Exemple #1
int hop(int step, t_QMrec *qm)
    swap = 0;

  /* calculates the inproduct between the current Ci vector and the
   * previous CI vector. A diabatic hop will be made if d12 and d21
   * are much bigger than d11 and d22. In that case hop returns true,
   * otherwise it returns false.
  if(step){ /* only go on if more than one step has been done */
    d11 = inproduct(qm->CIvec1,qm->CIvec1old,qm->CIdim);
    d12 = inproduct(qm->CIvec1,qm->CIvec2old,qm->CIdim);
    d21 = inproduct(qm->CIvec2,qm->CIvec1old,qm->CIdim);
    d22 = inproduct(qm->CIvec2,qm->CIvec2old,qm->CIdim);
  fprintf(stderr,"d11 = %13.8f\n",d11);
  fprintf(stderr,"d12 = %13.8f\n",d12);
  fprintf(stderr,"d21 = %13.8f\n",d21);
  fprintf(stderr,"d22 = %13.8f\n",d22);

    swap = 1;

Exemple #2
Vector IntersectBallTriangle(Ball ball, Triangle t, Vector* Intersect)
    const double small = 1e-12;
    const double large  = 1e3;
	Vector    u, v, normal;              // triangle vectors (u is V0->V1, v is V0->V2, n is the normal vector
	Vector    q0 , q1, dir, w0, w;  // q0 and q1 will contain the points on the ball's surface that is closest to (q0) and farthest from (q1) the triangle;
									// dir is twice the radius of the ball (a vector pointing towards the triangle 
									// in the direction of -n); w0 is the shortest distance between the bottom of the ball and V0;
									// w is the vector between V0 and the intersection point
	float     r, a, b;              // additional parameters

	u = t.getCorner(1) - t.getCorner(0);
	v = t.getCorner(2) - t.getCorner(0);
	normal = crossproduct(u, v);
	if (normal.getLength() < small)			    // triangle is degenerate
        std::cerr << "degenerate triangle detected, fix your blender" << std::endl;

    normal = normal / normal.getLength();
	q0 = ball.getCenter() - ball.getRadius() * normal;
	q1 = ball.getCenter() + ball.getRadius() * normal;
	dir = q0 - q1;
	w0 = q0 - t.getCorner(0);
	a = -inproduct(normal, w0);
	b = inproduct(normal, dir);
    // ball vector is parallel to the triangle. This should never happen, as ortogonal lines are never parallel
    if (std::abs(b) < small)						
        std::cerr << "degenerate ball detected, fix" <<std::endl;
	// get intersect point of ray with triangle plane
	r = a / b;
	if (r < 0.0 || r > 1.0)
        return {0, 0, 0};                   // => no intersect
    // intersection between ball radius and (extended) plane of triangle
	Vector intersect = q0 + r * dir;
	// is I inside T?
	float    uu, uv, vv, wu, wv, D;
	uu = inproduct(u, u);
	uv = inproduct(u, v);
	vv = inproduct(v, v);
	w = intersect - t.getCorner(0);
	wu = inproduct(w, u);
	wv = inproduct(w, v);
	D = uv * uv - uu * vv;

	// get and test parametric coords
	float f, g;
	f = (uv * wv - vv * wu) / D;
	if (f < 0.0 || f > 1.0)			// I is outside T
        return {0, 0, 0};
	g = (uv * wu - uu * wv) / D;
	if (g < 0.0 || (f + g) > 1.0)	// I is outside T
        return {0, 0, 0};

	Vector force;
	float elasticity = large;
	force = elasticity * (w0 - w);

    return force;