* method:  initmpi
* Scope:   Global (called from patched main) 
* Purpose: Initialize mpi
* Notes: This method is the first thing called in Pymain, the reasons for this
* are as follows.
* 1) MPI_Init has issues if it is not called right away, before any file
* descriptors are modified in the process
* 2) MPI_Init usually cleans up the argument list which tends to trip up
* the getopt() loop in patchedmain.c on some systems
* Therefore, this method gets called BEFORE python actually gets intialized,
* hence we cannot use any python calls within it.
* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
void initmpi(int* argc,char*** argv)
    int MPIisReady;
    int myRank = 0;

    /* ----------------------------------------------- */
    /* Assemble the argc and argv arrays               */
    /* and initialize MPI (if not already done)        */
    /* I have a stub here for alternate startup        */
    /* We use PETSC which must initialize MPI          */
    /* ----------------------------------------------- */
    if ( MPI_Initialized(&MPIisReady) != MPI_SUCCESS ) {
        fprintf(stderr,"MPI Failure, MPI_Initialized()\n");

        printf("pyMPI: MPI already initialized, continuing\n");

        /* call MPI_Init or alternate Startup function here! */

        /* (rwh) Have VTK do MPI_Init and init global controller ... */
        if ( !vtkSetup(argc, argv) )
          if(initializeMPI(argc,argv) != MPI_SUCCESS)
            fprintf(stderr,"MPI Failure, MPI_Init()\n");

    MPI_Comm_rank( MPI_COMM_WORLD, &myRank );
Exemple #2
int main(int argc, char** argv)
    int problemToSolve = 2;
    int initializationValue = 1;
    int numberOfAlterations = 5;
    if (argc >= 4)
        problemToSolve = atoi (argv[1]);
        initializationValue = atoi (argv[2]);
        numberOfAlterations = atoi (argv[3]);
    else if (procRank == 0)
        printf("No valid arguments, default values used.\n\n");
    struct timespec begin = {0,0}, end = {0,0};

    clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &begin);
    if (problemToSolve == 1)
        solveProblem1(numberOfAlterations, initializationValue);
    else if (problemToSolve == 2)
        solveProblem2(numberOfAlterations, initializationValue);
    clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &end);
	if (procRank == 0)
		printf ("\nExecution time: %.0f ms\n", (((double)end.tv_sec + 1.0e-9*end.tv_nsec) - ((double)begin.tv_sec + 1.0e-9*begin.tv_nsec)) * 1000.0);
    return 0;