// save autoreplace entries to configuration
void Autoreplace_Config::saveSettings()
  // get configuration object
  KSharedConfigPtr config=KGlobal::config();

  // delete all patterns
  config->deleteGroup("Autoreplace List");
  // create new empty autoreplace group

  KConfigGroup grp = config->group("Autoreplace List");

  // create empty list
  QList<QStringList> newList=currentAutoreplaceList();

  // check if there are any patterns in the list view
    // go through all patterns and save them into the configuration
    QString regexString("Regex");
    QString directString("Direction");
    QString patternString("Pattern");
    QString replaceString("Replace");
    for(int index=0;index<newList.count();index++)
        // write the current entry's pattern and replacement (adds a "#" to preserve blanks at the end of the line)
        QString indexString(QString::number(index));
        QStringList definition = newList[index];
        grp.writeEntry(regexString + indexString,definition.at(0)); //regex status
        grp.writeEntry(directString + indexString,definition.at(1)); //direction
        grp.writeEntry(patternString + indexString,QString(definition.at(2)+'#')); //pattern
        grp.writeEntry(replaceString + indexString,QString(definition.at(3)+'#')); //replace

    } // for
  // if there were no entries at all, write a dummy entry to prevent KConfigXT from "optimizing"
  // the group out, which would in turn make konvi restore the default entries
    grp.writeEntry("Empty List",QString());

  // set internal autoreplace list

  // remember autoreplace list for hasChanged()
static void fillMetaInfo(JNIEnv* env, jobject javaBook, Book &book) {
	JString title(env, book.title());
	AndroidUtil::Method_Book_setTitle->call(javaBook, title.j());

	JString language(env, book.language());
	if (language.j() != 0) {
		AndroidUtil::Method_Book_setLanguage->call(javaBook, language.j());

	JString encoding(env, book.encoding());
	if (encoding.j() != 0) {
		AndroidUtil::Method_Book_setEncoding->call(javaBook, encoding.j());

	JString seriesTitle(env, book.seriesTitle());
	if (seriesTitle.j() != 0) {
		JString indexString(env, book.indexInSeries());
		AndroidUtil::Method_Book_setSeriesInfo->call(javaBook, seriesTitle.j(), indexString.j());

	const AuthorList &authors = book.authors();
	for (std::size_t i = 0; i < authors.size(); ++i) {
		const Author &author = *authors[i];
		JString name(env, author.name(), false);
		JString key(env, author.sortKey(), false);
		AndroidUtil::Method_Book_addAuthor->call(javaBook, name.j(), key.j());

	const TagList &tags = book.tags();
	for (std::size_t i = 0; i < tags.size(); ++i) {
		const Tag &tag = *tags[i];
		AndroidUtil::Method_Book_addTag->call(javaBook, tag.javaTag(env));

	fillUids(env, javaBook, book);