Exemple #1
static struct mi_root* mi_reg_list(struct mi_root* cmd, void* param)
	struct mi_root *rpl_tree;
	struct mi_node *rpl=NULL, *node, *node1;
	struct mi_attr* attr;
	reg_record_t *rec;
	int i, len;
	char* p;

	rpl_tree = init_mi_tree( 200, MI_OK_S, MI_OK_LEN);
	if (rpl_tree==NULL) return NULL;
	rpl = &rpl_tree->node;

	for(i = 0; i< reg_hsize; i++) {
		rec = reg_htable[i].first;
		while (rec) {
			node = add_mi_node_child(rpl, MI_DUP_VALUE, "AOR", 3,
					rec->td.rem_uri.s, rec->td.rem_uri.len);
			if(node == NULL) goto error;
			p = int2str(rec->state, &len);
			attr = add_mi_attr(node, MI_DUP_VALUE, "state", 5, p, len);
			if(attr == NULL) goto error;
			p = int2str(rec->expires, &len);
			attr = add_mi_attr(node, MI_DUP_VALUE, "expires", 7, p, len);
			if(attr == NULL) goto error;
			p = int2str((unsigned int)rec->last_register_sent, &len);
			attr = add_mi_attr(node, MI_DUP_VALUE, "last_register_sent", 18, p, len);
                        if(attr == NULL) goto error;
			p = int2str((unsigned int)rec->registration_timeout, &len);
			attr = add_mi_attr(node, MI_DUP_VALUE, "registration_timeout", 20, p, len);
                        if(attr == NULL) goto error;

			node1 = add_mi_node_child(node, MI_DUP_VALUE, "registrar", 9,
					rec->td.rem_target.s, rec->td.rem_target.len);
			if(node1 == NULL) goto error;

			node1 = add_mi_node_child(node, MI_DUP_VALUE, "binding", 7,
					rec->contact_uri.s, rec->contact_uri.len);
			if(node1 == NULL) goto error;

			if(rec->td.loc_uri.s != rec->td.rem_uri.s) {
				node1 = add_mi_node_child(node, MI_DUP_VALUE,
						"third_party_registrant", 12,
						rec->td.loc_uri.s, rec->td.loc_uri.len);
				if(node1 == NULL) goto error;

			if (rec->td.obp.s && rec->td.obp.len) {
				node1 = add_mi_node_child(node, MI_DUP_VALUE,
						"proxy", 5, rec->td.obp.s, rec->td.obp.len);
				if(node1 == NULL) goto error;

			rec = rec->next;
	return rpl_tree;
	LM_ERR("Unable to create reply\n");
	return NULL;
Exemple #2
struct mi_root *siplua_mi_bla(struct mi_root *cmd_tree, void *param)
  return init_mi_tree(200, MI_OK_S, MI_OK_LEN);
Exemple #3
struct mi_root *ws_mi_enable(struct mi_root *cmd, void *param)
	cfg_get(websocket, ws_cfg, enabled) = 1;
	LM_WARN("enabling websockets\n");
	return init_mi_tree(200, MI_OK_S, MI_OK_LEN);
Exemple #4
struct mi_root* mi_get_pipes(struct mi_root* cmd_tree, void* param)
	struct mi_root *rpl_tree;
	struct mi_node *node=NULL, *rpl=NULL;
	struct mi_attr* attr;
	str algo;
	char* p;
	int i, len;
	pl_pipe_t *it;

	rpl_tree = init_mi_tree( 200, MI_OK_S, MI_OK_LEN);
	if (rpl_tree==0)
		return 0;
	rpl = &rpl_tree->node;

	for(i=0; i<_pl_pipes_ht->htsize; i++)
		it = _pl_pipes_ht->slots[i].first;
			if (it->algo != PIPE_ALGO_NOP) {
				node = add_mi_node_child(rpl, 0, "PIPE", 4, 0, 0);
				if(node == NULL)
					goto error;

				attr = add_mi_attr(node, MI_DUP_VALUE, "id" , 2, it->name.s,
				if(attr == NULL)
					goto error;

				if (str_map_int(algo_names, it->algo, &algo))
					goto error;
				attr = add_mi_attr(node, 0, "algorithm", 9, algo.s, algo.len);
				if(attr == NULL)
					goto error;

				p = int2str((unsigned long)(it->limit), &len);
				attr = add_mi_attr(node, MI_DUP_VALUE, "limit", 5, p, len);
				if(attr == NULL)
					goto error;

				p = int2str((unsigned long)(it->counter), &len);
				attr = add_mi_attr(node, MI_DUP_VALUE, "counter", 7, p, len);
				if(attr == NULL)
					goto error;
			it = it->next;
	return rpl_tree;
	LM_ERR("Unable to create reply\n");
	return 0;
Exemple #5
struct mi_root *ws_mi_dump(struct mi_root *cmd, void *param)
	int h, connections = 0, truncated = 0, order = 0, found = 0;
	ws_connection_t *wsc;
	struct mi_node *node = NULL;
	struct mi_root *rpl_tree;

	node = cmd->node.kids;
	if (node != NULL)
		if (node->value.s == NULL || node->value.len == 0)
			LM_WARN("empty display order parameter\n");
			return init_mi_tree(400, str_status_empty_param.s,
		if (strncmp(node->value.s, "id_hash", 7) == 0)
			order = 0;
		else if (strncmp(node->value.s, "used_desc", 9) == 0)
			order = 1;
		else if (strncmp(node->value.s, "used_asc", 8) == 0)
			order = 2;
			LM_WARN("bad display order parameter\n");
			return init_mi_tree(400, str_status_bad_param.s,

		if (node->next != NULL)
			LM_WARN("too many parameters\n");
			return init_mi_tree(400, str_status_too_many_params.s,

	rpl_tree = init_mi_tree(200, MI_OK_S, MI_OK_LEN);
	if (rpl_tree == NULL)
		return 0;

	if (order == 0)
		for (h = 0; h < TCP_ID_HASH_SIZE; h++)
			wsc = wsconn_id_hash[h];
				if ((found = add_node(rpl_tree, wsc)) < 0)
					return 0;

				connections += found;
				if (connections >= MAX_WS_CONNS_DUMP)
					truncated = 1;

				wsc = wsc->id_next;

			if (truncated == 1)
	else if (order == 1)
		wsc = wsconn_used_list->head;
		while (wsc)
			if ((found = add_node(rpl_tree, wsc)) < 0)
				return 0;

			connections += found;
			if (connections >= MAX_WS_CONNS_DUMP)
				truncated = 1;

			wsc = wsc->used_next;
		wsc = wsconn_used_list->tail;
		while (wsc)
			if ((found = add_node(rpl_tree, wsc)) < 0)
				return 0;

			connections += found;
			if (connections >= MAX_WS_CONNS_DUMP)
				truncated = 1;

			wsc = wsc->used_prev;

	if (addf_mi_node_child(&rpl_tree->node, 0, 0, 0,
				"%d WebSocket connection%s found%s",
				connections, connections == 1 ? "" : "s",
				truncated == 1 ? "(truncated)" : "") == 0)
		return 0;

	return rpl_tree;
Exemple #6
/*parameters from MI: h_entry, h_id of the requested dialog*/
struct mi_root * mi_terminate_dlg(struct mi_root *cmd_tree, void *param ){

	struct mi_node* node;
	unsigned int h_entry, h_id;
	struct dlg_cell * dlg = NULL;
	str *mi_extra_hdrs = NULL;
	int status, msg_len;
	char *msg;

	if( d_table ==NULL)
		goto end;

	node = cmd_tree->node.kids;
	h_entry = h_id = 0;

	if (node==NULL || node->next==NULL)
		return init_mi_tree( 400, MI_MISSING_PARM_S, MI_MISSING_PARM_LEN);

	if (!node->value.s|| !node->value.len|| strno2int(&node->value,&h_entry)<0)
		goto error;

	node = node->next;
	if ( !node->value.s || !node->value.len || strno2int(&node->value,&h_id)<0)
		goto error;

	if (node->next) {
		node = node->next;
		if (node->value.len && node->value.s)
			mi_extra_hdrs = &node->value;

	LM_DBG("h_entry %u h_id %u\n", h_entry, h_id);

	dlg = lookup_dlg(h_entry, h_id);

	/* lookup_dlg has incremented the reference count !! */

		init_dlg_term_reason(dlg,"MI Termination",sizeof("MI Termination")-1);

		if ( dlg_end_dlg( dlg, mi_extra_hdrs) ) {
			status = 500;
		} else {
			status = 200;
			msg = MI_OK_S;
			msg_len = MI_OK_LEN;

		unref_dlg(dlg, 1);

		return init_mi_tree(status, msg, msg_len);

	return init_mi_tree(404, MI_DIALOG_NOT_FOUND, MI_DIALOG_NOT_FOUND_LEN);

	return init_mi_tree( 400, MI_BAD_PARM_S, MI_BAD_PARM_LEN);

Exemple #7
static struct mi_root* mi_sca_list(struct mi_root* cmd, void* param)
	int i, index;
	struct mi_root *rpl_tree;
	struct mi_node *node=NULL, *node1=NULL, *rpl=NULL;
	struct mi_attr* attr;
	b2b_sca_record_t *rec;
	b2b_sca_call_t *call;
	str_lst_t *watcher;

	rpl_tree = init_mi_tree( 200, MI_OK_S, MI_OK_LEN);
	if (rpl_tree==NULL) return NULL;
	rpl = &rpl_tree->node;
	rpl->flags |= MI_IS_ARRAY;

	for(index = 0; index<b2b_sca_hsize; index++) {
		rec = b2b_sca_htable[index].first;
		while(rec) {
			node = add_mi_node_child(rpl, MI_IS_ARRAY|MI_DUP_VALUE,
				"shared_line", 11,rec->shared_line.s, rec->shared_line.len);
			if(node == NULL) goto error;
			watcher = rec->watchers;
			while (watcher) {
				attr = add_mi_attr(node, MI_DUP_VALUE, "watcher", 7,
					watcher->watcher.s, watcher->watcher.len);
				if(attr == NULL) goto error;
				watcher = watcher->next;
			for (i=0; i<MAX_APPEARANCE_INDEX; i++) {
				if (rec->call[i]) {
					call = rec->call[i];
					node1 = add_mi_node_child(node, MI_DUP_VALUE,
							"appearance", 10,
					if(node1 == NULL) goto error;
					attr = add_mi_attr(node1, MI_DUP_VALUE, "state", 5,
					if(attr == NULL) goto error;
					attr = add_mi_attr(node1, MI_DUP_VALUE, "b2b_key", 7,
							call->b2bl_key.s, call->b2bl_key.len);
					if(attr == NULL) goto error;
					attr = add_mi_attr(node1, MI_DUP_VALUE, "app_uri", 7,
					if(attr == NULL) goto error;

			rec = rec->next;
	return rpl_tree;
	LM_ERR("Unable to create reply\n");
	return NULL;
Exemple #8
struct mi_root* mi_pua_subscribe(struct mi_root* cmd, void* param)
	int exp= 0;
	str pres_uri, watcher_uri, expires;
	struct mi_node* node= NULL;
	struct mi_root* rpl= NULL;
	struct sip_uri uri;
	subs_info_t subs;
	int sign= 1;
	str event;

	node = cmd->node.kids;
	if(node == NULL)
		return 0;

	pres_uri= node->value;
	if(pres_uri.s == NULL || pres_uri.len== 0)
		return init_mi_tree(400, "Bad uri", 7);
	if(parse_uri(pres_uri.s, pres_uri.len, &uri)<0 )
		LM_ERR("bad uri\n");	
		return init_mi_tree(400, "Bad uri", 7);

	node = node->next;
	if(node == NULL)
		return 0;

	watcher_uri= node->value;
	if(watcher_uri.s == NULL || watcher_uri.len== 0)
		return init_mi_tree(400, "Bad uri", 7);
	if(parse_uri(watcher_uri.s, watcher_uri.len, &uri)<0 )
		LM_ERR("bad uri\n");	
		return init_mi_tree(400, "Bad uri", 7);

	/* Get event */
	node = node->next;
	if(node == NULL)
		return 0;

	event= node->value;
	if(event.s== NULL || event.len== 0)
		LM_ERR("empty event parameter\n");
		return init_mi_tree(400, "Empty event parameter", 21);
	LM_DBG("event '%.*s'\n", event.len, event.s);

	node = node->next;
	if(node == NULL || node->next!=NULL)
		LM_ERR("Too much or too many parameters\n");
		return 0;

	expires= node->value;
	if(expires.s== NULL || expires.len== 0)
		LM_ERR("Bad expires parameter\n");
		return init_mi_tree(400, "Bad expires", 11);
	if(expires.s[0]== '-')
		sign= -1;
	if( str2int(&expires, (unsigned int*) &exp)< 0)
		LM_ERR("invalid expires parameter\n" );
		goto error;
	exp= exp* sign;

	LM_DBG("expires '%d'\n", exp);
	memset(&subs, 0, sizeof(subs_info_t));
	subs.pres_uri= &pres_uri;

	subs.watcher_uri= &watcher_uri;

	subs.contact= &watcher_uri;
	subs.expires= exp;
	subs.source_flag |= MI_SUBSCRIBE;
	subs.event= get_event_flag(&event);
	if(subs.event< 0)
		LM_ERR("unknown event\n");
		return init_mi_tree(400, "Unknown event", 13);

	if(pua_send_subscribe(&subs)< 0)
		LM_ERR("while sending subscribe\n");
		goto error;
	rpl= init_mi_tree(202, "accepted", 8);
	if(rpl == NULL)
		return 0;
	return rpl;


	return 0;

Exemple #9
struct mi_root* mi_pua_publish(struct mi_root* cmd, void* param)
	int exp;
	struct mi_node* node= NULL;
	str pres_uri, expires;
	str body= {0, 0};
	struct sip_uri uri;
	publ_info_t publ;
	str event;
	str content_type;
	str id;
	str etag;
	str outbound_proxy;
	str extra_headers;
	int result;
	int sign= 1;


	node = cmd->node.kids;
	if(node == NULL)
		return 0;

	/* Get presentity URI */
	pres_uri = node->value;
	if(pres_uri.s == NULL || pres_uri.s== 0)
		LM_ERR("empty uri\n");
		return init_mi_tree(404, "Empty presentity URI", 20);
	if(parse_uri(pres_uri.s, pres_uri.len, &uri)<0 )
		LM_ERR("bad uri\n");
		return init_mi_tree(404, "Bad presentity URI", 18);
	LM_DBG("pres_uri '%.*s'\n", pres_uri.len, pres_uri.s);

	node = node->next;
	if(node == NULL)
		return 0;

	/* Get expires */
	expires= node->value;
	if(expires.s== NULL || expires.len== 0)
		LM_ERR("empty expires parameter\n");
		return init_mi_tree(400, "Empty expires parameter", 23);
	if(expires.s[0]== '-')
		sign= -1;
	if( str2int(&expires, (unsigned int*) &exp)< 0)
		LM_ERR("invalid expires parameter\n" );
		goto error;
	exp= exp* sign;

	LM_DBG("expires '%d'\n", exp);

	node = node->next;
	if(node == NULL)
		return 0;

	/* Get event */
	event= node->value;
	if(event.s== NULL || event.len== 0)
		LM_ERR("empty event parameter\n");
		return init_mi_tree(400, "Empty event parameter", 21);
	LM_DBG("event '%.*s'\n",
	    event.len, event.s);

	node = node->next;
	if(node == NULL)
		return 0;

	/* Get content type */
	content_type= node->value;
	if(content_type.s== NULL || content_type.len== 0)
		LM_ERR("empty content type\n");
		return init_mi_tree(400, "Empty content type parameter", 28);
	LM_DBG("content type '%.*s'\n",
	    content_type.len, content_type.s);

	node = node->next;
	if(node == NULL)
		return 0;

	/* Get id */
	id= node->value;
	if(id.s== NULL || id.len== 0)
		LM_ERR("empty id parameter\n");
		return init_mi_tree(400, "Empty id parameter", 20);
	LM_DBG("id '%.*s'\n", id.len, id.s);

	node = node->next;
	if(node == NULL)
		return 0;

	/* Get etag */
	etag= node->value;
	if(etag.s== NULL || etag.len== 0)
		LM_ERR("empty etag parameter\n");
		return init_mi_tree(400, "Empty etag parameter", 20);
	LM_DBG("etag '%.*s'\n", etag.len, etag.s);

	node = node->next;
	if(node == NULL)
		return 0;

	/* Get outbound_proxy */
	if (publish_with_ob_proxy) {

		outbound_proxy = node->value;
		if(outbound_proxy.s== NULL || outbound_proxy.len== 0) {
			LM_ERR("empty outbound proxy parameter\n");
			return init_mi_tree(400, "Empty outbound proxy", 20);
		LM_DBG("outbound_proxy '%.*s'\n",
		       outbound_proxy.len, outbound_proxy.s);
		node = node->next;
		if(node == NULL) return 0;

	/* Get extra_headers */
	extra_headers = node->value;
	if(extra_headers.s== NULL || extra_headers.len== 0)
		LM_ERR("empty extra_headers parameter\n");
		return init_mi_tree(400, "Empty extra_headers", 19);
	LM_DBG("extra_headers '%.*s'\n",
	    extra_headers.len, extra_headers.s);

	node = node->next;

	/* Get body */
	if(node == NULL )
		body.s= NULL;
		body.len= 0;
			return init_mi_tree(400, "Too many parameters", 19);

		body= node->value;
		if(body.s == NULL || body.s== 0)
			LM_ERR("empty body parameter\n");
			return init_mi_tree(400, "Empty body parameter", 20);
	LM_DBG("body '%.*s'\n", body.len, body.s);

	/* Check that body is NULL if content type is . */
	if(body.s== NULL && (content_type.len!= 1 || content_type.s[0]!= '.'))
		LM_ERR("body is missing, but content type is not .\n");
		return init_mi_tree(400, "Body parameter is missing", 25);

	/* Create the publ_info_t structure */
	memset(&publ, 0, sizeof(publ_info_t));
	publ.pres_uri= &pres_uri;
		publ.body= &body;
	publ.event= get_event_flag(&event);
	if(publ.event< 0)
		LM_ERR("unknown event\n");
		return init_mi_tree(400, "Unknown event", 13);
	if(content_type.len!= 1)
		publ.content_type= content_type;

	if(! (id.len== 1 && id.s[0]== '.'))
		publ.id= id;

	if(! (etag.len== 1 && etag.s[0]== '.'))
		publ.etag= &etag;
	publ.expires= exp;

	if (publish_with_ob_proxy) {
		if (!((outbound_proxy.len == 1) &&
		      (outbound_proxy.s[0] == '.')))
			publ.outbound_proxy = &outbound_proxy;

	if (!(extra_headers.len == 1 && extra_headers.s[0] == '.')) {
	    publ.extra_headers = &extra_headers;

	if (!(etag.len== 1 && etag.s[0]== '.'))
		publ.etag= &etag;
	publ.expires= exp;

	if (cmd->async_hdl!=NULL)
		publ.source_flag= MI_ASYN_PUBLISH;
		publ.cb_param= (void*)cmd->async_hdl;
		publ.source_flag|= MI_PUBLISH;

	LM_DBG("send publish\n");

	result= pua_send_publish(&publ);

	if(result< 0)
		LM_ERR("sending publish failed\n");
		return init_mi_tree(500, "MI/PUBLISH failed", 17);
	if(result== 418)
		return init_mi_tree(418, "Wrong ETag", 10);
	if (cmd->async_hdl==NULL)
			return init_mi_tree( 202, "Accepted", 8);
			return MI_ROOT_ASYNC_RPL;


	return 0;
Exemple #10
struct mi_root* mi_cpl_load(struct mi_root *cmd_tree, void *param)
	struct mi_root *rpl_tree;
	struct mi_node *cmd;
	struct sip_uri uri;
	str xml = {0,0};
	str bin = {0,0};
	str enc_log = {0,0};
	str val;
	char *file;

	LM_DBG("\"LOAD_CPL\" MI command received!\n");
	cmd = &cmd_tree->node;

	/* check user+host */
	if((cmd->kids==NULL) ||(cmd->kids->next==NULL) || (cmd->kids->next->next))
		return init_mi_tree( 400, MI_MISSING_PARM_S, MI_MISSING_PARM_LEN);

	val = cmd->kids->value;
	if (parse_uri( val.s, val.len, &uri)!=0){
		LM_ERR("invalid sip URI [%.*s]\n",
			val.len, val.s);
		return init_mi_tree( 400, USRHOST_ERR_S, USRHOST_ERR_LEN );

	/* second argument is the cpl file */
	val = cmd->kids->next->value;
	file = pkg_malloc(val.len+1);
	if (file==NULL) {
		LM_ERR("no more pkg mem\n");
		return 0;
	memcpy( file, val.s, val.len);
	file[val.len]= '\0';

	/* load the xml file - this function will allocated a buff for the loading
	 * the cpl file and attach it to xml.s -> don't forget to free it! */
	if (load_file( file, &xml)!=1) {
		return init_mi_tree( 500, FILE_LOAD_ERR_S, FILE_LOAD_ERR_LEN );
	LM_DBG("cpl file=%s loaded\n",file);

	/* get the binary coding for the XML file */
	if (encodeCPL( &xml, &bin, &enc_log)!=1) {
		rpl_tree = init_mi_tree( 500, CPLFILE_ERR_S, CPLFILE_ERR_LEN );
		goto error;

	/* write both the XML and binary formats into database */
	if (write_to_db( &uri.user,cpl_env.use_domain?&uri.host:0, &xml, &bin)!=1){
		rpl_tree = init_mi_tree( 500, DB_SAVE_ERR_S, DB_SAVE_ERR_LEN );
		goto error;

	/* everything was OK */
	rpl_tree = init_mi_tree( 200, MI_OK_S, MI_OK_LEN);

	if (rpl_tree && enc_log.len)
	if (enc_log.s)
		pkg_free ( enc_log.s );
	if (xml.s)
		pkg_free ( xml.s );
	return rpl_tree;
Exemple #11
int mi_publ_rpl_cback( ua_pres_t* hentity, struct sip_msg* reply)
	struct mi_root *rpl_tree= NULL;
	struct mi_handler* mi_hdl= NULL;
	struct hdr_field* hdr= NULL;
	int statuscode;
	int lexpire;
	int found;
	str etag;
	str reason= {0, 0};

	if(reply== NULL || hentity== NULL || hentity->cb_param== NULL)
		LM_ERR("NULL parameter\n");
		return -1;
	if(reply== FAKED_REPLY)
		statuscode= 408;
		reason.s= "Request Timeout";
		reason.len= strlen(reason.s);
		statuscode= reply->first_line.u.reply.statuscode;
		reason= reply->first_line.u.reply.reason;

	mi_hdl = (struct mi_handler *)(hentity->cb_param);
	rpl_tree = init_mi_tree( 200, MI_OK_S, MI_OK_LEN);
	if (rpl_tree==0)
		goto done;
	addf_mi_node_child( &rpl_tree->node, 0, 0, 0, "%d %.*s",
		statuscode, reason.len, reason.s);
	if(statuscode== 200)
		/* extract ETag and expires */
		lexpire = ((exp_body_t*)reply->expires->parsed)->val;
		LM_DBG("lexpire= %d\n", lexpire);
		hdr = reply->headers;
		found = 0;
		while (hdr!= NULL)
			if(cmp_hdrname_strzn(&hdr->name, "SIP-ETag",8)==0)
				found = 1;
			hdr = hdr->next;
		if(found== 0) /* must find SIP-Etag header field in 200 OK msg*/
			LM_ERR("SIP-ETag header field not found\n");
			goto error;
		etag= hdr->body;
		addf_mi_node_child( &rpl_tree->node, 0, "ETag", 4, "%.*s", etag.len, etag.s);
		addf_mi_node_child( &rpl_tree->node, 0, "Expires", 7, "%d", lexpire);

	if ( statuscode >= 200) 
		mi_hdl->handler_f( rpl_tree, mi_hdl, 1);
		mi_hdl->handler_f( rpl_tree, mi_hdl, 0 );
	return 0;

	return  -1;
Exemple #12
struct mi_root* pdt_mi_list(struct mi_root* cmd_tree, void* param)
	str sd, sp, sdomain;
	pdt_tree_t *pt;
	struct mi_node* node = NULL;
	unsigned int i= 0;
	struct mi_root* rpl_tree = NULL;
	struct mi_node* rpl = NULL;
	static char code_buf[PDT_MAX_DEPTH+1];
	int len;

		LM_ERR("empty domain list\n");
		return init_mi_tree( 500, MI_INTERNAL_ERR_S, MI_INTERNAL_ERR_LEN);

	/* read sdomain */
	sdomain.s = 0;
	sdomain.len = 0;
	sp.s = 0;
	sp.len = 0;
	sd.s = 0;
	sd.len = 0;
	node = cmd_tree->node.kids;
	if(node != NULL)
		sdomain = node->value;
		if(sdomain.s == NULL || sdomain.len== 0)
			return init_mi_tree( 404, "domain not found", 16);

			sdomain.s = 0;

		/* read prefix */
		node = node->next;
		if(node != NULL)
			sp= node->value;
			if(sp.s== NULL || sp.len==0 || *sp.s=='.')
				sp.s = NULL;
			else {
				while(sp.s!=NULL && i!=sp.len)
					if(strpos(pdt_char_list.s,sp.s[i]) < 0)
						LM_ERR("bad prefix [%.*s]\n", sp.len, sp.s);
						return init_mi_tree( 400, "bad prefix", 10);

			/* read domain */
			node= node->next;
			if(node != NULL)
				sd= node->value;
				if(sd.s== NULL || sd.len==0 || *sd.s=='.')
					sd.s = NULL;

	rpl_tree = init_mi_tree(200, MI_OK_S, MI_OK_LEN);
	if(rpl_tree == NULL)
		return 0;
	rpl = &rpl_tree->node;
	rpl->flags |= MI_IS_ARRAY;

		return rpl_tree;

	pt = *_ptree;

		if(sdomain.s==NULL ||
			(sdomain.s!=NULL && pt->sdomain.len>=sdomain.len &&
			 strncmp(pt->sdomain.s, sdomain.s, sdomain.len)==0))
			len = 0;
			if(pdt_print_mi_node(pt->head, rpl, code_buf, len, &pt->sdomain,
						&sd, &sp)<0)
				goto error;
		pt = pt->next;

	return rpl_tree;

	return 0;
Exemple #13
 * "pdt_delete" syntax:
 *    sdomain
 *    domain
struct mi_root* pdt_mi_delete(struct mi_root* cmd_tree, void* param)
	str sd, sdomain;
	struct mi_node* node= NULL;
	db_key_t db_keys[2] = {&sdomain_column, &domain_column};
	db_val_t db_vals[2];
	db_op_t  db_ops[2] = {OP_EQ, OP_EQ};

	/* read sdomain */
	node = cmd_tree->node.kids;
	if(node == NULL)
		goto error;

	sdomain = node->value;
	if(sdomain.s == NULL || sdomain.len== 0)
		return init_mi_tree( 404, "domain not found", 16);

	if( *sdomain.s=='.' )
		 return init_mi_tree( 400, "400 empty param",11);

	/* read domain */
	node= node->next;
	if(node == NULL || node->next!=NULL)
		goto error;

	sd= node->value;
	if(sd.s== NULL || sd.len==0)
		LM_ERR("could not read domain\n");
		return init_mi_tree(404, "domain not found", 16);

		 return init_mi_tree( 400, "empty param", 11);

	db_vals[0].type = DB_STR;
	db_vals[0].nul = 0;
	db_vals[0].val.str_val.s = sdomain.s;
	db_vals[0].val.str_val.len = sdomain.len;

	db_vals[1].type = DB_STR;
	db_vals[1].nul = 0;
	db_vals[1].val.str_val.s = sd.s;
	db_vals[1].val.str_val.len = sd.len;

	if(pdt_dbf.delete(db_con, db_keys, db_ops, db_vals, 2)<0)
		LM_ERR("database/cache are inconsistent\n");
		return init_mi_tree( 500, "database/cache are inconsistent", 31 );
	/* re-loading all information from database */
		LM_ERR("cannot re-load info from database\n");
		return init_mi_tree( 500, "cannot reload", 13 );

	LM_DBG("prefix for sdomain [%.*s] domain [%.*s] "
			"removed\n", sdomain.len, sdomain.s, sd.len, sd.s);
	return init_mi_tree( 200, MI_OK_S, MI_OK_LEN);
	return init_mi_tree( 400, MI_MISSING_PARM_S, MI_MISSING_PARM_LEN);
Exemple #14
 * "pdt_add" syntax :
 *   sdomain
 *   prefix
 *   domain
struct mi_root* pdt_mi_add(struct mi_root* cmd_tree, void* param)
	db_key_t db_keys[NR_KEYS] = {&sdomain_column, &prefix_column, &domain_column};
	db_val_t db_vals[NR_KEYS];
	db_op_t  db_ops[NR_KEYS] = {OP_EQ, OP_EQ};
	int i= 0;
	str sd, sp, sdomain;
	struct mi_node* node= NULL;

		LM_ERR("strange situation\n");
		return init_mi_tree( 500, MI_INTERNAL_ERR_S, MI_INTERNAL_ERR_LEN);

	/* read sdomain */
	node = cmd_tree->node.kids;
	if(node == NULL)
		goto error1;

	sdomain = node->value;
	if(sdomain.s == NULL || sdomain.len== 0)
		return init_mi_tree( 404, "domain not found", 16);

	if(*sdomain.s=='.' )
		 return init_mi_tree( 400, "empty param",11);

	/* read prefix */
	node = node->next;
	if(node == NULL)
		goto error1;

	sp= node->value;
	if(sp.s== NULL || sp.len==0)
		LM_ERR("could not read prefix\n");
		return init_mi_tree( 404, "prefix not found", 16);

		 return init_mi_tree(400, "empty param", 11);

	while(i< sp.len)
		if(strpos(pdt_char_list.s,sp.s[i]) < 0)
			return init_mi_tree(400, "bad prefix", 10);

	/* read domain */
	node= node->next;
	if(node == NULL || node->next!=NULL)
		goto error1;

	sd= node->value;
	if(sd.s== NULL || sd.len==0)
		LM_ERR("could not read domain\n");
		return init_mi_tree( 400, "domain not found", 16);

		 return init_mi_tree(400, "empty param", 11);

	if(pdt_check_domain!=0 && *_ptree!=NULL
			&& pdt_check_pd(*_ptree, &sdomain, &sp, &sd)==1)
		LM_ERR("(sdomain,prefix,domain) exists\n");
		return init_mi_tree(400,
				"(sdomain,prefix,domain) exists already", 38);
	db_vals[0].type = DB_STR;
	db_vals[0].nul = 0;
	db_vals[0].val.str_val.s = sdomain.s;
	db_vals[0].val.str_val.len = sdomain.len;

	db_vals[1].type = DB_STR;
	db_vals[1].nul = 0;
	db_vals[1].val.str_val.s = sp.s;
	db_vals[1].val.str_val.len = sp.len;

	db_vals[2].type = DB_STR;
	db_vals[2].nul = 0;
	db_vals[2].val.str_val.s = sd.s;
	db_vals[2].val.str_val.len = sd.len;

	/* insert a new domain into database */
	if(pdt_dbf.insert(db_con, db_keys, db_vals, NR_KEYS)<0)
		LM_ERR("failed to store new prefix/domain\n");
		return init_mi_tree( 500,"Cannot store prefix/domain", 26);

	/* re-loading all information from database */
		LM_ERR("cannot re-load info from database\n");
		goto error;

	LM_DBG("new prefix added %.*s-%.*s => %.*s\n",
			sdomain.len, sdomain.s, sp.len, sp.s, sd.len, sd.s);
	return init_mi_tree( 200, MI_OK_S, MI_OK_LEN);

	if(pdt_dbf.delete(db_con, db_keys, db_ops, db_vals, NR_KEYS)<0)
		LM_ERR("database/cache are inconsistent\n");
	return init_mi_tree( 500, "could not add to cache", 23 );

	return init_mi_tree( 400, MI_MISSING_PARM_S, MI_MISSING_PARM_LEN);

Exemple #15
 * Expects 7 nodes: 
 *        table name,
 *        AOR
 *        contact
 *        expires
 *        Q
 *        useless - backward compat.
 *        flags
 *        cflags
 *        methods
struct mi_root* mi_usrloc_add(struct mi_root *cmd, void *param)
	ucontact_info_t ci;
	urecord_t* r;
	ucontact_t* c;
	struct mi_node *node;
	udomain_t *dom;
	str *aor;
	str *contact;
	unsigned int ui_val;
	int n;

	for( n=0,node = cmd->node.kids; n<9 && node ; n++,node=node->next );
	if (n!=9 || node!=0)
		return init_mi_tree( 400, MI_MISSING_PARM_S, MI_MISSING_PARM_LEN);

	node = cmd->node.kids;

	/* look for table (param 1) */
	dom = mi_find_domain( &node->value );
	if (dom==NULL)
		return init_mi_tree( 404, "Table not found", 15);

	/* process the aor (param 2) */
	node = node->next;
	aor = &node->value;
	if ( mi_fix_aor(aor)!=0 )
		return init_mi_tree( 400, "Domain missing in AOR", 21);

	/* contact (param 3) */
	node = node->next;
	contact = &node->value;

	memset( &ci, 0, sizeof(ucontact_info_t));

	/* expire (param 4) */
	node = node->next;
	if (str2int( &node->value, &ui_val) < 0)
		goto bad_syntax;
	ci.expires = ui_val;

	/* q value (param 5) */
	node = node->next;
	if (str2q( &ci.q, node->value.s, node->value.len) < 0)
		goto bad_syntax;

	/* unused value (param 6) FIXME */
	node = node->next;

	/* flags value (param 7) */
	node = node->next;
	if (str2int( &node->value, (unsigned int*)&ci.flags) < 0)
		goto bad_syntax;

	/* branch flags value (param 8) */
	node = node->next;
	if (str2int( &node->value, (unsigned int*)&ci.cflags) < 0)
		goto bad_syntax;

	/* methods value (param 9) */
	node = node->next;
	if (str2int( &node->value, (unsigned int*)&ci.methods) < 0)
		goto bad_syntax;

	lock_udomain( dom, aor);

	n = get_urecord( dom, aor, &r);
	if ( n==1) {
		if (insert_urecord( dom, aor, &r) < 0)
			goto lock_error;
		c = 0;
	} else {
		if (get_ucontact( r, contact, &mi_ul_cid, MI_UL_CSEQ+1, &c) < 0)
			goto lock_error;


	ci.callid = &mi_ul_cid;
	ci.user_agent = &mi_ul_ua;
	ci.cseq = MI_UL_CSEQ;
	/* 0 expires means permanent contact */
	if (ci.expires!=0)
		ci.expires += act_time;

	if (c) {
		if (update_ucontact( r, c, &ci) < 0)
			goto release_error;
	} else {
		if ( insert_ucontact( r, contact, &ci, &c) < 0 )
			goto release_error;


	unlock_udomain( dom, aor);

	return init_mi_tree( 200, MI_OK_S, MI_OK_LEN);
	return init_mi_tree( 400, MI_BAD_PARM_S, MI_BAD_PARM_LEN);
	unlock_udomain( dom, aor);
	return init_mi_tree( 500, MI_INTERNAL_ERR_S, MI_INTERNAL_ERR_LEN);
Exemple #16
static struct mi_root *mq_mi_get_size(struct mi_root *cmd_tree, 
				      void *param)
	static struct mi_node	*node = NULL, *rpl = NULL;
	static struct mi_root	*rpl_tree = NULL;
	static struct mi_attr	*attr = NULL;
	str			mqueue_name;
	int			mqueue_sz = 0;
	char			*p = NULL;
	int			len = 0;

	if((node = cmd_tree->node.kids) == NULL) {
		return init_mi_tree(400, MI_MISSING_PARM_S, 

	mqueue_name = node->value;

	if(mqueue_name.len <= 0 || mqueue_name.s == NULL) {
		LM_ERR("bad mqueue name\n");
		return init_mi_tree(500, MI_SSTR("bad mqueue name"));

	mqueue_sz = _mq_get_csize(&mqueue_name);

	if(mqueue_sz < 0) {
		LM_ERR("no such mqueue\n");
		return init_mi_tree(404, MI_SSTR("no such mqueue"));

	rpl_tree = init_mi_tree(200, MI_OK_S, MI_OK_LEN);

	if(rpl_tree == NULL) 
		return 0;

	rpl = &rpl_tree->node;

	node = add_mi_node_child(rpl, MI_DUP_VALUE, "mqueue", strlen("mqueue"),
				 NULL, 0);

	if(node == NULL) {
		return NULL;

	attr = add_mi_attr(node, MI_DUP_VALUE, "name", strlen("name"),
			   mqueue_name.s, mqueue_name.len);

	if(attr == NULL) goto error;

	p = int2str((unsigned long) mqueue_sz, &len);	

	attr = add_mi_attr(node, MI_DUP_VALUE, "size", strlen("size"), 
			   p, len);

	if(attr == NULL) goto error;

	return rpl_tree;

	return NULL;
Exemple #17
 * Expects 2 nodes: the table name and the AOR
struct mi_root* mi_usrloc_show_contact(struct mi_root *cmd, void *param)
	struct mi_root *rpl_tree;
	struct mi_node *rpl;
	struct mi_node *node;
	udomain_t *dom;
	urecord_t *rec;
	ucontact_t* con;
	str *aor;
	int ret;

	node = cmd->node.kids;
	if (node==NULL || node->next==NULL || node->next->next!=NULL)
		return init_mi_tree( 400, MI_MISSING_PARM_S, MI_MISSING_PARM_LEN);

	/* look for table */
	dom = mi_find_domain( &node->value );
	if (dom==NULL)
		return init_mi_tree( 404, "Table not found", 15);

	/* process the aor */
	aor = &node->next->value;
	if ( mi_fix_aor(aor)!=0 )
		return init_mi_tree( 400, "Domain missing in AOR", 21);

	lock_udomain( dom, aor);

	ret = get_urecord( dom, aor, &rec);
	if (ret == 1) {
		unlock_udomain( dom, aor);
		return init_mi_tree( 404, "AOR not found", 13);

	rpl_tree = 0;
	rpl = 0;

	for( con=rec->contacts ; con ; con=con->next) {
		if (VALID_CONTACT( con, act_time)) {
			if (rpl_tree==0) {
				rpl_tree = init_mi_tree( 200, MI_OK_S, MI_OK_LEN);
				if (rpl_tree==0)
					goto error;
				rpl = &rpl_tree->node;

			node = addf_mi_node_child( rpl, 0, "Contact", 7,
				"%s%.*s%s" /*received*/
				"%s%.*s%s" /*user-agent*/
				"%s%.*s%s", /*path*/
				con->c.len, ZSW(con->c.s),
				q2str(con->q, 0), (int)(con->expires - act_time),
				con->flags, con->cflags,
					ZSW(con->received.s), con->received.len?">":"",
					ZSW(con->user_agent.s), con->user_agent.len?">":"",
				con->path.len?";path=<":"", con->path.len,
					ZSW(con->path.s), con->path.len?">":""
			if (node==0)
				goto error;

	unlock_udomain( dom, aor);

	if (rpl_tree==0)
		return init_mi_tree( 404 , "AOR has no contacts", 18);

	return rpl_tree;
	if (rpl_tree)
		free_mi_tree( rpl_tree );
	unlock_udomain( dom, aor);
	return 0;
Exemple #18
 * \brief List the profiles via MI interface
 * \param cmd_tree MI command tree
 * \param param unused
 * \return MI root output on success, NULL on failure
struct mi_root * mi_profile_list(struct mi_root *cmd_tree, void *param )
	struct mi_node* node;
	struct mi_root* rpl_tree= NULL;
	struct mi_node* rpl = NULL;
	struct dlg_profile_table *profile;
	struct dlg_profile_hash *ph;
	str *profile_name;
	str *value;
	unsigned int i;

	node = cmd_tree->node.kids;
	if (node==NULL || !node->value.s || !node->value.len)
		return init_mi_tree( 400, MI_SSTR(MI_MISSING_PARM));
	profile_name = &node->value;

	if (node->next) {
		node = node->next;
		if (!node->value.s || !node->value.len)
			return init_mi_tree( 400, MI_SSTR(MI_BAD_PARM));
		if (node->next)
			return init_mi_tree( 400, MI_SSTR(MI_MISSING_PARM));
		value = &node->value;
	} else {
		value = NULL;

	/* search for the profile */
	profile = search_dlg_profile( profile_name );
	if (profile==NULL)
		return init_mi_tree( 404, MI_SSTR("Profile not found"));

	rpl_tree = init_mi_tree( 200, MI_SSTR(MI_OK));
	if (rpl_tree==0)
		return 0;
	rpl = &rpl_tree->node;

	/* go through the hash and print the dialogs */
	if (profile->has_value==0 || value==NULL) {
		/* no value */
		lock_get( &profile->lock );
		for ( i=0 ; i< profile->size ; i++ ) {
			ph = profile->entries[i].first;
			if(ph) {
				do {
					/* print dialog */
					if ( mi_print_dlg( rpl, ph->dlg, 0)!=0 )
						goto error;
					/* next */
				}while( ph!=profile->entries[i].first );
		lock_release( &profile->lock );
	} else {
		/* check for value also */
		lock_get( &profile->lock );
		for ( i=0 ; i< profile->size ; i++ ) {
			ph = profile->entries[i].first;
			if(ph) {
				do {
					if ( value->len==ph->value.len &&
					memcmp(value->s,ph->value.s,value->len)==0 ) {
						/* print dialog */
						if ( mi_print_dlg( rpl, ph->dlg, 0)!=0 )
							goto error;
					/* next */
				}while( ph!=profile->entries[i].first );
		lock_release( &profile->lock );

	return rpl_tree;
	return NULL;
/* TODO: add reason parameter to mi interface */
struct mi_root * mi_terminate_dlg(struct mi_root *cmd_tree, void *param) {

    struct mi_node* node;
    struct dlg_cell * dlg = NULL;
    str mi_extra_hdrs = {NULL, 0};
    int status, msg_len;
    char *msg;

    str callid = {NULL, 0};
    str ftag = {NULL, 0};
    str ttag = {NULL, 0};

    if (d_table == NULL)
        goto end;

    node = cmd_tree->node.kids;

    if (node == NULL || node->next == NULL  || node->next->next == NULL)
        return init_mi_tree(400, MI_MISSING_PARM_S, MI_MISSING_PARM_LEN);

    if (!node->value.s || !node->value.len) {
        goto error;
    } else {
        callid = node->value;
    node = node->next;
    if (!node->value.s || !node->value.len) {
        goto error;
    } else {
        ftag = node->value;
    node = node->next;
    if (!node->value.s || !node->value.len) {
        goto error;
    } else {
        ttag = node->value;

    if (node->next) {
        node = node->next;
        if (node->value.len && node->value.s)
            mi_extra_hdrs = node->value;

    unsigned int dir = DLG_DIR_NONE;
    LM_DBG("Looking for callid [%.*s]\n", callid.len, callid.s);
    dlg = get_dlg(&callid, &ftag, &ttag, &dir); //increments ref count!

    if (dlg) {
        LM_DBG("Found dialog to terminate and it is in state [%i]\n", dlg->state);

        if (dlg_terminate(dlg, 0, NULL/*reson*/, /* all sides of a dialog*/ 2, &mi_extra_hdrs) < 0) {
            status = 500;
            msg = MI_DLG_OPERATION_ERR;
            msg_len = MI_DLG_OPERATION_ERR_LEN;
        } else {
            status = 200;
            msg = MI_OK_S;
            msg_len = MI_OK_LEN;
        unref_dlg(dlg, 1);

        return init_mi_tree(status, msg, msg_len);
    return init_mi_tree(404, MI_DIALOG_NOT_FOUND, MI_DIALOG_NOT_FOUND_LEN);

    return init_mi_tree(400, MI_BAD_PARM_S, MI_BAD_PARM_LEN);

Exemple #20
 * \brief Output a profile via MI interface
 * \param cmd_tree MI command tree
 * \param param unused
 * \return MI root output on success, NULL on failure
struct mi_root * mi_get_profile(struct mi_root *cmd_tree, void *param)
	struct mi_node* node;
	struct mi_root* rpl_tree= NULL;
	struct mi_node* rpl = NULL;
	struct mi_attr* attr;
	struct dlg_profile_table *profile;
	str *value;
	str *profile_name;
	unsigned int size;
	int len;
	char *p;

	node = cmd_tree->node.kids;
	if (node==NULL || !node->value.s || !node->value.len)
		return init_mi_tree( 400, MI_SSTR(MI_MISSING_PARM));
	profile_name = &node->value;

	if (node->next) {
		node = node->next;
		if (!node->value.s || !node->value.len)
			return init_mi_tree( 400, MI_SSTR(MI_BAD_PARM));
		if (node->next)
			return init_mi_tree( 400, MI_SSTR(MI_MISSING_PARM));
		value = &node->value;
	} else {
		value = NULL;

	/* search for the profile */
	profile = search_dlg_profile( profile_name );
	if (profile==NULL)
		return init_mi_tree( 404, MI_SSTR("Profile not found"));

	size = get_profile_size( profile , value );

	rpl_tree = init_mi_tree( 200, MI_SSTR(MI_OK));
	if (rpl_tree==0)
		return 0;
	rpl = &rpl_tree->node;

	node = add_mi_node_child(rpl, MI_DUP_VALUE, "profile", 7, NULL, 0);
	if (node==0) {
		return NULL;

	attr = add_mi_attr(node, MI_DUP_VALUE, "name", 4, 
		profile->name.s, profile->name.len);
	if(attr == NULL) {
		goto error;

	if (value) {
		attr = add_mi_attr(node, MI_DUP_VALUE, "value", 5, value->s, value->len);
	} else {
		attr = add_mi_attr(node, MI_DUP_VALUE, "value", 5, NULL, 0);
	if(attr == NULL) {
		goto error;

	p= int2str((unsigned long)size, &len);
	attr = add_mi_attr(node, MI_DUP_VALUE, "count", 5, p, len);
	if(attr == NULL) {
		goto error;

	return rpl_tree;
	return NULL;
Exemple #21
/* mi function implementations */
struct mi_root* mi_stats(struct mi_root* cmd_tree, void* param)
	struct mi_root *rpl_tree;
	struct mi_node *node=NULL, *rpl=NULL;
	struct mi_attr* attr;
	char* p;
	int i, len;
	pl_pipe_t *it;

	rpl_tree = init_mi_tree( 200, MI_OK_S, MI_OK_LEN);
	if (rpl_tree==0)
		return 0;
	rpl = &rpl_tree->node;

	for(i=0; i<_pl_pipes_ht->htsize; i++)
		it = _pl_pipes_ht->slots[i].first;
			if (it->algo != PIPE_ALGO_NOP) {
				node = add_mi_node_child(rpl, 0, "PIPE", 4, 0, 0);
				if(node == NULL)
					goto error;

				attr = add_mi_attr(node, MI_DUP_VALUE, "id", 2, it->name.s,
				if(attr == NULL)
					goto error;

				p = int2str((unsigned long)(it->load), &len);
				attr = add_mi_attr(node, MI_DUP_VALUE, "load", 4, p, len);
				if(attr == NULL)
					goto error;

				p = int2str((unsigned long)(it->last_counter), &len);
				attr = add_mi_attr(node, MI_DUP_VALUE, "counter", 7, p, len);
				if(attr == NULL)
					goto error;
			it = it->next;

#if 0
	p = int2str((unsigned long)(*drop_rate), &len);
	node = add_mi_node_child(rpl, MI_DUP_VALUE, "DROP_RATE", 9, p, len);

	return rpl_tree;
	LM_ERR("Unable to create reply\n");
	return 0;
static struct mi_root *mi_cachestore(struct mi_root *cmd, void *param)
	str mc_system;
	str attr;
	str value;
	unsigned int expires = 0;
	struct mi_node* node= NULL;
	str expires_str;

	if(cmd == NULL)
		LM_ERR("NULL command\n");
		return init_mi_tree(404, "NULL command", 12);

	node = cmd->node.kids;
	if(node == NULL)
		return init_mi_tree(404, "Too few arguments", 17);

	mc_system = node->value;
	if(mc_system.s == NULL || mc_system.len== 0)
		LM_ERR( "empty memory cache system parameter\n");
		return init_mi_tree(404, "Empty memory cache id", 21);
	node = node->next;
	if(node == NULL)
		return init_mi_tree(404, "Too few arguments", 17);

	attr = node->value;
	if(attr.s == NULL || attr.len== 0)
		LM_ERR( "empty attribute name parameter\n");
		return init_mi_tree(404, "Empty attribute name", 20);
	node = node->next;
	if(node == NULL)
		return init_mi_tree(404, "Too few arguments", 17);

	value = node->value;
	if(value.s == NULL || value.len== 0)
		LM_ERR( "empty value parameter\n");
		return init_mi_tree(404, "Empty value argument", 20);

	/* expires parameter is not compulsory */
	node = node->next;
	if(node!= NULL)
		expires_str = node->value;
		if(expires_str.s == NULL || expires_str.len == 0)
			LM_ERR( "empty expires parameter\n");
			return init_mi_tree(404, "Empty expires argument", 22);
		if(str2int(&expires_str, &expires)< 0)
			LM_ERR("wrong format for expires argument- needed int\n");
			return init_mi_tree(404, "Bad format for expires argument", 31);
		node = node->next;
		if(node!= NULL)
			return init_mi_tree(404, "Too many parameters", 19);

	if(cache_store(&mc_system, &attr, &value, expires)< 0)
		LM_ERR("cache_store command failed\n");
		return init_mi_tree(500, "Cache store command failed", 26);
	return init_mi_tree(200, "OK", 2);
Exemple #23
 * IMPORTANT: if a dialog reference is returned, the dialog hash entry will
   be kept locked when this function returns
   NOTE: if a reply tree is returned, no dialog reference is returned.
static inline struct mi_root* process_mi_params(struct mi_root *cmd_tree,
			struct dlg_cell **dlg_p, unsigned int *idx, unsigned int *cnt)
	struct mi_node* node;
	struct dlg_entry *d_entry;
	struct dlg_cell *dlg;
	str *p1;
	str *p2;
	unsigned int h_entry;

	node = cmd_tree->node.kids;
	if (node == NULL) {
		/* no parameters at all */
		*dlg_p = NULL;
		*idx = *cnt = 0;
		return NULL;

	/* we have params -> get p1 and p2 */
	p1 = &node->value;
	LM_DBG("p1='%.*s'\n", p1->len, p1->s);

	node = node->next;
	if ( !node || !node->value.s || !node->value.len) {
		p2 = NULL;
	} else {
		p2 = &node->value;
		LM_DBG("p2='%.*s'\n", p2->len, p2->s);
		if ( node->next!=NULL )
			return init_mi_tree( 400, MI_SSTR(MI_MISSING_PARM));

	/* check the params */
	if (p2 && str2int(p1,idx)==0 && str2int(p2,cnt)==0) {
		/* 2 numerical params -> index and counter */
		*dlg_p = NULL;
		return NULL;

	*idx = *cnt = 0;

        if (!p1->s)
                return init_mi_tree( 400, "Invalid Call-ID specified", 25);

	h_entry = dlg_hash( p1/*callid*/ );

	d_entry = &(d_table->entries[h_entry]);
	dlg_lock( d_table, d_entry);

	for( dlg = d_entry->first ; dlg ; dlg = dlg->next ) {
		if (match_downstream_dialog( dlg, p1/*callid*/, p2/*from_tag*/)==1) {
			if (dlg->state==DLG_STATE_DELETED) {
				*dlg_p = NULL;
			} else {
				*dlg_p = dlg;
				return 0;
	dlg_unlock( d_table, d_entry);

	return init_mi_tree( 404, MI_SSTR("No such dialog"));
static struct mi_root *mi_cachefetch(struct mi_root *cmd, void *param)
	str mc_system;
	str attr;
	str value;
	struct mi_node* node= NULL;
	struct mi_root *rpl_tree= NULL;
	int ret;

	if(cmd == NULL)
		LM_ERR("NULL command\n");
		return init_mi_tree(404, "NULL command", 12);

	node = cmd->node.kids;
	if(node == NULL)
		return init_mi_tree(404, "Too few arguments", 17);

	mc_system = node->value;
	if(mc_system.s == NULL || mc_system.len== 0)
		LM_ERR( "empty memory cache system parameter\n");
		return init_mi_tree(404, "Empty memory cache id", 21);
	node = node->next;
	if(node == NULL)
		return init_mi_tree(404, "Too few arguments", 17);

	attr = node->value;
	if(attr.s == NULL || attr.len== 0)
		LM_ERR( "empty attribute name parameter\n");
		return init_mi_tree(404, "Empty attribute name", 20);
	node = node->next;
	if(node != NULL)
		return init_mi_tree(404, "Too many arguments", 18);

	ret = cache_fetch(&mc_system, &attr, &value);
	if(ret== -1)
		LM_ERR("cache_fetch command failed\n");
		return init_mi_tree(500, "Cache fetch command failed", 26);

	rpl_tree = init_mi_tree( 200, MI_OK_S, MI_OK_LEN);
	if (rpl_tree==0)
		return 0;

	if(ret == -2 || value.s == 0 || value.len == 0)
		addf_mi_node_child( &rpl_tree->node, 0, 0, 0, "Value not found");
		goto done;

	addf_mi_node_child( &rpl_tree->node, 0, 0, 0, "%.*s = [%.*s]", attr.len, 
			attr.s, value.len, value.s);

	return rpl_tree;

Exemple #25
static struct mi_root* mi_print_blacklists(struct mi_root *cmd, void *param)
	struct mi_root *rpl_tree;
	struct mi_node *rpl;
	struct mi_node *node;
	struct mi_node *node1;
	struct mi_node *node2;
	struct mi_attr *attr;
	unsigned int i;
	struct bl_rule *blr;
	char *p;
	int len;

	rpl_tree = init_mi_tree( 200, MI_OK_S, MI_OK_LEN);
	if (rpl_tree==NULL)
		return 0;
	rpl = &rpl_tree->node;

	for ( i=0 ; i<used_heads ; i++ ) {

		if( !(blst_heads[i].flags&BL_READONLY_LIST) ) {
			/* get list for read */
				lock_get( blst_heads[i].lock );
			while(blst_heads[i].count_write) {
				lock_release( blst_heads[i].lock );
				lock_get( blst_heads[i].lock );

		/* add a list node */
		node = add_mi_node_child( rpl, 0, "List", 4,
					blst_heads[i].name.s, blst_heads[i].name.len );
		if (node==0)
			goto error;

		/* add some attributes to the list node */
		p= int2str((unsigned long)blst_heads[i].owner, &len);
		attr = add_mi_attr( node, MI_DUP_VALUE, "owner", 5, p, len);
		if (attr==0)
			goto error;
		p= int2str((unsigned long)blst_heads[i].flags, &len);
		attr = add_mi_attr( node, MI_DUP_VALUE, "flags", 5, p, len);
		if (attr==0)
			goto error;

		for( blr = blst_heads[i].first ; blr ; blr = blr->next) {
			/* add a rule node */
			node1 = add_mi_node_child( node, 0, "Rule", 4, 0, 0 );
			if (node1==0)
				goto error;
			/* add attributes to the rule node */
			p= int2str((unsigned long)blr->flags, &len);
			attr = add_mi_attr( node1, MI_DUP_VALUE, "flags", 5, p, len);
			if (attr==0)
				goto error;

			/* add to rule node */
			p = ip_addr2a(&blr->ip_net.ip);
			len = p?strlen(p):0;
			node2 = add_mi_node_child( node1, MI_DUP_VALUE, "IP", 2, p, len);
			if (node2==0)
				goto error;

			p = ip_addr2a(&blr->ip_net.mask);
			len = p?strlen(p):0;
			node2 = add_mi_node_child( node1, MI_DUP_VALUE, "Mask", 4, p, len);
			if (node2==0)
				goto error;

			p= int2str((unsigned long)blr->proto, &len);
			node2 = add_mi_node_child( node1, MI_DUP_VALUE, "Proto", 5, p,len);
			if (node2==0)
				goto error;

			p= int2str((unsigned long)blr->port, &len);
			node2 = add_mi_node_child( node1, MI_DUP_VALUE, "Port", 4, p,len);
			if (node2==0)
				goto error;

			if (blr->body.s) {
				node2 = add_mi_node_child( node1, MI_DUP_VALUE, "Match", 5,
					blr->body.s, blr->body.len);
				if (node2==0)
					goto error;

			if (blst_heads[i].flags&BL_DO_EXPIRE) {
				p= int2str((unsigned long)blr->expire_end, &len);
				node2 = add_mi_node_child( node1, MI_DUP_VALUE, "Expire", 6,
					p, len);
				if (node2==0)
					goto error;


		if( !(blst_heads[i].flags&BL_READONLY_LIST) ) {
			lock_get( blst_heads[i].lock );


	return rpl_tree;
	if( !(blst_heads[i].flags&BL_READONLY_LIST) ) {
		lock_get( blst_heads[i].lock );
	return 0;
Exemple #26
static struct mi_root * mi_translate(struct mi_root *cmd, void *param)
	struct mi_root* rpl= NULL;
	struct mi_node* root, *node;
	char *p;
	dpl_id_p idp;
	str dpid_str, partition_str;
	str input;
	int dpid;
	str attrs;
	str output= {0, 0};
	dp_connection_list_p connection = NULL;

	node = cmd->node.kids;
	if(node == NULL)
		return init_mi_tree( 400, MI_MISSING_PARM_S, MI_MISSING_PARM_LEN);

	/* Get the id parameter */
	dpid_str = node->value;
	if(dpid_str.s == NULL || dpid_str.len== 0)	{
		LM_ERR( "empty idp parameter\n");
		return init_mi_tree(404, "Empty id parameter", 18);

	p = parse_dp_command(dpid_str.s, dpid_str.len, &partition_str);

	if (p == NULL) {
		LM_ERR("Invalid dp command\n");
		return init_mi_tree(404, "Invalid dp command", 18);

	if (partition_str.s == NULL || partition_str.len == 0) {
		partition_str.s = DEFAULT_PARTITION;
		partition_str.len = sizeof(DEFAULT_PARTITION) - 1;

	connection = dp_get_connection(&partition_str);

	dpid_str.len -= (p - dpid_str.s);
	dpid_str.s = p;

	if (!connection) {
		LM_ERR("Unable to get connection\n");
		return init_mi_tree(400, "Wrong db connection parameter", 24);

	if(str2sint(&dpid_str, &dpid) != 0)	{
		LM_ERR("Wrong id parameter - should be an integer\n");
		return init_mi_tree(404, "Wrong id parameter", 18);
	node = node->next;
	if(node == NULL)
		return init_mi_tree( 400, MI_MISSING_PARM_S, MI_MISSING_PARM_LEN);

	if(node->next!= NULL)
		return init_mi_tree( 400, MI_MISSING_PARM_S, MI_MISSING_PARM_LEN);

	input = node->value;
	if(input.s == NULL || input.len== 0)	{
		LM_ERR( "empty input parameter\n");
		return init_mi_tree(404, "Empty input parameter", 21);

	/* ref the data for reading */
	lock_start_read( connection->ref_lock );

	if ((idp = select_dpid(connection, dpid, connection->crt_index)) ==0 ){
		LM_ERR("no information available for dpid %i\n", dpid);
		lock_stop_read( connection->ref_lock );
		return init_mi_tree(404, "No information available for dpid", 33);

	if (translate(NULL, input, &output, idp, &attrs)!=0){
		LM_DBG("could not translate %.*s with dpid %i\n",
			input.len, input.s, idp->dp_id);
		lock_stop_read( connection->ref_lock );
		return init_mi_tree(404, "No translation", 14);
	/* we are done reading -> unref the data */
	lock_stop_read( connection->ref_lock );

	LM_DBG("input %.*s with dpid %i => output %.*s\n",
			input.len, input.s, idp->dp_id, output.len, output.s);

	rpl = init_mi_tree( 200, MI_OK_S, MI_OK_LEN);
	if (rpl==0)
		goto error;

	root= &rpl->node;

	node = add_mi_node_child(root, 0, "Output", 6, output.s, output.len );
	if( node == NULL)
		goto error;

	node = add_mi_node_child(root, 0, "ATTRIBUTES", 10, attrs.s, attrs.len);
	if( node == NULL)
		goto error;

	return rpl;

	return 0;
Exemple #27
struct mi_root *ws_mi_disable(struct mi_root *cmd, void *param)
	cfg_get(websocket, ws_cfg, enabled) = 0;
	LM_WARN("disabling websockets - new connections will be dropped\n");
	return init_mi_tree(200, MI_OK_S, MI_OK_LEN);
Exemple #28
struct mi_root* mi_usrloc_dump(struct mi_root *cmd, void *param)
	struct mi_root *rpl_tree;
	struct mi_node *rpl;
	struct mi_node *node;
	struct mi_attr *attr;
	struct urecord* r;
	dlist_t* dl;
	udomain_t* dom;
	time_t t;
	char *p;
	int max;
	int len;
	int n;
	int i;
	int short_dump;

	node = cmd->node.kids;
	if (node && node->next)
		return init_mi_tree( 400, MI_MISSING_PARM_S, MI_MISSING_PARM_LEN);

	if (node && node->value.len==5 && !strncasecmp(node->value.s, "brief", 5)){
		/* short version */
		short_dump = 1;
	} else {
		short_dump = 0;

	rpl_tree = init_mi_tree( 200, MI_OK_S, MI_OK_LEN);
	if (rpl_tree==NULL)
		return 0;
	rpl = &rpl_tree->node;
	t = time(0);

	for( dl=root ; dl ; dl=dl->next ) {
		/* add a domain node */
		node = add_mi_node_child( rpl, 0, "Domain", 6,
					dl->name.s, dl->name.len);
		if (node==0)
			goto error;

		dom = dl->d;
		/* add some attributes to the domain node */
		p= int2str((unsigned long)dom->size, &len);
		attr = add_mi_attr( node, MI_DUP_VALUE, "table", 5, p, len);
		if (attr==0)
			goto error;

		/* add the entries per hash */
		for(i=0,n=0,max=0; i<dom->size; i++) {
			lock_ulslot( dom, i);

			n += dom->table[i].n;
				max= dom->table[i].n;
			for( r = dom->table[i].first ; r ; r=r->next ) {
				/* add entry */
				if (mi_add_aor_node( node, r, t, short_dump)!=0) {
					unlock_ulslot( dom, i);
					goto error;

			unlock_ulslot( dom, i);

		/* add more attributes to the domain node */
		p= int2str((unsigned long)n, &len);
		attr = add_mi_attr( node, MI_DUP_VALUE, "records", 7, p, len);
		if (attr==0)
			goto error;

		p= int2str((unsigned long)max, &len);
		attr = add_mi_attr( node, MI_DUP_VALUE, "max_slot", 8, p, len);
		if (attr==0)
			goto error;


	return rpl_tree;
	return 0;
Exemple #29
struct mi_root* refreshXcapDoc(struct mi_root* cmd, void* param)
	struct mi_node* node= NULL;
	str doc_url;
	xcap_doc_sel_t doc_sel;
	char* serv_addr;
	str stream= {0, 0};
	int type;
	unsigned int xcap_port;
	char* etag= NULL;

	node = cmd->node.kids;
	if(node == NULL)
		return 0;

	doc_url = node->value;
	if(doc_url.s == NULL || doc_url.len== 0)
		LM_ERR("empty uri\n");
		return init_mi_tree(404, "Empty document URL", 20);
	node= node->next;
	if(node== NULL)
		return 0;
	if(node->value.s== NULL || node->value.len== 0)
		LM_ERR("port number\n");
		return init_mi_tree(404, "Empty document URL", 20);
	if(str2int(&node->value, &xcap_port)< 0)
		LM_ERR("while converting string to int\n");
		goto error;

	if(node->next!= NULL)
		return 0;

	/* send GET HTTP request to the server */
	stream.s = send_http_get(doc_url.s, xcap_port, NULL, 0, &etag, &stream.len);
	if(stream.s== NULL)
		LM_ERR("in http get\n");
		return 0;
	/* call registered functions with document argument */
	if(parse_doc_url(doc_url, &serv_addr, &doc_sel)< 0)
		LM_ERR("parsing document url\n");
		return 0;

	type= get_auid_flag(doc_sel.auid);
	if(type< 0)
		LM_ERR("incorect auid: %.*s\n",
				doc_sel.auid.len, doc_sel.auid.s);
		goto error;

	run_xcap_update_cb(type, doc_sel.xid, stream.s);

	return init_mi_tree(200, "OK", 2);

	return 0;
Exemple #30
 * interpret the fifo errors, creates a mi tree
 * @todo this is currently not evaluated for errors during update_route_data
struct mi_root* print_fifo_err(void) {
	struct mi_root* rpl_tree;
	switch (fifo_err) {
		case E_MISC: 
			rpl_tree = init_mi_tree( 400, "An error occurred", 18);
			if(rpl_tree == NULL)
				return 0;
		case E_NOOPT:
			rpl_tree = init_mi_tree( 400, "No option given", 16);
			if(rpl_tree == NULL)
				return 0;
		case E_WRONGOPT:
			rpl_tree = init_mi_tree( 400, MI_BAD_PARM_S, MI_BAD_PARM_LEN);
			if(rpl_tree == NULL)
				return 0;
		case E_NOMEM:
			rpl_tree = init_mi_tree( 500, "Out of memory", 14);
			if(rpl_tree == NULL)
				return 0;
		case E_RESET:
			rpl_tree = init_mi_tree( 500, "Could not reset backup routes", 30);
			if(rpl_tree == NULL)
				return 0;
			rpl_tree = init_mi_tree( 400, "No auto backup route found", 27);
			if(rpl_tree == NULL)
				return 0;
			rpl_tree = init_mi_tree( 400, "No backup route for given hash found", 37);
			if(rpl_tree == NULL)
				return 0;
			rpl_tree = init_mi_tree( 400, "No backup route for given host found", 37);
			if(rpl_tree == NULL)
				return 0;
			rpl_tree = init_mi_tree( 500, "Could not set backup route", 27);
			if(rpl_tree == NULL)
				return 0;
			rpl_tree = init_mi_tree( 400, "Could not delete or deactivate route, it is backup for other routes", 68);
			if(rpl_tree == NULL)
				return 0;
		case E_LOADCONF:
			rpl_tree = init_mi_tree( 500, "Could not load config from file", 32);
			if(rpl_tree == NULL)
				return 0;
		case E_SAVECONF:
			rpl_tree = init_mi_tree( 500, "Could not save config", 22);
			if(rpl_tree == NULL)
				return 0;
			rpl_tree = init_mi_tree( 400, MI_BAD_PARM_S, MI_BAD_PARM_LEN);
			if(rpl_tree == NULL)
				return 0;
		case E_MISSOPT:
			rpl_tree = init_mi_tree(400, MI_MISSING_PARM_S, MI_MISSING_PARM_LEN);
			if(rpl_tree == NULL)
				return 0;
			rpl_tree = init_mi_tree( 500, "Could not fixup rules", 22);
			if(rpl_tree == NULL)
				return 0;
		case E_NOUPDATE:
			rpl_tree = init_mi_tree( 500, "No match for update found", 26);
			if(rpl_tree == NULL)
				return 0;
		case E_HELP:
			return print_replace_help();
			rpl_tree = init_mi_tree( 500, "An error occurred", 17);
			if(rpl_tree == NULL)
				return 0;
	return rpl_tree;