Exemple #1
signed char do_restore(nwBackupParms * parms, char * remote_name, char * local_dir, char * logfile) {
  char ctrl_file_name[L_tmpnam];
  FILE * ctrl_file;
  dirStack_t dstack;
  dirStruct_t dummy_curr_dir;
  fileStruct_t dummy_curr_file;
  nwBackupCodes nw_rc = SUCCESS;
  int do_restore_rc = 0;
  int path_eostr;

  char current_file_name[FILENAME_MAX];
  char * path, * path_and_file, * unix_path, \
  * unix_path_and_file, * file_buffer,  * in_buffer;
  uint8_t * ctrl_buffer;

  path = malloc(129 * 4);
  file_buffer = malloc(FILE_BUF_SIZE);
  in_buffer = malloc(OUTBUF_SIZE);
  ctrl_buffer = malloc(BUFSIZ); /* Should be more than enough... handle dynamically
  sizing it later. */
  //dummy_outbuf = calloc(OUTBUF_SIZE, 1); //This doesn't set the first and third byte
  //to zero!
  if(path == NULL || file_buffer == NULL || in_buffer == NULL || ctrl_buffer == NULL) {
    fprintf(stderr, "Could not allocate memory for path or file buffers!\n");
    return -1;

  /* Don't bother freeing till end of program- if error, program will terminate
  soon anyway! */
  path_and_file = path + 129;
  unix_path = path_and_file + 129;
  unix_path_and_file = unix_path + 129;

  if(initDirStack(&dstack)) {
    fprintf(stderr, "Directory Stack Initialization failed!\n");
    return -2;

  if(!strcpy(path, local_dir))
    /* if(strncpy(path, argv[1], DIR_MAX_PATH + 1) >= (DIR_MAX_PATH + 1)) */
    /* Shouldn't fail... but Heartbleed convinces me to
    code defensively. */
    fprintf(stderr, "Specified path name is too long...\n"
            "Actually if we're got this error on DOS, we have more serious\n"
            "trouble than just a bad path!\n");

  path_eostr = strlen(path);
  if(path[path_eostr - 1] == 92) { /* Backslash */
    path[path_eostr - 1] = '\0';
    local_dir[path_eostr - 1] = '\0'; /* We will need local dir again! */
    /* path_eostr now points to the root path's NULL
    terminator. */

  //full_unix_path = malloc(strlen(parms-> strlen(remote_name) + );

  /* If doing an absolute-path restore, the first push should be deferred until
  the control file header is read. */
  if(pushDir(&dstack, &dummy_curr_dir, path)) {
    fprintf(stderr, "Initial directory push failed!\n");
    return -3;

  if(tmpnam(ctrl_file_name) == NULL) {
    fprintf(stderr, "Attempt to allocate tmpnam() for receiving CONTROL failed!\n");
    return -4;

  ctrl_file = fopen(ctrl_file_name, "wb+");
  if(ctrl_file == NULL) {
    fprintf(stderr, "Attempt to open temp file for receiving CONTROL failed!\n");
    return -5;

  nw_rc = initRemote(parms);
  if(nw_rc != SUCCESS) {
    do_restore_rc = -6;

  nw_rc = chDirRemote(remote_name);
  if(!(nw_rc == SUCCESS)) {
    do_restore_rc = -7;

  if(!do_restore_rc) {
    /* Grab the control file from the server */
    fprintf(stderr, "Receiving control file from the server (no retry)...\n");
    setvbuf(ctrl_file, file_buffer, _IOFBF, FILE_BUF_SIZE);

    if(restore_file(ctrl_file, "CONTROL.NFO", in_buffer, OUTBUF_SIZE)) {
      fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't receive control file (%s) to the server. Supply"
              "the control file manually (not implemented) and try again.\n", ctrl_file_name);
      do_restore_rc = -8;
    else { /* Control file was successfully grabbed. We can continue. */
      ctrlEntryType_t entry_type;
      int8_t all_dirs_restored = 0;
      unsigned int attr, time, date;
      long unsigned int size;
      fprintf(stderr, "Control file received successfully from the server.\n");
      /* Assume this doesn't fail for now */
      ctrl_file = fopen(ctrl_file_name, "rb");

      entry_type = getNextEntry(ctrl_file, ctrl_buffer, BUFSIZ);
      while(!all_dirs_restored && do_restore_rc == 0) {
        FILE * curr_file;
        int temp;
        switch(entry_type) {
        case CTRL_HEADER:
          /* For now, absolute-path restores are disabled. Restores
          are relative to the directory in which the program is invoked.
          In effect, this code does nothing! */

          //parseHeaderEntry(ctrl_buffer, path);

          /* if(pushDir(&dstack, &dummy_curr_dir, path)) {
            fprintf(stderr, "Initial directory push failed!\n");
            do_restore_rc = -16;
          } */

          fprintf(stderr, "Root directory: %s\n", path);

        case CTRL_DIR:
          temp = parseDirEntry(ctrl_buffer, current_file_name, &attr, &time, &date, &size);
          /* Change to snprintf soon */
          sprintf(path_and_file, "%s\\%s", path, current_file_name);
          strcpy(path, path_and_file);
          unix_path[0] = '\0';

          /* Skip the leading separator for now... */
          if(createUnixName(unix_path, &path[path_eostr + 1]) == NULL) {
            fprintf(stderr, "Unix directory name creation failed!\n");
            do_restore_rc = -9;

          /* fprintf(stderr, "Return code: %d Curr directory: %s, Attr: %hu\nUnix name: %s\n",\
            temp, path, attr, unix_path); */

          if(_mkdir(path)) {
            fprintf(stderr, "Directory creation failed (%s)!\n", path);
            do_restore_rc = -10;
          else {
            int dos_handle;
            fprintf(stderr, "Directory created: %s\n", path);
            if(_dos_open(path, O_RDONLY, &dos_handle)) {
              fprintf(stderr, "Warning: Could not open directory to set attributes!\n");
            else {
              if(_dos_setftime(dos_handle, date, time)) {
                fprintf(stderr, "Warning: Could not reset date/time on directory %s!\n", path);
              if(_dos_setfileattr(path_and_file, attr)) {
                fprintf(stderr, "Warning: Could not set attributes on directory %s!\n", path);

        case CTRL_FILE:
          /* Should not cause buffer overflow, since
          sizeof(current_file_name) set to FILENAME_MAX */
          temp = parseFileEntry(ctrl_buffer, current_file_name, &attr, &time, &date, &size);

          /* Skip the leading separator for now... */
          sprintf(path_and_file, "%s\\%s", path, current_file_name);
          if(!strcmp(path, local_dir)) {
            /* Don't copy a separator if the path is
            at the root... otherwise the server won't find the file and/or
            think the file is at the server's root! */
            strcpy(unix_path_and_file, current_file_name);
          else {
            sprintf(unix_path_and_file, "%s/%s", unix_path, current_file_name);

          /* fprintf(stderr, "Return code: %d Curr directory: %s, Attr: %hu, Time %hu, Date %hu, Size %lu\n" \
             "Unix directory: %s\n", temp, path_and_file, attr, time, date, size, unix_path_and_file); */

          /* Receive file scope block. */
            int retry_count = 0;
            int8_t local_error = 0, rcv_done = 0;
            fprintf(stderr, "Receiving file %s...\n", unix_path_and_file);

            while(!rcv_done && !local_error && retry_count <= 3) {
              int8_t rcv_remote_rc;
              if(retry_count) {
                fprintf(stderr, "Retrying operation... (%d)\n", rcv_remote_rc);

              curr_file = fopen(path_and_file, "wb");
              setvbuf(curr_file, file_buffer, _IOFBF, FILE_BUF_SIZE);
              rcv_remote_rc = restore_file(curr_file, unix_path_and_file, in_buffer, OUTBUF_SIZE);
              //rcv_remote_rc = 0;
              fclose(curr_file); /* Close the file no matter what */

              switch(rcv_remote_rc) {
              case 0:
                rcv_done = 1;
              case -2:
                fprintf(stderr, "Read error on file: %s! Not continuing.", path_and_file);
                local_error = 1; /* Local file error. */
              case -1: /* Recoverable error. */

            if(local_error) { /* If file error, we need to break out. */
              do_restore_rc = -11;
            else if(retry_count > 3) {
              do_restore_rc = -12;
            else { /* File receive ok, try setting attributes now. */
              int dos_handle;
              if(_dos_open(path_and_file, O_RDONLY, &dos_handle)) {
                fprintf(stderr, "Warning: Could not open file to set attributes!\n");
              else {
                if(_dos_setftime(dos_handle, date, time)) {
                  fprintf(stderr, "Warning: Could not reset date/time on file %s!\n", path_and_file);
                if(_dos_setfileattr(path_and_file, attr)) {
                  fprintf(stderr, "Warning: Could not set attributes on file %s!\n", path_and_file);


        case CTRL_CDUP:
          /* Remove the deepest directory of the path, as long as we
          are not back at the invocation directory. */
          //fprintf(stderr, "CDUP occurred.\n");
          if(strcmp(path, local_dir)) {
            char * separator = strrchr(path, 92);
            if(separator != NULL) {
              /* Two characters need to be set to null because */
              (* separator) = '\0';
              //fprintf(stderr, "Path was stripped. );

            fprintf(stderr, "Directory change. New path is: %s\n", path);
            /* Skip the leading separator for now... we need to recreate
            the unix path in case a directory does not follow next! */
            if(createUnixName(unix_path, &path[path_eostr + 1]) == NULL) {
              fprintf(stderr, "Unix directory name creation failed!\n");
              do_restore_rc = -13;



        case CTRL_EOF:
          all_dirs_restored = 1;
          fprintf(stderr, "End of control file.\n");
          fprintf(stderr, "Unexpected data from control file!\n");
          do_restore_rc = -14;
        entry_type = getNextEntry(ctrl_file, ctrl_buffer, BUFSIZ);
        fprintf(stderr, "\n");

  if(do_restore_rc) {
    fprintf(stderr, "Full restore failed with status code %d.\n", do_restore_rc);
  else {
    fprintf(stderr, "Full restore completed successfully.\n");

  return do_restore_rc;
Exemple #2
void Mediator::handleCommand(int index){
	int fd = socketManager->getConnectedFD(index);
	char messageIN[BUFFER_SIZE];
	int rd = ioStream->readLine(fd, messageIN, BUFFER_SIZE);
	if (rd > 0){
		cout << "[From Command...]\t" << messageIN  << flush;
		char* command = strtok(messageIN, "|");
		if (strcmp(command,"init") ==0){
			char* ip   = strtok(NULL, "|\n");
			int	  cmd_port  = atoi(strtok(NULL, "|\n"));
			int   data_port = atoi(strtok(NULL, "|\n"));
			int   time_port = atoi(strtok(NULL, "|\n"));
			int   info_port = atoi(strtok(NULL, "|\n"));
			initClient(ip, fd, cmd_port, data_port, time_port, info_port);
		else if (strcmp(command,"putfile") ==0){
			long fileSize = 0;
			char* filename = strtok(NULL, "|");
			sscanf(strtok(NULL, "|\n"), "%d", &fileSize);
			int data_fd = clientList.getActiveClient()->data_fd;
			putfile(filename, fileSize, fd, data_fd);
		else if (strcmp(command,"startSimulation") == 0){
			char* command = strtok(NULL, "|\n");
			int timePort;
			sscanf(strtok(NULL, "|\n"), "%d", &timePort);
			startSimulation(command, false);
		else if (strcmp(command,"pauseSimulation") == 0){
			pauseSimulation(strtok(NULL, "|\n"));
		else if (strcmp(command,"stopSimulation") == 0){
			stopSimulation(strtok(NULL, "|\n"));
		else if (strcmp(command,"resumeSimulation") == 0){
			resumeSimulation(strtok(NULL, "|\n"));
		else if (strcmp(command,"abortSimulation") == 0){
		else if (strcmp(command, "getResults\n") == 0){
		else if (strcmp(command, "getFileList\n") == 0){
		else if (strcmp(command, "getFile") == 0){
			getFile(strtok(NULL, "|\n"));

		else if (strcmp(command, "reconnect") == 0){
			reconnect(strtok(NULL, "\n"), fd);			
		else if (strcmp(command, "sendtoSE") == 0){
			sendtoSE("From GUI : ", strtok(NULL, "|"));
		else if (strcmp(command, "console") == 0){
			commandConsole(strtok(NULL, "\n"), fd);
		else if (strcmp(command, "init_remote") == 0){
			initRemote(strtok(NULL, "\n"), fd);
			cout << "else??\n" << flush;
		if (currentSession == 0){