int argc, char * argv[])
    ProblemDefinitionsSPtr dummy_defs(new ProblemDefinitions(2,2,0,0));
    PopulationSPtr myPop(new Population);
    IndividualSPtr ind1(new Individual(dummy_defs));
    std::vector<double> dvs1 {1.0, 0.0};
    ind1->setObjectives(std::vector<double>{1.0, 0.0});
    IndividualSPtr ind2(new Individual(dummy_defs));
    ind2->setRealDVs(std::vector<double>{0.7, 0.15});
    ind2->setObjectives(std::vector<double>{0.49, 0.0225});
    IndividualSPtr ind3(new Individual(dummy_defs));
    ind3->setRealDVs(std::vector<double>{0.5, 0.26});
    ind3->setObjectives(std::vector<double>{0.25, 0.0676});
    IndividualSPtr ind4(new Individual(dummy_defs));
    ind4->setRealDVs(std::vector<double>{0.44, 0.3});
    ind4->setObjectives(std::vector<double>{0.1936, 0.09});
    IndividualSPtr ind5(new Individual(dummy_defs));
    ind5->setRealDVs(std::vector<double>{0.4, 0.37});
    ind5->setObjectives(std::vector<double>{0.16, 0.1369});
    IndividualSPtr ind6(new Individual(dummy_defs));
    ind6->setRealDVs(std::vector<double>{0.2, 0.7});
    ind6->setObjectives(std::vector<double>{0.04, 0.49});

    IndividualSPtr ind7(new Individual(dummy_defs));
    ind7->setRealDVs(std::vector<double>{0.0, 1.0});
    ind7->setObjectives(std::vector<double>{0, 1});

    IndividualSPtr ind1_(new Individual(dummy_defs));
    ind1_->setRealDVs(std::vector<double> {1.0, 0.0});
    ind1_->setObjectives(std::vector<double>{1.2, 0.2});

    IndividualSPtr ind2_(new Individual(dummy_defs));
    ind2_->setRealDVs(std::vector<double>{0.7, 0.15});
    ind2_->setObjectives(std::vector<double>{0.69, 0.2225});

    IndividualSPtr ind3_(new Individual(dummy_defs));
    ind3_->setRealDVs(std::vector<double>{0.5, 0.26});
    ind3_->setObjectives(std::vector<double>{0.45, 0.2676});

    IndividualSPtr ind4_(new Individual(dummy_defs));
    ind4_->setRealDVs(std::vector<double>{0.44, 0.3});
    ind4_->setObjectives(std::vector<double>{0.3936, 0.29});

    IndividualSPtr ind5_(new Individual(dummy_defs));
    ind5_->setRealDVs(std::vector<double>{0.4, 0.37});
    ind5_->setObjectives(std::vector<double>{0.36, 0.3369});

    IndividualSPtr ind6_(new Individual(dummy_defs));
    ind6_->setRealDVs(std::vector<double>{0.2, 0.7});
    ind6_->setObjectives(std::vector<double>{0.24, 0.69});

    IndividualSPtr ind7_(new Individual(dummy_defs));
    ind7_->setRealDVs(std::vector<double>{0.0, 1.0});
    ind7_->setObjectives(std::vector<double>{0.2, 1.2});
    std::vector< std::vector<std::pair<IndividualSPtr, double > > > values1 = DebsCrowdingDistance::calculate(myPop);
    FrontsSPtr values2 = myPop->getFronts();
//    typedef std::pair<IndividualSPtr, double> IndDistPair;
//    FrontsSPtr values2(new Fronts(values1.size()));
//    boost::shared_ptr<std::vector<std::vector<IndividualSPtr> > > values2(new std::vector<std::vector<IndividualSPtr> >(values1.size()));
//    for (int i = 0; i < values2->size(); ++i)
//    {
//        BOOST_FOREACH(IndDistPair ind, values1[i])
//        {
//            (*values2)[i].push_back(ind.first);
//        }
//    }
#ifdef WITH_VTK
    PlotFrontVTK plot;

Exemple #8
Gradient::Gradient(Grid * g){
	//cout << "Trying to create gradient with h = " << g->getH() << endl;
	this->g = g;
	double h = g->getH();
	constantTerm = 0;
	for(int i = g->iMin; i <= g->iMax; i++){
		for(int j = g->jMin; j <= g->jMax; j++){
				//cout << " is uncovered." << endl;
				CellIndex cellIndex(i,j);
				TinyVector<Face*,5> faces = g->cells(i,j)->faces;
					FaceIndex faceIndex = faces(B)->getIndex();
					Coord centroid = faces(B)->getCentroid();
					TinyVector<double,2> n = faces(B)->getNormal();
					double x, y, r;
					x = centroid(0);
					y = centroid(1);
					r = sqrt(pow2(x) + pow2(y));
					TinyVector<double,2> gradU;
					double pi = acos(-1);
					//gradU(0) = 3*pow(x,2)*pow(y-2,2)+sin(2*(x-pow(y,2)));
					//gradU(1) = 2*pow(x,3)*(y-2) - 2*y*sin(2*(x-pow(y,2)));
					gradU(0) = 0;//-2*pi*sin(2*pi*r)*x/r;
					gradU(1) = 0;//-2*pi*sin(2*pi*r)*y/r;
					constantTerm(faceIndex) += gradU(0)*n(0) + gradU(1)*n(1);
					//cout << "\tAdding boundary condition to constant term." << endl;
				if(faces(N) != 0){
					FaceIndex faceIndex = faces(N)->getIndex();
						coefficients[faceIndex][cellIndex] = -1/h;
					else if(faces(N)->isIrregular()){
						if(coefficients[faceIndex].count(cellIndex) == 0){
							double alpha = g->cells(i,j)->getFace(N)->getArea();
								CellIndex ind1(i,j);
								CellIndex ind2(i,j+1);
								CellIndex ind3(i+1,j);
								CellIndex ind4(i+1,j+1);
							else if(g->isFaceUncovered(i-1,j,N)){
								CellIndex ind1(i,j);
								CellIndex ind2(i,j+1);
								CellIndex ind3(i-1,j);
								CellIndex ind4(i-1,j+1);
					//cout << "\tDid north face" << endl;
				if(faces(S) != 0){
					FaceIndex faceIndex = faces(S)->getIndex();
						coefficients[faceIndex][cellIndex] = 1/h;
					else if(faces(S)->isIrregular()){
						if(coefficients[faceIndex].count(cellIndex) == 0){
							double alpha = g->cells(i,j)->getFace(S)->getArea();
								CellIndex ind1(i,j-1);
								CellIndex ind2(i,j);
								CellIndex ind3(i+1,j-1);
								CellIndex ind4(i+1,j);
							else if(g->isFaceUncovered(i-1,j,S)){
								CellIndex ind1(i,j-1);
								CellIndex ind2(i,j);
								CellIndex ind3(i-1,j-1);
								CellIndex ind4(i-1,j);
					//cout << "\tDid south face" << endl;
				if(faces(E) != 0){
					FaceIndex faceIndex = faces(E)->getIndex();
					CellIndex cellIndex(i,j);
						coefficients[faceIndex][cellIndex] = -1/h;
					else if(faces(E)->isIrregular()){
						if(coefficients[faceIndex].count(cellIndex) == 0){
							double alpha = g->cells(i,j)->getFace(E)->getArea();
								CellIndex ind1(i,j);
								CellIndex ind2(i+1,j);
								CellIndex ind3(i,j+1);
								CellIndex ind4(i+1,j+1);
							else if(g->isFaceUncovered(i,j-1,E)){
								CellIndex ind1(i,j);
								CellIndex ind2(i+1,j);
								CellIndex ind3(i,j-1);
								CellIndex ind4(i+1,j-1);
					//cout << "\tDid east face" << endl;
				if(faces(W) != 0){
					FaceIndex faceIndex = faces(W)->getIndex();
					CellIndex cellIndex(i,j);
						coefficients[faceIndex][cellIndex] = 1/h;
					else if(faces(W)->isIrregular()){
						if(coefficients[faceIndex].count(cellIndex) == 0){
							double alpha = g->cells(i,j)->getFace(W)->getArea();
								CellIndex ind1(i+1,j);
								CellIndex ind2(i,j);
								CellIndex ind3(i+1,j+1);
								CellIndex ind4(i,j+1);
							else if(g->isFaceUncovered(i,j-1,W)){
								CellIndex ind1(i+1,j);
								CellIndex ind2(i,j);
								CellIndex ind3(i+1,j-1);
								CellIndex ind4(i,j-1);
					//cout << "\tDid west face" << endl;

	//cout << "Resized" << endl;
	for(int i = g->iMin; i <= g->iMax; i++){
		for(int j = g->jMin; j <= g->jMax; j++){
			cout << "i = " << i << " j = " << j << endl;
				cout << "Uncovered" << endl;
				double c = 1;
				CellIndex index(i,j);
				TinyVector<Face*,5> faces = g->cells(i,j)->faces;
				cout << "Got faces" << endl;
				for(int k = 0; k < 5; k++){
					cout << "Testing face " << k << endl;
					if(faces(k) != 0 && faces(k)->isUncovered()){
						cout << "Face " << k << " is uncovered ";
						cout << "and has index " << faces(k)->getIndex() << endl;
						cout << coefficients(faces(k)->getIndex()).empty() << endl;
						coefficients(faces(k)->getIndex())[index] = c;