void kv_async_init_io(char    *dev,
                      uint32_t jobs,
                      uint32_t klen,
                      uint32_t vlen,
                      uint32_t LEN)
    async_context_t *pCT     = NULL;
    async_CB_t      *pCB     = NULL;
    uint32_t         job     = 0;
    uint32_t         ctxt    = 0;

    printf("dev:%s ctxt:%d async_ops:%d k/v:%dx%d: \n",
            dev, KV_ASYNC_CTXT_PER_DEV, jobs, klen, vlen);


    for (ctxt=KV_ASYNC_CONTEXTS;
        pCT = pCTs+ctxt;
        assert(0 == ark_create(dev, &pCT->ark, ark_create_flag));
        assert(NULL != pCT->ark);

        for (job=0; job<jobs; job++)
            pCB            = pCT->pCBs+job;
            pCB->itag      = SET_ITAG(ctxt,job);
            pCB->ark       = pCT->ark;
            pCB->flags     = KV_ASYNC_SET;
            pCB->db        = dbs[job].db;
            pCB->len       = LEN;
void run_max_io(char *dev, uint32_t vlen, uint32_t LEN)
    ARK     *ark[MAX_IO_ARKS];
    worker_t w[MAX_IO_ARKS][MAX_IO_PTHS];
    uint32_t i      = 0;
    uint32_t j      = 0;
    uint32_t ops    = 0;
    uint32_t ios    = 0;
    uint32_t tops   = 0;
    uint32_t tios   = 0;
    uint32_t e_secs = 0;

    init_kv_db(MAX_IO_PTHS, KLEN, vlen, LEN);

    testcase_start = time(0);

    for (i=0; i<MAX_IO_ARKS; i++)
        NEW_ARK(dev, &ark[i]);

        /* create all threads */
        for (j=0; j<MAX_IO_PTHS; j++)
            w[i][j].ark = ark[i];
            w[i][j].db  = dbs+(j % KV_PTHS);
            pthread_create(&(w[i][j].pth), NULL, fp, (void*)(&w[i][j]));

    /* wait for all threads to complete */
    for (i=0; i<MAX_IO_ARKS; i++)
        for (j=0; j<MAX_IO_PTHS; j++)
            pthread_join(w[i][j].pth, NULL);

    testcase_stop = time(0);

    for (i=0; i<MAX_IO_ARKS; i++)
        get_stats(ark[i], &ops, &ios);
        tops += ops;
        tios += ios;
    e_secs = testcase_stop - testcase_start;
    ops = tops / e_secs;
    ios = tios / e_secs;
    printf("op/s:%7d io/s:%7d secs:%d\n", ops, ios, e_secs);

    free_kv_db(MAX_IO_PTHS, LEN);

    for (i=0; i<MAX_IO_ARKS; i++)
        assert(0 == ark_delete(ark[i]));
** \brief
**   create threads to run one of the IO functions, wait for the threads to
**   complete, and print the iops
void kv_sync_io(char    *dev,
                uint32_t vlen,
                uint32_t len,
                uint32_t pths,
                uint32_t read)
    worker_t w[KV_PTHS];
    ARK     *ark    = NULL;
    uint32_t i      = 0;
    uint32_t ops    = 0;
    uint32_t ios    = 0;
    uint32_t e_secs = 0;
    char    *fp_txt = NULL;
    void*  (*fp)(void*);

    if (read == 75)
        fp = (void*(*)(void*))read_75_percent;
        fp_txt="read: 75%";
        fp = (void*(*)(void*))read_100_percent;
    init_kv_db(pths, KLEN, vlen, len);
    NEW_ARK(dev, &ark);
    printf("SYNC:  ctxt:%-2d QD:%-3d size:%2dk %s ", 1, pths, vlen/1000,fp_txt);

    testcase_start = time(0);

    /* start all threads */
    for (i=0; i<pths; i++)
        w[i].ark = ark;
        w[i].db  = dbs+(i % pths);
        pthread_create(&(w[i].pth), NULL, fp, (void*)(w+i));

    /* wait for all threads to complete */
    for (i=0; i<pths; i++)
        pthread_join(w[i].pth, NULL);

    testcase_stop = time(0);
    e_secs = testcase_stop - testcase_start;

    get_stats(ark, &ops, &ios);
    ops = ops / e_secs;
    ios = ios / e_secs;
    printf("op/s:%-7d io/s:%-7d secs:%d\n", ops, ios, e_secs);

    free_kv_db(pths, len);
    assert(0 == ark_delete(ark));
** \brief
**   create max arks, create max threads to run one of the IO functions, wait
**   for the threads to complete, prints the iops, delete the arks
void kv_max_sync_io(char    *dev,
                    uint32_t vlen,
                    uint32_t len)
    ARK     *ark[MAX_IO_ARKS];
    worker_t w[MAX_IO_ARKS][MAX_IO_PTHS];
    uint32_t i      = 0;
    uint32_t j      = 0;
    uint32_t ops    = 0;
    uint32_t ios    = 0;
    uint32_t tops   = 0;
    uint32_t tios   = 0;
    uint32_t e_secs = 0;

    printf("SYNC:  ctxt:%-2d QD:%-3d size: 4k read:100%% ",
            MAX_IO_ARKS, MAX_IO_PTHS); fflush(stdout);

    init_kv_db(MAX_IO_PTHS, KLEN, vlen, len);

    for (i=0; i<MAX_IO_ARKS; i++)
        NEW_ARK(dev, ark+i);

    testcase_start = time(0);

    for (i=0; i<MAX_IO_ARKS; i++)
        /* create all threads */
        for (j=0; j<MAX_IO_PTHS; j++)
            w[i][j].ark = ark[i];
            w[i][j].db  = dbs+(j % KV_PTHS);

    /* wait for all threads to complete */
    for (i=0; i<MAX_IO_ARKS; i++)
        for (j=0; j<MAX_IO_PTHS; j++)
            pthread_join(w[i][j].pth, NULL);

    testcase_stop = time(0);

    for (i=0; i<MAX_IO_ARKS; i++)
        get_stats(ark[i], &ops, &ios);
        tops += ops;
        tios += ios;
    e_secs = testcase_stop - testcase_start;
    ops = tops / e_secs;
    ios = tios / e_secs;
    printf("op/s:%-7d io/s:%-7d secs:%d\n", ops, ios, e_secs);

    free_kv_db(MAX_IO_PTHS, len);

    for (i=0; i<MAX_IO_ARKS; i++)
        assert(0 == ark_delete(ark[i]));
** \brief
**   do an ark asynchronous IO performance run
void kv_async_io(char    *dev,
                  uint32_t ctxts,
                  uint32_t jobs,
                  uint32_t vlen,
                  uint32_t len,
                  uint32_t read)
    async_context_t *pCT          = NULL;
    async_CB_t      *pCB          = NULL;
    uint32_t         job          = 0;
    uint32_t         ctxt         = 0;
    uint32_t         ctxt_running = 0;
    uint32_t         i            = 0;
    uint32_t         e_secs       = 0;
    uint64_t         ops          = 0;
    uint64_t         ios          = 0;
    uint32_t         tops         = 0;
    uint32_t         tios         = 0;

    if (read == 75) read100 = FALSE;
    else            read100 = TRUE;
    printf("ASYNC: ctxt:%-2d QD:%-3d size:%2dk read:%3d%% ",
            ctxts, jobs, vlen/1000, read);

    init_kv_db(jobs, KLEN, vlen, len);
    pCTs = (async_context_t*) malloc(ctxts*sizeof(async_context_t));
    assert(0 != pCTs);

    for (ctxt=0; ctxt<ctxts; ctxt++)
        ARK *ark = NULL;
        pCT = pCTs+ctxt;
        memset(pCT, 0, sizeof(async_context_t));

        NEW_ARK(dev, &ark);
        pCT->ark = ark;

        for (job=0; job<jobs; job++)
            pCB            = pCT->pCBs+job;
            pCB->itag      = SET_ITAG(ctxt,job);
            pCB->ark       = pCT->ark;
            pCB->flags     = KV_ASYNC_SET;
            pCB->db        = dbs+job;
            pCB->len       = len;

    testcase_start = time(0);

    /* start all jobs for all contexts */
    for (ctxt=0; ctxt<ctxts; ctxt++)
        for (pCB=pCTs[ctxt].pCBs;
            pCB->flags |=  KV_ASYNC_RUNNING;

    /* loop until all jobs are done or until time elapses */
        ctxt_running = FALSE;

        /* loop through contexts(arks) and check if all jobs are done or
         * time has elapsed
        for (i=0; i<ctxts; i++)
            /* check if all jobs are done */
            for (pCB=pCTs[i].pCBs;pCB<pCTs[i].pCBs+jobs;pCB++)
                if (pCB->flags & KV_ASYNC_RUNNING)
                    ctxt_running = TRUE;
            if (!ctxt_running) continue;

            /* check if time has elapsed */
            if (time(0) - testcase_start < KV_MIN_SECS) continue;

            for (pCB=pCTs[i].pCBs;pCB<pCTs[i].pCBs+jobs;pCB++)
                if (pCB->flags & KV_ASYNC_RUNNING &&
                 (!(pCB->flags & KV_ASYNC_SHUTDOWN)) )
                    pCB->flags |=  KV_ASYNC_SHUTDOWN;
    while (ctxt_running);

    testcase_stop = time(0);
    e_secs = testcase_stop - testcase_start;

    /* sum perf ops for all contexts/jobs and delete arks */
    for (i=0; i<ctxts; i++)
        (void)ark_stats(pCTs[i].ark, &ops, &ios);
        tops += (uint32_t)ops;
        tios += (uint32_t)ios;

    tops = tops / e_secs;
    tios = tios / e_secs;
    printf("op/s:%-7d io/s:%-7d secs:%d\n", tops, tios, e_secs);

    /* sum perf ops for all contexts/jobs and delete arks */
    for (i=0; i<ctxts; i++)
        assert(0 == ark_delete(pCTs[i].ark));

    free_kv_db(jobs, len);
int main(int argc, char **argv)
    ARK *ark;
    int  i=1;

    if (argv[1] == NULL)
        printf("dev name required as parameter\n");

    if (0 == strncmp(argv[1], "-p", 7))
        printf("Attempting to run with physical lun\n");
        ark_create_flag = ARK_KV_PERSIST_STORE;
        i               = 2;

    printf("%s: SYNC: npool:%d nasync:%d basync:%d\n",
                 argv[i], KV_NPOOL, KV_NASYNC, KV_BASYNC);

    /* 1 ctxt, vlen 4k */
    init_kv_db(KV_PTHS, KLEN, VLEN_4k, LEN_4k);
    NEW_ARK(argv[i], &ark);
    printf("ctxt:1   4k-k/v: 75%%  read:     "); fflush(stdout);
    fp = (void*(*)(void*))do_75_percent_read;
    run_io(ark, KV_PTHS);
    free_kv_db(KV_PTHS, LEN_4k);
    assert(0 == ark_delete(ark));

    /* 1 ctxt, vlen 4k */
    init_kv_db(KV_PTHS, KLEN, VLEN_4k, LEN_4k);
    NEW_ARK(argv[i], &ark);
    printf("ctxt:1   4k-k/v: 100%% read:     "); fflush(stdout);
    fp = (void*(*)(void*))do_100_percent_read;
    run_io(ark, KV_PTHS);
    free_kv_db(KV_PTHS, LEN_4k);
    assert(0 == ark_delete(ark));

    /* 1 ctxt, vlen 64k */
    init_kv_db(KV_PTHS_BIG, KLEN, VLEN_64k, LEN_BIG);
    NEW_ARK(argv[i], &ark);
    printf("ctxt:1  64k-k/v: 100%% read:     "); fflush(stdout);
    fp = (void*(*)(void*))do_100_percent_read;
    run_io(ark, KV_PTHS_BIG);
    free_kv_db(KV_PTHS_BIG, LEN_BIG);
    assert(0 == ark_delete(ark));

    /* 1 ctxt, vlen 1mb */
    init_kv_db(KV_PTHS_BIG, KLEN, VLEN_500k, LEN_BIG);
    NEW_ARK(argv[i], &ark);

    printf("ctxt:1 500k-k/v: 100%% read:     "); fflush(stdout);
    fp = (void*(*)(void*))do_100_percent_read;
    run_io(ark, KV_PTHS_BIG);

    free_kv_db(KV_PTHS_BIG, LEN_BIG);
    assert(0 == ark_delete(ark));

    /* if physical lun, cannot run multi-context, so exit */
    if (ARK_KV_PERSIST_STORE == ark_create_flag) return 0;

    printf("ctxt:4   4k-k/v: 100%% read:     "); fflush(stdout);
    fp = (void*(*)(void*))do_100_percent_read;
    run_max_io(argv[i], VLEN_4k, LEN_4k);

    printf("ctxt:4  64k-k/v: 100%% read:     "); fflush(stdout);
    fp = (void*(*)(void*))do_100_percent_read;
    run_max_io(argv[i], VLEN_64k, LEN_BIG);

    return 0;