Exemple #1
extern void
direct(					/* add direct component */
	RAY  *r,			/* ray that hit surface */
	srcdirf_t *f,			/* direct component coefficient function */
	void  *p			/* data for f */
	register int  sn;
	register CONTRIB  *scp;
	int  nshadcheck, ncnts;
	int  nhits;
	double  prob, ourthresh, hwt;
	RAY  sr;
			/* NOTE: srccnt and cntord global so no recursion */
	if (nsources <= 0)
		return;		/* no sources?! */
						/* potential contributions */
	for (sn = 0; srcray(&sr, r, &si); sn++) {
		if (sn >= maxcntr) {
			maxcntr = sn + MAXSPART;
			srccnt = (CONTRIB *)realloc((void *)srccnt,
			cntord = (CNTPTR *)realloc((void *)cntord,
			if ((srccnt == NULL) | (cntord == NULL))
				error(SYSTEM, "out of memory in direct");
		cntord[sn].sndx = sn;
		scp = srccnt + sn;
		scp->sno = sr.rsrc;
						/* compute coefficient */
		(*f)(scp->coef, p, sr.rdir, si.dom);
		cntord[sn].brt = intens(scp->coef);
		if (cntord[sn].brt <= 0.0)
						/* check shadow cache */
		if (si.np == 1 && srcblocked(&sr)) {
			cntord[sn].brt = 0.0;
		VCOPY(scp->dir, sr.rdir);
		copycolor(sr.rcoef, scp->coef);
						/* compute potential */
		sr.revf = srcvalue;
		multcolor(sr.rcol, sr.rcoef);
		copycolor(scp->val, sr.rcol);
		cntord[sn].brt = bright(sr.rcol);
						/* sort contributions */
	qsort(cntord, sn, sizeof(CNTPTR), cntcmp);
	{					/* find last */
		register int  l, m;

		ncnts = l = sn;
		sn = 0;
		while ((m = (sn + ncnts) >> 1) != l) {
			if (cntord[m].brt > 0.0)
				sn = m;
				ncnts = m;
			l = m;
	if (ncnts == 0)
		return;		/* no contributions! */
                                                /* accumulate tail */
        for (sn = ncnts-1; sn > 0; sn--)
                cntord[sn-1].brt += cntord[sn].brt;
						/* compute number to check */
	nshadcheck = pow((double)ncnts, shadcert) + .5;
						/* modify threshold */
	ourthresh = shadthresh / r->rweight;
						/* test for shadows */
	for (nhits = 0, hwt = 0.0, sn = 0; sn < ncnts;
			hwt += (double)source[scp->sno].nhits /
			sn++) {
						/* check threshold */
		if ((sn+nshadcheck>=ncnts ? cntord[sn].brt :
				< ourthresh*bright(r->rcol))
		scp = srccnt + cntord[sn].sndx;
						/* test for hit */
		rayorigin(&sr, SHADOW, r, NULL);
		copycolor(sr.rcoef, scp->coef);
		VCOPY(sr.rdir, scp->dir);
		sr.rsrc = scp->sno;
						/* keep statistics */
		if (source[scp->sno].ntests++ > 0xfffffff0) {
			source[scp->sno].ntests >>= 1;
			source[scp->sno].nhits >>= 1;
		if (localhit(&sr, &thescene) &&
				( sr.ro != source[scp->sno].so ||
				source[scp->sno].sflags & SFOLLOW )) {
						/* follow entire path */
			if (trace != NULL)
				(*trace)(&sr);	/* trace execution */
			if (bright(sr.rcol) <= FTINY) {
				if ((scp <= srccnt || scp[-1].sno != scp->sno)
						&& (scp >= srccnt+ncnts-1 ||
						    scp[1].sno != scp->sno))
				continue;	/* missed! */
			multcolor(sr.rcol, sr.rcoef);
			copycolor(scp->val, sr.rcol);
		} else if (trace != NULL &&
			(source[scp->sno].sflags & (SDISTANT|SVIRTUAL|SFOLLOW))
						== (SDISTANT|SFOLLOW) &&
				sourcehit(&sr) && rayshade(&sr, sr.ro->omod)) {
			(*trace)(&sr);		/* trace execution */
			/* skip call to rayparticipate() & scp->val update */
						/* add contribution if hit */
		addcolor(r->rcol, scp->val);
Exemple #2
static int
disperse(  /* check light sources for dispersion */
	OBJREC  *m,
	RAY  *r,
	FVECT  vt,
	double  tr,
	COLOR  cet,
	COLOR  abt
	RAY  sray;
	const RAY  *entray;
	FVECT  v1, v2, n1, n2;
	FVECT  dv, v2Xdv;
	double  v2Xdvv2Xdv;
	int  success = 0;
	FVECT  vtmp1, vtmp2;
	double  dtmp1, dtmp2;
	int  l1, l2;
	COLOR  ctmp;
	int  i;
	 *     This routine computes dispersion to the first order using
	 *  the following assumptions:
	 *	1) The dependency of the index of refraction on wavelength
	 *		is approximated by Hartmann's equation with lambda0
	 *		equal to zero.
	 *	2) The entry and exit locations are constant with respect
	 *		to dispersion.
	 *     The second assumption permits us to model dispersion without
	 *  having to sample refracted directions.  We assume that the
	 *  geometry inside the material is constant, and concern ourselves
	 *  only with the relationship between the entering and exiting ray.
	 *  We compute the first derivatives of the entering and exiting
	 *  refraction with respect to the index of refraction.  This 
	 *  is then used in a first order Taylor series to determine the
	 *  index of refraction necessary to send the exiting ray to each
	 *  light source.
	 *     If an exiting ray hits a light source within the refraction
	 *  boundaries, we sum all the frequencies over the disc of the
	 *  light source to determine the resulting color.  A smaller light
	 *  source will therefore exhibit a sharper spectrum.

	if (!(r->crtype & REFRACTED)) {		/* ray started in material */
		VCOPY(v1, r->rdir);
		n1[0] = -r->rdir[0]; n1[1] = -r->rdir[1]; n1[2] = -r->rdir[2];
	} else {
						/* find entry point */
		for (entray = r; entray->rtype != REFRACTED;
				entray = entray->parent)
		entray = entray->parent;
		if (entray->crtype & REFRACTED)		/* too difficult */
		VCOPY(v1, entray->rdir);
		VCOPY(n1, entray->ron);
	VCOPY(v2, vt);			/* exiting ray */
	VCOPY(n2, r->ron);

					/* first order dispersion approx. */
	dtmp1 = 1./DOT(n1, v1);
	dtmp2 = 1./DOT(n2, v2);
	for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
		dv[i] = v1[i] + v2[i] - n1[i]*dtmp1 - n2[i]*dtmp2;
	if (DOT(dv, dv) <= FTINY)	/* null effect */
					/* compute plane normal */
	fcross(v2Xdv, v2, dv);
	v2Xdvv2Xdv = DOT(v2Xdv, v2Xdv);

					/* check sources */
	while (srcray(&sray, r, &si)) {

		if (DOT(sray.rdir, v2) < MINCOS)
			continue;			/* bad source */
						/* adjust source ray */

		dtmp1 = DOT(v2Xdv, sray.rdir) / v2Xdvv2Xdv;
		sray.rdir[0] -= dtmp1 * v2Xdv[0];
		sray.rdir[1] -= dtmp1 * v2Xdv[1];
		sray.rdir[2] -= dtmp1 * v2Xdv[2];

		l1 = lambda(m, v2, dv, sray.rdir);	/* mean lambda */

		if (l1 > MAXLAMBDA || l1 < MINLAMBDA)	/* not visible */
						/* trace source ray */
		copycolor(sray.cext, cet);
		copycolor(sray.albedo, abt);
		if (bright(sray.rcol) <= FTINY)	/* missed it */
		 *	Compute spectral sum over diameter of source.
		 *  First find directions for rays going to opposite
		 *  sides of source, then compute wavelengths for each.
		fcross(vtmp1, v2Xdv, sray.rdir);
		dtmp1 = sqrt(si.dom  / v2Xdvv2Xdv / PI);

							/* compute first ray */
		VSUM(vtmp2, sray.rdir, vtmp1, dtmp1);

		l1 = lambda(m, v2, dv, vtmp2);		/* first lambda */
		if (l1 < 0)
							/* compute second ray */
		VSUM(vtmp2, sray.rdir, vtmp1, -dtmp1);

		l2 = lambda(m, v2, dv, vtmp2);		/* second lambda */
		if (l2 < 0)
					/* compute color from spectrum */
		if (l1 < l2)
			spec_rgb(ctmp, l1, l2);
			spec_rgb(ctmp, l2, l1);
		multcolor(ctmp, sray.rcol);
		scalecolor(ctmp, tr);
		addcolor(r->rcol, ctmp);