int main (int argc, char **argv) { int ret; SRunner *sr; Suite *s; /* init stuff */ rb_profile_start ("rhythmdb-query-model test suite"); rb_threads_init (); setlocale (LC_ALL, NULL); rb_debug_init (TRUE); rb_refstring_system_init (); rb_file_helpers_init (TRUE); /* setup tests */ s = rhythmdb_query_model_suite (); sr = srunner_create (s); init_setup (sr, argc, argv); init_once (FALSE); srunner_run_all (sr, CK_NORMAL); ret = srunner_ntests_failed (sr); srunner_free (sr); rb_file_helpers_shutdown (); rb_refstring_system_shutdown (); rb_profile_end ("rhythmdb-query-model test suite"); return ret; }
int main (int argc, char **argv) { int ret; SRunner *sr; Suite *s; rb_profile_start ("rb-file-helpers test suite"); g_thread_init (NULL); rb_threads_init (); setlocale (LC_ALL, NULL); rb_debug_init (TRUE); rb_file_helpers_init (TRUE); /* setup tests */ s = rb_file_helpers_suite (); sr = srunner_create (s); init_setup (sr, argc, argv); init_once (FALSE); srunner_run_all (sr, CK_NORMAL); ret = srunner_ntests_failed (sr); srunner_free (sr); rb_file_helpers_shutdown (); rb_profile_end ("rb-file-helpers test suite"); return ret; }
int main (int argc, char **argv) { int ret; SRunner *sr; Suite *s; g_log_set_always_fatal (G_LOG_LEVEL_WARNING | G_LOG_LEVEL_CRITICAL); rb_threads_init (); rb_debug_init (TRUE); rb_refstring_system_init (); rb_file_helpers_init (TRUE); /* setup tests */ s = rb_query_creator_suite (); sr = srunner_create (s); init_setup (sr, argc, argv); init_once (FALSE); srunner_run_all (sr, CK_NORMAL); ret = srunner_ntests_failed (sr); srunner_free (sr); rb_file_helpers_shutdown (); rb_refstring_system_shutdown (); return ret; }
TEST(BasicSial,DISABLED_exit_statement_test) { std::string job("exit_statement_test"); sip::DataManager::scope_count=0; double x = 3.456; double y = -0.1; int norb = 3; { init_setup(job.c_str()); set_scalar("x",x); set_scalar("y",y); set_constant("norb",norb); std::string tmp = job + ".siox"; const char* nm= tmp.c_str(); add_sial_program(nm); int segs[] = {2,3,4,2,3,4,2,3,4,2,3,4,2,3,4}; set_aoindex_info(15,segs); finalize_setup(); } std::stringstream output; TestControllerParallel controller(job, true, VERBOSE_TEST, "", output); controller.initSipTables();; if(attr->is_worker()) { EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ(12, controller.int_value("counter_j")); EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ(4, controller.int_value("counter_i")); EXPECT_EQ(0, sip::DataManager::scope_count); EXPECT_TRUE(controller.worker_->all_stacks_empty()); EXPECT_EQ(0, controller.worker_->num_blocks_in_blockmap()); } }
TEST(Sial,persistent_distributed_array_mpi){ std::string job("persistent_distributed_array_mpi"); double x = 3.456; int norb = 2; int segs[] = {2,3}; if (attr->global_rank() == 0){ init_setup(job.c_str()); set_scalar("x",x); set_constant("norb",norb); std::string tmp = job + "1.siox"; const char* nm= tmp.c_str(); add_sial_program(nm); std::string tmp1 = job + "2.siox"; const char* nm1= tmp1.c_str(); add_sial_program(nm1); set_aoindex_info(2,segs); finalize_setup(); } std::stringstream output; TestControllerParallel controller(job, true, true, "", output); //run first program controller.initSipTables();; controller.print_timers(std::cout); std::cout << "Rank " << attr->global_rank() << " in persistent_distributed_array_mpi starting second program" << std::endl << std::flush; //run second program controller.initSipTables();; if (attr->is_worker()) { int i,j; for (i=1; i <= norb ; ++i ){ for (j = 1; j <= norb; ++j){ double firstval = (i-1)*norb + j; std::vector<int> indices; indices.push_back(i); indices.push_back(j); double * block_data = controller.local_block(std::string("a"),indices); size_t block_size = segs[i-1] * segs[j-1]; for (size_t count = 0; count < block_size; ++count){ ASSERT_DOUBLE_EQ(3*firstval, block_data[count]); firstval++; } } } } controller.print_timers(std::cout); }
void OpenIBootStart() { platform_init(); init_setup(); OpenIBootMain = &OpenIBootConsole; init_boot_modules(); OpenIBootMain(); tasks_run(); // Runs forever. }
void basic_pardo_test(int max_dims, int lower[], int upper[], bool expect_success = true) { assert(max_dims <= 6); for (int num_dims = 1; num_dims <= 6; ++num_dims) { std::stringstream job_ss; job_ss << "pardo_loop_" << num_dims << "d"; std::string job = job_ss.str(); //total number of iters for this sial program int num_iters = 1; for (int j = 0; j < num_dims; ++j) { num_iters *= ((upper[j] - lower[j]) + 1); } //create .dat file if (attr->global_rank() == 0) { init_setup(job.c_str()); //add values for upper and lower bounds for (int i = 0; i < num_dims; ++i) { std::stringstream lower_ss, upper_ss; lower_ss << "lower" << i; upper_ss << "upper" << i; set_constant(lower_ss.str().c_str(), lower[i]); set_constant(upper_ss.str().c_str(), upper[i]); } std::string tmp = job + ".siox"; const char* nm = tmp.c_str(); add_sial_program(nm); finalize_setup(); } TestControllerParallel controller(job, true, VERBOSE_TEST, "This is a test of " + job, std::cout, expect_success); controller.initSipTables();; if (attr->global_rank() == 0) { double total = controller.worker_->scalar_value("total"); if (VERBOSE_TEST) { std::cout << "num_iters=" << num_iters << ", total=" << total << std::endl; } EXPECT_EQ(num_iters, int(total)); } } }
Setup *fill_setup(Image *image, char *setupfile, int usefile, int autopars) { int no_error=1; /* Flag set to 0 on error */ Setup *setup=NULL; /* Container for plotting parameters */ /* * Allocate memory for Setup container */ if(!(setup = new_setup(1))) { fprintf(stderr,"ERROR: fill_setup\n"); return NULL; } /* * Set up image display parameters */ if(no_error) if(set_setup_defaults(image,setup)) no_error = 0; if(autopars) if(init_setup(image,setup,autopars)) no_error = 0; if(no_error && usefile) if(setup_file(image,setup,setupfile)) no_error = 0; if(no_error) setup_interact(image,setup); /* * Return filled setup container if no errors */ if(no_error) return setup; else { fprintf(stderr,"ERROR: fill_setup\n"); return del_setup(setup); } }
TEST(Sial,get_mpi){ std::string job("get_mpi"); //create setup_file double x = 3.456; int norb = 4; int segs[] = {2,3,4,1}; if (attr->global_rank() == 0){ init_setup(job.c_str()); set_scalar("x",x); set_constant("norb",norb); std::string tmp = job + ".siox"; const char* nm= tmp.c_str(); add_sial_program(nm); set_aoindex_info(4,segs); finalize_setup(); } std::stringstream output; TestControllerParallel controller(job, true, VERBOSE_TEST, "", output); controller.initSipTables();; if(attr->global_rank()==0){ // Test a(1,1) // Get the data for local array block "b" int a_slot = controller.worker_->array_slot(std::string("a")); sip::index_selector_t a_indices_1; a_indices_1[0] = 1; a_indices_1[1] = 1; for (int i = 2; i < MAX_RANK; i++) a_indices_1[i] = sip::unused_index_value; sip::BlockId a_bid_1(a_slot, a_indices_1); std::cout << a_bid_1 << std::endl; sip::Block::BlockPtr a_bptr_1 = controller.worker_->get_block_for_reading(a_bid_1); sip::Block::dataPtr a_data_1 = a_bptr_1->get_data(); std::cout << " Comparing block " << a_bid_1 << std::endl; for (int i=0; i<segs[0]; i++){ for (int j=0; j<segs[0]; j++){ ASSERT_DOUBLE_EQ(42*3, a_data_1[i*segs[0] + j]); } } } }
TEST(Sial,put_test) { barrier(); std::string job("put_test"); int norb = 3; int segs[] = {2,3,2}; if (attr->global_rank() == 0) { init_setup(job.c_str()); set_constant("norb", norb); set_constant("norb_squared", norb*norb); std::string tmp = job + ".siox"; const char* nm = tmp.c_str(); add_sial_program(nm); set_aoindex_info(3, segs); finalize_setup(); } barrier(); std::stringstream output; TestControllerParallel controller(job, true, VERBOSE_TEST, " ", output); controller.initSipTables(); if (attr->is_worker()) { std::cout << "creating and starting a worker" << std::endl << std::flush; controller.runWorker(); EXPECT_TRUE(controller.worker_->all_stacks_empty()); std::vector<int> index_vec; for (int i = 0; i < norb; ++i) { for (int j = 0; j < norb; ++j) { int k = (i*norb + j)+1; index_vec.push_back(k); double * local_block = controller.local_block("result",index_vec); double value = local_block[0]; double expected = k*k*segs[i]*segs[j]; std::cout << "k,value= " << k << " " << value << std::endl; ASSERT_DOUBLE_EQ(expected, value); index_vec.clear(); } } } else { std::cout << "creating and starting a server" << std::endl << std::flush; controller.runServer(); } }
TEST(Sial,empty){ std::string job("empty"); int norb = 3; int segs[] = {2,2,2}; if (attr->global_rank() == 0) { init_setup(job.c_str()); std::string tmp = job + ".siox"; const char* nm = tmp.c_str(); add_sial_program(nm); set_aoindex_info(3, segs); finalize_setup(); } std::stringstream output; TestControllerParallel controller(job, true, VERBOSE_TEST, "", output); controller.initSipTables();; }
/* TODO check what this test does. */ TEST(Sip,message_number_wraparound){ std::string job("message_number_wraparound_test"); if (attr->global_rank() == 0){ init_setup(job.c_str()); set_constant("norb",1); std::string tmp = job + ".siox"; const char* nm= tmp.c_str(); add_sial_program(nm); int segs[] = {1}; set_aoindex_info(1,segs); finalize_setup(); } std::stringstream output; TestControllerParallel controller(job, true, VERBOSE_TEST, "", output); controller.initSipTables();; }
TEST(Sial,persistent_scalars) { std::string job("persistent_scalars"); double x = 3.456; double y = -0.1; { init_setup(job.c_str()); set_scalar("x", x); set_scalar("y", y); std::string tmp1 = job + "_1.siox"; const char* nm1 = tmp1.c_str(); add_sial_program(nm1); std::string tmp2 = job + "_2.siox"; const char* nm2 = tmp2.c_str(); add_sial_program(nm2); finalize_setup(); } std::stringstream output; TestControllerParallel controller(job, true, VERBOSE_TEST, "", output); controller.initSipTables();; if (attr->is_worker()) { ASSERT_DOUBLE_EQ(y, scalar_value("y")); ASSERT_DOUBLE_EQ(x, scalar_value("z")); ASSERT_DOUBLE_EQ(99.99, scalar_value("zz")); std::cout << "wpam:" << std::endl << *controller.wpam_ << std::endl << "%%%%%%%%%%%%" << std::endl; } //Now do the second program //get siox name from setup, load and print the sip tables controller.initSipTables();; if (attr->is_worker()) { ASSERT_DOUBLE_EQ(x + 1, scalar_value("x")); ASSERT_DOUBLE_EQ(y, scalar_value("y")); ASSERT_DOUBLE_EQ(6, scalar_value("e")); } }
TEST(Sial,put_accumulate_mpi){ std::string job("put_accumulate_mpi"); double x = 3.456; int norb = 4; if (attr->global_rank() == 0){ init_setup(job.c_str()); set_scalar("x",x); set_constant("norb",norb); std::string tmp = job + ".siox"; const char* nm= tmp.c_str(); add_sial_program(nm); int segs[] = {2,3,4,1}; set_aoindex_info(4,segs); finalize_setup(); } std::stringstream output; TestControllerParallel controller(job, true, VERBOSE_TEST, "", output); controller.initSipTables();; }
int main(int argc, LPSTR argv[]) { DWORD dwRet, i; HANDLE hFile; if (argc != 2) { printf("Usage: %s file_with_numbers\n", argv[0]); ExitProcess(0); } hFile = init_setup(argv[1]); /* Wait for the merging to finish */ dwRet = WaitForSingleObject(threads[0], INFINITE); DIE(dwRet == WAIT_FAILED, "WaitForSingleObject main"); printf("Threading part done\n"); for (i = 0; i < NO_THREADS; i++) { dwRet = CloseHandle(threads[i]); DIE(dwRet == FALSE, "CloseHandle"); } /* Check if numbers are sorted */ print_mem(thData[0].lpChunk->lpMem, thData[0].lpChunk->dwLen); for (i = 0; i < N-1; i++){ if (thData[0].lpChunk->lpMem[i] > thData[0].lpChunk->lpMem[i+1]) printf("Check failed - found %d before %d \n", thData[0].lpChunk->lpMem[i], thData[0].lpChunk->lpMem[i+1]); } printf("All done. Cleaning... \n"); dwRet = UnmapViewOfFile(pmap); DIE(dwRet == FALSE, "UnmapViewOfFile"); dwRet = CloseHandle(hFile); DIE(dwRet == FALSE, "CloseHandle"); ExitProcess(0); }
TEST(Sial,all_rank_print){ std::string job("all_rank_print_test"); std::cout << "JOBNAME = " << job << std::endl; double x = 3.456; int norb = 2; if (attr->global_rank() == 0){ init_setup(job.c_str()); set_scalar("x",x); set_constant("norb",norb); std::string tmp = job + ".siox"; const char* nm= tmp.c_str(); add_sial_program(nm); int segs[] = {2,3}; set_aoindex_info(2,segs); finalize_setup(); } std::stringstream output; TestControllerParallel controller(job, true, VERBOSE_TEST, "", output); controller.initSipTables();; }
TEST(Sial,broadcast_static){ std::string job("broadcast_static"); int norb = 3; int segs[] = {2,3,2}; int root = 0; if (attr->global_rank() == 0) { init_setup(job.c_str()); set_constant("norb", norb); set_constant("root", root); std::string tmp = job + ".siox"; const char* nm = tmp.c_str(); add_sial_program(nm); set_aoindex_info(3, segs); finalize_setup(); } std::stringstream output; TestControllerParallel controller(job, true, VERBOSE_TEST, "", output); controller.initSipTables();; if (attr->is_worker()) { double * a = controller.static_array("a"); int expected[] = {1, 2, 1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3, 4, 4, 5, 6, 3, 4, 1, 2, 1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3, 4, 4, 5, 6, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 5, 6, 1, 2, 1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3, 4, 4, 5, 6, 3, 4}; int side = 2+3+2; //size of one side, from seg sizes in segs array above int size = side*side; int i = 0; for (i; i < size; ++i){ ASSERT_DOUBLE_EQ(expected[i], a[i]); } } }
//@@***********************************************************************************@@ int main(int argc, char **argv) { glutInit(&argc, argv); init_setup(WINDOW_XS, WINDOW_YS, WINDOW_NAME); // Initialize the values of the tree pointAry[0].x = 237; pointAry[0].y = 12; pointAry[1].x = 362; pointAry[1].y = 12; pointAry[2].x = 302; pointAry[2].y = 12; pointAry[3].x = 302; pointAry[3].y = 587; pointAry[4].x = 302; pointAry[4].y = 92; pointAry[5].x = 12; pointAry[5].y = 62; pointAry[6].x = 12; pointAry[6].y = 82; pointAry[7].x = 107; pointAry[7].y = 72; pointAry[8].x = 302; pointAry[8].y = 92; pointAry[9].x = 587; pointAry[9].y = 62; pointAry[10].x = 587; pointAry[10].y = 82; pointAry[11].x = 492; pointAry[11].y = 72; pointAry[12].x = 302; pointAry[12].y = 177; pointAry[13].x = 72; pointAry[13].y = 127; pointAry[14].x = 142; pointAry[14].y = 142; pointAry[15].x = 72; pointAry[15].y = 157; pointAry[16].x = 302; pointAry[16].y = 177; pointAry[17].x = 527; pointAry[17].y = 127; pointAry[18].x = 457; pointAry[18].y = 142; pointAry[19].x = 527; pointAry[19].y = 157; pointAry[20].x = 302; pointAry[20].y = 337; pointAry[21].x = 152; pointAry[21].y = 187; pointAry[22].x = 202; pointAry[22].y = 237; pointAry[23].x = 152; pointAry[23].y = 287; pointAry[24].x = 302; pointAry[24].y = 337; pointAry[25].x = 452; pointAry[25].y = 187; pointAry[26].x = 402; pointAry[26].y = 237; pointAry[27].x = 452; pointAry[27].y = 287; pointAry[28].x = 302; pointAry[28].y = 487; pointAry[29].x = 207; pointAry[29].y = 307; pointAry[30].x = 237; pointAry[30].y = 362; pointAry[31].x = 207; pointAry[31].y = 417; pointAry[32].x = 302; pointAry[32].y = 487; pointAry[33].x = 387; pointAry[33].y = 307; pointAry[34].x = 362; pointAry[34].y = 362; pointAry[35].x = 387; pointAry[35].y = 417; pointAry[36].x = 302; pointAry[36].y = 587; pointAry[37].x = 237; pointAry[37].y = 487; pointAry[38].x = 257; pointAry[38].y = 517; pointAry[39].x = 237; pointAry[39].y = 547; pointAry[40].x = 302; pointAry[40].y = 587; pointAry[41].x = 367; pointAry[41].y = 487; pointAry[42].x = 347; pointAry[42].y = 517; pointAry[43].x = 367; pointAry[43].y = 547; currPoint = -1; glutDisplayFunc(display_func); // call back for display event glutKeyboardFunc(keyboard_func); // call back for keyboard event glutMouseFunc(mouse_func); // call back for mouse event glutMainLoop(); return 1; } // end of main()
TEST(SimpleMPI,persistent_distributed_array_mpi) { sip::GlobalState::reset_program_count(); sip::SIPMPIAttr &sip_mpi_attr = sip::SIPMPIAttr::get_instance(); int my_rank = sip_mpi_attr.global_rank(); std::cout << "****************************************\n"; sip::DataManager::scope_count=0; //create setup_file std::string job("persistent_distributed_array_mpi"); std::cout << "JOBNAME = " << job << std::endl; double x = 3.456; int norb = 2; int segs[] = {2,3}; if (attr.global_rank() == 0) { init_setup(job.c_str()); set_scalar("x",x); set_constant("norb",norb); std::string tmp = job + "1.siox"; const char* nm= tmp.c_str(); add_sial_program(nm); std::string tmp1 = job + "2.siox"; const char* nm1= tmp1.c_str(); add_sial_program(nm1); set_aoindex_info(2,segs); finalize_setup(); } sip::SIPMPIUtils::check_err(MPI_Barrier(MPI_COMM_WORLD)); setup::BinaryInputFile setup_file(job + ".dat"); setup::SetupReader setup_reader(setup_file); std::cout << "SETUP READER DATA:\n" << setup_reader<< std::endl; //get siox name from setup, load and print the sip tables std::string prog_name =; std::string siox_dir(dir_name); setup::BinaryInputFile siox_file(siox_dir + prog_name); sip::SipTables sipTables(setup_reader, siox_file); if (!sip_mpi_attr.is_server()) { std::cout << "SIP TABLES" << '\n' << sipTables << std::endl; } if (sip_mpi_attr.global_rank()==0) { std::cout << "\n\n\n\n>>>>>>>>>>>>starting SIAL PROGRAM "<< job << std::endl; } //create worker and server sip::DataDistribution data_distribution(sipTables, sip_mpi_attr); sip::GlobalState::set_program_name(prog_name); sip::GlobalState::increment_program(); sip::WorkerPersistentArrayManager wpam; sip::ServerPersistentArrayManager spam; std::cout << "rank " << my_rank << " reached first barrier" << std::endl << std::flush; MPI_Barrier(MPI_COMM_WORLD); std::cout << "rank " << my_rank << " passed first barrier" << std::endl << std::flush; if (sip_mpi_attr.is_server()) { sip::SIPServer server(sipTables, data_distribution, sip_mpi_attr, &spam); std::cout << "at first barrier in prog 1 at server" << std::endl << std::flush; MPI_Barrier(MPI_COMM_WORLD); std::cout<<"passed first barrier at server, starting server" << std::endl;; spam.save_marked_arrays(&server); std::cout << "Server state after termination" << server << std::endl; } else { sip::SialxTimer sialxTimer(sipTables.max_timer_slots()); sip::Interpreter runner(sipTables, sialxTimer, &wpam); std::cout << "at first barrier in prog 1 at worker" << std::endl << std::flush; MPI_Barrier(MPI_COMM_WORLD); std::cout << "after first barrier; starting worker for "<< job << std::endl; runner.interpret(); wpam.save_marked_arrays(&runner); std::cout << "\n end of prog1 at worker"<< std::endl; } std::cout << std::flush; if (sip_mpi_attr.global_rank()==0) { std::cout << "@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@" << std::endl << std::flush; std::cout << "SETUP READER DATA FOR SECOND PROGRAM:\n" << setup_reader<< std::endl; } std::string prog_name2 =; setup::BinaryInputFile siox_file2(siox_dir + prog_name2); sip::SipTables sipTables2(setup_reader, siox_file2); if (sip_mpi_attr.global_rank()==0) { std::cout << "SIP TABLES FOR " << prog_name2 << '\n' << sipTables2 << std::endl; } sip::DataDistribution data_distribution2(sipTables2, sip_mpi_attr); sip::GlobalState::set_program_name(prog_name); sip::GlobalState::increment_program(); std::cout << "rank " << my_rank << " reached second barrier in test" << std::endl << std::flush; MPI_Barrier(MPI_COMM_WORLD); std::cout << "rank " << my_rank << " passed second barrier in test" << std::endl << std::flush; if (sip_mpi_attr.is_server()) { sip::SIPServer server(sipTables2, data_distribution2, sip_mpi_attr, &spam); std::cout << "barrier in prog 2 at server" << std::endl << std::flush; MPI_Barrier(MPI_COMM_WORLD); std::cout<< "rank " << my_rank << "starting server for prog 2" << std::endl;; std::cout<< "rank " << my_rank << "Server state after termination of prog2" << server << std::endl; } else { sip::SialxTimer sialxTimer2(sipTables2.max_timer_slots()); sip::Interpreter runner(sipTables2, sialxTimer2, &wpam); std::cout << "rank " << my_rank << "barrier in prog 2 at worker" << std::endl << std::flush; MPI_Barrier(MPI_COMM_WORLD); std::cout << "rank " << my_rank << "starting worker for prog2"<< job << std::endl; runner.interpret(); std::cout << "\nSIAL PROGRAM 2 TERMINATED"<< std::endl; // Test contents of blocks of distributed array "b" // Get the data for local array block "b" int b_slot = runner.array_slot(std::string("lb")); // Test b(1,1) sip::index_selector_t b_indices_1; b_indices_1[0] = 1; b_indices_1[1] = 1; for (int i = 2; i < MAX_RANK; i++) b_indices_1[i] = sip::unused_index_value; sip::BlockId b_bid_1(b_slot, b_indices_1); std::cout << b_bid_1 << std::endl; sip::Block::BlockPtr b_bptr_1 = runner.get_block_for_reading(b_bid_1); sip::Block::dataPtr b_data_1 = b_bptr_1->get_data(); std::cout << " Comparing block " << b_bid_1 << std::endl; double fill_seq_1_1 = 1.0; for (int i=0; i<segs[0]; i++) { for (int j=0; j<segs[0]; j++) { ASSERT_DOUBLE_EQ(fill_seq_1_1, b_data_1[i*segs[0] + j]); fill_seq_1_1++; } } // Test b(2, 2) sip::index_selector_t b_indices_2; b_indices_2[0] = 2; b_indices_2[1] = 2; for (int i = 2; i < MAX_RANK; i++) b_indices_2[i] = sip::unused_index_value; sip::BlockId b_bid_2(b_slot, b_indices_2); std::cout << b_bid_2 << std::endl; sip::Block::BlockPtr b_bptr_2 = runner.get_block_for_reading(b_bid_2); sip::Block::dataPtr b_data_2 = b_bptr_2->get_data(); std::cout << " Comparing block " << b_bid_2 << std::endl; double fill_seq_2_2 = 4.0; for (int i=0; i<segs[1]; i++) { for (int j=0; j<segs[1]; j++) { ASSERT_DOUBLE_EQ(fill_seq_2_2, b_data_2[i*segs[1] + j]); fill_seq_2_2++; } } // Test b(2,1) sip::index_selector_t b_indices_3; b_indices_3[0] = 2; b_indices_3[1] = 1; for (int i = 2; i < MAX_RANK; i++) b_indices_3[i] = sip::unused_index_value; sip::BlockId b_bid_3(b_slot, b_indices_3); std::cout << b_bid_3 << std::endl; sip::Block::BlockPtr b_bptr_3 = runner.get_block_for_reading(b_bid_3); sip::Block::dataPtr b_data_3 = b_bptr_3->get_data(); std::cout << " Comparing block " << b_bid_3 << std::endl; double fill_seq_2_1 = 3.0; for (int i=0; i<segs[1]; i++) { for (int j=0; j<segs[0]; j++) { ASSERT_DOUBLE_EQ(fill_seq_2_1, b_data_3[i*segs[0] + j]); fill_seq_2_1++; } } } std::cout << "rank " << my_rank << " reached third barrier in test" << std::endl << std::flush; MPI_Barrier(MPI_COMM_WORLD); std::cout << "rank " << my_rank << " passed third barrier in test" << std::endl << std::flush; }