static void reshapeCB(GLsizei w, GLsizei h) { aspectRatio = (GLdouble)w / (GLdouble)h; glViewport(0, 0, w, h); initProjection(); glutPostRedisplay(); }
void App::initProjectionFiles(void) { const QString file_gcs = "gcs.csv"; const QString file_pcs = "pcs.csv"; readProjections(file_gcs); readProjections(file_pcs); initProjection(); }
EnumerationConstraint* ModelEnumerator::doInit(SharedContext& ctx, SharedMinimizeData* opt, int numModels) { initProjection(ctx); uint32 st = strategy(); if (detectStrategy() || (ctx.concurrency() > 1 && !ModelEnumerator::supportsParallel())) { st = 0; } bool optOne = opt && opt->mode() == MinimizeMode_t::optimize; bool trivial = optOne || std::abs(numModels) == 1; if (optOne && projectionEnabled()) { for (const WeightLiteral* it = minimizer()->lits; !isSentinel(it->first) && trivial; ++it) { trivial = ctx.varInfo(it->first.var()).project(); } if (!trivial) {, "Projection: Optimization may depend on enumeration order.")); } } if (st == strategy_auto) { st = trivial || (projectionEnabled() && ctx.concurrency() > 1) ? strategy_record : strategy_backtrack; } if (trivial) { st |= trivial_flag; } options_ &= ~uint32(strategy_opts_mask); options_ |= st; const LitVec* dom = (projectOpts() & project_dom_lits) != 0 ? (ctx.heuristic.domRec = &domRec_) : 0; EnumerationConstraint* c = st == strategy_backtrack ? static_cast<ConPtr>(new BacktrackFinder(projectOpts())) : static_cast<ConPtr>(new RecordFinder(dom)); if (projectionEnabled()) { setIgnoreSymmetric(true); } return c; }
EnumerationConstraint* ModelEnumerator::doInit(SharedContext& ctx, MinimizeConstraint* min, int numModels) { delete queue_; queue_ = 0; initProjection(ctx); uint32 st = strategy(); if (detectStrategy() || (ctx.concurrency() > 1 && !ModelEnumerator::supportsParallel())) { st = 0; } bool optOne = minimizer() && minimizer()->mode() == MinimizeMode_t::optimize; bool trivial = optOne || std::abs(numModels) == 1; if (optOne && project_) { const SharedMinimizeData* min = minimizer(); for (const WeightLiteral* it = min->lits; !isSentinel(it->first) && trivial; ++it) { trivial = ctx.varInfo(it->first.var()).project(); } if (!trivial) {, "Projection: Optimization may depend on enumeration order.")); } } if (st == strategy_auto) { st = trivial || (project_ && ctx.concurrency() > 1) ? strategy_record : strategy_backtrack; } if (trivial) { st |= trivial_flag; } if (ctx.concurrency() > 1 && !trivial && st != strategy_backtrack) { queue_ = new SolutionQueue(ctx.concurrency()); queue_->reserve(ctx.concurrency() + 1); } options_ &= ~uint32(strategy_opts_mask); options_ |= st; Solver& s = *ctx.master(); EnumerationConstraint* c = st == strategy_backtrack ? static_cast<ConPtr>(new BacktrackFinder(s, min, project_, projectOpts())) : static_cast<ConPtr>(new RecordFinder(s, min, project_, queue_)); if (projectionEnabled()) { setIgnoreSymmetric(true); } return c; }
static void handleMenu(int value) { switch (value) { default: break; case MENU_SHOW_GLOBE: mapMode = 0; initProjection(); glutPostRedisplay(); glutChangeToMenuEntry(2, "Show Globe *", MENU_SHOW_GLOBE); glutChangeToMenuEntry(3, "Show Map", MENU_SHOW_MAP); break; case MENU_SHOW_MAP: mapMode = 1; initProjection(); glutPostRedisplay(); glutChangeToMenuEntry(2, "Show Globe", MENU_SHOW_GLOBE); glutChangeToMenuEntry(3, "Show Map *", MENU_SHOW_MAP); break; case MENU_ADJUST_GLOBE: adjustMode = 0; glutChangeToMenuEntry(4, "Adjust Globe *", MENU_ADJUST_GLOBE); glutChangeToMenuEntry(5, "Adjust Day", MENU_ADJUST_DAY); glutChangeToMenuEntry(6, "Adjust Time", MENU_ADJUST_TIME); break; case MENU_ADJUST_DAY: adjustMode = 1; glutChangeToMenuEntry(4, "Adjust Globe", MENU_ADJUST_GLOBE); glutChangeToMenuEntry(5, "Adjust Day *", MENU_ADJUST_DAY); glutChangeToMenuEntry(6, "Adjust Time", MENU_ADJUST_TIME); break; case MENU_ADJUST_TIME: adjustMode = 2; glutChangeToMenuEntry(4, "Adjust Globe", MENU_ADJUST_GLOBE); glutChangeToMenuEntry(5, "Adjust Day", MENU_ADJUST_DAY); glutChangeToMenuEntry(6, "Adjust Time *", MENU_ADJUST_TIME); break; case MENU_QUIT: exit(0); } }
Camera::Camera(): Node(), m_fov(45.0f), m_near(0.01f), m_far(100.0f) { initProjection(); }
Camera::Camera(Node *inParent, const ID &inID,const float &inFOV, const float &inNear, const float &inFar) : Node(inParent, inID), m_fov(45.0f), m_near(0.01f), m_far(100.0f){ initProjection(); }
/** * resize retina color filter object (resize all allocated buffers) * @param NBrows: the new height size * @param NBcolumns: the new width size */ void ImageLogPolProjection::resize(const unsigned int NBrows, const unsigned int NBcolumns) { BasicRetinaFilter::resize(NBrows, NBcolumns); initProjection(_reductionFactor, _samplingStrenght); // reset buffers method clearAllBuffers(); }
ElectricSheepEngine::ElectricSheepEngine(float width, float height) { reshape(width, height); const char *vertexShaderPath = pathForFile("vertex", "glsl"); const char *fragmentShaderPath = pathForFile("fragment", "glsl"); initShaders(vertexShaderPath, fragmentShaderPath); initCamera(); initProjection(); }
bool ossimLasReader::initFromExternalMetadata() { static const char M[] = "ossimLasReader::initFromExternalMetadata"; if (traceDebug()) ossimNotify(ossimNotifyLevel_DEBUG) << M << " entered...\n"; bool result = false; ossimFilename fgdcFile = theImageFile; fgdcFile.setExtension("txt"); if ( fgdcFile.exists() == false ) { fgdcFile.setExtension("TXT"); } if ( fgdcFile.exists() ) { ossimRefPtr<ossimFgdcTxtDoc> fgdcDoc = new ossimFgdcTxtDoc(); if ( fgdcDoc->open( fgdcFile ) ) { fgdcDoc->getProjection( m_proj ); if ( m_proj.valid() ) { // Units must be set before initValues and initProjection. std::string units; fgdcDoc->getAltitudeDistanceUnits(units); if ( ( units == "feet" ) || ( units == "international feet" ) ) { m_units = OSSIM_FEET; } else if ( units == "survey feet" ) { m_units = OSSIM_US_SURVEY_FEET; } else { m_units = OSSIM_METERS; } // Must be called before initProjection. initValues(); result = initProjection(); // Sets the ties and scale... if (traceDebug()) { m_proj->print(ossimNotify(ossimNotifyLevel_DEBUG)); } } } } if (traceDebug()) { ossimNotify(ossimNotifyLevel_DEBUG) << M << " exit status = " << (result?"true\n":"false\n"); } return result; }
int main(int argc, char** argv) { /* * initialize GLUT and open a window */ glutInit(&argc, argv); glutInitWindowSize(512, 512); glutInitDisplayMode(GLUT_RGB | GLUT_DOUBLE); glutCreateWindow("Sunlight"); glutDisplayFunc(redrawCB); glutReshapeFunc(reshapeCB); glutMouseFunc(mouseCB); glutMotionFunc(motionCB); glutKeyboardFunc(keyCB); /* * make the menu */ glutCreateMenu(handleMenu); glutAddMenuEntry("SUNLIGHT", 0); glutAddMenuEntry("Show Globe *", MENU_SHOW_GLOBE); glutAddMenuEntry("Show Map", MENU_SHOW_MAP); glutAddMenuEntry("Adjust Globe *", MENU_ADJUST_GLOBE); glutAddMenuEntry("Adjust Day", MENU_ADJUST_DAY); glutAddMenuEntry("Adjust Time", MENU_ADJUST_TIME); glutAddMenuEntry("Quit", MENU_QUIT); glutAttachMenu(GLUT_RIGHT_BUTTON); /* * initialize GL */ initProjection(); gluLookAt(0.0, 0.0, 3.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0); initSunlight(); glEnable(GL_LIGHTING); glEnable(GL_CULL_FACE); glEnable(GL_TEXTURE_2D); /* * initialize data structures */ initSphere(); initMap(); initTexture("globe.raw"); glutMainLoop(); return 0; /* ANSI C requires main to return int. */ }
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { createinfo(argc, argv); /* enough arguments ? */ if (argc < 4) { fprintf(stderr, "\nusage: %s [OPTIONS] PROJPARA [SYMMETRY:]MBSTATE [SYMMETRY:]MBSTATE\n", argv[0]); exit(-1); } /* manage command-line options */ char* projpar = argv[optind]; char** mbfile = &argv[optind+1]; SlaterDet Q[2]; Symmetry S[2]; int odd; int i; for (i=0; i<2; i++) { extractSymmetryfromString(&mbfile[i], &S[i]); if (readSlaterDetfromFile(&Q[i], mbfile[i])) exit(-1); } // odd numer of nucleons ? odd = Q[0].A % 2; // Projection parameters Projection P; initProjection(&P, odd, projpar); void* radiime = initprojectedMBME(&P, &OpRadiiAll); // read or calculate matrix elements if (readprojectedMBMEfromFile(mbfile[0], mbfile[1], &P, &OpRadiiAll, S[0], S[1], radiime)) { calcprojectedMBME(&P, &OpRadiiAll, &Q[0], &Q[1], S[0], S[1], radiime); writeprojectedMBMEtoFile(mbfile[0], mbfile[1], &P, &OpRadiiAll, S[0], S[1], radiime); } return 0; }
bool ossimLasReader::parseVarRecords() { static const char M[] = "ossimLasReader::parseVarRecords"; if (traceDebug()) ossimNotify(ossimNotifyLevel_DEBUG) << M << " entered...\n"; bool result = false; if ( isOpen() ) { std::streampos origPos = m_str.tellg(); std::streamoff pos = static_cast<std::streamoff>(m_hdr->getHeaderSize()); m_str.clear(); m_str.seekg(pos, std::ios_base::beg); ossim_uint32 vlrCount = m_hdr->getNumberOfVlrs(); ossim_uint16 reserved; char uid[17]; uid[16]='\n'; ossim_uint16 recordId; ossim_uint16 length; char des[33]; des[32] = '\n'; //--- // Things we need to save for printGeoKeys: //--- ossim_uint16* geoKeyBlock = 0; ossim_uint64 geoKeyLength = 0; ossim_float64* geoDoubleBlock = 0; ossim_uint64 geoDoubleLength = 0; ossim_int8* geoAsciiBlock = 0; ossim_uint64 geoAsciiLength = 0; ossimEndian* endian = 0; // LAS LITTLE ENDIAN: if ( ossim::byteOrder() == OSSIM_BIG_ENDIAN ) { endian = new ossimEndian; } for ( ossim_uint32 i = 0; i < vlrCount; ++i ) {*)&reserved, 2);, 16);*)&recordId, 2);*)&length, 2);, 32); // LAS LITTLE ENDIAN: if ( endian ) { endian->swap(recordId); endian->swap(length); } if ( traceDebug() ) { ossimNotify(ossimNotifyLevel_DEBUG) << "uid: " << uid << "\nrecordId: " << recordId << "\nlength: " << length << "\ndes: " << des << std::endl; } if (recordId == 34735) // GeoTiff projection keys. { geoKeyLength = length/2; if ( geoKeyBlock ) { delete [] geoKeyBlock; } geoKeyBlock = new ossim_uint16[geoKeyLength];*)geoKeyBlock, length); if ( endian ) { endian->swap(geoKeyBlock, geoKeyLength); } } else if (recordId == 34736) // GeoTiff double parameters. { geoDoubleLength = length/8; if ( geoDoubleBlock ) { delete [] geoDoubleBlock; } geoDoubleBlock = new ossim_float64[geoDoubleLength];*)geoDoubleBlock, length); if ( endian ) { endian->swap(geoDoubleBlock, geoDoubleLength); } } else if (recordId == 34737) // GeoTiff ascii block. { geoAsciiLength = length; if (geoAsciiBlock) { delete [] geoAsciiBlock; } geoAsciiBlock = new ossim_int8[length];*)geoAsciiBlock, length); } else { m_str.seekg(length, ios_base::cur); } } //--- // Must have at mimimum the geoKeyBlock for a projection. // Note the geoDoubleBlock is needed for some. // Note the geoAsciiBlock is not needed, i.e. only informational. //--- if ( geoKeyBlock ) { //--- // Give the geokeys to ossimTiffInfo to get back a keyword list that can be fed to // ossimProjectionFactoryRegistry::createProjection //--- ossimTiffInfo info; ossimKeywordlist geomKwl; info.getImageGeometry(geoKeyLength, geoKeyBlock, geoDoubleLength,geoDoubleBlock, geoAsciiLength,geoAsciiBlock, geomKwl); // Create the projection. m_proj = ossimProjectionFactoryRegistry::instance()->createProjection(geomKwl); if (m_proj.valid()) { // Units must be set before initValues and initProjection. initUnits(geomKwl); // Must be called before initProjection. initValues(); result = initProjection(); // Sets the ties and scale... if (traceDebug()) { m_proj->print(ossimNotify(ossimNotifyLevel_DEBUG)); } } } if ( geoKeyBlock ) { delete [] geoKeyBlock; geoKeyBlock = 0; } if (geoDoubleBlock) { delete [] geoDoubleBlock; geoDoubleBlock = 0; } if (geoAsciiBlock) { delete [] geoAsciiBlock; geoAsciiBlock = 0; } m_str.seekg(origPos); if ( endian ) { delete endian; endian = 0; } } if (traceDebug()) { ossimNotify(ossimNotifyLevel_DEBUG) << M << " exit status = " << (result?"true\n":"false\n"); } return result; }
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { createinfo(argc, argv); /* enough arguments ? */ if (argc < 3) { fprintf(stderr, "\nusage: %s [OPTIONS] PROJPARA INTERACTION NUCSFILE" "\n -h hermitize matrix elements" "\n -d diagonal matrix elements only\n", argv[0]); exit(-1); } int hermit=0; int diagonal=0; int odd; char c; /* manage command-line options */ while ((c = getopt(argc, argv, "dh")) != -1) switch (c) { case 'd': diagonal=1; break; case 'h': hermit=1; break; } char* projpar = argv[optind]; char* interactionfile = argv[optind+1]; char* nucsfile = argv[optind+2]; char* mbfile[MAXSTATES]; int n; if (readstringsfromfile(nucsfile, &n, mbfile)) return -1; SlaterDet Q[n]; Symmetry S[n]; int i; for (i=0; i<n; i++) { extractSymmetryfromString(&mbfile[i], &S[i]); if (readSlaterDetfromFile(&Q[i], mbfile[i])) exit(-1);; } Interaction Int; if (readInteractionfromFile(&Int, interactionfile)) exit(-1); = 1; // odd numer of nucleons ? odd = Q[0].A % 2; // Projection parameters Projection P; initProjection(&P, odd, projpar); // check that no cm-projection was used if ( != CMNone) { fprintf(stderr, "You have to use cm-none! for Projection\n"); exit(-1); } initOpObservables(&Int); int a,b; // calculate norms of Slater determinants SlaterDetAux X; double norm[n]; initSlaterDetAux(&Q[0], &X); for (i=0; i<n; i++) { calcSlaterDetAuxod(&Q[i], &Q[i], &X); norm[i] = sqrt(creal(X.ovlap)); } /* // calculate cm factor double tcm[n]; for (i=0; i<n; i++) { calcSlaterDetAux(&Q[i], &X); calcTCM(&Q[i], &X, &tcm[i]); } double meantcm = 0.0; for (i=0; i<n; i++) meantcm += tcm[i]/n; double alpha = 0.25/0.75*(meantcm*(mproton*Q[0].Z+mneutron*Q[0].N)); double cmfactor = 0.125*pow(M_PI*alpha,-1.5); */ // initialize space for matrix elements Observablesod** obsme[n*n]; for (b=0; b<n; b++) for (a=0; a<n; a++) obsme[a+b*n] = initprojectedMBME(&P, &OpObservables); // read or calculate matrix elements for (b=0; b<n; b++) for (a=diagonal ? b : 0; a<n; a += diagonal ? n : 1) if (readprojectedMBMEfromFile(mbfile[a], mbfile[b], &P, &OpObservables, S[a], S[b], obsme[a+b*n])) { fprintf(stderr, "Matrix elements between %s and %s missing\n", mbfile[a], mbfile[b]); exit(-1); } if (hermit) hermitizeprojectedMBME(&P, &OpObservables, obsme, n); int pi, j; for (pi=0; pi<=1; pi++) for (j=odd; j<P.jmax; j=j+2) extractmatrices(nucsfile, &P, S, &Int, obsme, norm, 1.0, n, diagonal, j, pi); }
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { createinfo(argc, argv); /* enough arguments ? */ if (argc < 4) { fprintf(stderr, "\nusage: %s PROJPARA MBSTATE MBSTATE\n", argv[0]); exit(-1); } int odd; char* projpar = argv[optind]; char** mbfile = &argv[optind+1]; MultiSlaterDet Q[2]; Indices In[2]; int i; for (i=0; i<2; i++) { extractIndicesfromString(&mbfile, &In[i]); if (readMultiSlaterDetfromFile(&Q[i], &In[i], mbfile[i])) exit(-1); } // odd numer of nucleons ? odd = Q[0].A % 2; // Projection parameters Projection P; initProjection(&P, odd, projpar); void* emome = initprojectedMultiMBME(&P, &OpEMonopole, &Q[0], &Q[1]); void* edipme = initprojectedMultiMBME(&P, &OpEDipole, &Q[0], &Q[1]); void* mdipme = initprojectedMultiMBME(&P, &OpMDipole, &Q[0], &Q[1]); void* equadme = initprojectedMultiMBME(&P, &OpEQuadrupole, &Q[0], &Q[1]); // read or calculate matrix elements if (readprojectedMultiMBMEfromFile(mbfile[0], mbfile[1], &Q[0], &Q[1], &P, &OpEMonopole, emome)) { calcprojectedMultiMBME(&P, &OpEMonopole, &Q[0], &Q[1], emome); writeprojectedMultiMBMEtoFile(mbfile[0], mbfile[1], &Q[0], &Q[1], &P, &OpEMonopole, emome); } if (readprojectedMultiMBMEfromFile(mbfile[0], mbfile[1], &Q[0], &Q[1], &P, &OpEDipole, edipme)) { calcprojectedMultiMBME(&P, &OpEDipole, &Q[0], &Q[1], edipme); writeprojectedMultiMBMEtoFile(mbfile[0], mbfile[1], &Q[0], &Q[1], &P, &OpEDipole, edipme); } if (readprojectedMultiMBMEfromFile(mbfile[0], mbfile[1], &Q[0], &Q[1], &P, &OpMDipole, mdipme)) { calcprojectedMultiMBME(&P, &OpMDipole, &Q[0], &Q[1], mdipme); writeprojectedMultiMBMEtoFile(mbfile[0], mbfile[1], &Q[0], &Q[1], &P, &OpMDipole, mdipme); } if (readprojectedMultiMBMEfromFile(mbfile[0], mbfile[1], &Q[0], &Q[1], &P, &OpEQuadrupole, equadme)) { calcprojectedMultiMBME(&P, &OpEQuadrupole, &Q[0], &Q[1], equadme); writeprojectedMultiMBMEtoFile(mbfile[0], mbfile[1], &Q[0], &Q[1], &P, &OpEQuadrupole, equadme); } }
ProjectionCylindric::ProjectionCylindric(int v1_new) { v1 = 0.0; i_v1 = 0; initProjection(v1_new); }
/** * Loads the parameters specific to this projection from a stream */ void ProjectionCylindric::loadParameters(QDataStream & s) { qint32 i=0; s >> i; initProjection(i); }