int main(int argc, const char *argv[]) { int i; int soma = 0; int tamanho = argc - 1; List list; initializeList(&list); for (i = 1; i < argc; i++) { list.head = addToList(&list, atoi(argv[i]), true); soma += atoi(argv[i]); } printf("Conjunto: "); print(&list); if (soma%2 == 0) { int metade = soma / 2; if (max(&list) <= metade) { List partition1; initializeList(&partition1); int val = getVal(&list, 0); partition1.head = addToList(&partition1, val, true); List partition2; partition2 = copy(&list); del(&partition2, val); algoritmo(0 + val, metade, tamanho, &partition1, &partition2, &list, 1); destroy(&list); destroy(&partition1); destroy(&partition2); printf("Quantidade de resultados: %d\n", qtdResult); } else { printf("Não foi encontrado\n"); destroy(&list); } } else { printf("Não foi encontrado\n"); destroy(&list); } return 0; }
int insertItem(int newitem) { if(listMaxSize == 0){ initializeList(); } int * tempList ; if (length == listMaxSize) { //allocate new memory space for tempList listMaxSize = 2 * listMaxSize ; tempList = (int*) malloc (listMaxSize*sizeof(int)) ; int i; for( i = 0; i < length ; i++ ) { tempList[i] = list[i] ; //copy all items from list to tempList } free(list) ; //free the memory allocated before list = tempList ; //make list to point to new memory }; list[length] = newitem ; //store new item length++ ; return SUCCESS_VALUE ; }
int setDataInTableByString(HashTable *table, char *str, u_int64_t value, Error *error) { void **arrayCell = _getPtrListFromTableByString(table,str); LinkedList *list = *arrayCell; Data *data = NULL; if (NULL == list) { *arrayCell = initializeList(error); list = *arrayCell; if (NULL == list) { return 1; } } data = getDataFromTableByString(table,str); if (NULL == data) { data = initializeData(str,value,error); if (NULL == data) { return 1; } insertDataIntoList(list,data,error); if (0 != error->error) { return 1; } } else { data->value = value; } #ifdef DEBUG printf(BOLD_GREEN"In "HEADER "HashTable"STANDART" (%p) set data (%p) by '%s' (hash=%"PRIu64"): %"PRIu64"\n",table,data,str,data->hash,data->value); #endif return 0; }
int main(int argc, char const *argv[]) { List tegut; initializeList(&tegut); std::cout << "Ausgabe first: " << tegut.first << std::endl; std::cout << "Ausgabe last: " << tegut.last << std::endl; for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { insert0(&tegut, insertArtikel()); // std::cout << "Ausgabe first: " << tegut.first << std::endl; // std::cout << "Ausgabe last: " << tegut.last << std::endl; } insertLast(&tegut, insertArtikel()); insertPos(&tegut, insertArtikel(), 2); outputList(&tegut); std::cout << "Nach remove0:" << std::endl; remove0(&tegut); outputList(&tegut); std::cout << "Nach removePos:" << std::endl; removePos(&tegut, 1); outputList(&tegut); return 0; }
List *createList() { List* l; l = (List*) malloc(sizeof(List)); initializeList(l); return (l); }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { struct Node *head = initializeList(); head = reverseLinkedList(head); printLinkedList(head); return 0; }
int loadFromFile(FILE *file, Environment *env) { List *tokens, *parseTree, *leftoverTokens = NULL; leftoverTokens = initializeList(); int depth = 0; char *expression = (char *)malloc(256 * sizeof(char)); Value* temp; while (fgets(expression, 256, file)) { tokens = append(leftoverTokens, tokenize(expression)); if (!tokens) { leftoverTokens->head = NULL; continue; } parseTree = parse(tokens,&depth); if (depth < 0) { printf("syntax error. Too many close parentheses.\n"); // Too many close parentheses. cleanup(tokens->head); //free(parseTree); free(leftoverTokens); free(tokens); return SYNTAX_ERROR_TOO_MANY_CLOSE_PARENS; } else if (depth > 0) { // There are more open parens than close parens, so these tokens are saved as leftovers. We partially generate a parse tree now. leftoverTokens->head = tokens->head; } else { if (parseTree && parseTree->head){ //printf("going to print parse tree: "); //printValue(parseTree->head); //printf("\n"); //printf("going to print parse tree again: "); //printValue(deepCopyList(parseTree->head)); //printf("\n"); temp = eval(parseTree->head,env); if (temp){ printValue(temp); printf("\n"); } //leftoverTokens->head = tokens->head; free(parseTree); // cleanup(leftoverTokens->head); } } } if (leftoverTokens->head) { printf("syntax error. Too few close parentheses\n"); // Too few close parens at end of input. destroy(leftoverTokens); free(tokens); return SYNTAX_ERROR_UNTERMINATED_INPUT; } // clean up memory destroy(leftoverTokens); free(tokens); free(expression); }
Closure *initializeClosure(Environment* env){ Closure *closure = (Closure *)malloc(sizeof(Closure)); closure->parent = env; closure->identifier = NULL; closure->args = initializeList(); //closure->body = (Value *)malloc(sizeof(Value)); //closure->body->type = cellType; return closure; }
int main(void) { initializeList(); while(1) { printf("1. Insert new item. 2. Delete item. 3. Search item. \n"); printf("4. Insert Last. 5. Delete Last. 6. Print forward. \n"); printf("7. Print backward. 8. exit.\n"); int ch; scanf("%d",&ch); if(ch==1) { int item; scanf("%d", &item); insertFirst(item); } else if(ch==2) { int item = deleteLast(); if(item!=NULL_VALUE) printf("Deleted: %d\n", item); } else if(ch==3) { int item; scanf("%d", &item); struct listNode * res = searchItem(item); if(res!=0) printf("Found.\n"); else printf("Not found.\n"); } else if(ch==4) { int item; scanf("%d",&item); insertLast(item); } else if(ch==5) { deleteLast(); } else if(ch==6) { printListForward(); } else if(ch==7) { printListBackward(); } else if(ch==8) { freeall(list); break; } } }
// deep copy as a linked list. List* deepCopyLinkedList(List* list){ if (list){ List *returnList = initializeList(); Value *head = deepCopyList(list->head); returnList->head = head; return returnList; } return NULL; }
ManageGlobalAlertsDialog::ManageGlobalAlertsDialog( int typeId ) : ManageAlertsDialog( 0 ), m_typeId( typeId ) { TypeEntity type = TypeEntity::find( typeId ); setPrompt( tr( "Edit alert settings for type <b>%1</b>:" ).arg( ) ); AlertsModel* model = new AlertsModel( this ); model->initializeGlobalList( typeId ); initializeList( model ); }
ManageFolderAlertsDialog::ManageFolderAlertsDialog( int folderId ) : ManageAlertsDialog( folderId ), m_folderId( folderId ) { FolderEntity folder = FolderEntity::find( folderId ); setPrompt( tr( "Edit alert settings for folder <b>%1</b>:" ).arg( ) ); AlertsModel* model = new AlertsModel( this ); model->initializeFolder( folderId ); initializeList( model ); }
void stealList(list_t *src, list_t *dest) { // copy over the pointer info dest->head = src->head; dest->tail = src->tail; dest->numNodes = src->numNodes; dest->curNode = src->curNode; dest->currentNode = src->currentNode; // init src initializeList(src); }
TObjectsPool<T, NumOfElementsInChunk, IsThreadSafe, CHUNK_ALLOCATOR>::TObjectsPool() : __first_free_cell( FREE_CELL_NONE ), __num_of_objects(0), __num_of_chunks(0) { # if 0 // allocate the first block t_list_element<T> *pBlock = __allocator.allocate(); if( NULL != pBlock ) { initializeList( pBlock ); __num_of_chunks ++; } #endif }
List copy(List* list) { List lst; initializeList(&lst); int i = 0; while (i < list->size) { lst.head = addToList(&lst, getVal(list, i), true); i++; } return lst; }
void ListView::initialUpdate() { cleanUp(); m_model = new FolderModel( this ); connect( m_model, SIGNAL( layoutChanged() ), this, SLOT( updateActions() ) ); connect( m_model, SIGNAL( layoutChanged() ), this, SLOT( updateSummary() ) ); connect( m_model, SIGNAL( modelReset() ), this, SLOT( updateActions() ) ); connect( m_model, SIGNAL( modelReset() ), this, SLOT( updateSummary() ) ); initializeList(); }
void emptyList(list_t *list) { while (list->head != NULL) { // get the node listNode_t *node = list->head; list->head = node->next; // free it up Z_FREE(node); } initializeList(list); }
int main(void) { initializeList(); while(1) { printf("1. Insert new item. 2. Delete item. 3. Search item. \n"); printf("4. Insert last. 5. Print. 6.exit. \n"); int ch; scanf("%d",&ch); if(ch==1) { int item; scanf("%d", &item); insertItem(item); } else if(ch==2) { int item; scanf("%d", &item); deleteItem(item); } else if(ch==3) { int item; scanf("%d", &item); struct listNode * res = searchItem(item); if(res!=0) printf("Found.\n"); else printf("Not found.\n"); } else if(ch==4) { int item; scanf("%d", &item); insertLast(item); } else if(ch==5) { printList(); } else if(ch==6) { break; } } }
int main() { initializeList(); int i,j,k; int c; char sr[100]; i=0; k=0; scanf("%s",&sr); while(sr[i]!='\0') { if(sr[i]=='(' || sr[i]=='{' || sr[i]=='[') { insertItem(sr[i]); } else { if(length==0) { k=1; break; } c=list[length-1]; deleteLast(); if(sr[i]==')' && c!='(') { k=1; break; } else if(sr[i]=='}' && c!='{') { k=1; break; } else if(sr[i]==']' && c!='[') { k=1; break; } } i++; } j=getlength(); if(!j && !k)printf("Balanced"); else printf("Not Balanced"); clear(); }
void run(int *board,int h,int w) { int i,j; statusList=initializeList(&statusList); for(i=0;i<h;i++) { for(j=0;j<w;j++) { rule1(board,i,j,h,w); rule2(board,i,j,h,w); } } applyChanges(board,w); }
int main(int argc, char** argv) { requestBuffer = createList(); initializeList(requestBuffer); sem_init(&full, 0, 0); pthread_mutex_init(&mutexAddLista, NULL); //Socket usado para aguardar a conexão int* listenSock; //Porta a ser usada pelo servidor... (use portas altas (10000+) para evitar conflitos com serviços já sendo executados) char* port; int nThreads = 1; //Verficar se a porta foi passada como argumento if (argc < 2) { fprintf(stderr, "uso: %s porta\n", argv[0]); return EXIT_FAILURE; } //porta é o primeiro argumento port = argv[1]; // nThreads = atoi(argv[2]); int i; pthread_t* thread; for (i = 0; i < nThreads; i++) { thread = malloc(sizeof(pthread_t)); pthread_create(thread, NULL, wakeThread, NULL); } listenSock = malloc(sizeof (int)); *listenSock = 0; //Abrir socket para arguardar conexões *listenSock = CONN_listenTo((char*) port); while (!dispatcher(listenSock, port)); //fechar o socket close(*listenSock); sem_destroy(&full); pthread_mutex_destroy(&mutexAddLista); return EXIT_SUCCESS; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { List *tokens, *parseTree, *leftoverTokens = NULL; leftoverTokens = initializeList(); int depth = 0; char *expression = (char *)malloc(256 * sizeof(char)); while (fgets(expression, 256, stdin)) { tokens = append(leftoverTokens, tokenize(expression)); if (!tokens) { leftoverTokens->head = NULL; continue; } parseTree = parse(tokens,&depth); if (depth < 0) { printf("syntax error. Too many close parentheses.\n"); // Too many close parentheses. return SYNTAX_ERROR_TOO_MANY_CLOSE_PARENS; } else if (depth > 0) { // There are more open parens than close parens, so these tokens are saved as leftovers. We partially generate a parse tree now. leftoverTokens->head = tokens->head; } else { if (parseTree && parseTree->head){ printValue(parseTree->head); printf("\n"); cleanup(leftoverTokens->head); } } } if (leftoverTokens->head) { printf("syntax error. Too few close parentheses\n"); // Too few close parens at end of input. destroy(leftoverTokens); free(tokens); return SYNTAX_ERROR_UNTERMINATED_INPUT; } // clean up memory destroy(leftoverTokens); free(tokens); free(expression); return -1; }
void * TObjectsPool<T, NumOfElementsInChunk, IsThreadSafe, CHUNK_ALLOCATOR>::allocate_unlocked() { if( FREE_CELL_NONE == __first_free_cell ) { // try to allocate additional block t_list_element<T> *pNewBlock = __allocator.allocate(); if( NULL != pNewBlock ) { initializeList( pNewBlock ); __num_of_chunks ++; } if( FREE_CELL_NONE == __first_free_cell ) return NULL; } void* retVal = static_cast<void*>( &(__first_free_cell->data) ); __first_free_cell = __first_free_cell->next_free_cell; __num_of_objects ++; return retVal; }
main(int argc, void *argv) { int n; if (argv != 1) { printf("usage: %s <n>\n", argv[0]); exit(-1); } n = atoi(argv[1]); if (n < 0) { printf("invalid value for n (%d)\n", n); exit(-1); } List = malloc(sizeof(int) * n); if (List == NULL) return -1; /* not the best feedback */ initializeList(n, List); /* put some random values in the array */ MyThreadInit(mergesort, (void*)n); }
SemList *createAndInitializeList() { SemList *list = (SemList *)malloc(sizeof(SemList)); initializeList(list); return list; }
int main(int argc , char *argv[]){ int i; struct timeval tv; char nameOfAlgo[20]; unsigned int timeBeforeAlgo, timeAfterAlgo, timeBeforeOptimal, timeAfterOptimal, timeTakenByOptimal, timeTakenByAlgo; for (i=1; i < argc; i++){ if (strcmp(argv[i],"-h") == 0){ showHelp(); }else if (strcmp(argv[i],"-f") == 0){ availableFrames = framesLeft = atoi(argv[++i]); }else if (strcmp(argv[i],"-r") == 0){ strcpy(replacementPolicy,argv[++i]); }else if (strcmp(argv[i],"-i") == 0){ strcpy(fileName,argv[++i]); }else printf("%s is a wrong option. Please enter the correct option",argv[i]); } FILE *fp; if ((fp = fopen(fileName,"r")) != NULL){ int c; i = 0; while ((c = getc(fp)) != EOF){ if (isspace(c) == 0) inputSeq[i++] = c; } inputSeq[i] = '\0'; fclose(fp); } else{ printf("Enter the sequence!!\n"); fgets(inputSeq,sizeof inputSeq, stdin); } if (strcmp(replacementPolicy,"LFU") == 0){ strcpy(nameOfAlgo,"LFU"); gettimeofday(&tv, NULL); timeBeforeAlgo = (uint)tv.tv_usec; LFUPageReplacement(); gettimeofday(&tv, NULL); timeAfterAlgo = (uint)tv.tv_usec; timeTakenByAlgo = (uint) (timeAfterAlgo - timeBeforeAlgo); } else if (strcmp(replacementPolicy,"LRU-STACK") == 0){ strcpy(nameOfAlgo,"LRU-STACK"); gettimeofday(&tv, NULL); timeBeforeAlgo = (uint)tv.tv_usec; LRUStackPageReplacement(); gettimeofday(&tv, NULL); timeAfterAlgo = (uint)tv.tv_usec; timeTakenByAlgo = (uint) (timeAfterAlgo - timeBeforeAlgo); } else if (strcmp(replacementPolicy,"LRU-CLOCK") == 0){ strcpy(nameOfAlgo,"LRU-CLOCK"); gettimeofday(&tv, NULL); timeBeforeAlgo = (uint)tv.tv_usec; LRUClockPageReplacement(); gettimeofday(&tv, NULL); timeAfterAlgo = (uint)tv.tv_usec; timeTakenByAlgo = (uint) (timeAfterAlgo - timeBeforeAlgo); } else if (strcmp(replacementPolicy,"LRU-REF8") == 0){ strcpy(nameOfAlgo,"LRU-REF8"); gettimeofday(&tv, NULL); timeBeforeAlgo = (uint)tv.tv_usec; LRURefPageReplacement(); gettimeofday(&tv, NULL); timeAfterAlgo = (uint)tv.tv_usec; timeTakenByAlgo = (uint) (timeAfterAlgo - timeBeforeAlgo); } else{ strcpy(nameOfAlgo,"FIFO"); gettimeofday(&tv, NULL); timeBeforeAlgo = (uint)tv.tv_usec; initializeList(); initializeFrame(); FIFOPageReplacement(); gettimeofday(&tv, NULL); timeAfterAlgo = (uint)tv.tv_usec; timeTakenByAlgo = (uint) (timeAfterAlgo - timeBeforeAlgo); } timeBeforeOptimal = (uint)tv.tv_usec; initializeList(); initializeFrame(); OptimalPageReplacement(); timeAfterOptimal = (uint)tv.tv_usec; timeTakenByOptimal = (uint) (timeAfterOptimal - timeBeforeOptimal); float percentPage = ((nbOfPageReplacementByAlgo-nbOfPageReplacementByOptimal*1.00)/nbOfPageReplacementByOptimal)*100; float percentTime = ((timeAfterOptimal-timeTakenByAlgo*1.00)/timeAfterOptimal)*100; printf("Percentage page replacement penalty using %s \t: %2.2f percent\n\n",nameOfAlgo,percentPage); printf("Total time to run %s algorithm \t: %u microseconds\nTotal time to run Optimal algorithm \t: %u microseconds\n",nameOfAlgo,timeTakenByAlgo,timeAfterOptimal); printf("%s is %2.2f percent faster than Optimal algorithm.\n\n",nameOfAlgo,percentTime); if(nbOfPageReplacementByOptimal < 0) printf("!! Any negative value should be considered as 0.\n\n"); return 0; }
int main(void) { initializeList(); while(1) { printf("1. Insert new item. 2. Delete item. 3. Search item. \n"); printf("4. Insert new item at last of list. 5. Insert new item after old item in list.\n"); printf("6. Delete first item in list 7. Delete last item in list.\n"); printf("8. Print. 9. exit.\n"); int ch; scanf("%d",&ch); if(ch==1) { int item; scanf("%d", &item); insertItem(item); } else if(ch==2) { int item; scanf("%d", &item); deleteItem(item); } else if(ch==3) { int item; scanf("%d", &item); struct listNode * res = searchItem(item); if(res!=0) printf("Found.\n"); else printf("Not found.\n"); } else if(ch==4) { int item; scanf("%d",&item); insertLast(item); } else if(ch==5) { int oldItem,newItem; printf("Old item: "); scanf("%d",&oldItem); printf("New item: "); scanf("%d",&newItem); insertAfter(oldItem,newItem); } else if(ch==6) { deleteFirst(); } else if(ch==7) { deleteLast(); } else if(ch==8) { printList(); } else if(ch==9) { break; } } }
void drawGameScreen() { clear(); //draw exterior of game drawBox(10, 3, 44, 34, 0); //draw path walls drawBox(10, 7, 11, 3, 0); drawBox(18, 7, 4, 14, 0); drawBox(18, 18, 16, 3, 0); drawBox(31, 7, 4, 14, 0); drawBox(31, 7, 18, 3, 0); drawBox(46, 7, 4, 24, 0); drawBox(19, 28, 30, 3, 0); drawBox(19, 28, 4, 9, 0); //fix up the corners clearPath(); fixCorners(); //add beginning and ending chars mvaddch(8, 8, '>'); mvaddch(37, 21, ACS_DARROW); //draw and fill the purchase portion of the screen attron(COLOR_PAIR(0)); drawPurchaseArea(); basicSetupScreen(1); updateScore(0); attroff(COLOR_PAIR(0)); drawTowerExplain(); //load arrays for drawing TowerArray* theTowerList = getTowerArray("assets/towersLevel1.txt"); Path* thePath = getPathArray("assets/path.txt"); UnitListHeader * unitList = malloc(sizeof(UnitListHeader)); int moneyAmount = STARTINGMONEY; initializeList(unitList); drawUnitTypes(unitList); int theScore = 0; drawTowers(theTowerList); //go to entering unit purchases (gives control back to user) selectUnitsInterface(thePath,unitList,&moneyAmount,theTowerList,&theScore); //get lowest score of highscores ScoreHead scores; scores.size = 0; scores.first = NULL; ScoreNode * currScore = NULL; readScores(&scores); currScore = scores.first; int numScores = 1; int highestScore = 0; while ((currScore->next != NULL) && (numScores < 9)) { numScores += 1; currScore = currScore->next; } highestScore = -1; if (numScores > 8 && currScore != NULL) { highestScore = currScore->score; } char * enterName; if (theScore > highestScore) { enterName = drawScore(theScore,1); if (enterName != NULL) { addScore(&scores, enterName, theScore); writeScores(&scores); } } else { drawScore(theScore,0); } if (scores.size > 0) destroyScores(&scores); }
void initSoundList() { soundList = gi.TagMalloc (sizeof(list_t), TAG_LEVEL); initializeList(soundList); soundNumRejected = 0; }
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { //Check for the number of arguments if(argc != 4){ printf("Invalid Input Argument\n"); printHelp(); exit(1); } //direcotry file path int dirSize = strlen(argv[2]); char dir[dirSize + 1]; dir[0] = '\0'; strcat(dir, argv[2]); int urlSize = strlen(argv[1]); char inputURL[urlSize + 1]; inputURL[0] = '\0'; strcat(inputURL, argv[1]); //Get the max depth number. int inputDepth = atoi(argv[3]); //Check if correct depth is provided. if(inputDepth > 4 || inputDepth < 0){ printf("Invalid [depth]\n"); printHelp(); exit(1); } //Check for URL validity if(!strstr(inputURL,URL_PREFIX)){ printf("Invalid input [seed url]\n"); printHelp(); exit(1); } //checkf for directory location validity DIR* directory = opendir(dir); if(directory){ closedir(directory); } else if(ENOENT == errno){ printf("Directory does not exist\n"); printHelp(); exit(1); } else{ printf("Directory can't be opened\n"); printHelp(); exit(1); } // init curl curl_global_init(CURL_GLOBAL_ALL); // setup seed page WebPage* seedWebPage = calloc(1, sizeof(WebPage));//Memory allocation for seed webpage seedWebPage->url = calloc((strlen(inputURL) + 1), sizeof(char));//Memory allocation to the seedURL seedWebPage->url[0] = '\0'; strcat(seedWebPage->url, inputURL); seedWebPage->depth = 0; seedWebPage->html = NULL; //Initialize data structures HashTable* visitedURLHash = initHashTable(); List* webPageList = initializeList(); webPageList->head->page = seedWebPage; //get seed webpage. if(GetWebPage(seedWebPage)){ // write seed file FILE *fPointer; char* pathVar1 = pathToDirectory(dir, fileNumber); fPointer = fopen(pathVar1, "w"); free(pathVar1); writeHTMLtoFile(fPointer, seedWebPage); //free(fPointer); if(inputDepth == 0){ curl_global_cleanup(); free(seedWebPage->html); free(seedWebPage->url); free(seedWebPage); //free webPageList and hashtable free(webPageList); for(int i = 0; i < MAX_HASH_SLOT; i++){ free(visitedURLHash->table[i]->url); free(visitedURLHash->table[i]); } free(visitedURLHash); return 0; } fileNumber += 1; depth += 1; HashTableInsert(visitedURLHash, seedWebPage->url); //mark as visited // extract urls from seed page char * result; int pos = 0; while((pos = GetNextURL(seedWebPage->html, pos, seedWebPage->url, &result))>0){ if(NormalizeURL(result) && strstr(result,URL_PREFIX)){ strtok(result, "#"); //If not in hashtable, add it to the hashtable and add it to the webPageList. if(HashTableLookup(visitedURLHash, result) == 0){ HashTableInsert(visitedURLHash, result); AppendList(webPageList, webPageInit(result, depth)); free(result); } } } if(webPageList->head->next->next == NULL){ //seed redirect case webPageList->head->next->page->depth = 0; fileNumber = 1; } tempWebPage = PopList(webPageList); // Get rid of visited seedPage } else{ curl_global_cleanup(); tempWebPage = PopList(webPageList); free(seedWebPage->html); free(seedWebPage->url); free(seedWebPage); //free(tempWebPage); free(webPageList); for(int i = 0; i < MAX_HASH_SLOT; i++){ free(visitedURLHash->table[i]->url); free(visitedURLHash->table[i]); } free(visitedURLHash); exit(1); } //while there are urls to crawl while(webPageList->head != NULL && webPageList->tail != NULL){ // get webpage for url tempWebPage = PopList(webPageList); if(GetWebPage(tempWebPage)){ // write page file char* pathVar = pathToDirectory(dir, fileNumber); FILE *fPointer = fopen(pathVar, "w"); free(pathVar); printf("Found link: %s\n",tempWebPage->url); writeHTMLtoFile(fPointer, tempWebPage); fileNumber += 1; if((tempWebPage->depth + 1) <= inputDepth ){ char * resultTemp; int posTemp = 0; while((posTemp = GetNextURL(tempWebPage->html, posTemp, tempWebPage->url, &resultTemp))>0){ if( NormalizeURL(resultTemp) && strstr(resultTemp,URL_PREFIX) ){ strtok(resultTemp, "#"); //insert to the hashtable and the webPageList if not already present if(HashTableLookup(visitedURLHash, resultTemp) == 0){ HashTableInsert(visitedURLHash, resultTemp); AppendList(webPageList, webPageInit(resultTemp, tempWebPage->depth+1)); } } free(resultTemp); } } free(tempWebPage->url); free(tempWebPage->html); free(tempWebPage); } else{ free(tempWebPage->url); free(tempWebPage->html); free(tempWebPage); } sleep(INTERVAL_PER_FETCH); } // cleanup curl curl_global_cleanup(); free(seedWebPage->url); free(seedWebPage->html); free(seedWebPage); free(webPageList); //free the hashtable for(int i = 0; i < MAX_HASH_SLOT; i++){ if(visitedURLHash->table[i]->url != NULL){ HashTableNode* currNode = visitedURLHash->table[i]; while(currNode->next != NULL){ HashTableNode* tempNode = currNode; currNode = currNode->next; free(tempNode->url); free(tempNode); } free(currNode->url); free(currNode); } else{ free(visitedURLHash->table[i]); } } free(visitedURLHash); return 0; }