Exemple #1
 * Function to load a car.
 * @param carindex The index whichs will be used as car->index for the car.
 * @param listindex The listindex in RM_SECT_DRIVERS_RACING
 * @param modindex The index of the mod; must be MAX_MOD_ITF if normal_carname is FALSE.
 * @param robotIdx The index of the robot.
 * @param normal_carname If this member is TRUE, the car is treated as an ordinary car;
 *                       if this member is FALSE, then the car used is the one given
 *                       in the xml-file, and there is no restriction on the number of instances.
 * @param cardllname The dllname of the driver
 * @return A pointer to the newly created car if successfull; NULL otherwise
static tCarElt* reLoadSingleCar( int carindex, int listindex, int modindex, int relativeRobotIdx, char normal_carname, char const *cardllname )
  tCarElt *elt;
  tMemoryPool oldPool;
  char path[256];
  char path2[256];
  char buf[256];
  char buf2[256];
  char const *str;
  char const *category;
  char const *subcategory;
  char const *teamname;
  std::string carname;
  tModInfoNC *curModInfo;
  tRobotItf *curRobot;
  void *robhdle;
  void *cathdle;
  void *carhdle;
  void *handle;
  int k;
  int xx;
  char isHuman;
  int robotIdx = relativeRobotIdx;

  /* good robot found */
  curModInfo = &((*(ReInfo->robModList))->modInfo[modindex]);

  subcategory = ReInfo->track->subcategory;

#if 0 //SDW
  if (replayReplay)
    GfLogInfo("Driver in car %d being driven by replay\n", carindex);
    GfLogInfo("Driver's name: %s\n", curModInfo->name);

  isHuman = strcmp( cardllname, "human" ) == 0 || strcmp( cardllname, "networkhuman" ) == 0;

  /* Extended is forced for humans, so no need to increase robotIdx */
  if (!normal_carname && !isHuman) 
    robotIdx += curModInfo->index;

  /* Retrieve the driver interface (function pointers) */
  curRobot = (tRobotItf*)calloc(1, sizeof(tRobotItf));

  /* ... and initialize the driver */
#if 0 // SDW
  if (replayReplay) {
    // Register against the Replay driver (which does nothing)
    curModInfo->fctInit(carindex, (void*)(curRobot));
  } else if (!(ReInfo->_displayMode & RM_DISP_MODE_SIMU_SIMU)) {
  if (!(ReInfo->_displayMode & RM_DISP_MODE_SIMU_SIMU)) {
    curModInfo->fctInit(robotIdx, (void*)(curRobot));
  } else {
    curRobot->rbNewTrack = NULL;
    curRobot->rbNewRace  = NULL;
    curRobot->rbResumeRace  = NULL;
    curRobot->rbDrive    = NULL;
    curRobot->rbPitCmd   = NULL;
    curRobot->rbEndRace  = NULL;
    curRobot->rbShutdown = NULL;
    curRobot->index      = 0;

  /* Retrieve and load the robotXML file :
     1) from user settings dir (local dir)
     2) from installed data dir */
  snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%sdrivers/%s/%s.xml", GfLocalDir(), cardllname, cardllname);
  robhdle = GfParmReadFile(buf, GFPARM_RMODE_STD);
  if (!robhdle) {
    snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "drivers/%s/%s.xml", cardllname, cardllname);
    robhdle = GfParmReadFile(buf, GFPARM_RMODE_STD);

  if (normal_carname || isHuman)
    snprintf(path, sizeof(path), "%s/%s/%d", ROB_SECT_ROBOTS, ROB_LIST_INDEX, robotIdx);
    snprintf(path, sizeof(path), "%s", ROB_SECT_ARBITRARY);
  /* Load car/driver info (in race engine data structure) */
  if (robhdle)
    elt = &(ReInfo->carList[carindex]);

    const std::string strDType = GfParmGetStr(robhdle, path, ROB_ATTR_TYPE, ROB_VAL_ROBOT);
    if (strDType == ROB_VAL_ROBOT){
      elt->_driverType = RM_DRV_ROBOT;
      elt->_networkPlayer = 0;
    else if (strDType == ROB_VAL_HUMAN)
      elt->_driverType = RM_DRV_HUMAN;
      std::string strNetPlayer = GfParmGetStr(robhdle, path, "networkrace", "no");
      elt->_networkPlayer = (strNetPlayer == "yes") ? 1 : 0;

    elt->index = carindex;
    elt->robot = curRobot;
    elt->_paramsHandle = robhdle;
    elt->_driverIndex = robotIdx;
    elt->_moduleIndex = relativeRobotIdx;
    strncpy(elt->_modName, cardllname, MAX_NAME_LEN - 1);
    elt->_modName[MAX_NAME_LEN - 1] = 0;

    //snprintf(path, sizeof(path), "%s/%s/%d", ROB_SECT_ROBOTS, ROB_LIST_INDEX, robotIdx);
    snprintf( path2, sizeof(path2), "%s/%s/%d/%d", RM_SECT_DRIVERINFO, elt->_modName, normal_carname ? 0 : 1, elt->_moduleIndex );
    if (normal_carname || elt->_driverType == RM_DRV_HUMAN) {
      strncpy(elt->_name, GfParmGetStr(robhdle, path, ROB_ATTR_NAME, "none"), MAX_NAME_LEN - 1);
      strncpy(elt->_sname, GfParmGetStr(robhdle, path, ROB_ATTR_SNAME, "none"), MAX_NAME_LEN - 1);
      strncpy(elt->_cname, GfParmGetStr(robhdle, path, ROB_ATTR_CODE, "---"), 3);
    } else {
      strncpy(elt->_name, GfParmGetStr(ReInfo->params, path2, ROB_ATTR_NAME, "none"), MAX_NAME_LEN - 1);
      strncpy(elt->_sname, GfParmGetStr(ReInfo->params, path2, ROB_ATTR_SNAME, "none"), MAX_NAME_LEN - 1);
      strncpy(elt->_cname, GfParmGetStr(ReInfo->params, path2, ROB_ATTR_CODE, "---"), 3);
    elt->_name[MAX_NAME_LEN - 1] = 0;
    elt->_sname[MAX_NAME_LEN - 1] = 0;
    elt->_cname[3] = 0;

    teamname = GfParmGetStr(robhdle, path, ROB_ATTR_TEAM, "none");
    teamname = GfParmGetStr(ReInfo->params, path2, ROB_ATTR_TEAM, teamname ); //Use the name in params if it has a team name
    strncpy(elt->_teamname, teamname, MAX_NAME_LEN - 1);
    elt->_teamname[MAX_NAME_LEN - 1] = 0;

    elt->_driveSkill = GfParmGetNum(ReInfo->params, path2, RM_ATTR_SKILLLEVEL, NULL, -1.0f);

    if (normal_carname) /* Even if we get a normal_carname for humans we use it despite of forced extended mode*/
      strncpy(elt->_carName, GfParmGetStr(robhdle, path, ROB_ATTR_CAR, ""), MAX_NAME_LEN - 1);
      strncpy(elt->_carName, GfParmGetStr(ReInfo->params, path2, RM_ATTR_CARNAME, ""), MAX_NAME_LEN - 1);
    elt->_carName[MAX_NAME_LEN - 1] = 0; /* XML file name */

    // Load custom skin name and targets from race info (if specified).
    snprintf(path2, sizeof(path2), "%s/%d", RM_SECT_DRIVERS_RACING, listindex);
    if (GfParmGetStr(ReInfo->params, path2, RM_ATTR_SKINNAME, 0))
      strncpy(elt->_skinName, GfParmGetStr(ReInfo->params, path2, RM_ATTR_SKINNAME, ""), MAX_NAME_LEN - 1);
      elt->_skinName[MAX_NAME_LEN - 1] = 0; // Texture name
	elt->_skinTargets = (int)GfParmGetNum(ReInfo->params, path2, RM_ATTR_SKINTARGETS, (char*)NULL, 0);
    // Load other data from robot descriptor.
    elt->_raceNumber = (int)GfParmGetNum(robhdle, path, ROB_ATTR_RACENUM, (char*)NULL, 0);
    if (!normal_carname && elt->_driverType != RM_DRV_HUMAN) // Increase racenumber if needed
      elt->_raceNumber += elt->_moduleIndex;
    elt->_skillLevel = 0;
    str = GfParmGetStr(robhdle, path, ROB_ATTR_LEVEL, ROB_VAL_SEMI_PRO);
    for(k = 0; k < NSkillLevels; k++) {
      if (strcmp(aPszSkillLevelNames[k], str) == 0) {
        elt->_skillLevel = k;
    elt->_startRank  = carindex;
    elt->_pos        = carindex+1;
    elt->_remainingLaps = ReInfo->s->_totLaps;

    elt->_newTrackMemPool = NULL;
    elt->_newRaceMemPool = NULL;
    elt->_endRaceMemPool = NULL;
    elt->_shutdownMemPool = NULL;

	carname = elt->_carName;

    GfLogTrace("Driver #%d(%d) : module='%s', name='%s', car='%s', cat='%s', skin='%s' on %x\n",
			   carindex, listindex, elt->_modName, elt->_name, elt->_carName,
			   elt->_category, elt->_skinName, elt->_skinTargets);

    if ((strncmp(carname.c_str(), "mpa1", 4) == 0))
		if (strcmp(subcategory, "long") == 0)
			carname = carname+"-long";
		else if (strcmp(subcategory, "short") == 0)
			carname = carname+"-short";
			carname = carname+"-road";

		GfLogTrace("MPA... Category car = %s \n", carname.c_str());

		/* Retrieve and load car specs : merge car default specs,
		category specs and driver modifications (=> handle) */
		/* Read Car model specifications */
		snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "cars/models/%s/%s.xml", elt->_carName, carname.c_str());
		carhdle = GfParmReadFile(buf, GFPARM_RMODE_STD | GFPARM_RMODE_CREAT);

		/* Retrieve and load car specs : merge car default specs,
		category specs and driver modifications (=> handle) */
		/* Read Car model specifications */
		snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "cars/models/%s/%s.xml", elt->_carName, elt->_carName);
		carhdle = GfParmReadFile(buf, GFPARM_RMODE_STD | GFPARM_RMODE_CREAT);

    category = GfParmGetStr(carhdle, SECT_CAR, PRM_CATEGORY, NULL);
    if (category)
	  GfLogTrace("Checking/Merging %s specs into %s base setup for %s ...\n",
				 category, elt->_carName, curModInfo->name);
      strncpy(elt->_category, category, MAX_NAME_LEN - 1);
      elt->_category[MAX_NAME_LEN - 1] = 0;
      /* Read Car Category specifications */
      snprintf(buf2, sizeof(buf2), "cars/categories/%s.xml", elt->_category);
      cathdle = GfParmReadFile(buf2, GFPARM_RMODE_STD | GFPARM_RMODE_CREAT);
	  int errorcode = 0;

      if ((errorcode = GfParmCheckHandle(cathdle, carhdle))) 
        switch (errorcode)
		  case -1:
            GfLogError("Car %s NOT in category %s (driver %s) !!!\n", elt->_carName, category, elt->_name);

		  case -2:
            GfLogError("Parameters out of bound for car %s (driver %s)!!!\n",elt->_carName, elt->_name);

		  case -3:
            GfLogError("Parameter not allowed for car %s (driver %s)!!!\n",elt->_carName, elt->_name);

            GfLogError("Unknown error for %s (driver %s)!!!\n",elt->_carName, elt->_name);
        return NULL;

      carhdle = GfParmMergeHandles(cathdle, carhdle,
      /* The code below stores the carnames to a separate xml-file
		 such that at newTrack it is known which car is used.
		 TODO: find a better method for this */
      snprintf (buf, sizeof(buf), "%sdrivers/curcarnames.xml", GfLocalDir());
      handle = GfParmReadFile(buf, GFPARM_RMODE_CREAT);
      if (handle) {
        snprintf(path, sizeof(path), "drivers/%s/%d", cardllname, elt->_driverIndex);
        GfParmSetStr (handle, path, RM_ATTR_CARNAME, elt->_carName);
        GfParmWriteFile (0, handle, "Car names");
        GfParmReleaseHandle (handle);
      if (!(ReInfo->_displayMode & RM_DISP_MODE_SIMU_SIMU))
        GfPoolMove(&elt->_newTrackMemPool, &oldPool);
        curRobot->rbNewTrack(elt->_driverIndex, ReInfo->track, carhdle, &handle, ReInfo->s);
        GfPoolFreePool( &oldPool );
        handle = NULL;
      if (handle && !replayReplay) {
		GfLogTrace("Checking/Merging %s specific setup into %s setup.\n",
				   curModInfo->name, elt->_carName);
        if (GfParmCheckHandle(carhdle, handle)) {
          GfLogError("Bad Car parameters for driver %s\n", elt->_name);
          return NULL;
        handle = GfParmMergeHandles(carhdle, handle,
      } else {
		GfLogTrace("Keeping %s setup as is for %s (no specific setup).\n",
				   elt->_carName, curModInfo->name);
		handle = carhdle;
      elt->_carHandle = handle;

      /* Initialize sectors */
      elt->_currentSector = 0;
      elt->_curSplitTime = (double*)malloc( sizeof(double) * ( ReInfo->track->numberOfSectors - 1 ) );
      elt->_bestSplitTime = (double*)malloc( sizeof(double) * ( ReInfo->track->numberOfSectors - 1 ) );
      for (xx = 0; xx < ReInfo->track->numberOfSectors - 1; ++xx)
        elt->_curSplitTime[xx] = -1.0f;
        elt->_bestSplitTime[xx] = -1.0f;
    } else {
      elt->_category[ 0 ] = '\0';
      GfLogError("Bad Car category for driver %s\n", elt->_name);
      return NULL;

    return elt;
  } else {
    GfLogError("No description file for robot %s\n", cardllname);
  return NULL;

/** Initialize the cars for a race.
    The cars are positionned on the starting grid.
    @return 0 Ok, -1 Error
  char buf[512];
  char path[512];
  int nCars;
  int index;
  int i, j;
  const char *robotModuleName;
  int robotIdx;
  void *robhdle;
  tCarElt *elt;
  //const char *focused; // Never used.
  //int focusedIdx; // Never used.
  void *params = ReInfo->params;

  /* Get the number of cars (= drivers) racing */
  nCars = GfParmGetEltNb(params, RM_SECT_DRIVERS_RACING);
  GfLogTrace("Loading %d car(s)\n", nCars);

  ReInfo->carList = (tCarElt*)calloc(nCars, sizeof(tCarElt));
  ReInfo->rules = (tRmCarRules*)calloc(nCars, sizeof(tRmCarRules));
  //focused = GfParmGetStr(ReInfo->params, RM_SECT_DRIVERS, RM_ATTR_FOCUSED, "");
  //focusedIdx = (int)GfParmGetNum(ReInfo->params, RM_SECT_DRIVERS, RM_ATTR_FOCUSEDIDX, NULL, 0);
  index = 0;

  /* For each car/driver : */
  for (i = 1; i < nCars + 1; i++) 
    /* Get the name of the module (= shared library) of the robot */
    snprintf(path, sizeof(path), "%s/%d", RM_SECT_DRIVERS_RACING, i);
    robotModuleName = GfParmGetStr(ReInfo->params, path, RM_ATTR_MODULE, "");
    robotIdx = (int)GfParmGetNum(ReInfo->params, path, RM_ATTR_IDX, NULL, 0);

#if 0 // SDW
    if (replayReplay)
      // Register against the Replay driver
      snprintf(path, sizeof(path), "%sdrivers/replay/replay.%s", GfLibDir(), DLLEXT);
      snprintf(path, sizeof(path), "%sdrivers/%s/%s.%s", GfLibDir(), robotModuleName, robotModuleName, DLLEXT);

    /* Load the robot shared library */
    if (GfModLoad(CAR_IDENT, path, ReInfo->robModList)) 
      GfLogError("Failed to load robot module %s\n", path);

    /* Load the racing driver info in the race data structure */
    elt = NULL;
    snprintf(path, sizeof(path), "%s/%d", RM_SECT_DRIVERS_RACING, i);
    if ((int)GfParmGetNum(ReInfo->params, path, RM_ATTR_EXTENDED, NULL, 0) == 0) 
      /* Search for the index of the racing driver in the list of interfaces
         of the module */
      for (j = 0; j < (*(ReInfo->robModList))->modInfoSize; j++) 
        if ((*(ReInfo->robModList))->modInfo[j].name && (*(ReInfo->robModList))->modInfo[j].index == robotIdx) 
          /* We have the right driver : load it */
          elt = reLoadSingleCar( index, i, j, robotIdx, TRUE, robotModuleName );
          if (!elt)
            GfLogError("No descriptor file for robot %s or parameter errors (1)\n", robotModuleName);
			snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "Error: May be no driver, or some parameters are out of bound");
			snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "       Have a look at the console window for mode details about the error");
			snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "       Back to the config menu in 10 s ...");
			// Wait some time to allow the user to read the message!
            GfSleep(10.0); // 10 seconds
      GfLogTrace("Loading robot %s descriptor file\n", robotModuleName );
      snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%sdrivers/%s/%s.xml", GfLocalDir(), robotModuleName, robotModuleName);
      robhdle = GfParmReadFile(buf, GFPARM_RMODE_STD);
      if (!robhdle) 
        snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "drivers/%s/%s.xml", robotModuleName, robotModuleName);
        robhdle = GfParmReadFile(buf, GFPARM_RMODE_STD);
      if (robhdle && ( strcmp( robotModuleName, "human" ) == 0 || strcmp( robotModuleName, "networkhuman" ) == 0 ) )
        /* Human driver */
        elt = reLoadSingleCar( index, i, robotIdx - (*(ReInfo->robModList))->modInfo[0].index, robotIdx, FALSE, robotModuleName );
      else if (robhdle && ( strcmp( GfParmGetStr( robhdle, ROB_SECT_ARBITRARY, ROB_ATTR_TEAM, "foo" ),
                              GfParmGetStr( robhdle, ROB_SECT_ARBITRARY, ROB_ATTR_TEAM, "bar" ) ) == 0 ) )
        elt = reLoadSingleCar( index, i, (*(ReInfo->robModList))->modInfoSize, robotIdx, FALSE, robotModuleName );
        GfLogError("No descriptor for robot %s (2)\n", robotModuleName );

    if (elt)

  nCars = index; /* real number of cars */
  if (nCars == 0) 
    GfLogError("No driver for that race ; exiting ...\n");
    return -1;
    GfLogInfo("%d driver(s) ready to race\n", nCars);

  if (replayReplay)
    replayRecord = 0;
  else {
        char buf[1024];
	const char *replayRateSchemeName;
        snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s%s", GfLocalDir(), RACE_ENG_CFG);

        void *paramHandle = GfParmReadFile(buf, GFPARM_RMODE_REREAD | GFPARM_RMODE_CREAT);
        replayRateSchemeName = GfParmGetStr(paramHandle, RM_SECT_RACE_ENGINE, RM_ATTR_REPLAY_RATE, "0");

	replayRecord = atoi(replayRateSchemeName);

  if (replayRecord || replayReplay) {
    int result;

    result = sqlite3_open("/tmp/race.sqlite", &replayDB);
    if (result) {
      GfLogError("Replay: Unable to open Database: %s\n", sqlite3_errmsg(replayDB));
      replayDB = NULL;
    } else {
      GfLogInfo("Replay: Database Opened 0x8%8.8X\n", replayDB);

      if (replayRecord)
        GfLogInfo("Replay: Record Timestep = %f\n", 1/(float)replayRecord);

      if (replayReplay)
        GfLogInfo("Replay: Playback from file\n");

      /* speed up database by turning of synchronous behaviour/etc */
      sqlite3_exec(replayDB, "PRAGMA synchronous = OFF", NULL, NULL, NULL);
      sqlite3_exec(replayDB, "PRAGMA journal_mode = OFF", NULL, NULL, NULL);
      sqlite3_exec(replayDB, "PRAGMA count_changes = OFF", NULL, NULL, NULL);
#if 0 // This pragma seems to prevent re-opening the sqlite3 database
      sqlite3_exec(replayDB, "PRAGMA locking_mode = EXCLUSIVE", NULL, NULL, NULL);
      sqlite3_exec(replayDB, "PRAGMA default_temp_store = MEMORY", NULL, NULL, NULL);

      //replayBlobs = (sqlite3_stmt *) calloc(nCars, sizeof(void *)); //sqlite3_stmt));

      replayTimestamp = -5;
      ghostcarActive = 0;

  ReInfo->s->_ncars = nCars;
  ReInfo->s->cars = (tCarElt **)calloc(nCars, sizeof(tCarElt *));
  for (i = 0; i < nCars; i++)
    ReInfo->s->cars[i] = &(ReInfo->carList[i]);

    //open a table for each car
    if (replayDB) {
      char command[200];
      int result;

      if (replayRecord) {
        sprintf(command, "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS car%d", i);
        result = sqlite3_exec(replayDB, command, 0, 0, 0);
        if (result) GfLogInfo("Replay: Unable to drop table car%d: %s\n", i, sqlite3_errmsg(replayDB));

      sprintf(command, "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS car%d (timestamp, lap, datablob BLOB)", i);
      result = sqlite3_exec(replayDB, command, 0, 0, 0);
      if (result) {
         GfLogInfo("Replay: Unable to create table car%d: %s\n", i, sqlite3_errmsg(replayDB));

      if (replayReplay) {
        // Build index to allow faster read access
        sprintf(command, "CREATE UNIQUE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS index%d ON car%d (timestamp)", i, i);
        result = sqlite3_exec(replayDB, command, 0, 0, 0);
        if (result) GfLogInfo("Replay: Unable to create index car%d: %s\n", i, sqlite3_errmsg(replayDB));

  ReInfo->_rePitRequester = 0;

  // TODO: reconsider splitting the call into one for cars, track and maybe other objects.
  // I stuff for now anything into one call because collision detection works with the same
  // library on all objects, so it is a bit dangerous to distribute the handling to various
  // locations (because the library maintains global state like a default collision handler etc.).
  RePhysicsEngine().initialize(nCars, ReInfo->track);



  return 0;
/** Initialize the cars for a race.
    The car are positionned on the starting grid.
    @return	0 Ok
		-1 Error
	int nCars;
	int index;
	int i, j, k;
	char *cardllname;
	int robotIdx;
	tModInfo *curModInfo;
	tRobotItf *curRobot;
	void *handle;
	char *category;
	void *cathdle;
	void *carhdle;
	void *robhdle;
	tCarElt *elt;
	char *focused;
	char *str;
	int focusedIdx;
	void *params = ReInfo->params;

	/* Get the number of cars racing */
	nCars = GfParmGetEltNb(params, RM_SECT_DRIVERS_RACING);
	GfOut("loading %d cars\n", nCars);

	ReInfo->carList = (tCarElt*)calloc(nCars, sizeof(tCarElt));
	ReInfo->rules = (tRmCarRules*)calloc(nCars, sizeof(tRmCarRules));
	focused = GfParmGetStr(ReInfo->params, RM_SECT_DRIVERS, RM_ATTR_FOCUSED, "");
	focusedIdx = (int)GfParmGetNum(ReInfo->params, RM_SECT_DRIVERS, RM_ATTR_FOCUSEDIDX, NULL, 0);
	index = 0;

	for (i = 1; i < nCars + 1; i++) {
		/* Get Shared library name */
		sprintf(path, "%s/%d", RM_SECT_DRIVERS_RACING, i);
		cardllname = GfParmGetStr(ReInfo->params, path, RM_ATTR_MODULE, "");
		robotIdx = (int)GfParmGetNum(ReInfo->params, path, RM_ATTR_IDX, NULL, 0);
		sprintf(path, "%sdrivers/%s/%s.%s", GetLibDir (), cardllname, cardllname, DLLEXT);

		/* load the robot shared library */
		if (GfModLoad(CAR_IDENT, path, ReInfo->modList)) {
			GfTrace("Pb with loading %s driver\n", path);

		/* search for corresponding index */
		for (j = 0; j < MAX_MOD_ITF; j++) {
			if ((*(ReInfo->modList))->modInfo[j].index == robotIdx) {
				/* good robot found */
				curModInfo = &((*(ReInfo->modList))->modInfo[j]);
				GfOut("Driver's name: %s\n", curModInfo->name);
				/* retrieve the robot interface (function pointers) */
				curRobot = (tRobotItf*)calloc(1, sizeof(tRobotItf));
				curModInfo->fctInit(robotIdx, (void*)(curRobot));
				sprintf(buf, "%sdrivers/%s/%s.xml", GetLocalDir(), cardllname, cardllname);
				robhdle = GfParmReadFile(buf, GFPARM_RMODE_STD);
				if (!robhdle) {
					sprintf(buf, "drivers/%s/%s.xml", cardllname, cardllname);
					robhdle = GfParmReadFile(buf, GFPARM_RMODE_STD);
				if (robhdle != NULL) {
					elt = &(ReInfo->carList[index]);

					elt->index = index;
					elt->robot = curRobot;
					elt->_paramsHandle = robhdle;
					elt->_driverIndex = robotIdx;
					strncpy(elt->_modName, cardllname, MAX_NAME_LEN - 1);
					elt->_modName[MAX_NAME_LEN - 1] = 0;

					sprintf(path, "%s/%s/%d", ROB_SECT_ROBOTS, ROB_LIST_INDEX, robotIdx);
					strncpy(elt->_name, GfParmGetStr(robhdle, path, ROB_ATTR_NAME, "<none>"), MAX_NAME_LEN - 1);
					elt->_name[MAX_NAME_LEN - 1] = 0;
					strncpy(elt->_teamname, GfParmGetStr(robhdle, path, ROB_ATTR_TEAM, "<none>"), MAX_NAME_LEN - 1);
					elt->_teamname[MAX_NAME_LEN - 1] = 0;
					strncpy(elt->_carName, GfParmGetStr(robhdle, path, ROB_ATTR_CAR, ""), MAX_NAME_LEN - 1);
					elt->_carName[MAX_NAME_LEN - 1] = 0;
					elt->_raceNumber = (int)GfParmGetNum(robhdle, path, ROB_ATTR_RACENUM, (char*)NULL, 0);
					if (strcmp(GfParmGetStr(robhdle, path, ROB_ATTR_TYPE, ROB_VAL_ROBOT), ROB_VAL_ROBOT)) {
						elt->_driverType = RM_DRV_HUMAN;
					} else {
						elt->_driverType = RM_DRV_ROBOT;
					elt->_skillLevel = 0;
					str = GfParmGetStr(robhdle, path, ROB_ATTR_LEVEL, ROB_VAL_SEMI_PRO);
					for(k = 0; k < (int)(sizeof(level_str)/sizeof(char*)); k++) {
						if (strcmp(level_str[k], str) == 0) {
							elt->_skillLevel = k;
					elt->_startRank  = index;
					elt->_pos        = index+1;
					elt->_remainingLaps = ReInfo->s->_totLaps;

					/* handle contains the drivers modifications to the car */
					/* Read Car model specifications */
					sprintf(buf, "cars/%s/%s.xml", elt->_carName, elt->_carName);
					GfOut("Car Specification: %s\n", buf);
					carhdle = GfParmReadFile(buf, GFPARM_RMODE_STD | GFPARM_RMODE_CREAT);
					category = GfParmGetStr(carhdle, SECT_CAR, PRM_CATEGORY, NULL);
					sprintf(buf, "Loading Driver %-20s... Car: %s", curModInfo->name, elt->_carName);
					if (category != 0) {
						strncpy(elt->_category, category, MAX_NAME_LEN - 1);
						elt->_category[MAX_NAME_LEN - 1] = '\0';

						/* Read Car Category specifications */
						sprintf(buf, "categories/%s.xml", category);
						GfOut("Category Specification: %s\n", buf);
						cathdle = GfParmReadFile(buf, GFPARM_RMODE_STD | GFPARM_RMODE_CREAT);
						if (GfParmCheckHandle(cathdle, carhdle)) {
							GfTrace("Car %s not in Category %s (driver %s) !!!\n", elt->_carName, category, elt->_name);
						carhdle = GfParmMergeHandles(cathdle, carhdle,
										curRobot->rbNewTrack(robotIdx, ReInfo->track, carhdle, &handle, ReInfo->s);
						if (handle != NULL) {
							if (GfParmCheckHandle(carhdle, handle)) {
								GfTrace("Bad Car parameters for driver %s\n", elt->_name);
							handle = GfParmMergeHandles(carhdle, handle,
						} else {
							handle = carhdle;
						elt->_carHandle = handle;
						//GfParmWriteFile("toto.xml", handle, "toto");
					} else {
						elt->_category[0] = '\0';
						GfTrace("Bad Car category for driver %s\n", elt->_name);
					index ++;
				} else {
					GfTrace("Pb No description file for driver %s\n", cardllname);

	nCars = index; /* real number of cars */
	if (nCars == 0) {
		GfTrace("No driver for that race...\n");
		return -1;
	} else {
		GfOut("%d drivers ready to race\n", nCars);

	ReInfo->s->_ncars = nCars;
	ReInfo->s->cars = (tCarElt **)calloc(nCars, sizeof(tCarElt *));
	for (i = 0; i < nCars; i++) {
		ReInfo->s->cars[i] = &(ReInfo->carList[i]);

	// TODO: reconsider splitting the call into one for cars, track and maybe other objects.
	// I stuff for now anything into one call because collision detection works with the same
	// library on all objects, so it is a bit dangerous to distribute the handling to various
	// locations (because the library maintains global state like a default collision handler etc.).
    ReInfo->_reSimItf.init(nCars, ReInfo->track);



    return 0;