Exemple #1
Box* objectNew(BoxedClass* cls, BoxedTuple* args) {
    assert(isSubclass(cls->cls, type_cls));
    assert(args->cls == tuple_cls);

    if (args->elts.size() != 0) {
        if (typeLookup(cls, "__init__", NULL, NULL) == NULL)
            raiseExcHelper(TypeError, "object.__new__() takes no parameters");

    assert(cls->instance_size >= sizeof(Box));
    void* mem = rt_alloc(cls->instance_size);

    Box* rtn = ::new (mem) Box(&object_flavor, cls);
    initUserAttrs(rtn, cls);
    return rtn;
Exemple #2
extern "C" PyObject* PyObject_Init(PyObject* op, PyTypeObject* tp) {
    RELEASE_ASSERT(op, "");
    RELEASE_ASSERT(tp, "");


    Py_TYPE(op) = tp;

    // I think CPython defers the dict creation (equivalent of our initUserAttrs) to the
    // first time that an attribute gets set.
    // Our HCAttrs object already includes this optimization of no-allocation-if-empty,
    // but it's nice to initialize the hcls here so we don't have to check it on every getattr/setattr.
    // TODO It does mean that anything not defering to this function will have to call
    // initUserAttrs themselves, though.
    initUserAttrs(op, tp);

    return op;